M'U L' U liM 1T rT!T it mm iaottv a tt -r--r - -rw THE 11ED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, NOV. 6. 1896. rp WKNTTOS' f AUCIUST pSTADT HA9 NOT CINCF HEAfiD FROM. rni: .y'llir.lfM tiiih:i: vi:as' IMtKVV.VIllM.II. WC.t it is. SUM. Jfpflil(l 91011 ttlir irn He Kent licil Clilni to nml Droppi'il lint of Hlchl vry MjdtcrluiiKl)- M-iy lln Demi. Miiy Jl lu l.iniiillr A)ltiui UlCINO (ho world's fair tit Chicago 1 1VJ.J, AllgUSt Don- fHTj I4O) Btnilt, only i KtyfrrT Mm. Fre !'' 1 ' d Denstadt, 0 Kindt, only son of I'dctidta Ap neiistaut, 01 ue- ! " i'.JjI huh, iiijHii'iiuimij ltf.'0 .-e-VO disappeared, and Vl 'X-K; hl I'jlatlvcrt have P ,Ji ; not jJW;n nblo to ol- " tnln any authentic trnco of I1I111 since. Mrs. DciiHliult lines applied to the po lice and In other wii'h sought to got Inforinntlnri rcgaullng her son's wiune iiboutH, lint no far her search has been unavailing. Sometimes circumstances have HCL'innl to Indicate that ho hud gotio to romo far away land to got away fioni u woman ho did not like. At other tlnu'H It has been miggcstcd ,to the anxious mother that her son met with foul play, for ho had ?100 on his person when ho left homo for the world'u fair, August 'J, 1893. And ngnln there have eoinu rumors that tho joung man licramo Iuhiiui1 and wan lilaecd In an iiaylum. lint during tho threo years that have elapsed since August Denstadt left home no tang ible clue ok to what became of him has been obtained by IiIh mother or otheiH. Mrs. Denstadt rteently leaineil through home of her relatives that n farmer filend of (heirs saw a man in Chleai;o during the woild's fair who boie a striking resemblance lit teast to Mrs. Dcnsliidl's .mi. This farmer tialinu that the veiling man was lu a street ear lu chat go of two uniformed men. He was importuning the other passengers to luteifero in his behalf uiul prevent the olllccrs from taking him to an Insano asylum. Mr?. Den stnilt has requested her relative to write to this farmer and, If possible, obtain more dellulto information upon the subject that IUM her thoughts by day nud Keeps her awake tluough the first hours of the night. The supposi tion that yoiiui; Denstadt Is in an In itu ntiyluin Is strengthened by the fact that when lie wan 17 years old his mother had him eontlued for a brief tlmo because of n temporary men tal distill ham c. In an Interview with a repoiter a few days ago Mrs. Den btadt gave the following story of tho mysterious cue: "My only son, August, left home for the woildV, fair August 0, 1893. llo went with a tailor by the uamo of Ka tapkot, who has a shop on Hutternut iitrect, nenr Seventh street. August had $100 on his jieison. llefoie leav ing ho told me he would write to Ka lapUot, who was to return to Detroit In a week, and that I uliould go to the tnilor for Intelligence of his doings uway from home. In three eluja, now over, Karapkot returned nnd told mn that in) t.on had gone to California, lie wild that he had left AiiRiist with a woman nniaed llernhardt, who had tried to Ret my consent to marry my boy a few mouths before. This wom an canio bacl; to Detroit about the samo time, but 1 did not talk with her. During ISO:: Karapkot said he re ceived three letters fiom my son, fioni Kan Fiaiuisco and Los Angeles, Cal., but ho would not allow me to :ead the letters and only lnfonned mo that my ion was well. Augun wioto in Latin He roiild not wilto Oeruian, and that wns the reason he wrote to tho tailor Instead of to mo dlieet. Further than this I have, not heard directly or indi rectly from my boy. I laid tho mat ter before the police at the time. They telegraphed to San Fiandseo and Los Angeles, but could obtain no tiace of :J3aK. J -W itt'ii V y n.o 7 AUGUST DUNSTADT. my boy. Threo months ago I got De tective Green to work on the cas-c. lie saw Karapkot, tho tnilor, but the lat tor said August was lu good health and spirits when ho left him In Chicago in tho month of August, ISM. The other ilny I again lsltul Detective Green, but ho had learned nothing new about Auguet, only ho stated