The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 18, 1896, Image 1

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41- HOIaZ - TO - SHE - 7VTON EY
a IPS3
i Description of the GirtunneF Attachment
For burning Stritw, Hav, Corn, Cnbs, Corn Stalks, Etc.
"M l AI
HjW it operates.
First. It is ;i sck-n'i ir fact iliut sevoniy-fivo percent of the fuel bunted in
. earl ml ot thi--, loss is averted by feeding the fuel
..e. charinjjj the iiur and consuming the smoke, there-
the ordinary way i, l'j
from an air-tiyht mrr
by making complete co.
Skcond. 13 v i he v.
room first, making an evi
m douii diMT, ii hea s the lower portion of the
' t-'ir'V.Mture throii'iujut, and at the same timeavoid-
ing the necessity c!" :.-...k. . r such intense lires in cold weather.
Third. 13y giving dou. !e tin heating surface.
Fourth. My a skilled ar-.ingcment of il rafts, the fire is at all times under
perfect control, ani! c:t ' c I.vj.t for many hours with one filling.
Fifth. Ten pounds of straw, weeds or trash, or twenty pounds of cobs, will
burn from three to six hours, with sufficient heat for cooking, or for heating the
It can be readily seen that the farmer saves his entire fuel bill by the use of
the Girtanner Attachment; and the towns-people save from forty to sixty per
cent, thus keeping the money at home.
Further than this, it makes a new home industry, instead of sending millions
of money to the coal combines, the heretofore waste products of the farm are
utilized to supply the need.
The Girtanner Goal Attachment
For Stoves, Furnace and Boilers.
he attach
is also up-
The principles involved in this attachment are very simple. T
ment makes the furl self-feci I itm and is air-tiirht. The down draft
plied, and it burns the smoke and gases before they leave the lire-box.
Seventy-lfc per cento: thestrengh of the fuel ordinarily escapes in the
smoke. By this method of burning, the tars, pitches and carbons which are con
tained in the smoke are utilized. It also avoids the gas, smoke and soot which
is created by the ordinary method of burninb coal.
It gives a larger heating surface and avoids the necessity of making in
tense fires to get the desired temperature.
Physicians recommend the Girtanner Attachments for the general health of
the home.
They can be used with any old stove thus avoiding the necessity of buying a
new one.
Saves 40 per cent on your coal bill.
Consumes the smoke and gases.
The down draft and the scientific principles of utilizing the smoke, gases,
'tar, etc., as fuel.
Now to the point. The Girtanner Attachment consumes its own smoke, fire grass and combustion by burning them and
Klh nn4-ir, vM-w l-.-4- !--- y-r V-k viwftlnnnl Vv-rr ontr -kh c w nXmA l4-l-Y n1 powqup piwiv1w r - -i V r Vkn ...14.1. . A. J m
SijTVj UlccttlXXg iU.KJi.KS neat uiiOii iCbii. uc puuuuou uy cxxy vlixcjx mouuuu. vwioi iuoi ocavoio oniipxy ciiicdu uxxo XXOttL. WltxlUUL IJrOUUCing J:"
c2 any, while the Girtanner attachment produces double heat out of the same amount of fuel, and uses much cheaper fuel, such as jKI'
s Iy, Straw, Corn Cobs, Stalks. Manure, Sawdust, Weeds, Garbage, Etc., instead oi coal or wood. p$
Koehefspefgef-Hallam Heating Go,,
On Exhibitino in the room north of Mizer's Grocery Store.
G. YOUNGBERG, Traveling Agent.
Kansas City, Missouri.
General Offices, 217 Wyandott St.
Many of the disorders peculiar to
women are caused by diseased'eon
ditions of the Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels. Restore these organs to a
healthy state by using
Dr. J. H. McLEMi'S
It will assist the female organs to perform their regular
functions, and the sufferer will be strengthened and cured
For tale vTsrywhfro. I'rice, Si.oo per bottlt
Overgaiters, Leggins,
In Broadcloth, Melton and Jersey Cloth,
Everybody Should Wear Them.
