Wt3$8tyl! WP VMJl' w"Vs 7WrMwnaB8w . ,Sfcrrf W ' V r - m THEIR FIRST DROTHEn. Itn't ho .1 wonder, lsn t hou pet -Vnywe'io pot ii brother. Vihotiemhiuloiie otl Look lit his fnt eheeks. Klrls! Mioltnt his i rent cyei, W ile u niti ti.j open, blnrliu with surprise. IVhnt ii pretty mouth, too: W lint ii tluffv he.nl t Isn t ho u htMUtv. Thouthhc's rather red Would't he look ctmrmlnj lnuelict lnvtl lilei In relies latuhlng Only think ot that' Won't wi loo nnd pit hlmt soon he II try to ulli; lhih.a little lifter. He'll beKlti to walk. Won't ho bo n pleasure. Won't hu bnujnvr Hern wtre we. sitters three- Isow we'ie. pot ii Imv -Astloy It lliiljwln The Great Hesper. HY 1'ltANK ItAltltl'.TT. CIIAI'TKU XVII CoNnxi'iin. "I think wo timy as well got olT it, fn thtit case. " "Will, jus. It ain't tnoro rtskv httindln' on it than standln1 undor it"; but us wo'vo got to go under it, and down tho hole. v,-o may as woll pit." Ho lod tho way along tho trem bling rock a doon yardfl may bo tho rushing water sounding upon tho loft of us, and then strotched out his loft urra to stop us. Ho advanced ctin tiously, and holding out tho torch at arm's-length, tho light, foil upon tho yollow water as it pourod down into tho black gulf upon which our stand-Jng-plueo abutted. Tho llamo of tho torch wus drawn down by the current of air us if it had been at 'ho blast holo of a furnace. liaising his volco to ovprcomo tho noiso of tho water, Draco called nut "Wo'vo got to go down thoro!" "You aro not afraid, l,ola?"I asked. Sho shook her head, und gavo mv imnd another littlo squoozo. Hraco led us olT tho rock, kooplng tho wutor atill on our left, und thoro was some moro downward clnmbor ing lor u f.ow minutes. Then wc cuine to a stand, and ho showed mo a lateral opening about four foot in height. Wo goes through thoro," ho said, then ho produced a Mask, poured out a dram, and handed it to mo. I of fered it to Lolu. Another shako of tho hoad, and uuothor littlo equcoc I emptied thooup.and Hraco helped hluitolf. "Thoro ain't no need to got ottr frolvos in a muck over this job. We'll put our rubbers on," he said, "tho wot drips through." I took out tho overcoats from tho bundle of rugs, und wo put thorn on. Then I strnppod tho roll of rugs on my shoulders again. Hraco touched my shouldor and pointod upward to a couplo of faint ly pink nebulous patches in tho mist. What is it?" I askod. "Tho sun kctehin' tho top of tho peaks," ho replied. Ho took u couplo of torches from tho bundlo ho carriod, and bogati to light thorn at the end of tho ono ho had lust used. Won't you wait a littlo it will be light in half an hour?" I -aid. Not down thoro," ho replied; "It's pitch dark at noon in that almighty nolo. Now," ho added, whon tho torchoH wcro woll lit, "tako ono of theso, kick tho snow well oft your feet, koop ono oyo on mo and t'other on tho rocks, und leave tho rest to providonco." With this lust injunction ho stooped down, and passod through tho oponing. Wo followed, but sin gly, for wo needed both hands to mako tho perilous descent. Tho first thing I notlcod In passing undor tho grout block that bridged the awful chasm was the compara tive slloncc. Wo could no longer hoar tho rushing of tho stream on tho other sido, only tho dull roar of tho water us it struck tho bottom of tho canyon somo thousands of foot below. Hrnco's volco was startllngly dis tinct whon ho spoko. "You tell mo tho thing is on tho other sido of tho ropes, my gel?" ho said. Sho answorod yos, and wo wont slowly forward and downward along tho narrow and jagged lodgo, our facoB toward tho glittering quarts, hooking interstices and projections for hold to our hands. Wo wore getting away from tho fall, but ut a cortatn point tho path roturned toward it in a zig-zag along a lower projection. At an anglo which offered a littlo wldor standing spaco, wo stopped. This hero holo was fust showed ine by tho Kid's mother," said Hraco; "it hud sorvod hor fathor for a caohotto in tho ourly days of this country's glory. "A caohetto," ho oxplalnod, is a placo whoro you koop things snug. A'raoBt ovory minor, boforo tho vigilance commlttco noraonatcd mo judgo, bad a cachette. This wus mine, and many a ouueo I'vo brought down horo; fur you soo, barrio ao ctdouts, It's won'orful safo. You will allow that no ono could Und hU way down horo in tho dark" (I shud dorod ut the thought of any ono at tempting suoh a fearful vonturo), and from horo right up to tho holo is a fair straight line, so that no light could eonio down without it bo In' boon; but that ain't tho only safeguard, as you fchall soo. Conio ! on, uir.V Wo mndo our way foot by foot along tho narrow lodgo foe some distance. Whon Hraco. again halted, tho light of his torch rovoulod the yellow .stream falling sllontly through space, a fow feet boforo him. 