The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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    . N- f V.W .
C M t V
v "
ivuu vuixi
Absolutely Pure.
i mini "' Intla' lirl !i--li II Iipi nr
nil lit Inni'iiiii), Ttiiil) ' n 'il '!'.
f.ii in n r ' h I llf) r
llm i Uiimm. I pi 11 1 11 Mt Yuri.
Clin- Hiislicc is on tlm sick 1M this
Mi-. S.t)ip is visiting In (Snide Koi'k
this week
V. A. Taylor of Nebraska City was
hole Sunday.
Charlie Trunkey took the ony top
.statnl at Cotting-.
Mabel Nye- of Hastings va heie this
week visiting friends.
J. A. Traphagati of Hasting a ponti
lar salesman was lien- Monday.
Those beutitittil Indian baskets at
Cuttings' are beauties. I'lioes low.
The first .snow of the sason fell in
northwest Nebraska on Wednesday.
K. M. Allen of Orleans was looking
aftor business interests hero Monday.
Mrs. C. J. I'latt returned Saturday
(torn 11 visit with her parents ut Long
Island, Kansas,
Congressman J no. ','. Hell of Mon
trose, Colorado, spoke at the populist
koadquarters here Monday.
Always in season, llopkin's Steamed
Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elognnt lunch
in milk. Quart can 10 cents. ,
Frank II. ltose a thorough and prac
tical optician will be at Cottings Drug
Wtore, Not., 12th, 13th, and Mill. Kyes
examined free of charge.
The ladles of the M. K. chinch at
Cowlos will soive dinner and supper on
election day at Turner.-, hall. The
nominal sum of liftccti cents will be
A hacking cough not only annoy iug
toothers, but is dangerous lo i In per
son whoha-it. l)m Minute Cough Cure
will quickly put an cud to it. C. I..
l)oWitt Witch lla.el Salve is an I
antiseptic, soothing and healing ap
plication for burn", scald-, cut-,
bruises, etc , and cures piles like inagie.
It insiantiy stops pain. C. I.. Coiling.
Tetter, ccenia anil all similar skin
troubles arc cuicd by the u-e of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothesat
once, and restores the tissues to their
natural condition, and never fails to
cure piles. C. L. Coding.
Chronic constipation is a painful,
disagreeable and life shortening dilli
culty. It deranges the system, causes
eick headache, bad breath, and poisons
the blond. It can he readily overcome
by DoWitt's Little Karly Risen. Theso
little pills are great tegulators C. L.
Attorney ltuck of Superior will prob
ably feel proud of his reception here
on Tuesday veiling by the populists.
He arrived on the evening passenger
and when he alighted from the train of
coursu expected some one to meet him
but in thiv he was disappointed. Ha
rode up on the street ear and wan then
escorted to populist headquarters by
Richmond. What a grand leception.
The following well merited conipli
mum was passed by the McCook Re
publican on tlm ladies iiiartett of this
city and show- that their reputation as
singers has gone out over the state
"The celebrated ladies quartette of
Red Cloud will sing at the big republi
can rally here next Friday. Uw sine
to come and hear them, t liny are the
linest in the state. "
List of letters remaining uncalled tot
al tho postoflicc at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for the week ending October
30th, 1800
Hannie, Hattie
Potter, Lihbie
Suit, A.C
Steel, L. W.
Pope, C. K
Richardson, 11. (J
Smith, .1 ainos
Widily, Dick.
These letters will be sent to the dead
tetter ollice, Nov ,13th, If not called for
before Fkank W Cowdkn, 1 M
Highest Honors World'. Fair.
A pure Grape Crcnni of Tartar Powder. Pre.
dom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
40 Yea the Standard.
tlos. Kulilcl. i- hete fioin McCook.
M H lMlcuiuu of Lincoln wa- heic
Dwight .lone- of (Snide Rook was
here Sunday.
dailies ConMing Sr , of Franklin was
hcic Monday.
Miss Pearl Ludlow was vL-itiug in
Ciitidc ltock this week.
