plffSMfc! ? - ( 'irmwn THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. 27. lH0. 7 WiW: v " ' ' ,pw ' -' n D".n siNGttn. "l'ft Is it 'i d ' t!i"si' !!( Ir r' i I' ' erw. t vie IP . ii , i r i Her mother it is I i -. .1 e i i i , n I . . I. ml l.i !' i! iu'i Ii ii i- ii i i Her lilt ' HM t'lmr ,ll Hi nl ,' I'll l tln' ln' I i.i. 'i i ii,'liilrn . 'I.i I'm i a Hot uravii Is it -, noil it. ii ,i'i vi carta is u utiiiK i j pr 1 1. rr iln.Mi ' "Slip is .if .J1 t'i. u 1 1 t!if i'0 ilc. h r ieOJ)lii IT Uli.'lll ll .11 t uhoxti hi'.irn ..! iiiim.ui villa in w nml lolu in;,- iiiirMilii illo clior In sir ill And Uii) leojMi hi'ir mil In'lnnl in -lr tears tltev nttn i u i hi i.Mi tln'v h irl Another voire lll.u u injiti'O. lroel.ilm tinolher wot I 'She Is not ili i.i. "It s-ys to t'li'li- lie iris truu ! ii ,i r, u ii i'.vor ilio Their llfti Ii it vein o 1i..Iiit thin 4 un seen to tint iimilil ill O.P Tim tiutis mi 1 tin in'iutioi iin oio.i" In lliciii tio.i 1 rl 'lit .in. 1 Hi limn m run Tho lici-i'i'i Mini tilt" unluiunn an. I I In' wo ill who uri c!i iltii'il an' uour.tcil hv t It stroll And tho people Miille .it tli"(li'iih 10rd fur tlio niylii' oiim' is .h'ir "Tho Mnuor Mini ilvei' Is ulwivs ullo. nu lieurl.en.itnl tilwu.vs lnur'" Ami Oiov r.tlsctl her lioilv lt!i to-iiler huiiR nnd loir iitTiluiiii to tho tnilii 'J'hoy luv linr In slate on tin- mournlinj ship, 111(0 till) lll III ltd Kill'!" And tln'y s ill liur 10 tin1 ul-lo across tlio sua, i. I..... II .! 1 . , m-iii mi; I'vui'iu ti 111 nu nu' snore Toliftlwr In hllfiiu' with houils till lute tu her liiimu loretor in. ire, llcr lioino In tlioli" irt of her cuuntry oh. It I'MVU IIMIOIU h"r nn Is warmer :uid dearer thin llvtiij on m tin Htr.itiiiurl.itulsuloiii. No tii'iil of it lomiifnr the Itwer' 1 lor fair h.ilrsp llo.i no Is thi! mi'iuil il.iv iif her uumtry, nnd the nky nt,nvolicr brim Is the same, tnat sinlloil and vcjit o 1 her ynnth, mill tliu ,nss around Isilei-p Wlt'i tliu eiltwlti.' lon-M of tre shuiuroi'k that voter lior iu.ti'oii leep Utidrn.iinln.! there the wilt ret und wait, In the tomb her people unite, Till sho hears men 1 I eurts lllto tl.e seed In sprlinr. all stlrrlu to In' iivmiIio. Til. nhn feeM the tnoMiuof -ouls tlut str.iltl till tho tnitiils iirotiml thetn lire.m And thou, I think her ilead llpi Mill smile nnd her iivus be oped to see When tlm ery lines oat to tan Nations tint 1 ho sinner's land 11 fr"e The Great Hesper. ItY llt.WK IIAItltCl'T. CHAITKU V Cov 11 xi "I was nearly souiul it-loop when I notlcuil ti hernial coming from iltu window. 1 1. wits us If Mimuouo woro nipplnj,' upon tho kIuh not loudly, or quickly, but -oftly, us though witli tho tip of tlio lliitfor. and at in torvalH. i mitfht lntvo countud twenty or tliit'ty botweon 0110 tap and tlio no.t. 1 to lc littlo notioo of it at llrM, tliinkint,' that as 1 hail loft tho window partly oj-on, it iniirht bo tho wind moving tho Vonotian blind: but uftorawhllo, the persistent tap tap tap irritated mo I rou and lit :t caudle. Ilien I went to the ulndow. 'J'ho lattioo wits ju-,t as I hud loft it Tho blind hunji pu'fuot ly niot.onlos-i 1 drew it up and looked out. Tlioro was a jjray 111 t cwiryuhuro. Not a bre.tth of air etiri'L.l tho ilatno of tho candle bunioii us .stead II v as though the uiudow had boon closed. 1 lot down tho blind and listoif d; there was it t tho bllglituiit .-.ound " "A moth on tho ceiling." -aid Sir IMmiind; "thoy luuo worried mo ui the satno inaniier. 'J'licu you -jet a liht and the tiling stops." Hold on. wo ain't hoerd tho last on it. 1 kin see," 1 Mtid tho. hulfjo, look ing at MihS l.aseclics intently, his sliujjjry brows bent over his quiok eyes. "I o.xplala it as you do, papa. I put out tho li'ltt, and tried to sleep. I hoard 110 bound for quite ton min utes, and then aaiu that Mft. slow tap tap tup eanie from tho window tho Mtino boiiiul, with tho sumu loiif; interval between them It was not liko tho bout of a moth's win;;. It was liko nothing but tho touch of u human linger. Hut I tried to think it wus an insoot In tho wall tlio lit M'ct that Ih oallod tho deuthwateh.' And 1 dhl my host to take no notico of It, but I could not help liearinir it, nnd after a time I grew fri(,'litoned; und tho Round jrrow dreadful in my ears. It beeumo unoiulurablo; I could not Ho tlioro lihteniuy: passively. I not up uruin nnd struck a limtuh. Tho wiclc of tho candlo was slow to li'ht, and during thoo moments I noticed that the xouml hud ceased. As I say, I was frightened very frightened. And the unbroken i-llunco seemed more torriblo thuu tho sound. 