ih.u he he Uoved that August would turn up all right soon. Karapkot ilnlms that mj son told him In 1S0I! that he was going to remain away from Detroit on ae t'ount of the Llernhnrdt woman." August Dcnstadi was 2s eais old when he left Detroit, and he hnd, for eoveral years, been engaged lu the tailoring busluess. Tho average yield of wheat per ncre In tho United States and Victoria Is about tho enme, that of the former be ing 12.4 bushels, nml that of the latter 12.6. jkj ,wm SHE WAS HYPNOTIZED. I'on fit t T.tavi- Home nml I'mnlly hy m Sinn limn hlii' I'ruricl nml llutul. A strange ntoty has come to light In connection with tho mysterious disap pearance of Mrs. Elizabeth Moodv, of Kovcie, Moss. Hypnotism, It Is al leged, Is the calico of her leivini? her homo anil her family and detectives are on tho trail of Thomas .1. Hartly, an nniilliihinan with Intense black e.vcs . mini,, unit unllHhnil innillier. There are seicial clrciiniRtanccj lead ing up to this opinion, tho most lm poitant of which Is that the mls.sInR woman heartily disliked tho man and did not want him near her, yet ho per sisted in his attentions v.lillo he boarded at her husband's hotMc, nnd llnally beeamo no obnoxious that ho was ordered away. If Mrs. Moody cared for Mr. Hartly It might bo as sumed that she had eloped with him, but the fact Is that she did not, and on numerous occasions icpnltnl even the slightest attempts to gnl.i 'ier good wishes, and as well made numerous declarations of her dislike. The de tectives believe that at tho llrst oppor ti nlty Mrs. Moody will brea.; fioni the restraint and notify her husband of her whereabouts. In tho meantime the search for her Is being strenuously conducted. Haitly Is a sllght-bullt man, about live feet eight Inches In height, with black hair, eyes aud mus tache. Hlii eyes are peculiarly bril liant and Intense, and formed a mnrked featino of his countenance. He was n ft: in believer In mesmerism, and could control a person If he saw lit to do ho. A DOC WITH ONLY TWO LEGS. lliiliini Ik HIiiiHilr l.llii' a lllrjll"t ii h In Hunt Aliotil I lie Turin. , Helovv Is a pleturo of a two-legged dog, owned by L. Ilennlng of Huntley, 111. About threo inontlm ago tho dog had the misfortune to have both hlu ' llJWlk!j!kKfc'S A TWO-LIXiGKD 1)00. light lejja cut off by n mower. The stumps rapidly healed and now ho Is able to urn on his left legs, balancing himself like a bicyclist, as will bo seen trom the pleturo taken by a spedal coriespondent as the dog was runuluy to gicet his master. S lluitly .tlurrliiKi'. "Marry in hasto and repent at lelo ui o" Is an old adage, nud that It pos sesses Mime truth Is demonstrated In tho car.e of two joung touth fillers. One of them, It in certain, in in a peni tent mood. The story is as follows: A curtain voung man, or boy, na he Is but IS years of age, nnd a girl of 17, had for some time kept company with each other, and mado up their minds to get married. All arrangements were iiindo and over thing seemed rosy nM bright till It was found that a very eBnentl.il thing had been overlooked tho patents of the young lady hnd not given their consent. The young man at once ret about to leinedy this, and imagine his dismay when he was In formed that ho could not have the girl of hln choice for a wife. After consid ering the matter he proposed to the glil that they elope. This ohe refused to do: she was sure, however, that If the voung man would hut wait for a few mouths her patents' consent could be gained. This ho refu.ied to do, and in a "hiilf" he went away and proposed to another jotmg woman. She at onre uccpted him and tho wedding was solemnized. Inunedlatelv after the I'eremony the jomig man concluded that ho had done a foolish thing, nud he has alieady Instituted a suit fci divorce, aa the paients of tho llrst glil have said that It ho can nceiiro his fieerlom he can havo their daughter -IMttsburg Cluonlcle Telegiaph. ImriMHi' of Dr.illw from Cuiutr. Ill LilO cancer was held lesponolbl for tho deaths of 177 per million living .ml In 18'.t of 7t:t per million living "Thus the proportionate cancer nior uillty Is now nniie than four time neater thnn it wns half a eontuiy ago.' Mid In Ihla lespect It stands absolute ' alone. Moreover, the same tetidenev .n observable In all eh Hired lands, tr that, unless checked, cancer mn In expected to "beonie one of tho common .at diseases of modem conimunltlej.' VVouldn'l l.ct lloKG lli, George . lioggs, e.