' Y sxixixixixixixixixixixBBBsxMLxWBBBsxixMixixixlxaiM i ,slsxWgMMgttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttgi mnrr a irr -kT-TT '" mm- iI ' C 8 81818 SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE THE REPUBLICANS BADLY DEFEATED, ,I.U.-l...,'l.islJi a'jLUL CASTOR BRYAN CARRIES THE STATE V 1 .,1 . ' )Fl H Governor Mnrrltl Will li Nurri-mlril by .Mr. I.ei-il) 'I lie l.t'Kl"litiir MriinK- I)- I'litlun mi tliiliil llulliit I'nr- I In I lli'liirnt I'rriiii (lit- Mut .Irrr) Miupiiiii Ih-fr.its Clir-tli-r I.iiiik. topi.ka, Kati.. No 6 llr.in ami 'ie f n -dlrni Matr thkrt h.ivi- i.irrlcd K.tus.is ly a inajnrit) tti.it m.iv be anywhere from m noil lu ifi.imo At Kcptibllrau hr.'iiliti:irtcrs the hope I itlll held mil tli.it Mori III ami the lest of the tale ticket may lie saved tint they b.u-k It frith uiicrrtaln ilKurcs It Is a fact that ttic return so f.ir received put Morrill slightly In the U-.id of I.ci-dy. lint from the outset (hake returns have shown a steady llcpub llcan lois from the vote of IHU2, when the fuslnuUts won the state by fi.000 majority. To Illustrate At 11 o'llock complete re turns li.nl liven received from 'i I prvtlncta, kIvIiik Mm rill 18,fi70. I.eeily 101513 Ttili Shows a Kcpuhllciti lots In the same pre- tlnctsoii the vote vu governor lu la'J'J of ,,i,0O0 ami a fusion gain of 2.10. These llxurcs repreient about nno-nlntli of .he total vote of the ntatc anil tlies.um-ratio 9f loss ami Ktn kept up to the end wmilit tlve the state to I.eedy by tU.IMHIor lft.OOO. rleilcntlial claim that these returns Jo not fairly repi csent the fusion K-ilns, at they are from Western precincts where the popula tion has become ho sparse that the luslon jptakers hail little room to make convirts. The name 214 precincts kIvu McKluley 1H. MO; Ilryan, IH.IWH. This Indicates a lead of I.BB6 by Ilryan over I.eedy, but an analysis and comparison of the returns develops the frobable fact that some evblently a ina orlty, of the Judges of election have cither ounteil the Ilryan ami Watson vote for Ilryan or thrown It out entirely This fact toupleit with the expectation that I.eeily Aoulit run Miiniuvli.it behind liiyan, ac tountM for llryau's strong U-.id over I.eeily 'ii one-ninth of the total wile of the state leard fiom. This Is the Juilnmriil of l. M. Fulton, who has lieen t.ihul.ilfiiK etcctlon rlurnslii Kansas sluie Ih'JD In the letunu from Xl prei im Is only 174 ;otes for Ilryan anil Watson lit for I'almer, mil 4'J lor the Prohibition tickets are re fmrtcit, Chairman. Simpson end Sccrvl.it y Hrlstow efuseto Klve out anythliiK but the exact fount of products' The fusion chairmen ire not ubulatliiK the returns lu such itetall. I'hey accept the statements of majorities .(ICRrapheil by their county commlttemnea ind htivc reports of the m.ijui Itles fur kov inuir In thirty-five counties as follow; For I.eeily -llourbon 3(HJ, llutler 300, Clay 100, Decatur 400. Kdward loo, ford 40 Franklin SIX), Hamilton n.', Jewell 400.KIuk- nan 80O. Linn 800, Miami. 