'J hut silent fall impressed mo with tho i-rnc of tho awful dopth of tho gulf b r. ii The u.lo ended abruptly whoro Brace stood; u roceas Id tho wall al lowed amplo standing room for us three. "The grensor novor got no furdor down thnn this; but It woron't fur ciuough for mo," said Hraco. "I had my Idea of gettln' right down to tho bottom of this holo, whoro theso waters must havo carried tons o' gold." "Hut tho lodge ends horo." "It do; but," ho added, lifting his torch, "It goes on again over there." Tho light fell on a jutting projec tion of quart?, upon the opposito sido of tho chasm, distant at least twenty feet "Hut you can not leap thnt." "Correct, end I ain't goin1 to try.' Ho laid hlmsolf upon his face, and stretchod his arm down tho chasm; whon ho arose ho had a cord in his hand. L'ulling this In ho drew up two colls of stout ropo. As ho drow thorn In, I saw that their other onds woro attachod to rocks upon tho op posite ledge, ono abovo the other, with about four feet butweon. "Wo must hitch 'em tight glvo us a hand, sir," ho said. I holped him to mako tho ropes taut, and fasten the!,' looso onds up on tho projecting crags that ho hud long omployod for that purpose. 'Thoro sir," ho said, taking his torch from Lola, un.l holding it over tho black gulf, "thoro's as pretty a bridgo and hand-rail as tho heart of man conld reasonably dosirc." For all that. I held my breath as I saw him stop out on tho lower rope, and mako his way holding by tho uppor ono, ucross that bluck abyss. Mv turn camo and with tho blood humming In my cars, I stopped out upon tho ropo. It swung to and fro In tho mlddlo, and I was sclzod with that irresistible suegostion of self-destruction which affects the imagination of most pco plo in looking down from an extraor dinary hoight. Lola bogan to cross boforo I was woll off, and whon wo stood all threo in safoty on tho lodgo, a forvont Thank God!" roso front my heart. "Wal, wo'vo got to git buck ug'in," obsorved Hrnco, as If my thankful noss wcro a littlo prematura; "hows ovor, 'taint bad to think of provl ilenco when you're in danger; now, my gel. it's for you to load on." "You can stay horo; you'ro too heavy for whoio I'm going," said sho. taking the torch from his hand. With a swiftness that terrified mo, sho wont down tho side of tho preci pice, lindiug foothold whoro wo, looking down from tho projection, could see none. "They don't know danger kids don't," sala Hraco, In a low tone. "End," ho added, looking into tho depths about him uneasily, "I wouldn't mind fooling tho samo mv solf. First tlmo I ovor folt skoory, down this holo, and I'm durned 11 it shan't bo tho Inst I'm gottln' too old loonj'y risky work." I could not tako my oyes from tho light below, as it passod in jerks from point to point. At last it stoppod, and after a mlnutos pauso, to my great rellof, it bogan to ro turn. Quicker and qtttckor tho light danced along until 1 folt sick and giddy with fear for tho girl's safety; and then, with ono last bound, sho stood upon our shelf of rock, holding tho Great Hespor in hor hand. "Am I goodr" sho asked oarnostly, nestling up to my sido. CIIAI'TKK XVIII. It's tho very same," said Hrnco, taking tho stono in his hand. "Do you tako caro of it," said I, "for I Und enough to do to tako caro of mysolf. " Wall, I rockon It won't bo long aforo wo'ro on tho host sido o' this hole," ho ropllod, putting tho stono in his pocket Ho was certainly HI at caso and loss confident than usual, for ho took his torch, and oxamlnod tho fasten ings of tho ropes, nnd then from an adjacent carlty ho brought out an other coil of cord, in which cross plocosof stout hickory woro knotted at intervals of a foot Ho unfastonod it und luid It looso upon tho rock with tho looped ond froo. "Tho ropes bus boon yours cx posod to .tho dump, und thoy uro bound to go ono day. Hot thoy should happon to go this day, this horo knotted