-lUMdurer of Tn- 'oii.a, convicted of embezzling $luo,)ih' if the city's I'unils, and mu jn mil vending nn appinl lo tho Supie'in mat, found euiplojinen: a few ilnjs go ns an attendant lHilud a fici 'unch counter at Spolune. lint . , many people flocked to view the spu- nclo of oi.o formerly filling an exalted million now enpnsed In biich munlm ork, that ho wiuldii't ataud It, and .i.'isncd. rnrtou WimIiIIik; IUiir. Mrs. Martin l.uilurs w ending ring vaa n most curious and elaborate at- , ,-vtr, says a wilier In the Cincinnati L'muiucr. Some Ciuelnnntl ladles, who rcently saw It In tr.elr iiimmer traveio, tate that the wonderful little ring con .tins representations of all tho article used nt tho eiuclllxlon. The ladder, the cross, rope, nails, the himinrr fpear nnd oven tho thorns nre shown I ou Its aurfuce. rFr-rm0iF' I Ii ii ' , mm imf mm tLTTnVtVWZ THE HEW niii'iiliS'?? "," ii""T 'k'.T - ". "TTJIfljjTlJ- J .. '.' U . l miffiiiiiiiiiiPiiftrimMMiPi5S mi I ii ' h liiiiilMiiii l-h lilm If tho mnrveloiiH little BUbinurltie torpedo bant which tho United States government hn.s nearly finished at ll.il 1 1 in ore doeu all the astonishing thlnga the navy experts promise, she will be In Inrgo mpasuro a real fulfilment of the di earns of .Jules Verne in hto mas terpiece of fiction "Twenty Thousand Leagued Under the Sen." This Is tho only new wnr vessel ever built by our government upon which tho longing ejes of nmbltlous naval ofllcers wen not turned. It Is the (list time the navy department has not been pejtered by lequests for asdgn nientH to duty on a new ship. And the tenson Is Hint the new boat Is looked upon ns a very promising submnrlue collln for the Hist erew tint ventutes out In her. Much of the warf.ue of the next cen tury must be conducted by siibinnrlne lighting mnchincK, nnd this extiaordlu my craft will. It Is believed, solve the whole problem of under water war, to which Invented b nnd navil experts have for jears given such an Inci edible ninount of stud.v. Thin experiment, if successful, may lender the great navies of the woild powerless. The new boat Is the object of rapt at tention from the naval nations of the woild, who have learned In these Inter yenrs to look to America foi InBti ac tion In the science of naval building. There Is much speculation nnd uncer tainty, however, even among our own nhral authorlt'es as to whether the new vt aft will, upon practical tiial, do all that her Inventor, .1. P. Holland, claims for her. Kxpeilments with submailne var vetsels heretofore have been so disastrous, and the manipulation of this etinngo craft Is so different from anything hlthcito taught In naval In stitutions, that the ipiestlou of man ning her Is causing the navy depait inent n world of tumble. Tho Wonik-r or till) World. The craft la a wonder. It is nothing moio nor less than a huge steel HjIi, with lungs capable of holding cuotni ous quantities of fic3h air, nnd posne-is- Ing u single grrnt eye for suru-ymg die surface of the ocean on all aides while the vessel lUself is submerged and In visible. It has fins for diving and oteerlng, nud Its vltnllty is furnished by steam Ttid electricity. The boat is pracflrnlly tho Nnutllus of Jules Vol no u'dneed from dream to ic.illty. It Is clg-ir shaped, pointed at both ends: SO fee- long 11 feet In di ameter, and with a dlnplareirent of US tons when floating. Submerged It dis places 13S tons, ruder culinary clr eumstnncrfi It liinn nn tho surface like an ordinary torpedo boat, with a speed of sixteen knots nn iiour. At will It ran ho lowered jimt enough to bo under water, save for a tin let of Harveylzed nleUel-stcel, which