1IJ0, Mitchell 300, Montgomery 4tX), Neosho SltO, Norton 200, )iKc400, Ottawa 260, Pawnee 140. I'ratt 160, Honk 17ft, Hush ISO, Scott TO. Hedge wick HOO, Hhertnan I2A. .Stafford t9, .Sum ter 400, Thoma. 150. Trego IV for Morrill-Allen ISO, Douglas l.loo, fm. uy 1JS. (lretey 00, Jackson 200, Ktley 160. On Congressmen, tlreldeutlml ettmate iht reul a follow. first ilUtrlct, Hroder- ck, P- "'iiiican. 2.000; Third district, Kidg y. lu-., .it, 8.000; Fifth district, Vlnceat, fusion, l.ROO, Sixth district, McCuuuli-k, fu- nun, j.oou; neieuin nistrici, Nlinpsnu, fu don, 3.0(H). lie regards the Second and tour th a about a standoff, itrongly for Peters, fus1 nd for Curtl. Rep--' .he latter He 'ion of Peter lurtlslf the chancer formtrJ ood In Htci yta wnte touiily fa , In the ilus llrcldcnttial baa neard x the election of 84 Jiem .oUKC.mil IMof the senate, i tot ut of this total he claims a l.tlu ii u the IlepubllranK over the ' lame n tatlon lu the lenlslaturn of IH1I6 He estimates thai the legislature will Hand on Joint ballot - Senate l-'uslonlsts II. Itepubllcaiis U, house fustouWl 77 Ite-,-iubllcaus 4H Total tiislimlHtN, lOrt, total Republicans .7. luslon majotlty. on Joint ballot, &t. The Republicans areas .title illsDosrd to concede llreldetitlial's tig- ire on the leKlMlature as on the state ticket, Sut they will make no estimates until they ibull have received mure complete leturnv rtiey are not so hopeful of gelling the legls lature, however, as of carrying the state ticket. At 12:80 o'clock, Hreidenthal had lecelved the following additional report of majori ties for governor by counties: Leedy-I.eedy. 3(H); llarber, 14.1, Clark, IB; 3raham,200. Morrill llrown, a&0; Marlon. 00. Oovernor Morrill ran 100 ahead of McKiu ey lu Ilrowti Fulton, Republican candidate for state senator carried the county by &0. lu Clark county Harry Dime, Republican, U lefeattdfor re-election by 7 majority Wichita, Kan., Nov. 4. Ilryan has carried Sedgwick county and Republicans concede that Seedy rnd the entire fusion state ticket have carried the county by COO to 1,000. The fusion!! will probably elect three repre tentative. llrutUlnrlitgr lleuti-u. I.ouisviu.K, Ky . Nitv t Latest retuius from Owen and lletiiy counties In the Seventh dlstilct show lliyau tuajoritles of J.260 and 88H respectively, which easily pverccmies Ureoklurlds-e's lead and elects altle, Demucrat. AIDING INDIA. rvsent Nlttiittlon .tnier llreiiiiieil of lie- for Hertl Stun iitlon t'ulll.il). London, Nov. 5. Sir ltli'hanl 'IVni pie, who litis bad itxpcrifiii'i' in Indian all'nirs lnei lsi'i. wit., u.is .I'crotat-y to Sir John litiwroll.-e, IIiimih-i' 'ullli.sli'f of India from 1-is to l-Tl ui-l who vn then nppointi'd to '..-, i-riiiu-ud llm tv lief opiiratioti. In tl- f mtiiii--strii-lit-ti .UhtriotN of Uoiiif.ii. iitti-r .vhiili he owed its jrovonior of llmnli ij . allndod yostenliiy to tlii.' Import -f i.ilifoniia wltunt as n iinlijui' fuetor in tin- idt iiatlon, nuil Mild: "It appi-in this ivhuat t-ati bo landed at .ilottttn anil sold at from uifdit to nine cer per rupee. Sueli a possibility wuh never dreained of in my time. If this lie true, it will siitllie to till tlie hhort ittfo In I ho liiiiinii