The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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:.. 'J-
i . i
f I1
Mcillcliml .iluo In 11 bottle of HinhI's- H.irsa-
nrlll.t than In any oilier roar.illoii.
Moro sK ill H ri'iiilrt'il, nioru rare taken, morn
ox.ini' inrutrcil In Hi iiinniif.i'.-lurc.
It rosd tlu I'roprlflor niul tin1 ili-ali-r
Moro lint U Mists tin' roniiiliiiT Irm, lis ho
l! li iiioii' limn for lili money
Moro nir.itivc imwi-r lui-rurcil liyili in-ciillnr
I'otnliitmtloii. roxirtloii ami process,
whli-h nrnke It pci'iillnr to llvll
Moro people lire emplojeil liml moNj si.irpiv-
cupieil in Hi lilioratnry than any nlln r.
Moro uniiili rfnl eurei rfTeeteil anil more t-s-
tllniml.'ils ri-n-lu-il lli.m ly an) other.
Moro 'il'i "i"l more iioh-hsp jrfir hy jrirr
arc retxirtcil hv tlriiuuists
Moro I pie arc taking IIikhI'i snriaparHU
loii'i) in in any tuner, ami mure
IhKIiik It today than ei r Ix-fnn-Mo0
ami htii.i, .moiik r-aioni mllit
Klvi-ti why yon slnmlil take
Tli" One Tmo Itlooil ruriflrr 11 per liolile
li fn cure all l.lwr
nOOCl'S PllIS Hick lleadache
UN ami
VI III ll-IIKIi lit
Onu inr . .
Six months
Bntered at the pl (ilfli i- lit Urol rlninl. Vi-Ii m
cniiiilrltt'" '..Mti
8WC.1M n:ULATI0M 1.300.
'i iintini-:ii rnov ri'-T l-Aor I
f M.iriim Count' (1iii1I.i7i.iniIIn-i sViiiiv ,i nrl
Rrpnlillraii k-iIii of 1,170, ,i little- over ten tc
pleclnct Thin ratio of Republican K.iln
has hern kept steadily up and If it i-ontliiiict
will Kle the Mate to MrKlnley liy ovt-i
With surh a heavy vote ovei
Ifhr state the Itepiihlloani li.ur proliahly al
the coiljjn r.uiillilati-H, though then
U iluiilit about Siilsn-r In the rourtli district
Traceucll In the Third and l.aiidls in t tic
Ninth, 'I here is little doubt that .tolinmm li
rt--i-lrrU-il in the Sixth.
The llrpiihllrans will a majority it
the tvKlsiHturr which th. Uepntillcan man
apers place at -t'J oil olnt ballot. Mjrlm
county will proliahly kIvi- a Kepulillcaii m.i
Jiirllv of 7 immi, which Is a bin Increase ove)
the last vote.
MeKlnlejV MnJrll) at l.i-ut Ili.lHHi
I'lliRrro l.i-iuliiii; thi'Tlekel.
li;rmin No U Uriui ns ir.-m tlii-ilnlilv
Mu -.- rouulii-s of Mb In.ltt at.- til it Mr
KmIi 'k I iui alili in Mb will lie III,
On.- 'i'Ih- sum- ii'tiirns vIm- I'lni-ree foi
i.. Minor an climated plui.illn of M in ill
. .. 1111111 1 t nllOllhl ll.lll- lllll dlildldl)
ah. .til ot hi- lit ki t i-ein-rally the ujf hunt tin
-. ..( Is it paid, d a-. KomethliiK "I a kiii prist
to ili-ii of the lomliintd Inti-lestN alllet
iK.iiilst llllll. Ill tletiolt lie Kiit more -.1 .-.
than he had tru-lw.l in his candidacy foi
Mayor. In IHM piecliicts of this count) I'll!
prie 11 reived '.17.0J.I to lll.U.I for Sllli. Mr
Ktiilev. tin f.r.i: 2I.II7. The Itepuli
lli.'iii st.iti-lit ki-l ran iiuisliU-ralilt' behind
1'liiKree'N Mill and several thousand helilui
the Mclvlllley vote.
iti-pulilli-.iil int-inhers of Congress u-n
rleetcil In each of the twelve illstl lets of tin
stale except the Thltd ami Clght'i, and It
t'-e IMKlltll the Issuels Ntllldoutitflll lietweel
(.'oiiKiessman Union and IVidliiaud llutker
McKlnley Hit n I'liiriillty on C'oiieedet
rsllmuti's of IMityi-il I'ouolles.
