n L-l ODDS AND jJ i S - b Er ikiJifi POWDER Absolutely Pure. i'Mmn r ir'nr Imklin. w ! IIilIh ( nf .in in .nil . .ir ul- I ' I ' I it Ul ir titlti t " t Ii l" IIumi Hi i.ivi. I' urn in iv Yurk CITV Xl'.Wh. I ii .iii' 1 flips ill i'iki ill tin' Chii'Sino Stow. liny ti link" mill valises sit 50 per edit ill the (.'liietigfi Stnie. U. IS riuiiiip-iiiiaiiil A 11 Spiiiulter of forties weiu Inn it Weiliii'-iluy. ()ear Yiuner nf Orleans eaine ilowii ami spent Tlt.iuloUliii; ultli U'lutivi' anil frimitN Mr-. V J. (iiirliir left WeilneMlaj nilit for CdIoiiiiIk wlieie she will join lier hitsliaiul. For a new .set of lianil matin work harness at ten per ei nt above aeiual oust m-u Chai'ej .MeMllliiii. Arininirs ealil sloi'ifje plant at Kan sus eity lms home llfly thniHanil liar lcls of apiles storeil therein U. II Kaley has lixeil up his skating lioiisi; ami poml unit lovers of that sport will have a plaee to amuse them selves. TiikCiiikk olliue is now louateil in the Miller-Ciittinn block. If you want hiiIo hills look us up ami gut our prices. Miss Hae.hel LctMin, Miss (Jrncis H.Kline anil Post muster F. W. Cowilen spunt Thanksgiving with friends in Superior. A doctor at Ileatrieu has tixwd cer tain hours two days esicli week in which, for tins bciiutil of the poor, he wnte.s free prescriptions. The missionary program given by the Coniiegationa! school hist Sundiix morning was si vei v inieii'siing one and Wiis iiiite hrg-ly aiieudetl. The man who liu on hand a liig li'ie of holidiiy gooiU and tails to advertise is like a boy with Hie itch-he ha snmetliiiig to keep him scratching to get rid of. Ueni' Miter tlie Chicago Clothing Co. are sell g everything nt and below cost to ul -e out their business. They want to elosc mil evei dolliir by Jan uary 1st if possible Married at the residence of Mr. Hen jiimiu Watson, by .J. M. (Jiitliriu, just iei) of the. peace, on Monday, Ntneiu lier iNi, 18t)tt, Mr. Joseph C. Williamson and Miss Kinma Keevei both of this county When in town go up to the Chicago Store, Moon Hloek, and take advan tage of llieir .sbugliler vile. Uemein her they aie not irking to make money tint to elo.se out in oi drr lo ipiit busi ness Agteiti many gentlemen who have tievoted thrir undivided ntUtilion to the saving of thu country fur the past tin en months can now engage in ihn prolitablc puisuit of husking corn and .sawing wood The old lady was right when she said, the chilli might die if tlmy waited for the doctor. She saTeil the little one's life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She had used it for croup befo'o. C I. Cutting. Tin old way of delivering messages by pot-boys compared with thr modern telephone, illustrates the tedious meth ods of "In caking" colds coinpaicil with their almost instantaneous- cine by One Minute Cough ''mo ( L Cot- ling. A school olhVer.s' ' Round Table" will I bo hold at Hlue Hill, Saturday, Dec-1 cii.iior ;, lS'Jti, eoiuiiieneiug in iu o'clock a.m. ami continuing two hours All .school oflioers (diieutor.s, modera tor, and truasuieis) In the districts near Blue Hill are requested and urged to bo present, an educational matters of impoitance are to be ceiiiidered. The county superintendent will leud the. flxciuises, A teRclicrs' meeting lll bo In-ld iu the afternoon. D. M. iJuNrni Co. Siipi. A .varded t1Igb33t HonorsWorld' Fu!r. DBL- k-xrJ IB-J VfcYtt fa.ri;i BVlLij WW CREAM ttk IsW MJs' T... IH IL J IZ M - 3 a w mi CMiiiS $rwni rear i n TO BAKING nmm VV PPRPCCT MADE. ' i. i, Al'i nor ?i"i.tncr .. luitcwti iu ircMi Iht StanJ.uJ. AllOUyp TOWN. Jhs ToHlision ( Omaha mi hr Ibis wsck. Hu yunr tuckinUsh at Ilia Chi