The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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    I V
OniirmlM (.li'iiiliilc .l.iiur li.iin; )cr
ultsl t tifrt- Kvpr. Ale im-iiijit Mimti'IimI
Money t'.irrlr.l In the sarc Not it sliilo
sbot l'lr-l.
IvVNHAS V.IIV. 't. .'. -t'hloiltfii A
A. ton passenger train No. H, ltit in
Kuusus City at tS:M yi'stci'diiy ovi'iiln,
tvas held tip and rill)i'i! v; fuurm.i-.hi'd
mcu oiio-litilf tnlW oast of tin' old I'.lue
rut, between filfinluli' :intl luih'ii'tid
"Moo, about i:l jestorduy I'vi'tuujr
1'he robbery consisted uf taking S'.'.V M
from riioinan A. I'.. I'ust, who uis nn
'u' enniiii', uiid tin riins!n-iir of tho
I til ril Stnte.s I'vpri'ii imp. from which
It I fc-tild two ir.ii'Uujji'- of ji'Wi'li-j of
l'ttle vtUui'. ciiiisltfiii'il to ICunsu it,
were tuUt-n. 'I'lii'i'vpivii i'nmiiitii. n 11 it
"le iut"-M.'U(ii'r, AndreM "shields, ih'iiy.
however, thul tin- i'urcss i-oinpiiny'i
1 i-,v wus anything.
The train was 'it chnisfi' of d'oii
luctor A. .!. IVI'i. of Kooilliotiic. Ill .
nnd Knlneer .Isnni's Wottnti mill I'liv
suuti A. V.. I'oit. f Muter. Mo . Mini
whs .-itoppi il I'.v tin1 1 .ililii'r-. in ilir t nm-lionni-itt
uiiiiuii'i' ot suliijiiiij; awhile
lantern across tin' tr.ioL just before tliu
eiii've lonilinj,' into lil in- I'tit
toui'hid. llniiii'i'f Wi'ttmi limuirht
Ids train to a standstill when In' vi
'h signal, und ordered iVo'ii hts
limine by u small mini, who lnouninl
1'ito tin' call. Tin tii'tinil rubbery ik'
upluil but ti short tlini', hut. owlujj to
In faot that tin1 robbers ettt tin- I'lipni'
from thi' train mid ran it a mill' and a
half oust toward-, linlo'ioiiibun'i'. where
.'uy di't-erti'il it. and where tin en
4 ii'i-or, .liiini's VYotlon. and his tlri'inuu
had to walk for it. it mule 'In1 train an
I our tmtl forty-tin minutes late In ar
tMntt in Kansas ''ity.
The holdup was evidently tin' work
"i" noviees, the leader of whieh. by his
tlons tuid eouvei'sullon with ICn
.;iiieer Vtton and I iroinun IVist.
lu'.nlj deuioiistrateil that he was mil
.a old hmul in the business of holilin
; trains.
All the robbers were about thirty
.ir.s old, In the opinion of Kiiuiiuit
Cotton, nud wore dark rolored mask-.,
the t.ill man. like his eoiiipanioils,
. oiv jrood clothes, hut had nrjjleeted
t tiluci them under illsir-iise.
A though the riibliers.iU earrled !in
u. ins ami llourlshcd them dangerously j
I't-eauM' of their seciuimr nerxuiisiiess.
not i'lie Mint va tlrcil durintr thu pro-Sis-
- of the roliliery. and hut for the
loutf wait inclilcitt to the recovery of
the engine, the paswiiijrers would not
ha Wen appri-ed at all of any-t'u-i
.-hiMijr iinniif. The latter were
i..i" I'.iok'sted. however, by the rubbers,
u'tleairh there are accounts of many
bee ni.iug evcited atnl stowing away
then vulunbles after il was rumored
the '.rain was in the hands of bandits.
hen it was known that the rohhers
had iUhen the engine and lied, main of
the pa.sseiitfctVi lllcd out of the ears and
stood about, in a sort of a trance e
i!u'.ti.iitf iiliut they would have done
in case they had been ordered to stand
ti .d 'Ii liver.
The i ruin w:i 'o'lipo'Cil of a coin
) nat'on bajru'inre and express ear, a
i luibir.utiou mall and iinokiiitf ear anil
three day coacln". Il was well tilled
'ii paUeuir'-rs. It 1, thought the
rdihers niisjudeil their train and rub
hed tne west bound train, when they
iiteliiU'il to laekle the St. bonis cv
r . i.-jst hound, which left Kau.a.
'l at il o'clock . and which was held
u' independence an hour to await the
i. rival of the Kansas ill train, there
lietnr no or'k-r.s to meet it otherwise
ihiin at Independence The train that
was nibbed is a evpress and the run i- ncier lieav or valuable.
