fll ll(llIHp w. M "tr THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JAN. 15, 1897. Hw." vr k K P k !; ii' ' 1 l V Pure Dlood means sound health. With pure, rich, healthy blood, the stomach and dilutive- organs will bo vigorous, and there will bo no dyspepsia, llheumatlnin and Neuralgia will be unknown. Bcrofulannd Bait ilhcum will disappear. With puro Blood Your nerves will be strong, and your sleep sound, sweet and refreshing. it. .ii. u....n.llla tnnlrna tillrn lllnnil. That is why It euros so many diseases. That is why so many thousands i take It to cure disease, retain Rood health, pro vent sickness and suffering. Itemombcr Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Ono Truo Wood 1'urlfltr. 1 por bottle. 7, t, nfa. euro I.lvcr 111! oniy to liOOU 8 Fills take, easy to operate, asc. THE CHIEF ruiiLipiiui nr w. L. McMillan. Oue year w Slxmontlu 50 PUHLI8IIKD KVKUY FHIDAV Entered at the pout offlco at lied Cloud, Ncb.ai second clais mall matter. WASHINGTON NOTES. President-elect McKinloy doesn't wish tho congress to tuku any action upon nny of tho Cuban resolutions. This has been hintod for some tlmo, but now it is fully kuowu. Senators Culloni of 111., nnd Thurston of Nebr., who hnvo both had reeont consultations with Maj. McKlnley and who previous to tho holiday recess of congress were among tho most persistant advocatcsof imiuadiatc uctiou by congress iu be half of Cuba, aro now counselling de lay and pointing out reasons tliorefor. If representative Money, of Miss., who has returned from his trip of personal investigation to Cuba, made any im portant discoveries, ho is carefully coucuulittg tlioin. Ono of his friends says ho will tell what he learned in Cuba in a speech, but when asked about it, Mr. Money declined to either coiillriii or deny it. When tho advocate of any idea docs siniuthiiigl got that idea laughed at, ho does it irreparable injury, und that is about what Senator Milts hus done z HI N O Q K LJJ Id o o U Q ... rt, r . AU "8 .s 00 o X 0 .fi w (0 I K 0 0 h 0 X (L 3&M IS &8S j MM 3 5,2 h 2.2 m - Is 4 E d 2 riflj H QQ - .W . -T . " " lJ I 1 111 ,'r F &H fc v Oca V 9 Bis a s by his latest Cuban resolution, upon which lie today nuilo an unusually strong nnd able speech. Senator Mills isn't addicted to the habit of joking upon sorious subjects, nnd it is certain that when he wrote that Cuban resolu tion lie had no intention tonmkc nuyone laugh. All tho same ho has done so, und the laughter continues, in spite of his serious speech, and may prove a more poweiful factor than argument in causing the wholo Cuban question to bo skolved for a time. Tho Mills reso lution recognizes tho independence of Cuba, nnd declares that the president should act iu liarmouy with congress, but tho humor lies in its tail, which pro vides that a minister to Cuba shall be appointed ami appropriates $10,000 to pay Ills salary and traveling expenses. So far as known, tho only capital the Cuban Junta has established is in the saddle und tho most persistent office serkcr would hardly care to bo minis ter at such a capital. Everybody is talking about the per sonal attack made on Mr. W. 11. Hearst, the owner of daily papers Iu Now York and in Sail Francisco, by Representa tive Johnson, of California, in his speech in favor of the 1'acilio Railroad Funding Hill. Much of Mr. J oh icon's language was so indecent that the newspapers declined to print it. Why Spoakcr Itcod allowed such a speech to bo made on tho floor of tho house is ono of the conundrums of the hour. Tho Loud bill, closing tho second class mail to books, and to sample copies of newspapers, got throught the houso by a majority of 30, but its op ponents are confidently assorting that it is dead as a last year's nomination, because It has no possiblo cbauco to reach a voto iu tho senate Whether this claim is true is yet to bo