cago Sure. T It. Wilder wub looking aflir mat tcis litre Wetlncsilay. ('has. White returned horn" Wednes day from a Uit at Hlue Hill. I In cabinet Mr photos i 00 pei di n at Hi'- Moon hlin'1, galleiy Mis. () I ', ('jiM. v(i to,j,y f,. u ti i : rt ith her pal cuts at Law 1 1 nee. Jeioine Viiiiee and son Allen Ihing near Cowlcs weie in town Tuesday. (Set i our picture taken at the Moon Mm u gtlleiy, eabiuets only i Oil per doell. lied Cloud for oiiee Is way beliiinl the nines it has tint got afoot ball team. .1. S Dyre who li'ts been quite ill tm the past ten days is again seen on oui st i eel s lienjamin Watson nml ulfelefi I net day morning on a visit to relaiies tn Mi.siiiiri. Cnpt. Boyntoii of louaowtiei of the ouildingocuipietl by J. I) Cuius, u,(, here this week. AirtiiyH in HeiiMin, Hopkin's, .Sleained Hotuiny (llullod Corn). Hlegiint lunch in milk, (juait can, 10 cent.s The littluaon of Mi. and Mrs. Hairy Coiiover died on Tuesday night ami was buried Wednesday aliernoon. When you want a nice smooth shave or hair cut, give (ieo Fentiess a c.ill. Oiieiloorsouthof the Hun Hakery. Mis.s Tilla McClelland and Mi.vs Helen Wiight left Wednesday evening to .spend Thanksgiving in It oomiiigtoii. Klmer Cooper of Mammoth Springs, Arkansas, who has property intetcsl.s .south of the liver was here thi week Ceo. Ovring wlio has beeiui'iito .slek the pasttvvo weeks is improving nicely, and will soon be. .found at his old post Knee pants of every ilesciiption at Wieiier'.s Tliu Til) cent patit.s we ale Hfleung heal anything lor quality ever .shown. Mi.ss Khodn Waddell of Autoia, for merly a popular school teachui four eity .schools, is heie visiting with old friends (.'. '.. Cutting, sole agent, will lefund your money if not satisfied after tuing one bottle of Dr. I'einiel'.s famous medicine Trunks bcii.g thclortcsi sale of any lllilig iu stuek e 'ilfer IWirllty f them at llfly cents on the dollar iu clo-o. CiiiCAiiii Si oici'.. All di lects of I in- y ,ini IiuiImI and cured by F. H. Hose, piaeticnl op tician Will be at Cutting's stole De cember lib oiisultatiou flee. On account of sieki'e.ss F. H. Ho.o, the optician who 'expected to bn at Cutting's Ding Stoic last week, failed to come. He now expects tobuheie December 4th ami fith. We wish our correspondents would be a little mole regular in sending iu the n) ft inn their various localities. These nun seem wry iiisignilieaiit lo some but they aie a very essential pait of a county paper The first leal cold weather of the .season ai rived on riianksgmng, ami lii'fni Friday moiuiug the iiieiciuy had gone to .urn. The thermometer legisieied a change of over foity-llve degrees iu fury-eight hunts. The Chicago Stole is selling more clothing than was ever sold befoie. Cost prices are catching tin; people. HiibbeT liui.il duck coats ale jiisi'as cheap as oilier coatf. with them, .ft fc, Tlie ladies of the F.astern Sin ov tend a coKi ia I invitation to all Mason, and their wives hi ;i leceptiou given at thw Masonic hiill Wednesday evening, December 'd, fiom ti to 10 p.m. If there is tellable man among oni leaders who can sell Minnesota grown trees, he can secure .steady einpli incut and good wages by writing the Jewell Nuisery Co , Lake City, Minn. The length f life may be inereastd by lessening its daubers. Theiuajoiity of people die from lung troubles. These may be aveiled by promptly using One Minute Cough Cure C. l' Cutting. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands ami lips, cuu, bruises, scalds, uitiunre quickly cured by 'hiWiir Witch Hazel Salru It is at pre. cut i llieariicie most ustxi tor pile, ami i alweys cuios (lit-in. ('. L Ckiiiu. List of luttiiUifiii-Muiiigii icalled I n at the post oflicii at lied Cloud, Neb- ui.