THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, OCT. 30, 1896. -h . 8 l n m lis r Ir Ha I M IK. ! " Is a rcnicdv of sterlinjr value. It positively cures all Bronchial Affections, Cough, Cold, Croup, Bronchitis and Grippe. You can always rely on it. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is indispensable to every family!Price 35 cts. Shun all substitutes. Chew LANCE'S PLUGS. The Groat Tobacco AntWoU.IOc. Detleri or mill, A.C.Meyer A Co.. Balto.,M A, STATU UN 12 11ukiiin cum is tln order of tin day Isnirl 11111I Ciitliurlnu Oslioin of Oic gon sue! vMliiiK frliiiitN in till- vicinity. Tlicy !iii'(Jii!iUci miniMirinml li cach ed Ht Xoitlibruiii'li Sunday night. Hclmol Im'kuii at tlio academy Mon day. "I'lic building is mil litiisdicd yet but fclinul is held in the Methodist cbutch. Mrs. Marshall lias boon vWllnj? her brother at Upland, Nubr. Quite 11 numbor attended tho Duukard fool washing at llnrr Oak Inst Sutiinlay night. Mr. N. J.Castur is visiting rclativeH In Mitchell county. Mr. Saunders of Indiana Is visiting relatives at Noitlibriinuh and held mi fHitertalnniunl last Thursday night. Ho explained the travels of the child re n of Israel and Illustrated it with Hymbols. Kev. I.ctioul Fruguii ircaebed at Maple (Srove ubuieli Sunday night. Miss Kmuiu Carter is Maying with her aunt Mi. s. Caster during Mr. Cas ters absence. NO WASTE OK WOKDS. Evidence Which is Right to the Point and Reliable. .Judge Frank Ives of district com t of CrookMon, Minn , says: For .some time I have used Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets with seeming great benefit, witli few exceptions, I have not been no free from indigestion in twenty -lire years. (ieo. W. Roosevelt, U. S. Consul to Hrussels, llolgiuni: Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, safe, pleasant to take, eon vtnient to carry, give keen appetite, pel feel digestion. Mr. V. I). Toiullii, Mechanical Kngiueer, Dultitli, Minn.; One box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets has done its work, mid I am again gaining llesli and strength. (). K. Uaiuom, HustouTllle, Ky : I whs distressed and Annoyed for Iwo 1.1. .1 ..!.... ........! ..... ...n jumn nun imtiwiiig u, luiui, wucii inu or three times a day; had no certainty of retaining u meal if I ate one. Four boxes of the tablets f mm my druggist liave fully cured me. I liud them pleasant to take, eoiiTeinent to carry. Rev. (i. I), iiioun, Mondovi, Wis.: The etreet of Stuail's Dyspepsia Tab lets is simply marvelous; a quite beat ty dinner f hioilcd beefsteak causes no distress since I began tilth' Use. Uvei six thousand people in the state of Mich , Tihiue in ISUI weie cuied of stomach lioubles by Stuart's Dpcisi:i Tablets. Full slcd packages may lie found ul all druggists at ."ill cents, or scut by mail on receipt of price f.'om Stuart Co , Marshall. Midi Scud for little hook on .stomach dis eases, mailed fiee. In the ll:u vaid students' canvass it is uoiicable that the four Nebraska (Undents break even between Palmer nnd McKinley. Not one of the four lias any intention of supporting Hryau. Huston Reuonl. InflttBiiHulory UliotiiiuitlNiaCtire cl In :i lu)i. Morton I., Hill, of Lebanon, lud,, nay: "My wifo bud Inflammatory KlietunatUiu in erory uumole nud joint, Imr suffering Wh tvrriblt nud her tied) nud Ihoo weie wolleu Hliuont beyond reoogidtiou; had bteu in bed for ait werlu and had eight plijulomim hut rem-ltrd no bene tit until she tried the MYSTIC CUKK FOR KHKUMATISM. Ii gave immtdialn re. lief and the wn able to walk about in three da) a. I am Kara it saved anr lif.." Bold by H. E. Orice drnutjiat, Hvil Cloud. So Completely and Quickly. A A COMPLICATED CASE CURED. 