T n V HBU'iWiM, wumi JWanAn. mi wwmwmatrimjiuiuMxao" -" " " cginroin ijvumaai iViUWStflCUll (rt.-l )ll tonnflUMMagn: ?' ny',-Tt' fciftwrir i --"-y-Tt ?T??C,itJyf t?v .. ,- i:x vry ?'3!5iSe?llSi!?i,lvrr .err; i . 1 :..&m - ."'::?.si " . '"!:!'!ifi 5-r-t -JfcSr :j&?3 t 2i &J&& m f I rxs -.... --,.i... .-. -?- 2P' Islsr 7ibAMK " V y JAsSaMMBKSeblVF 511Sfe WJOMM!welflaBfleKPS: es-i'itfir-re'--AMtw jj'a 'snunwc i. , r i - i iniHi'. ir. " "-Ti" - !". i ! ,. muiiBnRir. mifBi&i'aHxHiHiHntTtArx.uMC j''TisoH-i'sa, 51 rsssssa ia . xste..rit ii.--- ,,2iHiHaai A4 wmammmmmMfMMwm&Mmmnw -f-.irrm.9'.4iL.ireijr:tx.jt.-'- ra .-" ..! .Kwf A'.wnrri .im f- - .wb, -s. i r4MMhk-aaavwMaa)7f,-iv, .vtmn.K-wmvmmmrrwrFHnrrfi'i.rji.rAjf.'' n:v:;. i ' -!3-i 1 ilw ,. 'HHR&19 i f v u ',..' 'i I f I '( . iS-rS7.Y .t -" j r-- .WJkMMl I.H .vUtAJH-Hm.' Ill tBt-Xtf. HKMJhJUW'?7 ""'.Tw "--i"-- W&MJ rV 9J M ft-M rin VKMBd(My - -.- - . cr v8? - -tss?z&z Vj .It- mmm S4 ? J &'. &&&?? ZnlA VOLUME XXIV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. NOV. 18, 1896. NUMBER 15 Cet Your ristmas ifts Free KKSMH 53 two ounce bacr. coupons inside each four Hi ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of. I'M this celebrated tobacco 1 f and read the coupon fe which gives a list of val lM uable presents and how tlf to get them. Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old, are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To bacco. You will find one coupon inside each and two Blackwell' Genuine S. ol V. Hand Concert 'l'lic following N the piogiuin to be givrii hj ilm S.of V. hiiiitl tit t licit ett trMtiiimuaiit nt tin1 opera homo Ktiiltiy nit-lit, Novemlier'.'Oth, 1H!)0. Muieli, ' Iiiileponilctitlii" s uf V, Iliunt. OCIll i-0lo -M'll'L'tl'll MlvHl.lllliuimltli. l'lniiif-i)lo-"lltiti Ton" .MUi Allio Itomxlicrt Mnlo (tinrii't "I.uvo I.ttimTH Yet" AlliriKlit. tirlru, KiiiIkI Wnlloi "Alonu" . of v. tun, 1. Vociil l)m'l-"ZdtllR" . .. While I.lllliiM .'Miiltli tiniic fori. Cornet 'olo - Viiruiil clinlr rrtmulii"KolltiiMn I). V. Jcukliix. iiilkt I'unrtct telecti'il lt. DIcker.Min. M lived Ittilij. Hnjil, velliirn. I)uivrlitlu Overture 't'nmity 1'iilr" . ltielie . of V. Iliitul. viiiipln:-')iiii Alt iiliimril fur the I'nlr UruiiiiiN (IiiIiik ilulit tint i:ntor the t.ruiiinv,-lili' r-1 1 1 w p,eei Ii clou iliimc lltf- A suln- Tlilv wii for the ruees 1 no to one on tue Ifaill (illlllltll ..Herbert M'lllltH. 1. ('. Jcnklui Tobacco SHERWOOD & ALBRIGHT, Staple and Faney Groeeries. lliiiiilinlilt, Mtuiie.sola and Amboy flour AGKNTH VOl Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. FKKSll VE(iKTAlLKS AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. .." ...... ..... i . Vi. .Ti :, W w & WSWJ?. .!. .... ...... :.. .(: j..i .... a We :w Are O rim cllcl OLte si F'T .1111 I'tivtoiii Oiti platform Right Prices, Good Goods, Courteous Treatment, Fair Dealing. WE souui r YOUR WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIRING. Wlmn yon need nnythiiii' in out' Inn come ami eu tiv. If hiivun't ot it wo Mill K1'' it f"l yoti. A written iiiiiiiiitce with all v. tieii woi I, .