'J hero wus something ghostly und supornuturul about it. that brought buck tho old terror I u.sod to feel us a child In passing the room that is said to bo haunted at night. And just then tho clock tit tho bolfry struck. 1 dared not go to the window. Tho llrst thing that struck mo was that the laths of tho blind, instead of lying ilat. as they generally do. when down, and as I had left, thorn, were opened and turned edgeways 'do you know how I moan?" .M10 hold her hands that trembled, with tho recollection of lior terror, ono ubeno the othor horizontally. "Hut tho it'Xt thing." sho con tlnuoil, and then stopped, with a lit tlo shudder, while wo who listened hold our breath -tho next thing I saw was two great black oyos that caught tlio light from my candlo in botwoon tlio laths of my blind." Sho paused, and then continued w'th mure firmness "I think I fainted I must have done so, for I was conscious of noth ing after that until 1 found myi-elf upon the Hour. Tho light wus'still burning upon tlio table. As recol lection roturued to 1110, I looked to ward tho window. Tlio laths woro no loiiL'or opened, but turned Ilat. Then it occurred tome that all I had con was merely imnglnutlvo that it was moroly a realistic droam thut I had gone through thoso ox poriencos in mv floop. My great torror was gone. I wont without fear to tho window toascurttilnif tho night was as I had soon it. There wus tho gray mist: tho llnmo of tho euiidlo did not lllckor. Xovortholo.-s. whon I looked down and miw how Impossi ble It wus for unvono to hnvo stood outsido tho window, I folt convinced that tno vision of tho oyos too was Imaginary an outconio of tho four I folt whon 1 looked toward tho win dow. I luy down aguln, and though in' 1 re-i'd not vlo,.p for son e time. I I'.caid no further -oiiiiil whatever. mum' tii" chiming of the clock " 'N it not very probable mv de-ir.'' ..iu Hie laronet. thut the -outd you -.i ea'; of tta ulo tin) outi nine nf fear ' I hud 110 fear when 1 llrst went to the window. The ound was a ie itlit.u It Is that I explained." To you know what time it win when tlio tapping llrst begun, Miss I.a'collos!"' Van lloeek linked. "It was a quarter to ono by my watch when 1 recovered from tlio tit." ' ".May I ask, miss, without ouonso, if a thing o" this kin t has ever hap 1 pened to, 011 ufoio?" asked the. ludgc. "As a child I wus timid, but I can not ever luiucinber being so fright ened." Wo nil went out on tho lawn which faced that part of the building in I which Kdlth's room was situated. I On tho way Van Ilo.'ck, who had 1 taken nfy arm for guidance, gripped ' it tightly und whispered , "What ilid I toll you? This Is tho I beginning of tho end." I ('HAITI:!! vr. 1 It is necessary for tlio fouler to know what kind of building .Monkou Abbey was. and something of tho disposition of the rooms, In order to follow clearly tho action of tho drama that took place within its walls I can do no bettor than to give tlio description by which I brought tho facts homo io the com prehension of my blind partner. "Tell 1110 what you soo Thorno," he said, as wo stood on the lawn. "An old (iothic building. Hanked by two later additions In tliu Tudor stylo, project beyond It, "Tho great door is tho center of 1 tho old part, the dining-room is on one side, tho library on tho other. 