ft95nw L-OTu-,,'-K;si1 n v t. . ..1 r,.fl r HkLtii K,EilJ JLAJJU OJdLJJiiJD, JflrujLAx, j.acjNt j, xuirr - 1 Mg , S i'W II V mi& POWDER Absolutely Pure. A crcfim of tnttar bnkliip powder. HlKticU of all In Icfuciilni; MrotiKlli.-Aritof I'ntted states (lOTtrnmrnt Food lliport, ItorAL HiiKiNci Pohiiku Co.. Ner York. CITY NlfiWS. "Broiiin-La.iuc." Miss Jennie Boll is home from Hasting-,. Rubbers '.'5 and 40 cents at CiHcinnuti Shoo Store. Price kid gloves and mittees at tho Chicago Storo. Percy MuBride of Hastings is hero visiting relatives. Bromo-Luxino will cur tho grippo or a hard cold in ono day. Sold by Cotting. Buy neck scarfs at tho Chicago store. All styles and qualities at half tho usual price. Taylor is now comfortably situated is the Moon block. Tou arc in need of furniture. Se call on him. Geo. W. Peaso, of the Chicago Cloth ing Company, returned Thursday morning from a trip ta Lincoln. Mr. b. M. Frees came in from Mo Cook Tuesday morning and is tho guest of C. J. Flatt and wife. Thr Chief oOlce is now located in the Miller-Cotting block. If you wank alo bills look us up and get our prices. Fred Wooden and bride of Fairiield arrived in the city Tuesday morning and are tho guests of Will Rifo and family. II. C. Sautter and wife of South Omaha, Uiothor-iu-law of lion Ludlow were in the city tho fore paitofthe weok on a. brief visit. F. V. Taylor Ikib moved. He has the finest furniture headquarters in tho valley. His storo room in the Moon block is a picture of neatness. If you want to see a nico storo and a good stock of furniture you want to go to the large storo room in Itho Moon block which is occupied by Taylor. F. Schuman was a pleasant caller at these moral headquarters and will re ceivo tho paper till January 1898. These are the kind of callers we like to see. If there is a reliable man among our readers who can sell Minnesota grown trees, ho can secure steady employ ment ami good wages by writing the Jewell Nursery Co., Lake City, Minn. Tho old lady was right when she said, tho child might die if they waited for tho doctor. Sho saved tho little one's life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Curo. Sho had used it for croup before C. L. Cottlng. Tho train from Hastiugs failed to ar rive on Monday owiug to the inability f tho snow plow to get through the drifts between Bluo Hill and Hastings. Tho Obcrlin train came iu as far us this city and was turned and sent back. Try us for an overcoat or suit. No prolit charged. Simply want to sell out the stock. Tho salu is for pur chasers benefit, not ours, as far as prolit is concerned. We arc only ask ing cost ef goods. Chicago Stobk. Quito a number of teachers from over the county who havo been spend ing tho holidays in this city wore com polled to tako an extra week's vaca tion, being unable to reaoh thoir schools owing to tho Impossible condi tion of the roads since tho heavy snow. List of letters remalninguncalled for at the postofllce at Rod Cloud, Neb raska, for the week ending January 8th, 1806. Campbell, John Campbell, A. S. Kliso, Chas Vincent, H, W. These letters will be sent to the dead letter oflico, Jan., 21st, if noicalled for before Frank W. Cowdkn. P. M. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DH CREAM BAKING POWDIR n i miv uiHf vi tain uiiunuiiu"uif j 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. , AllOUND TOWN. Grace Bodlno Is home from Lincoln. J. S. Whito was in Bluo Hill Tues day. Will Duckor went back to Lincoln Sunday. Frank Goblo aftor a visit in Aurora is home again. J. S. Gilliam contemplates a trip to California soon. Fred Maurer Is now studying law In the oillco ef Hondolph McNltt. Mrs. A. C. Hosmcr arrived in tho city from St. Joe Thursday evening. We ureglnd to state that Uncle Sam has remembered David Morrison with a pension. As a western exchange remarks news is about ns scarce as paid tip sub scriptions. Will lloats luft Thursday morning for Lincoln whoro ho will attend busi ness college. Albert Clineund wife of Luwistun, Pa., are hero tho guests of Peter Al bright and family. Dr. 