-loii-lMi I mn tiuiMiilecil or " inoiie ii.ieu KTo-vvliovio Bros., Jeui-Iers and Opticians. wo .' !': 'W: . 'Ti.it ', '..' -'::..!-..! swmn The modern Pain Annlhilntor, will positively cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Sores, Earache, Backache and all other aches. SALVATION OIL is sold everywhere for 25 cents. Only the genuine will do the work. Ctww'lANGE'S PLUGS, The Great Tobacco Antidote.tOc. Dealers or maJ.A.C.Mejcr (. Co.. Ballo.,MA. Special Sale Sottirtlay, IVo AT J. 0. Butler's Harness Shop. jtitrilay. BlforOl"llOl,, S21s;t9 Of HLANKliTS, ROUliS, WHIPS. SADDLliS. IJRIDLliS, H ALTERS, In fact evcrytliii.LC kept in a tirst class Harness Shop. This sale is One Day, Saturday, November qi. Wanted-An Idea Protect your IiInmi thfT rnny tirtnir nu Hualtk. Write JOHN WKUPEUUUUN 4 CO., Patent Attor- TTko can tlilik ir oome iiiniua OilUK to iiMcutr mti. Wubtngton, V. C, for tbelr ll.WU I M4 utt ot ! tiuoareil Invention! wand rlto orrr ed. I IS "iJnii wHKit ;n iik uii3. raT 3SESSSBB& llerelhej eome "(ui' l.iij Hurruli lliiirnh neii! Duet -"Auf WoMct'elm" lliilliiy (I. . Alhrlght, Mn. I), r .leiikiux. Mandolin mid (iulinr Duet- elerteil. WllcHiuiil .Mrllrhle. I.nillen (juiirtut "lllnlv of viptltiK" lltijileti MlvvL. Mnitli. Port, hiulth, MrH. Jenkins oiii:kiiiI Diuiee "Moonlight lteev" Jenkliix .v of V. Itiiml (itiiirtct "OKI Oukcn lluekcf (eonili;) Herbert (lurk Cotllnt,', Jenklnv, Dlckcrnoii. 'Ntur .)iiKleil lliiiiner" lleer .S ()f llmiil. Sevttal other numbers an- being li('l:iifil and our lllcin.1 pioram will be si very line on. Atltnissioti lf utnl 25 futilv. Rtsni veil statu tm sale tit Grict'i Mouilaj iiiiiiniiiif. City Council. 'I ho i-Uy uiiunuil unit in hjieelal sei vtion Thursday, Noventher l'Jth, pies em Mayor Myi-M, CotiiH-llmtiii (irii.tt, I! nek, Fnllnti and Hollister. Minutes of hist tneutiiiR tead anil a provutl. Tlte folio wiii); proposition fioiu the II. iv:. M. wan iecuird tintl upon motion plaeed on lile U. E.Tait, Cili Clerk, Red Cloni Uear Sir An.sueiing your. of T'"' tettlay unit reference ton piopoMtion front the city ol Red (loud to furnish ih water for the lulanee of thi lntinei-p-il ji-nr at .?'.'." per mouth, it is not cootiiiK tiv half this amount to furnish the water ottivelves and wo Imvu our works connected up and ingootlopeia Hon again, hut if tin city chics to uiHku in a contract for WO p -r mouth wo will cot'sider it. Yoiiis Truly, A CaMI'III'.I.I.. Minion made and cartltiil tliut proposition of H ,M. in cmishlpru tion of $'-'() montlil, to be paid in cash Ijc uccoptcd. On motion council adjoiirntd. Comfort to Califorcia. Every TliittMlay inorning, a tourist sleeping ciir for Salt l.ako City, S.in Francisco ami Los Angeles Ictixcs Omaha and Lincoln via the lliirltiigton Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and bucks mid is provided witli curtains, bedding, towels, .soap, elc. An cxpeiicnccd e ctti.siou conductor ai.d unifoiined Full man potter accompany