I here have been three robberies at
it iiL'ui'l'lciiiliilc Ic'orc On (ictobcr
;. 1 4'.i, the liimes lio',-,. aceoinpanicil
bv .Mm ruinuiint,", Di'"1!, I.iddel, 1M .Mil
ler, li'.ll liviiu. Tanker li.isham and
I..ISHUIII illlil
I,, ., I ,....,,.-.. iiiiii, i, it: ,ii,-in--.iit Vllllll,
other.s of the tramr. rode inio i .. i ,i. ..: 1 ..... ...... i..
lilcndale and locked up the three nin
in eluinro of the .station, ami waited
for the castboiiud train, liich was due
it IIM. j). in. The rubbery was success
ful and thu bandits .secured Tl.'..Unj.
Two venrh inter the fjynjf aaiii held up
n traWi at this point, but the third rob
bery, which occurred about seven years
;ijjm. was not done by the .lutues bo s.
I iu pectin I'laliixe ami elht licked
men ieft Kansas City on a special hit
inedlately. after thu llrst report of the
holdup reached here inul jirocccded ut
uico to the scene. Not a trace of the
robbers could bu found anywhere, ami
llii'V had dl.snppcurcil as comiiletel a.s
if itio ourth had swallowed them up.
l'luy iiro known to 1m either railro.i I
nn nor else men familiar with ma
i Iner . n.s their handlinifot theciu'liic
Slllir RlrinlnTi of Hut tinier lltpurli'il
lo nrnoiiiiiii tlie Mijui inn I Inter.
AVA1UIIN010.N, Oct. J'',. A scli'U
lion b iromised in A. P. A.
circles in u few days, when mem
bers of that ruul.utiuii, dissatisfied
with the olliclal eommuulciittoii of the
pivi-iilent in ojp)ltinn to llryan. will
reply by clreiilar.i uniuninelnf
tllt'U- lutentlou to Mippiirt the Chi
cago nominee, and prisfurrlnjj
uuraint the sujircine ircsident and
hih ii.soolates chaises of belnjf in
the movement to give the .suipirt
of tlio nnsoc'lutinii to Mdvlnlcy. Thu
objtel of the circulation of thu ctlreu
lurs will in; to permit nil aiiti-A, 1'. A.
ucople to understand the
WitiK reported to by certain men In the
order in the campaign. It is alleged
that this will nuke votes for
It is learned that one !' the chief oh
jtotson botii sides in the tijjlit now at
Iiantl is thu enpture of Maryland,
where, it is under ,U.d, there are
27.0(10 A. 1'. A. vote..
AlMimoii (ur Srimtitr.
ATI ANTA, tin., Oct. !!ii. -Oo.vrnor V.
. Atkinson, who litis Just been re
elected chief executive of Ocotgla for
n term of two yenr.s, Is prominently
mi ntiiiiicd as su vessor to the Suitaturi
iul heat which would have been .Mr.
risp'H had ho siirvlvcil. should lm
liter and be eU'cteii, tln-re would
probablj1 in' a contest for thu governor
.hip between Hon Hubert 1, Hemer
nuil Hon. A. S. C'luy, chairman of the
Statu I'-moeraiio o.' uiivi) conuuiuee.
.lovernor Atkinson s h 'ke us senator
kuuid render nwo sary a v-,J '" vve
hi tor pveriHr
'rim " iVeil l'rliit-css Hi Id n-- tl
1n!o I'buo ill Itmnr.
i Roili. Del. 'in The elvll niiirrlai'i o!
thr iiM.Mi nriii V of Itnlv to lilnees
Hr'.ein-,it Mi.nten vim t.iiik plaee thW J
Till: 1'UiSc K AND 1113 UUIDU.
'I hen :li.i .n tijr couple went in pro'jii tli' eliutvli of .San ta Maria
Ilcifli injeli. where the rclifioits core
uioii was ed 'litis was eon
eluded at ! o'clock, when the corteyu
returned to the ijitirinal.
No I'liliii'.i Mrlliiiil. fiir i:nt;tinil
iin-' i
.sen' Itflllltl'.
Ii0ii.s. net. .'ii. A complete cordon
of dfeet, ,es ',, foruicd around the
( hi. n sc lc'atinu .M'stcnlay. the otllcors
brine; ordered to sei.e sun Vat Sell and
reJurise him if he should he brought
The .Mai-ipiii of Sallshury. after lead
ing a nuiub.'r of atlldavits, sent a
htronlj worded letter to the ( hiiicse
envoy pointing out that the methods
a li.;i'cd In tlicle'ation wcic dlstinctlv
not needed, as the courts were open to
nn- t iiiiii'so otnciais in oiitatti any
crlin'iial Mr h'!il 'I he prime
tiiinlstcr also s.tid that he could not
,-all ! point out that the act s, mired of
unfrieitdline-s as seeming to violate
he I'i'hl iif a.ylum. to which ICulaud
wiiii mudttcd by evey tradition and
be'!"f and asked ihe emoy to immedi
ately release the impi-boiicd I hiuamau
and so mold further unpleasantness.
