r ) 9 r y y J?i5!2r TIStWflSR! VOLUME XXV. First a Mole, Then Cancer. Probably no disease carries such ter ror in its path as Cancer and well may this dreadful affliction be regarded with horror. In an alarming manner, it slowly but surely preys upon the life's blood, bearing the victim nearer the grave day by day. Beyond the use of the knife the physician is powerless, and too much cannot be said against the folly of resorting to the knife for a cure of this terrible disease. Can cer is in the blood, hence it is apparent to all that no relief can be expected from an operation. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the cancer promptly returns, if not in the same nlacc. in the same locality, and is far more ma- lignant than before. The same is true ' . .. .. i of attempts to remove the cancer by means of caustic plasters, etc., and a i" who have had this treatment cirum that death cannot be more painful. But there is a cure for cancer one which gets at the scat of the disease, and removes its cause. S. S. S. is the only real blood remedy, and cures can cer and all other blood diseases, even after other treatment has failed. One of the well-known residents of Macon, Ga., IsMrTH. Powers, the con tractor and builder, who lives at 515 Ross street. For twenty years Mr. Powers has suffered intensely from a cancer on his face, which was treated constantly, but grew worse all tha while. He sought the best medical kill In vain, and could see no hope of ver being cured. On June 22, 1896, he writes: "Twenty years ago, while being shaved, a small nole on my face was cut, leaving am MR. H. POWERS. insignificant sore, to which I paid little attention at first. This sore refused to heal, and after a while became quite obstinate, and began to grow. I placed myself under the treatment of promi nent physicians, who said I had cancer of the most stubborn type, and though I took their treatment faithfully, the cancer grew steadily all the while, increasing in size and severity. I also took nearly every medicine that was recommended for the blood, and applied various salves and ointments, all without the slightest benefit. Year by year, I found myself steadily growing worse, for the cancer was sapping my life away, although I spent hundreds of dollars with doctors, and as much more experimenting with various so-called remedies. I was strongly urged by the doctors to sub mit to an operation, which they claimed was the only hope for me. " I had well-nigh abandoned hope of ever boing cured, when I was induced to try S. S. S., and even the first bottle afforded relief. The medicine caused the cancer to discharge, thus forcing out the poison, and ridding the sys tem of it. I continued to take 8. S. S. until the discharge ceased, and the cancer healed up entirely, and I am perfectly well. My cure is regarded as truly remarkable, and demonstrates what a wonderful remedy 8. 8. 8. is. I shall take pleasure in always recom mending it." 8. 8. S. is the only remedy that gets at the root of all blood diseases, that all so-called remedies fail to reach. It Is guaranteed Purely Vegetable and cures Cancer, Cotagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Tetter, Rheumatism, Catarrh, or any other disease having its origin in the blood. Books on blood and skin diseases mailed free ro any address, by the) Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder WecM'tFsirHlihMtMxUlaodOlglasM' -4Un-- ftVVu.K' RED THE COUNTY BOARD. Proccedingo of the New Board of Com' missioners at Their First Meeting, i'licsdiiy, January IS, 1S07. Tliw coard of county commissioners of Webster comity convened unil was , called to oiilcr by County Clerk Fort. Tliu full hoiinl, Chas. Wiener, V. It. Hyl;er und Jolm MoCalltini wero pres ent. Chas. Wiener was made chair in an of the board. Tho county clerk was instructed to notify tho evcral township clerks unil treasurers who have not mailo return of their township hooks to make duo i turn of same usoon a pnihlu. 