LotiiNVit.t.K, ICy , Nov fi. At N o'clock till
mornliiK Kentucky seemed safe for McKIn
ie t'ouiitles not heai d (rom then were
Leslie, l-'loyd, .lohiisou, Knott, M.ikMIUi
l'lke. Ilutler. (Ireemip, Harrison, .lackson
(hveii and part of Henry. These liicludi
stroiiK Itcpuhllcaii as well as stronK sllxe
i.niiitlrs. tint the heasy Republican t:aln
r ri y where seem to make the state safe fo
MrKiulr). thou Kb the result may tie close
Taking the estimate of the missing couillle.
made seeral days ago hy Phalriuan Sum
mriNiif the Democratic commltUe, the Me
Klnley mujoilty of the lillsslnx vote Is l.'J.IH
'Hlls would ;le the state to McKlllley It.
A 7tt This Is the Democratic estimates 0'
Hie missing 1 utilities The Democrat
elected six out of elien congressmen.
The Republican-. Swept IlllnoU by
Our lliindreit Tliiiiisiniil.
li i miii Nov h iteturns from the
in. it. ate McKlulev tias won by 1'.
.... T.tnn,-, lii' '', llllll li sv .mil lilt- Wt-titiTi
I- ins will have a large maturity In boll
nous s of the Icgislatuie which will ele. t li
I .. . .1 k.1 ! -i l. n ilur itilti li liilnl I.iliii . . '
i li it ii .i in s ri iiimvi inn ii iiivvi ii' iimcvi
J. lie M r.ilmer
I ,a nml. atl-n.s point U.I be tetiiiu of lie
publit an . ougirssmi ii in all districts In th
state ex. ept the Sixteenth, eighteenth
Twitttleth and Nineteenth The last iiamc-i
rtlsti let Is still doubtful, both panics claim
lug It. The Chicago ciHigi'ksliuial delega
tlon will lie solidly Republican.
In thfs city out of a total of .143, 70H rotri
William McKinley reielved 201 -till and W.
J llivan H2.274. giving McKinley a pluial-
Ity of 07,331) votes,
forty Thuiiinuil (or MrKlnlry Bad the
liutlre Statu Ticket.
S'. Hauu Nov. ft tHve hundrciSaaiS iHtecn
f the 2,100 preclucls lu Mluncsota had been
Scant from at noon to-day, giving IkKlnlcy
70.1HA to 43,b34 for llryan. There seems no
reanon to chinge lut nlgUt'n flurvk ot 40,
000 majiirlty for McKluley and the entire
Republican state ticket will also be elected,
ijovcrnor Clough by a reduced vote, but
or not lesi thau 10,000. Of the couKresMuual
tlistrlcU rive are placed In the Itepubllcan
columu, while the Sixth and Seventh are
considered doubtful, lioth pArtlrn claim the
Sixth and the Seventh. Cougreiuiuan Eddy
has tKcn runnlni; everywhere bo far ahead
of nti ticket Uiat It m-cni as If he may be
elected even In that Populist stronghold
McKlllley Currli-il III Own Statu hy
Ilrelitod Majority.
