The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1896, Image 1

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J Wm
iffyr"' r " '-x? g. '".--"- M s SMBP KSfe 2iw- o?-ffr v j- k eJHSJ!W Vfa 1-':.. ... ;""pi
SVi . n. 4 s 1 11) i( f 1.. A '
EPaines Gelerv bompoaod Was the Omy One
SB ' ,
That Su
i(v.H(;(;f rv
i . ' . - ..-: v...Y,) . ..
I VN - f .KTi VjT;,
;." . -y'
'.-;v rv . , ir -'
P.iin. -
evsulllial illll'-lell
eeleiV lll.llll
e li-iweeii
ami tin be
wildeiinn mmi'.fi of s.uv.ipaiiihi ami
net vine- that it -ueee-ha- brouu'hi
into eMstel...- is lliH I'.UIM-'- l"i
eonipound tmni-l.t-s just tlie ap.n.i
piiute niitnineiil to the elu.uled
nerves, and se.urelyhnildsii.jilie ss-
tern anaiiiM iIi-i'iim-, winiu me uu
M'lenUHf ri'im'il' M.nfiiu and ad.l to
the doninnfmcnt "f !'' "'
uiiu'M eulfi-y fiiiiiiiiiuiiil not;only r
Upvi'h, but JiTi'ftively nml peitnnimnily
The mot iieniuincni "'! illm-Ujuio
for debility, nervnui wi.kiH.r, la...
Rtior, nml h "n.n-lown" condition. Is
Ui strong r..liabll'aineVsro, ry t-oiii-iNiuiiil.
Tho iMspinw. irntatiiiK HT.-et
of a badly iimirUhl iifivoiiH .syMt'in
uponaUtlicoiKaiisoftlu- limly i-biim
wlinti till iiH-ilifiw' is "','''-PftlitB'-
i-flfi-y .niiiM.iiiiU 1 '
ailviincix! brain ami nenem. .-..,
and iTStnifr known to in..diealM'im!H.
The thud, worn-oiii siilTeiur who is
not xdviiiieinc towaro neann. is ......
' lad. Theie is no standstill in iwi
i health. One- can eiidnin u liu:uuciio 01
,11 Iwekache once; one ran nmuie
twice, but the repeated ttlfK neat.aene
and tin. eon.staut pain in ilm liiu-U and
111 tin) region of the hem t must bn '
rid of For the permanent and posi
tivoeiire of these unhealthy Mates of
..1... 1.... 1.. .....tliu.i bv MMieaieii a"
Hie """J " ' " , . 1
iSaok" o rheumatism, neiiiiuKi". - r i
!Jiwlli.fc, or Ktillll'V Iiouoie. uii-i.- .i
Comfort to Cnlifornia.
Every ThurMlay afternoon a tourist
sleeping car for Salt i.aho uij,.""
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves
Onialia and Lincoln via the Hurliugton
Route. Ills carpeted; upholstereii m
rattan; has spring seats ami hacks and
is provided with curtains, bedding,
towels, soap, etc. An expel ieuced ex
cursion conductor and iinifoimcil l'ull
man Hotter accompany it .through to
.i..., .-mist Wlii In ne t her as ex
HIV M,... - "', , , ...
I '""". ,'.,".. .i ' ' ... .: I....L .!
Veiy Ulllslieii uur uo iiiiu i" ..."....-
as a palace steeper, u is just u. kw"" -
Meeoiid class tickets aie
kouoted ami the price of a fourth, wide
enough and big enough for two, is only
:,. For u folder fclvliiR full imrtlcii
tars, call at the uearesl It. A: M. K. K.
'i,..u.t.ofllce. Or. write to ,) rrnneis
t r.i - -. ,s-.s .. 'i yf ni
ft i:niii,nil Passeniret- Agent, liiirihiLMou
'. Kdute. Omaha, Neb.
' jyi
IT-f - . , . Hi j
- "Ne '?
no) lU 1 i lie eoliipai'eil fur a IllollU'lIt
Iwi'li the ieit dseiierv "f l'l'"f.