Later in the day sir Ilalliday Mil
eartn.'v. the eouiuelorof the t'hinese
'ck'ation, i-alled at the I'oreij'ii olllec
and said that Sun Y lit Sen would be re
leased without prejudice to the rijjhtf,
of the legation which were involved.
An inspector of police ami Sun Yat
Sen's irieiid. Dr. I'antile, who first
r.iieil the ((Uestiou of the ( hlnaiuau's
imprisonment, went to tin- Chinese lo
cation at li.SUo'clock with a letter from
the foreign oillee and not lotif,' after
ward they omerjfi'il from aside door
with Sun Yat Son, entered a cab and
drove to the foreign olllec, where Sun
Yat Sen made a formal statement o(
h's ease.
sir llalliila Macartney, on receiving
the Maniuis of salishury'.s note, went
to ihe hcdiide of the Chinese minister,
who is in ill health, ami explained to
him that the Manptl.s of Salisbury in.
sist.'d upon the release of Sun Yat'Sen.
The 1 hi:iee minister thereupon cabled
to Pckin for instructions and. on the
receipt of an aiiivvur. sun Yat Sen wiu
The Times, in an editorial, does not
doubt that the foreign otllce will tind
,, .., ,, ... .,,.,.,..
understand they luive pone too far in
tin- Mdnapoimr'of sun Wen and that
they uiu..t not ayain otTeud .similarly.
The s j no il lixrlarr Asiilutt ( iimlliluloi
DjipiKi'il lo tlif I'riilillilllim l.w.
I..'.mii:m k, Kiiii., Oct. t'O. Thu Luth
eran synod at its vs'tlnu this morning
ia-si!il resolutions stronjfly fuvorlng
the strict enforcement of tlie iresent
Iirohibltory liquor Inw, deelnrlng that
the enforcement of this law rests quite
largely with the public otllccM, execu
tive and judicial, and closing:
ItcsoUvd. That v.u believe it is un
wise and uiisufe for any friend of turn
pcriinco to vole for any otllcer, judicial,
legislative or executive, who has by
word or net, privute or olliclal, shown
either lndltrerenoe or opposition to the
law or its rigid cnforteiiifincnt in every
part of the state."
In the discussion of the lesolutions
no names wero Mentioned and it is
claiitiv'd that the majority of the dele
gates are .Morrill men.
.Mi'. ILij-urit Shoot Hotter Thi Year.
l.o.'i i'0, Oet. '). I'nlted States Am
h.isailor 'I liouias i'. Ihiyard, who has
In en visiting the Karl of l.uicti at
Cli'itfi'i'iii'sh. ii said to bo lillieh pleased
at the fact that he has shot n royul,
which U considered a great mlvuuev
our his icrforuiiiueo while grouse
shouting in IVJ1 when, it Is alleged, he
accidentally shot a man who was beat-
In;. un thulilrU'.
tllll'4 K,1ll,llll(l til l I'llU t THll j.
:,'i.,v Oiiu.iis, La.. Oct. .';.. The
will of i olotiel Patrick It. Olirleii, an
old and restieetcd cltlen of New Or
leao.s. nki died lut Saturday, was
tirohatcil to-diiv. Me endow.s tlirci
chairs in tlio Catholic I'nlvorslty, ul
lo!Iie; V.'0,imtl for ench chair.
A llrltUh Ship Abandoned ut Hen,
S.i.v KnASfisro, Oct. 'M. Tliu Lily
llrltlsb freight steamer Linlithgow is n
dcroliut. The captain and twelve of
the crow have arrived at .San do
Gualamulu, und thirteen of tlm crew
nro still in un open boat in ittldocean.
Flvu of tho crew reached Acapulco
AUh'ti-t .'It, uftcr aitillnL' suo nillus in an
opun boat and biiOcrine; (fieut hard
ships, und ruportcd that the Mennier had
broken her Mnift and win. drlftinK
TI o man who beat-i the Was drum
fthotild m-verb-' mcoiirat'eil to beat tho
rceoi tl.
uiiiru!:i; in 'i 'n'l roiim of the vjitir
inul. Vl0
fe 4
-.. J5WSL
o. M2&gi&a
km MMMsm i
..w Mai
i iigir '
Preferrid .-.itiisl IIik l.iti.n
HUlili-l l Iiirni-i .
ni'lht. Kim.. et. '.V,. - lalwitl V..
l iNon. 11 Kimsas tlty titlnrney. ttle-ii
N'i'"!''" for fr.-e sllvi'riu ICansas. sent
I in iiillowiin: leii'j.'riitu esieriiM 10
Atl i iii'. lielffiil llai'iiioii:
Toi'KKV. Kan.. Oet. '.''i. -The pre'
rut I nlted Mates distriet atlornev for
Kansas . t . IVny. fully meets the
iillnltlon of an olTen-iw parlls.m m
' laiil iiiiiMi by the present ehicf evu'ii-
live of the tfoverutiii'iit lie is ig
his entire time to nuiliiii polllleiil
hiiee.-ln-s. If Mr. I'em is tlrtiw ltitr a
Miii.trs as an euiplove of Ihe I nited
plates ur suiniiti inn ur jk-i umu-ii i
violate elll seriee rille'i by IioIjijj eon
tiniMiisly iiiiiii'il ill other lliau h!