CniXMnim. Ohio N iv " 'in the comparl-
(i.-i i. f thu voivv. .. i .' of t'ac i-r-t 1' 1-
i. .AU.ii llii-i. V '' an."1 UiiJlC" 1 t ll
ir v. . ..' ) ' . : 2 1....-!'. . ir- i.. .i' .i l- u- a. .iv f - i '
. , i , . . , it:, in ; -. V-
in i.t - fl i ' . - ! ' t -ve 1IH s.i - - s
. iin-mii i.i id. j .i i.. y c.uda i '.. i.-.i-i
ui ovor .-O.tMl ivi Casivcrnur hcjujub
'.iun carried Ohio lu IbOi f J7.000 and
.(,) ear Uushucti, lUipubllc . win elected
ioveruur by over VJ,(kiO
rim Hhito Curried hjr nt I.rmt .10,000
hy the llepiiblleiios.
IUMIMdiik Mil., N'ov. 5 The Imllcatloni
arc that Mi Klnley leads llryau by IIO.Oiki,
2 MMMI of w tilth has been contributed hy
li.tltliTinre five Kepuliliran cunftirsitni-ti
li in1 stirtly been rlei ted, the oiilyloulitful
district ImIiib the I'lrst. In which .loshiia W.
, lies Hi linn i, U may he re-elected. In the
.- t) an almost unanimous Republican Coun
cil has bisc-u elected.
100,000 In VIi oimlu.
Ciik aim Nov. r. tl. V. I'ei k of Mllwauki c
Wis.. M.itil the Assni i.iteit press .Is follows
tills motnltiL' Mi Klnley has cat rled wis
..M kIm in i f itinfiirtililK hi n I mi Hi' Kt 1w til i ill t
for row i no. in nodouht pull ilii..iigli very I
iis- to Mi Klnley. 1 lot li ol them and every
ither Renublii an I hae heard Irotil Will I
have a majority mouh to be considered
4.1ft say liKUMio or alone, tin re somewhere '
I hey h.iv.. seemed to dt aw largely from the
i-i-i alld silent ote, which Is not p.n Hi ularly i
If nt at this hour In other iesK-i ts we arc ,
l-iilr well thank nm. When ou are nolmr
t. any more elections you should send
us an ln nation.
I ',1,011(1 In .MiixHiii bll-elN.
H"Si(i., Nov. ti. Mi Klnley'H m.i orl ty 111
Massachusetts Is 121 1100 The Hepubllcaii
i aiidlil.iu-M f-.r I'reslileiit and k"vi rnor i ar
ried i-ii-rv rtij and town for the llrstllme In
Hie lilstmy ui the ilate. The CoiiniesHlorial
delei;atlou Is uiiihaiieil twelve Republic
ans and our lieinoirat the lattei the only
one In New I'.iiKlaud. The yold vote was
about three per i cut. There was little dlf
lerein e between Ilr).in and Williams. The
vote on the biennial amendments U very
close. The legislature Is more strongly lie
publican than ever.
IIH.OOO for .Mi Klnley In New .leney,
Tiir.vidn. N. .1. Nov fj. Ilevlsed returns
Klve MrKlnlry a plurallly of liH.DiHl In New
Jcinc). The Hepllbllcaus have eln ted seen
ConKresstnen sure ami the result In the Sev
enth dlsti let. between Vouiik. t.aui and Mo
Kwan. ltepuhllcans, U In douht The stats
It-Klslatiue will probably stand Assembly
Republicans, ! I or If). Democrats, lfi or I0
rnate Uepuhllrans. 1H, Democrats. 3.
Vhree and jierhaps four of the twenty-one
counties have Kouc- Dunoiratlc. The Pal
mer and Hacklier vote Is lighter than was ex
pected, C'Mllforiilu 0,000 It. i.-.blleiio,
San I'uancihoi Nov. & California has
Joined the Kail In the McKinley landslide,
and Its majority for the Itupuhllcau stand
ard bearer will I each u.MM) at least. (Jieat
Interest Is centered on the coiiKresilonal
ticket. Outside of this city only one Demo
cratic representative seems to have been
chosen. The legislature has none with the
Itcneral result and may safely he cl.uscd an
Republican, thus insuring the return of a
Republican to the United States Senate.