Kdw-iMI K. l'helps, M ) ,. . ), ,,t
D.iilmmitli luedieal sellout I'aiue's
eeli i compound
It V'11 aieout of healtli or despon
dent because ot repeated trials of other
iciueilies, isiuc a tre.sli start. The
bracing weatlier is in your fawn1.
Here is thy expel if nuc like that of
hundreds of others of Mrs, Lydia M.
Ilayduii, of Marion, lud :
"Heforo commeueiiiK the use of
raine's celery compound I was treated
by many doctor., tind tried many
ii-UK'diex, but did not Ret any butter.
I seemed to be all broken down. I was
tired all the time, and my coiiHtitution
seemed to be Riving out. 1 weighed
only 115 pounds last fall when I com
menced using Paine' celery compound.
In less than two months 1 weighed
l',M pounds, an unusual weight for me.
I have had belter health ever since,
ami have felt better this summer than
have .foe years.
"My little daughter was away from
home on a visit, and came home, look
ing as if she had had a hard sipkuens.
I wont right awaj and got her a bottle
of I'aiue's celery compound, and she
has had better health since than Mie
ever had in her life, eats lieaity and is
giowiug fai "
Tlieie is no woman, who, Injustice to
i... .i r..:i ...... i ,. u .:. ...'..,. I... ,.
iicisimi. uiiii inn ir t inu i .uu. i ... ..
1 '"" ..... .
fompouui i. in ersiinilarciiouuistanccs.
Win. Holmes dined with .1
hart Sunday
Frank Stulelik and wife were guests
of Mr. Sildo the Hist of the week.
()!u Nelson and family have been
visiting with Mr .Jorgemon.
Otto (Jensen was transacting busi
ness at Upland last week.
F.verct Menu and family were visiting
at ,1. 11. Wisccarver's Sunday.
June I'ouNou who went to South
Dakota last spring has returned. I
Stunnkii. i
Soothing, and not irritating.strength.
uulii" ami not weakening, small hut
efi-ecUve-siich ato the ijualities of Do-
..-... t t..i.. u'...iv Hts.-is- the i.iinim.,
little pills 0. L Cutting.
smm xr?.
1 m
- W
N- - "yJ
CLOUD, NEBRASKA. D1X 11 18.)(.
I'll i' -.n 141 c-ini il mill ic.-nini'il
)i't'.it iMi ill ilium Imi:i, hut if tin-
itlu-r initio wl.ieli lnii lntclA tiiitc(l
their machinery ilo not tl.
"i""' '"
bring iiIhivi good times than this .cs-
bring lllinVI gooil t illlf- tliall tills m-s-
... t ....- Mik ,.... ..y
precllt indications li do, Wi' shall licit
have good time- for .some lituctocomc.
1'ifshlciit Cleveland's message is in.
' teicsting enough in its way, nml if lie
had :i party behind lnni able to con
tiol lcgNhitioii, some of his icconiinen
datioiis might have atlincted wide at
tention, hut as he is Mitui'lly playing
a lone hand veiy little intcicst is c-
pressed in the mesagi w iili its si en
teen iliou-and wmils. One M'liatoi
jocularly leiuaikeil of it- "Cleveland
didn't write that mcs.ige for the lilty
foiirtl. eongrcs, but foi posterity and
history; perhaps tliey will gin; his
idcastheatteiitii.u thai coiigtcss denies
them, tint I have my doubts." If the
lend -ucy to increase the length of the
Presidents' messages to cougiess is
kept up, it will soon he in older to do
away with having them read in the
senate and hou.-e Many think it al,
leady in older. The senators and
icpieseutatives all have printed copies
of tlie message, placed in their hands
befoie the leading is began, so that the
reading is nothing moie than a per
functory foi mality at best.
Sneaker Heed mav be worrvinir be
cause he isn't in Maj. McKinley's
place, but if he is he is hiding it well,
foi he never appeared to be in a better
humor with himself and every body els-e
than he d'ul today when ho called the
house to older. Audit is nut so cer
tain afierall that his prospects aie not
moie enviable than those of the presi
dent elect. He will be speaker of the
next Iioiim', and it will not atl'eel his
political future should the announced
period of piopeiity fail to uiateiial
i.e, while Mr. McKinley'rf political fil
mic depends upon the ability ot bis ad
ministration to make good tlie glowing
piomist sof the campaign.