'hm Frcilonln. N.Y. writes Dr. I'onnor: "I had a lieavy pain over my kidneys and cramps In my limbs for a longtime. Also tiarkiu'lio with Hcnnty and turbid urlno, hloatlniiof limbs aud a ticncral DROPSICAL CONDITION of tho system, cuumM by heart ilWeaso.f rum which I had smllVrcd (or yt'itrs. 1 lmvu been taking your Kidney and ll;ial;;ic!iu Guru and com tohoentlruly H.llcM'd, I uovurluul a ncdlclnoliclpuiu fcucuiupHtuly aud iiulckly," jropcrty, two lives w?ro tost. 1Ja.MirTJUtR Syrilp .Mr. II. mini ii w one than l.Iiirbctird worse than Henry tlfr. Kighth, worse than any character of hi-tory or legend, lie buys up men and scattei.s wealth with a reckless baud wherevei it may uiidciiiiiuc molality or tbie.ileu the government, I'hcie is nothing that Mnik would stop at if we were to believe the popoeiats. Ami matter of fact, this teirilic persotingR is a very able, veiy geiietoiis and very respect able man, He Is rich, mid tho liryuii ile.s hate him for it. They hate any thing that Mavorsofthriflor prosperity. They want the country and tho people in it to be reduced to noTerty, so that I we all may be wretched together. Ueatilce Kxpress . CARELESSNESS. Often Causes No End of Suffering. 1'iobably half the people who see this article sillier from piles. It Is one of the commonest diseases and one of the most obstinate. People have it for years and just because it is not im mediately fatal they neglect it. Cute lessness causes no end of suffering. Carelessness about so simple a thing as piles has often caused death. Hun- orrhages occur from no apparent cause ami loss of blood causes death. Hem onhagcs occur during surgical tt eat iiient, often causing death. Piles are simple in the beginning and easily cured. They can be cured even in the worst stages, without pain or loss of blood, quickly surely ami complete ly. There is only one lemedy that will do it Pyramid Pile Cure. It allays the iiillammatiou immadi ately, heals the iiritated .surface ami with continued trealmeut reduews the swelling and puts the membranes into good, sound, healthy condition. The cure Is thorough and permanent. Druggists sell tile Pyramid Pile Cure at 50 cents. Send for free book on cause and cine o( Piles by addressing Pyra mid Co., Albion, Mich. The farmers of this country have boeu benetitted by the advance in wheat to the extent of over $1)0,000,000 since July, audit it were true, as the liryuii organs absurdly claim, that this result has been brought about by Chair man llauiia for political purposes, then he would certainly be one of th best friends the fanner ever had St. Louis (Slobe-Democrat Blood is Lifts. It is Hie medium which cairies to every neive, muscle, organ ami lilire its nourishment and strength, if the blood is puic. rich and healthy you will lie well; if impure, disease wiil soon oveiiake you. Hood'a Sarsi parilla has power to keep you in health 1 13 making your blood rich and pure. Hood's Pii.i.s aiu easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, bilious ness ,.,re. Mr. liryuu will have an excuse for not observing Thanksgiving this year. Canada ha proclaimed that the last Thursday in November shall be Thanksgiving day. This enables Mr. Hryau to say that lie cannot consent to observe a British festival. Milwaukee Sentinel. Tui: Wat to Cukk catarrh is to purify the blood, mid tbesurest, safest, best way to purify the blood is by tak ing Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Hlood Purllier. Hood's Pills 'are prompt, reliable, easy to take, easy to always Iterate. If nil the silver mined wrc seut to the United States for mintiue;, it wuald not give