1 The lloor above Is occupied by tho picture gallery. It has a gable roof, and the belfry rises from tho middle. The block on the right and that on tho leftaro alike. Tho ground lloor is divided into drawing-rooms, sitting-rooms, etc." Whore is tho dairy, and tlio door that is left open at night for tlio Kid?" At tho back of t 10 house; It can not bo scon fioin hero.'' Is that In tho right block or tho left?" In the right: the kitchen is in tlio loft On tlio lloor aro tho prin cipal bedrooms; tho servants' aio above. Our rooms aio in tho right block. Sir Kdinund's unit Miss celles' ti-o In tho h ft." "What means 1 f coiu'iiiiuicatiou aro there? l'nr instance, how could Mr Hdinund get to vour ro '111'"' l?y .simply passing through tho pleturo-gallor.v." "I understand: go on." "There m'o tw oriel windows and a b.iy in tlio end of tin; left block facing lis as wo stand her.1. "Tliu oriel on tho loft," I out lu lled, "projects from Sir Ildmund'.s room, that on the right f 1 11111 .Miss . l.ascel'es. Tlioro are stone mull ions at tho ati'jles of tho oriel and lattice win lows between, hung inside witli l Venetian blinds. Tho oriels aro sup ported by corbels Thoy aro pur j fectly inaceesslblo from tlio ground except by ladder." 1 "lint from tho story above?" 1 "Thoro aro no windows over tho oriel Tho only means of do-icont would bo a ropo from tho roof." I "Do the windows open?" I "Yes." And what distance Is tlioro bo tweon tlio windows in tlio bay and Miss I.aseollo's window?" j "Seven or eight feet at least " I "And tho wall between Is porfoctly flat?" "Thoro Is a stone molding runs along parallol witli tho lloor of tlio llrst story and tho biiso of tho orlol." "Why didn't you tell 1110 that?" ho askod sharply. "Heeauso It Is perfectly impossible for anyone to walk along it." ; "What width lias it?" "A few inches. It seems to bo ' merely a stone gutter to carry olT tho wator from tlio oriel." "Is tlioro no Ivs on tho houso -nothing to cutcli hold of?" "Thoro is no ivy, but thoro is u pipe lnldway botweon tlio bay nnd tlio orlol; It descends from tho gablo to the gutter." "What! and you toll 1110 It is im possible to get from tho hay to tho window!" "Tlio pipe is four foot from tho bay anil four feet from tliu oriel. Now, suppose, 1 ola. for I know whom you suspect, got from the window In tho bay she would hnvo to advaneo holding to tho tniillionof tho window for support, und with on" hand only, until tho other could touch the pipe, a span of four foot." Four foot; that Is not linposslblo, unless the girl is short linilml." "It Is Impossible, If lu holding to the mullioii or the pipe tlio girl had to support part of hor own wolght. " "Lot us go up und mousuru tho width of tlio lodge,'' suiil Van Hoock; "it may appear from below loss than it is." Wo wont up to my bedroom In tho right block, which, as I liavu said, correspo.ulcd In ovory external re spect to tho block on tho loft; und from tho orlol I mousurud tho width of tlio stono lodge outsldo. Van Hooch's supposition wus just; it was wldor, measuring a trlllo loss than my spun, 11 no Inohos. Van Hooek placed himself Ilat against tho wall, und turning out Ills toes until ho ob tained tho limit of width upon which ho could sustain his equilibrium, bade 1110 measure tlio do-tunco bu twoun his heel und the wall. I found It wus fully throe luclios within my bpan. and wus astonished to percoivu upon how narrow a space ouu may stand witli stifuty. This aottlod tho point. I. ola might well huvu pussud ulong tho edgo with safety. is'ow," said Van Hoeuk, "Draw ire n plan of the rooms, rouihly mit bioudlj. showing their relative "posi tion to tho stair, the b.iv. and tho picture galleri " i complied with his re ,uest. mark ing the so vera pa.Ms with llgures, which I explained to him " ClIAl'llllM II. Hut 1 was still incredulous. How wus tlio girl hiding In the woods nil day to know of tho existence of the ledge? It was true she had access to tlio house at night, but I doubted If it woro pos!ble lor her to see tho lodge in the dark even from tho bay window. Hut a.iiiiittiii tho possi bility, would she risk her life for no purpo-e hut to alarm .Miss l.ascelles? Thoro was too much strength in Lola's character for such a senseles ami feeble device to be acceptable to her. It was not tho act of a rational being, but of a mischievous or malevolent idiot. I was inclined to bellovo that tho explanation Miss Lascellcs had of fered was a just otic, ami that what sho had seen was purely