THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, CE. 18, 1896. flOYAfi w,D0r2i &AklNG POWDER Absolutely Pure. cti-nm nf liiMur 'mi. i I l'r II'kIipi f all In IcmiMilm; tri. i:il ' i' ".''" Ooiwiiiii'i' I'""! Hi' r' ,. , Hlrt l IlllMN'l l'i.1ll u ' ow Vtk . ......... CITV XKWS. Lecture Satin day ov'iiiiijj. 'Hluo Point-." lire cent-, at Colling-.' J. A. Hiium left for Nuckolls county ThuiMl.iy. I)r D.unetell was heio the catly pail nf I lie week. JohuTomlin-on of Omiilm 1ms been hcte tliis week. Kill tin Joe Nun of Uluc Hill was heio during tin week. W. '1' Auld it lionic after h visit to In-, old honip in low n. Go to tins ov-tcr supper Sutiuduy niflit unil help tin- needy. Will Mitchell of (Jiiidu Hock win lipictho first of the week. C 1'. Evans has bean l1''lt" sicl' l,l pint wcuk with pneumonia. Kemeuiber tlic lecture by Dr. How lus Siitnuluy evening ut 80'clooek. Marion Osborno of Hastings is bote islting his sistor Mis Anion C'onovor. Eil Dyer this week puckuti up his household goods unil moved to Hus tings. liuy Chtistmas presents ut tho Chi cago Sloio unil Biivo nil profits for your own use. Supervisor Kmt of Dliiu Ilill win shuklnt hands with his fiiemls hole tliis week. Miss Li..iu Houts roturnoil fioin 11 visit in tho ousterii part of the stuto Tuosilay night. For 11 now sot of huinl niuilo woik harness ut ton per c-nl above actual cent sooChm'i'i Mi'Mllliiii. A Kansas 111:111 i- -aid to have a couple of mice that weigh 11 poiinil a piece Hats. Hi.ivct City Tiiliune. Miss Hea-ic IIni ri-on who Inn lieen living heio for seine lime time past has leturued to li"i home ut Hoatiice A man at Kepnblieau City has live toin of horse iiulisli in its natiual state. Excuse these teais Heaver City Tri bune. Tub CuihF ollioo U now locateil in tho Miller-Cottini: block ifioti want sale bills look us up ami get our pi ices. If you are going to need u trunk during the next your buy now. Every trunk at fifty cents on the dollar. Chi cago Stokk. Win. II. Athow, of Chicago, one of lied Cloud's most prominent business men dining the '80's under tho linn name of Athow S: Young, was in tho city Sunday shaking hands with his old friends. The old lady was right when shn said, the child might die if they waited for the- doctor She saved tho little one's life with a few doses of Ono Minute Cough Cure. She had used it for croup before. C L. Cottlng. Dr. Juntos Dowlus, a noted lec tin or, will deliver his led lire entitled, "The Greeny In College," December l!)th, at 8 p.m in the Methodist church. It will bo given under the auspices of the Junior League. The old way of delivering messages bvtmst-bovs compared with the modern telephone, illustrates the tedious meth ods of "breaking" colds computed with their almost instantaneous cure by One Minute Cough 'Jute. C. L Cot ting. Pol haps it would be well foi patents of some of the bnis of this city, who me in the habit of cursing ami nwear iug on the -licet at all time-, of dni n gaulle-s of bow many Indies niuj be in healing ami also of making the night hideous till tweho or 0110 o'clock, to look after them befoio the aiithoiities take it in hand. It is getting to bo al together too common an occuironcp. A yt'ur g this county win enjoying monthly meetings f tho faimois insti tute of this county. At tho last jneot ingot the association it was announced that thcao meetings would bo lesumed Inst fall. As yet thore has been no meeting and Tiik Ciiikk would suggest that the proper oflleer call 11 meeting of the association. A great deal of good can be accomplished through the medium of these meetings mid tim win ter should not bo allowed to pass with out another series of them. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM BAKING POWBfR A Pure Orapo Crcnm of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. AKOVNI) TOWN. - t (Jet your Christinas candies of (iiact Km t He-t or cigar in town h. "H hie Points' at Culling' Dillaid Hedfoid made a ttip to Oiualia this week. Co to hear Dr. How lus the noted lectin or Satin day evening. Penman's gue-jing contest opens December 5, and closes dmitrity 'i. Mis M. M Stern returned front an cMoiided i-it to llintiugslast Monduj Will Yeiser caino down from lie publican City Satuulay to visit with the folk-. Max has taken a position In the Hustings asylum in the capacity of n-sitiiiit linker Po 'nvnti'V Kreil llodger eanip tip from Wvmoio mid attended the dunce heio I'tid.iy ovening. Save oii from $'J to $fi on an ovct coal i'J 00 on a inackinlosb and $'.' 