The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 06, 1896, Image 4

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S Ji- K.S V ,
rffc. a
Absolutely Pure.
' ., r '.. i .. ' i! .' . - . r
il l ll IU I I I l II- ll I I '! I Ulf'i '.'
Co " '; . i.' 1 tl'i ""'
IIial IIiimmi I'ouiiHtlu. Now York.
H. S I'ruitilllt of Cuiile l'ock wa up
I'riuik Miit'titi of W nunc wm lu-io
Postmaster C'owtloii was in Hustings
the last of l ho wfuk.
Will Dticknr I'liini' down from Lin-
coin the lust of the wcuk.
Those foeauliliil Indian Imskuts at
Cottiug!' are bounties, l'licus low.
That populist hog train will now be
loaded with fruu.siivw repuliliuans.
Mrs. Clam Kujnorof Iowa is lime
visiting with relatives and old fiiunds.
Dan Garher who is attending .school
t Lincoln . siient ocvural days here tha
lirst of the week.
AIw(ib in fleiibon, Ilujilsin's Steamed
Hominy (Hulled Corn). tilpgimt lunch
in milk. Quart can 10 cents.
Hoy Bishop (Jraves of Krainuj will
catiduct bci vices atthetiiaecKiiiseopal
church on next Wednesday evening
Nov., Uth.
If you want to know how the county
went look at tlio last page for tabulated
statement. That's all we feel like say
ing about it.
A hacking cough is not only minnying
to others, but is dangerous lo the per
son who has it. One .Minute Cough Cure
will quickly put an end to it. C. L.
Speed and safety are the watch woids
of tin' age. One Minute Cmtgh Cute
:u id npeedtly, afcly and never f.iiK
AtUina. l'l Itehilis, fiilljrll and i-nItU
are i-uied dy it. (' I. fulling.
DeWnf, Wit.!) 11 i,.-l Sihe is -in
antioi ( ii , s.iiiii)ir and Iwihng ap-
plie-iliiitl bill lis, si aids, tuts,
til ilises, ite , -11111 eiifi s piles hi,!' magic
It I'ist.iuM) stop pain. (' L. Cnltnig.
I'etLi i , 1 1 ciii.i and all siniiiai skin
tumble are cured by the uc of Do
WiltV Witch lla.el Salve It soutliesat
once, and re-itnios the tissues to their
natural condition, and never fails to
cure piles. C 1. Cutting.
iiegg' Blond rurllicr unci Wood Mukrr
uurcH all Mood dirordnrs. All uruptioun
of the nkin ciin be retuoTed ti thu use of
this wonderful medlume. It has no
urinal, und is purely t ttuble. C. L.
Cutting kpn it, as well us rill other ilrst
lass goodi.
Chronic constipation is a painful,
disagreeable and life shortening difll
culty. It derange the system, causes
wick headache, had breath, and poi.snus
the blood. It can bo readily overcome
by DeWitt's Little Early Risers. These
little pills are great regulators. C. L.
A very pleasant .surprise was give
60 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ilostuer, by a
largo crowd of friends, who congrecat'
eil at tlm residence of M. R. Huntley 011
Wednesday evening for that purpose.
A lino repast was served and a general
good lima was had. One of the pleas
ant features of the evening was the
serenade given by tlm Sons ot Veterans
C ( Cox of Lester brought to this
ollice this week :i huge winter raili'h
grown on his farm. It was twenty
two inches, in circumference and six
teen inches long, not counting .sereral
inches of the end which was broken
oil in getting it out of the ground It
weighed 1!1 pounds after the gang
had fed olT it and the portion left in
ground would easily weigli two pound.
It was solid, crisp and juicy and as
good as any "iimnier radish.
The M. E. quarterly meeting of the
nine Hill charge, will be held in Ma
den, Nor., Kith, and 10th, 1890, in the
( A. R. hall. Love feast at 10 o'clock
and preaching nt 11 Sunday morning
and preaching in the evening at 7:110 by
Rev. W. Alexander of Hustings and
followed by the communion services.
Quarterly conference will bo held in
hall Monday morning nt 10 o'clock.
The official brothron are. requested to
be present. G. W. Hummel, Pastor.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
T " ?
1 -.;'
n ' . 1
1 i.'.Ci-Y.Ol i ..''.:- -A
jmioC' ".' "it i"! ol Tartar Powi'ir. 1'"
tiom Anuvom 1, Alum or rny other aduUtrar.i
40 Years the Standard.
Republican Ratification
Will Be Hold on Wednesday,
November il, 1896.
