The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1896, Image 7

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li.tlniuted the fiile Ulililt Oti-rtimk
Connt Vim Ariilm Mlijht iiilt Thn
IVho l)lilno M He Mrret Sl.'iti'ini'iil
11.14 llimo No iimil.
Hf!i- N i v. I'rinco ISKtnnrel;
tiiT'"'ii ' ' not tiliM'iucil by tho
lr p-i ., rii-i-i'iito lilm. fur his di'an,
tl In.! ,! .S'uehriehten. to-tiny
ro "I i.i tin- i.i'iuiiMitf of tho otllehil
JCpIi-Uj. ii i :-r ol Tuesdu.v. which In
tluniteti thai tin' fad' uhieh niertnol:
Count von Arnim ttiltit uwiiit those
who diselotod seerots of hind. Tlii'
Nnrhrirlitrn s.i.w 'Phi' iifpithitlous
of those ilnyi (of li'smureh's tenure of
nflieei were roslrii't Mntenf seerots, hut
belonged to histor.v. There In no tie
eessity for secret-,! mi as (Ii'rmany
and tlio drolbund !s rrnod. um the
treaty was made solely in ivmipllniUN
with Ilii.vdn's .vkh anil d'ormuny hail
nothing to he irhiiiiii'il of. (tit the eon
(rnry, all pi tieo-lovlng (icrnums havo
just .satisfaction. Ills totallv untrue
that thf tre.tlv itiiMlii'il disloyully to
the droll ''nt".. '1'iii' latter even ullo'wed
Austria to he neutiut In the event of ti
Krinch attack upon (Jet-many or vn
unprovoked (ierinau nttncli on Kussia.
'Pin whole ilrelhuinl could incorporate
In It If Kit-sin was willing and eoneludu
the same argument without abandon
tut; its main piirpo-i. 'Phis would
tmnqulll.o all the friend- of pence, and
if there is any inclination on the part
of Uussiu It would he expedient to ro
jcw the Uu.sso-to'rinan treaty."'
The liauihureer Nuehrichlen then the IloieHYi Anzeij,'cr to task for
raying of its announcement of the ex
istence of the Kiisso-Ccriuun treaty
that "It will neither correct what In
false nor supplying what is incom
jiletc," saying: "The statement tiindu
is not fnlse, as declared liy the Reich's
Auzcigcr, nnd the latter can only sup
plement what it (lechuvs to he incom
plete by publishing the whole treaty.
(In der these circumstances the Hum
burger Nachriehteu consider itself en
titled to demand a public ratification,
as requlr-d by the pre.-s law, of the
Reich's Aneiger's assertion."
Jre;it l)lilnj- nt SI. I.oiiIh.
St. LoriH. Mo., Nov. ','. -From almost
every dwelling, utore and business
house in the city to-day liagsaretlylng,
the demand fin national emblems
being so great that additional .Mip
plies had to be ordered from (.'hll'ngo.
Shortly after noon, under the auspices
of the Merchants and .Maniifaetinvr.s'
Sound Money association, a great pa
rade formed and wended its ivuv
through the business section. It is es
timated that there were not far from
".1,000 men In line, and, according to
the reports of the organizers, there
were many thousands more.
reparations mo bing made for
nnolher Immense parade to be given
to-night by the ilr.wiu free silvyr or
ganizations. ArivI Ten mid it ISildf.
Linn Ciiiikk, Mo., Oct. :tl.- Nathan
Ineksou and Knie Woods of Xnnsueh,
Cumilcn county, were granted a licensu
to marry by Recorder l.aswell yesler
dny. The bride is n mere child of 10
years and the groom 'in. It Is the
marriage on record In this county
where tho bride wis under 1 1 years of
huc and the people of the community
are indignant at the pareuU giving
their consent to the marriage.
31 o no o in Drltcn Awiiy hy I'urcn.
Afiii.and, Ky Oct. 111. Ituporta
from Klliutt county state that tho op
position to the advance of the Mormon
religion la becoming very violent
throughout that entiro county, nnd
that all the elder.s have been driven
awny. Several serious affrays havo ro
Milted between tho opposition and tho
Charles I,, l'nlr Kuril for f.lhrl.
Kan Kiiani.'im'o, Xov. 'J. Notary
Vubllu .1. ,T. Cooncy of 1'air pencil-will
ense fame, has miciI Charles ,. 1'air
ior S'.' for slander In the cross
C'omplulnt tiled in the courts in connec
tion with his answer to Mrs. Nettio It.