'Pulleys is again onllued to bin home by an attack similar t tho ono he had on New Years day. Savo you a dollar on a hat, fifty conts on a good cap, twenty-live cents on cheaper ones at Chicago Store. Samuel Lindsey returned Monday ovoning from a visit with his father iu Washington county, Kansns. Whon you want a nice smooth shavo or hnir cut, givo Geo. Fentress a call. Ono door south of tho Bon Bakery. Tho new beard of oounty commis sioners recently appointed will hold thoir first rcgilar session nextTuosday. Miss Dora Ward went to Hastings tho ilrst oi the week to rciurao her duties as a scholar in the Hastings col lego. If you are going ta need a trunk during tho next year buy now. Every trunk at fifty cents oh the dollar. Chicago Stoke. Since tho cold weather has again turned into beatiful spring the ice men have again about givea up hope of packing any ice this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson of Hastiugs, parents of C. D. Robinson were here the Ilrst of tho week. They were on thoir way home froai Ogdon, Utah. Next Monday nighk Jaeuary 12th, thoKpworth League will give a social in the L. 11. Rust storo room in Cotting block. A short program will bo ren dered. Price of ndmisilou 10 cents. The length of life may bo increased by lessening its dangers. The majority of pcoplo dio from lung troubles These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough (Curo. C. L. Cotting. Scaly eruptions oa the head, chapped hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns are quickly cured by 7)o Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is at present the article most used for piles, and it alweya cures them. C. L. Cotting. Mrs. Lucy Coval, wifo of M. T. Coral of Walnut creek township, who was operated upoa last week by Dr. Hull for the removal of a twelvo pound ovarian turner is rapidly recovering and will soon be able to return to her home. It is said you can tell a poor man by tho number of worthless curs ho keeps. If tho samo rule holds good on a com munity somo ono should start an aid petition through the country for this city which is euro in a destitute condi tion. "Excuse mo," observed tho man in spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and that is not where tho liver is." "Never you mind where his liver is," rotorted tho other. "If it was in his big toe or his left car DeWitt's Little Early Risers would reach it und shako it for him. On that you can bet your gig-lamps." O. L. Cotting. "My daughter, when o recovering from au attack of fever, was a gieat sufferer from paiu in tho back and hips," writes Louden Grover, of Sardis, Ky. "Aftor using quite a number of rcmodies without any benefit sho tried one bottlo of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and it has givon eutiro relief." Cham berlain's Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheumatism. Sold by H. B. Grice, Druggist. Tho following terms of court have been decided upon by Judge Boall for tho presout year: Adams county, March 1, jury, June 0, no jury; Oct. 4, jury. Frauklin county, June 14, jury; Deo. 20, jury. Harlan county, Fob. 1, jury; Sopt. 18, jury. Kearney county, May 17, jury; Deo. 0, jury. Pholps county, April C, jury; Nov. 8, jury. Webster county, April 20, jury; Nov. 22, Jury. The Smith County Pioneer has found a man who can husk 180 bushels of corn a day. Probably ho thinks that is something wonderful, but if that man wanted to busk coru iu Webstorcounty be would have to boat that, as a low limit of 200 bushels per day has been placed on all buskers. However-we think thoro would bo no trouble in tho gentleman keeping his job, for if he husks 180 hushols in Smith countyhe would bo able to husk about 300 or 850 In WobUer county, thoro being such a vast dlffornnoo in tho yield. Now Mr. 1'ionoor man you better quityniir brag. Ring. ODDS AND JfXPfl. Editor Walsh is homo from Lincoln. Miss Stella Duckor has returned to Min don. Rubbers 25 and 40 conts at Cincinnati Shoo Store. Low Fuller of Lawronco was hero Wednesday. Will Rife and wife wcro visiting in Fairfield this week. Mrs. J. M. Scllars wont to Hnrtwell this state, last night. Charley Robinson and Dlllard Bed ford wore iu Bluo Hill this week. If your eyes tronblo you seo Dr. Rose at Cottings Drug Storo January 10th, and 10th. Buy pants at tho Chicago Store. Savo you from $1 ta ?2 on every pair. Como and sec. Quite a nuinbor of tho boys swnro olT last Friday, but they must remember that is an unlucky day. The Cincinnati Shoo storo wants your corn as 11 cents pur bushel and will exchange shoes for It. Save you