seen, and will depend upon whether tho bill is strongly opposed in tho senate. It is perfectly well understood by all tho sonators that it will bo useless to at tompt to get a vote upon any bill that can muster a score of Senators who aro earnestly opposed to it. That is why so many people do not believo that tho Pacific Railroad Funding bill, which was voted on by the houso today, will over reach n vote in tho senate. Somohow tho idoa got out that Hon. Thomas E. Watson, of Ga., Into popu list candidate for vice-president, would appear before the houso election committee in his own behalf when tho contested election case of Watson vs. lllack was called, but Mr. Watson was not present. His interests wore look ed uftor by four lawyers, and Repre sentative Hluck, who was present, had tho samo number to help him retain his Heat. Ihe free homestead bill has had the right of way In the senate this week, ho far as the lepublican steering com mittee could grant it. It is thought that a majority of senators favor this bill, but its opponents aro making a sturdy light to prevent its getting to a voto. While nothing is perfect, excepting, of course, lovers iu each others eyes, tho system of handling money in tho U. S. treasury is do nearly so that it is very rare for uuy to be lost. Still there are sometimes attempts made to beat tho system, The secret service is uow working upon oue of them. Re cently live sheets, oach containing four $10 bills mysteriously disappeared and up to tins time no cluo has been found to show the way they went. Tho last Hurry of this sot t was llf te en yoars ago, and tho discrepancy was caused, not by theft but by an error iu tho counting machine. This time tho machines mado no mistake, and unless tho miss ing money is found, Troasurer Moigan will have to make it good, as he is per sonally responsible. DUGKIRS . GUSH .'. DRY . GOODS 7 HOUSE- WOMBBMBVHBWoaiaBBVaMNaMOBOBMOoaajBHMBM fOjtam-rojoaOMastaiwoiaoowojaioaowawoBaBoOMBjoaoooBBOoaoBoiaaaBP" Sacrifice - Clearing - Sale Commencing Monday, January 11, and continuing Ten Days. But a few clays remain before we commence to take inventory. We find we have several lots of goods which we wish to dispose of before then. We have decided to hold a Big Sacrifice Sale for Ten Days in order to clean them all ont We invite you to come to this sale; it will pay you good returns. We shall offer values never before offered. It you need anything in our line, now is the time to get it. Look over this advertisement and see if there is not something that you need that you can buy at a saving of from 25 to 53 per cent. Cloak, Jnckela mid ,'iipc. Wo have decided to close out our en. tiro line ot garment!) In order to do so wo bav marked them alBHcriflctf prices, vvt.icli moans that you can buy n jnoknl or eupe for k'BO than usual wlioksulo coet, :iilllrcii'a Cloaks. All the Imliinneof ourchlldren'sclonkt) go at .18, CO, 75, 1.00, 1 2T, 1.C0, 2 00, 2.50 and .1.00. Former prlc?, $1 to $0. liiKliCN' ejnpcN. 8 250 Dl'k Ueaver capeB,Bnlo price, $150 COOaeul plush capes, 7 00 crush plueti 10 00 Seal plush " " 12 50 Seal plush " " " 8 50 Astrakhan or Uoucle enpee, Baloa prico 0.00 Astrakhan or Bouclo sapes, salou price 10.00 Astrakhan or Bouclo capes, bbIb prico 12.50 Astrakhan or Bouclo capee, aaloB price LHrilen' Jacketa. tn.00 Vd'k B'v'r jackets, Bale price $30 :)50 1.50 000 7.50 500 550 0.50 800 5.50 850 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 1250 1350 1250 1850 18.00 2200 15.00 ii it ti ii ii ii ii ii ii i ii ii n ii ,i ii k ii "widowale" seal brown Boucle Covert cloth tan Beaver fancy Boucle black Boucle black Boaver fancy Boucle black Kersey Seal plush Seal flush Seal plush sacques Those aro nil this seasons garments and are the greatest bargains wo hnvo ever offered in cloaks. ' Slilrt'nga. Speclul bargains in extra quality