New llatnpsblre Twenty Tlioiminil.
Corir.iim, N. II.. Nov. &. :;. ,. ::amp
shlru returns came In very slowly, but each
precinct it-pot ted showed a Haiti for Mc
Kinley, and McKluley's plurality totalled
".n.OOO. The l'ulmci ami lluckner ballot was
very llKht. and oulor a total (sill of LH 1,000
Is not expected lo exceed rMKMl,
for governor ran behind the Mi Klnley elec
tors, but he will have Hie largest plurality
ever i;lvrn a lli-pulilliau Koveiuor In Nrw
ll.iniii-.blre The li'Klslatuie will bo over
vvhcluiliiKly Itepiiblb an.
Wii.viimiiii.n, Dei . No. U Returns fioitl
Delaware are tlll im iimplei.- In detail, but
i-nmi;h ! known to ,u i in at.-iv state the re
sult Mi Klillev ranli- tbi-l ite bv t.VMI to
B.ODO mi l"-i It v lie iii.iv lose one elettor,
.lauiesli sh.iw r wbose ii.inii-was printed
without the .lillx of Sr on tin- ri-KUlar
lleiilibllcail til ket but It is i oiii edeil that
the courts will correct this liit-KUlat'tty it the
Issue is i aleil
town hy About 110,000,
Dr..s Miu.SKs. Iowa. Nov 5 All Republican
coilKlesstiien In Iowa are elected bevonil
doubt, and Mi Klnley s pluiallty In the state
Is estimated at Iroin simkui toOOlKK) The
state ticket is likely to iuii sllvihtly ahead of
the national owitiK to the I'aluu-r Hemocrats
voting the Itepulilliau state ticket.
Dl'lirgpi:, Iowa. Nov I Diibuitie city
complete McKlulev '.'isi majority, Repub
lican gain of l.-ioo
Nrw Hatrn, Conn. Nov 5. Connecticut
has one Republican by al least 40.01 HI. The
Itepubllcan state ticket was elected by ma
jorities r.uiKliiK (loin ao.uuo to and a
Itepubllcan urneial assembly and state sen
ate, which will eleit to the t'ulteil .states
Senate Oliver II. IMatt as his own suciessor.
The present Republk.iu inenibcis of Con
gress from each of the tour dlstrli ts are re
I ft, 000 In lllioile Island.
l'Hiivini'M k It. I Nov f The slate hat
lllvcn McKlulev an ovi i whelmlUK majority.
The Democrats themselves admit McKlllley
haii a plurality of while tlw UepuU
llcans claim 25,1 km I. the hlKhest plurality
ever xlven In Ithode Island, as the vote li
the largest ever east The ViKe for thu gold
caudldates Is vet y small.
North Ihihotii,
IllHMAin.K. N D . Nov .1. The
3.01 M to M,.
have can led the state by troni
LHiO. The Itc'imbllitiu natlon.i . siat: and
01 the Face.
Mrs. I.attraK. Mints, of Dawson, On.,
suys; "A sinnli pimple of n strawberry
color npjionreil on my check; it soon
tK-g.ui to j;row rapidly, notwitlistainl
itiK all efforts to check it. My
eye became terribly
inflamed, and was so
swollen that for quite
a while I could not
see. The doctors
said I had Cancer of
the muli",uutit
type, nud after ex
Lmustiuj.; their c-ffortb
wituout iioiuj; me
any good, they gave
honeless. When in
formed that tuv father had died from
the same disease, they said I must die,
as hereditary Cancer was incurable.
"At this crisis, I wan advised to try
S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer
began to discharge and continued to do
so for three mouths, then it began to
heal. I continued the medicine a while
lontrer until the Cancer disanntared en
tirely. This was several years ago and
there has been no return of the disease."
A Real Blood Remedy
Cancer is n blood disease, uud only n
blood rcmeuy will cure- it. S. S S
(guamit'iif f.ttcn rrtibe) isn real
Mood rcnisdy, al. 1 t-v.r fails to pvr
manrntly cut'-'C.'i'ss-r -i -.imla, L-;e(uiM.