Mi.-. Hugh Miner was visiting In
Urand Island thU week.
M. S Mar-h returned to hi- home at
llcnwick, Iowa. Thtir-d.iy
Chat ley Keiglc and Samuel Temple
wcie in Hasting thl- week
Cabinet photos at the Moon block
gallery for one dollar a docn.
Ctco. W. Pease, of the Chicago Cloth
ing Co , was in Lincoln this week
i). m. Aiilo is Homo again alter a
pleasant visit with hi- pal cuts in Iowa,
Mis. Charley Irway of Holdiedge ar
lived in the city on a visit Monday
Dr. F. . Walden of Heatiice bo
has been here visiting his son llrrt ie-
turned home Tint-day.
(ten. II. date- fornieily of this city
now icsidiug at Clariuda, Iowa, is
here looking after piopuity iulcie-t-.
I. ). lliown ami wife, biother-iii-law
of Morris Stern, wilt arrive in the city
tomorrow from New York on a shoit
Knee punts of evory deseiiption at
Wiener's. The 50 cent pants wcuiu
otlering beat anything for quality ever
T. G. Harton of Western, Missouri,
who owns tho property next to the
Holland House and occupied by Marrls
Stern was here this week.
.1. L. Miner and Geo. Coon are home
from their cattle buying trip in the
west. Mr. Miner got one hundred
head and Mr. Coon tifty head.
We understand that the auburn hair
ed gentleman is after the scalpof Roby
for supervisor. Although we have tho
utmost tespect for the candidate on the
populist ticket, this one thing will lead
to bis defeat.
Services at the Huptisl church nuxt
Sunday, conducted by Rev. C. It. Wei-
den, as follow- Pleaching at 10 tJO;
Sunday School at 11.30; II. Y P. IT. at
." 30, preaching at 7:30. A coidial in
itntioti extended to all.
Many live- of usefulness hae been
oil -lout by neglect lo break up all
ordinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis,
and I'Ven ciiu-uiuptioti ean be a cried
liy the piouipt use of One Minute
Cough Cure. C. L Colling.
Peter Helling of Ayi and .1. L.
Graud.-tall of llladen, candidate- fm
lloat and county rcpre-entatives on
the populist ticket were plea-ant call
ers on tho (Jreat Family Weekly Thurs
day. They aie very pleasant gentle
It. 11. Langford spoke at the opera
house here last Friday night, setting
forth in hit best style the republican
issues of tho day. Tho house was
crowded and tho speaker held tho at
tention of the tlnoug for nourly three
They are so little you hardly know
you are taking them. They cause no
griping, yet they act quickly ami most
thoroughly. Such arc the famous little
pills known as DeWitt's Little Karly
Risers. Small in sizo great in results.
C. L. Cotting.
County Cleik Fort lias recoived from
the secretary of state the ballots for
the constitutional amendments. An
additional ballot box will have to be
furnished for each precinct ,-u tho
amendment ballots are voted separate
from the regular.
A pain in the chest is nature's warn
ing that pneumonia is threatened.
Dampen a piece ot Ilaiiuel with
Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bind
ocr the seat ot pain, and another on
the back between the .shoulders, and
prompt relief will follow. Sold by II.
K. Gricc, druggist.
A new kind of sidewalk has been
laid in front of the lleutlcy block. It
will probably bo serviceable ovan if
not good to look upon and even if
pcdcstiiaiis do break their necks while
walking over it. The sidewalk at the
present writing much resembles the
Chicago platform.
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
church next Sunday, conducted by
Rev. James M. Darby, as follows
Preaching at 1030 a. in., followed by
Sunday school. Junior League at 3
p. in. Senior League at G'JO p. in.
