The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. FRIDAY. 1M, 25. 18ffl.
Absolutely Pure.
ttPlltli ! Ir i it ,i x . i Hi In 'I i r
ill 111 linwti i i 'i iimi, ' l .;
'tOi I III ' I If i I'
llllt M l IMN ' i HI II 1 I nrl
(MTV XKU'.s.
(' V Kaley tvii in Lincoln thi
I5euutiful imvoltips fur Chris turns tit
Iluy ti unk-t ami viilliw nl.lo put' cent
lit I hf Chicago Stoic
ClifN. Fabler va In the city tlielir.-t
of till! week on lillMIIi".
The photo nailery on north Webster
itieet eeiiseil opeiation! mill left the
For si new et of hand mailn wol k
harness ul ten per cut ahote netiial
eost see'ey McMillan.
(Jeo. V. PeiiMJ ot the (JhieiiRo Cloth
ing Storn, teturneil Thuilny from a
nip to Tt union. thW slate.
TllK ClllKK otllee U now located in
the Millur-Cotting block. H yon want
Kilu hills look iw tip iiml get our
Kyd Clutter ictnriietl the lust of the
week from a year or so stay in Mon
tana. He ii inneh pleaieil with thai
A. H. Noble, :i lelalive of ur towns
man O.M. Able, win here from Ham
burg, Iowa, this week. He is in Un
real estate business at that place.
Uenie uber the Chicago Clothing Co.
are -ell g everything nt s'"1 "l',,,w
cost to cl --e out their butnes. They
want to close mil every dollar by .Jan
uary 1st if possible
When in town go up to the Chicago
Stme, Moon Block, and take advan
tage of their slaughter tle. Keniem
her they are not trying to make money
but to dine, out in order to iuit limi
ne, i.
The pleasant weather of the past few
day- has been a good thing for farmer
who have corn to husk and it majority
have uxed it to good advantage, some
howevei, will be husking coin until
plowing se.ison in thu spring.
The old ludy was right when she
said, the child might die if they waited
for the doctor. Sho saved the little
one's life with a few doses of Ono
Minute Cough Cure. Sho had used it
for croup before. C. L. Cottlng.
Dr. James NV. Dowlus, a noted lec
turer, will deliver his lecture entitled,
"The Greeny in College," December
10th, at 8 p.m. in the Methodist church.
It will bo given under the auspices of
the Junior League.
The old way of delivering messages
by post-boys compared with tho modern
telephone, illustrates the tedious meth
ods of "breaking" colds compared with
their almost Instantaneous euro by
Onu Minute Cough Cure C. L Cot
ting. hist of letters remaining uncalled for
at the pnstnllleo at Hod Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending December
11th, 18JI0.
ll.ii tow, C A Dean, Archie
HcMligton, S. Jenkin, V. I).
Smith, Maggie (Jilbeil, Maggie
Xilck, John
l'hi -e letters will be sent to the dead
letter olllee, Dee ,'2M, if not called for
befoie Kiiank W. CoWDKN. I' M
Do you want reliable, well made
clothing? Do you want to deal at a
house that has been in yoiircoinmiinity
for fourteen years and will remain?
Do you like to deal with a house that
has no kakk sales? Do you know that
when you buy goods of us and thoy do
not give satisfaction that wo will bo
hero to make- up the loss to yourself?
If these conditions plenso you, wo are
the people for you to call on. Wiener,
the oldest established clothing house
in, the Republican valley.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Pre.
fiom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
40 Years the Standard,
Christina piesent at Cottlng
liny join mackintoshes at the Chi
eago Store.
LI' Ilndley iiitiuiird from Missouri
Monday evening,
Penman's guessing contest opens
December ii, nuil elosrs Janiiaiy -
Fine cabinet le photo ! 00 per
dncii at the Moon block gallery
(Jet jour pieiuic taken at the Moon
block gullet y, cabinet only $ 1.00 per
When you want a nice iiiooi hae
i hair ul, gite (ieir I'Vulit. a c.ill.
One door south of the Hon Itakery.
In older to save money I will ell my
entlie stock at 10 per cent discount for
cash until Jan , 1st. K V Tmnit.
Win Kuelin was in lat week and ad
winced Hie subscription uf Hiram
Spiy, Hloniii City, Wisconsin, a tlollni
C. '.. Cottlng, noli' agent, tt ill refund
jour money If not satlslled after using
one bottle of Dr l'eniii't's f,unoii
Smith Caldwell, stale senator-elect
from Nuckolls county, was in the city
I'licday shaking hand with his ac
quaintances. Trunks being the slow est sale of any
thing in stock we oiler twenty uf them
at lifty cent on the dollar to close.