frilled ehirtingi, splendid patterns. Sale price 8ic, former prico 120- Ale special bargains at 5c per yard. 3.50 5.00 050 0.50 060 0.00 GOO 0.50 7.50 8.50 750 10.00 12.00 14 00 0.00 Ulniikct. Grnt pncrlllco enlo on wooln blank oIb. We liiivo decided to clone our en tiro stock of blunkote. Kead thrnn prices and boh if jou cnunot uue ono or more pairs. You have nevar had tho op portunity to buy thorn aa cheap bpfore. Former Salo Prico Part wool grey blanltotB 81.00 Prico S .05 .75 Extra fine cotton i txtru lino ' ' extra wolght 1.15 Oroy wool "2.00 2 25 1.50 Groywool " 3.00 2 00 Gtey wool " 3.50 2.25 White wool " 3.50 2.25 Light brown wool " 250 1.G5 Grey wool ' 3.25 2 25 Grey wool " 3 50 2 50 White wool " 400 2 75 Groywool " 4.50 285 Tan wool 500 350 Scarlot wool " 4 00 285 Scarlet wool " 500. 350 Scarlet wool " 0,50 4 50 Light brown " 5 50 4.00 Thesoare bargain! in blankets that you cannot afford to miea. Come and see them. Drcaa Good. In our Drees Goods Department we shall place on salo especially for this clearing eale 100 of our cnoicsst and best Wool Dress Patterns at nearly bait the regular priot. We ask you to look them over it will pay you. Prices will range from lie per yard and upwards Also special prices in 54 inch Lirlipn' uloths and Wool Flannols at 39, 45, ROc per yard. 54 inch broadclothp, former prico $1.00, sale prico G5c. Also special barKaitiB in plaids for waiats at 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, and 30c. Each lady customer will be presented free with ono of the new ButterickB Holiday books. Underwear. All the balance ot our Underwear stock goes during this Bale nt encrifico prices. Children's Underwear from 5u upwards. Ladies' Unilerwon' from 10c upwards. 4'iilleocN. Wo will plncn on hhIo during this Ride, 2,000 yards beat standard druHK prints at 10 yrds for 20a Only 10 j arils aold to vault Indt customer TIiIh is uo uxcep ttonal Inn gain In eii'iivtK h d nerd onl) to be seen to b appreciated. CALICOES All ourbliok and whit.- lmIIcup, "tile price 5c. Allutirailverstre) CHliuui.t.Ue price 5e. Extra fancy (net imoi unis printH, BHlrt pricn, 5c. Turkey Hed flguied vidlcois, aide prico, 5u Extra quality light rir is s tie price He. Rl'Mtllllllft On our ennter counter wn will ptitco a big linn of Remiiatitsof wooidredctg'Ods, cotton dress u'lodn, nelicnof-, gimthnir, outiDgp, towlins, table linens, uiiiblius, shirtingB, jaDB, (leuims, itc nhi-li wc wilt place on salo at nearly half the roir ular price, us we wUth to clnao tl.-.ni nil out. before invoicing. You will find many money saving burgalue in this column. Flannels. Iron Mountain plaid or btriped Finn nets, salo price 25c, These goods are worth 38 and 40c, and are a great bar gain at 25c. Ladies' Outing Flannel Skirt Patterns at 22o. Table OH Cloth 15c per yard. Outing Tlanncls. Special bargains in light or dark out inn flmmelfl at 4Kc. Other bargains at G,8, andlOo. Canton Flanncla. Colored Canton Flannels at bargain prices lOo quality sale price 7Jc I2jk cant quality, sale price 9c. BED SPREADS. Special bargains in Bed Sproads nt C5 and O.jc. Gloves and Mittens. All tho balanc of our stock of Men's Glows nnd Mittens ut. wierilleo prices reuatdlep of cost. Men's LeHther faced Gloves nt l'J, 25. 35, 39 nnd 50c that nre worth double tho money, MIlOCN. Now iH the time to eouurn 'xcoptionol battfuins In bhoes Wo ti id that we hitva a number of odtle and ends which wonhnll cltsiou logurdlecs of cost. Ladies' Button Doner. Shoes at 80c, SI, 1 25, 1 50, 1.75 and 2 00 that wore 1.2, 1.50, 200. 225 himI 2f.O Alsobargaina in Children's Shoes. 