The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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People often wonder why tliolr nerval oro
ho vunk; why they get tlrod bo easily;
why they stnrt nt every Blight but
midden kouiiiI; why thoy do not elocp
mituriilly; why thoy havo froquont
lundm-lies, lndlgtHtlon nnd nervous
c explanation l dimple. It Is found In
t'lnt linpuro blood which Is contln
i.nlly d't'dliiK tho nervtu upon rcfuso
limtind of thoclomcnlRof Htrongth nnd
lror. In such condition opinio nnd
nctvo compoundH klmply deaden nnd
. ,i not cure. Hood'M Hari-nimrllln feeds
.mo nerved pure, rlrh, red l.loodj gives
r itunil slei'P. perfirt digestion, Is tho
true ntmdy for nil nervous troubles.
1 ii Itf ioiI I'lirldcr gl per bottle.
I niliiiiylivC I lIoiHlJtCo.lwrll.M.iiB.
, ,-... riiri Liver lilt, caiy to
I tOO'l h fll!S Uki.i.iiv meliorate. 2S.
reiii.ihiii.n hi
I.. Mu.MII.I.AN.
Uno jenr
ft (i
Kilter oil Ht tlie pout olllce nt Iti-1 ''limit Not ns
lecondrliiKBiniitl iimttc:.
Tom WiiHoii'h Ion;,' look cd foi Icttci
of acceptance, has arrived at last The
trouble that il did not auivo on time
was liiat tho epiilo was so uins.-dve
that Tom did nototouougli stamps ou
it to carry il to its dustlnnlioii. 1 low
ever If the letter did not i each head
qiiatteih an time, ToiuS piediiiioiis
got there.
The action of the Htipreme com t of
the United States in sustaining the eon
iiitulionality of Him WillU in Ration
law of California euiiae.i all h ligation
ist.s of Neliiaska to lejoiee. The de
cision applies directly to Nebraska us
well as otlii r Mates whicli liuvu copied
after the Wright law. The east)
befoni the court involved the constitu
tional question of tho right of ttiMitiun
ami the right to condemn i ight of iv a
or thu taking ofpioperly without due
pi ducts of law
The election of llmi Smith Caldwell
to tho state legis'aiuio lioiti this di
ti ict is canting Coiiiidcrabiu cuiiimunt
lioni the papcit Ihioughoul the tiatu
Some talk uf a eonte-i is In aid on ne
coruil ol an alleged el i 01 in the ballots
in Fiiiukiiu count vvhuio lie i recited
over two bundled majoiit If this is
tho cum' why not an eiror in the lot ot
tho eoumies wheio Mr. (iuthiio, hi
oppourni, tan fiom two hundred and
titty to tine bundled behind bis
Secretin Morton in hi annual i
poll, which will soon bo made public,
will review the economic featiiiesof
his administration and cite liguiesto
siiow that he has eoveied back into the
tieasiiry W.OOO.tDO of llieappiopiiation
for the agricultural depai liueiit dm mg
the four eui , oi f,'il)0,UO(l eaeheai
l'his is in the ueigliboihuod of two pei
tent of til, appiopiialioii foi (lie cai.
The principal fealtiie of the lepoit will
be a lengthy refutation of the claim.-, of
what tho seeietai call
now lei's."
Inaieceut interview with a State
.Journal reporter (Jov. ilolcoiuh gave
ussuiance thai Ibeie would be no Kan business in tlir slate house the
omiii toim. lie gave positive a.sstti
ance thai hollow eland lumlei would
nave nothing to feai trom the coming
session ot the legi-naime In lifn-f it
is his opiiiiitn that mi bills -attacking
i ho rights ot eieditois vvii; be passed.
lie thinks tb it the mot tgage and sta
taws now in foico ato s.itisfaeti i v
alike in ooimwei anil leiuliii and that
no changes ale needed, tinlo.s u be m
tlie diieulion of legulatiug the ih.itii-i
loan business where exborbtlaui lanu
ate ebaiged.