Is .armnunted by a chimney. The arii.eur of the tin rot Is eight nehe thick, "ml proo' ngaliiti rap'd fire gun. The chimney contnlns a tube by means of which the air Inside of tho boat Is kept finch. Kutlrely Snfo front Alliuli. In thltt half uubnieigul condition tho boat Is comparatively safe from any For: of attack. It offera so mll n rnrt. ftTSt Mi L I m V piimiiiiiiiiiiiiipii I.M'liPJIUIII JV mmSWm3fr SUBMARINE MMtoMiWM L'V U.I.Jl.L.1, U target that to hit It would be extreme ly dltlleiilt. At any time It can sink entliely out of sight at n momcnt'B no tice. The chimney nnd ilr tube irn with drawn Into the Interior In a dozen sec onds, the opening Is hermetically closed and the ciaft dives. It deucendn by taking water Into compartments in tended for that purpose, thus changing Its npeellle gravity, and also by inclin ing horizontal rudders so ns to cause the nose of the steel llsh to turn down waul. The depth attained Is regulated automatically, the limit of tmfety being about Oil feet. At a much lower level the piesisiiro of water would eruth the boat. This stibium Ino marvel hns n double steel shell, and the space between the two coats Is occupied by water ballast, coal bunkers and compressed nlr tanks. 'I he Interior of tho ciaft Is almost whol ly filled with inaehlneiy. Theio Is no f pace for ollleeis or crew to sleep or eat. Food must be brought along In cooked nnil eompnet shape, to he consumed In such fashion ns maj be. Life on thin ship, If ship she Is, will not be a thing of joy. Much of the interior space Is taken up by electric batteries and ac cumulators. Klectiic apparatus rc eiulies ii good deal of room, hut it makes no tunokc and needs neither fuel nor nlr. There are also steam engines inn by petroleum, and tubular boilers consisting of a labyrinth of pipes. The steam engines generate tho eleetrhlly that Is stoied In the accumulators. Tr.iti-IIni; on the WuterV Hirf.irr, Suppose that the boat Is traveling on the surface of the water, nt a. sixteen knot gait, when tho pilot, looking out through a glnm window in tho turret, sees a hostile win ship coming. The waishlp is of tiucli vastly greater size that he aples It long before the enemy's lookout can possibly see the diving craft. He touches a button ou an elec tric switchboard at his sl'.e, which tranmultn an order to the engine room. Without half a minute's delay the boat' sinks until her superstructure is just THI3 NEW TORPHDO IJOAT. nvvnph, so that only turret and chimney loinuln nbovo tho Mirfuco. The pilot is stil able to continue his Inspection of the warship through tho window aforesaid. If the vessel comes near, and ho thinks he Is In danger from the big rilled guns, he touchc'3 another button on tho switchboard, and In one inlnuto by the wntch tho submarine craft la safe from all dnnger or pur i tilt, olghtcrn feet below tho waves, Tho Instant tho order 13 given a hit of mechanism in set In operation by which tho chimney and air tubo are telescopically withdrawn. Water flows Into the empty compartments, and the horizontal rudders are Inclined for div ing. An Indicator registers the depth, which is so regulated by nn automatic device thnt tho craft cannot descend below tho snfet limit. The steering Is dono by compasA when under water. Tho Interior of the submarine vessel 16 lighted by electricity, with Incandes cent lamps. Fo long ns the boat travels on the Eiirfnce it Is run by Its trlplo expansion stenm englnca. "iileh, small but power ful, actuate crows at the stern. iFOR OUR JuTTTr, ;r-TTT.Znr-Z!..Tl" .-".."