Itiic im-uk-i'i or c..) i -u .
blOOil. ric-Ull III. 1).1
ou C.ucjr auii I C.
tu .ici nf to
city auari. :s.
Swift Specific
Co. Atlanta, Ga.
.ll,l !!
up the case as
fja i
i j
Shortens labor, lessens pain,
dlmlnlsheH ilaiieer to life ot
1 sil
s ."
both mother ind thlld unit leaves her In cot.dl
Hon moro fivoratilo to spcdy recovery.
"Strotmer alter than heforn eonflncrnctit" ,
Hiys a prominent midwife Is the best remtdy
Ifnmvn nml tvnrth t lir nrlrn tnr llifit. nlttniv
Jlndnrm'd und ffcnmrnr urn d hv fnldu'lvi 4 mwl !
" IwllM ''','"" "J1,,! ',., , I
Makes Ghilil-Birtli Easy.
Sent hv llxpresM or mall on receipt nf price,
fl.tHI pfr linllle, Hoolt "TO MOTIIKIW'
mailed freccontnlnlm; oluntary ti-Htlmoulals,
nitMiKii:i.i in:(ii;iAT(iu to,, ati,ma, tii.
NOLO II r AM. unuautST-i.
coitKri sslmial tickets an . i. . . I and Nm th
Dakota will have a Si natoi wen lavors the
gold standard.
MoNri'Ki.nsu Vt., Nov tt Iteturns frmt
the state were completi d very slowly. Th
Republican majority was about do per ct ill
greater than that of 1h!I2, but It fell awaj
from the Hepteinbcr plurality, huliii; uIkiuI
Malm- by,
I'okti.anI), Maine, Nov.O .-Maine hasgcni
Itepubllcan by -10,000.
Thut Common Trouble Aoid Dys
popsia or Sour Stomnoh.
Now Kecognized as a Cause ot Serious
Arid dyspepsia, ooniiiiniily citllrd
Iieat I limn or . sour stviiincli, is u form
of indigosliou lesultingfioin formc'iiU
tioti of tlio food. Thr .stonmcli being
too wpnk to promptly digest it, the
fond remains until forinuiitatioii begins
lilting tlio stomat'li with gas, unit it bit
tor, .sour, burning tnsto in tlio mouth is
(ifloii pt'osotit This eoiiditiiiii soon bo
comes clnoiiit! and being an overjr dy
ot'iiiiiTiMicc is given lint little? attention
HeoattMi dyspepsia is not iinniediately
fatal, ninny jiuoplo do nothing for the
Witliln a recent period a remedy has
benn diseovered preptirrd sololy to
euro dyspepsia ami stomach troubles
It is 'known as Stuart'.-. Dyspepsia
Tablets ami it i now becoming rapidly
used and iitescrilird us it radical erne
for every form of dyspepsia.
Stuart''.. l)y.ponia Tabid shave been
placed before the public and arc sol,!
by druggists everywhere al ."0 cents
per package. Ii is prcp-ircd by tin
Stnarl Clieinie.-il Co , .M-iishail, Vieh ,
and while it prom pt I v ami elVcctiial v
reliires a t ignrniis iligesiino, at il.e
s'tine lime is pcrfm-lly ll il'lil'i-s-. tuiil
will not injure the must ilclicaie
stomach, bill on the contrary by giving
perfect "ligistioli stiengllieiis tin)
stimi'ieli, improves Hie ;iipr-tite ami
makes life vvorlli living
List of letters remaining uncalled fili
al the post ollieo at lied (Jloml, Neb
raska, for the week ending November
oiii, lauii.