imagina tive and the result 01 fear, inspired by those mysterious sounds which might yet bo explained. This was not Van Hoeok's opinion, no- was it Hraco's "I will not say the Kltl has done it," ho salti; "there's no siiyln' what greaser blood will not do. l'or tho sake of argument, wo will say she did, but I undertake sho shall not pla tho suino bovvor twice, if hor father's persuasion counts for tiny thin';" and ho went oil at ouco to search for Lola in tho wood. When wo woro ulone, Vun llocck said: "Ask Sir Hdinund; ho will toll you, as ho told 1110, that Hraco was in tho woods yestorduy while you were philandering with Miss Lascollos. What was ho thoro for but to lind his daughter and employ her in working out this plot?" "(!ood hoavous!" I exclaimed, losing my temper; "what notion have you gut hold of now? Lust night ,ou suspected sir Kdininid " "1 would suspect any ono who has tho opportunity to possess himself of such a treasure as you hold. Do you blaino the man who protects himself when ills life is in danger? That diamond is life to mo! What could I do if it woro lost' You hold that diamond -my life -in vour keeping. You aro bound to take ovory precaution for its safety. You have no right to dosplso my warning because it tines not aurco with your reckless trust in humanity." 'What possible connection can tlioro be?" I itskoil. "between tlio safety of our diamond ami tho ovout of last night J" "A palpable connection The event of last night was nu abortive at tempi, to obtain tlio diamond." As I hoard this, ami looked at Van Hoock. I almost doubted if he woro In his right mind. "The plot failed," ho continued, "becauso tlio girl mistook tho room." An incredulous exclamation es caped me. You shall hear me," ho muttered, stictchtug his uriii to tho right anil loft until ho uiicouutored initio with his hand, and then clutching it tightly; "you shall see with my eyes, if not witli your own. You have urged that the girl could know nothing of tlio disposition of the rooms; but. she might receive In structions from her father. lie wont into tlio wood to give hor tho-io in structions yestorduy. Look at your plan" ho handed 1110 the diagram I hud drawn at Ills request. "Hi ace, having his room at tlio back of tliu right block, would naturally toll bur that whon she got to tho top of the stairs sho was not to pass through tho plcturo-gallory, hut to go straight to tho lauding over tho stairs sho had ascended, open tho window in tho bay, which would thon bo 011 hor loft hand, and inuko her way to tho orlol facing hor. That, according to his calculation, would bring hor to your window." "Certainly." IO HP. CON'riXCKU. Siiiipll'vlii'x it I'riilileiii. Toucher If I should give you ton cents ami your father should add twonty-llvo cents, and your mother llvo and your sister 0110, how much would you have? Dull Hoy Nothing liko that over happened to mo. .lust Imagine it has happonod. Can't you imagine? "Yos'm " "Woll? Come! S'ooms to mo you aro u long time nt It." "Yos'm. I'm imuginitr I'm runnln' to a candy store so it will booaslor." "How will it?" "'Cuiito then there won't bo un loft." Nut 11 Sii,,.r, Daughter That man who udvor tisod all the latest popular songs for $1 is a swindler. Old Man Lh? Didn't ho sond anything for your money? I'll re port him to tho authorities at onco. "Yos, ho sent tho latest popular songs, jiit as advertised, but thoy woro only tho words. No muslo at all. I can read them, of course, but 1 can't Hlng thorn " "My dear, that man is not a swin dler. Ho is a philanthropist." VV'Ulltfll II llTVII Littlo Hoy Mamma, may wo huvo ono of thu sloovos of thut whlto drosa you got tored lust summor? Mamma What for, dear? Littlo Hoy Mo an' Johnny nn' Wlllio an' (ioorglo an' Alfy an' tho rest of tho boys wants to play olrous, an' wo hasn't any tout. Wide ' tiny of tlio Inlm1.11 llitlill. Tho latest statistics provo that more than two-thirds of tho grown initio population of tlio globe use to bacco lu somo ol thu many forms in whloh it is tukuu. HAiiiKOAD iu:sixi:ss. RESULT OF ELECTION IS ENCOURAGING. limine.