8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. 20, I8U6. . il ii.i DR. KILMER'S St R Sfc K JO. f o o tKC-BtAT KIDNEUIVER4S2 DW Tain in (hi; 1ttwl Joints or hlpi,Nillmciit In urliiollkolirlck-dtut j frequent culls or icu-niiou, rliuuiiiiitbiii. ' Kidney CompBasiit I ftlnlmtiid ill rtittii mi nnti nw liluli .,ilt. ..,.. nk.... I Urinary Trouble 8tlnttlnKW:nMtiotmihon voiding iliaiftw proa uri'lu tho part, urrtlinil irtltntloti, ntrlcturu. Disoadfied Liver Wont or dnrli rlri'lii under tho eyes, tonUi coiui'il, cotHtlputlon. yellowish uycbnlls. At IriiBalt, IIHi'iitHiinil $1.00 nzo. iimtlJ' Oiil.lo in llmltli" fmwt'onniltAUon free. till. IvII.MIII A Co.. tll.NUIUMTO.V. N. V. ON SNOWSIIOES. Dur Throo-Ouribou Foaat In tho Biirron Grounds. feeding the IIokk SU'll At)' lli lilt cm tin en mill the I'ul, tlm AiiIhihU . Ato tlni Ali'itt TryliiK i:iir.rli'iinn. When we killtil citrihoti the dogH weir ftil on the xjiot, mill tin- little meat it uiiiiiiiuir iik dlv itlt-tl uniuiitf t he sh'ilgfrt. in Im I'liri'li'il for lliciii niruiiiHt the tlnvx u- were not mi 1iii-I. We neer wit- ' lurli.v enough to I. ill before this lilt I" nipply wan esluiusted. Had we been, v.( (thcH'eu Inilliiusiiiid I) would IlIlM' 1 ten meat. As it u. we ate the intes tine anil fat mid the dngH site the meat. hivmiM' there was not mini mlnni'ii' eiiiii'gh lu the IntcMiiicN lor the dog" I . fore we left Uctnilntinn Ui'iiiali (mil I h'lil a thorough liiiilei'Nliiuiliiig on thi . ,i nt. Man of the Inilian edition t. the CiirreiiN are cripple I li, Ions of iio.'m from t-tiii'Vit inn. ami I knew the In- of our dogs meant failure, so wede- iled If theie was ant starving the .greater part of It mIiuiiI I fall on u., leali.iug, of eoinse, that if the worst cmiuc we could eat the dogs. Heniah held to bin agreement and fomd com pliance froiii the (icrs, and to his wis dom in tills diieet'on, in fact, is tin much of our success in getting out of the lliirreus. When It Im reineinbereil that the or Unary meal for a dog train i.e., four logs, that are tiaveling ,'10 or more miles a da consiits of a caribou hind mid fore ipiartcr, that we had IsSdogH, mid that wcuexergot more than n em i bou or two at Inteivals of siweral days, the reader may understand why the tings were like wild uiiiinals, mid why we nte the intestines mid grease mid wived them the meat. When we killed musk-ox we first cut iff meat for a tiny or two's dog feeding mid then turned the dogs loose on the carcasses, oxer which they worried mid snarled and fought the livelong night. When there were no carcasses they were fed out of hand from the slender sup ply on the sletlire. and then they fought ii- .ii'd worrl d the wrnkermit'iiigtheiii 1 ' ' Mi' 1 I I " 1 he r- ti 1 '.mi! tli.il v.c e t i-j. d ,) ihi m. This dog feeding was -i lr, 'ugcNperi eiiee. All the trains wen- f', at k.iiiic t'mc '. 11 cauiM'l i' n i.'il and such a scene e.innot li I'uptieiited liny where on ear,!!!. Vsweiui igelfrotn the lodge with the tiny feed c 11. I up in the skirt of our capote, tlier v.,t 1 a rush by the dogs that pretty m inly curried us otT our feet, and freipi"utly'knoeked down the lodge. We always tried, but neer with success, to steal a march 01s the dogs mid get away from the lodge lfore the tush, but the moment one of us showed Ills liend the.v gathered for the nsguult, nnd there vs nothing to do hut to scramble out ns bet we could, othfrwlse they would have inured Into the lodg anil torn It. nnd our clothes to pitsvfii in their crazy hunger. So we would bolt out in u'body, hendttdown. ami huggiiifr the mtst to our brewd with one hand, use the whip vigorously with the other, while the dogs jumped into iir nnd on .