it through to llu pacilie con- Wli.lc uiillier tis e. pensivel liiushed nor ns line in iool.nl as a palaet sleeper, it i.s just as i;ooil to mkIo in Second cl.s lickeis .mi iionotLiI and the price of a berth, wido j notigh and big enough for two, is..nly i ffl. For a folder giving full particu litis, call at tlicnciiicst R.it M. R R. ' ticket olllee. Or, utile to, I Francis, . (fuiicuil l'avveiij.'er Agent liuriinirioti Itoiitu, Omaha, Neb. Chronic constipation is a painful, disuLMcciible and life sluuieiiing dilli ctilly. It deranges the. sihtem, ciiitscs Rick headache, bad bieath, and poions tho blood. It can lie itmdlljr overcomo by DcWitt's Littlo Early Risers. These little pills ite groat icgulalors ('. L Cotting Book AroiUh Attontion Am you celling Metealf'slife of Rijiin k Sewall or II lUtcad's life of Mc Kinley iV llobarti Wo give the very llllgest eOlllllli.ssillllh., '(. jrV. y,m WO ill ctir.li besides if jou Mill KlObnoks U'c pay Ircight tt.oti Wcgivneieilii We ship goods pi omptli. Every Hals tend oi Mi-tcnlf hook sold In the conn-1 ny eoin-h from our plaee. We aic hiinliiiniiirs. Deal direct fttuu tho! iii.iiuiiactuifis noons sold at il.W. Onilits in it Sund .sl emits for pos tage Hill su,. npe.sgl' L. E Mc (hi.ai. iteHim., I'liiliulelphia, Pa. STATE CKISKK (laliieiing corn is the onlcr of the d.'O. Coin Is at least one Ihltd lightiir than it would luic been on account of the hot winds in August, and is only I making fnmi about twenty to fotty bushels per aete. I'lliu Diris of Minsotui, foi met l. of this tirigliliiii blind, who has been gone llin e eais lettitued last week. They that leave will all come hack .sooner or Inter, lie says they have never mou A well day while gone. Well elrelioti is ovci and no one eci seen amine iiiicl time tliau wo had Evetyone .vein and Vnled her (-Vraight and went home t'be pops would not even lie for a rept'blicaii road over seer. Dolly Davit-ot Amboy Is home on a visit .Mis I'nitei ol Red Cloud w.ishniue it few days ng.i. Mis. Cilu,' In-altliis belter than it lias been. Al. SI iby done the threshing of there paits hist vviok. The o.its ami tye only made about ten bttsliels peraeto. One man had tv.entyhl bushels of millet seed ofl of one acte. ami a half of ground. Corn is selling for ten tot elve cents prt bushel. Hogs ate about 'J.S.'i to ;t. 05 at Leba non OlX'AMON.VI Notice to TcnchurH. Notice is heteliy given tliat I will ex limine all persons who may desite t oiler themselves as candidates for trachcis of the public vcbooN i.f UiN eoiiuty, at Red Cloud on the thinl S.i. unlay of each month Special examinations will be In Id on Ihc 1 i idav piccccdiug the Id! Sattndny f e.ieh mouth. Tint standing deshed for Jd and .hi giaile eeitilieaie iv the same no grade Welow 70 pel cent., average 80 per cent; for lit si grade certilicatr no gtadn be low 80 per rent., average HO per cent in all branches required by law. I) M. IUmt.kyCoiiiiij Supt STATE LINE. Riiildiug fence around stnlklields is the oidet of the day. Miss Edith Dilliou is on the