-..Hk. rv ft 8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, JAN. 1, 1897. xarxarM4 Yain.v i I 1 . K i SwSSDN The leading liniment of tho ngv, rapiuy ures Rhcu mutism, Neuralgii ami all pair.. J-oi' Cuts, 5orcb, Burns, Sprains &.d P ' ?cs it is invaluable. SALVATION OIL should be .- very house, it costs only 25 cents, insist on getting it. Take no other. CMw LANCE'S PLUGS. The PnM Tobacco Antidote. 10c. Dealer or mill.A.O.Mmer V tn..Dalt..lld. BLACKWELL'S I WANT (XI brJiL'SDURHflM Bk ,, A I DURHAM YV irjEyy V CT!rtr YOM Wall lBd OHC CO"I.OH fertile actt two otitic bag, MH4 (wo coupon ituiile each flmt oac bug of Mack vrell'a Durham. Hay a bag of tbla celebrated tobacco attd read the coupon which give a Hit of vnlnable irc esU ajid how to get them. 'M'tttlllM-H-MH-Hmilt Is'tso? St. Don't idle --Ki. NEURALGIA, and ask, BUT USE jauuua Oil for and you'll find out how quickly and lurely it SOOTHES and CURES. UU U Mil II H II II IIK'K I4'K'H'H'H-H-H-K-M4-H-H-I St! MUFF'S SALF. Notice In liuretiv kIvuii that under nntl by vlr too of nit order of enlo twined from tlio ofllro of Jamoa llunlen clerk- of tho District Court of the Tenth Judicial District, vviilitn ami for Wutt alcrcoiiiiiy.Nelirntkn, upon a decree In nn action Pennine inerein, wnerein wcorRo r. i.oww in I'lnliitl IT ntitl iiunlnKt DoukIkh .1. Myem, .Maud Myers, ilelVcrson (1. .Mvcr. ami Mm. Myers, wfioso real llrxt unino 1h unknown defcndanlF, 1 hnll offer fur salo at pulilo vendue, to tlio lilKltctJt lilildor for cukIi In liitml at llio cant door of llio eomthouK', nl ltcd clou i, Noli raskit, (that being the building wherein the Inst term of Mild court wan holden) on tlio 4lli ilayof January. A. I) laifT, at one o'clock p.m. of Mild day tho following property, towlt: Lota one (I.) two ('.'.) three fi,) four (4.) and flro (5) In bl.iek number twenty two (22.) In Smith and Moore addition to tho city of Ited Cloud, Nebraska. (liven under my linml till 3d day of Decern fcer, A.l).lH(K). J. W. ituNciiRr, Sheriff. Jamkh MoKknt, I'lalutltrH Attorney. N UK MIFF'S SALE. Notice lit lierchy given that underand by virtue of mi order of rale Issued from the (Mice of .law. llurden, Clerk of the District Court of tho Tenth Judicial District, vvitlilu mid fur Webster county, Nchrnikn, upon a decree In an action pciidlun therein, wherein I'nlon TrilM Company of Now York, Triiftce, Ih plidutllV, and aKulnH I.cander I. I.ocktlduo and Kluiiui N. Mickrldtld defendants, 1 shall offer for kaIohI public vendue to tlio blithest bidder for each In hand, at tho east door of the court house, at ltcd Cloud, In raid Welntcr county, Nebraska, (that being thu liitl)lue wherein the last term of snld court win holden) on the Itli day of .lanuary, A. I. 18U7, at ono o'clock 1 1. in. of said day, tho follow ing dcBcrlliod property, tuult: Southeast iiaiter of section thirty two (!W, townsliliinnell.) north of range ten (10.) vied of thoHtli 1". M, In Webster county. Nebraska. (liven under my hand thin , 'Id day of Decern bcr, A. I). IS'.W. .!. V. ltusciiKV, Sheriff. .!, S. (Jiuiam, I'lalntltfH Attorney. VUllhWATlON OF SUMMONS. CA8C & MoNlTT, ATTORNEY8. In thu District Court of tho Tenth Judicial District In and for WehMer county, NclirasKii ityiami iiuiam iicniorii, 1'Ulutlir. v. Wllllnm S. (Inrbcr, Wlno frcde (inrhor his wife. N. H. llarwood whoso full tint namv In uuklionn, and llermird MoNenv. D.fenc IntitH. ,1 Wllllnm Seward (larhcr above mimed ah do fcudant will t'ikoiiolico that on the Kllli day of Novemher 1M1, I tiled my petition In thu above untitled court iiKaluxt htm Impleaded with other defendant!! Dm object and prayer of which are for tho mMIhk ntldo of n certain trniiHfer of tho following real etatu. to wit: Lot number i-ueui?,) In ectlon number nine (ii.)ln towiikhlp ouo(l.) In raiiKt) eleven f II.) wcM of tho Ixth principal meridian In Vvcti tcr couniv, Nubrnid.n, made by Wlnefreilc (Harbor to Itrrmird .MrScnyon the swtli day of AUKUt. IMKl, and the nubjectlou of ald ivnl nroiK'itv lo Mile under execution lMii'il out o( bald court hkhIiiM your propeity on a JudKiueut in my favor npiltiMy uu rendered In nili court anno opll'mlr inui, irrui uiea'oi; nun nir ther praylnK that thu follouliiK property to wit lot iwemy one ui.J in uiock tuiriy one i thoorlKtiial town now city of ltcd 'loin ruska. bo declared t. your property and that N. S, llarwood in wlioni the title now Maud of record bo decreed to have, no IntcrcM therein nuJ that same may bo subjected to sale under said uxeriitlon above described. Ynu nro ro iiulrcd lo answer said petition on or before the Zlfeldiiyor December, 18WI, or Die Mime will bo taken uh true mm necreo rcmiercn iicroriiuusiy, ItVI.ANll DllXAllll lillll'ollll. Plalnllir. Case & MoNlTT. Attorneys. PUULWATWN OF SUMMONS In tlio UUtrlct Court of tlio Toutli Judlclul DIh trlct in uud for Webktur county. Ncbriixkii. j'eoili'M uuiiiiiuK ionu ,v SnvlllK AkMiclnlloli, I'lalntltr v. l'lnnk .Mil I re. llortlm Mnlro i hi .lolin lo? vvlioo rem unmo in un known to idtilutltr. iiciuuniiiiiK, i Tlio iibovo niimed Krnuk Mnlro mid llcrllm Miilru will tako notice tlnit on llio !i.ld lay of November, IM, idalinlir tiled III pctl tlou In the above cultlled court liiiiluiul((l with other defendnnts the oblcct ami lira) cr of w lilt li Hro tor tho forcclouro of ti ccrtiilu inotti.ni;o deed ulvuil by lliein to idiilutlll on ilie ,d dnv of May, IS'ji, on llio follow ini; real propem n wit Lot, Mx. bovcii, elitlil. nine and ten, Hi bl- .. one, of MoiCy'b addition to tlio town of lit Hill, Vcbra.ktt. to hccuro tlio iniymciit ot tier tain bond executed and ilcllvercd by I hi u Mnlro tu plalutltr on llio mine day on account nf ivlitnli thvro tf novr due from mid Krnuk Malr toUililalntllTtliillttiort,'m W. Mild uor'.'ye vriiH recorded on May S, IK',)), lit book U of run Kiiuo reeoidii of mild county nt pujtc O.'J ttictc ir Nild litillllon lray for tlio loieclonureof utlln torcut of tuld rrnlnk Mnlro mid llertlm Mnlr In or lo ald prcnili-ca. Unit nmo may be old and proceeds applied to nnttfaclou of ialutUl'ri tlnlm iiml for nil proper relief You aro required to niMwcrtnld pellilon on or before tlio Utli day of Januury, or tlio alleKiittoim tborrof will bo taken nn true and decree rendered accordingly Vkovux lluii.niNii Loan A Haviho AHkociATiox. cii d atenrrr, Attorneys 0 NO OTHER. It H HHII MM MM lilt II Comfort to California. Kvcry Tluii'Mluy afternoon it tourist xk'i'pinK cur for Suit, l,uku City, S:tn Ffniicisco ittitl L(ih Antilles lunves Omtilia tttiil liincoln viu tlio ihiiliiipton Uoutn. Ills fiirpi'ti'd; tipiioistoteti in fnt tun; litis K))t'inp; m-nls it ml Imcks and ia proviiltnl with utttlikitis, liedilinff, towels, soup, oil'. An tixpiii iuncod ix cttision contliiutot' ntitl iinifotiucd Pull until port or uccointmiiv it through to tho pnuHU' fimst, Whilo unithcr us