(( of im In their frantic rndrkvorstotwirawity the little scrap of nienH we held. (Inwliuvlly we would rrpnrate, nnd eaolt man attempt to gather his train by lhlng those that tlid not btdong to him, nnd calling by iiBine those that did. When, nfter uttiuh lighting, each had gathereil his own, the act u 1 piouess if iL'cding begun, mid thin again denianled much activity and some strategy to in sure ecry dog of your train getting its (sirtion. I never had time to notice how the Indians did It, but my method wa to run each dog in turn a few yard!, from the other three; quickly tivss his meat to him iH'fore the otheYs caught up, and then stand guard out him wlille he ate It. The entingdld not occupy much time there was only u growl, a grab, and a pulp, and the meat was gone. It was necessary to.lcc.xdlt ions, for the dogs that had swallowed their meat ran from group to group seeking those that had not, and woe lietlde the poor beast that attempted to masticate his morsell Two of my train, Flossie and Finnette, were very timid, nnd gnve me no end of bother. It w.iis only necesaarv for nnother dog to stort toward them, mid they would drop their meat and run off. I finind it neeessarv to hold them by the scuff of the neck while thev me, and I laid my whitock over the lirndu of tho dogn that fuglt nrounil me, Feeding animal in theZoo isn't n circumstance to feeding dog in the Unrren. Our thre caribou fet of ibafuioru-Jug-cur third la the "UBd of Lltth? Kfl VfR& k sr.T w" ""! M!cW .Mas the lust. I lll.c Id dwell on it even now. Flint tin ItffH of I lie (unlK)ii were cut oir. Htripiiil of tln-lr miuwuiiiiI llisli.iitttl Hi" boiii-ni'ifU'Keil oim'ii for tlic liiiirnmi tlii'ti t.'.r h net in I klillii',H mill n milium Mllv : f In r tin' Iniifriii'ri ntifl tlici-yc nil tli. (:irvi mill nil tin' ulillf rlls wit'' ii.'i-Mii' Mlll'li tlrOII fctll'liH IlllOllt till' (In-, ,inl , lii'ltlc full of w lint ivnn Irft. from tin' ilotr-fi'cil liuiiff HiMpiMiilcd from n tiipol nwr nil. 1 t-nnfliiH inywi-lf lo (lie mtir row iitnl iIIim, mid simply iiinri'id n' Hit' (piimtlty llww InillmiH nti'. Wlii-n we ulnrl.d on iitri.-n Hhti wiim not Ii-fl ii irrotit di'iil of tln tlin-c cmllioii to loud on tlic ulril'i'i, lint the Indians were In irenid humor.- Cnsptir W. Whltni-y, in llnrpfr'n .MiiiIik'. BAKIiAROUS SUKOICAL IiKATlON OP- Fortius Cuieof Flics. Is not only inteii-fly painful, il-m-prions to life tiuil Tcry expensive, hut in tlm light of modern iiirilirul M'Sciuch mill .since the ilisrovory of tho I'rnniiiil I'ile Cure i mii ulrul operation it WI10II3 unticcesmy. It jrmi luive unv ilntiht on t li ! point kindly read Hie followitii' Iftteisfroni people wlm know thai 0111 claims renin ilinj; Ilia inerit.s f the Pyramid I'ilo C'ureare horiiuoiil I13 the facts. From N. A. Stall. Ridge lioad, N'iiiguin Co, N. V.: I reuelvod your Pyramid I'ilo Cure and tested It last night. It did me more good than any thing I liavn ver found yet, ami re- nieiiiuer 1111s was me result ol one uiglilV trealinunt only. From Pen 11 V. Arnett, Mates vjllu, Ark.: Centlenien Your PvtrtJiiid Pile Curt- hut lnt! mo .so nitieli guml in so uliorl a time that my .son-in-law, Capt. I.. J. Klein, of Fort Smith. Ark., has written me for your addiess as lit wishes to try it also From A. K.Tiiwiisiml,IS?iivilli, (nil.: I have been . mch liem litlil liy tlir. Pyramid Pile (,'uie that Ic:ii'Iom1 for whicli plea-e send a packiige which I wish to give to a friend of mine who sutlers very much from piles From .John II. Wiighi, Clintmi, be Witt Co., 111-.