Craven's suit Thursday.
Killed 1 or llri- lintir.incc.
KnnniMoivy, I'.i., Xov. 2. The litis
f)and of Mrs. Kminn Kiser, who was
hot through tho head while riding
with him on a lonely road near hero
vn Wednesday niglj.tfcJifls been held for
trial without bail on the theory,, tint
,he kilkd her to obtain insurance
Kll'sliin Trunin MolillUod,
London, Nov. i. Tho Times ills
pntch from Odessa reports that e
tlteinunt has been caused by the Mid
den mobilizing of the reserves of the
Jsmnll iind Danube regiments of the
Rii&s'an army, which wero Insoeetid
vesterdav bv the commander in chief
of South Russia.
Thrro Nhit CoiikiiIh Apflnttl.
Wabiijn(iton, Oct. '-". The 1'iv.sident
lias uppo luted Julius (1. Lay of the Dis
trict of Columbia consul at Wlnd'-or,
Ontario; Samuel N. Minmimt uf To..n.
consul at Piedras Negra-, McnIco, uu I
John F. Volls of Louisiana, consul at
Matamoras, Mexico. All of these np
pointmeniH are promotions to till exist
ing vacanelp".
Ttir!:UIi Witr ImleinnHy.
St. Pr.TKiiHiiri'.n, Nov. 2. It h ru
mored that Russia, in of 'Purkey'
tiliiinrial troubles, will reduce tho
yearly Installment of the TiirhMi wa-r
indemnity of l,00j,uuo rubles to 5dO,OJJ
A rtiiiin. .i.-., n,. n , .. . ! .Ion.
Atlanta, u., :Xh, . Ca-ey .1.
Triiornton, I'onuhst iiomin'o for con
gress in tho Fourth district, has with
drawn In favor of Freeman, the Rep.i'i
limn candidate. 'I his m .!;e.s this dis
trict, which was heretofore been eon
i.'cded to the Democrats, doubtful.
A New JIIninirl I'rotesiiir 'liinim.
"i I'ltllADKKi'lllA. Nov. -J. Dr.Il.Mcti'lo
Vilton who was at the h'-ttd ot th.i
(lladel)htii lahor.'itor of !. -
J'llit.V vacated his posl.'on ' ' .J
'tliu prof -bsor ill ill o Imet i-I- ' '
I the rniversty of Mis-Jurl at v. a
' Wu, Mi).
An Attempt lo AnMlnut-M I'ollili Foit
I'tilliiMn liicrnillurNiM,
Srr.VKvs Point. Wis . Nov, 3 'l
Itarsoiiiigo of the Rev. (. Zllcnei
pastor of M. Peter's Poll .h Cntho
church, was burned twow K'sagnn
Inst night two sliots were tired tlirou
the window of tlie sitting room of
new home. One of them grazed t
head of the ho tsel;i pe,
'Pheiv had b-en . . ibie in llue)iui'
for a long time . . iiie iii i t
par i-ii'c sifi'i I:. . night'' v
attn'i' ' ! to it. .lOttrrc . Ii vi oc
li!ltltill I.M'.ilts Kriiiiila.
N'i!VM ! f, 'I'.-tUl.. ". V
records were bioken at t umlierhi
park yesterdiiy. .lohti S. .lolms.
j).iecd by the Uttio sextette, covet
the half mile in l-.l. lowering
record of 0:17 made on
Paced bv the sextette. .Inliii-nii v
the thlni mile in '.'7 l-."i s.'eonds, T
former marie was o:,l( '..v set
Kiser sit Coronado last April Phlllli
flyers and Itroills set the triplet inn
at n:is '.'.... whih Wuller. Mvers, liroi
and Stover rode u quad one third m
in (li.ll l-.i. I records arc
r.nclltli WlicfN Nnl Wimli'il.
Wasiiimh-on, Nov. -. According
reports from Fulled States Con
Parker at llirmlnirham the trade
that nlace with the Fnltcd States
bicycle materials is steadily deellni
mill lll'illlllxi.! tfl ti'i-lnittlitit
in u short time. As for the comph
tilcveles. lli. lr:ldi tltli Out I'ntt
Stales has comiileiely stopped. N
nlltt W!1h klittilicfl tlitu vi.rn. On I
other hand some American iiincbtn
were sold in Itirmingham, and the co
stti ininus iiu stiles may oe extend
if the prices are sllghtlv lowered.
Cniiiillr llis In Oilmen.
