The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 30, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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TJ1E JIM) PLOW) CilLDF, JfJllJ)AY,,0(7i 30. 1UG.
fnt ftidrr Ml. Hrl- II In lind.T Irlchtfiilly
Manclril lijr llir I'lphnlon Wn .Mmi
fif Wridlli mill nil Olllirr of n C'lii'inlinl
,Vrv Yoiik. Oct. J.t. -Iliimllfi J. An
Jrut-. M'crrtnry of tin Arlington Chem
Vnl works located on Palisade avenue,
JTonUrrf, wan instantly kilted yustur
ny morning ly n ilytimnitu botnfc
phich, tliu polios tlilulc, was placed
tiere. for the purpose, of destroying
gift unil property. The body of tins
flctltn wiis frightfully mangled by the
..plosion, ajitl death must have come
JlitiitUn Anilniswn. a man of wealth,
ind ho lived In Youliern In handsome
f:,v!u with his family. Hr. left his home
n rutnpuny with his won, Illnim, aged
'0 years ft llttls before. 8 o'clock, mid
lies went to the factory together. It a few minutes after 8 o'clock when
he explosion occurred. It shook the
'netory building and was accompanied
!y tlio Miuuil of crashing, glasi and it
(diiiiie of smoke.
A wild rush was made by the fa-dory
mployes to the ollec. Tht were
.li'tiilril by yoiniff Andrus. He fonttd
illr llnor of that portion of the ottluu
Building occupied by his father env
.led with ('lass, mortar and broken
iiirniture In one corner of the room
lie saw the bleeding body of his father,
partly t'ovcred with the "debris. It wni
In a terribly mangled condition. 1m
bedded in the tlesh of the dead man
iveru found several pleeen of cast Iron.
Dlher pieces, corresponding to these,
n ere found in the olllce. They wem
nrefnlly placed together and. although
all the pieces weie not found, thrro
ivrrc enough of them to show that thu
bomb, or machine, that exploded was
t piece of cast iron pipe, about six
Indies in length by one and one-hitlf
Inches in diameter. Fastened to cither
Mid of litis piece of pipe was a cap,
iliitli was s'rewed on. The odor and
imoke indicated that the explosive iw
ithe.r ilymtmite or giant powder.
No far no motive has been disclosed
for the murder. Information of a
iturlliug diameter was received by the
poiice. which may aid in the solution
it the mystery.
It war.' to tliu effect that thu bomb
mm intended for John F. Andrus,
brother of the dead man, a several
times millionaire. John I". Andrus did
not appear at the olllee of the('heiuli-al
foinpany, ns was his custom. On learn
ing of the explosion and the death of
Ids brother ho hurried to the police
itation and communicated with laii
tain Manila. To the captain he said
that the explosion of thu bomb might
have been the work of anarchists, anil
dVcrcd an explanation for his belief.
About three weeks ugo, he Mild, he
was wnlkiug along Wall street. New
York, when he was accosted by n
rather Feedy looking individual, who
look him by the arm and r.aid: ".Mr.
AudruH, you are a very wealthy man.
You have too much money, anil 1 am
puo of u number of people who believe
Unit you ought to distribute, at least
tuic-thhd of what you have among tliu
poor You will either do this, or theru
iwll be a way found of compelling von
to do it.-' i.
Andrus. according to his story, paid
little attention to the man at tliu time.
I'p to the present time no arrests
bnve been made.
Li.oiMi. Supreme Cinllt limum lln Sinn
itiunim AUihI for hy Ilri'lili-iitliul.
Topk.ka, Kan., Oct. 23. -The supreme
tottrt yesterday afternoon Issued a
peremptory writ of mandamus to coin
pel Sceictnry of State W. C. I'M wards
to certify the name of Thomas II. Wat
mn to tin) county elerksof the State as
r. candidate for vice president on tlio
I'opullst ticket.
The court held that as Watson'.,
name was not certified to the secretary
f state an that of u candidate to be
"otetl for by the people, but solely to
be added to the party appellation, the
secretary had no right to refuse to cer
tify It to tho county clerks for publt
ution or. tho ollieial ballot. Tho
npiuinn in the will be written bv
Chief Just leu Martin, Mr. Justice Alleii
Mr. Justice Johnson will write a dis
ientlnh opinion, holding that thu ad
dition of the appellation to the Popu
list party Is intended to deceive the
roti rs. Secretary I'Mwnrds was served
with the writ last night and his olllcu
force was promptly set at work mail
ing notices to the county clinks to have
Watson's name printed on the 1'opullst
ticket along with that of Mr. Ilryan.
I'lirh uml Alli.iiiluiu HrJiI In Hip rul.iru
Sitrrul Mrn Killi-il.