-l-a, lor tliu .voek eiulum Nuv iium i 87i Ii, 18H0. IJI.iii, Tims. K. Waller, Ci mi W'i'i M i inilii These letters will lie sent to I in- dead letter oiliee, Dei.,llth, if uoi called for buioiu --FuaNK W Cowiik"(. I ' A very interesting union 'riiankii -1 iug hiiviu) wis held at the JlitiiNtj cliMcb, Tluirsility morning at 1IM0. Notwithstanding the storm and the aiLtlo ti iiipeiaturu of thu il.iy u fail coDgregntioM was iresent He v. 11. O. Ticlinor preaehi'd an Intcie-tinr flermun fiom iei iu Hmn Ti, '.' "I1 everything give thanks unto the Lord " 'I ho olhei ministers of the cm p.iniei puled, The Mllgllig Was led lit u i lion e eeted fii'i.i all the cboli s of the i it and w is ot i h' ''i fiii'ei . Or. Price's Cream HaHin lowdei I 'oi 'd'o Fair 1 UJusi A ir J. ' UaJerntar at cost Mi Slr Duck liiisd coats m iUmCbI- capo Store Itort Wtldion iptui TakiWlag with hi bi other lu Hivcilun W. N Ivieharilsoii shipped a parload of stock to K.inias City Wdnesilay Mis. John I'oluieky is iu Ihsilug thiswcel, vi.iiing with Mis lid I'nl slpher Miss Arvilla Hudd rctiuned Tluiis. day niornlng fiom a visit with frlruds McConk. llest line boy and chlidreii's over coats in the eity at Chieimo Stole and are being sold at cost. Mrs (1 M lMiinib and Mrs. K. Odell of liineoli), mo liting Mrs. S. F. Spdkcdlciil this week. Harvey Co. came down from Orleans J'hiusilny iiiorniiig to jii'iul 'I'haiil.s giving with the old Ulks. Ault. A- Dyer hae had seerul hands busy tin week picking turkey, geese ami dm ks for shipnint Mis C. C. C. and son Chile re turned Wfdm dn. niornlng fiom a visit witli frii'iuU up ibe valley. Since McKinley ' election iruspei ity hiisciiine so fi(Nt that Win. Xeluiriias hail to add another chair to his shop. The .social for the benelll ot the Chapel Sunday school was postponed on account of the suumu cold weather. The next euteitainineiit given by Hie S of V. baud will bo "The (iieat Noithein Minstiels" on the 18th, of next mouth. Hev. Ceo. Iltimnntl! left Tuesday for Lincoln to speiul Thanksgiving with his daughters, who aie attending the state university. Quite a iiiiiuber.'of our young people had a long walk Thanksgiving evening but ft om all reports they returned cold and hungry. Eleven cars of cattle fiom thu far west were unUaded at this point Wed ue.silny ! he fed, ami weie loaded up again Thursday and shipped tn Kansas eity. The dance ailvertied to have taken place iu tlie Moon block on Thanks giving evening, failed to materialize. We understand that it was so cold the nni.ie got friie up Will save y on M.UO on a good p. ml, 1 00 on cheaper ones, '.'."Sets mi ovei.-ills l.'c to .i(le pel gaimeut on Illiib'I'W'cal ; jfi (10 mi :i suit or nvei coat; one to live dollaisou chiltli en's and boys' suits, CmcAiio Sioiii: The rain Wetluesday veiling mil the fiee.e Thui'silay moi '"K '- a line thing for the small b,,y and his skates, but the lee was an exceedingly dillieult thing for some of the older boys ami their "skates." W Hill, H Sc. M ageat at Alinena, Kansas, (icoonipanied by his wife ami ebildieii, wine heie the lii.st of the week MsiiingwitliHoailiuastnrWilbiirn and family. They vveic on their way home from a visit in Michigan Absolutely pure, peifeetly harmless, and invariably reliable ale thetiiali ties of One Minute Cough Cure It never fails in colds, croup ami lung trouble. Cbildieii like it because it is pleasant to take and it helps them. C. L. Colling. S Jaeobi of Chicago entertained quite a number of people at the Hol land house