The loptiblieatisof this city will luivo
a ratification of the diction of McKin
ley and llnlmri on next Weiltu-nlay
n ruing, November Uth All persons
who ate wtciMlcil in celebrating the
gi.iudest victory we bale liad fur
tu.iis should inaku ptuparatioiij to
"im nut and make lots of noise
Dr Koohler of H. aden win here
! hupdiiy
.1 II. Cmryof Guide Kuck was'Iierc
.J S Cox returned tlm llrt of the
week from 'h'nver.
Samuel ivi.ei returned home from
Ohio Saturday night.
llov llutcbiusoii came up fimu Leba
lion Sunday to lie here to vote.
W. H. Kiikp.Hi ick of Topeka, Kan
sas, was in the city Saturday.
Fine cabinet sizr photos $1.00 per
doen at thr Monti block gallery.
Get your picture taken at the Moon
block galleiy, cabinets only $1.00 per
(ieo. Hutchinson who made a ttip to
Oklahoma several weeks ago is home
Cottiug is giving some grcatbaig.iius
in wall paper. Now is the time to buy
Mrs. John Hundley left Monday
uiorninc for a visit with relatives at
Compion, Illinois.
Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Ik-alricc is
hure visiting with her parents Mr. ami
Mrs. M. W. Dickcrsou.
If your eyes trouble you be sure and
see Dr. Rosa the optician Hi Collitigs
Drugstore Nov., l'Jtli, lUtli, 11th.
Torter Hedge who has bcci. in Crip
ple Creek lor iitiotit u year is here visit
ing with Ins mother noiih of town.
Knee pants of every description at
teller's. The 60 ceiu pauls wo are
tillering beat anything for quality ever
Ed.T. Itiown moved hi household
goods and departed llm liiL of the
wool; lor his liituie home at Macomb,
C. L. Cutting, Mile ageiil, will I ef und
your money it uoi satisiled after using
one bottle ot Dr. l-'cuuer' (anions
Others hare found health, igoi and
vitality in Hood's h.u viianlla, and il
surely has p'.wi'i lo Hi ip you al-o.
U hy not u j if
lion. A. J. Keiniey and .sou Louie, ol
ushiiiiriuu Lily , .ii 1 1 ed luie biiuilay
evening in onlei to vote foi tliiir
choice tor iresideut.
IU;v. J ames M Darby, pastor liist M
E. church of this city will lecluie to
tno young men Sunday at 7.'M. Do
not tail to hear him.
For weeks before election Jack
Walsh could not wear any hat only a
special out made to older. The cloth
ing stoic can now sell Jack boy's sic.
M. R. Huntley still asset is that he is
still a lepublicati. Repulilioans say
nit. Ho can't ride in our band wagon.
He will huve to ride on "SpaiinyVliog
Don't forget that the republicans
will celebrate uti Wednesday evening,
October Uth. If you haven't got a
horn get one made und gel in the baud
Many lives of usefulness have been
cut abort by neglect to break up au
ordinary cold, l'nuuiuonia, bronchitis,
und even consumption can be averted
by the prompt use of One Minute
Cough Cine. C. L. Cutting.
They are so little you hardly know
you ara taking them. They cause no
grilling, yet they act quickly and most
thoroughly. Such are the famous little
p'lls known as DeWitt's Little Early
Risers. Small in size great in results.
C. L. Cottiug.
Now that election is over il would bu
a good idea for tlm man who wants
lii.s .share of business to ilo a little ad
vertising and let people Know wlio lie
is, what be keeps und how he Mills it.
Get read; for Christinas Hade by ad
veitising in Tiik Ciiii.k.
Many political speakers, clergy men,
singers and others who ns the voice
excessively, rely upon One Minute
Cough Cure to prevent huskincss and
laryngitis. Its value as a preventive is
only equalled by its power to aUoid in
eoiistaiitans relief. C. L. Cottiug.
Mr. N. N. Osboru well known nt
Woodstock, Mich,, was troubled with
a lamo back. He was persuaded to Uho
Chamberlain's Pain Halm. It guvu
him relief in one night. This remedy
is also famous for its cures of rheuma
tism. For sale by H. E Grice, Drug
gist. Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church next Suiiday, conducted bj
Rev James M Dai by, ax follews:
Preaching ut 10:80 a. m., followed by
Sunday school. Junior League at 8
p. in. Senior Leugue at 0:80 p. m.
rreuching at 7.80. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening.
