J mifi RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JAN. 8, 1897. !. I"? I if i If M ' V Cures Trore tlio merit of Hood's Sarwipwllla-noil. tire, cf feet, permanent Cures. Cures of scrofula In suu-roH formi, llkn goitre, celled neck, running sores, lilp disease, sores In the cei. Cures of Halt lllicum, with It Intcnio ItcIiluK nnd burning, scald licail, totter, etc. Cure of IlolH, rimnlei, nml all other erup tions duo to Impuro blood. Otiros of I))pcpHla nnd other troubles whore a Rood stonmch tonlo wns needed. Cures of Itheutnatliin.w hero patients were wi nkle to work or wulk for weeks. Dure of Catarrh ly expelling thn Impurities which caiuo and smtnln tho dlseaic. Cures l Nervousness hy properly toning and feeding the nerves iikii puro Wood, Oures of That Tired I'retlnjr ly restoring strength. Heml for hook of cures hy Hood's Sarsaparilla To C. I. Hood ft Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Masi. TZ 7, ,,, nro tlio hest ntter-dlnnor FlOOd 8 PillS pills, aid Ulgcittou. :tfc. THE CHIEF ruiiLii-iiKii i.r V. L. MoMILIiAN. One year ' ,XI Blxmnntbs ' PUUL18HKI) KVKKY KIIIDAY Bulerud at tho posl ottice nt lted Cloud, Noli.as ecoud claiti mall matter. 18731800. It has always beau tlio custom of tlio Great Family Weokly on tlio turning of'ti how volutno in its history to send greeting to its tenders, nnd although wo ro on week lato, wo tnko com mendable prido in statins that this re ligious Journal hns through kind Providence and tho iinaucial assistance given it by its large list of subscribers nnd tho businoss men of tho city, ondod its twenty-fourth volume and com menced Its quarter century voyage. J u looking up tho history of tho pnpers of tho great state of Nebraska wo tied that thoro aro but thirty-six papers which have weathered the storms of adversity for twonty-livo years mid out f this number thoit are twenty-eight which havo been in ex istence for a longer period and tho grenttr majority of these aro in the eastern and older part of tho Mute. I' J. o m 1 i& " $ ffi. ( E W Hi M"'! 88P1jb b V 1 ti. . f l 1 ri 11 c rcr wm i i i j w to X a, o o o x J3 il 5 rou o o r- " .i ft TjC fj 2d ft & V V I I o r o3 rV w n 3 O u OJ 1) C OJ E Hi Hi 5! m in 3 Wo have qulto a number of subset ib ers en our list who havo stoed ,) tlio paper since tlio Hist Issue nnd who, to bo without tlio weekly visit of Tin: Chief would miss it greatly. An old friend Is gonernllyn Into ft lend mid we wish to state that their friendship In piospciity and adversity has been ap preciated. The past tlireo or four years have been tioubloiiB times for the news papers nnd many have gene under whilo valiantly eudea voting to knap abreast of the sUnn. TliatTitKClllKK h not one of this number wu am thankful. Whilo tho destiny of the paper has not been in our hands for long, we liopo that prosperity may still guido its footsteps and make it of a higher standard ns tho years roll by, mul wo flincriely liopethat to oacli and every Ktiliscilber who is enrolled upon mur Mibserlption books today, wo eau a year lienco wish a Merry Christina and a Happy Now Yoar. Tlio matter of monoy as a helping hand in tho newspaper business is one of tho greatest linportanco, and is as necessary as in any other business. Wo nsk that all thoso who nro in shapo to do so will give us from time to time what thoy can spare, remombcring that we never have or noyer will pubIi those who nro honestly unable to pay. Wo havo in tho peet aimed to give tho nows, and whilo thero have been somo weeks whon it has been Impos sible to obtain much ef interest tojour readers, wo loavo it to them ns to how well wo havo succeeded. Wo hope our corrospondonts will continue to send in all the news of thoir neighbor hood ns wo believe this is ono of the most important departments of the paper. Wo would like to have a cor respondent in any portion of the county not represented. Politically tho paper has been repub lican, not of tho order of somo of our coutemporaties whe seek to win sup port from different political pie count ers, but staunch nnd honest. If good men nro named for public positions of trust on