I, ceils, Ida iMciccr, Hugh
Miixlovv, h. 1), Wilson, l.onis Mis
These letters will lie sent to the dead
letter ollli.-e, Nov., lilth, if not called for
before KltANK V. CoWDKN, V. M
Stati: or Ohio, Crrr okToi,i:uo, (
. l.tJOAM Countt. f
1'itANK.I. Ciikskt makes oath that
he is the senior partner of thr linn of
F. J. C'liKNKV & Co., doing business in
the city of Toledo, county and state
aforesaid, and that said linn will pay
the Mini of ONK llUNDKKl) 1)01.-
LAKS for each and every case of
catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of IIam.'s ('ATAimn Ct'itK.
Sworn to before me ami subscribed
in my presence, this Dili day of Decem
ber, A U.lHBli.
. A. W. (llfKASON,
' - r-' Xottiry I'utilii'.
Hall's Catarrh L'uro is taken inter
nally ami acts directly on the blood
ami mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free.
K J. C1IKNKY vt CO , Toledo, ().
Sold hv Druggists, Toe.
Hall's Family l'ills are the lies'.
- -
Kli iinmllstii ui-- in a i)ii)
"VYS'I'IC Cl'HK" for IUi.iioi.i'isii,
nml Ni i.rnl(i v rmlinapy euri-s m I n .''
ii-ivi pf iiiiiiiin iiiini the f j stem i re
in ui. lie nil-1 uikftii-rliiiiH. It renmti"
hi on " Mu eaiMd iitul thu i)sn.isi i.eiii-d
uittl i!wn.i. ur I'll lUt ili -i gri riIv
l-i-lifli'i'. i.r een's Snlil l II, I) (Iriii
drugciFit, lied Cloud.
ixtlalli- UUriiiiiitllsiu ( in-i-41.
I.. Wagner, Wholesale DrngU', IStuh
inoni), Vn nj! "I had h feurfnl atiiu'k
of Si-latin Hhruiniitiriin, whs laid up tt 1 -most
I wo mrinili-t, was fortunate, etiotigh
t.iiroi MYhllC CUKli KOH ItllKUMA
1 1K1. 'I'hiH osio.l me i.l'i-r iloftor' pre
script inn had failed to hate nn effoot.
Sold hy II. V. (Irii-ti driiiriiHt, Heil ('lonil
A tenant for auew brick stora build
ingonou oftkn best cornels in Ked
Cloud. Apply lo D.J. Mrrs.
Iiiflamuinlory lht)iiiu(tltMt'ire
M lu 3 I.
Morton If, 1(111, or 1-ebmioii, lnJ,, t:
".V) vrif lirvd friflituiutttiri- Hhnois'lfUi
in i.-iery nms.-le mid Juinf, her suffer)"
wi irtilile ntiii her twulj unit t;c wif
Mtnllt-U lin'"t ie)ilii -ts-0,lliliii; hsd
titeii lii ti) for ell went fni liiiil eljlil
lrvlitistix itt reneiTi-rl mi I viieti iiu'lt
e,- 'flew (lit. MYrillC CUHE KOlv
l.liKllVIM bui ), ,.,,. ,:,!,, ,-p t-'i-'
j. i.O she . -lii I.- vi.-l s' i-i i
th e ile.M I -in ii tlsv- I li i ' -e
.. I I.V H K (i ' ilf-nt b l.t ,( ( I .,, i
i iM he In i-vi r fiiiin. v
n,i -lu Inn eliest to I ev -ry
traveller's crip. 1 aro
Isvuhutlo Then the tlunuch
! out of order) core houtarU-i, htllouintMi, suit
kit livsr truubU. MIM and rOlcleut. ) hijU.
i ng, jrrj
i -. of the K-J fw ,,,15. Jm
i-, , B m -VJpg
" vstr sBor xKtifii
The Ntntes Unit lime lleen Currleit li)
thu lie nine rutle otiilnres,
.11 r. Ilrjiin (,'nrrleil Ills lliinie Mute hj
ii lliinilsniiii- I'liirullt.v.