Trenching at 7.80. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening. "Como thou
with us and wn wilt do thee good, for
the Lotd hath spoken good concerning
Those who believo chronlo dlanlucn
to be Incurable should read what Mr
P. K. Grisham, of Guars Mill, La , has
to say on tho subject, viz: "I havo
been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoja
ever since tho war and hae tried all
Muds of medicines for it. At last J
found u remedy that effected a cuio
and that was Chamberlain's Colic,
ClioUia and Dlarrluu.i Remedy." This
medicine can always budependrd upon
for colic, cholcia morbus, dyseutaiy
and dial i hum. ft is pleasant, to take
and never tails to rffcel aeuio. 2,1 and
SO cent sizes for salo by II, E. Grice,
Next Tuesday and the story will be
Geo. Van Wocrt of Guide ltock v as
hete Monday.
Pert Walden was a vlsitot to Guide
ltock Tuesday.
I. H Hamilton was up from Guide
ltock Wednesday.
C. II. Salsbury of Not ton, Kansas,
was heie the tltst of tho week.
Fine cabinet sie photos $1.00 per
doen at the Moon block gullet y.
15. Koehler of Geneva was looking
after business matters heie this week.
Get your picture taken at tlm Moon
block u.illety, cabinets only $ 1 .00 per
Mis. Iloyer of Omaha, sister of Mrs,
1). M. Able was here during the tir-t of
the Neek.
C. F. Guild, .1. W. Sanip-on and A.
M, Wallets woio heie Tuesday from
lllue Hill.
Mt-. My ra II I'.nilgbt from Kau-as
City, Kansas, i-liei'e i-iting her pat
ents .Mr. and .Mr.-. II W. Ill ewer.
ilanii's McKic of Cambiidgc, New
Yolk, was looking after bu-ine-s in
terests here the lint of the week.
Cashier Aidd of the Slate Hank was
In Denver the llr-t of the week looking
aftel a shipment of cattle to thin point
C. L. Cotting, sole agent, will icfiind
your money if not -atislled after using
one bottle of Dr. Fennel's famous
Others Iiiito found health, vigor and
vitality in Hood's Sarsaparilla, and It
surely has power to help you also.
Why not try it
Jos. Warner went down to Lincoln
Tuesday where he will take bath treat
ment at the sanitarium to see if they
will not bcnellt his rheumatism.
Tomorrow evening is hallowu'en and
people can expect to wako up Sunday
morning and lind things just where
they did not leave them the night be
foru. Speed and safety arc the watchwords
of the age. One Minute Cough Cuie
acts speedily, safely and never fail-.
Asthma, bronchitis, coughs ami colds
arc cuicd by it. O. L. Cotting.
J. S. Gilliam is one of llm tepubli
can has-beens. His itch for ollice sent
him to tho pop- "The -hallows mur
mur while deeps aredumb " Hi- murmur.-
amount to little Hasting-Tii-bune.
Republican voter- should see to it
that uo one forgets to vote for the ie
pub'.iiMii niperi-or-, W It. Ityker in
district No. 1, W. IS Ruby in distiict
No , and Cbas. Hunter in distiict
No 7. Place an X after tho reimblican
Ut-ggs' Illooil 1'uiitkr mid Hloocl Malar
cures all blood disorders, All eruptions
of the skin enu he removed by the nee of
this wonderful medioitiu. It has uo
equal, and is purely vegetable. C. L.
Cotting keeps it, ns well ns nil other first
elans goods.
Mi-s Lizzie Zoiss, stepdaughter of
Win. Anderson and sister of Chris.
Zeiss, died Monday of that dread dis
ease consumption. The funeral was
held on Wednesday, Rov. Tichnor of
the Congregational church performing
the last sad rites of burial.
Many political speakers, clergymen,
singers and others who use the voice
excessively, rely upon Ono Minute
Cough Curo to provent huskincss and
Inryngitis. Its valuo as a preventive is
only equalled by its power to alTord in
stantaneous rollef. C. L. Cotting.
The Ladies McKiulcy quartet oom
posed of Mrs. Hlancbe Jenkins, Miss
Grace Fort, Miss Lillie Smith and Miss
Pearl Smith and accompanied by the
gentleman's quartet composed of Alva
Sellars, Stewart Albright, Flave (Jricn
and Rd Kinigh went to McCook on
Thursday night to .sing for tho rally
hold Friday night. Tho quartets will
give tho people there some good music.