I "An cmiiirnt physician says (he nerves mid veins jmsniny into (he feet
(ire J'otce.d to (he, surface by the large joints of the itnkle and (he, exposure
causes (lie, greater part of the colds and lung (roubles in winter that lend to
('alarrh, Asthma, ilronehitis, Ktc."
Felt : Siiohs, : Fklt : Slipi-kks : and : Lamhh : Wool :Soli-:s
roit iiomi: ksii smitkiis.
The fit-
Whilu most rupithliuuitj uiu pleiisuil
to know Unit thi! work upon Uio turilT
bill whidi it is liupuil to pus.s ut tlio
uxtnt session of coiigrebrt litis nutimlly
bi'ftn coiiiiiiL'iici'il hy tliu iiuijority of
thti praflunt ways uutl menus cum
inittuu, llioy iuo not nil sniij-niiio tliul
tliu hill cud bo piis.Mul by tliu next con
Riosa us otaily sis sonio iiii:tinu or as
quickly. It took tlio liflintti coiiKross,
which was iluiiiotsratiuiii both IuhiicIk'h
from Due, 5, 1887 to Jan 'J!i, 188!), to
puss tho klills turilT bill iiiul tlicu it
was iiinoniliMl to such mi uxtunt by tho
.solium Hint It ilictl in conference. In
tho Hftj-lii'Ht congress, which win ro
miblicai), work was boiUu on tho Mu
Kinhiy bill us (on as tlu houso com
inittces wuro iiainotl, ami iy npplica.
tion of the new Ueeil iule tho
bill was pastil on May '.M by
the hou.'o, but dul not et through tho
scnatu until Soptember 11th, ami,
owini; l" coiiferenco on snnato amend
mollis anil other ilolays, iliil not reach
l'i'osiilont HiirriHoii until Oct., 1, tho
dale upon which it was signed Tho
present tariil law iliil not nt through
congress in even as short a period, unit
hml thoro not boon more or loss trick
cry nbont tho way It wiih worked by
some senators, it might not havo got
ion through at all. Tho fifty-third
congress, it will bo remem bored, mot
in oxtra session Aug., 7, 189.'!. Al
though tho extra session was called
solely to puss tho lull for the ropoul of
tlio ShcriNnu silver law, the house com
mittee on ways and means wont right
to work on the Wilson tariil' bill, but
that mimsuro did not bueomo a law nil
ill Aug , ySth, 1801 It is because they
remember the time inquired to pass-
tiie.-e reeein lariu uiiH wiicn the parly
in powei had a good working majority
that old tiiiioi. sure Miyinguotiilngwhoii
th: legislative beginners urn talking
about pussing a turilT bill in sixty days
after the extra csslon meets.
The iiuijority of the snriuto seoins do.
lermined to live up to tin; roeord of
buiug the most ilelihei'ito soino peo
ple sa.T lury, body in tlio world Al
though the Chrixtmas holidays will
tuUi-up ton dm or moro of the time
Dr. Price's Cream Unking Powder
of the short session, ami tho senate,
calendar is well tilled with houso bills
passed ut thv lust session, .sumo of
ihcin measures of linpoitauce, tho sou
uto only hold four short sessions dur
ing the lirst wool; of congress. Tliu
house did much belter. It was
live days and it did u lot of bust
lions, including tho pussing of tho pen
sion appropriation bill, some postal
bills mid h bill prohibiting the sale of
intoxicating liquor in tho oapitol
lU'presoiitntivo lloutiier, of La., who
will not bo u member of tho next con
gress, hart introduced a bill to iucrtttsn
tlio speaker's salary from 8,(K)0to 10,
000 a your and of senators unit ropro
biintntivps from !i,000 to 97,500. Wblln
u majority in congress would prabnbiy
liku to sea this bill become a law, there
is no likelihood that u majority will
vote for it, because they know tliu pre
vailing idea is that tho salaries paid
arc ulroudy equal to, if not in excest of
tho value of tho services rendered.
Koprosentutivo Hay, of Now York,
believes that tho sensational publica
tion of tlio details of Mileidos results in
increasing suicide, and has introduced
u bill making any publication, not do
votod to medical science, which pub
lishes tlio picture of tho suicide, or any
details, excepting name, date ami
place of death, unniailable.