x pensively lltiished nor ns lino to looknt hs it pnliti'i! sleeper, it is just its good to rido in. Seeotid elnm tickets urc Imuored tttid the price of it berth, wide puoimh mill dig enotiKli for two, is only $5. For tt folder (riving full purtictw litis, cull at the uetirest 11. & M. H. H. tickut olllee, Or, write to .1 Francis, (tonernl Pitssencer Agent, lttirliimton Kotite, Otimlui, Ncli. Tetter, Salt-Rhouin rind Eozotua. The intonso itching nnd smarting inci dent to these, diseases is instantly nlluyed by applying Chniubcrlnin'B Eyo untl Skin Ointment. Jinny very bad canes huvo been permanently cured by it. It Is equally efficient for itching plleu and a favorito remedy for Bore- nipples; chapped hands, chilblains, frost uites and chronic Bore eyes. 35 cts. per box. Dr. CntlT'n Conaiilon PoTvdcrH. nro just what a horso needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier nnd vermifuge. Thoy nro not food but medicine and tho best in nso to put n horso in pritno condition. Price 25 centa per packngo OA.STOZIXA. llmilj jTY r. ' n UHiAL NOTICE County Court Webster county. Nebraska. .t.. Ilempiter .Mill .MiiuufaclurlliK 1 Company, plnlnilll, i m f I). V Tabor, dorendaut. J Defendant O, W. Tabor will lake notice that on tho S!d day of October, WW. .lames Dully, county Judise of Webster county, Nebraska, Is sued an order of attachment for tho sum of seventy tw and cllil hundredth dollars In an action peudliu! In said court wherein the Demp ster Mill MatiufacliirliiK Cominliy Is philullll' and said O. W Tabor Is defendant, and that properly couslstlui; or ono third lutcicst In lorty-llvp ncrea uf corn In thu field situated on the north-eiiM ininiicr of section II. town two. raiiKO twelve. In Wrbs.er county, Nchrnska, has been iiilachcd under said order. Said cam was coiitliiiiiil until tho 1 1 tli day of December, 1V.HJ. at 10 o'clock a. lit. ltcd Cloud. Nohravkii. October'- I, IMH. Dl.Ml'iTl'it Mii.i. Masukaiu'iiimi Co.. I'lalutltr LEGAL NOTWK. State of Nebrnlia I Webster Counts 1 111 tlio County Court of tlio Mild Countv of Webster. In tho mutter of tlio cklalo of .Iiiiuck Kvet, do ceiiked, Now on tlic .KM day ot November, IKKI, camo 1. II.Colvlu, admlnlhtrnlor of Mild chIiiIo and irnyK for leave to render n limit report nn adnilii Utratnr ol Mild otalo and that Mild report bo MippUmiciiu-d nod amendatory to tlio report liervtofmo tiled In the County Court of aid count on tboiMl du) of October, IKST, and to bo (llM'luirKcd from his truht im admliilKiralnr of Willi CKlHtO. It Imbeiefoni . nloi .1 Hi' l,i yiltli day of Ileeember. IKHl, at Itio'olocl. n 1 1 , at mv oftlco In Kid Cloud betlxidiiAl o n mid placo for exam tilui: and allow ItiK tucli luport. And the belrhof wild de 'cuicd 'I'nl '11 " n InleriMid In mid ertiite, arc reiiilred t ppenr at (lie lltuo uud pbico mi dcidxiiiili'd. nnd kIiow rnie-e If men i xlls Ml V ,itlti ' ' ' lint bo al lowed iaji. Utrrv, County .Indue, Careati, and Trade-Mirkt obtained nnd all Pat' cnt uuiineMconiiiicieuior moderate Fees. OOROrriccisOPCtaiTtU.S. PATtNTOrriccj aim woiantccuro puiciiiiu icu uuig uuiu iiioii remote from Wtithfngton, bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise. If patentable or not. free of chnrre. Our tee not due till natent It secured. A Pamphlet, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. anil foreign, countries tent free, Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. J4WC