from M to $." on an over coat. $2 on a mackintosh and $2 an a good trunk. Chicago Stokk. Puicy MoIJride, of tho Howard jewelry storo is iu Kansas for a few days to visit with friends. Hastings Domocrat. Mrs. Martha Slcepor and Mrs. J. C. Myers are preparing to move thoir millinery store to tho room lately occu pied by J. B. Wright. It is a melancholy sight to seo u boy anchored to tho end of a clgarctto and at the same timo using his nose for a smokestack. Blue Hill Loader. Fou Rent Ouo of the best located brick store rooms in tho city 24x100, with collar. For particulars address correspondence lo P. O. Box 187. Ed Hnycs of Beatrice has taken tho run formerly held by Nate Kingsland for the butter and egg house of Haskell & Bosworth. Nate is now looking after tho firm's business on the Rock Island run. E, J. Overing Jr., a member of the firm of Overing Bros. & Co., proprie tor of the Rod Cloud Monumental Works, was a ploasant caller Monday evening wbilo in tho city. Ho is can vassiug this territory in tho interest of tills linn. Smith Center Pioneor. Absolutely pure perfectly harmless, and invariably reliable are the quali ties of One Minute Cough Curo. It never fails in colds, croup und lung trouble. Children like it because it is pleasant to take and it helps them. C. L. Cotting. Stuaykd or Stolen From the stock pasture on section 20, town 1, range 11, known a the Rinaker ranch, one bay herso colt, coming four years old, star in forehead, heavv tail and foretop, blocky build. Suitablo reward will be paid for information or its return to L. A. Haskins or leave word at this efllco. A young lady in town lost her com plexion the other day in a very singu lar manner. In walking along tho frosty sidowalk sho slipped and fell and when sho got up her complexion was ruined. Sho had it in a bottlo and it broke whon she fell. She had to go back and get another bottle of "face bleach." Charloy Fort was in Lincoln the fore part of tho week attending, wo suppose, the state teachers meeting, or at least ho says thoro were lots of prottey "school marms'Hhore. Charloy also wont to the theatre. Woo to Charloy. Ho forgot to purchaso tickets in udvaucoand whon ho arrived at the theatre found ail tho seats taken and was forced to purchase a very exnen- sivo box in order to keen his bust Well that's all right, wo won't say any thing about it. Charley says it was a good show though. La Grippe If you have had the Grippe, you know its aches and pains, the fever, the chills, the cough, the depression you know themalL The Grippe exhausts the nervous system quickly, lowers the vitality Two things should be done at oncei --the body must be strength ened, and force must be given to the nervous system. Cod liver Oil will do the f irst i Hy pophosphltes the second. These are permanently andpleasantly combined in Scott's emulsion. It Hfte the despondency and heals the Inflamed twmfrnnyf of the throat and lungs. Butyou need not have LA You can put your system In a condition unfavorable to It You can have rich, red blood) resistive strength i steady brain and nerves Scotf s Emulsion prevents as well as cures. And whether you send or go for Scott's Emulsion, be sure you get the genuine. SCOTT A 110WNE, NtwYork. mnsmh Diion m M AND ITS CURja To Tire Editor : I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of Its power that I consider it my duty to und two bottles frtt to those of your readers who have Consumptlon.Tliroat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, If they will write me tlutr express and postofllce address. Sincerely, T. A. 8XOCDM, K. C 1W ftarl St., Hew York. W Th. KAItorUl and UtuliiMia Vnomnt of tbli luwr UurisU. tbl ftnorusi rroputtltoD. JlKItK AND T1U21US. Now York girls aro buttoning their cloaks with pictures of their lovers. Those pictures appear on the buttons. This is a now fad and will work its way west. Wymoi o Wymoi can. "Dlnglpy Bill dead I" said tho Okla homa man, who was rending the nuns paper. "I thought I knowed every despuriido from tho Arkansas river to gulf, but he's a new ono to mo." Au Indiana man lias sworn a solemn oath inner to have his hair out until Bryan Is elected president, llo might as well lay in a stock of hairpins now, wlillo they're cheap. Cincinnati Com mercial Tribune. The whistle of a locomotive can bo heard 0,300 yards, tho