The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 15, 1897, Image 1

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The Wonderful Progress JHade Within the
Past pew
Diseases That Oar Mothers Thought Incurable
flow Gured By Paine's
li.' UilifHcull. almost imiiosolb.i, .ul
overestimate the iinpoi unci of n , cut
advances in iiiuiliolno and suri s (
In surgery there is the application
tho X-ray in detciminilig . in. ..'.w i
lu medicine there is tho scinm-m-m-ment
for germ discuses, and mmo m.
poiunt still, tlic extended uso of
Pnine's calory compound in the trca
meutofthu many disease that nil '
from a faulty or luipaiied uervoua tja
This class of ailments causes more
suffering and earlier deaths than ull
otueiB, and that is why so much public
proniineuce wasjat once given toPalno's
oeleiy compound when iu discovery
was announced by Prof. Phelps of
Dartmouth college.
The rapid and sure way that Paine s
celery compound cures neuralgia,
:.....i,fra nervous, debility i
marvelous even in the eyes of this won
der-working quarter of tho century.
Ancient miracles were contrury to
laws, whereas the remarkable power
of Pnine's celery compound to make
people well, comes from a better un
derstanding of the natmal causes of
t 1 QAH.HR
That wonderful set of ncrvos'.known
as tho "sympathetic nervous system,"
that knits every part of the body to
gether and harmonizes all. is under
stood today as never before Many
persons aru not awaro that any biicIi
From Nevada, Mwseuri.
The following letter of date of Jan
uary 3, 1807, will Interest our many
readers who were neighbors and ao
..quaintancesof tho writer while he lived
in Webster county:
Editob Chief: Another year liar
lag expired of my subscription to the
Red Cloud Chikf and as I wish ta
continue my relation with the paper
for another year, you will please find
nnloiad a uosteffice saouey order for
.n dollar for the year 187. Thinking
perhaps you would like ta know how
yeur friend John Williamson is getting
aleng in Missouri. I will say ta yeuand
all my friends in Bed Cloud aad
throughout Webster county, that I
have been gone from Webster county
now two years but it eeeras ta me the
time has been twenty years. I am
well pleased with my condition, but If
I had my farm or any other farm in
whtnr couuiv. I would not geto
Missouri. I believe 1 wauld rather live
.ml die in Webster county, Nebraska,
than in Missouri. You may think that
I have changed my mind in tho last
years; It is not that I dislike the Mis
souri country or dislike the people, oh
nol I like the Missouri conntry very
well, but I like Nebraska better because
it is healthier and there is uot so much
mud. In regard to raising a crop of
corn or any ather vegetation, I can
raise them just as well in Nobraska as
in Missouri. Wo ralso vegetables in
Misseuri but they will net keep long as
the vegetation will rt quicker in mis
seurl than in Nebraska. I feel that
Red Cloud and Webster comity Is my
native home of twenty yeais standing.
There is quite a" good nnmber of Web
ster county people in this, Vernon
county, Missouri, and all think the a I do. The old Baling is "if
you have bread don't look for cake."
Do not neglect to renew ray subscrip
tion ta tho great Red Cloud Chief. I
' Respectfully your friend,
John Williamson.
Qr. Price's Otmm staktog Powder
WtrV fm ratfceot Aw.
WWW,W,W,M,"MrTTsTaaTJsTleM n i i hmi i - - .
' ' - '; ; t " !" .. T . ,.. . . .. ' "" ' '- wwtwwwi.wTiyiiBiim ss i TIIIIIIIIWH
Celery Compound.
Tht'i do io' know that
nothing f
' i 't m pr pnttoitlic uouy ovci'i oihri jut turns notinslniitly
'',1'nwof." iuu v.Sosi-w? of litis sym-
.. . . it....' '; ii i.-t. . 1 1 i hmd-
,, -) i..iij;(. T n iti i n.'i'i-m, lieu-
I tuU'. .-- Ill uv t'l.V l iMi wf Hit'Pp-
t ncss, nuvci:.siiLs and djiupsia is
a ". "ipa1.1 f '" Ji'l " ty In am, tf ves
T'tfuci, imii'.ud b the louciingof
iir "-""! a? ho,,', J,,
l'uoplu who tltiiik to get rid of these
trouble. by some medicine that disre
gards Uio general health of tho body
are on tho wrong irack In getting
such diseases as neuralgia nml rheu
matism out of tho system Paine's celery
compound proceeds at once ta restore
a normal appetite and regulato the
nerves, as the foundation for building
up the health and vigor.