- I am so well pleasnd witli the Pyramid Pile Cuio thai 1 think it bin light to drop you n few line, lo infoi 111 jou it elluets have been till thai I could n-.k or wish. From P. A. Uriiion, Llano, Tex Ctriitleinaii The Pyramid Pile Cure litis done so much good for m thai I will nay for tlie benefit tif others that after using only two days I am better than I have been for months. Tho Pyramid Pila Cute Is prepared by Tlic Pyramid Drug Co., of Albion, Mich., and it is truly a wonderful remedy for all forms of piles 8 grant has been the number of testi monial letteis rcculved by them from all parts of the country that they Iistc. dacided to publish each week a num ber of such letters and never use the saiun letter twice, but only fresh letter will be published. All druggists recommuiiil the Pyra mid Pile Cure, as they know from what llrtlr customers say that no remedy gives Hitch satisfaction. Wnnilerriil CViitlicr Work. Among the strange tribes or men nlKiut whom little Is known are the Chaiuaeoeos. lixingon the upper Para guay river. An Italian artist, signor Hngglnul, who Nited these p-ople n.it lung ago, has given a i id description of their appearance and customs. I.ike all wild tribes in warm cotintrii s, thev veiirery little clothing, but thiycseel in the art. of making personal 'adorn ments from the feathers of birds. Their country nlmuniU with birds of the most lienutlful plumage, including parrots, toucans nnd trogoux, whose feathers are tlnzllng in color, rheas, with gray plumes, musk ducks of a glossy black color, egrets with feathers of pure white, and KMonbilU of a dt lleate pink hue. The ChnnmencoH combine all thi wealth of colored and graceful plttmng" In nn nrtistic manner, nnd some of these anvagtvt, tnll nnd of perfect shnpe, wall their forest, glades in habiliments mo-e br'M'aet, t ls- in" li, tla" Pe.-n ti-o' ',.,.. .,vt State ok Onto, Crrr skTolkuo, ) IiUOAH COUMTT. f ""' Fkank.I. CtUCNKtr uiukea oath that ho is the aciiior partner of the tinu of F. J. CHUNK &Co., doing huainess in tha city f Toledo, county ami state aforesaid, and that said lirm will pay tho sum of ONK HUNURKI) 1)01.. LARS for (tach and every easo of catarrh that cannot lie cured by tho una of 1Ums Cataurii Curk. FRANK.I.1JHKNKV. Sworn to bafore mo anil subscribed in my proseace, this Oth dny of Decani bar, A. D. 1886. -s A. W. (ILKASON, j MKAL V "r"-' A'ofarw Public. Hall's CatHirh Curo is tnkan inter nally nnd acts diractly an the blood and mucous surfsices of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CIIKNKY & CO , Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 7.ria. Hall's Family Pills ato the best. Nothing- to lie l'rouil of. TouritSo thiit'a the oldest inhnbit ant? One hundred nnd four years old! Xo wouder thnt you are proud of him, N'ntlvo I dunno; he nin'i done noth ki' in this here plneo 'wpt grow old, an' it took him a sight o time to do that! Tit-Rita. IIU Btronc ana Wrak 1'otnU. "Dobbs tells me that he can carry im mense sums in his head." "Perhaps ao, but he never enrrlesover SO cent In his pocket" Detroit Free Pros. Hat a Fait. "She la n woman with a pat, vou ty?" "Tos: the men have all passed by btv." RnfTaU New. n ri p0 Mrwwi iw Ileitore fall, regular action nf tint linwi'li, iln tint Irri tate or lull, line, tint leave nil tlni itcllratn illftrntlvn nr- Pills Miil.ni lii -rf.rt rnnaitlon. Try tlirm. mils. rri'tareu only liy t;. 