Off. PATENT OrrlCE, WaMINOTON. B. BLADEN. l'liictlcrt willing it '07. K N.Tooihneii' isnslotitig 1). HyriM! this week Gruudniii li.ttiiing is tttnler the doi'toi'o eiire. K:ii It- Mi'Kolvey is hii.sUing corn for Win Dennett. Some of the farmers in tins vicinity are through gathering corn. Dr. Wcginatiu of Illuc III U was in this city thu latter part of last week. U II. U'tst, .J. Tnivatpicco and Win. McDonald were at Ultie illil Tuesday. lJegin tho now year with good resolu tions and stay by them throughout tlio year. Kev. McClinloek is holding n series of meetings at tlio Baptist church this week. Our tuprehunH are all busily engaged taking an Inventory of their stocks this week. Our enterprising stockman J. K. Yost shipped a car of hogs and cattle to Omaha Monday. lames llurden nntl .vifoof Kerf Cloud spent Christinas with his father and mother of this cily. Our corn buyers nro running short of fluids and it is hard to dispose of a load of corn for casli at present. Mrs. A. Drcsltcr hits been confined to her bed for mote than n week but is improving under Dr. Kouhler's care, Mr. Zeller of Watertown, Kansas, Is visiting with his sisters Mrs. D. 1. Kimniel and Mrs, UichcLidlfer of tills city. Misses Grace Hick and Lola John son spont tho foro part of tho week In the country at tho homo of ot A. CitulT-nmns. Iloso and Willlo Thorno who nro at tending the university at Lincoln are sponditig their holiday vacation with their parents. Mr. McCoy who has been visiting his brother James McCoy returned Tues day morning to his home in south western Kati.Mts. As we aro Just about to step from the year 1800 into to tho new year of '1)7, wo wisli that peace, plenty anil pros perity may be with cacli anil every ono of you throughout the year. At their meeting Monthly evening tho Workmen electctl the following ofllcers: M. W., L. K. Wylrfer; O. O. W. Mitchul;F.,C. E. Hicks; I. W., 11. L. Kiehcnrfifcr; G.,Thos. Snyrfer; F., C. II. Rust; R., F. N. Tootlmcro; Ruts., A. Frame; O. W., J. L. (Jranrfstall; T. Frerf KnulTinaii. Saturday night burglars ontoretl tho store of A. I'. Johnson by cutting it panel out of the north door. Tho tag which was on tho door of the safe upon which was written, "This safo is not lockd," rather interfered with the safu blowing as they camo prepared borrowing n few extra tools from th blacksmith shop. Money seemed to ho what thoy were after for next they went through tho money rfrawortaking till tho small change amounting to about $1.40 Mr. J. thanks them for not distiirbingoi' taking anything else. Reading your article in regard to correspondents, I boliuve as you do that thu advertising our town would iiceivo through the columns the Ci1ii:at Fa milt Wkkkly would be a beneiil to this place and as it sooms your lust correspondent gave up the ghost during nut' Into great political contest, having as I suppose the sulks becauso Bryan could not bo elected and can not got over it becauso tho price of corn is only eight cents, I will make an wflfort to drop you a few items of tlio important events of the city and keep the public informed in general as it is generally known that Illation Is one of those wide awake, "up-to-dato' towns and is surrounded by tho bust farming nnd stock raising country to lie found within the borders of the state. Now as to the pooplu I'm not going to say anything about them for if I should mention any uaiues I am