Sciuiioi (lailiiigcr is one of the re
publicans who would gladly omit tl.e
pi oposed extra session ot, if
lie could do so, but he made it very
plain thai he legal (K the exlia .session
iisceitaiu when he .said: "if I had my
way, I would have the Diugley bill
piomplly passed, and then whetlier
vetoed or not, would trust to circum
stances to determine the necessity or
propriety of an extra session of con-
gross. The indications, ho.. ever, do
not warrant the belief that a serious
vllort will he made to pass the Diugley,
nml if that is the program, then I favor
an early extra session for a complete
and thorough revisou of the tariff
laws." Senator (ialliuger doesn't look
for any currency legislation either
by this or the next congress. To put
it in his own language: "It must bo
evident to every sane man that noth
ing can he done by this congress in the
diiectionof currency legislation; and
1 hare small expectation that the next
congress will do much.
Senator IVffer wasted hot over the
cliaigulhat he had made a tar ill' bar
gain to help his chances for re-election
and denounced it as uutviie. He says
hit tarilV viewsate well known in Kan
sas; that he favors high duties upon all
articles used exclusively by the
wealthy, not for protection but for
i " " '
-enue, ami too ii'ee admission ot
i . . . ,. , . .
such at lielcs as sugar mill lumber, coal
I ..... ,. i,, , f ., ' ,
Muni nihil' neeessll les of the iiemile
- - -" I--',-,
and a giadtiated income ami laud ta.
He also added that hwfavoied the
proposal to add $1 a ban el to the lax
on beer, which he thought would pro.
1 1 u do revenue miough to make up the
deficit and would he lelt by nobody.
Kept esentallve linker, of N II , now
serving his .second term but who was
not ru-eleeted, thinks the free coinage
of gold by the government ought to be
abolished, and lie will introduce a bill
embodying his ideas, on that subject.
I He said. "I want to see gold purchas
ed on gn eminent account. I do not
think it right to convert it into a coin
free of mintage There is truth in the
assertion that this discriminates in its
fawn-as against ulUur. I would have
h ah tfold and silver purchased just as
tlie government huys copper and
uickle for its minor coins "
Their i ir himu-uu-anl mmI hi tin-
Ikmic tlitiii t n t lit senate :it tlie oien
ine; m'-M'Mi nt eiiliUM'ss, lint tlie nnit
.loiioiili'liiiis iiliociiiciN wiMi- sfiiatoix.
!iini)iii tlii'tn lii'tnj; 'I'l'ller nf Colo . wlio
i ki'jit :iv!iy liy imsiiii'so, niiil Allitoti.
of Inwii, ulni oiiiiii :iy i- tciilly 111 nml
olliei.s tliat lie i ineiely iletsilned at
lioine liy a bail cnlil. 'I'heir uliciiee
wao I'.ipi'i'ialli IMilieealile nut onlj lie
canoe ilii'y aic leailini; men mi oppo
lug mIiIi-.s, of the litmnciiil (tirtion, lint
licfiiii'i' tliey an1 iiiially alining tin'
promptest ami inn-t irnlaiatti'iiilants
upon tlie rsiiiiis of tlie senate
Tin1 ino't emipieimii man in W'a-li
inton toilnv is .Mi. Murk llanna,
eliuinuan of tlie h-publican mitiotial
ciiiiiinitKi Hi' is lii'U'iiitnisllily Ion
1 atige for tin iiiaiitii ntimi enunnilti e.
etc., lint it is iiy plain from tlie iti-iti
iut in wliti li liie lepuliMean touin so
men tlnel; iiiniiiiil linn, ll'.it tliey tlmik
lie is aNo lieie for oilier pin poes, anil
that upon the npoit lie eaiiii -jto ('ni
ton will depend ealiiuet pmtfiilioi and
other pliuiis.