Out-door life and Scotfs
Emulsion of Cad-liver Oil with
Hypophosphites have cured
thousands of cases of consump
tion in the early stages. They
cure old, advanced cases too
but not so many, nor so prompt
ly. When a case is so far ad
vanced that a cure cannot be
made, even then SCOTT'S
EMULSION checks the rapid
ity of the disease, relieves the
pains in the chest, reduces the
night sweats, and makes the
cough easier. In these cases it
comforts and prolongs life.
Don't experiment with cures
that destroy the direction. Pin
your faith to the one remedy
vhich has been TlIE STAN
Bock .".tout it itst for the asking.
for fib by til dtvjls'j at 0c. and
SCOTT 4 0OWMB, New York.
The Australian ballot this year will
befoity-two Inches long It will be
the largest ballot ever pi luted being
aboitloue thiid longer than the pie-i
deutiul ballot of four y cai s ago
lh) you want n Itiwyirjnmwntytil-
loriny.' Tin n ntlcjur Mi Sit'
- -
Mrs. D. M. Able left Thuiday for
Odell, this -late, wheie live sisteis
were to assemble for a reunion When
she uiil(d at her ilr-tiuatlou she was
met by the sad intelligence that woul
bad been leeeived of the death id their
father at Mitchell, South Dakota.
I'oi for I II. ('run of Uuuti lioih
for YimeMfdiiY.
No man knows it all. F.diieationul
Column, Alma IWonl.
You aie mistaken neighbor. You
evidently are not acquainted with Jack
Walsh of thl- city, populist committee
man for Webster county.
Untiriii' trim! ! imiiuli'i Iwirtl
Mlnn'hc tin ni. IW Jt i'ii'ii
Look Out For Roorbacks.
This being mil la-t i uu befme lec
tion we wish tn caution oteis lo look
out for campaign lomhack- The pop
ulistpaits of the state aie beginning
to rcalic that the faint hope that they
bad'of catryiug the staW is slipping
through their hitgeis and it is expected
that the organs will pi intuit
sorts of stories in order to catch votes.
Just befme election stories will no
doubt be stalled on republican local
candidates. Pass them and vote the
republican ticket straight.
Ilctiumbtr what a impulM tnnml of
suptrrisnni viuini. Votefnr Holy.
Services in the Fpiscopal church
next Sunday conducted by Rev. V.. J.
Hall at It a m. Sunday School at 10
a. m. livening services at 7 30 p. in.
Tho chinch work at Franklin is pro
gressing finely. The mission was duly
organized with a committee of live
nieinbeis under the uaiuu of Calvary
Don't funjit to vote for tin inublnnti
xupi ri'imirs.
Don't think that your liver needs
treating if you aie bilious. It don't.
It's yoiu stomach That i, your
stomach is i cully what cause, the
bilioiisiie-s. It has put your liver otil
of oi dei
See what'- the maltei with your
Sicb itiiiuach pot-mis liver aii'l then
thcie's lioulile. Shaker l)ige.-liu Coi
dial cities Monineh and then all's well.
That is the case in a nutshell
Shakci Digestive Coidial isuosecict.
Formula's on eery bottle. Hut it's the
simple honest way it's made, tliu hon
est Shaker herbs and other ingredients
of, which it's composed, that make it so
Any real case of indigestion ami
biliousness can be cured with a few
bottles of Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Try it.
Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to
$1.00 per bottle.
Do you want a lawyer for county
turnry Then vote for McXUt.
Loose cluthes and downy cushions
bring only 11 negative sort of comfort
to the woman who is sufforing with
some disease or derangement of the
organs distinctly feminine. Some
clothes anil some positions make the
pain and the discomfort uccm less.
Perhaps the nerves are most elFeeted
and this in turn disturbs the digestion.
Nothing will ever completely relievo
but a radical cure. The stmt of so
called "female complaints" may bo n
very slight thing indeed. It mav be
(but in the beginning umic small
hygienic measures would slop tho
trouble. Certainly at thi- time, it little
bit of the right medicine would stop it.