Tim Ciiioiniia'i Fimes-Siai is au
thorlty for the following tabulation 1 1
statistic, on the insult of oltctiou:
Population of states carried by McKin
ley, 13,G.r)0,'J7l), population of states
canii'd by Hryiin, 18,1(71,1171 Asscssul
piopiut valuation in Males can icd by
McKinley, 8a0,77l,6n3,O00; in states
cxniod by iJryiiu, 14,500,000,000. Num
ber of working men cmploed lu btatot
carrimt by McKinley. 4,009,41.1; In
jtale.iciiriicd by Uryau, 030,502. An
nual waged paid in mates carried )j
McKinley, 11,001,504,013; in Mates
uarrluil by Iiuu, 1237,700,544. IVr
ceutago o( illiteracy in states curried
by McKinley, 8.7, in states curried by
Bryau, 14.8.
Wo understand that Kdlter New
iiiuyerof the (Juido Kock Signal will
pull the string't in order to receive the
postollico appointment at Guide Hock,
This lias our hearty approval. If there
is one thing an editor of an adjoining
town likes to mo it is tho placing of a
man in tho pustulllce who
and holiest, a id .n who when p-ijii i
nru leciivid will ii"t give him ll.e
worst tif it by do!us so lhat ptilloiiMtit
not looolvo tliPin on tinio. Wo mo not
ifrulil of llro. Newmoycr. In Hod
'loud It Is different. Wo I mil an stlltor
'or postmaster hern onro mill don't
ii U! to linvo him thrust upon u.i ialn
'lor we don't believe he'.s honeM, no
iw don't believe he'n honest, mid wi
lon'l believe he'll jjet thero uny tnoie."
Flic shoit of it Is the people, don't vvunt
Thoieis no Joy in this world equal
to Hie happiness of inothorhooil,
woman's health is her dearost
oo's'Hiion. (innd looks, good times,
luppincxs, lovt and its coiitiuti
mea, depend on her health. Al
most all the sickness of women is
traceable diieetly or indiieetlv to omo
derangement of the organs dit icily
feminine. Troubles of this kind are
if'i ii iii'L'leeleil because aveiv nati.ial
mil pioper modesty keeps wtlU'in
from phystchm, wliose itiittiiicr upon
"Mimination and local ticnliuint is
! ' rl ill a Uel(-ss ;is it is oiilllioli
)i I'leieo's 1'iivorile I'ieeiiptinti will
Im mure foribeiu Ibaii HO doctois In
Kin. It will do inui c good than tho
liiiinlt mltli doet i- can unless he pie
riilies it. It is a picsciiption of Dr.
II. V I'iMicu, who for HO years has bean
. bief consulting physician of the
Woi Ids Dispensary and Invalids'
Hotel, at IJtilTalo, N. Y.
Send 21 one-cent stamps to covor
cost of untiling only, tiiid get bis gieat
book, 'I'll n People's Common riennc
Medical Adviser, absolutely fire
Considerable talk litis foi yesus been
kept up by thn pi ess of the slat, on the
idea of patronizing homo institutions
and industries and the agitation should
lio kept up until such linns as tin Cash
liuyciH Union and Montgomery, Waul
& Co., will bo compelled to go out of
business . fur as tho patronage of Ibis
state is concerned At certain times
of the year the postollico and express
olllce are deluged with mammoth
catalogues displaying pticcs which
many folks believe to be cheap but
after they receive them they will liud
out thai thoy might jusl as well have
bought at homo and saved the expiess.
Talking witli a gentlemen who io
sides in tliis city, on the same subject
lie stated thai while in Chicago accom
panied by his wife they strolled into
ill, gleat stoic of Montgomery, Ward
iV Co , and before they departed had
put chased some .'.,."i worth of goods in
tlmilr goods line and on ipturniug
home the wf found that she could
have purchased the same goods here at
even a less pi ice than tbeie and left
the mono heie at homo
This is a m.ittei which should lu
taken into eonsideiation. The dollar
which goes to Chicago has no ptolit ro
turning capacities whatever It dops
not go to bii the farmers corn, hi hay
r any of the products of tlie farm. It
Iocs go to buildup the city of Chi-
cago. it tines not go to make ur city
ami count r prusptttoiis
To bo sure Ueil Ciouil is nut blessed
witli many institutions vvlieie home
goods are maiiufactuiPil but what we
have should be patronized. The man
who enters a ding stoic, a grocery
store or any place when cigais :u
kept ami does nut call for a home
In ami likp tlie Spanish, The Chief, Ml
tin Pot, lli,ii Kid Cloud, which are
made bote has not the best intcicsi,, of
Ids home at heat t
So il is witli a 1 othei lines of gods
A good deal of the money you pay out
stays Iipi'o at homo and if you keep it
tinning. yon gel a whack at the same
inone srveial tunes Fry it and sen.