"The worst cold 1 ever had in my
llfo was cured by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy," writes W. H.Norton, of Sut
ter Creek, OhI. "This coM left me
with n cough nnil I was expectorating
all thn tliiio. The tonicity cutcil me,
and I want all of my friends when
troubled with a cough or cold to use it,
for it will do them good." Sold by 11.
E. Grice, Diuggist
llepoit of Mi Hope school fur the
ni'iu b ending Oei.iln-r uoth., Isij.1
l'l'. I CUI'mIiiii, HI 17, 01111)1,, I uf l;l.
I' ,(,H i-inl til dim s-Vl l-ulluw
in' iii u llii mi men i.f iiium) who Hi'iv
i.i i lo r uh-eiit inn- taidy . C.mIi
AiD.linle. 1'itiill .u lnii'1. 1.. " l'l-..,! I ,,..
b"it, r.mniti Motintfoid, I'.iiinm Millni,
Ottio Stovnns, Roy Stevens, Millie
Stevens. Average daily nttennaueu
lit) 45. Gi.o. Evans, Teauher.
Tlm llfstsnow of the season arriied
mi iioin i.ii 'I'liiii-diint
Mr. Wriuht of Red i'lottd was Iu this'
tieigliborhood Sunday I
It has been reported that Frank
Siidllek was married the lirst of the.
week. I
John Polnieky of Red ('Imnl wa
Hitiug among old friends Tuesday
Mis. Vandyke of lna ile was ilie
guest of her sister Mis (' II U iisnti
Miss Toothaeher from lied Cloud
has been visiting at Mr. Matknis tin-,
Etnoiy lleau, Claude Duval ami
their families and Ed P.ijno dined uf t
,1 C Wilsons Sunday. I
('. 1, Kelly from near uiurion ami
an uncle of bis fnuii Wyoming was
visiting ut Rev. Ileitis' one daj l-ist
On Fridav of last week Mr. Ole
il.uiseti died from Horn! poison.
Although he lias not been very well for
several months but he had been able
lo be up until about a week before his
death. When he wa eonsldeied ick
medical assistance was tendered but
to no avail Mr. Han-en was born in
Denmark iu IS.'iH and wliee small, with
his patents, moved to Wisennsiii iiud
from thete tbe nioM'il to Iowa and at
au early period turned to this county,
lie leaves a wife and four children, tt
father, tin re brothers and two sisten,
and a laine number of friends and
neighbors who mourn the loss of a lov
ing husband, brother and neighbor.
Funeral services ware held Siiiiilnv at
eleven o'clock at bis residence by Rev.
Hlaekwell The remains wore laid to
rest in the Jciisun cemetery
- - -
A foul breath is one of the greatest
alllietions that a man or woman can
have An allliction not only to them
selves, but to those with whom they
come in contact. A foul breath is a
groat discourager of alTectioti. It
would probably be more so if people
only realized just what bad breath
means. Rail breath Is one of the symp
toms of constipation Some of the
oilier symptoms an' sour .stomach, loss
ot appoint1, sick nun onions neanaeur,
dizziuos. heartburn and distress after
eat Inc. These t hi nusiueaiilndiirest ion.
They lead to dyspepsia and worse
things They all start with constipa
tion, and constipation in ino.xeusnblo
because it can lie cuieii cnroit easily.
quieklv and permanently, by the useof
Dr. I'lcrco s rieasant reiiets. nicy
give to nature just the little help that
she needs. There is no caso of bilious.
ness, constipation, indigestion, "heart
burn." or any of the rest of the nighl-
mare breeding brood, that these little
"Pellets" will not cure.
Send 21 rents ill one-cent stamps to
World's l)ispeiiarv Medical Assm-iie
ttnn. RnlTalo, N. V , and receive Dr
Pierce's 100 pane i ommon .si:ni. mi'.oi
cm AUVtsnj, illustrated
We had u line snow the -.".llii
Mr. Sn pin ii Emeiy ami luuiil)
i'i turiK d fiiiiu Ni v.ida
Geoii't' and Asi Dlllloll hlle Ii turn
ed from their si hoolal Emporia, Kan
The academy Ins been linisbed and
school hcL'sin in tlm bitililincyesteiilny
Some ot the .students nol au idea of
going to Hastings to hear Hryan, but
they viewed thelong ilriveantl unlearn
ed lessons and cave it up.