I.INCHIN S.-l. NuV fi ('I'.llrilMtl I '.ist Oi
the UrpiiliM. in st.ite lOoiloili
cr-nrem-d N-, lir.islia In the fusion tie V. 1 -in
fusion Ueitirs ainl overnoi 1ml h- ,n
nelthei nor Holi omh the L.tier in i.n.
the rusion ramllit.ite for novernut will li.ivi
.invthliiK like the iiltirnlily"ii hv
( li.iirnii ii .itnt Kilmlston ol tin
Uelimi ratle anil Populist niitilnltlees
say the leidsiniive ami lonxr- soon.ii t
els are still in ilonlit. it aiits-nrs oi-lte -
t.iln hovviver. tin I'otiuMsts wit
four of the si i ninri -.Ktiien ami ther i-i iv
have live II not the entire nix.
It looks as tf the fuslonists will m-rtiri
most evi-tvtlilni;, anillt Is certain thai
iirv-in on i (ti- ni Elve Mm a han-s-
Lincoln N'eh., Nov. -t. .Mrlvlnle's m.ior
Ity in l.lluoln Is l.olH This Is a Deltlocratli
K-iln, as the rlty has generally hceli Ilepiih
llr.m hy a rotisUU-rahly larger ote in v
an's w.-inl. the I'llih. gave a majority of jn-nK-Unst
hint ami hi precinct 07 lnaorlt Ir
llryan nml Snvviilfs Slnjorlly Hiikii
Alvn Allium rieeled (ioveriior. Nov 5 ScatterliiK returns re
celveil show that llryan anil Sewall liavi
carrleil Colorailo hy over 100.000 plurality In
a total vote of ahout No effort h.v
jet heen tnaile In tabulate the returns.
The Democratic-Silver flepuhllcan fusion
state ticket, heaileil hy Alva Ailains, Demo
crat, tor (lovernor. apparently has a plural
Ity of l'J.OOOover the I'opullst-Sllver part)
fusion ticket.
The McKlllley Kepuhllcan state ticket roI
fewer votes than the ltepuhllcan electors
anil Waltc. inliiille-of-tlie-ro.ul i'oputlbt. vvai
a poor fourth In the race.
fifty Thousmul Majority t-'lKiireil nn
The Ntate Tliket Cliosen.
Dallas, Texas, Nov. 0 The count Is slow
nothing oiiiclal can he obtained yet, ami ll
Is haril to estimate the result In Dallas
nryati will carry the state hy nearly fto.oot)
with the Democratic state ticket somewhat
.otiUlKim V!0,000 for llryiui.
New OiaitANs, Nov. 0 -Iteturns make II
ahsolutely certain that llryan has carried
the state hy proliahly ' plurality ami
that the Democrats have elected C'oncress
men as follows, all for silver- First district
General Adolph Meyer; Second, .lude K C
Davey; Third, H. P. llrotissaril; Fourth
Henry W OkiIoii: Fltth. H F. Ualrd; Sixth
Samuel Itnhertson.
Mississippi A0.00O for I try ii n.
Jackson. Miss.. Nov. fi. Mlssisiippi sends a
solid Democratic dele Katton to the next Con
KrcRs. They are. District 1, Allen re
elected; district 'J, Sullivan; dMn.t a
fatehltiRs. re-elerted, dtstrli t t. Fox dis
trlet .'j. Williams, re-eU-eted, district li l.ove
illMtiiit 7. Henry. The electoral tuajorltv
was .'ii i.iioi i.
(St'urj'hi Stiiinls hy llrjuii nml Hevvnll.
Ati.vm v ;.i N'ov .'i. I.itui.. from v.i
lion-, it'sli-i, ts Indif.ite tli- ilielli.n ,.f ,i
Solid Di-niiii ra'n i ..ivies .1- ii 't- it .-m
Willi 111.- i-.lli (Miptiillot the I'll -I ill-
trlet ui vvhlili Ituvli i: iscih-iu
Lester. Di mm ratli . a i lose i aee The i U 1 1
ors arc Deinoer.itle hy ahout Cooiio.
riorhhi Itt.OOO for llryan.