Whether in the foru of pill powder
or liquid, the doctor's prescription for
inuuii uisL.ises is aivvays me same
metcury or potash. These drugs boltle
up and poison and dry it up in the
system, but they also dry up the marrow
in the bones nt the same time.
The suppleness nnd elasticity of the
(oiuts give wuy to a stiffness, the rack
tug pains of rheumatism. The form
gradually bends, the bones ache, while
decrepitude and helplessness prema
turely take possession of the body, and
it is but a short step to a pair of
crutches. Then comes falling of
tlie hair and decay of the bones, a con
dition truly horrible.
Contagious Illood
Poison the curse
of mankind is the
most horrible of all
diseases, and basal
ways baffled the
doctors. Their pot
ash and mercury
bottle up the poison,
but it always breaks
forth again attack
ing some delicate
organ, frequently
the mouth and
throat, filling them
with eating bores.
S.S.S., is the only
ituuwa cure lonms
disease. It is guar
antced nurelv vege
table, and oue thousand dollars reward is
offered for proof to the contrary. It
never faib to cure Contngious Illood
Poison, Scrofula, ICczema, Rheumatism,
"inccr, or any other disease of the
Moml. If j-ou have a blood dineaEc,
'. '. ' o re tned" which will not injure you.
Ii .' o.' v tfteiirv; don't !: violence
j . o .- . '.vui. Don't tfet botthdup!
(! t book s sent fiec to any address,
iiv.lft Ur:c2(!c Co., Atlanta, Ga.
iiMlVl Vlvjfr
lliv V J I V fl IS 11
lifnJt 'J Ii
This h u rare lutrgain ti porttmily, it' you wish 1o buy any Divss (Jumls or ( lak. Wi invite vmi in omiM ;nnl so. ium.
We will also place on sale man) other bargains in seasonable goods, on which you ean sae nionev.
Thin in going to br our big Dret floods
Bale, in we will oiler valine never before
lfi0 of our clioioeflt Drese P-itlurns will
bo placed on tide nt Gptclul bargain
prices. In them ou will and u nic
line of llenriettitn, Sprgep. Novelty
Ooodi and Flannels, Special prices nt
81.00, 1 2., 1 40. 1 &0, 1.G0, 1 7o, 1 80, 2.00.
2.1C, 2 23,2.00, 2 7r), .'1.00, :i2r, .'J50,:i7o,
und 1 00 per pattern. It will pay ou to
eee them.
Also a special lot of new remnants in
Wool Dress Geode will be placed on Bale
on our middle counter nt bargain pricee.
Special bargain in Standard Calicoes,
nice dark drepe etjke, 10 yards for .'I3c.
Only 10 jardu neld to eitch lady cueto
Special barifaiiiB in Dark Percales, Kig
ured SntiueB, Viougua Clotlis and
Special bargain in large and email iiut
tons at half the usual price.
Do not miss our special
S. ot V. J3and Cancert
The fell, winj i the prograui te be
given by tho S.of V. baud at their en
teitaininput :it tlu ep,ra hetiso Friday
night. Nevenib,i''9ih, 18!lll
Murt'h. ' lin!f .inlftitlii ' . . Hull
s Of llllllll
Vninl s,Ui sjlci'ti-it
lliioSoIo-"llnuTan" (ilmhul
Hlx Alii, ICcuiitliPrc
Miilo liuatl.t - 'I.iiTe l.uiKtri Y,t" Herbert
lllirlclit. Crh p. t:mlh, sdlam.
Wiiltrvs-'-Aleii," I). C. Jrnklin
s of V IIhikI
Voi at lUift "Zirttn" .. . Willi,
l.lllluii snillli (irncf liirt.