I'aiiih, Oct. M.-The Temps tliis af
ternoon publlshi'H a dispatch from
Constantinople saying that a conflict
bus incurred at iltll. kiosk it he sul
tan's palace), between the Tuikish and
Albanians guards, during which sev
eral itiru on both sides were killed.
Utile, n fall to Tmilien,
Sr.tiAi.iA, Mo., Out. "J. Professor
John It. Kirk, state superintendent of
nubile instruction, ha.s issued it call to
tc teachers of In the high
t-rhoolH of tlie btate for a eonforenco to
be ht'hl in Sodallu on Friday and Sat
urday, November 0 iintl 7. In thu High
nitool building, to consider Hie l.n
rlish that ought to be taught and how
it should bo taught. Fully 100 teach
tr ,n expected to be present.
Notttlili't. lu Indian Territory.
Ml.Nio. . T.. 0et'.':i. -licnerul Nelson
A Miles, commander of the United
Ptatrs army, is at Andarko Indian
ugeiicy. W. K. Vanderbllt is his
guest. They are taking in the annual
target practice on tin Vvlchltu res-erva-lion,
which Is to continue uutil No
vt'iubcr 1.
Tho Lost lu l'lre.
AMtos, Ohio. Oct. i'll. Tho burning
of thu Wliltninn-llobinson eompnny'a
touewnre plant here last night win. of
Incendiary origin, and In addition to
the destruction of 500,000 worth of
iropcrty, two lives wre lost.
W. T. Ititldod "f ( ii o fl Irani it T'lectrd
I'iViiiI (liuiici'lliir.
.Skpama, M, Oct. S.V Yesterday
wii" a busy day Vot the Missouri grand
lodge, Knights n Pythias, an
amount of worn being transacted.
Tho committee 01V charter) reported,
granting charturs t all new lodges.
Springlleld, I'.eelsiir Springs, Chilli
cothe and Carthago vera jilaood In
nomination for the n.?t place of meet
ing. Springlleld was selected, the vote
being ns follows: Springlleld, 3 1."; Kx
eelslor Springs, 27; t.hllllothe, 'J7; Car
thage, 0.
William T. lialston, of Tape t'.lrnr
dean and C. It. Mark, ofl St. I.ouls,
weiu placed III nomination for grand
chancellor, but the luttei withdrew
and Mr. Ralstni was elccter) by aecla
m.itlou. For vice grand elin'nccllor,
J. W. Sullinger of King Citv. C. F.
Hrnstof Scilalui and John II. i'limlgan
were nominated. The II ml named was
Mm. II.iii iiiii uf Cllnliin Kill llrmnlf
mill Hit l.lttle liny.
I wsAsC'irv. Mo., Oct. an. Mrs. Kato
Itascom of ( Union, Mo., killed herself
and her 'l-year-old son, (Jeorge, at a
lodging at COS Dal; street last
night by clo-lug the door and win
dows of thu room and turning on tho
Mrs. Iki.seoiu went to the rooming
hoif-e last Saturday. She was without
money, but said that she expected
money by every mull from hi r husband
ii t I i ti ' on. Day after day passed and
the money did not come and site be
came so despondent that she resolved
to kill herself and her sou.
The letter containing the money
came about noon, and when the lodg
ing house keeper went to Mrs. Has
com'. loom with it she found mother
and son dead.
I.imm-4 of .Aim lii lliii Colnnltil Vnr Uli
lolrou. for llinlmiiilrjr.
l.o.siio.N. Oct. 2.'t A Madrid dispatch
to the Standard mys: "The (juecn ru
gent presided at a council of ministers
today. Senor t'anovas, tho premier,
gave a complete sketch, which was
gloomy enough, of homu and colonial
affairs. Tliu loss of men in tho colo
nial wars has proved disastrous to hus
bandry, ns proven by the marked
decrease in evports. "Spain will bo
compelled to largely import bread
stuffs. Only patriotism prevents tho
latent discontent from breaking out.
A ort of Instinctive presentiment im
pels the nation to show cohesion and a
haughty determination with a view to
avoiding international complications
uud the possible intervention of tho
Lulled States."
A IIulli'il Slulrn CrnlriT I'nrrr. Mm Notrd
KllllHUtrr lu Siirrrmlrr.
Jac ksonvui.k, I'la., Oct. 23. Tho
I'liltcd States cruiser Raleigh, at 8
o'clock yesterday morning, found tho
steamer Dauntless taking on a cargo
of coal from the steamer 11. L. Mabey,
off Mosipiito Inlet. As the warship
bore down on them, the filibusters
started in opposite directions, anil tho
Iialeigh opened lire, dropping solid
shot aci oss their bows as a signal to
slop. The Dauntless heaved to, but
the Mabey ran Into Mosquito Inlet and
am bored opposite New Smyrna, blio
was afterward captured.
