I WMiMWMMMMMWn"uwmM ,, , . M ,,, I mil Mil I IJ .. . .1 nn iiil,hmiil n ii m-Nm in i ii m n i J VOLUME XXLV. KHI) CLOUD, NEBKASKA. D1KV25 lSi)(. NUMBI3U52 w - ' HOiAZ - TO - SHVE - 7VTONEY :.r:: n TV1' ?' m DeseFiption of the GiFtnnneF Attachment For burning Straw, Hay, Oom, Cobs, Corn Stalks, Etc. rvt 2tt?0i ".J.L, rC2 .' HOW IT OPERATES. I'lKM". 1 1 IS ,1 SUU'l the ordinary way i-. ! l from an air-tihl nnr: by making complete cl i Si.cond. By the r room first, making .m t inc the neces-if, of rul in fact that sevent-five percent of the fuel burned Near I all of this loss is averted by feeding the fuel iue. charinu" the same and consuming the smoke, there- ' "he down dra "i. ' heats the lower portion of the . , v,. 'ature th.o.i thout, and at the same timeavoiil ' r s,uch intense tires in cold weather. Third. By uivinu dot. Me the lu'atinu; surface. Fourth. y a skilled at ranqement of drafts, the lire is at all times under perfect control, and ir'1 ! e ki pt for many hours with one filling. Firm. Ten pounds of straw, weeds or trash, or twenty pounds.of cobs, will burn from three to six hours, with sufficient heat for cooking, or for heating the rooms. It can be readily seen that the farmer saves his entire fuel bill by the use of the Girtanncr Attachment; and the towns-people save from forty to sixty per cent, thus keeping the money at home. Further than this, it makes a new home industry, instead of sending millions combines, the heretofore waste products of the farm arc need. The Girtanner Coal Attachment For Stoves, Furnace and Boilers. j2 of money to the coal liits utilized to supply the ycqjw z. tt ap- The principles invoked in this attachment are very simple. The attach ment makes the lucl sell-leedmg and isair-tight. I lie down draft is also plied, and it burns the smoke and gases before they leave the (ire-box. Seventy-lie per cent of the strength of the fuel ordinarily escapes in the smoke. By this method of burning, the tars, pitches and carbons which arc con tained in the smoke are utilized. It also avoids the gas, smoke and soot which is created by the ordinary method of burning coal. It gives a larger heating surface and avoids the necessity of making in tense fires to get the desired temperature. Physicians recommend the Girtanner Attachments for the general health of the home. They can be used with any old stove thus avoiding the necessity of buying a new one. Saves 40 per cent on your coal bill. Consumes the smoke and gases. The down draft and the scientific principles of utilizing the smoke, gases, tar, etc., as fuel. Now to the point. The Grirtanner Attachment consumes its own smoke, fire gas and combustion by burning them and rrsi. (It few Ms Hz B ?.: H ml km jmj Vfip. creating more heat than can be produced by any other method. Other iuel savers simply arrest the heat without rroducine pS5 tl3E ,..,.,., ,... , .,.,- ,.. ... .o.- , . , , . . . w o?5 ; r v:2 -tT WT - ?. ( G any, while the G-irtanner attachment produces double heat out of the same amount of fuel, and uses much cheaper fuel, such as Hay, Straw, Corn Cobs, Stalks. Manure, Sawdust. "Weeds, Garbage, Etc., instead o coal or wood. Koehersperger-Hallam Heating Go,, ir On Exhibition in the room north of Mizer's Grocery Store. G. YOUNG-BERG-, Traveling Agent. Kansas City, Missouri. General Offices, 217 Wyandotte St. Ml 4V ZHr -i J I -fci'l tkri -fc' --( '( . ii . f I i""4 - 1 " " I f- I W1 I r-r I in-4 i f 1 -ni f-- i- - - n ' n ' r I r- I r I f - - i" rA. i -, , vi iWli I.M. ft4 I w rA 1 rfc. ' u. i , u. -. I 1A. i jl.1 u i jl Jill fiv-f.'f-F.'.T 'JiT'ftW n.T i -... iiiim - . r'Wu w'u'w wwWAWw'ww'w.w'uw'w.'W'.ww.Wi'M w w ' , Wi.wu ;vj,ww w.WAUAij'w '.waw w'WAU'u i.'u w w .u wwh uofjn n n n nn n'ramininini&mKsi 1 VZiiyAtYi'Yi. yY.VrtVV4,y4Sv-v4VA:v.vviiV,,v,ttv1vt;yitY. '!.iji.iM1lSXiJ."Wkiiwi.i.i BRIGHT'S DISEASE Is the most dangerous of all Kidney Diseases. Pains in the "f Back, Irregularities in the Urine, I Swelling of the Limbs or Ab- domen are the first symptoms Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM Has proven in thousands of cases and for many years, to be the Peerless Remedy for this dreaded disease Por Ml avMjrwbera. Price, fi.oo pr bottl. THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, Mo. SHERWOOD & ALBRIGHT, GROC6RS Humboldt, Minnesota and Amboy Hour AGENTS FOlt Chase &: Sanborn's Coffees. FRKSll VKGETABI.KS AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. OAMTORIA. OABTORIA. hmili ei(utati if 55&a Til fM- It n ilmlli ITT llgtitttH Six s1T u n AMBOY. (J. W. lJaker wold tlircu hogs. Coin husking is the order of the duy in this vicinity. Thu Milling Cm. Imve their du nip completed mid arc receiving from 300 to 500 bushels f grain per day. Mr. Harvey Cox is spending his holiday vaontiou with his parents. Ho speaks well of the Orleans College. Mr. E.J. Ilines linn opened his tan nery for the fall and winter receipts ( hides, Mr. Kmick having boon takeu in as junior partner. Some of our small boy have eon. trautrd the habit of whispering in Endeavor All should remember that the Endeavor isn't a place of amuse-meut. W. II. McKiinmcy, ueueral