CllK'Aiio Sioitt:
y. W. (ilascock the evangelist com
menced a series of meeting at the
Christian chinch Thtttsday night which
will continue until Sunday night
A man who keeps putting oil ndver
Using until he is prospeious is like aa
dog trying to catch his own tail. There
is plenty of motion but no piogres.
C. II. Hoppe was in Saturday and
knowing that it taken money toiuu u
newspaper left us $'2.fi0. This is the
kind of advance ChritUnas gift that
makes us feel glad.
The Chicago Stom is selling more
clothing than was tvsr sold before.
Cost prices ar catering the people.
Rubber lined duck toils are just us
cheap as other coats willi tfiem.
The ice nif reliRiits f this city have
already commenced to watch the
thickness of the ice and not take any
more chance on a famine such as was
epeiienced dining the past oummer
If there is a tellable man among our
leader who can ell Minnesota grown
trees, he can scenic steady employ
ment ami good wages by writing the
Jewell Nuieiy Co, Lake City, Minn
Ladies, how can jou make your bus
baud, father, brother, sweetheaits
or f i ieiuls happier than by buying for
them a useful holiday present at Wie
ner's old and reliable clothing house.
The sidewalk around the Stern
building on the corner of Fourth
Avunuo and Webster strict was re
paired this week. And there aro others
which like improvements would not
Tho length of life may bo increased
by lessening its dangers. Tho majority
of pcoplo die from lung troubles.
Those may bo averted by promptly
using Ono Minute Cough Cure. C. L.
We wish our correspondents would
be a little more regular in sending in
the news from their various localities.
These mav seem very iiifcigiiilieant to
some but they are a very essential part
of a county paper
F. V. Taylor will in the near future
remove his stock of furniture into the
store room in the Moon block occupied
by Mr. MeHride Turnure Hros. will
move their grocery store in the room
vacated by Mr Taylor
Scaly eriiplionsoiithe head, chapped
hands and lips, cuts, bruises, scald",
hum are quickly nued by MeWitt'
Witch Hazel Salve It is at pieent
the article most used for piles, audit
altveys cures tlnni C. L Cutting.
Mr. lioiUtiom, the photographer
wlio has been at this place for the pat
month taking pictures, left last Mon
day for Red Cloud where ho will open
up a new gallery. The Keho can
honestly recommend the firm of Haillio
& Rndstrom as being lirst-elass artUts.
Hlooinington Eehu.
Guess and Get a Gold
Watch Free.
Thos. I'eiinian, The Jeweler, will on
January 2d, ISO?, piesent a handsome
hub's or gent's gold lillcd watch, a belt
with sterling silver buckle, and a pair
of sterling silver mounted side combs
to the poison guessing nearest the
number ot hour, minute and seconds
It will take the above watch to rup
down after being fully wound up.
The above goods will be given away in
tin) order named, first, second and
third, nearest guesses.
Kvory cash purchaso of $1.00 will en
tiUo tho buyer to one guess, Hlnnk
guesi cards will bo furnished with pur.
chases. Contest opons December ISth
and closes January 2d, 1807, at 0 p. m.
For further particulars call at my
store and soe the goods, also tho many
beautiful things suitahlo for Christmas
presents. You will Iiml something
suitable among my goods after all oth
er efloits hate been exhausted.
I nos I'knman, Jeweler.
Doll are cheaper than oei at Cot
Mr. Laild of Inatale tvaliercSitur
I'ndciwear at cot at the Chicago
A. II Kaley was in Ilnthig the last
ot the ttci'l.
Duck lined coat at cot at the Chi
cago Store
R T. Potter I home again after a
ttip to Kansas City
dues ami gel a gold watch fiecat
l' iiiii.tii Ji u eh j bloie,
Mr A Cuininiiig ha been on the
sick 111 foi the pat week
M. Finch of the State bank is on the
sick list with a ease of quinsy
Jo. Kuliicl. of McCook was lien
tisiting with hi family the htt of the
The Sun of WtfinuV band Is now
nicely Itieutcd in the mom back of the
01111:1- olllee.
J L Downing ni Si ,)(u., .Mi..i,iiil,
an old friend of , Nihil Clans was heie
the l'ut of the week
Come and i e the iniiitreN. l'oi.
litely the bet entertainment given in
Red Cloud for jeai
Het line bojs and children's oter.
coats lu tlie city al Chicago Stoic and
arc being solil at cost.
Uncle Lei Mooic wa a pleaant cal
ler on Tuedav imtriiiiii? a. d cutu us
dollar on subscription.
Fin: Saj.i: A Fowler bicycle, 1800
model, in lut class condition. For
terms see F. W. Cowden.