1, (w a Co , Ix)HCII, JIM. THE ART Or NURSING. A I.onilim l'riiri4tiia.il WI10 Diich .Not lli'lli'ie In it "Horn" Nurne. A wojiiau who Is 11 tririied nurse, tx. ctipying, after years of pinctlce, n nu perior place in ,1 Lonthm hospital, has been .rjyintr ji eo.uiseor !. iMi.cj on her profession. Her liiKt pioiiialtTon"nt 11 recent talk was that th'ic is no such tiling as a born iiuise: the habit of ob- . . .. . " ' , """-" nursing, which wnsnii art only learmd vi , ill 11111 iii-H ii im iv 111111 1 in- iiiiikt hi V l"'"-'". 1t1ung some piaetlcal titteinnccs of the speaker wen-: "A siiiinv sickroom. one that was entered bv the sun once in J ' - 1. .. l I !...... !.. .1 t 1.1 ! ... ..1 I -1 iliillin, in lil-PII IIIMV , ; UHIIIS JliaCCII on tli south side in 11 hotpilnl wnnl 11- . comt -ooner. by ten dnys- to a fort j tight, than thnfc on the north side. 1 Plenty of light is beue(l"iiil, ecept in' ctisen , 'brain disease. The ..rH furni- lure in iheroom the better, nnd tolecp. It clean n dnmp duster slfituld be iisetl iixK.idiiriiiliyr.il... ThiM.i. n.iiat l-i kept 1, pure inside iisoulslde. anil there , was I'ttl" or no risk about ltn in" t'.e , window open, top and bottom. If the pa -. - ti' nt were well cow-red, head included, and a good III? kept burning. Niglu nil- is not injurious: it Is purer in a city lifter t"ii p. in. than at any other time. The bed shn'ild newM- be in a corner, but licci-s-iil-lt 1 1 mii all , oillts. In fe. 1 1a1.1l Miigic-il in r I. a 'crndle' had mi, ( iimii to be i.m -I i" ' ei-jj oli" the wc;,;!i! 1 the bedel itl-e nn impromptu 1 adle I'oiild I .- 1 ule 1 nt of a t. i(i-ov, with the bottom knocked nut. Itedliiiiklug was the 1 -an mar end keystone cf nurs ing; ninny legiilat' nurses could not make ti gm-il bed. it was Iuihh l.uit to net with il 1 iion when the tinu caincfor any oilier, at-d not to woiiy the pnt'i-ni by lu-sitiit;'in or toll iiigofvlmt was to be doi-c: to tread ipiioth , but lirinly; not on f to-, and new r t-i -, l.i.m r'to a thiid iiori!i. Hwrv ( ffort oiiirln lo ' lie in tdi t 1 s..-iire for h i;.t;.'tit two 1 hours' 1 : , l .jm' t.i .in git. Ama tour inii-si , oft 11 i,i .:,,. iiowii through neglecting to take food when keeping watch through the night. St. bonis Republic. USEFUL BOOKS GIVEN A WAY ItibtructioiiH for Mnking Art nnd Fancy Work Mrs Ntlln Daggott of Huston has n -ccntly written a honk, "Fancy Work and Art Decorations." that gives prac tical instructions for making doilies, tabic covers, Hearts, tray cloths, pin cushions, etc., etc , with lifty illustta tions. This hook, together with "Suc cessful Home Dyeing" will bo sent free to any reader who for wards the at tached coupon and a two-cent COUPON NO. 71 I W. m tnlitltHiunj reiultr of TllK (7A7-' to mif copy of "Fuiicp It'orX ami Ail DicoiirtUm" or ",Siiermful llomr l)y(- stamp to Wells, Riclinulsiiii&Co., Rur liiiglou, ermoiit. 