It regulates tbo bowels without de
lay, aud sees to it that poisonous
humors that aro bursting through the
skin, in what are. for purposes of
classifying, called skin diseases, are
given a ready outlet. On this basis af
purified blood aud regulated nerves
tho permanent euro of every form of
blood diseases, such as eczema salt
rheum, bad complexion, is now assured
by this really wonderful remedy.
If the reader ml this is not in perfect
health let him simply try a first bottle
of Paino's celery compound and care
fully noto tho results.
Winter is again with us this week.
Mr. Thorpyark of near Crete, Neb.,
is visiting Mrs. Davis and family. It
seems good to see his smiling face
The Fairview school has closed on
account of diptheria scare.
Mr. Sapp's uncle of Mitchell county
is visiting him.
James Ryan's face is wreathed in
smiles all because a little boy arrived
at his home.
The Mt Hope Sunday school is daing
fine this winter, good attendance and
good interest. Rev. Welty preaches
every two weeks.
The death angel has during the past
few days invaded our midst and takes
another precions little ante from the
heme of Mr. aad Mrs.Sapp, this tisao
little Cuma aged 2 years, 0 months and
Odays. The last remaining child of
her parents was called to that beauti
ful world on high ta Join her little sis
ter Eulah. Their separation wax of
only a few days. They are new sing
ing the songs of angels in heaven whllo
their home is vacant and lonely with
out them but we know that they nre
safe in that better laid. Tho heart
broken parents have the sympathy of
thtr many friends in this their time of
greatest sorrow.
We hid two little treasure! once
That were our Joy and prldo,
We loved tbem, oh I perbapn to well
Far noon they tlcpt and died.
All li dark within our dwelling,
Lonely are our bearti today
For Uio oiien we loved i dearly
Have forever paaud away,
Preoloui darlings they havo.left ub
Left us, yea for evermore,
Uut we hope to inset our dear ones
On tbat bright and happy shore.
So we'll trust them with the Havlour
In his gentle lovingcare,
And wheojour life ta enied
We hope to meet each other there,
A Kjuihd.
Iks fit-
J. K. is til Oimtlui litis week.
Henry Pounds sold Ins steers to J. IC.
Richmond got itwheio tho chicken
got the n.v.
W. II. Hoffman has purchased the
Cobb property.
Miss Deylu visited friends at Camp
bell over Sunday.
Frank Croner Is taking in tho legis
lature at the capltol city.
Then. Watson and wifo drove up to
Hastings the foro part of the week.
John MeCallum and C. Cowley ship
ped a car of porkers tp Omalin Thurs
day. Prof. Drcsback was feeling quite
poorly tho latter part of tho week but
is improving.
Tito people wero somowhat surprised
to see a coat of snow on thu ground
Tuesday morning,
Mr. Dort tho State Join mil man was
in town Tuesday looking after tho in
terests of the paper.
Our stockman J.E. Yost shipped a
car of hogs Friday and two ears of
hogs and cattle Monday to Omaha.
Miss Hendricks and Iter brother were
tho guests of their sister Mrs. J.C.
Hartman the first of tho week.
Rev. McClintock resumed hi" meet
ings at the Haptist church Sunday and
Monday evenings but had to discon
tinue on account of atcrm Tuesday.
Died on Saturday, Jan. Oth, of lung
fever, the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Boyd. Funeral at 1 o'clock
Sunday from the Baptist church nnd
the remains were laid to rest in tho
Plainview cemetery.,
The peoplo of this community aro well
pleased with the part Representative
Graudstaff took against ono Richmond
of this county for chief clerk of the
house. The people of this county are
better acquainted with him than the
peoplo throughout tho state. We want
imoro representatives liko Graudstaff
who will throw overboard these fellows
who aro anything and everything for
The Whole Story of the wonderful
cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla is soon
told. It makes the blood rich, pure
and nourishing. It cures scrofula,
catarrh, rheumatism.
Hood's Pills act harmoniously with
Hooed's Sarsaparilla. Curo all liver
ills. 25 cents.
Quite stormy again.
Mr. Zolman'd baby is quite sick.
Jor. Saladen and family were visit
ing here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinser and daughter
started for a visit at Strang, Nebraska,
John Holcomb and wife spent Sun
day at J. W. Saladea's.
G. W. Baker and daughter Althea
were visiting in Inavale Satardoy and
C. L. Lewis and wife speut Sunday
at Wm. McKinney's.
Bessie Cookrall was heme one day
last week.
Allen Carpenter was here one day
last week.
They bad a corn husking match be
tween Anthony Green and Herman
Birohfleld last Friday. Anthony came
out.wlnner, husking niaety-flve bushels
in six hours, coming out six bushels
ahead of his opponent.