CittcAdo. Nov. 'J. On nearly eve
business block on the down town d
trict. weio Mags of till sizes, to-da
Many places were also decorated wi
Iitiuting. in llie resilience iiislrietst
.streets for miles wete masses of 11
ti'vill" ciilin. while In the wimlii
--- p. ...... .... . ... ...
were tlifiusiitnlv uf
of the Presidential candidates inti
spor.M'd with puper Hags, of which t
Republican national committee, h
distributed nearlv ..ono.tMO. I'.veu t
bill boards were not exempt.
(iiimn In the Villiititnwiin.
Ltvtxi.sio.v. Mont.. Nov. 'J.
kindw of game except buffalo, is mill
plying rapidly in the iellowstone t
i tonal nark, there are thousand;!
deer, elk and antelope. During t
past season herds of elk numherli
from '.'0(1 to I ill have been seen at va
ous times, and the deer are fully
OleUtlfltl. ltlll'n Ill'e (ri.ttttl'f tfin 1111
emus, and steps must be taken to so
rui me pari; ot inem.
1'I.IC lllnpliij In KutiHiiH Tuwim.
PirisiUMtd, Kun., Nov. . Ilusln
houses were decorated to-dav w
llags of all sizes and yellow stream
and with red, white and blue bunt
nnd .streamers. The residence port
was practtcHiiy a sea of nags and
national colors.
CiitKAT )!i:mi. Kan.. Nov. li. Kve
body regardless of party had flags t
to-day. The business part of the to
is covered with the national colors.
A lliintriMH KUW n,.r Iliuhiiml
Va.miai.ia, 111., Nov. ','. Near iFa
gerstown, this county, F.dward A?;n-
strong and his wife, who is n good
markswoiuan, went out to shoot qtiail.
Mrs. Armstrong was in a corn field and
could not see her husband, who was
on tlm other side of the fence. She
fired nt ti covey of birds and the charge
struck her husband In the bade of tho
head and killed him almost instantly.
Two Ilnllrt In Ills llrntii.
Kanias Cirv, Nov. '.'.William
Payne, alias Pratt, said to have been a
desperado from Oklahoma, killed him
self nt 7.-10 last night while in u lit of
despondency. lie fired two shots from
ti .'Iveulibre revolver through his head
nnd died instantly. Theactwiw com
mitted in the yard in tho rear of 113
Cherry street, where he had been liv
ing for souu' tin---.
Hiijth Srimrit !elt HiB 5lini'jr.
ProtttA, 111., Oct, .11.--Oovcrnor.Tohn
P. Altgeld was greeted by uu audience
of several thousand people nt the tab
ernaele last ovcnlng. 'I'll" Governor
declared that Schurz. formerly received
S.'eO a night iiinn the Democrats, while
to-day he i receiving a night
Crumil enublieans.
"l'rl IJiiiiiiett'M Widow Dlrnrrpil.
Di.NVKit, Col.. Oct. ai. Tho district
court to-day granted a divorce to Mrs.
Klruno: Mix. from Chuiic Mix of Al
l):iaj,X. Y., on the ground of deser
tion and non-support. Tho woman was
the widow of .1. K. rmir.ictt, the famous
actor, when she met and married Mix
in tsy.
Dclllutlon In t.iiliru.lnr.
Sr. Johns, Oct. 30. Tho newspapers
here publish dark accounts of the des
titution in Labrador, upon the author
ity of Dr. lireenfell. superintendent of
tho Mission to Deep Sen Fishermen,
who comes from Kugiuml yearly with
t".o ,i idetiiiith to do medical service 05
ihe coast.
Tiirtity-Sewn Itiitlwfi limn noil.
CoI.omiio, Celon. Oct. .'7. A number
of passenger and the crew of the ltrit-
ish steamer Tulf, wh'eh piles between
thu Island of Mauritius and Rombay,
were landed here today. They report
that the i.te.uuer foundered during a
heavy gale Seitcinbpr ',M and that
twenty-sown natives ivdrow tied.
MrlctVi'i While .llaiilng 11 Siei'c!i.
Fowi.kii, Iiiil,, Nov. ','. Leroy 'Pein-
iileton, while delivering a Democratic
spt'i iii a'- this place was stricken with
parnlyi-i'i. Mo was i-ariied to his hotel
where he now II. s in a condi
tion, llo was the PnpitlM camlidatu
for governor in th's state in lf-'iy, am1
propsiotor of tint Son I'onformist,
A IUn l.iilmr .M till Inc.