regular iluttes as preset llirii by statuti .
to the delriliielil utld pnistltutiull of
the pnlilie ii-rviee. ,t promiit ami per
etuptorv iietiou mIumiIiI he taken In this
i jse as has heen eereiied in the ease
ofollur noverntnental who
are supporting .Mr. Hryan Please an
swer Kdwlu V.. Wilson '
Kiltfene Hawaii, tale ehairiu.iu of
the national Demoera tie parl. ri-fei-rllifr
to the telegram, said: "1 have no
ilnlibt ti'at Mr. I'i'rry fullv uuilerslauds
hltn .elf in this eatnpaitfil Mv kllowb
...i . .. i.i... :. ii. .. (... i. .. ..:..!.... ..
Ieiiri in nun is in i- .i -v-i ,
Ihe oliMTMinee of theehil .erlee rules.
I He has a rljrhl to take part in the poll-
tiriot his own Mate without tidvlslti),'
tlie Department of .In-tieo atioilt It.
Vint will liinl that his speeelies in Ihe
la'i'paiu will be distillled and
nud he will not sloop to trleker.v
tu his entiduet. lie may havr eonsult'-il
Attorney (ietiri'iil ll.iiuniii for all I
know, and Mr. Illinium iiiuv or may
mil hae jjivoii his consent. Hut 1 will
sa thl-. much: Perry is ccllu upon
personal coiivleliini and he will o
ahead and make these sp lies even
if he ln-cs his position. The free sil
ver Democrats sire not eoti'iN'mit.
The iv thev are jumping Perrx for
uiakitii,' hall .i itoen speeches, foiv""'
tbi,' thai doens of federal olllec boll
ersof the free silver fuiili luue li.'en so
ticthe in this ea:niiain as to be ulTcn .
The lit It i-.ll rrlin.ite Uu i:n(,-ni:iil In n
mtt'lini; Hie I'lipn When Dentil t nine.
l.oN'iio.N. Oct. 'M. -The lust work
which the late P.ishop of ( mite rbury
waseiiguged itiini was the prep, i ratio,
h" an answer lo the bull of Poie l.eo
Mil on tin' Aiiglli mi orders. InJ thN
Dr. liciisou said: "'Ihe poslilvriiess of
the a-seriimi may still have ctVcct with
soul" who mi-tool; the l;iu(lllne.-,s of a
jh fsniiiige for the thawing of froi n
church policv to which he is enmiuit
ted." The late iriin:ite denied the pope's
contention nud lu.M'i'ted thai Home bad
not an accurate know ledge of Kughiud
concerning tlie Anglican orders, and
declared that the bull "moves all Kng
lish church men not to he decided by a
pi (-tension to unit and by assertions
which have historically created the
widest and deepest separations: but to
draw clo.t'r together in faitli. in tlrin and in forbearance."
liossip still selects the bishop of in
Hester it lie I'lght Kuv. Dr. Anthony
IImiii Thoroldl .is Dr. lleuson's sue
cessor. Dr. Thorold was born In lbU'U
and ciliicated lit Oxford. lie was
rector of St. (;ile-ln-the-Il'tds from H.'7
to isos. vlcarof St.Paneras from Js'G'.ito
lSTTainl canon of 'i oik in JhTl; wascou
.sccrated bishop of Itochester in IsTli
and was transferred to Winchester in
ls'au. lie. is prelate of the Order of thu
tiarteraud patron of UT livings.
r.iutiivicf iiiiiiie ti r Diiui'i', Ctii., cite)
lllnini'ir l't In iv Vnrl..
Ni W Yoiik. Oct. '.M. -A well dressed
young man walked into the deteetivo
headipiartcrs yestenlay and said: "I
want to give myself up. for you want
me and it is only a mutter of time when
,oit will gel me. My name is John I),
lllmle, ami I am from Denver, Col."
The sergeant telegraphed to Chief of
Police J'usM'lI of Denver, asking if the
man was wanted, and he icccivcd
"Yes" as a reply.
'I he young mini asserted that about
two week-, ago, while he was employed
as a clerk In thu Oxford hotel, lit took
SI .000 from the safe and departed. Ho
went from Denver to Chicago, where
he spent most of the money, and then
cuine to this city. Here ho got rid of
the balance. hen he landed ut police
headnuarlcr.s not it cent of thu money
was left.
W. Ii. Sillier I'mrnrt Avray.
Camon, Ohio, Oct. !.'.- V. K. .Miller,
nn old friend ot .Major .MuKinley, died
last night from a stroke of npgple.y.
He was thu llcpuhlicau nominee for
Vresldcntial elector in this district, but
Wednesday before he lo .t consciousness
he resigned. The congressional com
mltlee named his son, Charles II. Mil.
lcr. for elector from this district. Ma
jor McKlnley called at the Miller resi
dence to jiay ills respects to the family
shortly after the end cinne.
isle siniiiil .Mnni-y I 'it null'.