noise of a train 0,800 yards, the report of a musket and tho Dark of a dog 1,800 yards, tho roll of a drum l.GOO yards, the croak of a frog POO yards, a cricket chirp 800 yards, a dinner boll two mllos, and a call to get up in tho morning throo foot sovon inches. Twinkles. Will Mitchell, a former resident of this city, new living at Guide Rock, has purchased the hardware business of A. Morhart and will tako possession shortly. Will is an energotio young man and his many frionds will be glad to hear of his now departure. The Chief wishes him success. Mr. Mor hart will look after other business in terests bore. Tho Nation Bays, "Goo. Conloy, a barber who has beon working for Wm. Zelufffora fow woeks left town last week. He had beon boarding at Mrs. Sapp's and was compelled to loavo a good coat and vest to balanco up his board bill." Thoro is ono of tho editors of the Nation who loft a board bill at the same place. Ho wns not honorable onough to leave a good coat and vest to balance up his board either. If Benard had had two coats to giveaway ho might havo done so but ho wouldn't. Persons who aro troubled with in digestion will be interested in tho ex perience of Wm. II. Pcnn, chief clerk in the railway mail service at Dcs Moines, Iowa, who writes: "It gives mo pleasure to testify to the merits of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera an Diarrbcua Remedy. For two years I have suffered from indigestion, and am subject to frequent severe attacks of paiu ia the stovacb and bowels. One r two doses of this remedy never fails to give perfect relief. Price 25 and 50 cents; sold by H. E. Grice, Druggist. Sing a song of swelled head, a fellow full of gin, coating home at four a.m., his wife won't lot him in. His feet aro full of tanglefoot, his head is full of wheels; the keyhole runs around the the knob, and he a funny feeling feels. Ho puts his feet upon the porch, his head upon tho ground, and all tho time within tho knob tho wheels aro going round. He thinks that ho is sober and overy ono is tight, ho thinks he's in the bedroom Instead of out all night. But when the morning cometh and it cometh soon at that, ho looks araund and miirmcrs "Groat Scott!" Whoro am I at." Stolen. A couplo at Plerco, attended a theatre ouo ovoning when tho young lady complained of feeling very faint. Tho young man gave her n cheering smilo, took something out of his vest pocket and whlspvrcd to keep "tho tablet" in her mouth, but uottoswallow It. Sho shyly placed it on her tonguo and rolled it over and over, but it would not dissolve. Sho folt better, however. When tho show was over shu slipped tho tablet in her glove being quite curious to oxamino at home this tasteless, Indissoluble little substance which had given her such re lief iu the opera house, When alone iu her room sho pulled off hor glevo anil out came a pants button! Fuller ton Post. Webb Wilder relates in his "annals of Kansas" that in 1854, when the first tide of New England settlers began to drift hithorward, tho Missourians tied a cow at each crossing of tho Missouri river. Whon an immigrant arrived at tho crossing ho was certain to make someromark about tho animal, and If ho said "cow" ho was allowod to cross, but if he said "keow" he was hustled back east and out of the country as a bloody minded abolitionist. In re taliation for this it is said tho Kansas follows tiod a bear on their side of tho river, and when an immigrant crossed who called it "bear" he wa's welcomed with open arms, but the fellow who called it "bar" was scooted back into Missouri as an unwelcome slavery ad vocate. Clay Center Timos, O.A.STOITX.V. Thififf- ilnlli eljtitof. li n 117 t ?. Ttrt C4rJrt r r-CUcJUil " 12 GENTS Paid for GORU Delivered at j pief Bros. Ranch. Remember that you get io per cent of your cash purchase in coupons These coupons redeemable in Silverware, Chairs, Irons, Washing Machines and many other articles. CALL AND SEE THEM. MINER BROS. After a great amount af spread-eagle mention in the daily papers of the atata Richmond who wanted to be chief clerk of the bouse, succumbed to the inevitable and laid down whon most people here thought be was on the home stretch with good chances of being tho first under the wire. YVnon it came to a show down it was found that Richmond was a nine spot and that there was nothing