'I'Ihi followinj; bonds were approved: do. W. ll'ig.in. ni'-or, Guide Rock; 11 A. Stuvcii. !iseor, Oak Creek; T T L-tey, iiss.jior, Pleasant Hill; J. ii.M'lu ;u t'Mir, Line; Charles ,"- -i-if !. (.u field; Edmumd O. 0...1.. i. ii.it.... r., .!.!.. i....v . i.' w J i i n i i . nii Vi 'uiu' nwviii in it tf ..,., , ,. T i, A" els"" "'"'. l'"o; J- j iimi i.i".iiv, i.nni.' iK'vn. ... i hjeii. con.str.lilc, htillwulor; AleMimier iluI.i, cuastauk, Beaver Creek. The following bond? of overseers of road districts wuiu approved: F. llor raeku, N i. 14; K. W. Shirley, ID; (5er haul Suhroer, 22; Chns. A. Sniolser, 111; J.K. liutler, 17; Chris Wecehter, 38; Hurry Hates, 28; Win. Crozicr, 12; Felix A. Kollough, 21: Ed. Lectseh, 27; J. A. Hcaton, 25; Hwnry II. Arnds, 2:3; S. W. Ailcs, 24; G. W. Blaukenbaker, 10; A. M. Kay, 47; Thomas Burden, 31; YauceSorensou, 16. Resignation of A. 1. llanucy us jus tlco of tho peace of Potsdam towusbip was accepted. Petition of F. Wedniau and others asking board to appoint H.Schlichtor tnan as overseer of highways for road district No. 50 was presented and tho appointment made as prayed for. The county sitperinteudout tnado quarterly report of Teachers Institute for quarter ending December 31, 181)0, as follows: Amount on hand J203.8-1. Oini eiulor.ienicnt fee, $1.00. Throu l e nowals, i3.00. Thirteen examination, $13.00. Total receipts, $310.81. .lanu- ury l'-', leiii, naiuneo on nana, wiu.ni Following is Hut qiiut turly repoit of County Clerk Fort: Receipts, $032 20. Paid out, $881,50. Balancu on hand 550.70. Annual report as follows: llu ceipts, $2250 70. Paid out, $2200.00 Haiauco on hand, $50.70. The bids for stationery and priming supplies wore opened and nil bids were rejected by th board. Tho cloi k was instructed to purchase such books and stationery as needed from tliu State Journal company when it cannot be furnished by homo printers and that the Statu Journal company's bid be a guide as to prices. Adjourned to January 13th. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were taken up by the board in settling up with tho several county officers. Monday, January 18. Board mot, all members present. Official bond of J. W. Sampson, fer constable for Potsdam township was approved. In tho mutter of erroneous assess ment ou part of the sw and part swi nwi 1-1-11, assessed for tho year 1805 at 1880,'belng erroneous assessment. The county treasurer was instructed to reduce the valuo of said laud to same value land was assessed at in 1894;aud;is3iie receipt in full for said taxes ou said land. In the matter of affidavit of Adolph Howard regarding the refund oft!) ou non-resident receipts it was ordered tliatlclalm he rejected. Superintendent Hunter asked for an appropriation of 1100 for county Insti tute expenses and the board ordered an appropriation of 950 for this pur pose. The annual settlement of John Sheets as road overseer of road district No. 20, was approved and an order was drawn on road district fund for 130 lens $1.08 leaving balance due John Sheets uroud overseer of $20,112. Adjourned to January lflth. Tuoadai, January 111. Tho board procumled to nuleel names from which the jury Is to bo drawn for tho April term of dlitrlct eourt. CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JAN. 22, 1897. (J. W. Knight was appointed as a member of the soldier'. relief coinmln siou for the term of two years and John McCnllnni was appointed for the term of threo years. A petition was presented asking thai J. (J. Nelson be appointed as road over seer of road district No. 37 in Batlu precinct. Tho prayer of petitioners was grunted. Chris. Weciitor was appointed road overseer of district No. in Batin pre cinct. Sheriff Ituuchcy made his report for 181)0, as follows: Amount of fees and expenses, $1007.91. Amount of fees, 700.70. Amount of fees collected $023, 70. Amount of back fees collected $80.45. Total $701.15. Amount of fees due for lS'.iO, $142.00. Tho board after examining tho affairs and condition of the several county officers report thoy find them in good condition and the several re ports as made aro true to tho best of our belief. Tho board mado the following est! mute of expense for the year 1807, as follows: biir rlntciulent of chouh l.'ourl expenses font ami court house... County board.. , IIooIck, httitloiiory and printing . ... At-KCKor A Coroner County nttoruey -.'