K.ivsvs Cm, Mo,. Oct. '.'il. The
pantile of the sound money oter.s this
afternoon has urotiicd more Interest in
all the political parties than any pre
vious demonstration of a political char
acter in Kansas City in years. It Is
estimated that lo.imo people wore in
Hue. All the packing hoiihestiiut other
big eon corns Mint down jiuI with their
employes joined in the parad-i Twen
ty binds from Mlsfoiiri iiui Kaiibav
flinched the music.
HpruUliiK for Itrjuu mid Sewall.
aUuia. Tc... Oct. ;. -15. V. Hon
dricks, u iiromliieiit I'opullst lead. r.
bus repudiated tlie fusion deal and is
lius rcpudlnti'il t
r.tumtiluir tho c
mini.' tho county
for lirviui and
lloiirUo t'lirUrnu liisullnl.
Kva.ssvii.I.i:, I nil., Oct. !i0. HmiriM
Cockran addressed II.OHO pcopln hero
last nl;ht. A anif of rowdies tried to
break up the inectlnir by Minuting und
other disorder. Tlicy would linvo pro
bably Htircceded lint for tlio vigorous
iuterferouce of tlio poller, w ho ejeett J
the rluirleiider'i.
I' i a ml. Mill support Trimble.
Wasiiimi'Io.Ni t)ct. a.'i.- -Secretary ot
thu Inturlor I). It. IViini'ls yesterday
nude formal aiuiouiuoiiunt of his lu
tuntlon to Mipnort Palmer nud Illicit
ner and tho ifobl standard Democratic
candldulc or yovciiior o( Misiourl.
Tho following proposed ntiiciiihnent.i
to the Constitution ot the Statu of Ne
braska, ns hereinafter set forth In full,
ore mibniltted to the elector of tho
atate of Nebmnkn, to bo voted upon
nt tho general election to bo held Tues
day, Woiotnhcr 3, A. 1)., 189(5:
A Joint icsoltithm proposing to
amend srctlonn two (2), four (0, and
five (5.) of article alx (Oof tho CoiiHtl
tullon of the Stnto of Nebraska, relat
ing to ntttuuor of Jtnlgca of the supreme
rourt and their term of otllce.
He It ri'nlvt and ensetotl 'by the la".
Mature of tint Hl'iir of Nelit-.Hk i:
Bcctlnn I That section two ('.') of itr
tlolo hlx CI nt tho Ciiuxtltutlun of the
fltto of N'eln.t.-ika lie iimcllilcd !c mi to
rend km fullous
Pfcllon ; Tin- mipronip court ulinll until
ottierli' ir tilled by law, ennlut of IIvd
(5) JudBo-'. u majority of whom nhall be
neeeiiiity to fuiin n quorum or t.i pro.
noiltice a der-Ninn, It hhall lnnu nrbdnal
JiirlKillrtlon in cnioi ri'lutliiK In revenue,
civil casei lii which tho stile shall bo a
party, inn "1'Uiuis, quo tvinrnnto, luibeai
corptii", mid sueli nppollnto Jiitlndlrtlou, us
limy bo proMdeil by tuvv
Hootlon '.'. 'I'lmt mrtlon four (!) of artlcto
ilx (t) of the I'oiililliitlnn of the Stiilo
of NrhrnsUa, lu utui'iidi'd no at to read us
Section i. The Jiuhrc of th iiprein
court Hlialt tie elret" ! by the clectois of
tho Plate nt law. nud their term of ofllee,
except us lieri'lunfier provided, Huill bo
for ft prrloit of not lew tliiin live tS) yeats
us tliu IcKHUlure may pre-ictlbe.
Hrctlon .1 Tlmt spcIIoh five (."i) of nrtlrl
r!x (G) of the CotiHtlttltlotl of tlm State of
Nelirnsha, be nuirmled to lend ns follow:!:
Section f At t Mr llrst Kcneral eloetlon tu
h held In the car IM!, there liall hoeleel
ed two ('.') JiiiIki's of the Hiipr"iii court one
of whom shall be fleeted for a term of
two (2) yenr, one for tho term of four (I)
years, find ut each Keneral election there
after, tlietr iiluill lm elected one Jiuhie of
tho miprvmn eouit for tlm term of live
(3) years, unlenn otherwise proilled by
law; Provided. That the JihIuph of the su
prcino court vvhosif trrnia have not explied
at tho tltim of holdltiK tlm Relieral elec
tion of 1(91. shall contluun to hold tlu-lr
oltlce for tho icnialiider of the term for
ivlileh tucy vvcio iepectlvely "ntuniU
luned. ApproveJ llarch V. A. D. 1S.
A Joint resolution proposing nn
amendment to Foctlon thirteen (1.1) of
nrtielo six of the Constitution of tho
Stnto of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supremo and district court
Tie It resolved by tbo I.eslsliture of the
Ptulo of Nebrnslm:
Hectlon 1. That section thirteen Ci of
ttrtlcla six (C) of tlm Constitution of the
HUte of be amended so an to
rend ns follows'.