( ,ruet solo1 Vacant clmlr Kitntui.n"ltilllnMii
11. C .loiikliih.
I inllif liUHtlst Si'lerieil
Mrs. IlliLl'tMlM UllhM Itllbj, II.Jll. Srlllllh.
llt'Ki'rlptlTeOrrrliir, "I'outily I'ulr" lleelie
s ,f V. Iliiml.
s)iioinl'-l)HW--Almli,nl f,r Hi, Piilr
uruiiiiils-llulni; ilitlit ,iil-Knt,r Hi,
uriniiiili Mila how kpiPi'li i g iliiiK,
.Mr A solo 'I hi mj f,r Hi, nam
Her, llir i'uin,"(i," t', ta ana an Ilia
biij-llarnili' 11m rati
Via id Duel -"Auf Wi'lilrrtaliu" llulley
U.S. AllirUlit, Wrk Ii t .lankitik.
M aiiilollM tint liillttr HiiPt s,r( H
Wllfs n,l Ui'llrlilt
I .m ill a ijuurli't- "Itlrilii of sprint' iiijili'li
VINvfoniilli. Part. Muiili Mi J.aUliis
,ii .nil Diniie- l,nllk'lit ItfTnts' .UnUiis
X Of llllllll
tiiiiiiMt iilil OiiK,ii llin kM iraniii') Herbert
I link I'nttlii'.', .Icnkln- IlifkrrMiii
-ur t lliiiiiifi" lle)er
- of Haul
Several othei numlitir ale baidg
picp.iied And wtir allli'ial pingiam will
baa tpi' I'm, ana Adinisslou lfi and
'.'5 1'eiits. ltcservrd .aals on ale at
Griees Monday iiiorning.
Iti.iiou lb Likp. and upon the purity
ami vitality of the blood depends tho
health of thn whole .sy.stpm. Kxpcti
cure proves Hood's Sursaparilla to bo
the best bloud piiiilier.
Iluon's Pn.i.s act easily and prompt
1 on the lirer and bowels. Cure sick
hi'iidacho. The Dramatic News nays; One of
the few actors who confeued tohavlng
Toted for Uryau wai foundlaaglorioua
itate of exhilttiatien early Thursday
merning. His friouds unanimously
advised him to go homo.
"It's not time," he assured them con
fidently "Why, it's two clock," they urged;
"go homo, your wife will he worried."
"N alio won't," thickly atiiwercd
the Hryanlti. "She's ns good a silver
man as I am. When I left tho limine
Thursday she told mc not to return un
til llryan's elected. I'm not going
home ill the neM een'ory n d until
Novemllel, lli(K) Li ta il!1 Ii iv a sil
ver Mz. Pb'Ml till p Wife iloll'l CX
pi ! Ill" f 'I b" I il s '
r. Price's Cream linking Powder
Woi'd' Pair lllclitai AwaiJ.
M mk JL h
and CAPES.
Wo have received nnotlier now lot f
Jackets and Cupes. During thisFiile K
shall murk thorn nt reduced prices, up
we with to soli thorn light out lit mice.
New is tho lime to get n rpw. stylish,
well made gnrtnunt at a very low prie.
Ladies' Jackets at 2 IS, 2 78, 2 !)8, .'1 27,
:ns, :i ca, : jr, 123. 1 is. 1 78, 100,028,
5 4."), f. 78. fi 0."i. (! 20. (i 18. 0 !).", 7 2.1, 7 15,
7.85, 8 28, 8'.K), 028, 1148.
Ludie' Ciipeo at special prices, $1.2o to
10 00. These are tho best values we
have over shown.
A'po special bnrguine in Children's
Clo'iky und Jackets.
Special barguine in Outing Klnntipli at
fi, 8, 0. and lOu.
Special valuos in Sanitary Fleeced FI an
nuls at G, 8, und 10c.
Stiucial burcain in FleishoiV Germ in
Knitting Varn, 10c pur skeiu.
Saxon), fie ptr 1 phi.