! TT.TT-T-X.lTTHrT: HiMMHHIiHHMnaMIHHiHB WONDER HRUY.kgs-'- mayQripKfWfim UUtUiu IHri'iCI'iii.lliiiiiniiliiKiiiiitii.i.ni'iViiil i .. n H,ii When tho cmft has been wholly sub merged these engines nre stopped, but there Is enough nteam nt high picssure left in the bollera to piopel the vessel for n considerable lino longer. When It Is on the point of exhaustion the pro pellets nre connected with the electric motors, which will run the boat for six teen llOUIH. Milken tin Oun i:icrtrlrlty. The vessel makes Its own electricity by means of Its steam engines nnd stores It in Its accumulators. This point gives to tho Holland boat nn Im mense advnntnge over most of the for eign HUbmuilne vessels, which depend wholly on electricity for motive power, nnd tiro obliges! to go to tho shore at nhoit Intervnls for the mu none of ic filllng their storage batteries. When the boat dives valves me opened from the tanks, which contain air condensed under n pressure of -.000 pounds to the squaio Inch. Hy this means the atmosphere Inside of the submarine vc.itcl Is kept good for half a doen houu. lu case It gets close and bad, the foul air may be pumped out. It hi not nccessaiy for tlie craft to come to tho faurfaco oven when the nlr stored in her leservohs has b"cti exbnustcd. In audi a ease a two-Inch hosepipe Is unwound fiom the reel, Its free end being attached to a float, which, when i cleaned, ilses to tho sur face of the water, carrying with It the hose. Through this fresh air is pumped Into the cs-el, and the storage tanks arc letlllod under pressuie. Thus It will be seen thnt the boat In able to stay under water almost Indefinitely, not being obliged to come to the sur face to take breath. Three days' pio vlslons are carried for tho persons on hoard, four otflcers and eight machin ists. lit Ori;:iii of Vision. ' The moat wonderful thing about this boat, however, lu the organ of vision for teeing while tiubmeiged. It ban a single huge eye, b menus of which it is nblo to survey the ocean's sur- face, though Itself sunk some fathoms di ep, and Invisible. Tho vessel does not need to rise nbovo the waves In order that tho pilot may perceive "where ho Is nt." It conies up merely to within n fow fret of tho surface, and a long tube Is elevated vertically out of the water. Tho tubo contains n sin gle nrinngoment of lenses and mirrors. Tho lower end of It descends Into the steering room of tho boat, where thero Is a pivoted circular table covered with n white cloth. Tho device Is an appli cation of tho familiar camera luclela. Hy moving tho pivot table this way and thnt tho pilot enn scan the ourfaco of the ocean for miles nroitnd. Every ball, eveiy ripple, Is ns clear to hln eye ns If ho wero on the deck of a ship In tho open nlr above. In her bow thp boat hns two torpedo tubes for tho discharge of nutomatle torpedoes of tho Whitehead or Howell variety. She carries five of thejc tor pedoes, which mo projected by com p reused nlr. Such a torpedo In a hol low, cigar shnped teceptnelc. much I'lco a fish, carrying In Its front end 200 pounds of gun cotton. After being dis charged from tlie tunc it rune itseir, ne- i Ing driven hy a screw, with compressed nit- fnn tiwK. tirtv.l. II fimv li- alln .... IV. ...WW... J1l,V.t .1 -....- .- ..VW with iH'ciiinev nt !i iiintt. T.n) vnnlai away and It will run 1 000 yards or T more, exploding on Impact. ('mi lli'ntroy Stroiisi'rtl II ittle'ililK. Let ono of these fearful piojectlloa strike the strongest battleship, nnd tho proud vecl of steel nnd Iron, a floating mass of niachlnciy that has cost ? 1,000,000 fo construct, Is trans itu mod In n moment Into nn Iron collln, carrying officers and cicw to the bot tom. Having dellveted the fatal blow,. the siibinnrlno boat glides away, to come up presently near the surface, and with the aid of her camera luchlti to look mound upon the scene of the destruction she has caused herself at the same lime Invisible and safe from pursuit. Such a craft as tho Holland boat would never try to attach a tor pedo to the bottom of n ship. She picks out a vessel for attack nnd make3 for her, occasionally coming nenr the sur face Juat long enough to permit her commander to make sure of his course. The Holland boat Is able to keep at sea In hnd weather. Its radius of fic tion, traveling on the tiuifnce, Is 1,000 miles; submerged, It can go sixty miles. Its speed under water Is eight knotB mid It can ho perfectly contiolled. Special devices ptovlde against every conceivable accident. In case It Is de sired to cheek