Src. 13 The judges of the supreme und
district conns slmll receive for inelr hit
vices such conipensatlon us may bo pro
vided by law, payablo qtmrterly.
The lfKl-ilalmo Hlinll nt Hi llrst session
nfter thi udoitlou of this amendment,
three-fifths of Iho membera elected to
each house cnnciirrliiK. establish their
compensation. The compensation so es
tablished vhall not bo chanced oftrner
th'in once In four years, and lu no event
unless two-thirds of tint members elected
to ench house of thu legislature concur
Approved Murch S9, A, V. 1SJJ.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-four (IM) of nr
ticle five (C) of the Constitution of the
Stnto of Ncbraskn, relr.tlng to com
panantlon of the offlcsrs of tho exccti
tlvo department.
Tin tt resolved and enacted by the IeK
Ulnttiro of tlm Statu uf Nohrislta:
Becllon 1. That section twenty-four (70
of article nvo (r.) of the Constlltitlon of the
Btiitn of Nehruslui he iiuundcd to read us
follow a:
Section 14, The officers of the executive
department of tho stnto government shall
recslvo for their Hetvlces a compensation
to be c.stiihllvhed by law, which shall be
telther Increased nor diminished ilurlliK
the term for which they Hlinll Imvo been
commissioned and they vim 1 1 not receive
to their own use tiny fees, costs, interests,
upon public moneys In their hands or un
der their control, perquisites of ofllco or
other compensation und all fees that mny
hereafter ue payable by law for services
performed by an olllcer provided for In
this article shall be paid In advance Into
the stutn treasury. The h'l.'lHhituro shall
ut Its fir -it nesslon after the adoption of
this amendment, threc-fiflh-i of tho mem
ben ulcctcd to e it'll house of tlm IcrIh
lnturiv concurring, establish the salariei
of the otlleers named In this article. Tno
compensation so established sliull not be
chmiKfd oftener tbun mien In tour years
ud In no event unless two-thirds of Iho
members elected to each house of the leg
islature concur therein.
Approved M'ircli , A. D. 1855.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section ono (1) of aitlclo six (G)
of tho Constitution of tho Stato ot Ne
braska, relating to Judlclnl power.
lie it resolved and unacted by tho
Jslntitio of tho Statu of Nebraska t
Hectlon 1. Tnut section ono (1) of article
Jx (G) of thu Constitution of tho Hlile of
Nebraska be amended to read ns follows:
Section 1. Tho Judicial power of this fctate
almll bo vented In n supremo court, ills
trlct courtp, county conns JiihIIith of the
pence, pollco maKlslrates, and lu niieh
other courts Inferior to the supreme coutt
us nviy bo crcatid by law In which to.
thirds of tlm members t looted to each
houso concur.
Approved March W. A. 1). ltt.1.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section eleven (11) of article elx
(C) of the Constitution or tho Stnto ot
Nebraska, relating to Ineroaso In num
ber of supreme nnd dlatrlct court
Ho It msalved und enneted bv the Left
Ulature of thu Stato ot Nebraska:
Bectton 1. That rectlon eleven til) of ar
ticle six (6) or the Constitution of tho State
of Nebruska b amended to read an fol
lows: Ruction 11. The legislature, whenevertwo.
thirds of ths members dieted to each
house shall concur therein, may, In or
after the year ono thouiand elifht hun
dred and nliiety-ievon and not oftener
tnun once In every four yean, Increaso
ths number of Jutlces of Ftinriune und ills
trlct courts ami the Judlclnl districts uf
the state. Such districts shull be fnnned
of compact tenltory, and bounded by
county lines; und surh Increase, or any
ehanvn In the boundaries of a dlatrlvi.
shall not vncxte the uttlce ot uny JndRe,
Approved M-such JO, A, D. 1ST.
A Joint resolution proposing to
mend section six (C) of article one (1)
of the Constitution of the Stnto of NV
braulta, relating o trial by Jury.
lie It reinlved snrt enacted by the Leu.
Uluture of the b'tutn of Nebraska:
flection 1. Thut section nix CD, article
nt (l) of rb Coaititutton 'it tha 9tU q(
Nehrtih Tjs ttnr.idcfl o rful i ft'rt-"-Keeltou
6. The rlirli' of trlnl by Jury shall
totn.itn liiilob-te. lint the leuUlnturo nuiv
provide that In civil sctlons lHii-1lxlhi of
Un Jiuv nit tender n etdlct, Mild tlw
IrrtNUturo may a!o auil-orlr.ii it'iiit by a
ter.r cf a b's-i nuni'ier dm twelve iiwn,
in niiirt' Itifetlor to the dl.illlet ou'.irt.