parlor on Tuesday night with some extra geod selections on the violin. Tim gentleman tanks veiy high as a niiwieian of exceptional ability. "Kxt-uie me," observed the man iu spectacles, "hut I am a surgeon, and that is not wlii'iethe livcris." "Noxcr von mind "'bcic his livei is," leiorted hi mill it it was in Ins iiijr (,. , his left ear DeWitt's Little Lai l Hiseis Wnllld i n u ami shake it im him. in i, in bet join jTijf l.iuips." O c L. C Broken Chain IR The fimHy circle J"! N i. vei so hiiiy j. . . . I"1 . sj?j . tit i, t v A 1 i i I ill . there A Ifnd""cy throat or I.t" ' Mt.t Jvnj,..? ii-.. sister, pat. .nt had consumption f family chulo Strengthen it. '' Emulsion oi c with Hvpop'it malusricnclcxjd, ; and vigor to Vs'aS: run-down constitu its did the sylcr" acute coughs atv3 cni vents the chain in.'. .0 1. S'all wc und yun Ire ( r m!) 'i lru rc. lit wwig iilti ki iiiiiiiw. l37S'S7eV.f f r .dMt! I CU1UI Coitok v I hT an tbiolute for Consumrtlon. Dv its timtlv use thouuiuU of hoptflesi fisrt luv Wtn alrMily perniitMutly curd So rroof-wsitlve mi I of its rnvvtr tint I consider it my duty to , uhJ tveo boitht frit totho of your nudirs who Inve Consuinctioii.Tliroat, lJronchl.il or ' Lung Troublif, if thoy will write me tholr , express and postotlice addiess. Sincerely, T. A. SL0CUM, M. C. tsi Veart St., Hew Torfc. BIT The K.lllotlnl mul lliuliinm. kUiiniromnnt oj thli l'iviur Uuurtulco thligouortu rruisullloii. M'IMMMi NOTKS I'iiPl i' wiie only l luce ihi s school, this week (itila Henl brought her little sN'er Wednesibiy. Miss I'av roiiihai'ie was vWtlng the scliools Wediiesilay Mr. Went win tli, cousin of Miss Ken tiady, 'ill' d in i he ith room Tues tin v. A clinnj.'f in the iiogriim has been iiiaili', I" ui" into ell eel next Moudav iiimiiing. A large number nf pupils msiding nut nf lowii went home to spend Tlianksgiv inu Mr. Lorill. who is stablishing dis triel llbtaiies visited in vehool Tues dav. He is fnnu Central CitV. We aienoi always going to lite such a volley oi news at you, but this i a busy week aiiil you must pardon us Little Flossie Deakin f Cowles, was visiting with her sister Lottie ami friends in tlie sixth ami seventh rooms Wcilnc.i!ny miiiI Thursday. Through :in oTei sight we failed to mention last weak the illness of (iro Overiiig, principal of the south waul Miss Heal is Ids able substitute Tuesday Mr Wilson Informed the Hetany class that they would discon tinue thai branch until spring Amer lean Lttcratuir is to take its place. It has become ihn eustoni fr thr i sixth nml seventh rooms In unite in tlin Monday moi uing exercise If we are "rayl" good we can n Friday after noon too, MIsr Hr-'-tliii Keene.y of the sixth roein, residing in Cowles, is iiile iek this' week. We hope to sre her In school au'ain soon She Is a briirht pupil and hr absence is noticed. Mr O II Ticlinor, pastor of the Concrcgntinunl chinch, was present Monday morning and conducted the devotional exercises. He visited the several classes (luring tlie forenoon Despite all om cllorts to win the banner it seems that fate has decreed against ue. We have No. 5 this wet k An iiui'i Men i nt on last week Slow ly but surely we are lorging on to vie torv. M1m (iurher's little lots can Imast of the banner again this week The last Thursday in November has rolled around again, ami according to the goed old custom all patriots will celoluate. Already visions of tin key and pumpkin pies and cranberry sauce rise up before the mind's eye. Only four more weeks until" Chris turns. "How tenijius does fugil." Friday afternoon Hit) senler.s came armed with tlish pans, milk