bttpply. C'ertainly Amorlean wheat solil in India at that price will siittlce for the distressed dis tricts. I do not see the need for the ovuriiiuent to intei st iu- in this mut ter. If tho tiling can he don.' traders ran do It bettur unaided I think this is a vital mutter and the govern ment bhould Immediately verii, it If tills i.s pohslblc. And if so. Aw stioiild not Inturvone. If tins American supply t'alltid, then 1 do not thluU ihcru it, stif ilclent wheat in India to meet tho scarcity and the govci'ituu-iit might have to buy hiijiplles wlm-cur favora bio opportunity iiV i. il in Mtli-x .i'tol'l.istorufor KliouniutWins. ililililililWilililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililil iHilililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililHT mwm k envDNno I VI I LI llXliU IVI UUILIlHUIli DEMOCRATS ' MISSOURI, THE MAJORITY IS HEAVY. From 40,000 to 00,000 for llryitii- Hleihons Ituns llrtiliul About 20,000 L'ltul Itaiiinvwl Ovrrwliehu- liiRly Ifett(l NeMrly All the CoiiRi-rssiiu-n Demo- rratlo Test Safe St. I.ouin, Nov. 6. There in no doubt, al though the returns arc coming la from the Interior of the state at a small pace, ot the election of the Ilryan electors and the entlte Democratic state ticket. The stale legisla ture will alv be DemociaMc and United States Senator lleorge (1. Vcsi will probably tucieed himself Ketuins fiom all ot the precincts lu the city of St. l.in-1, have not yet lieen made, but the Item, .its concede that McKluley and Lewis tue cairled the city by about lfl.ooo. The iclunis show a Rieatly Inci eased vote foi both pai ties over I rittj. The Republicans Neemeil to h.ive ualned lu the cities and the Democrats in tho routiti y dUtrlrts Chairman Cook nf the Druioi-rallc Statu! committee said tills iuoiuIuk thai the to-; turiiH so far as tecelveil Indicated that Dry- , an had carried the stale by -HUmhi to MiOtHl. lie admitted that Stephens had i tin al least '.'0,000 votes behind the silver rli.imptoii. Ilryan. he said would tome to the Mitsls hippl river ulte bo nun majority and Steph ens with .Itiltoo The Democrats seem to !iae regained I t-"ie f the lounression.-u dlstilcts lost tu the landslide ot two i-ais ago. The il.iim the elei lion of twelve oii(i'fHsmen outside I ot ihikcity, liirludltlK It. 1'. ' land llaalioM, ! ItepublU an, lu the Tenth dixti h t and ' re.uve, llrpublh an, la the Twelfth, aro , t-lcrteil. 'I hi ime between Jo), Itepublhaii and Hunt, Demoernt, In llic l'.ie i-uih dis- liiet. Is Hill: in doutil The Kcpuhlkau llckc-t f in this cltv wis elected. The proposttiou to lemove the state iapl tal i rum .h-llu mil ra to hedalia was de feated overwhelmingly. Shottly lH-tore iiiiim t n.iltm.iii Cook of the statt Deuioct.itlc tomuilttee n.ive out tlie ' followliiK' -With .1 probable ItepublU ,m I plurality of u -joo in si. Louis the returns i Iriitu outlde st Louis intludiii); Kansas City and St. Joseph, n title tar (torn turn- ! plete, show- that ltiyau's ptuialltv Is fiO.ooo. I This itusuiH a plurality on the Mate ticket of about 40,000. All the state outside ol the cities has gone