Ml llolmrt'n Wi'ildlnt; roHlponril.
Si. Lot, is, Mo., Oct. i'3. -All of tho
preparations for the marriage of Misn
Margaret Hobart, niece to ltcpubllcan
Vice I'resldential Caiididate Garret A,
Hobart. to Harry Clay Hluney. both of
the "A Hoy Wanted" company, hnd,
been about completed for this o'venlng
at the I.iuilell hotel, when It developed
that Miss Hobart hud not recovered
from an attack of illness which began
in Ciiicluiiutl two weeks ago, uud tho
ccreiuonv lias been postponed for two
Ainrrirmi W'nti-ln- Orilrreil.
Nf.w Yonic, Oct. -'t. I'rineo Hilkoff,
tlie Uussiau minister of ways uud com
inerce, iiccompunlcd by Ills son, Prluc
Michael HilkotV, oecupletl suites on tho
American line steamship St. Paul,
which sailed yesterday for Southamp
ton. He is pleased with many Amer
ican railroad devices and may adopt
home of them in his country, It is .said
that one result of his visit to tho
L uited States Is the placing by him of
an order for tS.O.K) American wutclies,
to be used by cniploves ou Uussiau
Ariiirnliint .Mujr Limit,
Nnv Yoiiu, Oct. S3. Tho 131 Arme
nian refugees who have been held nt
Hills Island for several days will be al
lowed to tlnd homes in tliis country.
Tlie New Jersey men who protested
against the coloul.lng of the Armeni
ans by the Salvation army in Kaun-eys,
N. . I., have appeared before Immigra
tion t ouunUsloner Sentier, to ask for
the release of the Armenians. Tho
Jersey delegation offered to support
the Salvationist in securing bonds for
the refugees so that they should not
become public charges.
KM i' CUxton' IlHUKhtrr Drml.
Ni vv Yoiik, Oct. ','3. Kate Cinxton'a
onlj daughter. Maude, dietl in l'aris
Moiu'.ay, shortly after the birth of a
daughter. She was the wife of Julian
1'. Meudltt, and had resided in Paris
blnre her niartiagc. Mrs. Charles A.
Stevenson (Kate Cinxton) was with her
daughter when .sliedieil, and will bring
her bodv home for burial.
No 1'in.lon In Triint'.r.
Nasiivim.k, Tcnn., Oct. 'IX The
state Democratic executive committee
yesterday brought the correspondent
"between tho Populist anil Doniocratio
committee concerning fusion proposi
tions to a dose by refusing the Popu
list demands, which were for four Pop
ulist presidential electors and ouo
Populist cnngresslouul candidate
ltNliop Ke.ino'j Sui'i'i'xor.
Wasihnuion, Oct. S3 Itev. Father
Coiiatv of Worcester, Mass., and pres
ident of the Cut hnl iu summci" school at
liatt&burg, N Y , will, iu all prob
ability, succeed Hlshop Keniio as rector
of the Cathollo uulrenlty hi thb clty
JjWRMKR shot dead.
rirtri'iK T I tin try HioUi llm, (Inly l:lKlilcn
Vciir Ohl, Hut if I iiiiHlililn Iti-piitit
Hun mill llm .MIi'Kcil A','ur.iir -SliyiT
Httfi lllin.ilf l'i,
A shooting affray in wbiuh Clarence
Tingley lost his life occurred on I'dui
island, a few miles southwest of Mud
ton Monday evening. Tingley and a
farm hand ln the employ of John
Hutchinson sometime since hail trouble
over a wager and Monday they met on
the and engaged in an altercation
over the matter. Tingley. it is re
ported, got out of his wagon and in
ited the other man to u combat,
which invitation was promptly ac
cepted. Hutchinson, who was with
his lilted man. iiImi got out of the
wagon, and when he saw Tingley was
getting the best of the light interfered.
I "pon Ills interference Tinglo.v started
for Hutchinson, who took -i shotgun
from his wagon and ordered Tingley
to stop. The latter, how ever, con
tinued to advance in a threatening
manner and Hutchinson shot him in
the light side, the charge lodging i.t
the Tingley fell to the
ground and expired in about fort,-llo
minutes, tetaiiilng consciousness totlui
hist. As soon as Tingley was dead
Hutchinson s'arleil for Kearney and
upon arriving there gave himself up to
tin- sheriff.