DrrimiT, Mich., Nov. !'. T'ho ims-.
11- ' ! of n,0')0 worklngmen was nd-
ii ?, Hi.' Auditorium last night
...I., nt lab ir union leaders from
' C if,.i'o inspoitolii the interest ol
I th t,'v: Uvuudfird,
f i H r.
yV I
t i
Br I
lB 1 H HIHlHin
liciii'L ti-OIIOle and eVIIireil SOOll atier. gi.i. nf Vohrnatr- r.tlntlnr In rnm. 1
-- - - - . U.UIU .X.W.MUWW, h..CX w w... .
& All: IMC.W9 I1U I to.
Mrs. tlohn Font of Central City, sixty
live years old, was killed by the cars
'ast Friday night.
Iiihn MeAdoo, :i young colored mnn
of Omaha, charged with grand larceny,
has been held awaiting sentence.
The trustees of (Iraon Lutheran
rhurch, Omaha, have taken out a build
ing permit for a S.1.000 church at !.'0th
and l'oppletou iiveuue.
l'rey's harness shop at Long Pine
was destroyed by lire Saturday morn
ing, and the family, who lived in tho
rear, had a narrow escape from being
burned to death.
Mrs. Ainasa Cobb, wife of Amasa
Cobb, iw-ehicf Just'co of tho Nebraska
supreme court, died at her home In
Lincoln last Friday morning at the ad
vanced nge of seventy-eight.
The house, barns, stock sheds and
granaries filled with grain, belonging
to Fred Lessmler. on his farm seven
miles north of Itralntird, worn burned
to tho ground one night last week.
Kliuor S. Dundy, judge of the U. H.
circuit court, died last Thursday Oct.
-Mi. lie hud been unwell for several
months. The funeral occurred Satur
day morning last. Tho Interment was
private. Tho remains were placed In
tho receiving vank or Prospect UU)
Tho west end of tho ll.,t M. between
Atwood and St. Francis is blockaded
with snow. Three days' mail has been
delayed. Then) has been no train at
St. Francis since Tuesday. A snow
plow was three days cutting through
the llird t'ily. Kits,, cut. It. was thf
greatest snow storm since 1HSI.
rromltiriit Minn 11 Ii Klllnl.
KtTituiiA. Kan , Nov. 2 II. T. Ken
ner. an old resilient and well known
elliaii. was Instantly killed at :) o'clock
yesterday afternoon by tho accidental
discharge of a shotgun. Mr. Kcnner
has been prominent In Masonic, circles,
nnd his wife Is grand mti'ron of tho
Order of the Kattern Star for Kunsu
Mm. frank Miij-o Dent),
I'nir.ADhi.i'iiiA.Pa.Nov. Mrs.rinnk
Mtivo widow of tho famous actor who
died recently, followed her husband In
tooternlty last night, deatli taking place
at her houm In Canton, In this state.
Shortly beforo her lieivavrmuut situ
w.isop' rated on for a tumor ami did
not recover.
(icrriiin oricim for Ctilnn.
Ill'.nu.v, Nov. -. 'Ihe Tagebhttt says
Colonel Libert of tho Herman army luu
bcon definitely unpointed oranier of
thu thiniMi tinny, adding that hu will
shortly start for China, accompanied
by a number of Oenutin ofllccr.
ponsntlon ot the offlcars of ths aiecu
tlve department.
lie tt resolve'l nnd rnurted by ths Vc
lilntitro uf tho Btato uf Nebraska:
Section 1. That uprtlon twenty-four (It)
of urtlcl flvo (..) or t tin Constitution of tho
Btute ot Noliraska bo umended to read an
Section 2t. Th ofdcprfl of th nxecutlvp
(fppnrtment of the Mnte Eovcrnmpnt sIirII
receive for their Kenlces 11 conipetisntlnn
to tip cstalilltliPfl by law, which shall bo
.lflthcr Incrensi'd nor diminished during
the term fur which they Hhall Imvo been
commissioned and thpy nlmll not receive
to their own uao any fees, costs, IntercjtH,
upon public moneys In thplr hundn or un
der their control, perquisites; of ofllco or
other compensation and all fern thut may
hereafter lie payable by low for serviced
perfumed by n oftlrer provldi"' or In
this article Khali bo paid In ndviinen Into
tho state treasury. The li'i;lslnturo shall
at It- first xcsslon after tlm adoption of
this amendment, tliree-flfttn of tho mem
bers lcrtnl to each house of tlm IpkIh
Inturn concurring, establish tho Hulnrip
of the otllcers named In thN nrtlcto. Tno
compensation so i'stnlillhed shall not bo
cbnniced oftener than once In lour yrnrl
and In no event unless twn-thlrds of tho
members elected to each house of the leg
islature conrur therein.