Mr CM D'imiii, a well known mer
cliant of Pleasant Ridge, Fulton, Co.,
I'a., has a liilhi gill who is fieipieutly
tlneatetit'd with cioup, but when the
li'st symptoms tippear, his wife gives
her Chamberlain's Cough Ueinedy,
which always alTords prompt relief
The U."j and ."() cent sizes for sale by 11.
K. (h'leo, Druggist.
Fine Summer weather just now.
Miss l,;niln Howies is one tlie .sick
list again.
Tlie winter teimof school began at
the Acadi my this morning.
Israel and Catherine Orsborne atu
holding a piotracted meeting at the
Miss Kdith Dilliou took thetiaiuat
(Jitide Kock last Thursday evening for
San rinnciseo. She will sail for
Yokahoina, Japan tlie ninth. All lier
ft ic mis u Mi her a safi' voyage and a
hearty welcome when shuiiiuves
Tlie piople parts ale glad to
see the faces of Mi Otto I'aisniis and
family hack again Tliey have been
in Missouri for the past two ycai.s.
I.aigc eiowds weie cntcttained at
Norilibrauch Saturday and Sunday
night by Fanny Liter a missionary
from Alaska. She is a splendid talker
and told many interesting tilings if
tint ways and customs of the people
who inhabit that country, She also
had many suvciiiciiH biotighl from
A Hied stomach is very muck like a
sprained ankle. If you sutler 'pom any
of the symptoms of dyspepsia, your
stomach is It needs a crutch.
We must relieve it of all wink for a
time, or until is is restored o its na
tural stifogth. To do this success
fully, we must use foot which is al
ready digested outside tf ho body,
and which will aid the digestion of
other foods that may tie takn with it.
Such .i product is the Shaker Diges
tive Corlial. The Shakers have
utilized tho digestive principles pres
ent in plants for the manufacture of
this article, and its sucmis ha been
truly phenomenal. You can try it for
the nominal sum of ! cent, as sample
bottles aie sold by all druggist at this
Laxoi. is the best medicine for child
ren. Doctors rceoinuieii'1 it in place
of CasteiOII.
Card or Thanks
We wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to our many fi lends who aided
ami assisted us during our late be
reavement, the illness and death of our
daughter, Kuiiiia, ami sincerely hope
that you may never be thus alllicted
Mil iV MlIS iloIt.V I'OI.NK'KV.
Yor Can Ui: Vri.i. when your blood
is rich, pure and nourishing. Hood's
Sarsaparllla makes the blood rich and
pure and cures all blood diseases, ic
sloting health and vigor
Hoon's 1'ii.i.h are easy to take, easy
to operate. Cine indigestion, head
ache. .Tit!,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking fowdar
A Pare Orate Crccura f Tartar Powder.
W Is the remedy you need, of service in mild or chronic
c cases. It relieves promptly and works a permanent cure.
$ ron it tvrnvwHCAt at ii.ou pen bottli p
THE Dn. J. H. McLEAIM MCDICI.mC CO , St. Louio, Mo.
Tho Only Itomody in tho World,
Kxcopt ti Surgical Oporntion, that
Will Certainly Cttro Any Form
of Piles.
The study of physicians, the experi
incuts of chemists, the loudly ad
veitised pretensions of ipiaeks, have
been for years expended In one direc
tion; to liud a pilu cure dial would
The. results have been a number of
harmless and in most cases useless
ointments, suppositories ami even In
tel mil remedies, which the public have
weighed in the balance of experience
and found wanting; nearly all of them
gave some relief, hut nothing tip
pioachiug a radical cine icsulted from
these piepar.'itions.
The remedy reipiiied is one which
will immediately stop the pain so
seven- in many cases of piles, and then
by co.uiiictiug the small blood vessels
(capillaries) to their normal size, pro
duces aiadical euiehy reducing and
llualiy afosoi biug the luutois and heal
ing the mil. lined, raw mucous suif.ices.
Until two year ago, no such remedy
had been pioducctl, but al that time a
stippositoiy whs placed upon the mar
ket, which has since pioven itself to he
the long sought permanent cure foi
this common ami distressing trouble,
it litis rapidly become famous through
out the United States and Camilla, and
is now .sold by nearly all druggists un
der the name of the Pyramid I'ileCure.