Tlie coroner and slierifl went to the
scene nf the trngedv. arriving about
midnight. A jury was impanelled and
an inquest held, the evidence of two
or three witne-es to the shooting
eliding facts ns stated above. Hutch
inson claims the shooting was in self
ilel'Misc. Tingley is a young man
eighteen years of age. He is a farm
laborer and has an unenviable reputa
tion, lie has several times been at
rested for theft and was generally con
sidered iuirrclwiiin and dangerous.
Hutchinson is uhout forty ami married.
Those who were acquainted with him
say that he bears a good reputation
and was never known to be quarrel
some, except when he was drinking,
but lie had not indulged in drink for
a .ear nr two. There is a report that
Hutchinson and Tingley had some
trouble some time since and that
Hutchinson threatened to shoot Ting
ley and some of the latter' .s friends
ere inclined to think lie took advan
tage of this opportunity to put the
threat into execution.
On Mrs (iniiily .Mini llu mi Kittling
(.'apt. II. T. Sweet, an old .soldier ami
prominent cattleman, who lives on
I .one Tree creek', about fifteen miles
from Chadroii, had a tin tiling exper
ience with rattlesnakes. Ho started
out .Monday to round up a few of ills
cuttle, llu took with him Ills cane,
revolver and small dog. When walk-
t.gitc ,,.,-,,. ... .en . ... ., ,....
town he heard familiar rattle behind
i... ii i .. !..:..!....
him. and turning around, was just iu
time tokuock over with his cane a lingo
rattlesnake that was coiled ready to
spring. Having killed the snake ho
started over to where his little dog was
making a great fuss near a prairie dog
hole. When he arrived at the place lie
happened to glance around and was
terribly startled to Iintl himself sur
rounded by large rattlesnakes. They
were on all sides of him anil he lost no
time in knocking over with his cane
those nearest to him. The largest of
tlie snakes lie shot with his revolver,
and when he censed the slaughter he
found lie had killed twenty-eight rat
tlers ami two blue racers. These
snakes were at the time collected to
gather for winter and Captain Sweet
just happened to get iu the midst of
Much .stiwlhir: nt Alum.
For tlie past few weeks tho business
men iiml tlie ciliens in general oi
Alma have been missing property of
all kinds. All tlie people are on the
lookout for tlie thief or thieves und if
found excitement will run high for a
few days. Such' articles its allocs,
hosiery, canned goods, coal, feed,
ami wood are the articles which so
far luivo been taken. During the fair
last week the pneumatic wheels were
taken from a sulky and tlie thieves es
caped. These patties have, however,
been found anil will be given trial one
day this week. If all towns are hav
ing the same trouble as Alma is. there
will be more goods stolen iu tlie state
than there i . purchased with money.
.serious Injuries In n ItniMWii.v.
last evening wlille NMIIiaiu Camp
bell, an old gentleman living north of
Kc'irney. was driving down Central
li is team became frightened
and ran away. Mr. Campbell was
thrown out of the wagon onto tlie
stone curbing und his left leg vas
broken near the hip. As lie is quito
an old gentleman he will probably bo
a cripple for the rest of his Use. His
son-in-law. Frank Snedeker, was rid
iug witli him anil was also thrown out
of the w'igoii. but fortunately escaped
with a few tlesh bulses,
A. J. Deets has been appointed post
master at llnyilen, Phelps county,
to succeed t!. W. Myers, resigned.
The insanity board at Nebraska City
recently examined Alex Tourtelotto
and recommended that ho be placed
in tlie asylum at Lincoln.
Mrs. William P. Harford has been
elected president of tho OinMin
Woinans club to succeed Mrs. Peattle,
who has removed to Chicago.
The grand encampment of Odd Fel
lows Is iu session at Lincoln. Tuesday
they Miden change In their consti
tution reducing tlie membership fee
Lot f 13 toii.
lIcitilii'M uf nn An.tvlmi I'.trt Vrr Klltmt
bv Sim in su savin;-.
S.V I'll iMisen, Oct. ','1 Detail of
i massacre on the Solomon Inlands
were brought up from the South hent
by the Oceanic Steamship company's
mall steamer Moiiown, which arrived
!n this port from Australia, via the
Sandwich Islands to-day.
The victims of thu bloodthirsty sar
.lges were members of a party of Auv
trians which had been taken to tho
Islands by the Austrian mun-of-wnr
Albatros, It was under the leadership
of Henry llaion 1'oiiltoii Yon llorbeult,
.in Austrian scientist who bus visited
many groups of islands In the South
s'Mis ami had nunieroiiseeitinge.perl
dices with the natives. While travel
ing with an armed guard over the.
mountains of the island he was set
upon by htishmeu and slain, together
with Unco others. During the desper
ate cnnlllet which followed the assault
many of the parly were dangerously
I'UII lllljjll (ilTIIIIIM Nllllll'llll'll ll.tllll-
Minii'l.v Dill rrt.ilinil ut I'ort I.iichii.