afraid I might olToud some one, Thoy are all good. To those who are seek ing homes do not fail to come to Hhuleu for in this vicinity jou can find plenty of farms for sale improved or unimproved. lToWa This. WoOirer One Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of Catarrh that can not ho cured hy Hairs Catarrh Cure. T. J. CIIfcNEV &Co I'rops., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known 1 J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and ho Itevo him perfectly honorable in all husiticss transactions and lluaucially aide to carry out any obligations made hy their II I'm, West & TitUAX,WholesakiI)ruggtsts, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinnan & Mauvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho .system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold hy all drug fists. Testimonials tree. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Mid-Winter Holiday Rntoa. For Christinas and New Year holi days, will sell tickets to points within J(ll) miles at rato of fare uud third for i omul trip. Minimum selling rate of lifty eo nl. Dates of until December 24th, to 2Cth, and Ulst, 1890 and January 1st, 1807; Until return limit Juuuar 1th, 1807. . Conovkii, Agt, Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder WorM'i Fair HigbMt Moalaa4 rMrlt Hood's Stlmtilato tho stoinncli, aaasw rouic tlio liver, euro bilious- J 2 1 1 -. ncsi, liendnclic, dlzzlne.ii, W III tS sour Mmrmcli, coimttimtlnn, aV etc. I'rlco emu. Hold by all ilniRKliU. Tlio only 1'IIU to tako with Hood' Hariaparllla. STATE CREEK. Considerable sickness In our locality dining this foggy damp weather. Mr. Sapp's llttlo live year old girl Utah, (lied last Thursday of rfipthoria. Htibb Henry's children have hud it but are better. Mrs. Clias. Davis has been on tho sick list for several days. Dr. Me Keeby has been to see her several time. Miss Dollio Davis has had a severe soro throat but Is bettor. Mix, Dug Davis was sick lust week but at present is some better. Little Luilii Scrivner has had a seri ous attack of ulcerated soro throat. Frank llntelllng died Sunday morn, ing after two week's coiil'tiieinont with rheumatism. Our Christmas tree nt Mt. Hope was a grand success. It was overloaded vritli presents. The house wns well filled and tho program, consisting of declamations, recitations and music was woll rendered and very interest ing. Tlio choir and two organists, Missos Mountford and Stevens, rfesorve qreat credit. Occasional. Wo know of but ono community in the world where dyspepsia is practically unknown, and that Is tho Shakers of Mount Lebanon, N. Y. Thcso good paoplo have been studying the subject of digestion for more than a hundred years, and that they understand it pretty thoroughly, is evidenced in tho foregoing fact. Their Digestive Cor dial is tho safest and best remedy in cases of indigestion that wo know of. A trial bottle can bo had through your druggist for the trilling sum of ton cents. The Shaker Digestive Cordial sup plies the system with food already di gested, and at, tho same timo aids the digestion of other foods. It will al most instantly relievo tho ordinary symptoms of indigestion, and no sufferer ticurf to bo told vr hero thcso are. Laxol is tho best niorficiiio ifor children. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. - . Fhke to any person suffering from dyspepsia in any form. A remedy Unit will cure you. Send name and address t J. Cramer. Box 10, Covington, Olu. He will send it free of charge. He wants your name for his mailing list. qetplesh! GotStrongth, Vigor, Clear Complex ion and Good Digestion, not by Patont Modioino, But in Naturo'b Own Way. Any honest physician will tell you that there is hut ono way to get in creased llcsh; all tho patent medicines and cod liver oils to tho contrary not withstanding. Nature has hut ono way to increase llcsh, strength and vigor of mind and body, and that is through tho stomach by wholesome food well digested. There is no reason or common sonso'in any other method whatever. People are thin, run down, nervous, pale and shaky in their nerves, simply because their stomachs are weak. They may not think thoy havo dys pepsia, but tho fact rcinaius that thoy do not eat enough food or what thoy cat is not quickly and properly digested as it should ho. Dr. Harlatidson says the reason is he cause the stomach lacks certain diges tive acids and peptones, and deficient seetetioti of gastiic juico. Naturo's remedy in such cases is to supply what tlio weak stomach lacks. There aro several good preparations winch will do tltis, hut none so readily as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, winch aro designed especially for all stomach troubles, and which cure all digestive weakness on the common sense plan ol furnishing the digestive priueiplcs which tho stomach lacks. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets giro per fect digestion. First effect is to in crease the appetite and Increased vigor, added llcsh, pure blood, and strength of nerve nnd tnusclo is the perfectly natural result. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is tho tifest tonic known and will cure any form of stomach trouhlu except cancer of tho stomach. May lie found at drug gists at CO cents for full sizod packngo or direct by mail from Stuart Co,, Marshall, Mich. Little book on stomach dUoabos mailed free. l2i&iLk. CASE it iMoNiTT, AnOllNEYS an4 COUNSELORS AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and Piobato Litigation, MOON ULOOK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. lS2i liti to mli ; r""o wir. 'iitu ,.- i i on 51 siivi isij nv mw swna tel l&mbisEmm$p No HI llimiilt,l'ti'lir lliMilliiitiiirimnmir' -M-.. Il I HmLJl.--ll.LI ,1 1 U 111,11 1 ,. 1 .j lljif, y). I ., t ' "" ' '"' '!"'" " ,1 , Vegetable Preparation for As similating tlKFoodandllcgula ling IlicSluiiiariis andDowcls of Promotes Digcslion.Chccrful ncssnndltcst.Contalns neither OpuurDlorpliinc nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. BcapearadnrSxtwnnnmtL JMfiflan Sui be.Senna Jtmmint - WrmSttii Cqnflrd Sugar Hbtoymiitla tvmn Apcrfcct Remedy forConstipa tioit, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.Fcverish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YOHK. RlirwnTTTTnrcwnri exact copy or WRAPPER. CASTDRIA Harness! Harness! Harness! J. O. BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade In Red Cloud. Prices right for cash. pouivTRY- "w-A :lvjD :e r i Tli season of the year has arrived when you will bo prevailed upon by NUMEKOUS COMMISSION HOUSES t forward them Your consignments nf POULTRY,-- GAME,- BUTTER, - EGGS, PUnS. HIDES. PELTS, ETS 'i'akn ii chances but shin direct t tho old osinbiisheo linn of J. .A. " MoCittchteon & Co., 122 South Water St., Chicago, HI. The will :. v-iu top in ice.