'I'healiove oll'm- is made to iiilveriisc the rt liable Diamond Dyes, and to get their book Uiioiihoiui) dyeing into tho hands of women who want to dress well ami make their old clothes appear like new. The fact that Diamond Dyes have been the stniidmd home dyes for near ly twenty years, ami that their sale in creases from year to year, is proof positive that they have never had an ' equal. Cat Arnunil the Fnrtu. Rats infesting the granarle nml cribs on the fnrm have always lteen a source, of 11 grent deal of annoyance nnd only occasionally do we see the recepta cles for corn and grnin so constructed ns to le rnt proof. To make them so lequires a good ileal of extrneffort. We believe, plenty of good cnts are prefer able to rats. A supply of female cats will kvep the farm rid of ram, and they need not he kept about the house either. They cun he taught to stay where they are needed. Coleman's Rural World. ' For that sour stomach us Stnart'u DjsptpsiR Tablets, becaus. they digest the food before it has time to sour, fer ment and poistn the blend. Fr Ions of appotito take Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, becnuie foed promptly digested creates a naturnlde. sii'i) for more. For loss efjllesh, useStuart'sTablets; they increase tlesh In the only common sunse way, that is, by digesting tlesh forming food, and assisting tho wak stomach in dispesingof It. For gat lu .stomach and bowels, causing distress, belching mid head aches, use Stuiiit'sDYspepsia Tablets; always indicated in such cases. For palpitation of the heart 11.se Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets because this symptom in nine out of ten cases is caused from u disordered stomach. Fer impure blood usn Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets; pure blond can only re sult from wholesome food thoroughly dlgeetetl. For every form of weak digestion and stomach trouble (except cancer of tho stomach) Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets is the snfest, most natural, most successful cure. Ne patent medicine, but composed of olgestire acids, pepsin, bismuth, Golden Seal and similar vahtahlo stomach remedies. For sale by druggists at SOo for full sire package, or by mail from Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Kindly ask your druggist tim. 1 WATCH. I)nvll Ward t'oiuluileil Tlint Ho Dliln't ' Nreil Any ilrwrlry. J David Ward used to be fond of drop' Iing into a certain bank after bank hours and gassing with the cnshle Tim ImIIi... I, m.I .. I.....I... l.l I. I . . . ,. ., ",,"',,,..,., K ,". "" ' "'" "' """"I'K " '" "'" "i"1" nnd twisting tin stem when he was thinking of something else. Mr. Ward noticed this one duy and wild: "What are you doing?" "Oh, just winding my watch," Mild the cashier. "It's a habit I bine." "Mow can you wind It without a Ley?"ltiitilird Mr. Ward. "Ilccmic thW is n stein winder," said the .batik ijiim. . Tlu'ti .he sltowed the watch to .Mr. Ward. "Well, that's ciiriru." xaid tin old man. "No ilnuirci' i,f lo.s'iio- the k.v m- . ..1. -- .1 . . 1 jreniiij' I'll' Keynote j ,jrt Sometimes I clogged tip With thllll I'll iret I wntc 1. hut tiexi-r irti .... I,. ,n. iir.. wnicii, imt I ncc , eM.r wore niiv iewelrv, not V. t. a ' r., ....- .s... nT....' 1. 1.1 .. ... . .'! I I II U . I lllll IIIMI II U lllllll II kill. ' I ' " -....- 11 p watch cost, with that kind of w initio" ntitiririttn9" Jj f ; ,: "Oh, about Mo." ,,!,! tlu. t.,i,j,.r. "Well. oppose you get me one," -' 1 Mr. Wmd, "and I'll pav vou the net time ,,, M ' ' A few days afterward the old mm. had . some busmessut the bank v tl. wv. Hi, ,1(. ,.lwhler "here's youi watch." and he took ii .,..1 a pigeon hole of his dek. Mr.Wr.nl l...,i..,t ..nt., .....i... 1 i,'.r 1 iimii- 1 111 1 ill I i.