-. m 11,-nlirill l'r.'srnt. Inl the Next ;tr I'xpiilnl In Urine Hi" mm nl CriMperlt) - Miiiij i:inpWi. s ,.,I I'roin 1'n t litlt-iii'ss Our win, Nov. -.M The lhiilvviiy Age publishes a summary of reports to eelved from '.'no rallvviiv companies tin. I iiiiiiiufuctui-crs in nil part ,,( th,. I'mni tr.v regarding tlieetl'cct on business up to date of Mr, McKlulev's election. These show thut though the railroad business litis nut picked up at nil, but In parts of the West and Southwest has been evidently distinctly . ..,. since election than it was before, the rail way companies as a whole have very nut terlnlly increased their expenditures, especially in increases of shop foices and 11 very general tendency to pur chase more freely. The hist fact Is shown more conclusively by the re ports from inuuufacturcrs t'hati from the tepoits of the companies them selves, A number of companies report that they hud all plans tiuide for a reduc tion in forces in case the election bad gone the other way. The railway companies geiiei-ally have, during the html times, been keeping tip their forces und expenses at n point liiexcesi of what existing business would justi fy, in the hope of a return of prosper ity, ami they are now iu a. position to meet itnv increase of demamis that may lie made upon them without further expenditures. The expectation of a revival in the near future Is almost unlversil. There is a curious unanlinltv In the expres sion of a belief that this revival will really begin to lie felt after the llrst of Jutiiiary. There Ih an evident be lief In all directions tills revival will lie permanent, t' xvill last for overal years, at le CARPET MfLL"CLOBED. More Than Three TIihiihiiiiiI i:niilnyi Out of Wnrk. Yo.vkkiis,. X. Y., Xov. '.'a,-The big tapestry mill -jf the Alexander Smith X Sons Carpet company closed today, throwing from .'l.ouii to I. nun hands nut of work. It is rumored that Wednes day next the othor mills of the com pany will shutdown also, so that there will lie 7,000 people out of work at the beginning of the winter. THE ELKS' INITIATION. Statement us tu llmv liuwi si.itn Clmlr 1111111 t'nrrj V.vt III Dentil. Dr.s Moim:s, Iowa. Nov. 'J.'l.- The nody of Heiuoerntle State Central Com uiilteo litiirmau Kdvvard W. Curry, who vvn . killed at an Libs' initiation a week mm. was taken to his homo at Leon lu charge of Masons and Lll.s. The VAhs hnvo issued a slatcuuntas to how-he met his death, from which it ippears that he sat on a thin sheet of cast iron over a small gas jet. ac cording to nil initiation custom of the order, but that instead of Jumping up on feeling the heat, as most candidates tin, he retained his seat, probably to show his stoicism When It was seen that he would not rise of his own ac cord ho was led away ami it was found that ids clothing had been burned away ami his flesh slightly blistered. Nevertheless he made a good speech ami lunched its merrily as anyone. The next day lie went afiout his' busi ness as UHual and that night attended it performance by .loseph .lotVer.son nnd It was not till the day after that he felt any ill ellects friimhis experience. According to the statement, Mr. Curry's system was iu such condition from tho excitement of tlio campaign that any iliiall hurt would ht'vo caused blood poisoning. JOY SPENT TOO MUCH. Tim St. I.nali CoiicruMiimii tlinrguil With Infrnetlnn of tho I.uu. Sr. Louis, Mo., Xov. 23. The l'ost Dispatch says: "On tho basis of his statement of campaign expenses Hied with Recorder Lewis, Charles l' .loy is not entitled to bis seat as KeprcM'iitn tlve from tlio Eleventh Congressional district of rMissourl. Though elected by nearly 1,000 majority, he Is liable to be ousted under sections 0 and 10 of the corrupt practices act. Under this net .Mr. .Joy was entitled to incnd 8539 on the voters in his district, lie went over this by S'.'OL.V). His lib erality will cost 11 111 his seat in con gross. Congrcssiuan-elcct .loy said: "I don't know- how much I "was en titled to spend under the law, but I hurdly think my extravagance will keep me out of my scat iu congress " MILLIONAIRE A SUICIDE. Ilrlmit Itnmiilnn, 11 Hleh Now .leritey Mnn, Kills Mliimelr 1'rom (irlef. Nr.W Yoiik, Xov. y.l. Helnuis Ito malno of I'atttii-suu, X. .1., whose estate was estimated to amount to about 81,000,000 in value, committed siilcldu on his farm iu Itochelle park, llergen county, X. .1., by shooting himself. Three months ago lioinnlno's mother died. This had a depressing L-IToot on him and ho continually com plained of being ill. The nntrnr'n Shot Held .hiHtlllulili'. Hkdama, Mo., Xov. S3.