00 on a good ti 1111k. Cllic no SloiU". When 3011 want a nice -moot It -hae in hair cut, gne (Jeo l'eiitie-s a call One door south of the Hon Hakcry. In older to -ac monr I will ell in entile stock at 111 per cent di-coiint foi cinh until Jan., l-t.K V Tayi.oii. Miss Jeunettp Dillej came home l'hui'sdiij morning iiflri giing seveuil eloeutionaty tecitals ut towns up the valley. Tho Epwoith League gave a very pleasant evening's enteitaininent at tho icsidence of L. P. Albright lint Monday ovening. C. L. Cottlng, solo agent, will refund your money if not sutislled after using one bottle- of Dr. I'Vnner'.s famous medicine. An entertainment will bo held at the Inavale .school house Christmas Eve for the purpose- of raising money to buy library books. All invited 'I ick els 15 cents. Two for 25. Nate Klngsland who has bneu sick and taking tieatment at tlip.siinitariinii at Lincoln for several weeks is now able to attend to busincH again. The Stern buihlinc on the corner is undergoing repair thin week and will be oceupitd by J H Wright with his second hand store after tho first of the year. If tbero i a reliable man among our readers who can sell Minnesota grown trees, he can secure steady employ ment and good wages by writing the Jewell Nutsery Co , Lake City, Minn. F. adies, bow can you make your hus bands, fathers, btotheii, sweethearts or friends lnnpier than by buying for them a useful holiday pieont at Wie ner's old and reliable clothing house The length of life may be ineremed bv lessening its (humors. Tho majority of people die from lung tumbles These nriv be averted bv promptly mini? One Minute Cough ('111 e C L. Col ting We wish our eoi respondents would bt a little more roculur in sendiinr in the news fiom their various localities These niuv enm very Insignificant to some but they aro a very essential pint of a county paper. Scaly eruptionson tho hpnd, chapnnd bauds and lips, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns nrn quickly cured by 'loWitt'.s Witch Hazel Salve It is atprosent the article most used for piles, and it alwoys cures them. C. L Cotting. Miss Jeanotto Dilly, assisted by local talent, will givo an elocutionary nnd musical entertainment nt the M. E church next Monday evening. A varied and interesting program will be rpnderod Admission, adults 20 cents. Pupils of Rod Claud schools, 10 cunts. A very pleasant social ball was given in tho Moon block last Friday evenine by fievcrnl of tho young men of our city, which was quite largely attended by lovers of the terpsichorean art. The dancing lasted until the wee sum' hours and a pleasant time is reported by all who attended. Prof Jenkins' parlor orchestra furnished tho music. Considerable complaint has been beard of late regarding the poor eon. ditlon of the culverts on tho public highway betwoptt this city nnd the liver bridge, which nre pronounced by sovoral as being unsafe for teams to cro-s them Wo think it would bo a good plan for tho proper officers to attend to them befote some serious ae cident hnppeiis. Louis Otiniir sprained his left ankle night before last while wulkingsoiitbon Ninth street between O and N. II" was taken to tho home of Henry Meyer and Dr. (Si lines dressed tho' injury. Tho physician says it is more serious nnd will take longer to get well than would a broken limb. Olmnr was taken to tho hospital yesterday Lincoln Journal. Tho S. of V. band gavo a street con cert last Saturday afternoon. Why would it not bo a good idea for our merchants to mnko arrangomonU wherrlty tho band can givo a concert to tho large number of farntcr.s and thoir wives and children who -aro in tho city every Saturday to do their trading, nnd when once established would boa sourco of bringing sovoral pcoplo to tliis city who aro in tho habit of doing their trading olsowhoro. Guess