11 imtliiM. Y.rd wide Bleached Muslin 5c per yard. Our 10c Blenched MiHIn. n!n price 7e. LL Unbleached Miii 4'tieryd. Ex tra Hue Unbleached Muslin at 5c, regu- inr iv quality, (Ingham. P-il'j prices on extra quality irimrhama at 5, 6, and 7o. Former prices 7 to lOo. Pants. Social bnrtraius in Men's Pants at i.e.trly halt the regular price. Fascinators. Woil Fascinators and Hoods at exaot ly half the regular price at. 25,38, 50 and C5c; former prices 50, 75o, 81 and 1.25. MEN'S NECKWEAR. See our special line of Ties at 25c. DRESS BUTTONS Special lot of New Dress Buttons at halt prico. men's MilrlN. Wo are uroine to nut the nut nrlen knife into our stock of Shirts. Now is tho time to buy them cheaper than ever before. 50 and G5c Shirts nt 38a. 75 and 83c Shirts at 50c. 81 and 1.25 Shirts at 7Gc. 81.50, 1.75 and 2 00 Shirts at f 1. We again invite you to come to our sacrifice sale. Although the weather may be cold and disagreeable, we know it will pay you. Our store is heated by furnace and we will have it nice and warm. Wishing our friends and patrons a happy and prosperous New Year, and trusting to see you all during this sale, we are, yours respectfully, GEO. n. DUCKER St CO. l&KWAe. Si-"W Scrofula Is n deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral raixtares in the world cannot cure. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable ) is a real blood remedy for blood diseases and has no equal. Mrs. Y.T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the doctors who could not relieve her. A specialist said he could cure her, but he filled her with arsenic and potash which almost ruined her contitution. She then took nearly very so-called blood medicine and drank them by the wholesale, but they did not reach i her trouble. Some ' S.Q.Q and atiB n. w.. w. ai. vw soon found that the had a real blood remedy at last. She aays: "After tak ing one doxen bottle of S.S.8. I am perfectly well, my akin is clear and healthv and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand aouara. Instead of drying aptbepoison in my system, like the potash and arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease oat through the skin, and I was porma nently rid of it." A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. never fails to core Scrofula. Xczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison, or any disorder of the blood. Do not rely upon a simple tonic to curt deep-seated blood disease, but take a real blood remedy. UUr DOOK3 CHURCH NOTK8. MKTHODI9T. Preaching at 10:80 a.m. Sunday school at 11:30. Junior League at 4 p.m. Son lor Lcaguo at 6 :30. At 7:80 Mr. Darby will preach to tho men, and tho ladies aro asked to be present and give tho gentleman a wel come to tho houso of God. Prayer mooting Wednosday evening at 7:80. Chapel Sunday school at 3 p.m. each Sunday. Tho public is invited to all these ser vices. Rev. J. M. Dakuy, Pastr. CONOKKOATIONAL. Morning service 10:30. Subloct, "Tho Church's Greatest Need." Sunday school 11:45 a.m. .Tnnlrif Hnnl.tV of C. E. 4 U.I11. MrS. J. O. Butler leader. Young pooplo es pecially invited. Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 p.m. Subject "Kovivals ut Homo ami in Mission Fields." 2 Chronicle 30: 13-27. Evening service opened by song ser vice led by C. L. Cotting. Subject for tho ovunlng service will bo "Christ and Amuioments Comet". All aro invited to thaso services. Evening services devoted to tho young Young mon especially Invited to tho Sunday ovculug service. O. E. Ticknok, Pastor. Tho following very flattering notice of what strangers think of our energetic business wen nnd a few words of praise for The Chiek's Now Years souvenir, was published in tho South Omaha Daily Tribune of January Clh. Mr. Sautter nnd wife alluded to in tho item wero the guests of lieu Ludlow while in the city. Mr. S. is one of tho promi nent and inllueutial citizens of that growing young city and he was much surprised at the large stocks kept by our business men. "Henry Sautter and wife aro home from a visit with friends iu the south ern part of the state. Henry is elated over tho