It U now the best known, because
its merit mid safety have advertised it
whorevrr used. It lias been ad veitised
by word of mouth, from one sulTerer
to another; people who have tried
everything else, even submitting to
painful and dangerous surgical opera
tions without avail have finally found
that piles may he cured without pain
ami without expense, practically, as
t tin 'Pyramid I'll Cure is sold for the
nominal price ifM) cent and $1 per
The Pyramid instantly stops all pain
ae-dat I he. same Tl'inc contains no cocaine
morphine or unt colics; the acids, and
Healing properties contained in the
remedy seHlily remove, cause a
healthful, natural contraction and ab
sorption of tin- tttuini; ii will cure any
Jorm of rectal trouble except caucur
and advancsj li.siula, which, by the
way, nearly always result from neg
lecting proper and timely treatment
for piles.
As above siiitcd, can furnish you
with the Pyiamid Pile Cute at .Ml cents
for oi diiinry M.e or l for large pack
age A book on eatisii ami cure of piles
sent free by addicssiug Pyramid Co ,
Albion, Mich.
Book AgontH Attontion.
Aioyou selling Motc.ilf'slifoof llrynn
it .Sew all or Halstead's life of Me
KinlcyiVi Hofoart? We give the very
hugcst commissions. Wo give you
$'.!) in cash besides if you sell KM hooks.
Wn pay freight toyou. Wegiveoredit.
We ship goods promptly. Kvery Hals
lead or Motcalf hook sold in the coun
try comes from our place. We tiro
headquarters. Deal direct from the
manufacture) s, Monies sold al 8l.r0.
Oullits free. Semi six cents for pos
tage and save oxpresstigo. L. B, Mc
;EAJ. &. Huo., Philadelphia, Pa.
Diseases arc manifested
by Br.c'rr-chc, Rheumatism,
Loss of Appetite, Foul
Tongue and Weakness
The 7th loom has No. li this week.
The juuiois took up American litem
tine last .Vamliiy.
The seniors have eonij leted the Her
man grammaraml taken up the reader.
Little Phil Sherwood came up with
his aunt Irene on Wednesday to see
what they do up there anyway
Preceptor What is a substantive
Senior That which denote, sub
stance. Mr. Dai by. pastor of the M. K
Church visited tlie llth and ?th room
Monday morning and conducted the
devotional exercises
The classes are reviving as vacation
is approaching and inevitable exaiuimi
Hans. From now on there will be lots
of books go home al night.
The Ciesar class have been writing
up the chapter after each recitation.
When they completed the llrst book on
Wednesday professor collected the
tablets to examine them.
Wo a re J glad to mile that Klmer
Schnltnit, one of our old emuiades, is
able to be on the street again, after a
long and painful illness, and although
he has not yet enrolled we hope to see
him in school mumi again.
II. C Richmond the in banc editor of
the Nation was a pleasant caller in
the high room Monday morning. We
about half si.speel that moie than
one 'foriu" of educational matter at
tracts the gentleman thither
The juniors teased to take a trip to tin
depot to examine a steam engine but
Miss McClcllaml was afraid sonic of
the girls might climb up on the round
house. Vkmua.
Fukk to any person siitTcring frorte
dyspepsia in any form. A icniedyt-hnt
will cure you. Send name and addrebs
to-,J. Cramer. Box HI, Covington, Ohio.
He will send it free of charge. He
wants your name for his mailing list.
Kidney Trouble.
TrrlMe Pain. UaeaalaM
'Cassadaoa, N. Y., June 30, 1894.
Dr. M. M. Fhnnkr, Fredonia, N. Y.
Dear Sir; About 4 years ago I had
kidney trouble and backache. I was so
bad that I could not ride out in a carriage
without giving me great pain and a feel
ing of uneasiness and restlessness. I
also had rheumatism, all over my system
I began the use of your Kidney and Back
ache Cure, and continued it until I had
taken three bottles with the result of
entirely curing me."
' nzTyzir'
1 r w .aaj
s 1