Cha. Hei sends the uaner for an.
other year to hi father at Vienna,
.Maine, and gate us cash.
OK. W. Cooper while in town Satur
day gave us a dollar on subscription
for which we extend thanks.
Mrs. Chns Hesse left Monday for
Scdalia, Missouri, where she will visit
with her daughter, Mrs. James Kidil,
See the new goods at Taylor's before
buying Christmas presents. Every
thing at It per cent discount for cash
until Jan., 1st.
C. A McCloud is bete this week ex
amining the books of the county tresis.
urer. As usual he will Hud that they
ate in ship-shape older.
If you visit tlie store you will notice
that Christmas i coming. You could
not tell it by an over-abiinilnnce of ad
vertising in the local papeis.
Time aie hind but you will want to
buy some. Christmas presents. Tarloi
olTers his entire stock at 1(1 percent
discount for cask until January 1st.
Will save you Sl'.OO on a good pant,
$1.00 on cheaper ones; Wets on oreralls
lTie to r0c per garment on underwear;
?r..00 on a suit or overcoat; one to live
dollars on children's and boys' suits.
Chicago Stohk.
Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless,
and invariably reliable are the quali
ties of One Minute Cough Cure. It
never fails in colds, croup and lung
trouble. Children like it becausu it is
pleasant to take and it helps them. C.
L. Cotting.
Tho Nation and the Hiverton Review
are still "chewing tho rag" and from
last account the Nation seems to have
hold of the tail end. The arguments
on both sides would nniKe good timber
for several libel suits pointing penitcn.
Sylvanus McCinnis, a boy of nine or
ten yeais old, who is not overly bright
wa.Mirictcl the lust of the week on a
charge of obtaining goods from J. 0
Lindley on a forged older and foi
swiping goods from U.K. dice He
sent to tlnTicfoTin school! -"Excuse
me," observed the man in
spectneU.s, "but 1 am a surgeon, and
that is not wheiethi! liveris " "Nnvi.r
jou mind where his liver is," retorted
thoothci. "If it was In his hiir i.
hi left rar DeWitt's Little Early Rlseis
would leach it and shake it for him
On that you can bet your gig-lamp."'
C. L. Coning
The county clerk, judge mid turns
urer have concluded not to name tlm
three commissioners until the old
board nicots and settles up thuir busi
ness for the year and adjourn. Thu
new board will be appointed In time io
conveiui on the Tiicsiluy jn j,UMI
ary, that being tho regular meeiing.
the otllcers having tho iiniiiiiiirof tlm
llnee eomuussioiicis wish to make tlm
chaiii'C In llio-lii!lit manner nml !.. ,.,..
deuin it expedient to hiurv iii,im,m.i
Accouling tooui way of thinl.iiiL' tlm
boys aie doing the thing up right
Alex ltiinlley who foi the nasi tun
or thicn year has been a clerk in tin
olllee of the ntat superintendent was
hero the first of the week visiting with
oldfiieiids and on his return carried
home with him a petition which was
generally signed by populists mid
dimocrni8 asking that hu be retained
in his old position by thu Incoming
stato luperintendont. Alex is an oner
getic young man anil was named for
the position in tho time of Superinten
dent Goudy without regurd to politics,
but for his porsonal worth, ability mid
honesty. The Ciiikk along with his
large circle of friends hero will bo glad
to hear of him being retained in his old
To the Lditor: I luva an absolute
remedy for Consumption. Hy its timely uw
thousands of hopol:. c.ises li.tve Ivcn .tlrculy
permanently cured. So proof-YsltiVt! am I
of its power tint I consider It my duty to
und ttco Icttlci frtt to those of your rtid:rs
who have Coiisiimptioii.Tliroat, Hronchltl or
Lime Trouble, if they will wiite me their
express and postotlice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SL0CUM, M. C, 181 rtarl St., New York.
t" llm lMltotltl nml Itmlnrn MiiimuiHioiit uf
thli l'Ri'cr lluanuiU'o till, n'lu'tiHU l'rowiii(luu
Hal ami cap at ut at tin Clin ago
Mollis SH'I'Il Mil ill llilslillgs the
lllst of the Wewk
Andictv Hi-rgnnd wife of 1 1 :t -t nir
weie heie this Week.
SlieiilT Iluiiehey look joiing Me
(liiun lo the leform vrliunl iiu umi n
The tlri at Nmi hern .liniiel al the
opera house, FridllJ liiglll, Decellibi r
M.Slein ol t1lileagn ha been here
tin week looking alter piopetly in
teret Mi Nellie (i. Talbot ha puicliacd
the Mi. Haiti Jnekou ieh!cnce on
Sewind lreet for SH
Ceo. Slewait leluineil Satuulay
night fiom a viit with hi mother at
tlie old home in Illinois
What (inner Cleveland said in 17,
(100 wind will be found occupying an
olliei page of litis ism
Mr. Chapman, mother of Mr.