Senator Teller braced up suroral of
the silver .sonutor.H notably l)u Hois, of
Idalm, and Squier of WusliiiiBton, who
havo been getting u little shaky nbont
theirro-tleetloi), owing to combinations
against ihoiii by announcing as soon
us lie'arrived in Washington that tho
lirst duty of legislatures eontrolM bv
.silver men was to re-elect Miuatois who
j had stood by their convictions in favor
'of silver to tho extent f louring their
i party. It is thought in Washington
I that will have grout weight, us Sonutoi
I Telle i is regui ded us one of tho most
I iulluouliu! among tho silver leaders.
Sfliintoi Toller declines toexpro.-s any
opinion or puiiilcutlon as to what the
programme of tlio silver man in con
gro will ho, and he escaped a direct
question tis to what attitude he wu.d
himself assume toward the republican
tariil' bill by siting: "I huvou'i been
re-olccttd to tho senate timl my pies-
ent term expires M-irch ilril." This
itsu't. half had, although Mr. Toller
knows, as does everybody uNu, that
his re-oloetion to tho senate by pruu
tically tho unanimous vote of tho Colo
rado legislature is us certain us tho
mooting of that, body a few weeks
The callous committee appointed by
Sriiatur Sliermau to deviipu hill in tho
interest of international bimetallism, is
n aile up of silver men Wolcott, Hour,
( nundler, (lour ami CJurter, ,yS
UiiKUMATis.M Is a KoK wliich gives
no (iiurtor. It tormoiit.s its victiuiR
lav und night. Il.iod'.s Sarsaparillu
purities tho blood ami cure.-, the aches
and pains ol ijieiimatism,
Hood'.h I'ii.i.s are tho best family
catliartic and liver medicine. Oentle,
icliable, hiiio
While coin iratheriiiL' is tho order of
the day ami some have made quite a
success of gathering; tho Holds have
.been fearful muddy since tho big rain.
I Mr. Cooper of Mammoth Springs,
! Arkansas, wlioowneil thellolveni farm
1 where Mr. (iuthrio lives, hns gone
homo. He started from Lebanon last
! Friday. The young man trailed tho
lariu tor lied cioiiil property, thou
traded that for Arkansas property.
We regret he traded out.
I'rof Lence, the popular teacher of
Downo.s, has vacation and was visiting
Ills friend V. II Serivuer lust week.
Mr. Supp und family of near Corn
was visiting at his wife's futlieiH lust
C Hanoi t ami wife visited ut her
fatbits last week.
Win. UosouoraiiH lost a lino horse ii,
Lebanon lut week.
Klder Maker of Coneonliu und Uio
pastor of tho Ml. Hone M. K. Class
I held a quarterly mootiiiir last Sunday
ami Monday that was well attended by
the neighborhood ami many nuinbeis
fioui other classes.
Mr. O. Steven.-.' little boy Otto is
about well.
We think that some of the demo
popoeratio bays of those parts who al
ready hud: lather wooly and laugh-
inglv saving thai they will not shuvo
j until liryuii is elected will look comical
mi- no never win un.
Who can bout it? Tom KyunofWal.
nut crock sold in Hiinirr .f In-iuilc,
"I'vonly-llvit head of hogs al ty 'JO
They weighed from 1100 up to 000 ami
llfl.v-livo of them averaged jjoii,
Old Uncle Win. Vandyke went with
Mr. Co'iper to Lebanon and put him
for home on the Hock Island road.
Physicians Recommend
"Sprincfikld. O., May 14. 1894.
M. M. Fknnkr, M. D., Fredonin, N. Y.
Dear Sir: As you can well imagine, the
worry and arduous duties of a hotel man
ager during busy season of the World's
I'air were sufficient to breakdown a man
of more natural strength than myself.
Towards the close of the Fair season
I Touud mysell languid, dull, bilious
and nervous, not taking the interest of
a healthy man in my business.
Our house physician recommended
your Blood and Liver Remedy nnd Nerve
Tonic as the best remedy his life-long
experience in practice had discovered,
for my restoration and it accomplished
the work completely. To-day I am a
well man thanks to your great remedy."
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