Dcmociallc, electing llic 1 Democratic Loiigrissint-u from the districts , outside of the cities." JEFFERSON CITY JUBILANT. Tho Drfi-ut ef Hi-ilnlla In I In- Cnpltal Itl'lUKt.ll Iuiu.j' 1 . ..ntti-ii. a special as received Ucrn u.iv iiKinnin; staltmj thai IHt JefferHon cTty fiad'wou In HIT r.ouli) Hi the capital removal tight by 40,000 and the mate outside of St. T)uls by 7fi,000. IlustncHS It Huspended all ver the city and bands of men with mintcal Instruments of all de Hcrlptlonn are tnarchltiK "1 and down High street yellltiK Cannons boom In the capltol park and the explosion of llrecrackers till the air Members of all partlex, responsible bust lies men ami all who can net hold of them are we.irlnn Sedalla buttons fritted with pieces of crepe ami wearing white glove-, on their liands as a symbol of mourning for Sedall.i. AT BRYAN'S HOME. The Democrat lu Candidate and HI Wife Undaunted by the Karly Heport. Lincoln, Neb., Nov ft. -Mr. Ilryan nave or ders that the principal bulletins be sent to his room and there he read them. lie mani fested special Interest in returns from this state. Despite the discouraging treud of the early repot ts from uearly all critical points In the country, he malutalued a cheerful demeanor, saying that he had expected the cities toga against him. In case of confirma tion of the report of his defeat It Is under stood to be his Intention to Issue an addreM urging the continuance of the sliver agita tion till and ttirougtiout the neat campaign. Mrs. ilryan entertained guests till 10 o'clock, when she retired, after delegating the duties of hospitality to her sister, Mrs. Irene Rogers, Mrs. Hchwlnd and a cousin of Mr. Tlnran. Mrs. tiryatt seemed to have rec onciled herself to the worst, but hoped later dispatches would be more encouraging ADMINISTRATION FEELING. NntlsfaottoH Over tlie A4pitreut frat (if .Silver. WasiuniIhim Nuv II. -There was uu air ot unconcealed satisfaction ta administration circles here this munilug over the election, ycltbls was temiH-red, la many instances, with pity from the President In the White House down to the lowest oMcl.il there was an Indisposition to exult over the duftuit of theli old time polltual as-ioclales. aud the nieinhi-rsof the 1'iistdents onitial family, .uu-ami all, preset ed a .l.cnllleil slleiu-e in tin-hope of thus iii.iklug fiU't the task set tin- them In fuliiri ol ti d.ing the bicaclus i iu the party. I WASIIIM1TON. Vol Very Clo-,i-, lloili l'urtli's ( liilniini; i Cmtj llilnj;. J Sk vrrt.i:. Vii1i., S'ov. ft . Indications , point tc licpnblii-un nalns, but the vote ill be cloe. iCcpubl.eulls expect to elect at least one or the two i 011,4 iv ss men. Tho fusionists continue to eialni oveurthluir by 11 la rue uiujorltv. while the Uepiiblican blate liendquartefa ure 1- iiifldciil of a sum 11 plurality. Murk lliiiiu.t'H Opinion. t'HK'AOo, Nov. r . Murk lliinnii wlrei t'ni Associated I'rcbs at I a. in. as fol '.ivs: "My opinion is that MoKlnlej i-, .levied by a inajority that will settle tho issues of this ennipuitfii and ifimr- aiiw-e to tlie clvllled world inai 1110 t liiiued States can