ropo may como in par tlo'lar handy. You know how to use it, my gol. Horo's for a start." With tho torch in his hand ho bo gan tho roturn along tho rope. Ho got to tho mlddlo whon he stoppod. "What's that?" ho asked sharply, holding tho uppor ropo with ono hand, whtlo ho ruined tho torch with tho other, and peered out Into tho tliincnoss. It was earful to 'soo htm standing thoro with tho torch ovor tho awful chasm, tho ono luminous objoot In tho blaoknoss. "Did you hear anything, pardnorP" No." "Scorned to mo I hoord a rlllo cocked. Durnod old fool!" ho mut torod in solf-roproaeh, us ho con tinued his course Without accldont, or othor inci dent, ho ronchod tho lodgo, and with a grunt of content seated hlmsolf on a bauldor, lotting tho torch drop by his side. Thoro was a pool of water thoro; with a hiss tho licht wont out. Tho noxt Instant thoro was a Hush In the' darkness beyond, followod by the sharp crack of a rifle shot Wo could seo nothing, but from tho lodgo opposito caraou groan, and Draco called faintly "I'm hit, pardnor; look out for yourself."" Tho shot had boon flrod after tho light was oxtlnguishod. leaving him in obscurity. The fuculty that hud enabled tho assassin to descend that torrlblo ledgo ia tho dark hud on ablod him to mark down poor Hraco, THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, when ho was no longor vlslblo to our oyos. This reflection struck mo ns, torch in hand, I sprung upon tho ropo bridgo to cross to my fallen partner. "Hack, pardnor, back." groaned Hraco; "ho's got tho Hespor, und ho'll havo your llfo back!" I raised my torch, and looking toward tho lodgo, I saw a man kneel ing ovor Hraco. Ho raised his arm to silence llrncs and tho light fell on tho bright blado of tho knife in his hund. I shouted. Turning, ho saw mo midway across tho chasm, nnd sprung to his foot. Then I recognized him. ' t was Van Hoock. It was ho, but conic; ellovo my sonsos? His eyes wore ..it the samo. At that dlstanco his sightless oyos should havo boon Indlsting"' .bio from his cadaverous face, iow thoy shone out black and 1-..i1'oub. Yot In that Instant, ns ho looked to ward mo, thoy soomed to fade away In tho light of my torch. And this was no decoptlon of my sight. With a sawigo cry of rago ho hold up his arms to shield his oyes from tho light, and grasping his knife, ho mndo his way quickly toward tho rock to which tho ropo on which I stood was attachod. In a moment tho wholo mystory was rovoulod. Ho was a Nyetalops, and his oyos, blind in tho light, woro gifted with tho extraordinary powor of soolng In tho dark a powor by which was explained nil that had hitherto boon lnscrutablo in tho rob bery of tho Grout Hesper and tho at tendants oven at Monkon Abbey. With a perception thnt ho Intended to cut tho ropo which sustained ino, I hastened to reach tho ledgo on which ho stood. Hut my progress was nocossarlly slow, for tho lowor cord, stretchod with thowolght upon It, formed a deep bond, and my damp boots slipped upon Its wot surface. Which would ho out first? f it woro tho uppor ono. I must trust to catching tho lowor as I foil. With this vlow, I kept mysolf as per pendicular as cireumstancoH per mitted; at tho samo tlmo grnsplng tho uppor ono with all my forco, in caso ho cut tho lowor ono. I was within a yard of tho rock whon I folt tho ropo undor my foot, jerk as Van Hoock cut througn tho first strands; the next Instant it wont nil together, and I was loft swinging by my hands to tho uppor ropo ovor the ehusm. TO UK CONriNPKP. BUSINESS-LIKE BRIGANDS. The Itiillliius of tho CiitHiikm HenUutr lit n Crlino for Money. Hrigands still appear to maintain a froo hand in tho Caucasus. Tho othor day twonty-four of thorn armed to tho tooth, issued from a villago about 5 o'clock in tho afternoon. A packhorso, laden with cartridges and othor munition, brought up tho rent, lioforo roaching Zaturoff, ono of tho industrial vlllagos within tho Hakhu naphtha roglon. tho party mot four peasants, whom thoy Interrogated as to tho dwelling of tho richest man in tho sottloment Tho first peasant rofusod to suy and was immediately cut down. A socond, also declining, was stabbed. Tho othor two lod tho brigands to tho house of u bonovolont and wealthy compatriot, Hadshl-Hussoln. in tho villago of Kobl. Iladshi Hussoin hosltated to state whoro his money was kept, but u duggor driven