Dk.nvii:. Col.. Oct. i'l. liencral
Whealou and otllcers of the United
States army in this city have for sev
eral weeks been handsomely enter
taining two (ierniaus of ilNliugulshcd
appearance, who gave the names of
Huron You l,ivcto and Itmoii Yon
S;i"k-Mit.lafV, ami said they weid
otllcers of the (icruinn army. They
represented that they were making "u
tour around the world without money
and in the guise of tramps, to wlnu
Among the entertainments p-ovided
here for the strangers was a bah given
in their honor at 1'or Logan. Suspi
cion being Dually aroused a telegram
was sent to the tieimau embassy at
Miisiiiigion .to wnieii . .repty mis neeti
received siying that nothing is known
., , , ,,, , . I
tore n regard to the two men, who
lad declared that on their arrival In
this country they hail piescnted their
oictlentials to the (let-man ambassador.
A (ion. I Authority IMIiimti-i It .TO, 0(10,
ooo Hii,IiiU i.e., Than I.iitl Year.
Cinc.UiO, Oct. '.'I. Tlie Orange Judd
Farmer sajs: A .smaller acreage tlnd u .
decreased rate of ylchl are resulting in Heed, ticiicrallv he spoke lu a low
a decidedly smaller and more uiannge- j tone save when in a burst of eloquence
able crop of potatoes. The amount "u ,u,'w !l peroration. When the
available for market is bv no means as Speaker ruled against him he would, if
burdensome us was tliu "crushing crop ,l!l arguing clianeo existed, differ with
of IS'.),',. The crop i.s '.'l.'i, 4811.001) bushels, l"'' Speaker, and appeal from the de
li decrease of more than f.0.000,000 eision of the chair. His points or order
bushels or IT ', percent compared with ll made clearly and forcibly, but
ii year ago. The Canadian crop is 'iilmly. He did not storm at Hie
S.'i.'lon.UOO bushels, a decrease of nearly I"-""1 H' did not raise his oice in
13,tHH),000 bushels compared with lsD3, unger. Hut with all his nerves well in
In view of tlie shortage on this side qf hand, lie would wait until the hubbub
the ocean and the smaller cron in (Jrr- Mibsitled and the crowd around him.
many anil huglaud, tliu outlook fur
prices to farmer is certainly bettei
than a year ago.
Tim .Murphy to D.-ilwr the 'Trout, uf
Colli" SpiTi-h in-riri- Dcinnrratft. I
Sr. l.nris, Mo,, Oct
21. Actor Tim
Murphy, who played Colonel Maverlcl
ii....... 1.... i n '!'.... s:.... i ...i.
.....m.W ... .rA.o,n. .,. .,
S nt one of u. oppra i10sl.s j,, lhls
. .,., . ,,, '..., ...
city in divers comedy part-., proposes nstlinia. and later from heart trouble,
to appear before a Democratic incetlnjf His ill health, however, did not become
at the Oriental theater to-night iu thu mutter of public notoriety until last
charaeterof William Jennings Jtryan spring, when he was compelled to
anil to deliver tlie "cross of gold" nbundon a series of joint debates ar
spiM'ol I. I ranged with ev-Secretarv Hoke Smith
Mr. Murpliy resembles Hryan a httlo because of the advice of his physician
and said ho would have no dllllculty in that it would imperil his life or him
'making up" so as to almost deceive to continue tlie debate, which had at
the initiated, he heard the speech he traded state as well as national inter
is to repeat on its first delivery in the, bv reason of tlie fact that it in
Chicago convention and later heard volved the position of tlie Dcinocratlu
Mr. Hryan speak In Madison Square party of tlie state on the silver ques
gardeu In New York city. lion," as well as the senatorshlp from
. lieorgia, for which tlie ex-speaker was
Kxi.ellrit for lletrmiloiy. u ncttvo ciiutliilate. The silver men
1U.NVH.I.K, 111, Oct. 21.- Ity a vote of won their fight, and Mr. Crisp, had lie
15 to 8 the Presbyterian synod of I 111 lived, would have been the next sen
nol has expelled the Itev. Frank It, ato1' noln Unfla.
Vrooman of Chicago. Tho charge '
brought against him were purely ques- COLUMBUS DELANO DEAD.
tioiiB us to his orthodoxy. They wcro '
first brought forward before tho Chi
engo presbytery last sniinir. the decis
ion then being overwhelmingly In his
.uu. j.iiu wus men oroiiLfitt, uc-
fore the state svnod. Mr. Vrooman ii
a son-in-law of licnerul John 0. Klaek,
ex-l'uited States commissioner of pen-
lavor. Tlie case was then brouiht be
IMIinutoi or McKlnlcy' I'lnriilltlfs
Ciiicaiio, Oct. '.'I. Tho following es
timate of McKinley'.s pluralities in six
teen western states was given out to
day at Republican nutional head
.Vooi;r'ffl3k,.iV. 'oluo?.
toiMKXiiSoiuh Dakota lnunn
Iowa . ..