Miss Edith Dilliou has returned homo
fiom California on a isit. She ex
pects to start about the lirst of Decem
ber to Japan as a missionary. Her
many relatives anil friends are giatt to
see her and hone her a sate journey.
Surprises are the order of the day.
Last Wednesday was Grandpa and
(jianduia lowusenils "iroiueti wen
ding." Tlm people all flocked in and
surprised them. Sixty-seven were
present anil all leport n goud nine.
Many valuable presents were given.
While they were eating dinner the old
dtiving horse died but a lady gave
tlmm another one which the old people
can drive.
Another surprise took place at Mr.
Davis' last Sunday. Tlm house was
crowded and tlm teams ull hid when
the folks returned from meeting.
One Person in Every Four Suffers Fiom
About one person In every four
sufTi rs from some form of rectal
disease. The most common and annoy
inn is itehiuir piles, indicated li
warmth, slight moisture ami intense.
uncoutiollable Itching iu the parts at
I ho usual treatment lias ncen .some
simple ointment or salve which some
times give temporary relief, but noth
inn like a permanent cure can bo ex
pticteil troni .such supeillcial treauneiii.
I ho only permanent cure lor ituhing
piles vi discovered is tlm Pyramid
Pile Cure, not only for itching piles,
but loi every other form of piles, blind,
b. ceding or piotruding The first ap
plication gives instant relief and tlm
continued use font shott time causes a
permanent removal of the tumors or
the small parasites which cause the in
teiiMO itching and discomfoit of itching
Many physicians for a long titno sup
posed that the lemai kaliln re Uf af
forded by tho Pyramid Pile Cure was
because it was supposed to contain co
came, opium, or similar drugs, but
such la not tlm caso. A recent careful
analysis of the remedy allowed it to be
absolutely free from any cocaine,
opium, or in fact any poisonous, in
jurious drugs whatever. Sold hy drug
gists at 50 cents per package.
Miss Natt closed a two months
school last Friday
Miss Addio Adamson Sundayed at
homu lust Sunday. Sho is teaching a
six mouth school in district 83 near
Geo limner has been very sick with
lung fever but Is better.
Will l.ewisof Douglas count, Mis
souri, is hen for Wink and Jilensui e
A good rain lal Tnur.sday week to
s-iirt white: wheat
)i 0 Urub: In r iiecotiireinipil by his
f .On i ai (I isti r, M- -. J. S 'in nek, ie
liiriied hut 'liiuisd.iy fiom Pawnee
county, IhhMuto, bringing with tlicin
a W'igoii load of the good things of
Pawnee, such us apples, moluosefl,
Pm r.XJurwtti MtM
rror. w. n. mite, wh ,
innkfi a fltxwlAlftf nt '
Kplletny, h without
doubt treMed und cur
cm more caics tluitmn
living l'lijilclnn; bl I
cuccrts Is nstontuhlnr
Wo liave lirnrd of cridM
ct m jenrs' MAihUnr j
t tit re it by '
turn. Ha,
iulllnlifi.t I
vnlunbU '
work on
till ttn.
no so ti us
with a
liirt-A tv)f
tlo of lil nbsoluto riu, fne to ntty miiTcrern
wjioniriy eml tliclr J' D.niil CtptisauJrircM.
e nuvno nnv ran wiHiinik n i-nro loutiiirnKH
ProI.W. U. r&UQ, F. Dm 4 Cedar St., New York
di 'i it -ipph s, t
I'hey viiiiii gone
III l' WlM'l .
A pat iv of .i "u tMikstu, tin asm nl
d, nice at John Wu.bis Ft ulay evening
to Kill Miss N'lll idli ll fnl- M 'IIOH'I'
llessie Wlldet eiit to IIiiih Mill s,,U
urday to visit a week witli Miss Nni
Mel teacner.
Andiew Collli s is working foi Mi
MiMlshllllg. Mamuuh
Sslck-lKiisoli is i poison wiiirh makes
ou sh k It i' ties fi'iim the ttmii i i
The stomach lit kes it out of umliest
ed food
The blood tf'K it and taints the
whole body wb'i il That's the wn of
The way to b- rid of ll Is toluol, ft i
,Vur digestion
If your food is all properly digested,
thete will be left iu the stomach
to make iiek-jiiiMin out of
ii .your sioiuin ii is ioo weaK 10 see
to this properlv by itself, help it along
with a few tlije of Shaker Digestive
Thill's the ihireof it
Shaker Dlfi'stive Cordial is a deli
cious, healthful, tonic cordial, made of
pure medicinal plants, herbs and wine
It iwwltli'nlr fitii'iiu Iniliiriisf inn unit
.. ,... -....,.. '-p- .....
prevents tlin foi illation of sick-poimm.