--In the case of cx-Ofll.-or William Uaill'ulxson, charged with tlio murder of Henry Itossu, colored, while trying to oscnpo arrest, January 3d, tho jury returned a vordict of acquittal after being out two hours. Htcwart for Don Camrrnn. Wahiiinoion, Nov. 23. Senator Stew urt of Nevuda to-day came out for Senutor Don Cameron for tlio sliver party's 1'rehldcntlul candidate in 1000. lie believes that with (inch a platform as Cameron suggested two yenr ago "free silver antl protection" the l'cnn sylvanlan cun win A Chilli KIlfrtT WltTi Z Knlttlnif Neeillp. QtMNCV, III., Nov. y.'l- Lorena, tho 3-vear-old daughter of (leorgo lingers, while playing with her r-year-old cousin, Nellie Kcdilleh, was struck by a knitting ncedlo, which penetrated the huso of the brain. She died thin rooming. M'AULIFFE GETS DECISION -.liits illitnm (nt-rnll In Ten UnmiiU -Old KhiiN Mi rl Vi: tin RV 1'UVMI-Hi. Xov '."I. .t ne1 McAullire. the llgbtweivht champion pugilist of th,- world, and .liinmy Car roll, bis oldtlm,. rival, und three timet his antagonist iu the ring for Hint honor, met last night be 'ore St. (ieorge's club iu a ten-round bout to forever settle the question of superior ity. In nil their previous battles Me Aulill'c has been the victor, though never without a hard H 'lit. lthouih '''it-roll b ssed It's pith vear, he Is a well prcse oil man. and has trained long ami faithfully for this, perhaps his last tight, and vvas iu prime condition. McAulilTo was also In good condition l'lve thousand peo ple witnessed the light. Hotting 011 the light has been quite brisk, with .MeVulltle ruling slightly favorite at odds of 811 to $10, though considerable money changed hands at "even." At the beginning ot the light Mc AulilTo adopted rushing tactics, forc ing his opponent to the ropes repeated ly, but the pace vvas too hot to last, und at the end of the third round ho had bellows to mend. I'roni that time on until the last round his blown kicked steam, ami it was notlccabln that whenever he got Can oil iu a tight place, after one of these rushes, ho dropped his hands ami retieated to tliu renter of the ring. The men frequent ly indulged in conversation during tlio last few rounds, but in such low tones us to be inaudible to those at the ring side. The ensus of opinion vvas that both ad outlived their repu tation as s, and that they hud agreed t appear a genuine tight, but to avoid a knockout. The Inst round vvns a series of clinches, neither striking an elVeetlvo blow, although frequent openings oc curred. ISefcreo Armstrong guve tlio decision to .McAulilVe. The iiudlenco wus not entirely satlstled with tho manlier iu which the men fought the last round, but the decision .seemed to incut the approval of the majority. REVIEW OF TRADE. tlnln In Volume or llusliirss Continue Million! l'riiiileiit. Nr.w Yoiik, Xov. :m. - It. (J. Dun fc Co 's weekly review says: The gain in volume of business continues entirely without precedent. .More than 3!0 es tablishments have started work since the election, which were Idle, und lit least 300 have increased working force, making il'.io concerns which are known to have added largely to the number of bauds at work, and those are only part of the whole number. I J very day thus adds thousands to the numlicr of those who are able to buy a week's supply of provisions and to mnko up gradually lor many mouths of enforced economy. Already this brings a great Increase iu the volume of bustuessiiml tlio clear ing bouse llgiires, for the llrst time iu several years, not only exceed those of lasi year b.v lOperccnt. but also exceed those of the sumo week ill Is'.i,! by y per cent. Tuiliiros for the wed: have been 311 iu the United