pans, soap, pcailiiif, .scrub brushes, etc Heali. iug that cleanliness is like uelo (iodli ness thpy set about scrubbing up the laboratory. After they were through a decided change for the bet ter was noticeable Miss McClelland general supervisor The physics class enjoyed somu very neat, dillieult ami instructive cxperi intuits on Tuesday. Those who per formed thu experiments weie Klmer Crime lirst, Paul Dickson ami Her belt Cook second, anil KdwaidCook third. Thr boys ought lo have 100 every day foi two mouths on account of their persistent ell'o'ts to make t Ii win a success So lleihie thinks. Monday morning a new phase of the "money question" was picscnted. There ai o a few pupils indeed who an so blest with hue silver that they lav it around promiscuously without the slightest fear of loss Suddenly tin y miss it .mil inquire. As yet it has all been reformed. Hut our good teacher wisely sei.ud tint opportunity of nib miuisiei ing a mora) lesson. A pocket hook eniitaiuiiig money would be i gt'eit temptation to a little child; pri haps Inducing it to take, its tint down ward step. So he cm ef ill how you lay .i.i I iliii pit .:cn around ' ,.1 unify morning, ks all pr'-b. i "ii uilii.,, 'Viih ax lovely a mn Me l is "lint' i' up! ii. .'ll eity was Viappeil in ..i, r""'hpi even some i f tit in ... Kt' ''eiiK were it rnj a I i 'jenc. dn . Iin pci'fliniif " t'n-yeo'i'dn'i get. Othu n i'nl i.u.iii, . fai1 em lymi'inlng i. :.. '' t " '' a I. .i 'eiribe s .i the ems of on. an i uiied mh it k evttlone lind i i.vn; bactiiy tlouulng re.idi- lo.iiel and "pumlilcss with aslon- ' . made apid progiths to waul 'Ii ee'inion ttesiiuiition. Many with 1 i ii umpl Kvrn tho podagogues wih mi. need hIiogj. Several half 1. . .1 ll.... I.I I l. . I HI t'ssiu. iiir.uiia ivillllllll ureuKIIlNI, i IS t ii jaidlesHof all I hey flew. A few 1 tniiiuici after the truth was dlinorered tlcic weio to bo mot many wending ueii eiv immiMviu'il to prepaie more Ifnilv for ihn ilt .s employment What was in" m iitt i V Why Mr. Scainnion .en Mod mul lalthliil janltoi, beomi I l, i I "alo , ilinl ". Ill Int, iiie-l le- i ! "b'd hy liiistnkn rung i,o belt t., ui an mini luii toon WM tarn w " J I &k L-i " I V" ) r tnl 1 The Round Corner Sack Suit and Short Cutaway of especially selected fabrics. You won't find their like elsewhere. We'd scarcely put them in stock before they began to sell. Remember, the cloth in every H. S. & M. garment is sponged and shrunk before cutting and the clothes do not shrink and lose shape like other makes. CLOTHES BEARING THIS LABEL?" ARE WARRANTED. The Gold Weather Will Make Yoa We ofier the greatest variety ever shown in this city. We have Men's Mitts from 15c up. Our 25c and 50c line of leather goods are quality. I We have Cdoves and Mittens made of Skin, Kid, Dog Skin, Horse Hide, Calf Skin, Hog Skin, Buck, Klk, Reindeer, Cioat Skin, lined and tin lined, AT COKKKCT I'UICKS. WIENER. i-yn-VfcaaiHB MTX&H&MaaxkHi ,v.v,-..v,YiWfcAv.MvM Commencing We will give ten per cent of the amount of your cash purchases in COUPONS Redeemable in Silverman 1 1 CONSISTING OF Knives and Forks, Spoons, 4 piece Tea Sets, Cut Glass Goods, Butter Dishes, Spoon Holders, Cream Pitchers, Pins, Carving1 Sets, Sterling Silverware.,, J! Mrs. Potts' Sad I Washing Ironing boards, Clothes bar, And many other articles too numerous to mention. ).!. 7? ,W4'if,W '7.ft"r,5!K H&A'.S'1 A h i vA Think of GLOVES AND IVHTTEJiS. not equaled anywhere for w 001 Sh eep The Clothier. December 1st. Silverware Novelties,! Sugar Bowls, I Irons, Machines, BROS. I-! a vl5LnT" mitrtmi i n ti r-Ttratmr mr f ttmiun ll V imj .w s. f t & WKSitM