Approved March :.. A. U lfJi
A Joint tesolutlon prnpofln to
ntiuuid Moi'tluu one tl) of article nvo (.)
of tho Const Itutlon of Nebraska, relat
ing to olllivrti of the exeotttlic dopurt
ntcnt. Ho It resolved nti-1 ennit"1 by (lit
Islatlir'' of t!i. Sta'.r of NM,r.i!i:i.
Section 1 That section nun (1) of nr.
Itcle llvo Ca of the Constitution of tho
State of Nubian! u bo unloaded to read as
ful lows:
Section l.The executive department ahalt
eonslMt of n Koveiiior. Ileiilenant-Kov-einor,
secretary if tuto. nlidltor of tuib
lie lii'COUIlti, tleWuier, Hitpcilllteudellt of
public Instruction, ntlernej -general, com
mlssloner of publlo httnts and buii.lltig?,
and thren t. comtiilssloueik, ouoh
of whom, except lie' said rullrond com-nihisloiH't-s.
sliull hold his ulllee for u term
of two yeni'H, fiom tho nrst Thursday af
ter the first 'Cui'sd.iv lu Jnmiary, after
his election, mid until tils tuicccs-ior H
elected and qualllled, Kiirti com
tultsloiii't' .hiill hold his oltk-o for h term
of three yeari, hcidunliu; on tilt llrst
Tnuriilay utter the Hut I'uesd.iv In Janu
ary nfter his election, and until his suc
cessor Is elected mid qualllled, i'rovlded,
however, That at the llrst Kcuerul elec
tion held after the adoption of this itm"iid
liiellt there i hall be fleeted three rallioid
commissioners, olio for the period of otin
)eur, one fur the period of two years, and
one for the peitod of Ihiee jears. Tne koiv
el nor, sivretary of stole, auditor of pub
He iiivniints, mid tieiisurcr vhall resldo nt
the capltnl iliirlni; their term of ofllee;
they iihall Keep tlie puldtc records, books
and pacis there nud shall icrform uuili
duties iih may be trqulred by law.
Approved March 3', A. D. 1V.S.
A Joint resolution proposing to
niiiend Hectlon twenty-six (2tS) of nr
Urle file (R) of the Constitution ot the
H t.i tii of Nebtiibkn, limiting tha num
ber of oxectttlvo r.tnte otilcera.
Ho It resolved und enneted by the I.r
Isliittire of the Ulate of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section cvventy-slt (5) of
nrtielo live (,"i of tlie t'onstttutlou ot the
Miate of Nebruska bo nmeiulvd to lend us
follow ti.
Section " No other executive state nftl
cerii except those named lu Hectlon one (1)
of this at tide Miall be cieated, ex
cept by -lu net of the legislature
which In coneutied lu by not less than
throe-fourths of Iho member j elected to
eueh bous. i thereof;
I'rovlded. That any otllce created by un
net of. the leididutuin tuny be uballshud lij
tho lelHlatiiie, two'thlids of the mem
bers fleeted to c.ich Iioumi theieof ion.
ciin lm;.
Appioved Match t, A. I. li'J
A Joint resolution proposing to
nmetid section nlno ('J) of article eight
(SI of the Constitution of the State ot
Nebraska, providing for the investment
of tlm permanent educational funds of
the state.
lto It resolved und enucted by the I."K
l.slature of the State of Nebraska
Section I That t.ecllon nlno tro of article
elKht (O uf the Constitution of tho SUM
ot Neb ra slut bu amended to read us fol
lows. Section ?. All funds bolonKlni; to the state
fur educational purposes, the Interest und
Income vvbeteof only nro to be used, shall
bo deemed trust funds held by tho stale,
und the jilite shall supply all losses there
of that may In any manner accrue, so that
the siiiiio slrill icuiitlu torover In viola to
and undiminished, mid chill not im In
vested or loaned except on I'nlled Htatos
or state securities, or rcKlstcred county
bonds or rejjlHtercd school dixit let bonds
of this ulnte, stid such fund t, with tho
Inteient and Income thereof ure hereby
nolemniy pledged for the purposes for
which they nro in-anted and sot upirt,
it ml shall not bo transferred to tiny other
turn! for other uses,
I'lovldcd, The board created by .section
I of this at llclo Is empowered to hell from
tlltio to time any of the securities bcloni;
Inj; to the permanent Helmut fund and In
vest the proceeds uilsluu therefrom In any
of the fcctirllte enumerated tu this- sec
tion heart in; u blither r.ito of Interest,
whenever nn npioitu:ilt for Letter In
vestment Is presided ,
And provided fut titer. That when uny
warrant upon the vitato tteaxurer reit ly Issued In pursuance of nn appropri
ation by Ihe lee,lMat hi e nnd secured by the
levy of n lux for Its payment, shall
bn jucHentrd to the mate treasurer ror
payment, nud thete .shall not bo any
money In Ihe proper fund to pay mieh
warrant, the board emitted by Hectlon 1
of this article tuny dliect the state treas
urer to pay tho amount duo on such war
rant fiom moneys lu his bauds belonging
tu tho permanent school fund of tlm state.
und ho shall hold said warrant us un in
vestment of nuld peiinuntnt school fund,
Approved March iv, A. U, 1:5.