--VU, ; " 'I'm. just so!" be ejneiihited. "Well. - between you and me, I don't think I ' need 11 watch after nil. In the (irsl ) place I have ncxer worn any jewelrv. I and it's a trille Into in the day for me to commence. 1 don't need It to tell the time, for I can do that by the sun. or iT the sun is obscured, I can always as somebody that has a. watch. Put fi. iiuiln ieas"it Ja that I don't t'-'i'' P stife. If I woie a watch .111111 hi I miiflit be tempted to knock me dm' n mid steal it. I'll 1: a good deal : fi-r f I don't w em' any ji elry. so you'd 1 1 ter take the watch back." And the cashier .lid so. Detroit News. Strained Celitlniei. She What is tho cause of the strained ,','",,i"H between Westsidc and Peail "O'01' lie Mjo ntiuct 111-cd her I lie Iln- ml,..,. n!ght and the nearest Westsidc could come to the air pump was a corkscrew. IliilTalo News. No Time N'nr l.nve t.oHt. lie-You said yon would his,. Im (, in considering my pioposal. She Well, I haw-n't let anv and I won't. Detroit Free Press. Mrs. Anna Gage, wife of Ex Deputy 11. S. Marshal, Ctlumbut, Kan., siyti "I was delivered of TWINS in less than SO min utes and 'with scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of "MOTHERS1 P FRIEND" DID NOT BUFFER AFTERWARD. nrSentby Kiprcn ormnll, on receipt of prlc. ft 1. 00 in- linltle. Hook "To M0TIltll3' lunlleit free, ISIUIIKIKM) ItKOOUTOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. SOLI) HV ALL nitUUQISTS. TIME TAHJ-jK p & v. R.y in: n ci.ov i), xkjui. UNCULX OH AHA UHICAtiO ST J OK Kansas airy ST. LOUIS awl all points east and south. Ii K XV Kit JIK1.KXA Ilirj'TK SALTLAKKC'Y PORTLAND SA. FRA.YCISCO and all points west. TBAIS LliTS IS rOLLUWi: Nu. ftn. Freight, ditty txcept S units? for wymoresnd sit point Mil 9:00 a. a. No l. Pif nier, iWlljr for HI. Joe. Kanui citr. Atrhitou, St. I.ouli and a)l points eaatand Mttth - lO.-OS m No. Ui Accommodation, daily except Sunday. HiutlDvi.. Grand ft Ivnil. Illack llllia and all imIiiIr lu tli iiurlhwent.. ....... :ar, 11 a. Ai cunimoitaUnu, daily except Siimlay, (Hit rlln. Kanwa, and llilernirdlala utatlotia. Tin Re n 141 iiiiIiIIchii- 12: freight, ilnllr. Wyniora and 'M'.m. No. lit st. .loe and Iniennedlste I111111I011 jHiinti l-'J)i.m. f'reiRlit. dally for ltepublli-nn Nn. M nrit-Kii.iiiiuriiaimnii puilitu ,T'Sl llllflllB. in. l',iHpni;rr. illly, lriiTrr. all Nn. ii-iiiiisiii I'uioTHiia. 1 ma aim (ill illfornln sMOp.r auriiiiiK, niiiiiiK, huh reauiiilii: riislr eara (it-nta lrrr on IIuoiirIi imlna. TluUU mlit nnd hdKKiigc i-lieckcil to any jiolst la the Culled $inii or Canada. I''i-li.furiuatlnii, tlnio lableH, niapa irllckeU cnli uu or uililn-sK a. Counu-r, Aueut, Red Clnud, Nebr. or .1. Kruiirln, Ceiicul 1'a.iietiKer Aifeut. Oin.ili. Ncbrukkii fiiX.k.l.iiJ. FM .. 1-Uitta Wlttili AP. ILL.: IA11S hj ! (aiiii'Ii Sruii. 1'H'telou U in lima. Hii. iiv ..rim CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT For a RJWJLVST 2 "P honeat opinion, wrlto to IUNN 4c CO., who bare bad neatly ohy yeara xpertanoa In the patent bnalnaaa. Qommonloa tlona atrtotly oonfldentlal. A Handbook of In. formation oonoaralnc Palenta and bow to ob tain tbam aent free. Alao eaulana of macbao- pt coat to. the Inventor, n-hla mlMiriM MM. aa woeklr, elenastly IlloatnUd, naa by faith "? h" " any aaeotiBO wore in , Giratuation iir an wJI,?.,j.