r-ick list. Come to Dr. Ilawley's ledum al Norllibranch Wednesday nighl. Mr. Frank Arrant s has lei uracil home to spend the winter. Next Saliii day night is the regular night for singing at Maple (Stove. Come evety body. Mi's. Tulaiid got a pii'Miiit of a new carpet the other day. The school hoiiMi in district ISIS i going to Ion ; nice after a while It i bcini: rt plastcted Oh gills, Mi. D.tvises' coi n liii-kfi fiom Noiloti eoiiuty have gattci lite and one of them i- good looking .l.vvil.vu Ki;it. Snatched from the Grave. 1 -i. -. ev - rs i s H H-AOrtHSOM. K OtvUv4J.?cttt-Bt 0J4 T7TS3fc nnTtv YTtr rxTrr? a or? Is the most dangerous of all - Kidney Diseases. Pains in the sf' Bade, Irregularities in the Urine, J the Limbs or Ab- A m 1 r- X r Km k S v rsE?. I W vf I Swelling of J domen arc the first symptoms Dr. J. H. cLEAEvl'S liver mm mm HiV proven, in thousand: of cvscs and for many years, to be the Peerless Remedy for tins dreaded disease Tor te'e ever; wLfrs. "M C-.ns r t tiottlr. THE DR. J H MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIB, Mo. J0b"tvlCO''2 .p ' 00'. VC'O-liOtW K 'MlVKflBHHHwiiMHiHIVaiHiVr em "BETTER THAN EVER." FOUR ELEQANT MODELS. 85. OO AND 8100.00. Art Cataukjuk Fiuhc CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., No. 72 Garden Street. Indianapolis, Ind. r-ufcv w tawiiwuM mmmma-tmimmmmmmmammmmmmmmmirmmmim-mKvm'ZJEUimm T-rVT S.i. i, oc .- -MTtrmnrtwvriti .wast. u f i V4. Ms v. i-wyf- -A: "x'fi I l ,.-.! t-srs,n-1s,, nv ( JV ' V. fi-er- hf Pfrn r .4 vl ri, .. V n.ThuMl Lettor totlin.Iiiinei.town, (N Y.) Sun. "Ilnstl, Cliuutniiriua Co.. N. Y.. Kitltor Sutc I consider It u duty to miiko the following Mutuini'iit; Odd year iiKO luit April I became ittlllctud with Klduoy dlatusu. I employed orui of thu most uxporluuci U phy Blclinis, mill freiiiiciillv roilu to Ms olllco braced up with pillows, I oljtalnei mi per niuntmt roller. 1 whs Reduced to a mere Skeleton. My fuiliur, Jacob JuIiiimiu, nf Kllory. illeil of tliunaiiiiMllsuusu Uiieo years ni;o :uul 1 no trait to think tliemwiis Iilllo liopu for mu. I'liinlly I ticKiin tlm use nf Dr. I unner'H Kliiupyund Iliu-laieJiiiCuio anil Itliolpcii mu from tho start. My dlijehtlon bnprcn tit, tho MirimchS left my slih-s and hack, and I lul; on huultliy rinisele ami Heidi. Two Imlthis complotely cuieil me (V.CCI.C J "! rr ctt7.i . r 17 . ! . ?' .-V&.. r Stcvliuo v;dcvil3L Ch.ii.icti:;ii!jctqwte.' .j. .. i noftrsoiTnar civ .mrAi nrnr ci cmrfcu moil' Aim cnuu I vt v hct..HKintfti at a rr.ni ctr now tHC IIHIQUIHCHI o i rrtl'ry. o4. trui euo. llOUtNCU Mill l'iAll'Tt i- ; ; Jottr Ctvlccllst T75.nO $100, r..'iinvc ii , r.y I 'xrcviia. t .. i.t.Zu oimllAUDiOUl CA1MCC Jl t' ..Hih fASMINQ. j. -V ai t; i W.Mtc JScwitifl i'lSachlne Go. r i ic nt$nt,r ClCVClAtlO OHIO v "viv n" . .': v "H-i) -Vvi--fc Tj (Q$H) ) V i'', 9 v ri" )."' S .. "1i V oiir i 1 1 111 v. 1'HIIMAN Ii. JWMSbON.' FOllSAI.I. UVC 1. con INC. i v -' siv,; i V i ?x.ja ..l .feSSJSJfrsWft:' Wsfor y Vo J .- c 'f; ' , SSJdSiP?xir. - TY iitt- tir4Kuna a r , s Ji