Approvtd March 19, A. D. 1103.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section ono (1) of article nix (G)
of tho Constitution of tho Stato of Ne
braska, relating to Judicial power.
He It resolved nnd enacted by tha Iee
Jtlaturn of tho Stiito of Nelirasknt
Bectlon 1. Tnat section ono (1) of article
sjx (C) of tho Constitution of tho BNto or
Nebraska he nmetubd to ri'nd m fullown:
Bectlon 1. Tho Judical power of this state
elmll lo M'slcd In a suiuemtt court, dis
trict courts, county courts justices of tho
pence, pollen m.'tthtrutH, and In such
other courts Inferior to Hip supremo court
as nny ho crenud by law In which two
thlrdn of tho mumbers elected to eadi
hou-o com-iir.
Approved March 29, A. D. ltm
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend aetlon eleven (11) of nrtlclo elx
(fi) of tho Conntltutlon of tho Stato of
Nebrafckn, relating to IncrcaFo in num
ber o! yiipromc nnd district court
Ho It resolved Hnd enaetfl by the I,pr
Ulntnre of 'ho Bute or Nebraska:
H'ctlon I. That unction eleven (II) or ar
ticle six ( or the Constitution or thu HI.1H1
or NehrusKa ho umvndcd to read aJ fol
lown: Heetlon 11. The lelrlatnre, whenever two
thirds cr the membera elected to each
hoiiHo shall roneitr therein, amy, In or
afler thu y".ir nno tliouvaiid rlr;ht hun
dred and ninety-seven and not oftener
tnan tmro In every four years, linircusu
tin number of Judges of r.uprew nnd dls
trlet courts, nnd the Judicial districts of
H14 Unle. Such dttdrlcts Hhnll he formed
or coinpa-1 territory, and iiouiided by
county lines; and siteh Inctcaiw, or nny
chant' In ihe lious'tnilea of a dlstrlvl.
lhull nut vne.itn the illl..e of any Judsc.
Approved !rch if), A. D. WM.
A Joint resolution propositi;: to
anond section iilx (C) of arMelo one (1)
of the Constitution of tho State of Ne
braska, t( luting to trial by Jury.
Ha It reiolvrd unfl enncted Jiy tjio T.en
UUture of the fttntn of Nobtaskal
Hocttun 1. That nectlon six (05 artlcln
ana (U ot rti Couttitudon vt thoidtatx ct
H a
H . ..
H"' I
-r I
V't I
WI 1
i i
K.e I
Fn I
By I
Hy I
v I
of this ai tide Is onnoiM'it'fi to Hell from
tlmo to timu any or tho sccur IIpi liclomr
Int.- to tho Dcrmancnt vchool fund and In
vest tho proceed urlvhiK the re from In nny
of the EfrurltlcM enumerated In thlrf nec
tlon bcarlm; 11 IiIkIkt rata or Interest,
whenever an opportunity rur better In
vestment U presnted:
Ami provided further, That when any
warrant iipun tho tnlo treasurer ren
ulnrly Issiiid in pursuance or an appropri
ation by tho iPKlslature nnd secured by the
levy of 11 tux for Its payment, nhall
bo presented to tho Htato trcutjiiror ror
payment, nnd them shall not bo nny
money la tho proper fund to pay iiurti
warrant, the houid crwatcd by prctlon 1
of this article may direct tho sMto troas
urer to pay tho amount duo on such war
rant from moneys In his haudi belonging
to tho permanent school fund or the stato,
and ho shall hold tald warrant mm un In
vestment or mild permanent school fund.
Approved March ft, A. I). lrW.
A Joint resolution proposing tin
amendment to tho Constitution of tho
Stnto ot Nebraska by adding a now
section to nrtlclo twelve (12) of said
constitution to bo numbered section
two (2) relative to tho merging ot tho
government of cities of tho metro
politan class and the government ot
tho counties wherein such cities nrc
He It resolved and enacted by tho 1,-m;-Islaturu
of tho Stato or Nebraska:
Heetlon I. That article twelve (12) of the.