be depended upon fo nintalii her honor and ItitCL'i'tty." 1 r. lrlcc'B Cream Unking I'owucr 1 wor'il'fl Fair HI eh est Award. A lllust Vroui Tlllmnu. Oiiicaoo, Nov. 5. "Our cause liai not been killed by thin dufertt, bj lii'tivon," (.aid Suimtor Tillmnn liiat ni'ht. "It lias no more been killed tlttiti wtis tlto utiuso of onmneipation by its tcinpot-ary setbacks." Mrs, Alexander, says tho Living Church, is the author of one hymn thai bus herveil to umkeher furuoua, "There Is a Green Hill Fur Away," aud It ii unl.l tlttit tlw. nmui1ni.ltv nf thlA livmn having effect to bring her huubaua into nororioty, obtained for him his elevation to an Irish deanery. He was made bishop In 1807. Don't Wouuv uhoiit your health. Keep tour blood pure by lining Hoiid.s S.n tapuiilla ami you need not fear the grip, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia or typhoid fever. Hood's I'ills aro tho favorite family cathartic, ency to tnkc, aiipytoopctatc. DR. KILMER nT KIDNEYIIVER Dl0W Dissolves tirnvcl Onll stone, brick dint 111 urine, pain In urethra, training- after urliiutioti, pain In tho buck and Uip. suililcii rtnpiwKO f w'cr wltu Pruro. TulK) cusw in urine, ivwity urine. Sunmp.ioot cured urinary troubles ami kidney dllllcultlea. Liver Comiilaint Torpid or eulargctl livor, foul breath, bllloui. iicbk, bilious hcuiluchc, poor digestion, gout. CaiiU'E'IfeOftke ISBsulder Inflaranmtlon, irritation, ulceration, dribbling, f rec-ucnt eidlii, pu- blowl, unicuu or pus. At Unmu'tst- oO celiln mid 91.00 SUP. -IntiUldi' tluiJo to llealtli" fns-ViwuluUon fre , UK. KlIJIBIl .V CO.. IUNOUaMTON, N. V. XOTH'K, to xox-i:j:sid:nts Wlllliitu I. Hiivls, ilefeiuluiil. will inVe notice) Unit 011 the Mli dtiy r Oiiober. lw.. Ithods lHivl. plHliitiir herein. Hied her peitllon luilie illntrli-t court of Wobsler emiutj. NolirnfkH, su-iilmt un tlie wlJeet ntul prer of nhli-linre In iiroi-ui h elvnrie from vou. nd nlm the (ili.oil) lit l.liri mint, our mini, iimi miii iiiitisl to nwnr mid ii-tllluelotliefuietln -.Milsyof So ember I Mil 1 nti-il. Noiunliera, iwo. Knoiii DiTi l'lsiiiillf II v J. M, 1 U4tin Alloriiey. 'S.w ArcCclablcrrcparalionforAs-biiiulatingshcTcodaudllediila-t'uig llic Stomachs nnilDowcls of Promolcs'Digcslion.Chccrful ncssnndRcsr.Conliiins neither Opium.Morphine nor Jlincral. Not NAatc otic. Kr- Jkope counrSViazEtirosa Pumf&m Set' Alx.tmn bdltlUSJti- Drrtmnat . mjdirtmuttSoiai IfirmSttii - mtymifriaiTr. Apcrfcct nemedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcrish tkcss and Loss OF SLEEP. Toe Simile Si'ijiinturc of NEW YOBK. CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Elariicss I Harness ! Harness ! J O BUTLER, Sqiu ire Dealing, Low I'licxd. Htst HARNESS MAN. In 1 ed Cloud. Prices ricrht i r DON'T BUY A Wagon, Power, Oom Shelter, Harness,Buggy,lioveling Board, Bicycle, or any kind oi "Farm Im plements, iintu you nave ootameoi prices from the ESTER HWPIiFlWEJlT CO., flmboy, Jleb., Who have a complete lino of lli-il-f'.