-,J.Tc.r- BMnjwe onplea ant fraa. -B52'!'.,.,21'.t,0,,tJ?00"," fMOreaf. Btail ooplaa, 'J3 oaata. Brery Dumber eontalaa baaa Ufnl platea. In color, and pbotoarapbs of new $Lf wAth P'0. anabllo balldera loahow Um r'd. 3 year. Hamnli NO USE FOR A 3B(Hxf " ''' '"" -H eH 1 , BB CAST0RI4 ArcCc(nblcPrcparationrorAs- slmilalliiSihcfoodarulKcgula-' tltig ilic Stomadis nndUowcls of vQSffiSg Promolcs'Diticslion.Cliccrful ncss niuiltcst.Conliiins neither OpittnT.Morpliine nor Mineral. Not Nakcotic. Httwaroian-swuELrmmji JimHin Sttdm sllx.fmrvi Still JI!rmunt -Jh art matt Salj, flaemSitii -ttiinfitd Suaar . hinttymn tltmr. Apcrfccl licmcdy forConslipa lion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Vorms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ucss and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signolurc of NEW YORK. V'n ! jU txACT copy or wrapper. J. S. EMIG-H. DKNTIST. NLESS DENTISTRV. PAI IK YOt; WANT IT Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Without Hates POUC'KhAIN 1KI.AY, And all theUtevl luiprovamciitln dental mech anl'tn. RI-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. ml j 06 u B HAKK XOTH'K TO XOX-HKSUlKXTS. Wllliiun I. I)iitI. lU-ri-tiiliiiit. will inke mitlce Unit 1111 lln Mh dny at Odulrt-r. IsW, lllimlii IihyN plMlnlin herein, fllt-d lirr t'l-tltloii In lliu dlstrli-l finirl of WrliHi-r roinily. NabmskH, MKalut iiii tla-ol.JiTi and .ni)cr of which i lo tirnc-iiri. h ilhorre from tuii, and nyo ilia ciiMiiiIt of Knrl llnvls. our i-lillil. Ton iilrcil toiiiinwer unit petition on ar litfore the -n nay 01 ."MiTeniuvr. inki. Iiati'd. Novembers, KMi. IIiioiia Datip, I'lHllltllT, IlyJ. M. ('Hirrin Attorney. I'UDLIUATION OF SUMMONS. Case & MoNitt, attorneys. In Iha Dlatrtct Caurt of the Tenth Judicial inimci in ana tor wanner county, Xturaeka. iiiiiu uiiiBru i.niiuiii, 1 riainurr. William S. (larber. Wine f rarta Oarber hit wife, N. . Ilarwaal whoae foil Aral nae fa unknown, anil llemard MoMany, Dafendanta. William Seward riarlier atxiwa imnl Am fendani will take notlea that nn the 10th day af Norarabar. 1898. 1 filed my petition In IheabOTa aiiUtle court agalnat htm Impleaded with nthar defendant" the object and prayer of which ar for the aettlng ailila af certain traaifer of the following real aatate, to-wtt: Lot iinmljer seran (.) In aacllou number nlna to.) In townahlp one (.) In range elerau (11.1 wen of the alxth principal meridian In Well mar cauiily, Nebratka. mad by Wluefrede Oarber to nemard Mclteayon the arnh day of n.u.i, inw, aiiu ina uijacuon or aaia ran projiarty lo eat under execution leaned oat af aald court ag&lnat your property on a Judgment m my faToraifelnityeii rendered in ald court at the Septemnor. lt, term thereof; and fur ther pray ing mat the renewing proierty to-wlt: lot twentr-ane (21.) In black lie CI,) in black 1 town now city of uu rty ana (31.) uf iil I'lniul Vali. the original town now city of Ited Clou raka. im declared ! ba yaur nrotcrty and that N. S. Uarwaoil la wham the title now ntandaof record ba decreed to Iwto na latareit therein and thai name may be mibjocted lo eala under Bald execution nbote dearrtbed. Ton are re litlrtdtoinwrBalit Kftltlan an or before the 2lit day of December. IHOfl. or the aarae will he taken as true and decree rendered accordingly, ItTI.ANll DlLLinil llEllfOIII), I'lalntllT J.KOAL XOTIOK Count) i nurt Webiter county, Nebraska, Deinii.