and Get a Gold Watch Free. Titos. Penman, Tho Jowolor, will on January 2d, 1807, present a handsomo lady's or gent's gold filled watch, a holt with stoning silver buckle, and a pair of sterling silver mounted aide combs to the persons guossing nearest tho number of hours, minutes and soconds it will take tho abovo watch to run down after being fully wound up. Tho abovo goods will bo given away in the order named, first, socond nnd third, nearest guessos, Every cash purchase of 1 1.00 will en title the buyer to ono guess. Illank guess cards will be furnished witlt pur chases. Contest opens December 5th and closes January 2d, 1897, at fl p. m For further particulars call at my stoio and see the goods, also tho many beautiful things suitable for Christinas presents Vmi will lind something suit ible among mv good- after all oth el" effoi ts h ii' Id en 1 'lnos PhNiiAN, Jeivelor. ODDS AND PND9. Lectiiie at Methodist chinch Satur day evening. (ttiess and gel a gold watch ficeiit Penman's Jcwelrj Stoic. Mrs (io'i. Kotlgeisof Lincoln is bote isiting witli her si-tor, Mis L. II Foil. Mi.s. W. II. lloby depaited lust week on a visit 10 fi lends in Nel-011 and Hardy. Duy p.mts at the Chicago Stoic Save 3 cm fioin $1 lo i'i on ceiy pail. Conic unil seo Fok Sam: A Fowler bicycle, Will model, in Inst cla-s condition For let in- see F. W Cow den Save j on a dollar on a hat, fifty cents on 11 good cup twenty-live cents on clieupei ones at the Chicago Stoic. See the new gooils at I'ujloi s iiefoio buying Chiistmin pie-ent-. Eerj thingatlO percent dbcoiint for cu-lt until Jan., 1-t. The oung ladies of I lie city will give an oyster supper in the loom in the Moon block on Sitiiulav evening for the benefit of the ucedj poor 1 nil Ill.ST -One of the be-t located btick stoic looms in ihccit) ',' l100, wlllt cellar For pniticiilm addte-s col 1 cspondciiee to P. O. Hon t.'tT. Tillies mi' bald but nil u ill waul to hiij some Clni-tni.i- pie-ent-. Tujloi fiei- bis eiiltte -took at 10 pel cent discount forcii-li until Jtiuiino Is'- Kearnej Woodwind, an employe of Dr. Moianville, bad the misfotttitie to got his baud caught in a com shellor and as a consequence lost one of his lingers and lias a cry mm o hand Try us foi an o 01 coat or .suit No profit chm geil. Simply waul to .sell out the stock The Mile is for pur-elin-ers benefit, not out.s, us far in juolit is concet mil. We ate only ask ing Cost of goods ClIKAliO Sioiik. Absolutely pure, peifectly haiiuless, and iuvmiabb tcliublo me the quail ties of One Minute Cough Cute. It never fails in colds, croup and lung trouble Children like it because it is nlca-nnt to lake mid it helps tlioin. C. li. uouitig. M (! .1 l'lllt I o,.nii-..,l l...u.i.l In- -.u. - v. ... .w avv. l..t IIJ Dll I..- telligence Mondny of the death of her ..!... ... a 1 :...n.. ... 1 11 1 lUlllCl .'11, l. Kllillll'J, (II Jillll 1-IUIIII, Katnns, and departed for that placo Wcduesilay evening. Mr. Liudley had beott attonilitig to tho duties of his drug storo as usual when he was stricken with paralysis. "Excuse 11111," observed the mail in spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and that Is not whet e the liver is." "Never you mind where his liver is," telotleil tho othei. "If it was in bis big toe or hi- left ear DeWitt's Little Eurli Iti-crs would leach it and shake it for him. On that ou can bet your gig-lanip-." C. L. Cutting. Wo call the attention of 0111 1 cider-, to the double column advetlisenieiil of J A. McCiitche in ic Co , commission met chants of Chicago The want poultry and the numerous ai tides raised oil the farm. If 3 11 have any thing to sell write them about it and please mention that you saw their ad vet li-ement in The Chief. "Promenado Concerts" aro becoming all the rage throughout the eastern slates aud tho S ef V. band will keep up thoir end of tho procession by in augurating their first of a series of promenade concet ts, at tho Opera House, Friday Afternoon and ovening. The Hoop will bo nicely waxed and the odd numbers of the program will con sist of two-steps, waltzes, polkas, etc., w hich can be danced if desired. Aside from this they presout a program