the downward move ment of the boat etulckly. n touch on a button connettit a coinpaitment of wat er at the bow with a tank of com pressed air. The expanding air dilves thp water out of the compartment, thus lightening the boat. If the submariuo vessel gets stuck In the mud at lln. bottom, or for pome other reason Is not able to rise, officer nnd crew will put on diving suits nnd escape through a hatehwa.v. The boat is to cost SloO.OOO. If It proves u success, two others nre to bo built. This one, Mr. Holland says, Is not ns big us it ought to be, but IU sbe wna limited by the uppioprlatlon. As. soon ns It Is finished, it will be taken for a trial trip down the Chesapeake. NICKNAMES OF PRESIDENTS All of Ttirin Worn Knoirn lir VhcuiIo mjiih ImllcatUi' of ehinirlir Washington was "Father of Ills Country," "Ameilcau F.ibius," tho "Cinclniintus of the West," "Tho Atlas of America," "Lovely GeorgliiD," "Flower of the Foiest," "Deliveior or America," Stepfather of His Coun try" mid "Savious of Hln' Country." Adams was the "Colossin of Independ ence," Jefferson was the "Sage of Mon tleello" and "Long Tom" Madison was "The Father of the Constitution." Mon uie was the "Last Cocked Hat" and John Quliiey Adams the "Old Man Elo quent." Jackson was, of course, "Old Hick ory," "Dig Knife and Shaip Knife," tho "lleio of New Oi leans." "Gln'ral" and "Old Hero." Van Huron was tho "Little Magician," the "Wizard of Kin dcrhook," "Follower In the Footsteps," "Whisky Van," "King Mm tin tho First." "Sweet Little Fellow," 'i'olltl cal Gilmalkln" and "Weasel." W. II. Harrison was "Tippecauoe," "Old Tip" nnd the "Washington of tho West." Tyler was "Young Hickory" nnd "Acci dental President." Polk also was "Voung Hlckoiy," the robrlquct being need to lesuneet the Jacksonlan em inent. Taylor was "Old Rough and Heady," "Old Huena Vista" and "Old Zach." Fillmore wns tho "American Louis Phillippc." Plerco was "Purse." P.uchannn was "Old Public Function ary," and "Haehelor President" and "Old Huck." Wo have now reached Lincoln, the "Hull Splitter," "Honest Old Abe." "Undo Abe," "Mnssa Lln kum," "Father Abraham" and the "Sectional President." the last namu being given by the southerners who maintained that ho represented tho north and not tho wholo people. Then comes JohiiFon "Sir Veto." Grant was "Unconditional Surrender," "Old Thiee Stms," "Hero of Appomattox" nnd the "American Caesar." Hayes was the "Piesldent do Fncto," a mimo given him by the defeated democrats. Gni field was tho "Martyr President." Arthur was "Our diet" nnd the "First Gentleman in tho Land." Cleveland Is the "Man of Destiny," "Grover," nnd "Stuffed Prophet." Harrison Is "Hackbono Hen" and "Grnndfathcr'o Hat." I on I .c.iolr. The enrly yeais of Agassis '-end like a fairy talo of lncrediblo achlove- . ment. Ills bent toward natural scienco showed Itself almost lu Infancy and grew with his growth. At fourteen wo llnd him sighing for a list of un attainable books D'Auville, Hitter, nnd Italian dictionary, a Strabo in Greek. Munaert and Thiersch; and also the works of Malte-Hrun and Sey fcrt. Falling to get these ho copied wholo volumes with the nsslstanco of his brother, among others Lamarck'd Anlmaux sans Vertehres Ills parents, who luid destined him to a commercial caieer, were with difficulty Induced to consent to his studying medicine. At twenty-three he was not only a doctor of medicine, but of philosophy as well, and tho nuthor of a work on Brazilian fishes, which won for him n namo nmong tho sclcntlstH of Europo nnd tho personal intimacy of Cuvier and Hum boldt. At twenly-llvo ho began his career ns n lecturer and Instructor, and . at onco demonstrated that extraordi nary ability as a teacher and thnt gift of Inspiring enthusiasm in his subject which wero such mnrked characterla- . tics of his later years. In ISIS ho mado liM llrst visit to America, and two years later accepted that professorship at Harvard which determined the work of his remaining life. Tip-too walking nymbollzcs Burprlaei curiosity, etiicretton or mystery. i& ' V4