...... Incidental County ffttr ., -.. .. Jail mid Jailer .. win iio ism on .. HW) oo .. IJUOOO 1HM no .. 1U) oo .. wo oo .. 1000 00 .. rK) ix) .. 1000 00 .. 100 00 iioiiru eiiUHiiaiiaii..... ElOI'tlOllH .....,,.. .. MO 00 llnml funiN ii nooooo llnlldliiKlioor house !.... .'.. 'J000 00 County poor "JO0O 00 comity bridge , :-. .vjoo oo Insane . ..................'........... .. HiU no Itsilrnsil Uonit .. !X) 00 Soldiers relief- 300 00 IIIrIi school - OW 00 Total 1 .10000 00 Tho estimate was adopted as rend and clerk was ordered to have the sumo. printed as provided by law. John McCallum was appointed a committee of one to investigate ami ropnit, upon the notes that aro past dm) for rent of poor farm. Adjourned to January 20. Wednesday, January 20. Tho county attorney was instructed to use bis best endeavors in collecting t!io moi'ey duo tho county from tho State Hank of Blue Hill and to bring suit If necessary on tho bond at tho next term of the district court. Tho examination summary of tho accounts of J. S. White by tho slate examiner woreapproved. Bond of First National Bank of Bluo Hill to secure the county against loss of county money deposited therein was approved bv the hoard. The semi-annual statement of Treas urer White was approved. The claim of Dr. K. A. Hall of $150 for operation performed for Lucy Coval was allowed and clerk was in structed not to deliver warrant until Dr. K. A. Hall had tiled with him re ceipts from Dr. Cook und Dr. S, F. Saunders for all their claim for their assistance in said operation. HOME DYEING MADE EASY. Handsome Colors 'That Never Fado. Hard Times Increased the Sale of Dia mond Dyes Black for Cotton, Wool, and Silk that Does not Crock Makes Old Cloaks, Qowns, and Suits Look Like New. "It is really marvelous," said a Wubster street druggist, "how the bard times have increased the sale of dia mond dyes. Ladies buy one package as an experiment, and find the dye so easy to use that thoy color all their eld clothing, and como out with new gowns, clonks, and suits for the whole family. Tho diamond dye blacks seem especially popular, I often sell half n doeu packages to one customer." Diamond dyes aro put up for every color, with special dyes for cotton and aro so simple and easy to use that oven a child can dye a perfect color with them, one that will not fade, crock, or waslt etit, equal to tho handsomest shade made by tho professional dyes, hxa.. Tktfu- ilallt Kfuiar M&bc QCv& I.UOUI3 OK lAIHH PKKHOKAIj.! Tho turning over of the books ami monies In tho (hands of the township olllcurs of Batin township brought to light a fact which completely knocked some of Hie eourt hotisn officers in a heap with surprise. It appears that in tho past the county supervisor from that district always plead poverty and asked tho assistance of the county for the payment of poor claims and ex ponso for building and repairing small bridges. He also stated that the peo plo up theie wcro poor, could not pay their taxes and consequently there was no money in the township treasury to meet these necessary expenses. Tliu county board consequently had war rants drawn for the purpose upon county funds. When tliu money was turned over It was found that there was some live hundred dollars in tho treasury of this township and hence the surprise. What object they had In holding this money is hard to tell un less they were going to eventually get enough to build a cunt t house and make their own laws iu poor old Batin. Revival meetings are now being con ducted by Rev. James M. Darby, at the Methodist Episcopal Church in this city. The meetings are quite largely attended and great good is being dono by Mr. Darby, who has gained a good record for evangelistic work through out his ministerial career and wo would bo pleased to see him nniko n gnud success, of tho present series of revivals In this city. Tho Webb City (Mo.) Daily Times, said of him some yoars ago when ho was conducting nn evangelistic meeting iu thatcity, wlioro more than one hundred was converted, "That hu was one of tho most thorough and successful revivalists of the west." He Invites all the people who believe in (toil, to Mind up one linked prayer for tho outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon A new gamu for church socials has bei u developed by a young lady who believes iu Hi to I. Kaelt girl at the paity takes a basket well Idled with tho dellciciiM of tho season and covers n wiiii wiuto or yellow cloth, to suit her political complexion. Tho young man selects his basket according to his views on tho financial question, as argued during the recent campaign and then pays at tho rate of one cent per pound for the owner. The baskets aro placed in an adjoining room and the purchaser does not know whether lie is getting a tat or lean girl. Kncli purchaser has the chance of weighing his priao on the scales, and tho silver man is allowed to kiss his girl sixteen times to the gold .standard man's omi. Stolen. Dudley township, Haskell comity, Which became famous iu the late elec tion becauso it was tho only one iu tlss United States carried by Palmer and Bitckner, celebrated Christmas at the oxpenso of General Burkiior, himself. A few days before Christmas the dis tinguished Kontuckiaii bent to County Clerk Cane twenty-live gallons of goad old Kentucky Bourbon whisky, u cheek fer $50 and his compliments. There aro only six voters in the township but they resolved to give a feast and invite tho. neighbors. The affair wss des cribed us u royal spread of turkey, quail and venison, with plenty of whiskey punch on the side. If Messrs. Palmer and Buekuer ever run for office again, it is safe to predict that they will carry more than one. township in Kansas. Lebanon Criterion. A man who formerly lived in this county learned eight years ago of a sectiou of Intul that could bo bought fer 12,000, He had no money, (ioiiif; to a loan iiRcnt ho nogotiated a live years' 0 per cent loan of $3,230 upon the laud. Ho bought the laud for $'.', 000 mortrugod it for $3,230, pocketed the dilTorouce, lot the haul goto sale und now is dimming the eastern money power for robbing him of bis home. The sectiou of liiuil can now bit bought ,for fourteen dollars per acre. Possibly 82,000 will buy It. Eldorado Hepiiblienn. Dr. Price's Cream Baklaz Powder A Pure Orsf Cress 4 Tartar Pewser. t V! "lUrri&AJC ys" BRIGHT'S DISEASE Is the Kidney v Rnrlr. I Swelling l oomen 'aLV CV III -w MHWf V 1 . mnavs l Tr &-1 Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Has proven, in thousand of cases and for many years, to be the Peerless Remedy for this dreaded disease For tale everywhtr. Price, $1.00 per bottle. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUI6, Mo. j ! THE MAIN MUSCULAR 8UPPORTS OF THE BODY WEAKEN AND LET CO UNDER BACKACHE OR LUMIACO. TO RESTORE. AND STRAIGHTEN H J s in ii i Are much In little; alwsTs Pills ready, efficient, lattafac- Wry ; prevent a cold or (ever, mts all lliej tin. tick bU- ache, Jaundlra, oaiUpa.Uoa, etc. Jrlc 'A cent. The only Pilia to tafca with Mm- Baxfaaarilla. Wo uro pleased this weok to ehrou. icle a happy event, the marriage of Mr. (Jeo. K. Coon an old resident and respected citizen of tiarfield prcclnctto Miss Ida M. Fisher. Tho ceremony whs performed by Kev. Blackwell at his resilience iu the northwest purl of the city. Mr Coon is ono of Webster county's most progressiva farmers who tin otigh thrift, honesty and good man agement has collected around him :i good shiirn of this worlds goods and Tin: Ciiiuk is glad to mjo him take Onto himself a wife with whom to. share his prosperity May thero bo no dark cloud uppwar m olmeuro their hnppi-m-s is the wish of Tiik Ckkat Family Wekkly. Thu Webster County Farmers' Insti tute is called to meoL at Cowlos next Thursday and should be well uttended by our farmers- The success of last winter's Farmers1 Institutes is un questionable. These institutes served to spread useful informuttion along all