Missionary Concert Programme
The following missionary piogiamme
will i bo given til the Cotigiegaiional
church net Sunday iiioining, Novem
ber2J, at ball past ten o'clock
Or mill Voluuwrj
Itll) suiij; . xpl,,,,
Itei'lliillon. "Welcnii" l)tl HiiKKttt
Iti'iitlliiK. "Ho YoiH'ure" .. i:rl Point
.Scripture anil Prnjer . ... Pastor
MiiiB, "Tell ItAKidn" . . Clmlr
lt.iulliiK', "il'l i'Mihn"
Iti'Cltiitlon, "Seiul Hie llllile Kloreiiie Poller
Iterltiitluii, "Too llojs W, Nceil."(ien. tliertoii
.oiik, "Oawnril i hrlstlnu solillers" school
IteaiHui;. "Kuto" Jennie CotthiK
Iteellalloti,l"Wml Maiulle Did"... em I'rublll
Class Kxerelse,;"('nu JeHiis le thp l.ltllo Onus"
Souk, "VV'liea He I'oiuclli" ... . Infant class
UicllHlloii, "Komi forTliuiiKlil" H) Mi llon
Kei llallou, "Atnerlia" II) Seven ()lrl
Hume Missionary AiMreHN . ..Pastor
Minn, "UIviITjiIIiiks" . .. Class
Kei'llalluii. "A Tol' lteniarkh"Ktli,l.MeIeli!liiili
Ueeltiitlon "Tlie Penny Yim Mui-l (Jl'o" .
. Mm Orimtli
Iti'i'ltatloii. "Five Pennies" Mary Temple
Home Mln-lonar) Collei'tloii
Soni;. "Tlie star SpatiKleil Haulier" .
hi. si mi this.
"'l'he woi st cold I ever had in my
life .vti.s eiiied by Clitiiuberlain's Cough
ItiiHi'd," wiites W. II.Noiton, ofSut
ler I'n'ek, "Fills cold left mo
with a cuigh and I was epeetoi.iting
all the tinio. The leiuedy cured me,
ami I want all ot my friends when
trtiubii d it Ii a eiiiigh oi cold to use it,
loi it will do them guild ' Sold h II
F.. (ili''e, Dlllggist
Notico to Toachors.
Notice is hereby given that I will ex.
amine all persons who may desire to
offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public schools of this
county, at lied Cloud ou thn thiid Sav-1
unlay of each mouth. j
Special examinations will be held on
the Friday precccding tho Oil Saturday
of each mouth. I
Tho -landing deired for 4d and 3d
grado certificate in the fhiun uogi ulej
below 70 percent,, nveiMg80 ptr cent;
for first grade rerulienle no grade li-1
low 80 per cent., average 00 per cent in
all branches required by law.
1). M. llUMTKU, County imp".
Market Report.
Corn (old).,
Com (uow)
0 11
Kyo. .
UogHlat) 2 75 3 80
Cattle (feeder) 8 00 8 lfi
Butter 10
Kk'K 12
Potatoes 80
Spring Chicken per In.. II
Old IniiiH per lb !l
Dnil,- o
FinU'v-. "
!.(.' ''
Ur. Prices Cream UaKiny i'uvict
K t'nro 'Uuu Crjapj )t Tartar 9lt.t
H'-rin )t i )iv,-s d . .r '
XSSkv j CTETH. ,v3 M .F.iJ W"J .ftT
r j 11 iff"T:SC
rti em r lmsr ?&? v
Now ii the tlnif to buy it nice Wool
Blanket nt n veiy low pricv, us wv kiiull
f.tTur our entir. Ilu of Wool Mlnnkrt at
reductvl pricer Alio vpociMl I i ri n ' 1 1 h
in Cotton lllaultetK.
Spocud bargains in Whiti Wool liun
releat 12J. lfi. 14, end 23e.
Special values in Scarlet Woel Flannels
al 12.. lfi. 18, 20, and 2fio
Checked and Stripod Sliliting Flnnntls.
mile price 2fic.
Vsrd wid, LI, Unbleached Muslin leper
d. lileuched Mtivlin at fi, 0, 7, nnd 8c.
SpPcial liiirumn in Cotton Kittle nt fie.
Wo cun hav'o you inone on Shoes.
Ladiai' Mutton Shivs nt $1 00, 1.2. 1 fiO,
I 75, 2 00, 2 2fi, and 2fi0, tlmt willfully
BKve ou from 2."h: to $1.00. Also special
values in Chiblroii'a School Shoes,
Special burgaiu ui Children'h Wool llosn
at 10c. LadiPH Wool IIdsh nt Ifie. La-
dii'' i'leec. Lined llosolll 10j.
a. ilv
Is a remedy of sterling value. It positively
cures all Bronchial Affections, Cough, Cold, Croup,
Bronchitis and Grippe. You can always rely on it.
DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is indispensable to
every family. Price 35 cts. Shun all substitutes.
Chi LANCE'S PLUCS.Th, Grtit Tobieee AetMete.lOc. Dealers ar mill.a.C.Mei era Co., Bilto.,Ma.
Strength and
Purity : : :
Wo 'i-r- only Hie finest Konds
in our
Prescription Department
A Wagon, Power, Corn Sheller,
Harness, Buggy, shoveling Board,
Bicycle, or any kind ot Farm Im
plements, until you have obtained
prices from the
LESTER IVIPIiFIHEIT CO., flmboy, fleb.,
Who hare a complete line of drst-olaa goods at remarkably low price
Totter, Salt-nhenru anil LJcroiuo.
Tho intense itching nnd smartlni; Jn-i
dent to these dlecaeea ia instantly nllayi -:.
bv applying Chamberlain's Eye -.vX
Skin Ointment. Many very bud cswr.
have been permanently cored by it. It
la equally cfHuient for itching pike, aod
a favorito remedy for eoro nlpnlefl;
chapped handa, chilblains, fmst lilti
and chronic aoro eyoa. 23 eta. per boo:,
Dr. Cml)'s Conillllnn Tnivtlcra, aro
jnst whnt n hnrfio noed.i when in li-l
eondltion. Tonlo, blood punnr ri
vermuuijo. Thy m-j n-1 tooil l..
m?diein .'ml the o" ii u j t' prt. i
liortj in piiino Cv.uiuni.. IMto 2
96, 1 1
4Mtt Mi'tW WWTTM
Duriig Mii i,4i) we shnl' ofrer special
bargain m Mei 'u Wool Pants, Mon's
CoMoiunU Pint,, Men's Jean Pants and
M..u" OviitIii. Wo tind wo have a
mi tub ir of (idiis and ends in them,
wi "eh vvh wisli to eha-e out quick. Also
-is"ial bari-tiiiis in MK.V'S SHIRTS at
.'i0, 75c, nnd 51.00; fanner prices, 7fic,
I 00, and 1 oi. Men's Gloves and Mit-tem-;
ipecinl valiind at 25, ."lfi, .'13, 50, 75c.
Uuclc Conls,
Sro our Duck Coats at. $1,00, 1.25, and
1 50 Wo can save ju money on them.
MUX'S TKCK TIKS; special bargain
tif- lfic; former price 25c.
ICicI Gloves.
Special bare tin in Ladies' Glace Kid
(a'lovpp, former pricen il.OO to 1.50; sale
piiue 7!)c. Also ipecinl values in Mit
tens at 15, 20, 25, IJ5, and fiOc.
Kemnat 's in Dress Go"ds, Calicoes, Cot
on Dress Goods, Ginghams, Table, Lin
ens, Oiiling FluunslP, Cotton Flannels,
Shirti' gs, Miir-liiH, Jeans, CottontideH.&c
."spu'i baipiin in our (Ji.demiiir Dept
- .&?
MuaiMw m iwD.iiw vuwdcu Boa eu ru!
cntbuuncHConductetKor MooceaTC Fcca. i
f-.waM.a MtA T. JHf ..t.. .L..I I M . - m
uvnviMi.iiiiirnJiniii.1, rftTlNT Officii
muu nvvw..cwui iMiriiku, IW UiOQ I"", IAO.C
itmote (rom Wiuliinjton, '
Send inmlrl, drawinff or photo., with dficrlp.
lion. We nAlic. If patrnt-ti.u . . .-
. !,.;. t... i.. .:.; .i.' -."" "'.Mvi '. ,
, i J.i '-. nwuviiun mi raicni itKCurcu,
f l fMPHl.
ccit 1 1 tame
1T, '" Hm to Obtain r.Ucnu," lth
ic im'ie b. Sj. auJ crclco tounttic
! t Ucc, Ai Jr
... -. .,
h&SJLZZ'ZL "::' ""'Nnrori. n c.
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