Con-itltutlon of thu Htato of Nebraska bo
umended by uddhiK to mild article 11 now
section to be numbered Bectlon two (2)
to rind iih follows.
Section 2. Tho government or any city of
the metropolitan class nnd tho itov
erntnent of tho county In which
It Is located muy bo merged wholly
or In part whet, a proposlllon so to do has
been HUbmltti'd by authority of law to tho
voters or such city und county and re
ceived the as'ient or 11 majority or tne
otcH cast In kupIi city mid also a majority
or tho votes cast In tho county exclusive
of thnsd cust In such metropolitan city
at uch election.
Approved March ?9, A. V. 15.
A Joint resolution proposing; nn
nmendment to section Fix (C) ot nrtlclo
seven (7) of the Constitution ot the
Stato of Ncbrnskn, prescribing the
manner In which votes shall bo enst.
Jin It resolved and enacted by tho I.en
Ijlaturo of tho Klalo or N'hrnxku:
Heetlon I. That teellon fix (1) or Mrtlete
seven (7) or tho Constitution ur tho Htato
of Nebraska bo umended to read 111 fol
lows: Heetlon 6. All votes nhnll bo by ballot, or
nucli other nitthnil as muy bo prescribed
by law, provldul tlm buciucy of voting bo
Approved March Z, A. D. 1S:5.
A Joint resolution proposing to
nniend section two (;) of nrtlclo'totir
tenn (11) of the Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska, relative to dona
tions to works of Internal Improve
ment nnd manufactories.
Ho It resolved and enncted by tho If
Islituro of tho State of Nebrnsku:
f.ceilon 1. Tint section two C) of article,
fourteen (II) or ih- (' of tho
Htate of Nebraska, be amended to read ai
ee. ?. No city, rounty, town, precinct,
municipality, or othrr euhdislkton ot tha
ntit. hull raiiue flontto t mf
work of lntrnl ttnprovfrnent,
mnnuftiimry. ualMs ft iiropoiltlon c w
tin muili time turn first nulimltted to
iliinlliUil ulectiira anil ratlftpU by tw;
thlt'iH veto st uu election y mitt only of
l.iwj Pnulileil, That uch doailtlmi of M
coiialr iih tlm doniitl - u such WMI
vl.tloua In tho iiRKremilP hr..t not ?
trn nor cent of tlw- mwiwl valuntlon 01
1. iiprtt.i.i. 1 That unv
eltv or county mnj. I ' tiin-e-fourtn
vote, Inrruinp sueh ttuleli'
ci nt, In iiiMltlcn to hiil'Ii i
no iioads or iviilcncH ot 1
ljKlll.1 M.lllll 1... t.'ltl.l llll1..t
nt'-s flv pf
ioiu ana
t Jiit-a 0
1 1 .in shall
,rrf .ilnnto)
luive eMdiu-M-il I In-rum u e
1... tt... .............. ...,.i ... ' tiata.
iilidulin; thai tho H.11110 U I'.Hiicd iiurual
to Imv.
Aniruved Mrch ii, A. D. ll
I, JfA. riper, Rccrotary of 'ito of
tho state of Nebraska, do hereby &. rtlfy
Hint tho foraging propoaed nmendiucnUi
to tho Constitution of tho State ot No
bniHkn nro trim nnd corrcot copies of
tho original enrolled and ciinroMW'
bllln, as P.1B80J. by tho Twcnty-fourt-ncsslon
ot tho Icglalaturo of th Stat
of Ncbraskn, na nppcars from Hili
orlclnnl bllla on fllo In this offlco, and
that all and each of said propoied
nmcndmciitu tiro submitted to th
cpinllfled voters ot tho Btnto ot N
braaka. for thiir adoption or rejietlo
at tno Roneral election to bo held
Ttiesilny tho 8d dny ot Novcmbsr, A.
D 1890.
In testimony whorcof, I have htr
unto oot my hand nnd ntllxed the .real
nenl of tho stnto ot Nebraako. i
Dono at Lincoln; this 17th day rt
July In tho year of our Iird, One Tliou
Rand Klght Hundred and Nlnety-Sls,
of tho Independcncn of ths Units
States tho Ono Hundred nnd Twentr
First, nnd of this tttato tho Thlrtletk, 1
(Seal.) J. A. PIPER, ll
Secretary of Stata.
Can reach Some of th People efl
... the time; Yoa
Reach All tho People Some W tkf
. Time but you can't
AU the Time
1 j
Fo Paper Llie Your
3.3 1
In i I
s Ii' M :
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