ItllltnU . ..
Indiana. . ..
i!7.00il WaslllllKton
ai).(NM) W'inroiihin ..
41.000 Wj online
ISr'iin HniiRfil In EltlK.v.
Pi.oiiia, III. Oct. at. William J.
Hryan will make three speeches iu this -'ox as secretary of the interior, re
city this evening. An etllgv of Mr. tabling the portfolio till 1S75. Mr. De
! Hryan was found suspended from an
t m j a .
eicciriu poie tins morning in tho
business section of the city, and was
cut down and burned. A large num
ber of Republicans have donned for tho '
day glaring yellow badges labeled Mtv
I'ort smith .lull IllnU lmpe.
lour SMiru, Ark., Oct. lii,- Nine In
(Han territory criminals, nearly all
charged with robbery, escaped from
the I nlteil States jail night by ro
moving liricks connecting with tho'eoll.i
from whlcli the Smith boys, the Cor
una vrain runners, nail liiailu a Hole lu
ins rooi.
Sir. Wlliou "lny llrcnmo it Jitilcn,
WASIIIMlin.V. Oct. 21. There is eon.
shlerablo spuculaton here as to tho
successor of thf late Chief Justice Rich-
anlson of thu Fnited States court of
claims. The idea seems to be Hint tho
1 .1
president will appoint a Southern Dem
ocrat because the remaining four
judges are Northern men and Repub
licans and a name snoken frequently is
that of Postmaster General Wilson.
t), V. l'l'iiliuily, llontoii
It.iiiki'r. Driiii
llOSTO.V, Oct. M.
O. W. Peubody.of
,,. j,.,,,!.!,,,, '.,,
.ton iiuuKlng Hrm
" ' vY.?. 'i,Y;"V.. ? V V l. lr:.1
uivuivj, i i;uci'in . i w,, vilGH lU'UHt
rl llu- rr.'tillii(; Oltlirr of tin- Niilli.iiiil
lliiuir of ItrpriM-iilMlltc uml Imhdj ii
l.r.ulrr uf llm Di-iniirnitle I'uilj -tVoultl
llr Hi-mi Klei lul Sfimior,
Aiivvii, (In., Oct. Hi. Charles F.
Crisp, the ex-Speaker of the House of
Representatives, died here this after
noon very suddenly anil uncvpcctedly.
He hail long been troubled with heart
disease, but had not recently been in
bud health.
Charles rrcdcrlek 'i-lsp whs born in
biielllcld. Ihigland. .luiiuary '.".. Is LI,
while his parents were on u theatrical
tilj) abroad, both being actors. Ileob
tallied his education in the (leorgui
public schools and served in the Con
federate army from tee outbreak- of the
lebellion till he was made a prisoner ol
war in 1801. At the close of the war
he studied law ami was admitted to the
bar in 1 -i.e.. and in H7'.' was appointed
.solicitor general of the Southwestern
judicial district of Ceorgla. Jn Is" he
was appointed judge of the supcrioi
court, which position he filled for sev
t nil vea is. lu ls'.' he resigned to go
to Congress.
The principal work- done bv Mr.
Crisp during his first term in Congress,
which went for nothing at the time,
was to apply himself most diligently
to acquiring an etteudeil know ledge of
the business of the House.
At the opening of the Forty-ninth
Congress Mr. Crisp was assigned to
the see mil place qu the committee on
I'aclllc railroailMiiid to the third place
on the committee on commerce. His
capacity for hard work may be judged
iroui tlie met tltal lie maile (luring
this Congress, forty-si . reports from
tlie commerce committee, three from
l" vi-iminitr uwlllllll
the Pacific railroads commit tec anil
u.-.. .....,.. ,...t. -ei
portant of these was the conference
report on the interstate commerce bill,
which finally became a law.
Mr. ( lisp was chosen Speaker of the
Fifty-second Congress after sliclt a long
and rather animated contest with as
pirants of his ow n party in caucus that
the election was not made until after
tlie House's session began. When the
Fifty-third Congress convened he was
re-elected without onnositiou, Mr
Crisp wits as cool ami collected as Mr.
resentful of the arbitrary rulings of
the Speaker, had quieted down, and
then, like a judge charging a jury anil
equally uuimpassioneil, he would make
his point. Mr. Itcetl often Mniglit to
taunt Mr. Crisp into anger, but the sar-
rastn of Hie Maine man, which had
proved too much for so many other
Democrats, produced no appreciable
'' vt on tlie (icorgiati.