The progressive ladies af Westfleld,
Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition," af
the Westfleld News, bearing the data
af April 8, 1800. The paper is filled
with matter of interest to women, and
wo notice the following from a corres
pondent, which the editors printed,
realizing that it treats upon a matter
of vital importance to their sex: "The
best remedy for croup, colds and
bronchitis that I have been able to find
Ib Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, lor
family use it has no equal. I gladly
recommend it." 25 and 60 cent bottles
for sale by H. E. Grice, Druggist.
Fkee ta any person suferiag frem
dyspepsia (a any farm. A remedy that
will cure you. Stnd nana aad addrass
ta J. Cramer, Box It, Cavlngton, Ohia.
Ha will send it free af charge. Ha
wants your name for bis Mailing list.
A slight snow fell again this week.
Meetings atu Mill in progress at
Maplo Grove.
Mr. Fred Watt shelled corn Monday.
Miss Sadlo Arrauls returned to her
school at FAirlleld Monday.
Miss Mablu Day began school in tho
north district Monday morning.
Mr. Tommy Puckett and family said
farewell to North Hrnurh Sunday eve
ning. They aro going to Iowa to live
with their daughter
Mr. J. II. Arianta who has been
home spending holidays, started lust
Thursday for Hainliing, Iowa, .vhoro
Ito will rcjunio his work for another
Mr. Pcckoii, ono of the students of
the academy mot with a serious acci
dent tho other day. Ho full and struck
his face on the walk splitting Ills noso
nnd lips.
Quito a number of tho young people
of Maple Grove look dlnnur at Mr.
Clinos Sunday.
Mr. Poiry Arrant spent Saturday
night and Sunday at tlio home of his
Uncle Mr. Smalls near tho Stone
Poisons engendered by food fermcut
lug in a dyspeptic stomach are tho dl
rectcauso of rheumatism, gout, bron
chitis, liver and kidney complaints,
asthma, pneumonia aud many nervous
These results are prevented by the
use of the Shaker Digestive Cordial, a
remedy discovered and prepared by
the Shakers of Mount Lebauou, N . Y.
ItU iu itsolf a faoil and has power to
digest other food taken with it. Thus
it rests tho diseased stomach and finally
masters tho worst cases of dyspepsia.
It acts promptly and fresh strength
and increase of weight soon follows.
Tho Hrst dose, taken immediately after
eating, abates the pain and distress so
dreaded bv dvspoiitlcs. Trial botlles
enough to prove its morits--10 coins.
Laxol is tho best medicine for
children. Doctors recommend it in
place of Castor Oil.
Rabbit huntlug is tho pastime in
dulged in tliesodnys.
Mr. and Mrs. Al bin are spending tho
winter with relatives In California.
Mrs. L. A.Crozier has returned from
Weeping Water and is staying nt John
Kehnzack's at present.
Annie Greenhalgh is visiting rela
tives and friends at Wilsonvllle, Kan
sas. Rev. Wm. Britton has been on the
sick list.
There are little sons reported at tho
following plaoes: Mr. Pimpka's, Orris
Hubbard's and J. Kobnzack's.
John Ploughman bad his rent corn
shelled and stored away on last Sat
urday. Will Crosier has taken a little boy to
raise, aged about four years. He is a
nephew of Mr. Ireland living nortneast
f Guide Rook.
Ben Crozier and wife visited at
David Mearns in Rosemont on Monday
Emily Ogilvio has leturned from Red
Cloud and is teaching school in tho
Bunnell district.
The pratraoted moetiags at Eckloy
church were dlsconiinued for about a
week on account at tho minister, Rev.
Chadwiok, being called to Illinois by
the death of a sister.
Notioe to Teachers.
Notice is hereby given that I will ex
amine all porsons who may desire to
offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on the third Sat
urday of each month
Special examinations will be held on
the Friday proceeding tho 8d Saturday
af each month.
The standing desired for 2d and 8d
grade certificate is the same no grado
below 70 per cent, average 80 per cent;
for first grade certificate no grade be
low 80 per cent., average 90 per cent in
all braaehes required by law.
D. M. Humtkr, County Supt.
Be. Prl ' Cc a.fclag PawsUr
ArafaaMiaMaf Tartar I
It will assist the female organs to perform their regular
functions, and the sufferer will be strengthened and cured
Tor iat everywhere. Price, $1.00 xr bottle
aaae f
Are saining favor rapidly.
Business men and travel
lers carry them in vest
pockets, ladles carry then
In parses, housekeepers keep nsn In medicine
elossis, friends
ifrlesd. Me.
Wo have had no burglars in town
for a week or two,
Elmer Simons is the proudest man in
the country since bo becamo papa.
llitttlu Olmsti'iul was visiting at A. K.
Wolcott's Sunday.