through tho muselos of his right arm und loft thoro induced him to load tho robbors to his safo. Horo thoy found 10,000 rubles in gold and pnpor monoy and 10,001) rubles' worth of valuables. Hadshl Hussoin wns afterward cut down und decupltatod. Tho housokoopor woro gold ear-rings, tho glint of which attracted tho uttontion of tho murderers. In a moment hor ear was silt from tho sido of hor hoad. Sho sprang to tho door, but was stabbod. Hor crlos had, howovor, alarmed tho vlllagors, who opnnod a fuslllado on tho robbers. Tho latter made a dnsporato sortie, re gained tholr horsos and mado good tholr rotreat, leaving four of tholr number dead. All offorts havo so far failod to unoarth this band from tholr fnstnossos. UttllzhiT the Moth. Fow persons suspect that tho com mon moth may bo utilized as a doc oratlvo artist, but ho may bo, if only ono bo watchful, patient, ond ac quainted with tho oroaturo'a habits. Tho larva of tho moth has a habit ol spinning abovo itsolf a sort of sac front tho material upon which It foods. As tho worm gtows it en larges this sack by tho proco-m of splitting It and tnsortlng now ma terial. Now, if a moth-worm that has onelosod itsolf in rod flannel bo afterward transferred, sac and all. to whlto llannol tho growing Insoot will silt its rod llannol covering and on largo it with a portion of tho whlto flannel. If, then, tho worm ond tho sno bo transferred to blno llunnol, tho crcaturo will In course of tlmo onlargo tho sack with bluo flannol, and thm olotho itsolf patriotically in rod, whlto und blue. Entomologist Southwlok of tho park department, says that It is no groat troublo to put a moth-worm through this per formance. N. Y. Sun. William Mud Pretence or Hlnil. William tho Fourth of England soomed in a momentary dilemma one day whon, at tho tablo with several officers, ho ordered tho wultor to "Tuko away that murlno there," pointing to an empty bottlo. "Your majosty," inquired a colonel of ma rines, "do you compare an ompty bottlo to n membor of our branch of thosorvlco?" "Yes," replied tho mon arch ub If o sudden thought had struck him, "I meun It has dono its duty onco and It is roudy do It again." Argonaut FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 1897. LEGISLATIVE DOINGS. NEBRASKA REPRESENTA TIVES AT WORK. Summary of the 1W Week Itllli Intro duced, With Number, Author nml Text Committers- 1'lrnty f Mutter to Work On Other New. in tiii: uoi'si:. Tuesday, .liuiunry 19. After roll call in the house this morn ing Colour Alexander Hogcland was grunted permission to discuss the cur few law ns applied to the reform of neglected children. In the course of his remarks he Intimated that a bill would be introduced for a state curfew luw, and his remarks were In the tin ture of explaining to the members the benefits to lie derived theiefroni, Twenty-sk new bills were Intro duced at the motnlng session. Follow ing are among the Important ones: II. It. No. 40, b) Mr. Sn.uVr-To prohibit Is nninre of fire iniuvportutlon, 11. It. No 4 I, bv Mr Cronk To enable Irrlju tlpn districts thnt hiiUMiooutstunfllnj Inilebt tdiieijs tortl. continue iirKuiitratlnn. ,Jl'.'J!.,No ' ,,v lr ''ow T appropriate I00,txw for pn) mrnt of subtle of uiembcn. uml implores. If. It. No .11. bv Mr. CUrh of I.ane.nter To lotcrmlno the adoption or rejection of consti tutional iimeniltiients by quo wurruhto pro ceefllnps before the supreme court. H. II. No. M by Mr. rlnrltof Lufieusterfor snr assessor In ettles of 2 WX) or o cr. II. It. No. Ml b Mr.curkot l.iimaster-To punish blejcle sicillng by penitentiary sen tence. II. II. No. r7 by Mr. llllllnss To amend Itus tlun thistle int. II II. No. A) Joint resolution proildlntr that a mnlorln of those otinj.' for nnd UKlnttn constitutional amendment be rnouirh to rarrv. .'' H.',c- J,N 'Mr Well-To authoruc printing or applications for saloon licenses In anv Hewn paper of iiencral circulation. H. It. No. 4, by Mr. IVnikr To empower Eubllc ofllclals to apprehend and proildefor omelcss thlldrcn. The thirty-eight bills Introduced on Monday were read u second time. When house roll number live was reached, Mr. Hull of Hnrlan moved It bo reud u third time, engrossed nnd made ready for passage. Sodermtin of Phelps and others objected to hasto In such an important matter, and tho bill was referred to committee on privileges uml elections. A