.'Vir. Crisp s itcutli was not altogether
a surprise tn political circles, for he
,ind )l!l(1 wwral Us of j, j
:": " "
lit. SlltVl,1-..l1 ft.ltll
A Former Ohio t'oiigrriuiiiiiin anil Srcro
lury of the Intrrlor t'liilrr (Intnl.
Coi.uitnrs, Ohio, Oct. 24. Columbus
, i i . . ..
J)e,InMO" sho ", "'crctiiry of the in-
t,,lior lm"1'1' ' rofchlent firant, died at
" sulnirbau homo ut I.ako Hovve.ncar
iuoiint Nernnn, tills morning, lie was
born in Shortiiam, Vt., June S, lHO'j,
' Ho removed to Mount Vernon in 1817,
was educated at the common schools,
itudied law and was admitted to the bar
In 1631 He was a delegate to the lfcCtl He
publican national convention that liom-
tinted Lincoln ami Hamlin, lu 1 SO I be
was Rlute commissary general, In 18113
niember of the lcgislatuie, and in
mni unit lsoo was elected to con-
Fr('",s' lie wus ii delegate to the lOt
italtlmoro convention, which noini-
natcd Lincoln and Johnson. In iil)
'ho was appointed by (icneral Grunt
' iMiinmisfcloncr of internal revenue, noil
' the next yeur lie succeeded Jacob D.
lano vvas many venrs a trustee or Ken-
iintl mllair.i inlilili iimif.iiiii.iil llu. I .1 11
"" i"rK' "m.- ivnni ..- n.w.
ugve on him.
ninhoi A' hippie -Married.
Nkw Yoiik. Oct. "I.--Right Rev.
Henry Henjamiu Whipple, bishop of
Minnesota, the "St. John of Hie wilder
ncps," whom the Indians of the North
west years ago named "Mralght
Tongue," was married yesterday iu St,
Hartholoinew's church. The bride i.s
Mrs. Kvangellne Simpson, widow of
the late millionaire cotton nianufae-
tmer of M it fsachu setts. She is about
i '.i yearn tn age. rue groom is 71
llritUli l'liper for .Mr. Illnrj.
Wasiii.noto.v, Oct. 'H, Sir Julian
Pauncefote, ltritish aiubiissador, called
tlle st"tts lopartinent to-day for the
I' oi presenting to .-scereiiiry
l!lnev. cc'rl,i1' propositions regarding
I 'Ut uucf.uniiiu i-iiiiiiutursv, out. lllis
elng Cabinet day, the two had only
ten mluutoB conference.
IMItor Kdniiril W, Hot. .Wiirrleil.
PlIH.ADKI.lMlIA, Pa., Out. LM. IMItor
IMwaid W. Holt of the Ladles' Homo
Journal and Ml.".s Mary Louise, dnugh-
taro'Cynw Curtis, proprietor of the
publication, wcro married ut the Cur
ifi. i,,,,,,,, f'ti,i(.....
U home In'jnuklntown
ll (iiioilr.i I'diplc ( .illi'.l lm,. I'ou tu
IUi Ii I'lllll.ltllllM l.nlil U.isl.-.
IIava.nv, Oct. LM - ( apt.ii'i General
Weyler has is.stied a proclamation con
taining tlie following provisions.
First -AH the Inhabitants in thu
ountry or outside the lines of fortlii
cations of the tovvim tutisl betake tlictu
sclves to the towns occupied by troops
within u period io' eight dti,s.' Those
who are found outside the towns after
the expiration of that ueiiod will b)
considered rebels, and will be tried as
"Second The withdrawal of giocer
ies from the towns is absolutely pro
hibited, ami also the transportation of
them by s,. , i!m,( without, a permit
from tlie milittirv authorities, lohitors
of this provision tube tried and pun
ished as aider.sof the rebels.
"'I hi rl Pioprletors of cattle must
carry them to towns or provide im
mediately that they shall receive dun
"roni'th Light dii.vs aftei the pub
lication of this proclamation till rebels
surrendering lu every municipality
will bo subject to the. captain general's
dUposal, tci order them wluve to reside
and it will be a ce'umeiidution in thcit
favor for them to give available new
about tlie eiieiu, and to surreliiler.with
their lireai'ins. and moreover to .sur
render iiiilectlvely in their otgttui.a
tious. Fifth The proehiuialion is onl
enforceable iu the province of Piuar
del Rio."