employment to 5,000 men, A mnglebig manufactory would do that much. Chicago Inter-Oceau. Omi uhlof u'iiion why M:ijoi.MoKiu- jli'ywilllm nh'cted anil Mr. Hryau will not Im, l thatthu wiiRt'-t'nrnt'ra'of thu ; country hnve arqulriMlknowltnlKu of j tho furt thut thorn la not iiJicountry'in j tho worhl that haj fri'i'fcolBUKu ofsilTor in which : fiur;w:iKt'U;pnUHforlanay'H hihor. Hartfoul"iTimc.s;(lcm ) J C3 Totter, Salt-Hhoum and Eozemft. Tho intense Itching nnd smarting Inci dent to those dlsensea is instantly itlluyad by applying Chamberlain's Eye nnd Skin Ointment. Many very bud ensea have been permanently enred bv it. It is equally owciont tor ltcltlng piles and Jiouiiu Biiiir jur buro lupines; enappeu nanus, cmtuiatns, tra-t ultcs'craicl, ulceration or cutarrh or tho bladder. uuu curuuiu ouiu ucu. ocih per uox. Dr. Cady'B Condition 1'owdern, uro just what u horso needs when in bud condition, vnrmifuco. Tonic, blood purifier nnd Tiioy uro not too.i nut meiiietnu and tlio oost m tibo to put n horno in prime condition. Price 2" cents per puckago Dr. Price's Cream Daking Powder A Pure drapa Cream l Tartar Po der. . WASHINGTON NOTES. So far as the work at tho Washington end is concerned tho presidential cam paign is over. There Is no longer any bustle around either the Hryau or the McKinley headquarters. Tliewoik of sending out campaign literature is end ed, ami if any votes arc changed be tween this time and election day it will not be because of anything done in Washington. The light Is now trans feired to the voting precincts. While there is less hysteria displayed at Ilryaii headquarters than was on tap last week, the democrats and populists are claiming that Hryau will certainly bo elected by a small majority of the elec toral college and that the silver men will ulect a majority of the next hoiio. At McKinley headquarters, they ale actually jubilant in their confidence that McKinley will rcceie the irM electoral votes claimed for him by Viee-C'lialrman Apslcy, of the republi can congiessioiial committee, r inoie, and that the number of republican members of tho ne.xt will not fall short of SiM claimed by Mr. Apslcy. Outside of the political headquarters tho impression has been growing in Washington for some days that Mc Kinley will win, not by so large a vole as Mr. Apslcy claims, but still that he will win. So general has the idea be come that most people speak of it as a matter of course, ami nine men out of ten taken at random on the sticel and usked who they thought would be elected replied without any hesitation "McKinley," and yet a majority of these men weie for Hryau, During a period covering five presidential elec tions, I have never known the opinion of the result of one of them to be so nearly unanimous In Washington This is, perhaps, largely attributable to the wisli of ninety pen-out or more of the government employes that Mc Kinley will win, but it isn't all chaige able to that, as many who think that McKinley will win do not wish him to do so. Hut whatever the cause, the ease is just as I have stated it. President Cleveland has u nice juicy plumb to give to somebody in tilling the vacancy on tho court of claims caused by the death of Chief Justice Richardson. This is a lifetime job that at least two members of the cabi netWilson and Herbert would very willing drop into, and one of them may get it, but threats have already been made by the silver men who are in a majority in the senate, that no gold democrat will be confirmed if one is nominated to the vacancy. It will be a comparatively easy matter to bold up any nomination made until after the 1th of March if any number of senators