thnt ticket we will work for their election, if not wo will not give them our support. To our tMiuiy tenders nnd tho patrons of our Job printing dcpartinont'and advertising columns wo wish to do elnro our thanks for past patronago a ml hepo for a continuance. Wishing all prosperity and goed cheer during tho present year iwoVe main, Respectfully yours, W. L. McMillan. To Benefit Others. The Editor of The Btoomflald lewe Farmer WrIUe of the Good Done by DR. MILES' NEW HEART CURS. UEUE AUK a (rreat ninny unieUsh men and women who wish others to know what has restored thorn to health and happiness. Mr. O. V. Davis, pub lisher of ono of tho best newspapers In Iowa, writes from Moomfiuld la., Aug IS 1696. "My doslro to honcflt others prompts mo to write this. Wo havo used Dr. Miles' Itomedtes le my family for nearly two years with most gratifying results. Wo would'nt now do with out Uicru. My wife had been weakly and down nearly every summer for tho past fifteen years. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is exactly what lu namo Implicit s suro euro for a weak, fluttering, palpitating heart, and Dr. Miles' Nervo and Liver Pills are most excellent." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or monoy refunded. Book on Uoart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lad. vv Dr IbV CHURCH NOTKS. Baptist Preaching at 10:30, followed by ob servonce of thn Lord's supper. Sunday nt 11:30. Young People's Society 0:30. Prencking at 7:30. At the evrning service tho pastor will present the causo of foreign missions. This is is response to tho general request of the mission boards of all denominations of the U. S. that tho causo of world wide missions be presonted from every pul pit throughout the country on January 10th. The I). Y. P. U. social held nt tho hemo of Mr. nnd Mrs. V. B. Fulton, on Now Years ovo was a very pleasant affair. The aununl business meeting of the church will bo hold Saturdry evening nt7:30. Every member of tho church should bo present at this important meeting. Wo cordially invito tho public to nil of our services. Rev. C. It. Welden, Pastor. Soothing, and not irritating, strength ening and not weakening, small but effective such are tho qualities of De Witt's Little Early Risers, tlio famous little pills. C. L. Cottlng. Dissolution Notice Notice is hereby given that the partnership term ngiecdupou having expired, th law partnership of Case & MoNitt is dissolved. Mr. Caso will continue business at his house. Mr. MoNitt will remain in tho linn olllce. Randolph McNitt. O C.Case. Subject, Subject, METHODIST. Preaching nt 10:30 a.m. Sunday school at 11:30. "Tho Holy Spirit Given." Junior League at 4 p.tn "Childhood of John tho Baptist." Senior League at 0:30. Subject. "Tho Suro Word of Promise." Pleaching by tho pastor nt 7:80, Prayor meeting Wednosday evening at 7:80. Chapel Sunday school nt 3 D.m. each Sunday. The public is invited to nil theso ser vices. Rev. J. M. Dahiiv, Paster. Wodding Bollb. Mnrrlcd, nt the homo of tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wcstnt Ditto Hill, Nebraska, January 1st, 1807, at high noon Mr. Joseph C. McGowen nnd Miss J. Estelln West, Rov. G. W. Hummel onieintiug. Mr. and Mrs. West, the paicntsof the bride, nro nniotig tho Hist settlers ef Webster county and me well known and much respected citizens of Blue Hill. The brldo is tho only daughter nud Is esteemed for Iter sterling woith. Slio is highly tcspeeted and iiiueb leved by all who know her. The gioom, tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. F.U. McGowen of Blue Hill, Is one of Webster county's caterpilsing young fanners. Ho Is a young mail of tern potato habits mid well reopected by tho community. . The wedding wns n very quiet ene, only a few of tho relatives being pres ent. After tho ceremony nnd congratu lations tiity were nerved with a bounti ful tnpast. Tlio afternoon was speutin a very enjoyable manner and they go forth on tlio journey of life with the best wishes and hearty congratulations of their many friends. Notleo. I wish to announce to my friends that I again have tho control of the Moon block gallery nnd will bo pleased to meet my old customers asd ns maay now ones as will favor mo with their patronage. I will do wy best tt plcato by turning out good werk in the High Gloss and tho lato and popular Platino photos nt the lowest possible prices. F. BlUDHROOIC, Photographer. RKrOUT OK THE CONDITION or TH STATE BANK OF RED CLOUD, CHARTER. No. 315, at Had Cloud. In tha State or Nebraaka, at the cloie of builneci. December 3lat, 1HA5. nxovncts. Loans and DItcennti . S4l,Mi 07 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.... 