chance in tho rules was mnde re quiring that all present must vote. During debate on Douglas, county eontestb a motion to adjourn carried. AVeilnrmlny, .liiuuiirj III. Immediately nfter tho preliminaries in the house this morning Mr. Clark of Lancaster was recognized, lie took up proceedings whoro the hinso had left off the previous evening Jenkins' mo tion to indefinitely postpone the Doug las county contest cases being under consideration. Mr. Clark of Ulchtirdson moved to re fer to committee on privileges and elec tions. Tho discussion on the motion brought forth quite a warm debate, und a fusl lade of points of order and parliamen tary rules, until Mr. Hull of Harlan moved the previous question and Mr. Clark of Lancaster demnnded a roll coll. The previous question was or dered and contest referred. A motion by Mr. Hull of Hnrlan that no employe be allowed overtime except on order of speaker, brought Mr. Jenk ins up to roraark thnt lie could not un derstand why any employe should be allowed for overtime. Speaker (Jaflln responded that em ployes were often required to work ex tra hours. At times during last session engrossing clerks were required to work twenty-threo hours without ces sation. Mr. Jenkins replied that tho explan ation was satisfactory and tho motion prevailed. Mr. Smith of Douglas moved that .1,000 copies of tho governor's message be printed, thnt each member be sup plied with ten and that the rest be left with tho secretary of state for distri bution. Pollard moved a substitute that a committee bo appointed to net with a committor, nlrcady appointed by the senate to ascertain the cost and report how many should be printed. The amendment was rejected by a viva voce voto and tho motion by Smith prevailed on roll call by 74 to 11). Mr. Hull of Harlan oilercd a motion to appoint a committee to see if any additional employes were needed, and to report if any changes .were advisable. Carried. Mr. Clark of Lancaster introduced a resolution to have authors of bills ap pear before committee before the com mlttco reports samo for action. Adopt ed. A senate resolution, instructing the attorney-general to investigate the de lay in tho decision of the maximum rate case, wns concurred In by the house. House Itolls numbered 05 to 08 wero Introduced. II. It. 83. by Mr. Hull of Harlan is to appropriate 810,000 to experiment with Rainmaker Wright's theory of produc ing precipitation by cannonading. If. R. 00, by Mr. Soderman of Phelps is to provide for n statue of Abraham Lincoln on capltol grounds. II. It. No. 03, by Mr. Smith of Doug las, asks for an appropriation of 8350, 000, and provides for the governor ap pointing twelve directors to represent the state. House Rolls 38 to 04 wero read a sec ond tlmo. II. R. No. .13, appropriating 990,000 for pay of members was ordered engrossed for third reading, Adjourned. Thtirvilay, January 14 The clerk had been reading the jour nal for half an hour, further reading was dispensed with on motion of Mr. Wulte. Memorials were read from the peo ple of Urund Island and Hall county, asking that tho legislature provide for the payment of the bounty on beet sugar manufactured during the past two yearn so that the producers of the beets may receive the full 8.1 per ton, instead of the 84 per ton paid them. Referred to committee on finance ways awl means. A resolution was introduced by Mr. Hillings directing the secretary of state to furnish each member five 2-cent tamps and five 1-cent stamps per day. The resolution met with some oppo sition but was finally adopted. Mr. Taylor of Fillmore offered a reso lutlon directing that members be sup plied with three dally newHpaptrb. Laid on table.' Among the new bills introduced were the following; II. R. Of, ky Mr. Clark of Laucaater-To pun- uboaukea taieeiaod to pur.Ub peravas re- I reiving or buying Htolen chickens, nnd to pun Ish all person hnrborlng or concealing chicken thlincs. II. It. 102, bv Mr Kolker Tolnrorporutntlio order of the r.nstern Htur, and right to lit quire, hold and dispose of any and all property, sno and be surd In any court of Instil e, , II II. lift, by Mr. Sheldon, uxtlng a light In the wuers or tlm stato to, bv petition, tefer any law enacted or proposed bv the legislature to a popular vole and to leject the same In the ballot, cstlngthe rlcht In the loteisof the state to propose las and enact them Into full force and effect bv district otet of tho people qualllled to tote for state oftlclaU. topic.rilbc the manner of such legln lallon and provide punishment for offenders. 