manager of the II & M. with his gang of twenty men have completed laying the swlteh ti tick iu front, of thu mill. The general manager is undoubtedly the best tiack layer west of the Mississippi river. The Cluistums entertainment given by the Author Sunday school was u gland success and the pultons of the school should congt ululate themselves upon placing thn management of the entertainment in the hands of w efll- eieui anil skilled ttaiuer as Mrs. Frank Ftishie has pi oven herself to he The children acted their patts well and the music was simply entrancing Kev. Dat by of the First M E. Church f K.'d Cloud will delivei his favorite and entertaining lectin e on "Wit and Humor," at the Amboy school houso, December 29th. Everybody cotdiallv invited to attend. The lecturo will bo given under the auspices of tho Y. I S. C. E. Admission in cents for adults and 10 cents for those between the ago of 12 and 15. Children admitted young couple expecfto reside on the free. irroninn 040 aete farm. Mr.Saladen Imv. We have just received the news that iK recently erected a palatial dwell. Mr. Al Merrit and Miss Magciu Spoole . '"K R most conspieioiis place from have united iu the holy bonds of wed lock. The people of this neighborhood tender their congratulation and wish him a long and happy life. At 11 o'clock on the 23id al the lesi donee of the bride's patents, Miss Susie Baker and Alfied Saladcu wcic united in mat riago, Mlss.IessieCockrall acting ai bridesmaid and Mr. Anton Green as best man; Miss Blanche Dat by playing the wedding inarch and Itev. Dai by tying the knot thai made thn heaits beat as one. Only the l datives and a few intimate friends wen pies ent. Among tho number wore: Messrs, C. C Cox, J.W. Salatlen, S Millei, Jno. Saladeu, C. H. Frisbie, F. Cockrall F. S. triable, J. II. Maker, .1. Harues, J M.Dai by, 0 M. Warner, W. II. Mc Kinimey, E A. Ton II, I. Frisbio, Win. Until, Kobt. Mitchell. Mosdames, Cox, Cockrall, Miller, Lewis, Warner, F. Ftishie, Hurd. C. II. Fiishie, Dodge, Baker, Saladen, J. W. Saladcu, Prase, Young, McKiinmcy Misses, Daisy Frisbie, Illauclie Datby, Myitln Holes. Jessie Cockrall, Mary Hakei, Gertie Hiown, Jennie Carpenter, Jennie Saladen, Ida linker, Alta Haker The picsunt.s wore numeious and coolly. Among them wine, 1 funo) imiioited water set; 1 linen tablecloth, 1 set gold iteseit spoons, 1 elegant p.nloi lamp; I uii silk chair tidies, 1 not ,ihor plated llntiions; l.Ieine cow, 1 liatu bletonian driver; 1 cut glass water pitclier; 1 bed spread; 1 silver plated caster; solid silver ilcsoi t spoon; 1 but ter knife; 1 hook of niles for house keeping; 1 English embossed tieacln holder; 1 dining loom lamp. The which moy can view me nroau acies well cultivated and waving witli grain in its loason and permeating theair; the lovely fragrance of the twenty acre orchard which is located on the west bank of thu nttiticial lake which h.ts alteacly come iu such prominence asapleasuie resort among the young folks, one of which his wife has always been one of the molt graceful rowers and skaters and the most lucky in fish ing, since it was on is mossy banks that she captuied the heart of the com panion she lias now taken forlife. Mr. Mr. Saladeu coiigratuliMes himself in winning so gicat a prize and it is with pleasure we extend the bride and groom the right hand of fellowship and wish them a long and happy life as the omnipotent hand of fate points iu that diifetion. lUSSKI.KUA..l.K. STATE LINE. Tho holiday vacation at the academy began Thuisilay. Finuk Arrants has a job over tho liver husking corn. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yeai to you. llui i ah for the leap year pint i Mi IlcciiVi Wednesday night. I H. Dillon pleached at the En-iiu -chool house biiiulny afternoon Mis Emilia Leggett is going to have a diiiiioi at her school Chi Mums .Miss Alva Stanton who has been teaching iu Republic county returned home Satin day. Mr. Mouis of Walnut cieek spoke at Noith lirauch last Simdii on the sub ject of "Peace." Protracted meetings closed atNoilli Hianeh Saltirda night, but are still going on at Maple Grove. MlssS.idio Arrants 1 spending the holidays at home. She has been at tending school at Fail Hold. Mrs.Truehlood nud two of tier sous are visiting her father, Mr. Hunting ton, and hor sister, Mrs. Davis. FIFTEEN YEARS! aJfercr with Lame Hack. I m Trrilnnhi, N. V., June 80. UOt. Dr M. M Fbn.nf.ii. Dear Sir: I most cheerfully rccoimacntl your Kldnoy ami IIjcIiiicIiu euro for wtiat'lt lias dnuo for nii' Ihavolarnasuffen'r for flfteon years Itli laiiin Illicit and Ulilnuy trouble. Hoii'.o Uiik". my liiick hits lioun o had I could liurd ly HtralKliten up for a month at u time. I would ho taken with a xtltcli In tho buck that would lust (rum three d.iys to a month. The doctors could lo mono relief. Ono physl dun suld I hud htrulued my buck and thorn was no cure fur It. Two ycurw iik 1 not six bottles of your Kidney mid ll.u'kiiclio Cure and ono tiottlo of your IIIimxI and Uvor Ktumsly und Norvo Tonic. Itellef tiemiu atunce. and continued unuiteruptedly to a perfect cure." FOR SALE HY O. L. COITING. IS (U 2 fi X J ISE.