-r . trmiir-tttiiliii ' Coinimti, pliiinilff, v I O. W Tubor. itofuittlHiit I IJeleiiifniii o. W.Tabur tiil lute nutlm Unit ontheiiMilay of October, twin, .Tam lluiry. county J mile of Webster ioiiiiit. Nehnuka, l. tied an order of nttaclinient for Ilia sum nf OTfiily iw aiiitelRlitliuiiilrrillln. dollar In an action H-ndliiK lu mIiI court wliaiuln the Denin terJIII JUhiifaciurliK Company la plalatlff and sld 0 Tabur H defendant, ana" that proprro c.iiUiliii( ul uut-.ihlid Interest In fprty-lle airea ot corn In the Held iltuated xu the unrtli-i-uitnuartr- nf Fettlon 11. town two. range tnelre. in Webs'cr toiuity. Vebraika. hus been arched under Mll uriler. Saldcasawag "i1".11?'1 "," lhe Ml1' 1 ot lUeember, K-K alio o'clock a.m. Iteil Cleiiil, Nekraikii. Ottolivr 93, line. DinrtTia Mill MiNi-rcTiiRiNa Co.. riaimicr Wanted-n Idea ft temmmSS tkiagtopAtaatt 50a wamiu. MilAUor. I v SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SICNATURE op (Z0 IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTTLE CXF CASTORIA ClStorll la tint nn in ona.ili tintttie nntv. T U cot fold in balk. Don't allow enyona to aH yon anything elia on the plea or promlie that It ia ' Jnit as good" and "will nnBwer every pur pose." " Bco that yon get O-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Tha fis- t:sii xr stTsi . tita KZ--KLXfirSMSsJ?j iroir -1 -. jr r r . - rr mi -n- - " ef wiApytr. PAHKER'S CINCER TOM! 'J fm..'i,.iiSn5n1?0ilJI'.lc pfWUty, dWrriitnn rtom.rii and liiiilllli, nnj Id iiutnl lor luaVlcift wm. when ill oHicr trriimmi Mln Kim mmhffiriil Imilid ihoutit hvnlu a PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clranirr and brtatifiti th hi!r. ITOmoHl a lllvitriftnt rmm Nnver Falla to Ilrttore Oraj Cutm Kalp (IImmi a hair taUis HINDERCORNS TheonlyrareCnnriw VOraa. btap all pain. MUea walki-iliaiy.UcatOniuUta. CIiMk-m.. 11 i.i-IUti Mi.mn. Itrnn.i. ENNYROYAL PILLS "ifX . ,;,l,l'l"'llyUciinlae. a lmwtm.mundOrttuda lltd id I i.ufUifUllloXVaV J, ssrfft " .,"l,a "'i'i hl-'I'-'-" 'I alp YS? ti wlao otiirr. iYrt,,iid,i'ru'.ii&rifu. v QrJIoajwiil .Mi(aHn 4iliuiii,orri,J I,; Z m i!A,?.to.1".1!'"1"'- i-.tim.ioLL k . O VrW,,f.V,.rJ 'dl.'''i '. I,, rt-lnr-. aUttaiftSS.i,;S.Ti--',","-,,"""!.W.",".'.? Cktlsda.. I'- THIJIAGURA For Thin People Are You Thin? KI1-I1 iiiinle with TliliiMciim Tnblclv r n hcIpii I inn- iii-e. -i-iioy rrvnli- in-rrect sliulllloii oi.ir iiinn nt ( 1. M-iit'inm ilia vnliinlile mrt hi .1 . Ni iinlln); ihr wiirlliti-". -riicj uuikp I1I11 tiiii- .liuti, mi-! muml mil tin limine I lll' Hl- III .STAXDAKU IIKMKDY I li.r I mi 11 1 i. iij m iir-enli-. anil nlin Il l"l Il "l.l-vk I'I ri'. lili.iii. II IT Imx Ii fnrV,. m ilili". HUH Tu l.l.T ' T." fnt- Tllh TIIIX ICI'K I CO., . ruiiiun. N'i.h Turk SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPK1ETOU. DKAL.KK IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. ALWAYS ON TAP. Shoot the Best AND GET the GAME! Alwiiri Surr.KIre and Accurate. Strong and t'lraa. w Vlc(Mnllum prlmd), MraokrleM. Quarantrrd toglre HIGHEST VELOCITY, LOW PRESSURE, B,MlfUt- PATTERN. CLEAN. SMOKELESS, PETERS METALLIC CARTRIDGES THE PETERS CARTRIDGE CO., CINCINNATf.O. CASE & MoNITT, AHORNEYS aid CODNSELORS AT UW, BrhJI DICK BROS QUINCY BEER axaxaxmBXaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxV Special Attention to Corurnercil ndi Probate Litigation. 00N BLOCK, WU CLOUD, NKlRAg1A. 4 .-.i v-ji ? - fev u i . ""1a 4A 'fr-inrftiiwiwwiiii im