1C It. No. 100. b Mr Mieldonror ajolnt resolution to amend section I, article a. of tho constitution I proilillug that Irglslullie authorll lie tested In tho (Uiillllcd electors and for the notlftuitlnu of House Itnll No lift. II K. No. 107. bv Mi Wlebc ul llnll-To re peal the net creating the Mllford home. II. H. No 117, liv Mr Siidetmanof Phelps loproildo for the tempoiatv Issuance of non Interest bearing warrants, when there uro no IiiihU In the troRsmy, Hills from 38 to Ct were read a second time. One by Mr. Hull of Hnrlnn provides for no exhibit at the Tennessee cen tennial. House roll 10.1 provides for tho adop tion of the Initiative and referendum. The house has 03 oinnloyos. Friday, January in. The house convened Friday morning nt 10 o'clock. Two attempts wero mnde to dispense with the rending of the journal, tho last being successful, The following bills were read the first time: II.' It. No. 124. by Rhehlon of Dawwt To amend chapter 80, compiled tutuu of 1R9C, relating; 'to school lands an1 funds, to prevent the further gale of school lands. , II. n. No. 123, by Ilurkett of Lanca-ler-To amend nedtron 2728 of the com piled nuntutps of 1895 of Nebraska, re latmg to decedents. H. It. No. 126. by WhwSer of Furnas To amend Beotlon 1, chapt- 7, taws erf 1895, and to amend Motions 8936, 3968, 8973, 3975, 3976. 3D87, 4058, 4060. 4064 and 4066 and to repeal said sections as origi nally constituted, and Ho repeal sections 4067, 4059, 4061 and 4062 of chapter 46, entitled "publlo finance," matures of Ne bnmk 1891, and to rep.al a,M orlglnnl section1 1, chapter 67, taws of 1895. Tho Mil elves more extended powers to boards of equalisation. KTATOJ SUOAJt FACTORY. H. . No. 127, by Julius Smith To authorize fhe tltate of Nebraska to erect, maintain and manage a beet swear fac tory and appropriate ILT.0,000 therefor. II. K. No. 128, by QoorKe U. Jones An act providing tor the payment of taxes tn Instalmen'is of not le.ss tlun 25 pnr cent of ihe Untount due alt time of payment. II. II. No. 129, toy Casebeer of QftKe A Joint resolution proposing o nmend nra'lon 1, article 15. of the constitution of rho fflutx; of Nebraska, relating? to arnenutnents. II. R. No. 130. by Klster An net to amend seotlon 3972 of 'the compiled K-ututis .t Nebraska of 189C, and to r peal said original section dclhilng a lRal newspaper. H. It. No. 131, by Ilyram An act to punish hog wealing; and to punish per uens TecolvinK ov tiuy.ng stolen hogs and to punish all persons harboring ot conoeiUlnic hojt thteves. O. A. Severe, chairman of the com mute on engroased and enrolled bills, reported that house roll No. 63, the bill appropriating $90,000 far the payme.tt ct legislators and envp'.oyes, wns properly engrossed. It "being understood :hat the bills wero printed, the rules were ru pended In order 'to permit of a tnlrl reading and final passage. 1ttve bllla were ndt printed, however, and a rec- tnl 2 o'clock was taken. The nouse met Again at 2 o'clock. IVInted coptes of nous roll (No. M were distributed und the speaker an nounced that the bill would properly oimo up for tihlrd reading. The chit! clerk read the bCI for trie third time and on roll call lit was declared can-led, the vote being 96 to 1. Hull of Harlan voted nq. II. R. No. 132, by Rtoh To amend sectlona 109, 119. 122, 123. 126, 127, 129, 134, 17D and 181, of n not entitled "An act to provide a flystem or revenue," ap proved March 1, 1879, to repeal Hatd original section and to repoal section 12C of staid act. The bill provides for the ootloctton of taxes by making It n preA'ter risk Ito allow r.hem to ac cumulate. H. R. No. 133, ty 'Rich An act de fining crualty to children, priftcrlbmg punlahment for, 'and for guardianship ol chfWren In oertai'.n cases. H. It. No. 134, toy Rich An act pro viding for the sale upon execution of stock and corporations, and Interests tn companies not Incorporated and desig nating i, he manner of levying thereupon undwr exeomtlons and writs of attach ment. II. R. No. 135, toy Rich To amend ecctlcn 2690, chapter 23, of the compiled statute of Nebraska for the year 1896, to provide that the widower of a de ceased