States against 3''0 last year, and 10 in Canada against I" Init year." s.inlli lliikotu SHU In II1111I1I. Vm,io.v, S. I).. Nov. i.'3. The vote in this state Is only complete on con i.ressinen. Tlio totals are: Republi cans, 10,780; Populists, lO.tisi). Several eont"sts 1110 iu progress, and these iiuiy change the result. Of the Repub lican state ticket, the lieutenant gov ernor, secretary of state, treasurer, commissioner of public lands, auditor nnd superintendent of schools aro elected. The governor Is iu doubt. Tho official canvass will be uiiido De cember 3. Not a Victim of l"unl Tliijr. Sr. .Ioskiui, Mo., Xov. as. Dr. C. I). Ailaiiis of I'ariiell, Mo,, who myster iously disappeared from St. Joseph while visiting here last February, leaving his bride, was not the victim of foul play, as many people supposed. Dr. Adams vvas located at St. Paul, Madison county, Ark,, a short time ago, but ho suddenly left that place und just at this time his whereabouts ire not definitely known. Intlmutn l'rlfiul ot f.liit'iitn Ciiicaoo, Xov. '.'3. Henry Asbtiry, nn Intimate personal anil political friend of Abraham Lincoln, anil the man who framed for iiliu the four 'piestlniis propounded to Stephen A. Douglas at Vrceport in tlio famous de bate of 1H.1S. is dead. Ho was M) years 'ild. Mr. Asliury for many years had been mi He ring from disease of the kidneys. I'l'iim Thut lln) II .May llevoll. Nr.w Yoiik, Nov. '.'3. A dispatch from Kingston, Jamaica, says gravo fears of a revolt are felt in llayti, uc oiillng to advices just received. Tho popular impression is widespread in "the Illack Republic" that there have been heavy frauds iu tlio ministry of lluaiice, and it is suspected that Presl lent (icueral 'J'. Simon Sam Is sup pressing facts. Ilrulal I'roin Viimlrrlillt. Nr.w Yoiik, Nov. '-'3. -Clinitncoy M. Do pew said yesterday; 'Tho grotesque ttory that William K. Vandcrbilt had ;ontributed SK.0,000 to tho Republican mmpulgu fund has been authoritatively loiitradicted by tliu treasurer of tlio jatloiial cnmtniltce. Mr. Vandcrbilt is lot a candidate for any position within ho gift of Mr. MoKlnley." l)u MiMirlvr I.tift u fortune. Lonpo.v, Nov. U3. Tho estate of the late (icorgo Du.Muulror Is valued at 833(1,000 It Is all left to his widow, witli a reservation to their children. mo t oioriiiTpij-infttTiy.siriKe. Lkaiivim.k, Col,, Nov. 33. The re ports of a probable sympathetic strike of miners in other camps in aid of thu Luiidvlllu strikers is declared to be un founded, Union ofllcers declare no such move is contemplated at present by tho Wustern Federation of Miner or any of its branches. Jlrjiwi Invited to William ilruell. Luiiiiirv, Mo., Nov. 33. At a joint meeting of tho Phllonuithle and Hxcel-slot- Literary societies of William .loweii college, William .J. Iiryan was invited to deliver tliu annual address I during commencement week next J una, THE NEXT HOUSE. I lie UiJiiiIU Aejilii,! Tree Cnltm-rii Wilt lie I nrlj sti'icn. W viiivimx, N,,v :.. The receipt f,h iitrns or the bite election lii Smth D.iUitu makes It possible to ompb'te Ih,. li.t ,,f iiielnliert of till) House of the I'ifly Ii fth ( ougt-ess. This shows ', l.'i ii'iblleiiiis, m Drinoerats mil H P.ipulUs. (if the Republicans, live arc said to favor the feo cohiugo of sliver llllborn nf ( ni "-,,,..,11, itrod-iM-Ielt und CurtU of Kim ,s. !. me-, of North Carolina ami Reach of tdilo.'.ind of the Dciiioci-i.ts, two, Me leer of Pi lills.vlvi.nla and Klllott nf Ninth Car dim, are .sound money men, so that the House will stand: Sound money, .'o.'; free coinage, I ., .' ; majority for sound money, 17. s't.Ue. Hep. Iietn. Pop. Al.iluin.l 11 , Atk.llls.IS Ii C.illloriil.i :! 