Mr. Prentiss lias bought live thous
and bushels of corn.
Geo. Htimmi'll is talking of going
down to tho snip again this winter.
Kd. Walters and wifo were visiting
at 11. II. Simons' Sunday. '
Mr. Prentiss will move hack from
Denver about thu liist of March and
live on his farm just north of town.
The creamery Iihs oponed up nnd
takes cream rvery Monday.
C. Miller Is tlxiiig up his house iu
town. He will move into It in tho
Miss Kaley of Red Cloud is visiting
at A. F. Hartwell's this Week.
Mose Kenyon is in Kansas this week
putting up an engine.
Chas. Hunter shipped two carloads
of hogs to Kansas City last Sunday.
Apron Stbikos:
Persons who are troubled with in
digestion will bo interested in the ex
perience of Wm. H. Penn, chief clerk
iu the railway mail service at Des
Moines, Iowa, who writes: "It gives
me pleasure to testify to the merits of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. For two years I
have suffered from indigestion, aBdani
subject to frequent severe attacks of
pain in the stomach and bowels. One
ar two doses of this remedy never fails
to sive perfect relief. Price 25 and 60
cents; sold by H. h. Grice, Druggist.
On Friday January 8th, quite a large
party of friends gathered at the home
of Mrs. M. C. Jackson to celebrate her
sixtieth birthday. Those present were,
Joe Saladen and wife, Charley Jack
son and wife, Charley, Joe and Harry
lirubaker, George Baker and wife, Dot
Saladen and wife, Joshua Brubakor
and wifo, Alfred Saladen and wife and
the children of each family were rep
resontedi Mrs. Jackson received
several valuable and useful presents.
Horn Decomber 24th, to Mr. and Mrs,
DavoBoesoh a son
Samuel Bruuer's youngest child Ib
very sick with erysipelas.
Another snow the 12th.
For sale cheap and on easy terms,
the north-east quarter, section twenty
nine, township two, range twelve, west
of tho 0th p. to,, three miles and a half
from Inavale. Send offers to Milo M.
Mitchell, Kingman, Kansas.
Many cf l!:s cfeorcfers peculiar to
women nr; cati-jd" by diseased con
ditions of the Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels Restore these organs to a
healthy state by using1
Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S
St. Jacobs Oil the foil uso
it and promptly feci the cure. That's
all, but that is something sure.
Snow soems to bo tho order of tho '
Corn husking Is n thing of the past
in this locality.
Mrs. Wm. Kuehn was called to Mad
en Sunday morning, her little nlecti
being dead. , ,
' Mrs. Arvllla Ruddls vlsltlng'herS;?'
ter Mrs. Collins, in Kansas, this week.
Charley Gust and wife were callers
on Mr. and Mrs. Aubushon Sunday.
Mr. Rudd and family will soon move
to Gnrliold township.
Gertio Boliror of Red Cloud was vis
iting Miss Lena Turner Sunday.
The party at Dick Keagle's Now
Year's night was a lizzie.
Thoso wedding bells. Wo had not
given them a second thought.
School opens in these parts Monday
William Kuchu is baching It this -week.
Mid-Winter Holiday Bates.
For Christmas and New Year holl
days, will sell tickets to points within
800 miles at rate of fare and third far,
round trip. Minimum selling rate of
llfty cents.
Dates of sale December 24th, t 2iih,
and 81st, 1898 and January 1st, 1897;
final return limit January tb, 1897.
1. Convek, Agt.
- 'i
For aUla.
One hundred and sixty acres af un
improved land, four miles northwest
of Red Cloud, Nehr. Terms cash. Ap
ply to, Mas. James Kikkwoov, Fair
ax, Atchison Co., Mo.
"Run Down"
i . n mLiis.
t rannnr, vrvsw
"GRAKom, Mo., Julys,!
Dr. II. M. riNinca, Fredonts, N. Y-
Dear 5r; Iwasrua dowa. tired oat, bil
ious, bad bo appetite, poor sleep, dixy, all,
and bad coattaat headache.
The first relief I tot was frosn yoak4
and Liver Beajeay and Nerve Toale. Oae
bottle Draaihteoalet euro. I was thus
hie to reeeamea4 It, aad I have etece sold a
great deal. The last boHle 1 soli owed a
woman mt palBltattoa of the heart aa&
caroale iBiasamaUoa of neck of Madder.
She had "smothering spelts" from bo : an-
and bad to get up many time of a. Bight.
Tfeanoa hnl tin cured her cnmmatelv of t
one bottle cured her complete
B diseases. I never knew thU Bwdlelae U
fail wherever It was used."
Taw ! tMa VasOar tT
Wawt TsasWasi,
1V1 sssH taw.
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