-ami quick returns. Write them for quotations ItEl'EKKNCE Fihst National Hank, Chicago, II', i R-I-P-AN-S The modern stand" ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Crowo Bridge Work or Teelh Without Plates. POIICRLAIN INLAY, And all tlio latest Improvement In dentM mccL anlHu. TIME TABLE. B. & M. 31.T IIKD CLOUD, NElill. UNOOLN OMA1U am a Alio ST. JOE KANSAS CJTY ST. LOUIS and nil points eiml nnd south. DENVER HELENA IIUTTE SALT LAKE Q'Y, PORTLAND I SAM FHAXGISC0 and all points ' west. TIUINS LBATK AH rOLLOHl Hi. Krelnht. dally exeeit tjuiuUr for Wymore ami all point eahl ;007 a, in. in. iMkicuKcr. lUlly fer St. .loo. Kuiisax City. AlililMin, St. I.oula nml all I'olnu wn iiml outli lOirttum. HI Arrimiinodatlon, ilally except siimiay. uhhiius, uiauu i Inml. lllnck llllis ami nil noliita In tlio uortfiweai l;'J5p,m. So. Ml AceoiiimoilatUm slally except Mimlay, oherliu, Uiuinu. mid tiitttrmcillnto sUUIuiik, viu Jta miMlenw IZU'Op.tn. 01 KrelKlit, .itrillj, wjmoru and M, ,l(io uitu Intcmiedlnto iitnctloii polntu l;0p,m, M, KrelKlit. OHily for ll'i-ubllciiii Orleans, Oxforil uud all points wtt 10:Wam, ltf, 1'aHneiiKer. dully. Denver, nil lioiuiM in L'oiorntio, t inn unu (,'allfornln ... . 8:10p.m. HUeptiirT. dlnliiK, and reclining eluilr cutB' (seatH frco) on tliroiiRli trnlim. Tivketh bold and fjuKRHRu clioekcd to nny polHi lu tho 1'nlled Slates or (.'aninlii For Information, time tiililci. maim ir tleLeti mil on or Address A. t'omivcr, Atunt. lied Cloud, Nelir or J. Ktauclti, (leueral l'.inoiiKjr Aitent, Omaha, Nebraska. No, No. SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEET BOTTLE OB1 CASTORIA i Oaitoria li pat np in oni-ili bottle only, It la not told la bulk. Don't allow nyon to lell yon anything olio on the plea or promlis that it it "jnit ai good" and "will answer every pur pose" - Bos that yon get 0-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. ''"U&aTAKAi y ef - ' " wiippir. v PAHKER'S OINOER TONIO JbttM Iiung Trouble. Debility. cUstrttilns Momaca and feml. Ills, and la noted for miking jure when all otott treatment ftlla. Kre rr mother and invalid should hare It, PARKER'S HAIR 'BALSAM CUavnwi tnd jfoUfieJ tht half. Promote & IaxmiaaBl fmvth. I Mflver Valla to Beatora Ortxj VWTI VCaUp QlltaNI M MIT ItU cn -r vr -T-t-f. Yr.v gJCimifiAiuai ainimw ninilEKCOKNti Th only lur Cur for Cerna. Slops all pain. Make waJkH easy. Ue. UDruxflaa. SBimULATlNG AND REFRESHING AFTER EXERCISE. LEIBIG COIHPfllaY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF. Tlio Kuiiulno 1ms hlKiuittiro of Huron Lolble on every Jar. PChlrlii-t,-, l.uniMi Dlamand liranrf. ENNYR0YAL PILLS -3Tjv Orljrlnuluiul (Inldoinilao. a ?.", Wi. "unto, taoiia nk , Urucalil for CHtkultrt rmtiiiS thi.J mn.JOran.1 In I;, ,t ,nj i, i n.t.M.V Msra. K.ieu ,u klu rl jlwu, TilLe no oilier, lltuu Jangr-fim r'l&iiffic (IbUuhiflMfAilLh, till,., .. ... .. ... .!.f,i!"y-,0,-M'.,'l". i,mmalsti J --iwHpr so r I artlrs." In lnur. by rvlurn fthtafal!ki.i.lA..I II.. wl .. .11 u Z. - Il IiSiiii. " "-TaUadlVlia SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PKOPK1ETOU. DEAI.EH IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. DICK BROS (U1NCY Bgffi ALWAYS ON TAP Wanted-fln Idea Who can think of some atrapla tw.. .... i.i... . .u .-..""" swsr WnVTMiiH i!ildiBfi BBiTOSS: 1ft 3 sUtaif s o4 Uit of two taundrad InTtoUooa wanted. . ' y - ' .M '6 1 t w: A. !! I y H " ! t Xal