'J 'j 'nloijiln , ., 'J 'oillieetli'lil 1 Ui'Uu.lte ,, I CI. 0 lit. I 'J lciitf',1.1 II lil.ilm 1 Illinois 17 I I lllill.lll.l 0 .I Iowa 11 j o 4 Uentnekv 4 7.. I.oiilsl.iu.t r. 1 Maine I Matvlatnl 0 MllSM.ll IlllSl'ttS l'J I ,, Mli I1I1MII IO 'J Mltllii sut.l 7 Vllssliiliipl 7 ., Vllsiiuil ; l'j Montana ,, t Nelit.tska a ,. NVv.ul.t ., t Now llampslilto a Now .lei so) M New Yolk 'J'l ft Ninth Carolina :i a :l North Dakota I Uilo ltl ft iicrfiin a Pennsylvania a7 .1 .. Illioile Islunil a south Caiollua 7 .. south Dakota a .. rciilies'M'r a H ,, I'ox.n 1 to 1't.ili 1 V runout a .. .. x'it uini.i a h .. Washington a ,. West VliKlnU 4 VVIsiouslll 10 .. ,, VV)OlitUlK t Tot.lls 'JOS I'.ll TU THE ANDERSON CRAY CASE I'lirilon .iilleittlim lliulrr 1 onslitmitltm Crime noil Trlnl. Toit.ka, Kan., Nov. 33. -The bonrd af pardons is considering the applica tion of Anderson (iray of Sumner oiiuty, who is in the penitentiary tin ier a death sentence for the murder of I'iiiii Patton, which was committ-d by I'oiu McDonald, now at large. (Iray vvas a well-to-do fiirumt and iinong his employes were McDonald ind Patton. The crime vvas committed 11 June. IS113. McDonald claimed to uive acted under hypnotic Instigation by (iray ami tho latter vvas arrested, ried llrst and convicted. The supremo Min-t atllrmeil the t.cnlcncc. Perjury is alleged before the board, influential fi lends me interested imil il is thought 'hat a pardon will be secured. TRUCE MAY BE DECLARED. I'll 11 1'iiHsllilo SripnM tu 11 I'ltilli'il ll.lltlo III Cnliri. Kkv Wrsr, Kla., Nov. 33 - As mark ing a crisis iu the war, It Is whispered that at tho couelurJou of any pitched battle that may be fought, a truce may lie declared und urraugcineuts niiido for 1 conference between tlio insurgent loaders mid tho representatives of Spain looking to u settlement of tho war. This Is most significant as show ing that all classes are utterly tired of the war ami Its bunions and longing for voiiiO way out of tho prcscnt(lllllcultie Will Open Now Territory, Kwsvs Cnv, Mn Xov. 33. Capi talists from Iowa ami Vermont aro 'ooklng over the route from Rich Hill to Lldorailo Springs, Mo., with a view 'o putting In thu long-talked-of Rich Hill & Kidorado railroad. Tho capi talists have contracted for thu old road bed built from Kldorado to Walker u vera I years ago. They state thut :ars will ins running over the proposed onto by May 1, 1M'.7. This road will five jt big territory now without a allroad a direct lino to Kansas City, is tlio lino will be connected with tho Knnsits City, Kort Scott ,t Memphis at Rich Hill. JiiilC" Parker's Siirremnir. lV,iMii.vniiw, Nov. 33, The mime of x-Congressinan John II. Rogers, of fort Smith, Ark., litis been presented ,0 the President for the vacancy on tho sonch for the Western District of Ar ansas. Judgo Rogers is strongly in-lot-sod, ami Ills selection is considered probable. It is stated that Senators Jones and Jlerr.v will not join In a sen sorial light to hold up this President's sound money nominations, if it will jeopartlle Judge Rogers' chances. AKitliiot Itilierllaiue Taxes. Ciiicaoo, Nov, 33. -Judge Carter of tho county court, bus decided that tho .nherltauco tax law passed by tlio last Illinois legislature, is unconstitutional. If the decision of Judge Carter should o upheld by thu supremo court, it ivould deprive Cook county of at least 1100,000 tills year, nnd a steadily In sreasing annual revenue that would lave amounted iu less than a decade to Ivor 81,000,000 a year. .Ill' nl l.mrls Must do to 1-rimin. St. Locis, Mo., Nov. 33. Tlio su ironic court has ulllrmed tins decision f tho criminal court in thu ease ot Mutid Lewis. When urrcsted sho will jo sentenced and sent to tho ponttun lary for fifteen y -ars for tho murder if Mate Senator Peter Morrlssoy. Tho jollce have been trying to find a trace if her for two days in anticipation of ho verdict, but without success, llrynn' llnntlnif Trip Kmloil. Srni.NOKiEi.n, Mo., Nov. 33. Mr. Iiryan nnd party arrived hero this morning' from tho Taney county gamu preserves anil will scatter to their homes. All enjoyed tho outing, but none broke records for shooting. Yes terduy scores of people heard Jlryau speak at the nark ami at JTanovvillo. Mr II. W. Itli ImnUoii llrml, London, Nov. 33. Sir Hcnjiimln iVurd Richardson, honorary physician ) the Royal Literary fund, tho News.- ; nt per Press fund und tlio Natlouul ; Society of Schtolmu crs, is iieuti. -Vjo m ' '. VUb uoru iu IB. '3. 1 f N & t3h' ;w V -v 1 !. ' f. f-TH wur- u ah." e , J if AmW& h&rVWW' t-iiMtf mvtmf -var3ttv - ttMmCw- ti