When tho trouble becomes worse, it is
luuder to cure, but still it can be cured.
I)r Tierce's Favorite Inscription will
positively cure any trouble of this
character. It may be absolutely relied
upon. It alTords lasting tellef to a
woman whose natural modesty bus
kept her from consulting a physician.
Send -M cents in one-emit stamps to
Woild'.s Dispensary Medical Avsnciii
lion, HutTalo, N. V., and receive Dr.
I'ieuVs 1008 page "(.'oinnion Sense
Medical Adviser," profusely illusti ated
I We for I H'. Crury of tluidc Hock-
for rejmsenttttivc.
Down in Kansas they have seven
presidential tickets in the Held, to wit:
republican; nilddle-of-the-rond pnpu
list, imliotml; dumoeratlo; national
democratic; people's party, nnd prohibi
tion. ThopLople'K party and democratic
havo tho S'.imu presidential electors
anil tho middle of-thc-i oail popul hU
have an entirely dilTciunt set of
eleetoiH. If the middle-of-the-road
pnpuliMs do much otiug it Is all up
wilh Hrytui In Kansas
Jlcmembrr wluil n . burnt 'i
8iiH.rviioiiiri 'inn I'uli fur Holttj. j
Ki'ggs'TiiUnl Oil
'I he oulj liniment on tht market to
dftV t tint iit e poxltivtt gi.iiriinti'i' to Uo
ell tho Ipbc. " I for. lie un-al nln ngth
and woudfffnl cnra'lvu power lire parti
culnrly iioticmblu in deep st-Med din
eiixee, inch ns lUifUinuilMii, Nturalgii,
to. y. L. Colling kp it.
The highest
tobaccos is "Just as
good as Durham."
Kvery old smoker
kuows thete
as good as
You will find one
cacli two ounce
pons inside
ling oi iii.ickwcirs I Jut nam.
liny a bag of this cele
brated tolucroaiid read the
coupon which
of alu.ihlc presents and how
to gel
Commencing November q,
Ending November 7.
M-in's Working Gloves, 25 cents.
Men's Working Mitts, 25 cents.
Men's Overalls, 45 cents.
GOttOfl BattS at 4C,
Worsted Knitting Yarn, 55c.
German Knitting yarn, 85c.
Australian Saxony Yarn, "c per skein.
Ranchmen's shirtings, toe.
1 lomcstead Twills, 10c.
A Drive in Red Table Damask at 20e.
White Table hinen, 16e.
Outing Flannels at 5c.
36 inch Cashmere
lio yards Standard Calicoes I for 33c. I
Cloaks this weeek at Prices Never
?na finipont fniii-fUTPiiTTftiiTfTutnTnrjflTfT ripnn'irfiitTmT"inuiPiff wtToiiMmiTiir'U1uty,PMfipiny
Wc have now on hand a fine line of
Soliwab Iiros. 'Celebrated
IVIeix' ITiixe Shoes,
In Ua.or, Square ami new Hound Toes. Also ju-t received a full Hue of
In all the latest shape-) from K th K.
Yon will do well to examine ouroods.we save you money,
and yive yon the largest stock to select from.',JSSS5
mi Prfti fe
claim for other ,
is none just
coupon inside
b.ig,iiud two cou
each Tout ounce
invcs u list I
arKains at ;:, ioc and 12k.
Dress Goods at 18c. i
Have That Picture Eulargcd
Won't gut It dono. Tho Easiest and
bc-ituayto get it done, ami to bo
sure of its being done right Is to
Htop in nt
Vator Color, Soapo and Pastel Portraits.
Flno lO.VJO Crayon Tortralts for 81.49. Water
(Jolors for $l.Sfl. I'lutino, tho now carbon
enlargement for $1.50.
BBUMIDES tnd PASTEL, froa Me p.
( ..
1 .
1 9
! 3 1
... i
T?HiKS3K2Ufci: "1 Jr
r X1
SrJSrk -SfcAoasKSP I
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