of unusual excellence in tho way f over tut es, s lections, etc. Admission 25 cents If you desire to spend tho afternoon and evening pleasantly at tend thoso concurts. The boys who think they are just lilted for tho position of postmaster bote (although thopicseitt incumbent of the office has about eighteen months yet to servo) because thoy have attend ed ovetyhtato convention and caused dissension in tho lepublican tanks for years, hio jumping around in older to capiuio that early worm. Wo know of a man who hasn't Miid anything so fur as we can learn, who can get the plum when the time comes mid will be popular with the general public, ami the tight- of the general public .-hoiihi bo recognized The man with 11 pull is geneiallj a .shjster who bus few friends in his own community and whom eveiiono would lather have their teeth pulled out than do do busi ness with Let us have n postina-tei who will plea-e the people Scott s & Emulsion Is made up of the most essential elements that o to nourish the body. Where the appetite is varying or lacking, it in creases It, and where digestion is weak, it aids it to perform its function in a more vigorous way. It enriches the blood, makes healthy flesh and cures chronic coughs and colds by making h possible for the body to resist disease Our friends tell us "IT, "Works Wonders" but we never like to over-stats the merits of our remedy even when it has been tested and tried for over twenty-fiveyears. If you will ask for ft, we will send you a book telling you more about the subject than we can put in a few words. Go to yourdrujjRiit for Scott's Emul sion. Two dzu, 50 cts. and $1.00. SCOTT ft PO V I , Hw Ycrk P i M fym F XjMirml ( tfHMm rror. w. n. reefce. who muKOR n upocinity ut Kplletny, hiw without iloubt tt entcit nint cur nt tnoroine Uma any Itvttnt rh)lMnti; liU micerM M nitntilMitnc o tmrc hennl of cumis Of fla ritrV .MnitlrtLr mit cur ait by I 111 rCw llo of hl nlioliito euro, frco to nny nuiTctcrsi who may ncml their l'.n.nml lrris iulilrji. Wo iit visa iinv eno wWlilntr nturo InmMri-M froX.W. U. rE, F. V,. 4 Cedar St., Hew York IIKKK AND T1IKUK. T. ('. Il.iekei is in IliowtnilU (ion. II ulell is bach fiom Si. Joe John McCiillum was bete je-teulaT- iI.A. l'lilloxs loft fot the tioithlo day. (1. . How is agent foi the Ko stone coin -hi'ilcr. I'l ice kill gloves ami inittcin ut the (Jhiciign Mote A.C I I'll and wifoof Supeiim w.i heio the l.i-t of Ihe week Ficd (iiind of llhie II1I1 win htic -e eialdai- the lint of the week. Win 1! 1'yl.oi w.n in town M'ster day mid tiled his bond as.'omuiN-ioiici. Chin. White, who Inn been in Mile Hill fot some lime pa-t, was homo Huh week Miss Ilia Auaiiik of Snpeiioi wax visiting ft lends heio Ihe lust of the week. Buy neck souifs at theC'hicago.stoie. All Mt)les and iiialitie at half tho usual pi ice. Hon Uutidolph McNitl win looking after legal matteis in Maukalo, Khii Has, this week (Jtace Foit is prepaid! lo 111! ldersfoi line home made Clu Islinas candies tit all kinds. A. K. Hat 1 it. of Cat Held ban just com pleted building a lino now burn USx-lO aud fouilcou feel high. Alwnvu in Hoiidon. llonliiii'H Hteamod llomiii) (Hulled Com). Hlegant lunch 1 11 num. wuui t can 10 cents. Wo don't want to move llico goods and will take oh" 10 percent fot cash until dan , 1st. F. V.Ta 11.011 John ('line has luktn the icspousi. hility of night watch on his shoulders ,tnd will M;i. by it if ho goU the light siipp'it. Vr .should have a night watch The S of V baml have pi ociii ed t lit consent of the maiiagemeut of the opeia liiiti-o and will heiealtet gio (iiiie a ntiuiiperof enjoyalile itauces in that building. Wo call jour attention to tho u4cr ti'i'ini'iit of IliilliciV Uiiilstiom, plioto grapheis fiom McCook who have locateil their gallery one block west of the State batik. Soothing, and not irtitatiNg.ntrcnglh- fluing and not weakening, Hinall but elTective such are the Dualities of l'r Witt Little Karl Hisri.s, tho fumoiiH little pllln. C. 1. Uotting. A big line f miillleiH, hunilkeiebiefs, fdippers, gloves, .siiNpeuiUrH, neckwear, nhiits at Wlener'n to stay clothing husa Tho ne articles make rood Christinas picsuuta