91 15 Due from National and State banks 1.4 559 72 Cash on hand, Currency 4,137 00 Specie 8,057 75 Sickles and cents SO 97 Total cash 31,875 4! Total 105,913 60 LIABILITIES. Capital stock llb.fioo eo Surplus 7,500 00 Undivided profits J. 558 00 Individual Deposits subject to check fr?,n 29 Demand Certlllcatcs of de posit 4,012 Time CcrtlflcaUs ef depot.lt 809 Rl Total Deposits The People's Friend. In use for fifty years. Cures Cough, Cold, Croup, Whooping - Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Affections. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is sold everywhere for only 35 cents. Refuse cheap substitutes. mw LANCE'S rLUGS. Tha treat Tekecee AatMta,IOc. Deateri or auJLA.CHaitr a Ca.. BkRa..Ma !wail MPP5W :V1 2 I BBBMBM PKmf s O J MHIallliiMl II miMLHiU teftextMMtg $250, uitj The Best ! SmoklngTobacco Made To Be Given Away this year in valuable articles to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham Tobacco You will find one coupon In side each 2-ouncc bag, and two coupons Inside eacb 4-ounce bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon and sec how to get your share. . S1.SBS 47 . 165.913 50 His Lip Gone. M. M. Nicholson, who lives nt the corner of Curran and Anderson Sts., At lanta, Ga., had a cancer for years. It first appeared on his lip and resem bled a fever blister, but spread rapidly nnd soon began to destroy the flesh. His father and uncle had died from Cancer, and he sought the best medical aid in different cities, but it seemed im possible to check the disease. Several operations were performed but the can cer always returned. This continued for years until the partition in his nose ami uts entire up per lip were eaten away. All treat ment having proved futile, he looked upon death as the only relief. , "Some one re commended S.S.S." he says, "and a few bottles afford ed some relief; thus encouraged I con tinued it, and it was not lone be fore the progress oi the disease seem. ed checked. I persevered in its use, and remarkable as it may seem, I am completely cored, end feel like I have new life. S.S.S. is the moat re markable remedy in the world, end everyone will agree that the enre was a wonderful one." A Real Blood Remedy, Cancer is in the blood end it is folly to expect an operation to cure it. S.S.S. (sruaraitteed purely vexetable is a real remedy for every disease of the blood. nooks maiicu free; address Swift Specific Co., A tlnutfl, (Ja. aLLKLiHL iSi xilMlaSlI w CONOHKOATIONAL. Morning service 10:30. Evening service 7:30. Sunday scuoel 11:40 a.m. Junior Society of G. K. 4 p.tn. Y. l S. C. E. 0:30 p.m. Seng service 7:31 p.m. Pniyur meeting Wedticsdny 7:30 p.m. Young inou especially invited to tho Sunday evening suivicc. Episcopal. St'ivicuH Sunday morning o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Services in thn evening at 7:30. at 11 Total... .. State or Nebraska, 1 County of Webster, f" I, W. T. Auld, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly nweir mat the above statement la true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. W. T. Actn. Casbler. If . M. Doudma, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of January, 1897. Robt, T. Porraa, Notary Public. Commission expires September 1st, 1897 REFOKT OF THE CONDITION or TUB PEOPLE'S BANK of RED CLOUD CHARTER NO, M, nt Red Cloud, In tho State of Nebraska, at the close of business December 31st, 1890. IICSOCIICBS. Loans and Discounts 131,030 l Overdrafts, secured and unsecured-.... IB 30 County and city warrants. 1M1 K llanklnc bouse furntturo and fixtures. 