The insurgents during tho )jst two
weeks have lieeli eoutlliuing the work
of deviistatiou. particularly in the
province of Mut.iuns, whiri they have
reduced to ashes the tobacco and' sugar
plantations of Ccibon, Congreson. .
gttnito. Pilla. Avala. Puehe. Petrnmt
and San Juan, together with iiiuti.v
farm houses, the total alue being
about f, ooo.o in
Anirrli'iiii IiiiuIiik l'onii.itinj Ilnluto to
Lower Their HiiW it, the Limit.'. Oct. L'l. Tho second
attempt of the War department to ob
tain steel l'orgings for suia'l Held gum
at what is regarded as n reasonable
price has. failed signally, owing to the
refusal of the steei lirms to reduce tlie
bids fuiiii what were believed to be ex
orbitant figures. At the bidding
the prices asked ranged from L'sj to
.'it' j cents per pound anil u it-advertise
iiteut was ordered. Tho second bills
have been opened and are precisely the
same as the llrst.
The otllcials do not st-c how they can
consent to pay juices asked by the'steel
companies forMinil! forgings, Congress
having tied tlie maximum at twenty
four een .. per pound. The question
awaits the decision of Secretary la
inonl upon his return to Washington
and it may be Unit in deference to the
expressed opinion of Congress as to the
proper price of gun steel, he will feel
obliged to refer the subject to that
hotly when it again assembles, lu
view of the fact that tlie general law
required the steel to be of domestic
iiianufacture. the war department iu
the end, it is believed, must accept the
terms ottered by the tv.o American
steel forging concerns, tlie Midvulo anil
JEc Ihlchcm companies, unless this re
striction shall be removed by Congress
Auothrr frumiilo IVareil.
Co.ssr.vXTiXoi'i.K. Get. L'l. The tax
trades issued Wednesday in connection
with the recent purchase of anus, have
resulted lu a condition of affairs which
is regarded as very grave. The minis
tors were opposed to the poll tax im
posed on tlie Mussulmans, but the
palace oliiciuls insisted that the meas
ure wus necessary fur tliu defense of
Mussulman religion on tho ground
that the Christians were preparing
to attack tlie Mussulmans, uud tlie Lu
ropean press was preaching a cru
sade against (slum.
Hilly Muhoii Called (Iff.
Ciiicaiio, Oct. LM. William K.Mason'M
plan to pursue Hryan through Chicago
and Illinois bus got u black eye from
the Republican National committee.
Chairman Hunnuh and his associates
at first intended to have Mason chaso
ilryan from ouo hall to u not her, but
after consideration concluded that it
might do them more hiirin than good,
and so deeided to cancel ull of Mason'
C'IiIiu'm Slvthoit. Kfiti'iitri!.
London, Oct. ill. -The Marquis of
Salisbury lias deiuuudcd the immediate
release of Sun Yuth Sen, the Chinese
physician mild to be a lirltlsh subject,
who was, according to the statement
of his friends, kidnapped while passing
tlie Chinese legation hero, and who is
held a prisoner in the legation ou the
charge of having been engaged in n
conspiracy to overthrow the Munchu
Nn Itrhritrliii; for Dr. I. re.
Snr.Al.lA, Mo., Oct. LM. The Presby
leiiun fiynod of Missouri adjourned at
noon to-day. An appeal was refused
in tliu ease of tho Itev. Dr. W. J. Lee,
pastor of McCuusland Avenue Presby
terian church of St. Louis, who wus
suspended after a church trial Tim
ground on which tho appeal was asked
was that the licensed was not present
when tliu charges against him were
I.. A. ('oiintril Hiinhrupt.
flr. Lous, Oct. LM. -I. A. Coqnard,
slock and bond broker, us-siued sho tl
before noon to-day. He give hisa-.ets
atStOO.OUO. It is not stuted wiitit the
liabilities are, but it is said Ills business
is heavily Involved. It is claimed that
during tlie last six months lie ha.s lost
i heavily iu wheat und stocks, Hid total
amount for which ne uusurcti squired
being estimated at S.'OCl.tH'i).
XlftlrluithuiiH Work to ICtMninr,
Sr. Lonn, Out. LM.-It is announced
that the Nicdrlnghaus Stamping and
Tin Plate mills, wiileli huvo been shut
down during the past four months,
will resume opera ions next Monday.
Thomas IC. Nledriiighuus wild that thu
mills would employ '.',01)0 men.
r.itnl llruol.l)!) l'lre.
Nkw Yoiik, Oct. 31 A disastrous
flin oocurrcd in llrooklyn last night,,
which resulted iu tne of one life,)
the injury of suviral persons and tlili
destruction of property amounting to
about 5350,000,
i it
7"prl' X!5"fci' rV JlfflkffJKdtaoBwt-j jajammumimc-imuiuKuv
w-nrnr sw-i