la his newspa per motion but a lot of "flapdoodle" which he inducod tho correspondents to write. Reprcsontativo Grandstaff will come in for his share of tho nbuse for refusing to support him ant looking back on Henry's past history there was probably somo palliating reasons for the stand taken bv tho populist repre sentative from Webster county. Mr Grandstaff know him. . Ouo of tho most superb souvenir edition if not tho finest, that has ever beon sent out by any papor in tho state was issued the first of tho year by tho Grand Island Dally Independent. It is a lino specimen of tho art preserva tive and shows that a master hand had charge of its make-up. Tho matter contained botweon tho beauttiui cover pages was of the bestand tho numerous lnilf.toiie ennraviiiKs show off the special features and industries of this glowing western town to ndvautage. Ah nn advertising medium it is worth thousands of dollars to the city and shows that they havo n progressive set i hiiflinnas men. Gcddos & Bueohlor the editors are to be commended in thoir splendid effort and there shouldn't be anything InGrana isiana too goon lor tho boys. Thn tlrst ffenulno winter weather so tar nxnftrienced in this section of the garden of the west, arrived this weok. On Saturday evening snow oegan ian l nir and continued unabated until a copious quantity of the beautiful shrouded the entire country in a man- tin of white. On Sundny a heavy wind bogan blowing from tho north and soon tho beautiful was wnlrieu anu twisieu around in such a way as ta make pedestrianism extremely difficult, and very few people couiu oe seen on me stieoU a second time preferring to bug a good warm stove. 8everal of our merchants found it necessary to dig a path before tbay could get into tneir ulacos of business oa Monday morning, tho drifts being piled up three or four foot on the sidewalks. The roads throughout the oounty wore in a nearly unpassablo condition, tho cuts and draws being mostly drifted full. This fall of snow was the largost that has visited this section of the country for three years. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Worl4'Plr lilghcit Medaland Dljriom. IK TRADE SCHOOL NOTES. Albert Keaney started to school Thursday morning. Tho enrollment Tuesday morning was 120 in tho high room. Many of the non-resident pupils failed to get here uatil Wednesday. We are pleased to note the return of Charloy Bennett who has been absent several weeks. Harry Engels is back in school again. Also Elmor Schaffnit. Both entered tho tenth grade. Those who failed to take examina tions boforo Christmas havo tho pleas uro of taking them now. Professor proposes a boaby banner designed especially for tno 7th room. We had No. 8 this week. A iromi I... ginning is half thn battlo. School began Monday morning after a two week's vacation, but on account of the snow there wcro but very few attendants until Tuesday. Prof. Wilson now has chargo of the llteraturo class. This is a very inter esting class and givos tho pupils a chance to express thoir Ideas. Miss Emily Ogllvie failed to return aftor vacatioii onaccottntof her school. While WO aro clad of hor snmma. ,. gaining a school wo aro sorry to miss so urigui an intellectual ornament iu eur school. Tliosoniors took un choinint.i-vfi.td term aud wo sigh wearily as wo antici pate tho delightful odors In , ... ,... us. Thoy havo pitched in with a vim, uu Boverui uxpontnents havo already been performed. Tho visitors this waok .-. mi... Mamie and Christlo Weideman, Pearl Ludlow and Mabel Day, on Tuesday. Messrs. Horaco Spanogle, Frauk Goble and Chas. White on Wednesday. We aro glad to havo visitors and hope more will tako an Interest in coming. VBNIKA, Pvo lived in this here little towa since Adam was a kid. I'vo raised family Just as bhjtfas Adam over dldi I've worked ashardas any mantkat over swung an ax, and paid my full proportion of state and deestriok tax. And on election day I've Jmt dismissed all doubta and fears and howled Re publicanlsm straight for forty-seven years. In ail those years I'vo never held a place of public trust, but now I'm after something and I'll win the fight or bust. I want to bo postmaster and If McKlnley don't mako haste, may his durnod administration be eternally disgraced. Cambridge Kaleidoscope. PV rs: I 4 4 tf Jg. PT .? " " -ta MVH