in thesa nurd times. A tiro ws discovered in a vacant building in tha Huth end of town last Friday morning but was extinguished baforo getting much headway. Tha lire in riiipposcd t have baen started by tramps sleeping in the building and building a lire on the floor to got waiin by. Now that tho agriaiiltural society lias hold its meatiag and cut down the ex ecutive board to lire it would bo in outer to put in the best men that can lie found. Theto iv ono jxy who has kept his grip as a member of this bnatd who should ha rapped on the knuckles until ho lots go Mr C M Dixon, a well known mer chant of Pleasant IUdge, Fulton, Co., l'n., has a littla girl who is frequently tliteateued with ctotip, but when the Hi si symptoms appear, his wife gives her Chamberlain's Cough Ueiuedy, which always ufintds pto nipt iolii-f The S.'j ami fit) cent sizes for sale by II K, (it ice, Druggist. (5. Youngboig. topresenting Tito Koehespeiger-Hallum Healing (., of KausuM uuy is note and is located in the latga store loom in the Monu block noith of Mi.rrs and is irmly to show hi- heating attachment to tha people and show that it is a fuel saver See his largo advertisement on the lirst jingo of this paper. lltullir it Jlottslram nf McCook, will alien 11 jihotoqrnph ytilcr the first of the wrck Thv qnllery will be located one block went of lite State hank. Their work will lie exceptionally fine and yon lo call atun larl'j itiiy and see for yourself. All picture made the week will be Jinished for A'imi Years. On Wednesday of this work County Clerk Port, Treiism up While and Judge Duffy pot together and named thieo new commibHiotieiR. The gentlemen unon whom the honors were conferred were John McCallum of Hladon, W. It. Rykorof Unhln Rook and Chas. Wiener nf tills city. These gentlemen nre old residents of tho county and good men who will look after tho interests of Webster county carefully and well. TllECillKr boliovoH that 11 morn ad mit able selection could not have been made, Save this for futuro roferenco: Tho Scientific Amoriciui gives this receipt which the whole world should know. At tho first indication of diphtheria in tho throat make the room close, then tako a tin cup and pour into it an equal quantity of tar and turpentine, then hold tho cup over tho fire so as to fill tho room with fumes. The patient on inhaloing tho amoke, will cough out the membraneous matter nnd dipth theria will pass off. The fumes of tho tar and turpentine- looson thothioat ind thus afTnrd tho relief that has bullied the skill of physicians OASTOniA. i'lkWgr Ilea, caal il a Tr Sin an TWO POPULAR STYLES the double breasted Kick and fly front sack suit. Wc have them in plain worsted, blue and black cheviots, dependable tweeds, stylish plaids ad Scotch effects. They fit perfectly and there's an H. S. & M. tone and style about them that the average tailor might CLOTHES BEARING THIS LABEL ARE WARRANTED. Gbristoias Gifts for JVlen and Boys. No doubt every ono will want to make somo ineubor of Uielr family happy on Chtistmas day. What can you buy that is mote useful than Mich goodu wo offer. Men's and Hoys' Suits and Overcoats, Shirts, Underwear, Mufllers, Neckware, Gloves and Mitten, Caps, I landkerehiefs, Shoes, Slippers, Suspenders, Socks, Hats, ltc. Wo me milking Special Low IMees mi our goods, and solicit ioitr iuspec tiuu bi'foto you buy. Kemembei we aio heio to slay and will inako good any urlielo that proves unsatisfactory if lecoininendeil bj us WIENER. The Clothier. fwfnrarn fliniffrlffirVmfiwrnr Coupons Free To Our Jltoef Bf os. Blanket and Commencing December Qith and continu ing up to and including December 26th. Blankets at 35e, 40e A Strictly All Wool Blanket at $2,75, WORTH, 53.60. A Special Discount of 20 per cent on our entire line of Ladies Misses and Children's Cloaks. Remember our line sists of Silverware, Jewelry, Irons, Washing Machines, Clothes Bars and many useful household articles. i-MINER ss! Jibw.J'i'A'.'9Wwt ffmww.mvs r" ir5r Irf imitate with prolit. Full Lines in all Gloak BBJFnBalBtfmlw'alJaajB KWfU'TlPaalH P v s?W?239aP3E?alH GliEARlflG SAItE I and 60e, Worth 50e, 60e and 75e. of coupon prizes con BROS. T