Ir.'tetiate shall be entitled to re ceive the sanve sVrare of the ivslduo of said Intestate's personal estate as a child of fhe Intestate would 'be entitled to, and to -peal fai!d section as now ex isting. II. R. No. 136, by R'efh To aui hori and empower coun'ty clerks tn grant to cxeoutorw, admlnVitratora and guardlant a license 'to mortgage teal estate for cer tain purposed, to appoint guardians ad litem for minors and If necessary au thorising and empowering county courts lo appoint a special administrator to carry out 'the provUlon of this aot; and to repeal sections 2845 and 2810, chapter 23, entitled "dccjdenU," of the compiled Statutes of Nebraska for the year 1S95. H. R. No. 137, by Rich To atnend section 2546, chapter 23, entitled "dece dents." of the compiled statutes of Ne braska for the year 1895, to provide that a widower or any deceased person shall I be entitled to the same distributive I shore in IJhe Cvttnte of Ids deceased wife that said wife Is entitled to 1n his es tate according to eald ;tlon, and to re peal said vectlon as now existing. H. R. No. 138, toy Rich To amend seed on 37 of chapter 19 at the compiled statutes of Nebraska of 1896, entitled "oouTtd," and to repeal said section 37 as heretofore existing relative to the venue law. H . R. No. 13fl, by Rtoh To amend pectton 682 cf the code of olvU procedure and to repeal the original section. H. R. No. 140, by Rich To provide for one adoption of minor children, and lo repeat sections 1H, 797, 798, 799, 800 and 801 of chapter 2, title 25 of the code of olvll procedure. II, R. No. 141, by McCarthy To amend setotlon 497 of the code of civil procedure of Mte state of Nebraska and to repeal sadd section as trow existing relative to r.ie redemption of and from levy or aale. II. R. No. 142, toy Hull-To regulate rhe manufacture and sale of vlnegara, to prevent deception and fraud therein, and to provide penalties for viola t tons thereof. H. R, No. 143, toy Catebe r Ta amend aootlon t of chapter 68f the anotated vka-tutes of the stalt- of Nebraska and to repeal said original section relating state Floating contracts. , .,, 8 II. It. No. 144, toy Iturkett-'An not relating ro disinterring, tnutllatln, dea seetltw, exposing, revolving, concealing or otherwise Intermeddling with, dead) 'human txxttcs, aiding and vwk.'JlnK In the doing of the amo, declaring the same to toe unlawful and a crime, de fining the orlttve thereof, and provldlnj; for ltd punWliment, and ropeAlrog sefl tkns 244 and 245 of elrapter 2.1 of the criminal code of the rt'ote of Nctorankn. II. R. No. 145, by SoJeiman To nmtnd section 19, entitled "safary," and sec tion 20, entitled "deputies," of ChupteT 7 of the compiled statutes of the state of Nebraska for the year 1896 and to repeal eald original sed lim tovldlng reduced pay for county nttomrys. II. II. No. 146, by Kspp To authorlwj counties, precincts, townships, towns, cities, villages and school districts to compromise their Indebtedness of what ever nature and Issue bonds therefor and Isaue now lionda In case debt com promised toe a 'bonded debt. And repeat ing sections 32, 33, 84, 36 and 86 of chap ter 9 compiled statutes of Nebraska, The ctwrk then took up totlts on sec ond reading and house rolls 99 to 124 In clusive were read a second tlmo and re ferred to appropriate committee. A communication from die board of trade of Da'.las, Tex., wms rul, asking the legislature ix send s memorial to th senato of the United Mates requesting the speedy piuwnge of the Torrey bank rupt 1IH which had toeon passed by the house. The coinmunlcviton waii referred ro the committee on mivcelhineoua busl Hat unlay, .Innunry 10, The house convened this morning at 10 o'clock. The Trnns-Mlsslh.sippl ex position bill dlsctisslou took up consid erable time. The following bills were read for the first time, nfter which tho house adjourned to U p. in. Monday: II. R. No. 147, toy Felkor To omeno section 328, 331 and 332 of tl Ic 10, ohaptx 1, compiled ni'atutos of Nebraska foi 1896, entitled "evidence." allowing per sona before regarded as Incompetent witnesses to testify !m oases of fraud, H. R. No. 148, by Felker To amend eotlon 681, of the code of civil proced ure, and to repeal said original section relaiave to final orders made In special proceedings. II. R. No. 349, by Loom Is To amend aeottan 535 of the criminal