J Vi'KMiNVii.i.K I'la.. Nov. fi. llryan anf
Sewall larry Florida hy a majority ovet
McKinley rhiM-ly eslluiated at 111 ooo to 1 I,
600. against a inajoritv of Is ono tor lllox
ham, Demoerat, tor xovernor. over tiunpy
Kepubllran, In the state election lu October
N'emilu' riiirullty.
Cahhon, Nev.. Nov. fi. It will he Imposslbli
to give complete returns from Nevada tin
several davs, communication Ih-LiiksIow, bul
the Indications are that Bryan's plurallt)
will lie far from as larKe as at llrst esti
mated, proliahly not reaching U.uou
VlrglnU Ilemoeratte hy !iA,0U0.
"UcHMONU. Va.. Nov. .Iteturns are stll.
coming In slowly, hut Bryan's majority will
reach 'Jb.OOO. Klght Democratic congress
men arc certainly elected. The Hcpuhllcani
prouauiy carry the Ninth and Tenth dis
tricts. Iituho Ten Tlmuiuiitl l)enioertlc.
Uoisi, Idaho, Nov. 5. Conservative esti
mate Indicate Idaho will give 10,000 ma
jority for Bryan
Arkuntim in, 000 llemoerutle.
1,11-1 i.k Hock, Ark.. Nov. 0. -- Arkansa.
gives ' inajorlt) tor Bryan.
Uttih Deiiiocnvtle by 10,000.
Salt I.akic. Utah. Nov. 6. Utah gave
15,000 majority tor Bryan.
Biiiviinuham. Ala Nov 3.
fof Bryan wilt probably not
The majurlt)
much exceed
The Votes of hi-ti-nil of thu t'oiiiinoii-Mi-ulllis
Not Vet Known.
VV II K.M.I No. W V.i Nov fi.- Al 11 o'clock
this iiiorniiiK returns from the state,
are slow, shuvv lleimlilu .i-i ifalus over lhU'J
and tin re Is a htroiiK probability that the
tale will go (or .McKlulev
Tt-iiiiemve llnilvelileil., Tenn. Nov. fi Iteturns re
celved rroin the state aie very ineaKer. Tin
Democrats are claiming the state (or Bryan
and there Is a probability that he will get a
small plurallly. The itepiiuucaiik mill ciain
the state by a hinall plurality and are confl
dent otitic eUcMon of their candidate foi
Soutli Dakota Undecided.
Van-ton. S. 1)., Nov.,6. Out of 30,000 vote
cast McKinley ha 1 &O0 majority The Kale
lu the Bryan vote over tlio emimate is
per ceut thu tar while McKlnley's train It
only 9 per cent. If ibis continues Uryau will
have a majority.
Oregon Probably Republican.
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. A Tribune special frorx
Portland, Oregon says; McKinley has car
rled Multnomah county try 6,000 majority
Report Indicate a very heavy voU throuRh
out the state. It Is thought Bryan will com
to Portland with a very small plurality, Mc
Kinley has certainly carried the state by a
small plurality,
North CaroUaa.
Uai.riou, N a, Nov. 6. Bryan, so far a.
beard (rom, was bupported by both thi
Ucl.ioi rat aud ropulUt.s, and has carried
the electoral vote ot the state by majorltlct
varloui.y istluiated at between 10,000 an6
20,cA o Ko.iun. Bepubtii an chairman, how
ever, claims the i-tate for McKinley hy be
tween 8,000 and to.OJO.
I'mtlon Btuti'Tlrtiotltlprteil,
Ili'TTK, Mont , N'ov. ,v- Jiryun'.i ran
; rity in I'.io t ito nciv roa-'li l.'i.Oi)).
I', s'.h-' l: pul-lican, id cloetcc
to i -ii'ir8'n by fro u r,v)0.i to lO.OOoovo.
(icuUtuiM, roffulur HcpnbUoan. 'J'lu
untiro Dcinocrat-VopuiLst fuilou htaU
tlnltot Is clouted.
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