desire to do so. It is thought by Georgia men in Washington that the death of x Speak er Crisp, who would have beeu elected to the senate will precipitate a red list light for the seat in the senate which (Sen. Cordon will vacate next March. That ex-Secretary Hoke Smith would like to be senator, is well known, but his financial views will probably put the pii.e beyond his reach, as tho legis lature is ovet whelniingly for silver, ami Mr. Smith, whilesiipiiurling Hryau and the Chicago platform is virtually doing so under compulsion. (Sov. At kinson, whose home popularity has just been attested by a leelection, is believed to have the best chalice for theseuatorshlp The members of the administration are swiping Hryau and silver every time they can. Secretary Morton made the price of wheat the basis for a statement showing how prosperous our wheat growers are under the gold standard; Seeretay Olney's department has made public a statement, said to be a summary of consular reports, show ing that wages in the fold standard countries are bettar than they are in countries which have the double standard, and other things favorable to gold and unfavorable to silver; Sec retary Carlisle is on the stump; Secre tary Herbert, ditto; Postmaster (Jen. Wilson has made one speech against Hryau aud is expected to make others; Secretary Hands has written a letter calling Hryau and whathostaiids for some very hard names; Attorney General Harmon it will bo remembered lid the same thing sometime ago DR. KILMER' 5 tht KIDNEY LIVERS $&& Rhcuiiiatism ' tumbaRo, ioln in Joints or Iwck, brick dust In urliu', frenticnt enlls, Irritation, intiiunmiuion. DisonleriMl liivei" Ilillmniufis, hi'iuliu'hp, IndlKratlou or Bout. RVA.til-ll4OT invlKiirntfs. cures kidney ' UlBcultles, HrlBhtV illsi-tiso, urinary troubles. lllllllll'C IfilOOIl Pcrnfuln, inUulii.jreueralweiiknrJoriloblllty. Mtvuiiip-Kiiot builds up (luii'Uly a rundown constitution mid uinkes the weak Btrnnir. At lniKulKtn.-,( ciiiUn ami $1.00 Size. "iiolld.' liuMu to IIi'Hlth" frt-o L'otuultaUon friXb UluKllAll-liiCo.. llioiUuitM.N.V. while Secretary Latnont is yet to be heat (I from in any striking way, al though ho has announced his Intention to vote for Palmer and liuckncr. War ships are expensive even in time of peace. The annual report of Com modore Chadwick, Chief of the bureau of equipment of the navy department, just made, shows that the coal bmiied by our naval vessels last year cost Uncle Sam 1(520, 1 .11.38. Votvfor I. IF. Crar.n of Oniric llork for rcprricutative. Da you wmil a lawyer for ruunly til- lornry Ttcn vote for MeXilt, llnwrnbrr "7i!' 11 jicjiulisl hoaril 0 MiHrviitiritmiitii'i. Vote for Hob There has been keen competition be tween Kansas landladies for a chicken that was hatched at Cedaivalc with tlnee legs and two pair of wings N w York Hun. - - - A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very .seveie cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad ; ease of Ingrippe ami recogn'ing it as I dangerous he took immediate steps to. bt lug about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamberlains Cough Remedy and the many good reeom-i nieiidations included then in, wo con cluded to make a first trial of the medi cine. To say that ii was satisfactory in its results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no hesitancy in recom mending tins excellent Cough Remedy to anyone atllicted with a cough or cold in any form. The Ihtnticr of Liberty, Libertytown, Maryland. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by 11 K. (Jrice, druggist. - - - 1 out Watson may well ask 11 tins is any longer a free country. Hcie is tho supreme court of Kansas compell ing mm to run tor vice-president 111 that state. Our sympathies are wholly with Mr. Watson in this case, although we impute no fault to the iuuioi abb court. Spriiiglield (Mass ) Republican (Dem ) ST. VITUS DANCE. A Physician Prescribes Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. Dr. Miles Medical Oo., Elkhart, 1ml.: My daughter Mattlo, agod 14, was aflllctcd last spring with St. Vitus danco and ner vousness, her entire right sldo was numb and nearly paralyzed. Wo consulted a pby- a" , '-.' itir.- w slclun and Im tires, rlbod I r Miles' ltestura tlvoNorvlnu. She took llirro hot tins before wo b.iw any curtain slum of Improvement, but uftor that she 1oan to Improve very fast nud I now tlilnlc she Is entirely cured. Shu hug tiikuu ill tin bottles of thu Nurvluu, but no other mcdh-lmi of any kind. Knox, Ind., Jan. S, 'ftV II. V. IIostbttck. Physician proscribe Dr. Miles' Remedies because thoy are known to bo tho rtwult of tbo long pructlco and experience of one of the brightest, memtsira of their profession, and are carefully compounded by experi enced c hem Isu In exact accordance with Dr. Miles' prescriptions, m ustnl In bis practice. On sale at all druAKlsts. Write for Dr. Miles' llook on tho Heart and Norveo. Dr. Miles Medical Oo., Elkhart, Ind. r. lita' tarikg Into BM1 SOTICE TO NOX-IIESIDKNTS. WllltMin I. ItAvts ,lnfi.t,.lnf tvfO lair ,ntl,A Hint on the Mh iIht f October, 1WW, Hhoils I)tI laintlirhtrein. flleii hsr petition In Ihe dUtrlrt court of Webiter county. Nohmaka, Kaliiil uo. the object (in J prayer of which are to procure a divorce from you. and lo the eimodj of Karl llavln, our child. Yon ars re iiulrfil to itutwer itald iiIiton 011 or before the aid diiy of November. lAw. Iie.l. SoTembers, IKW. Kiioda Dati, 1'lslnlltT. lly.l. M. CiiArriN Atiornex. TIME TABLE. B. & M. R.T RKD CI.Ol'D, SEMI. USVOI.S OtIAllA ClllCAOO ST. JOE K ASS AS CITY ST. LOt' IS ami all points east ami south. DESVEli HELENA llt'TTE SALT LAKE try I'OIITLASD Stf.V FRAXCISC0 ami all points west. TUIIS II4TI AS roi.Lown: No. 68. KrciRlit. tlally except simdKT for WymorramUII point east 9:00 a.m. No ifl, 1'anni'iiKer. dully fur ht. Joe, KtuikftH city. Atehitioii, Ht. LoiiIh mid all points east and routh -. .-, Nn. H'J, Acroinmodallon, dally except siiiiiIr)'. Htn-lliiuH. (Irainl Is Iimcl. illiick IIIIih and all point" In Hit nortfnTest it'JGp.m, No, Ml. Accommodation, dally except Mimiay. iineruii, innn, hiiii IntermedltUo MHtlonii, Ih lie jmhllcan tJ:05p,m. No. CI I'relKhl, dally, Wytnore aud St. .100 mill Intermediate Innrtlon ixiliit l:' No. M. PreiKht, dully for Hupuhllcan Orlt'aiiH,Oxfurd and all points wci-t UilSa.w. No. 10. 1'aae iiKer. dally. Peitrcr, all palntK In L'olorndo, Utah ami California - 8:t0p.M. MrrpliiK, dlnliiK, and recllnliiR chair cant' H-als freti) on tliimiRli lruln. Ttcketn xold ami liRKKaKO checki'd to any polal Id the I'ultnt Statrh or Canada, l'or liifornmtlon. lime tnhlri, mapa or tlcketN mill an ar iiiMri'm. A l'OHOLr. ALH'llt. lied Cloud, Nebr. or J. FrancU, dcneral l'ai-i'iiKer Akciii, iiinaiia, Muraxiu, ''' w it I ,T-lli liMl'IWf-Hi: IMMIfllH.frlNKill . AYcec tablcPrcparation for As slmilathig ftaFoodfltidRcgula dug t lie Stomachs ami Bowels of Promotes Dicioslion.Cliccrriil ticssfliulRcsl.Coninlnsncillicr OpitinT.Morphme nor Mineral. Not NAJtc otic. Kay cOMnrS.WUELrnTMn. infv SnU' Alx.Smrvt ftfrmrtf (jrtMJufr. Apcrfcct nemedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish oxss and Loss OF SLEEP. TocSimilc Signature of NEW YORK. yirwnTrrriiH I EXACT COPrOF WRAPPER. Harness 1 Harness! Harness! J O BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Pi lad. st Grade (LAUNKSS MAX, In ci Cloud. Prices rivflit IW c tsli DON'T BUY A Wagon, Power, Corn Shelter, Harness, Buggy, Shoveling Board, Bicycle, or any kind ot arm Im plements, until you have obtained prices from the LESTER IWPIiFPliT CO., Amboy, teb., Who liiivn ii complete lino of lirst-clm-. gumls -tt rciiuirkiilily low prii'OM emiw .unfit k)ii;u 1. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY. IMtUlMilKTOK. DKAI.IIK IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. Ct tw ALWAYS ON TAP. M KS. .1. K. SH1HKY, Tearlirr of Uustonihry price. Dnily hult hour lea ion to new beginners nt remvuirtljle rate. J. S. EMIGH, 1KNTI8T. PAINLESS DENTISTRY r VOU WANT IT. Crown 3 Bridge Work or Ttelh Without Haiti I'Oltt'KI.AIN IN LAY, And til ibelatcit ItnproTeneulla donul moch anlhin. R-I-P-A'N'S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. TMDI . $WW Wanted-An Idea Who cam think ot ioiuo ilmplo n(Mt rnur IdMii thiT may brlnir you wealth. itiiDKiupaicnir Writ JOHN WKUPEKUUHN CO.. Putent Atlor ntju Wajhlmton. I). C, for tbelr 41.KU prlia otter aaduat of two hundred UtauUon wantMl. DICK BKOS QUINCY BEEK SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF LhM&u IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTLE OF" CASTORIA Cattorla Is pat op la ont-ilit bottles enly, It ii not told ia balk. Doa't allow asjont to tell you anything elts on the plea or promli that It la juit as good" and will anawtr erery par- pote," 4T Bee tntt yon gt u-A-fcS-x-o-n-i-A. Tit !) t!mu 03T . SV?-JL. ltM &LLaAJY7&JAUA "? ef wppr. v PARKER'S CINCER TON 10 btfl I.usg Trouble. IVbUlty. dlttitwlnt Momirh and ttnultUlt, and ! noud (or tutklcj -n whan til othw Uf.mifnl f.lU it. rr moih.r and InTilid ihovld hire IL tARkEft' HAIR BALSAM fltaiiHt and bnotiflta lh half. I'romotri a aowOi. Nver Falls ta Jicitore Qray .r vu ., louimui v.iQr, Cuill Ktlp dIMlHI htlr llM. Irta ..I .1 ..1 .. r-) V. m "" 1 mimmmmimt ninDEKCOKNS The only ran Car. for ViTUM. owt all paia. lilulklli I t.ijr. lie atOruutiuk Plilii. . .. .', .')inniin:l llrnn.i. ENNYR0VAL PfiLLS -EV Original anil Onltiriinlnr. A. Urucd't fur Ckittter f'ntti V.i iwVV mortHran H; Kid u 1 i4t uitliUitSAA1 llll, -rlrl wlih l!U4 Mn 'I TuL W uulkrpa HtfMf tliHMPtuwn lubatitu. v tl-tlMltui iMttaUitHI 1 If U2rf11llt r MQil 4r. in utroii tt nnleulin, tttniAnUU tit IMIef for tMiie;" t'iltiHr. r rrimtH r. u. in.uwu inihuoBiiif Amt tartr rklhafa,kaalfal't..U.fl.AMtiK.. 141 ilf Lock! Dry uliu. 4kliadii..i3 THINACURA For Thin People Are You Thin? Flrh made nlth Thlnai'iira Table Ii (r n ntleii 1 1 lie prH'eA, Thry cnalo ierfect astliullallou ofcti-ry form nf fiHtd.ecretliiK the Talimble artp and nlcnrilinj tho wurlhlrni. The; make thin frtri-K plump ami round out the fignrr. The) arc ih 8TAN1)AHD HK11KDT for leaniie.ii. cuiiIiiIiiIiik no arsenic, and nb.c. Imelf htrinlciii. l'rlcp, prepaid, II per bnx, A for Ht, ramphlf 1, "MOW TO OET FAT," fro. IIILTIIIMCUIA til., iMj Hroadway, NewYork Shoot the Best GETtheGAME! Always Miri-Flriun. I Aicuratv. Stimitfauil Clean. tlaror-Ml (llluli)iitiiialltr)ttniidi-,t with Klaa's New VlrturtMi'iliiiui rlu-.), J Niuukrlraa, fluuruMtiH'.l tiitUn HIGHEST VELOCITY, LOW PRESSURE, BEAUTIFUL PATTERN. CLEAN, SMOKELESS, PETERS METALLIC CARTRIDGES , .. "lnl:ly, l'iiriinlt.,, Tim IW.I M';ri' N II 1 hi'iii ,, u lune o no 'JriKt it CiiiiiMiiiijun THE PETERS CARTRIDGE CO,, CIHCINNATI.9. CASK & AloNITT, IRwiJ 1 EdlJriik il ITn I v r& ATTOIIStTS and COUNSELORS AT LAW, Spoclal attention to Commercial and . I'robato MtlRatlon. " MOON UI.OCK, UKI) CLOUD, NKHRASKA.I rr r1a'WlHllWWl'i''l---!""' "" v.mmu' "3t" 5rM6tiT :