phases of farm life and to quicken tho ambition of young and old. They laid the foundation for something oven better in the same Hue this coming wiuter. The work of preparation for enlargement over last winter's ex cellent series is already under way, and the "campaign of education" is likely lo he continued inditinitely. An' interchange of views on farming is a good thing for any farming community. m e I received a new subscriber while in Lincoln last week, and thereby hangs a tale. A gentlemen from Schuyler came to me and asked me what was the price of the Democrat for six months. I told him fifty cents, and hu paid me the money. "Now," says he, "I sup pose you will set'm up on this trade?" I told him yes. So ho took mo over to a saloon across the way, where ho had the ontlre Colfax delegation iu waiting. They each called for whiskey straight, and thero were six of them. Tho drinks cost exactly sixty cents, and I have been trying three days to sue tvhero tho profit ou that subscription ciines in. Central City Democrat. Persons who nro troubled with in digestion will bo interested iu thu ex perience of Win. II. Penn, chief cleik iu the railway mail service at Des Moines, Iowa, who writes: "It gives mo pleasure to testify to the merits of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrliutii Heniedy. For two years I have sulTorcd from indigestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of pain iu tho stomach and bowels, One or two doses of this remedy never fails to glvo perfect relief. Prlco 25 and fjf) cents; sold by 11. E. (irlce, Druggist, NUMBER 4 $ most dangerous of all Diseases. Pains in the Irrvrvi fattoc in tU T TJn of the Limbs or Ab- are tne tirst symptoms MBfc4 STRENGTHEN, UP, USE Ezpoburo to Disoaso. Does not necessarily mean the con traction of dUcaso provided thu system is in h vigorous condition, with the blood pure and all the organs in healthy action. Wh,on in such a condition contagion is readily resisted and the disease germs can find no lodgmoul. Hood's Sarsaparillu Is the best medi cine to build up the system because it makes pure, rich blood, and pure blood is tho basis of good health. In cold weather It is especially noccbsary to keep up thu health tone because the body is subject to grenterexposure and more liable to disease, Hood's Sam parillais the safeguard of health. ' ..I. Notico to Tcnchors. Notice, is hereby given that I will ex amino all persons whd may desire to oiler themselves as candidates for teachers of the public v huoU ,f this county, at lied Cloud on the thiid Sat urday of each month. Special examinations will bn held oh the Friday proceeding the 3d Saturday of each month. Thu standing desired for -'d und 3d grade certificate is tho Mime no grade below 70 per cent., average 80 per cent; for first grade certillcato no gradu be low 80 per cent., nveruge DO per cent in nil branches requited bylaw. D. M. IluNTKit, Comity Supt. Capt. Jas. A. Duffey, OF TOLEDO, OHIO. Tho Oroat Railway Ootoctlvo Tolls What Or. Mllos Itomotlloo Havo Done Foe Himself tnt) wife. DETECTIVE work requires constant vigilance steady serves, a clear head and active braln,"A year ago," writes Capt. Duffey, of 631 Orchard St., Tole do, Ohio, "I overworked myself, was In such a condition Hleep was Impossible I was so nervous I could not lie. In bed) my arms and llmlm twitched and my lyatetn aeemed completely exhausted. I began using Dr. M Ilea' Nervine and the fourth bottle restored me to health, Mrs. Duffey had suffered for eighteen years with heart disease, had tried every remedy with out avail until she took Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure two years ago. For the past year she has boon free from the trouble." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug- Klsts under a potdtlvo guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on lloart und Nerves seat free, to all applicants. DB. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lad. j MvrttL W, VPSSSOJ OH fp Rojvfjojrojp) aw i 1 I: Irf. i.i m ?! 4 -v. (7 .3M K jo--r' imm .i Kr$ i .;i, AffjJ, W,1 -a w