code and make the county liable for costs n casts of misdemeanor. II. R. No, 160, by Hull To regulate the manufacture and sale of elder, to prevent adulteration, deception and fraud therein, and 4o provide ptnalUea for violations thereof. II. It. No. 151, by Iyoomls To amend pectilon 21 of chapter 34, entitled "guard ians and wards," of the complied Htututes of 1895 and to reneal maM im. tlon as now existing relative to removal of guardians. II. It. No. 152, by loomlfl To defUlo llhe '.lability of railroad companies for damages sustained toy employes, by rea son of the negligence of other employee, making every railroad In the state lia ble for damages by reason of negllgenco without contributory tiegl'Isence on ttw part of the injured party. II. R. No. 163, toy Iomls To provldo for the dcsUructlon of noxious weeds and for fhe eollrotlon of expenses Incurred thereby, to fix penalties for the violation of this net and to repeal sections 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 41, 420, 421, 422, 4E3, 424, 42(1, 420, 427 and 428, oomplttd statutes of Notoraska of 1895. The MU provided for tho destruotton of thistles, sunflowers, snap dragon, burdock and cockle burrs. II. R. No. 154, by Wooster Defining that gold and sliver shall be legal tender In tho payment of debt. -v H. R. No. 155, by Grimes A Joint reaoluWon proposing an amendment to seot'lon 1, of artlclu 7. of 'the constitution of the stato of Nebraska, relating to woman suffrage. II. It. No. 166, by Hamilton To amend section 20 of chapter 7, of tho compiled statutes of Nebraska of 1895, and to repeal isvld original section as now existing relative K. assistants to county attorneys. H. R. No. 167, by Hamilton To amend section 6, of chapter 28, of ttoe compiled slututfs of Nebraska ot 1895, relative to sheriff's fees. II. R. No. 168, toy Hamilton To amend section 3, of chapter 28, of rhe compiled statutes of Nebraska of 1895, re.atJ.vo to fees of tho clerk of the dls irlat court H. R. No. 169, by Mcdee To amend section 61 cf chapter 18 of the compiled itatutes of Nebraska of 1896, and so ve peal aald seotlon as now existing relative to town boards, H. R. No. 160, toy Severe To amend lectfon 189 of chapter 19 of the criminal ode, entitled "offenses ngalnst election fawe," and Lo repeal satd section. II. R. No. 161, by Eastman An net to aeslst and develop 'Ac Iowa, Lake Superior & Oulf railroad In tho state Ot Nebraska. H. It. No. 162. toy Croak To collect l d.reSt 'tax on dogs, for the purpose of :reatlng a fund for the payment of he bounty on wolves, coyotes and wildcats, inq me suppression or fne dog nuisance. fl. R. No. 163, toy Dobson To amend leotlon 119 of chapter 77 of the compiled statutes of Nebraska of tho year 1895, and provide that land sold for taxes may be redeem In three years. H. R. No. 1CI, by Weloh-An act to prevent l.he desecration of the American (lag. II. R. No. 165. by Van Horn An not entitled "An aot to amend section 4 of chapter 89 of the compiled statutes of tNennasKa of 189.i, entitled "swamp lands" and to repeal ?a!d original sec tion. II. R. No. 166. by McCracken-To amend section 847. tn le 27, of the com plied statutes Of Nebraska of 1R35, code t civil procedure, rclaMve to degree of Jeflclency. H. R. No. 167, toy OrandHtaff To amend section 3, chapter 79, subdivision 0, of compiled statutes of Nebraska, 1395. naming the legal holidays when school teachers ehall not toj jeuulred to teach. II. R. No. 1C8, by Horner To provide for Imprwlng and main alnlng public roads. Rills up to house ror. 147 were read a second time, 'after which the house ad journed tin Monday at 2 o'clock p. m. names la KlogPiher, Okls. Kinopisiikr, Okla., Jan. 15. Fire started last night in A. Morawltz's meat market on tho main business street and soon swept away ten build ings and their contents. Tho town has practicully no water supply and tho volunteer tircmon wore nlmost helpless. Incendiarism Is charged. The totul losses arc about 920,000, CongrcMinaii Surd for Divorce. Wahiuno'jon, Jan. 15. Representa tive David P. Wilbur of New York was sued yesterday for alimony nnd tho support of his child by Mrs. Myrn C. Wilbur. Shu ulleges that he abandoned her a year ago und that the lucomo of her property U now bsing collected by her husband. Sho de mands the cus tod v ' ha child. w .'I l ii M "if '"Ttl 'ti -t v