-i-t-' n 'nls -it ivimrKjilily low priuns iniirnn LI 01UU SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY. l'UOl'ItlKTOIt. Iir.AI.Klt IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. n ALWAYS ON TAP. MUH. .1. H. SHIUKY, Tnarlivr of i.ntuuitii:xtai. mum;. (JUBtotnury pricoH. Daily lialf hour Iph ona to now bcKinnere at reMHOimbl" ratoa. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. NLESS DENTISTRY PA If YOl' WANT IT. Bridge Wirk or Ttdh Without: l'llltl'KI.AtN 1N'I.Y, Crown late And sll Hit- lmckl iiuprovuiueiil lu deulsl iui 1. Htil-m K-l-P-A-N-S The modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. ... iu si llantOfl All 1(103 TlUlllCU (All lUCU Who ran think uf iuius slmpl I thluir tonatrat? 1 Protect your Mrani tliev in brlnn jou vrralth, Write JOHN tVLUDKUUUUN CO , Patent Alt. if. mm. Wsublnstun, 1). C, fur their It.SUi iirlts user and list of two hundred Uiveuliou wauled. DICK BROS QUINCY SJMK OF- dUtf&& IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT BOTTIjE Oin CASTORIA Osttorla li pat up in ons-ilit bottles only, It is not sold In bnlk, Don't allow anyone to sail yon anything else on the plea or promlts tbat it is "just as good" and "will answer every pur pose." 3' Bee that you get 0-A-S-T-O-B-I-A, Ti do- tall Sflf Vf tjr- lW Pta"Cy772Ju&i2? "r ef niajyut G r.t!e sh c l v PARKER'S CINCER TONIO stiitti Iung Troubln, IVbllllr. dlrtnMlni iamcti o4 fttnmleUI. and is nolM lor making wrta when sllotosr trtttmmt fall, xrtry mothf r nd Invtlid thoolil ht It. PARKER'S m HAIR BALSAM Citftntrt and brtotines the hair. lrornotM k In iu riant rmwth. Never Ttla to fieatore Ormjl CuTOa STftln i1lBaYMft a Kl ir u ii loumiut voior nr auc,Miqijmat imigjni HINDERCORNS Oocos-Htopi U ptlu. Mtkc wilkw Th onlv tun Cut for wlki-U rsij. lie. SI UnifC"! 'i f .ainuii'l tlrai, t. i? w if a -7 a a on i o niuvKt rtu Orlslnnl itntl 4lnlr (inaiilnr. ftrc, vlw?B rlliU LADitft iV , UructM for Chithtittrt t,nUS 'it krn,4tiranHn Hi d no1 f.M iurl11.a lUirt. rt tit .,i." ri Ihju Tnkc jnnolhrr Htfmtit tuifrbu ilttii r rtiontant imHutw i Itfuoiia. a mJ ,- Iq t ft.ru for MriluUf, txtlionnlnU i. 1 "KnlUr for I.adlra'i'tlfair. ht rrluru Hull. IfMHlft rt.llmonltlt .Vim. Jn,r X 1 ui UflU Urufiliu. i'kllAdl.. V llftlt(Sstjisl'Msnsljs1 !'. Maillanu Maa. em. They initlce nut Hie Mgisr. thin fHi'es ilnnip They utt ill.- nuil found STANDARD IIKMKDY for Ii-iimifs. coiiiiiliiliiK lotilj liniili"-v. uu nrhcnlc. sml nlo i'tjee, pu-pHlil, f 1 per box, n for Ki, 1 l'liinplilel, -HOW TO ORT I'AT " fr.sS TiiKTiiiVArriuni.., .rt Shoot the Best GETtheDGAME! Alv. miu l.n and ur lil-lllllM---ll III -h. Muli , Ai-f y leloi- 31 Hum prl ,f , ii ni- mid lltfitn ikIi il iviiii Klni'i .Siuolii-lr,,. iiiir.iiii- I 1.. p. HIGHEST VELOCITY. LOW PRESSURE, BEAUTIFUL PATTERN. CLE AH. SMOKELESS PETERS METALLIC CARTRIDGES Ti... 11-.. ..'":' V. ' "eiuii,., I rti-.l THE PETERS OAPiIiiiuGl iu., fllKCINUAffl CASK & ,Mp''1T. and COUSSIBIIS AT LAW. stieeiiii nf,. -i , ,(, ( I'l'iliul" l.ltiKutlini. iiiiucrciuli MOON IIUK'IC, i-.ii U.UUW, M.UUASKA. fc I'll It lu rruiuv 5fJ au TtflflAGUKA I Thin people fl re You Thin? ,& u Willi Tlilimi'tim Tublt-iH by seleii Jl s. They cri-ute perfect suMiiiIIhiIi-sMI I ' 1 , 'W 1. . r i