Jinnr McNenj fiom Lincoln arrived
Satuulay evening on a visit.
AlwajH in eeitfion, Hopkin'H Stt-ainml
Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elegant lunch
In milk, (jiiurt can 10 eenls.
A novelty open air conceit is booked
for 12 o'clock Satuulay, weather per
mitting, by the S. of V band.
We don't want to move thesv good
and will take off 10 percent foi cash
until Jan , 1st. F. V.Tavi.ok
"Haby, you're a good thing," and if
you miss tlm uiiiistuil show next FiU
day night you will regret it. Seats on
sale at (Slice's.
Theatie goers are assured of two
hotiisof miith and meriiiueut at the
minstrel show- next Friday night. All
the latest song and witty Layings.
An i veiling rabbit chase was in
dulged in by several of our Ueal
sportsmen Wednesday afternoon. Ten
of the bunnies weie captured by tlie
Those in .surrounding towns who
wish to attend the minstrel show Fri
day night of next week can send word
to H. K. dice ami have their scuts it
served. Miss Nora Stroud, a teacher in the
McCook schools stopped oir here Sun
day and visited with the family of S.
W. Foo while on her way homo from
Aikansas City, Kansas.
William Wolfe of Lincoln is now
employed by J F. (Jnnsehow as clerk
and in charge of the repairing depart
ment. He is an expel ienced, lirst class
workman McCook Tribune.
A big line of mulllers, handkerchief,
slippeu, gloves, .siispnnilcis, neckwear,
shiits at Wiener's to stay clothing
house. These aiticle. make good
Chiitmas picenis in these haul
J. II. Erioti of Omaha, was liwte
Tuesday as a lepresentative of the Ne
braska Club, an orgaiii..ition stinted
for the purpose of liirtliering the ad
aiiccmcul of the stale Tlm fact that
Nebiaska is to have the Tranw-Missis-sippi
and International Exposition at
Omaha tiom June lo Now-mhci of
1V.IS, should make evelj one lake a
litilj lull I est iii the work of mltii ,
illg being done by this club Mi limn
will be hem agiiu at omc fuiiiie d lie
lo look after the oigalil.alirin ol u mi il
l lllll.
Little Men
and Women
We call them little men and
little women, but they are
neither. They have ideas and
ways all their own. Fortu
nately they soon become fond
of cod-liver oil, when it is
given to them in the form of
is the most valuable remedy in
existence for all the wasting
diseases of early life. The
poorly nourished, scrofulous
child; the thin, weak, fretting
child; the young child who
does not grow j Ail take Scott's
Emulsion without force or
bribe It seems as if they knew
that this meant nourishment
and growth for bones, muscles
and nerves.
Book tifflng mon about ft, (rtc
It wont py to try & tubtltute for
Scotfi Emulsion with the children.
Thiy will rdlih th real thing.
For tak tX 50s. and $1.00, by all
Wo. 8.
WW? (IW $m
Record of H, S. & M. Clothing
is fjuch as to recommend it above
all others to every man who
appreciates excellence without.
high price
This Labtl on a Gormont In
urcs Porfoot Fit fl
nd Satisfaction ww
It stands for tho best that
Money Can Buy or Skill
Christmas Gifts for JVIen and Boys.
No doubt every ono will tvatit to make somo number of Hiclr
family happy on Chiistmat ilay. What eau you buy that Is
more useful than Mich gooils wti oiler.
Men's and Moys' Suits and Overcoats,
Shirts, Underwear, Mulllers,
Neckware, Gloves and Mitten, Caps,
Handkerchiefs, Shoes, Slippers,
Suspenders, Socks, Hats, Itc.
We aie making Special l.otv l'llee-i on our good-, ami -illicit your impec
tiou befoie you buy. Kcmciuhcr tvi1 are iieio to lay ami will make gnoil
any article that piotc- iinsa'i-factory if lecommeiiileil by us
WIENER. The Clothier.
iHatetan aateaaimtaiiiiiias
lUinef Bros.
Blanket and
Commencing December 14th and continu-
1 ing up to and Including December Qist.
1 Blankets at 35e, 40e
A Strictly All Wool Blanket at $2,75,
WORTH, $3.50.
A Special Discount of 20 per cent
on our entire line of Ladies
Misses and Children's Cloaks.
Bemember our line
sists of Silverware, Jewelry, Irons,
Wasoing Machines, Clothes Bars and
many useful household articles.
S stfVSSe9W
and 60e,
Worth 50e, 60e and 75e.
of coupon prizes con