941 30 Checks and other cash Items too 89 Due from other national, statu nnd private bunks and bankers 1 12,700 41 Specie 2,272 B0 Nlcklcs and cents 13 CO 111116 of other banks 1,810 00 Legal tender notes 1,000 00 Total cash on hand. ... 18,802 41 Total 53,491 89 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In HS.OOO Ot Undhlilcd profits C.B37 83 Indhldual deposits subject to check .. S0.8S1 07 Demand certillcntcs of de poult 3,644 09 Time ccitlllciites of deposit- 0,.t 00- 30,853 70 12e - PAID - FOR - GOifl AT MRS F. NEWHOUSE'S I N ? T R M D E The finest line of Hoods, Fascinators, Ice Wools, Woolen Squares And prettier and cheaper than over Many other things suitable for Xmas Presents. AH my Dress Goods nt Greatly Reduced Prices. SHERWOOD & ALBRIGHT, CROC9RS Humboldt, Minnesota and Amboy Flour AGUNTS FOR Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. y disease of the blood sss Sunday School Attention! Tho Stindiiy schools of Red Cloud township will hold tlio tlrst fully of tho catnpiiin Sunday afternoon, Jnnuary 10th, ut 2 o'clock nt the Congregational Church, Red Cloud. All Sunday Hchoolrt in tho lowushlp aro respect fully invited. J. S. White, Twp. Pren. Not! co to Toaohors. Notice is hereby given that I will ox. amine all persons who may dosiro to odor thorasolves as candidates for teachers of tho public schools of tlila county, at Red Cloud on the third Sat urday of each month. Special examinations will bo held on the Friday proceeding tho 8d Saturday of each month. The standing draired for d and 8d grado cortilicato is tho same no grndo below 70 por cent., average 80 per cent; for flrat grado certillcate no grade bo low 80 per cent., average 00 per cent in all branches required bylaw. 1). M HtiKTKn. County Snpt. Total 152.491 68 State or NfmiAHKA, i , County of Webster, ("' I, V. A. Sherwood, cashier ot tho iiliove named bank, do solemnly swearjImUhe niiovu Muicmcni is truo to the lien or my icnowi cilgo nnd belief. (ATTrHTl W. A MiEiiwoon, Cnhhler. J. Ij. Minku, Director. C. II. MiMBU, Director. Sutmcrlbcd and sworn to before mo this nth day of January, 1897. liAKDOLrn McNitt, Notary Public, Hy oommUsIon expiries May 9, 1807. "Canvasskiis Wanted To soil our U. S. Iudisti'uotible Firo Kindlers nnd Oil Cans. Fills a want found in every household. U. S. MANFG. CO., Fond DU LiAC, WIS., U. S. A. YOUNG WIVES im lie! AHAUAHMAUIfAl Iio:r Corn ix Trade 3 0) u h d S 4 im.J During the Wonth of January, . will exchange shoes corn at n cents per rA H -4 u 0 0 u 0 We for bushel. Corn to be deliv ered when goods are pur chased. Our stock is the largest and most complete. All goods marked in plain figures, Our prices the lowest. This is nn effort in your behalf. Embraca It. ilk vfc "" -- I Is. c 0 3 Ne P 9 Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store. (D t d Q llor CorninTrade. JJjJ Kdt "1 We Offer You a Remedy Which Insure SAFETY to LIFE at Both Mother end Child. For Salo. Ono hundred and sixtv nnrosnf tin. improved lnii'i, 'our inline nnrMiwoot of Rod Cloud, Nehr. Terms csish. Ap. plv 'i, Mi". .Iamks KuiKwooT, Voir. - tjilsiin Co,. Mo Or. Price's Creim Unking I'owoer A I'm Vkvr Croeuiot fsrttff I'cudr MOTHERS FRIEND BOBS CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAW, HOBB0B AND BANOEB, Makes CHILD-BIRTH Easy. Endorsed anil recommended by physl clans, mldnlvos nnd those who have used It. llowuro of substitutes end Imitations. Bent by oxpross or mall, on receipt of nrlco, I.WO iirr liuttli'. Hook "TO MOTIIKUH'' mallud f leo, contalnliie voluntary testimonials. BRAOFIELD BEGULAT0B CO., Atlanta, 0 a. fiotn nv am. imwaoisTH. '.' j- x: we oner our stock ot ;m Best : Quality : Silver : Plated : Ware At actual cost prices. a i a ill 1 i ; .ml' Apiece of this Jewelry Will make a nice after holiday present. 3Verli.ou.jsee Bros,, Jewelers and Opticians. Wo can do your watch, clock utid juwolry lupaititi". !'iv" !!' i f ,:t'Vir,erf.,i,,;;e'.y.'f .ef'.v cvti, w tiril'l " ni".-fr. - ,--.- . . . . .. - , ,-,-., . ,! y t)! :Si(Si i .4 " - . wtf IVWsswatWM-WMiAr WlUfUttlUVIHlV(M4 "I" ' f m emu. L-Tnr,sins-aiiy-i,v- !-S-.