At drupglM.s. Trial bottles 10 cents.
It beats nl what a gieat amount o
authority a man assumes when be is
piaei.u on nip i a tame to reau elec
tion returiij. The hossism iu Jack
Walsh's natnie showed itself in large
The thref-yearold boy of J. A.
t..l... .. .t.... ... in i
iMMiii.-imi, ui, wyim i.fiiitfr, iu t s sun
jcrt to aUaukH of riotip. Mr. .Johnson
..i . i. ,.:... .i .. !...i .1.... ii... i i
.- ...... Ull J I 1 1 I I I t 1 - 11 ,
many patent medicines for tliioat and
i .i. .. ti.. , i .i, .t . .
e .i
men nisi',si-. ii,. nail an niese hi
choose Itotii, and skilh d plisiiiaiis
ICady to respnlid to Ills call, bill sell'. I
ed this leiueili for use in hjs imsh
inning in auiiH win n uis i mills me
was in dangi r, oeeaiise he I. in u it in
he superior in-iiiv other, and fanioii
the country ovi i Im its cures of i teiip.
Mr. Johnson sus this is the best .sell
ing cough llletlliiiie they He, ud
that it gives splendid satifacUoti in all
cases Sold by II. E. Grice, Druggist.
Services ut the Baptist chinch tiu.xi
Sunday, conducted by Rev. C R Wel
den, as follows- Preaching at 10;3(),
Sunday School at U.ilO; ll. V. P. U. at
o.'M, preacliiiig al 7:'M. A coidial in
vitation extended to all.
How to Curo Bilious Colic
I suffered for weeks with colic and
pains iu my stomach caused byblliuu.s
ucss und had to take medicine ull tho
while until I used Chambei Iain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy which
cured me. I have since recommended
it to a good many people Mits F
lltiTLKit, rairhiivcn, Conn Poisons
who arc subject to bilious colic can
waul oil tho attack by taking this
remedy as soon as the first symptoms
appear. Sold by 11. E Grice, Drug
Kit. In memory of Ole Hansen who pass
ed away on Wednesday )i tuber Mill.
Hear IiiikI ninl joii Imvc left mc
Ami in) lii'irl Is muI to nlt-lit,
Ull that I tiirnlli imiiiIiI M.'i' ton.
All III ilrtmiilh Minlil ho so l.rltln
l'lillier ikrrt 1 1 1 (in hurt lift im.
Ami ullh tliiiMinr J(i)).iiil' llnl.
(ill "lis Imnl in t Ii t ii k our Culicr
(ionil uii'l VI ml ninl triir s ilrml
Thin, Pale
One satisfaction in giving
Scott's Emulsion to children is
they never object to it. The
fact h, they soon become fond
of ft. Another satisfaction is
because it will make them
plump, and give them growth
and prosperity. It should be
given to all children who ate
too thin, or too pale It does
not make them over-fat, but
It strengthens the digestive
organs and the nerves, and fur
nishes material for rich blood.
We huve a. Iinnt tr'.Vno vn-i mnr. .
.. .t w ,.., . (1
tlic subject. Sent free for & asking. '
SCOTT & 110 WNE, New York.
l L 7 I
w f will vN
1 y i mil N
Is out in all the splendor of new gowns and new
millinery and she makes some of the boys look rather
shabby by contrast. Wc hope they'll take her
hint. A few dollars will buy a stylish suit or a
swell Fall overcoat of the H. S. & M. make, and
that's the finest there is, you know, every garment
: : : Have Yoa Procured Your
: : JVIarriage License ?
If so the next thin in order is lo comr to us and
Be Fitted Out fop the Oeeasion
Wc i. Ill doit Willi little l'irlW lo jou. Tin U- is I. ink
in our Wedding Suits.
JJiDef Bf os. 5
Yoa Will Find
the Best Line of
Bargains Ever
Offered in the Gity.
See Our
Bargaing in
Shoes at
This Sale.
SffB 9SPW 3?OT?,'ASr.7.WiS?.aRS S!2KWCTEiSiet2?5WC8K
The Clothier.
SSiSwlliaRWKiftV i-j:.v---- .tm-
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. ii MnrmWM,Wxzhm&i
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