recaption he was given by the boys of Red Cloud. The business men thero ho says aro nil hustlers and pros perous. Ho brought homo a New Years souvenir gotten up by tho Red Cloud Chief which is about as novel us w have seen this year. It is au English walnut shell containing a neatly print ed acknowledgement of past favors unu soliciting patronage for '07 to go th or with tho bast wishes of tho paper lor a happy ami prosperous year. I ho curd bearing tho address to wuom sent is fastened to the sbel bv a short tttisol tiud the postnero stump placed on tho back of the addressed curd. It cost a ponuy apiece to send them through tho mail." free upon appli cation. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. sss Eriscoi'AL. Services Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Services in the evoniug at 7:80. Red Cloud, Neb., Jan. 13, 1807. To the Honorable County Clerk L. H. Fort, CouutyTreasurorJ. S. Whito and County Jttdgo J as. Duffy, of Webster county. Gkntlkubh We tho undersigned members appointed to the office of county commissioners without any so licitation or effort on our part, ana as we untor upon our duties for the year only, as county commissioners, it will be always our aim and intention to ad- minister tho affairs of the county and iU adjustments ocouomlcitlly, and in fairness to all concerned to tho best of our ability, without fsar or favor of any ponton ur patty, or patty affili ations. Jmo. MoCam.uk, William 11. Rykkk, Chas. WlKN'Elt, ('(iminl.-.sioncrs. smmu The modern Pain AnnHiHator, will positively cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, Earache, Backache and all other aches. SALVATION OIL is sold everywhere for as cents. Only the genuine will do the work. owLARCE't UTalToacoAoi.ie,.9oBlors7 lie j.u....u.Aftt&J Ioi? Cora, irx Trade w.q Tetter, Salt-Ilhcum and 12czonm. The intense itching nnd smarting Inci dent to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eyo nnd Skin Ointment. Many very br.d c..t .t lmvo been permanently cured by it. j la equally efficient for Itching pllco tud a favorite remedy for eoro nippliw, chapped bonds, chilblains, frost bites and chronlo sore eyes. 25 cts. per box. Br. Cady'a Ceadltioa Ponders, are jnst what n horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier und vermifuge. They are not food but modicine and the best in use to put it horso in prime condition. Price 23 cents per package. Al Or. Prlce'8 Cnsnra Bnklng Powacr WorM Fair tllghejt MedaUail Diploma. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" cw rinriTiini.i.Tinr i. iiiii. n '' ft' AlmtnLliaa Amttmmr In IK nt both mother ana child ana leavea bar la eondl tloa more favorable to speedy recovery. "Stroacer attar than before coaBaeBMBt' aaya a prominent midwife. la the beat remedy FOR RISINfi BREAST Knowm and worth the price for that alone. Endorsed and reoommended by mldwtvao and all ladies who have used it Beware ot aubstltutea and imitation. Makes Child-Birth Easy, Sent by Express or mall on receipt ot prico, oi.w per noiue. noou "TO MOTHERS" mailed free, containing i oluntary testimonials. BRiDriEUl ItKGUMTOtt CO., ATUNTA, Si. SOLD UT ALL DRD00I3TS. 0 u h rt a u 0 Q u 0 Daring the JHonth of January, . ade.l P aVAAAAAl SI 0 n We will exchange shoes for corn at n cents per bushel. Corn to be deliv ered when goods are purchased. Our stock is thn laigi'st and most complete. All goods marked in plain figures, Our prices tho lowest. This is an effort In your behalf Embrace it. 0 S s Si 1 0 1 j i Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store. I D 1 Swvww r Li 4 4 a 116 , o CorninTrade. ""WWWWWWWWwwww I I. lie .J SHERWOOD & ALBRIGHT, GROC6RS Humboldt, Minnesota and Amboy Floor AOBNTfci FOR Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. FKESH VEGKTAIiLKS AND FllUITS OF ' ALL KINDS IN SEASON. V 4 4 ",-' N , ; ,.V'A