A Joint rcFolutlon proposing an
runendment to the Constitution ot tlio
State of Nebraska by adding a now'
section to nrtielo twelve (12) of said
constitution to bu numbered section
two (2) relative to tho merging of tbo
government of cities of tho metro
politan rlass nnd the government of
tho counties whoroln uueh cities aro
He It resolved nnd enacted by the I,g
lulaturo of Iho Stnto of Nebrasku:
Section 1. That article twelvo (I?) of the
Constitution of tho lluto ot Nebraska bu
amended by iiildliii; to said article u new
section to be numbered nectlou two (2)
to tend as follows;
Section 2. The Rovernment of nny city of
the inetiopollian clues and tho :ov
iiiumcnt of I ho county In which
It Ih located may be merited wholly
or In patt whci. n iirnpuililon mi lo do has
been submitted by authority of lav to tho
voter of such city und county and re
ceived the assent ot u majority of tno
votes cttst In such city utid also a majority
of the votes cast lu tho county xcluslve
of tliom cast In such metropolitan city
at Mich election.
Approved Maich ?s, A. D 1S05.
A Joint rerolutlon proposing an
amendment to section sis (0) of artlclo
seven (7) of the Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska, prescribing tho
manner In which votes shall bo cast.
lie It resolved und enacted by tho Leg
islature ot tho Slate of Nebrasku:
Secilon 1 That tectlon six (j) uf article
seven (') of tbo Constitution uf the Stato
of Nebraska bo amended to read ns fol
lows: Section IS. All votes Bhnll bo by ballot, or
su-'h ntbtr method us may bo prwurlbid
by law, provided tho secrecy of vutltig bd
Approved JIurch , A, I). If'.'i
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section two (j) of nrtielo four
teen (14) of tbo Constitution ot tlio
Stato of Nebraska, rolatlvo to dona
tions to works of Internal Improve
ment nnd manufactories.
T3h It resolved and enacted by the J.e
isluturo of tho Stato of Nebraska-:
Section 1 That t.ecllon two (!) of nrtielo
fourteen (ID of th" Constitution of tho
Hint; of Nebraska, be umended to read as
8eo. 2. No city, county, town, precinct,
municipality, or other subdivision of- th
its, fhiitl t.r mnlc- nomillim to tatr
wntks uf li'triial Improvement, ot inry unlem ft proposition e to
il'i un.ilt line been llrst KUtmittttil to th
iualllled oil- bus und rail fled by twu
tblids vcte t s.i elietlou nutrorlly o
livv rrml.'i-,!. Tliat iiii h il.-iu.'itlotn of
eotmly ti n,,. iluniitlot-s of such ubdl
visions In tbo iiinreifali' shn.l not iceo1
ten per cent of the as-u-s-ied valuation o
siieli ciuiuiy. I'i ufl'tt d further, Tht ny
city or lounty tiny, by thre-fourth
vote, Ini't'ensp suit li Indeb'etliiess flr pr
cent, lu lulil'tloi to si, h ten per untit noil
110 bonds or evidence i of hidebti-dliesi
Issued mall he vail I unless the sumo shall
have endorsed llieieou eertltt. at alntl
by tho Mecretaty utid uudli e- t-f s'at,
showing that thu saino Is l.iin-d purauai
to law.
Approved March M, A. 1J. 1S35
I, J. A. Piper, Keciotary of Vite e
tho state of Nebraska, do horouy evrtlfy
thnt tho foregliiB proponed amendment
to the Constitution of tho Statu of Ne
braska are trim and correct coplea of
tho original enrolled and engroMe
bllln, ns passed by tho Twenty-fourti
session of tho legislature ot th State
of Nebraska, nn appears from Mid
original bills on filo In this offlcA and
thnt nit und each ot said propoMd
Amendments: nro submitted to th
auallflcd voters ot tho Htnto ot N
braska for their adoption or rejectio
nt tno general election to bo held am
Ttirsdny the 3d dny of Noiombtr, A
l, 1S00.
In testimony whereof, I luiv hr
uiito set my hand nnd nfllxed the great
seal of tho stato ot Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day rf
July In the year of our IiOrd, One Thou
sand Klght Hundred and Nlncty-Sli,
of tho ludepemlencn of tho UnlbtA
States tho One Hundred nnd Twontf
Flrat, nud of this ntato tlio Thirtieth. ,
(Senl.) J. A. PI PER,
Becrotury of Stata.
Can reaob Some of tba Paopla a3
. . the time; You
Reach All tho Pcoplo Soma W tk
. . Time but yon can't
All tho Time
Ko Paper Like Tour Heme Paps?,
2,3 Tj
?s -
of r o
ii Y s
1 L m .
:lJ -:
s : ! B"
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i& ' rHS&xXiA
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ntim'f'mnm'1Sf - 9"vw"wr"' ,-r"T