8 THE KED CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, OCT. 23, 189. GJ1IEF U. S. Another Well Knomn Citizen (dho Ouies Health toPaine's Celery Gompoand. .;- s rt .; ; .. .'.v )i y . :-vdvy '-'.: .::.: ;a;.l ' ... ,. -..&& Yy.wv "8Kteirr,::-:::..: . ;-: ' ' ' nX Abovu Is tho plcltiro of iituitlicr of thu thousands of woll-kuown eitizoiiB whom Painu'H celery compound lms intulo wiill. Chief Postollico Iimpcctor M. D., Wheeler, of Washington, 1). C, writ ing to the proprietors of this nioit wonderful of curaliros, lays: "I have itted Paine's celery com pound with nuirkod improvonunt in henlth. At tho time I connnoiccd uhIiik it, 1 was very much run down from overwork nud was tidvisod by a. friend to try it. I begftn nlmont Im mediately to improve, it ml nftar tukiue thrae bottles felt well enough to dis continue ila use, and have been per manently benefitted. I heartily recom mend it to thu public." Mr. Wheeler has found out what every one should learn that putting heart Mid soul in one's business no longer means sticking to tba desk, counter, or workroom till the head grows dizzy, thu buck aches and neuralgia twinges shoot through the frame. They are the short-sighted men and women who put up with this statu of things when tho risk Is so great mid the remtdy ho easily within their reach. As weakness, nervousness, lan guor ami sleeplessness are clearly the result of low nervous nutrition, so permanent relief will come from rapidly building up thu wasted nerve tissues, l'ainu's eulury compound is the means best calculated for this end. Paine's celery compound purities and reinforces the blood in a way that no ftm Cloud, Nob., Oct 18, '00. Kditok Ciiiev: Inasmuch as there 'will bu but two more issues of your valuable paper before the November election, I make this my lust appeal to my countrymen in relation to our franchise. The Uiblu declares that "drunkards hail net inherit the kingdom of God," and yet how seldem do wo hear prayer against drunkenness while otiikh sins aro denounced, for how can a maa pray for the drunkards and yet vote for whiskey to make him drunk. This is a fact that praying men generally appreciate, and hence we seldom hear a man pray far thu reformation of the drunkard, unless lie is one of those men, that voto us they may. NcitliMr tho republican or other parties are ri.KDOKU in behalf of tem perance, but aro the avowed friends of the liiiuor traffic, therefore I desire once more to appeal to you in behalf ef Cod and our common humanity, to cast your voto on thu sldu ot right. You know that it is written that we "should not put any stumbling block, or occasion to fall in our brothers way," and you also know that if intoxicants were not manufactured, that they would not bu sold, and if not sold, they would not bu drank, and coiisciiuenlly you know that from sixty to eighty thousand lives now sacritlcrd to tho "Hum (oil" ami the drunkards inkvi tadlk doom, would bu saved; thu misery now brought apon thu friends and neighbors bu averted, the qickat est curse bo removed, and the greatest blessing secured. All this you know, and will any man possessing this knowledge, go to the election and voto that this evil should .remain? God forbid, but cast your INSPECTOR. .Vv V-.. '5S-J3fei? ,1 SOS3?EB W i''&2&33& . mV W ' vo - other remedy lms over attained. There comes an immediate clearing of tho jaundiced, muddy complexion; neuralgic and "sick" headaches ceasu to afllict, ami thu formerly wretched sleeper enjoys the blessings of sound restoring sleep. Given the hearty ap petite, tho sound sleep and the pure blood, all the other needful things that go to making what wo call perfect health, are sure to fellow. Low npirits, constant brooding over fancied wrongs, and imaginary slights, melancholia and fretfulness are not treated ns Hcriously as they desorve. They aro evident faults of the tired, nervous system and uro to bo correct ed by putting an cud to the neglected condition of those vital parts. Don't wait for nervous prostration. When headaches continue and that tiled feeling keeps up, or pain is felt over tho kidneys, arouse the body from its unhealthy condition, getrid of not only these symptoms, but of the underlying causes, by prompt recourse to l'ainu's celery compound. This great nerve and brain restorer will not leave a vesligu of kidnoy disease, ner vousness, unhealthy statu of the liver or heart trouble. Its way of curing these alarming complaints is direct and unfailing. It replaces unhealthy tissues by new and healthy parts and cleanses and purities tho blood until thu tired body regains thu elasticity and high spirits that aro the Hiiro accompaniment of perfect health. vote on the side that the Uible recog nizes as right and then all will be well so far as voting is coicorned and in tho years to corao "your children will riso up ami call you ui.ksskd," and Cioil himself will say "welldono." Wm. II. Giwits. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very sovere cold that caused him to bo in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of lagrippe and recognizing it as dungcioiis lie took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamberlains Cough Keinedy and tho many good recom mendations included thertin, we con cluded to make a lirst trial of tho medi cine. To say that it was satisfactory in its results, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magio and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. Wo huvu no hesitancy in recom mending this excellent Cough Keinedy to nnyono aflltctcd with a cough or cold in auv form. Tht Manner of Liberty, l.ibertytown, Maryland. The Wand At) cent sizes for sale by H. K. Grice, druggist. Tetter, Halt'Itheum nml Ucjwiua, The intense itching and smarting- in"' dent to thesj diseases is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain 'u Eyo .ad Ulcin Ointment. Many very bad c s. luivo been permanently cured by ir jt is equally oflicient for itching pik.i nml a furorito remedy for euro nippkb; chapped, hands, chilbluins, frost bites mul chronlo eoro oyea, 25 cts. per bo-:. Dr. Cailj's Condition Powders, t.io .".".fit what n linrsn nooilq rolin tn Im 1 nndltion. Tonic, blood purifier and vormifugo. Thoy are not food In t medicine and tho best in nso to pne u horeo in tirlmn nnniltHnn. PHi-. or. cents per packuge. WASHINGTON NOTES. Thu rainbow chasers have again in vaded thu Hrynu camp, and nro mak ing some very tall claims, such as that Iowa will go for IJryan by 87,000, Ohio by ao.000, and Now York, New .Jersey and Pennsylvania by substantial pluralities. Mr. Hrynu may be elected most people in Washington believe that ho still has a chance, oven if it bu not iiite ns good a ehaiieo as Mr. Mc Klnley has but with tho possiblo ex ception of Iowa, which is thought to bo doubtful although strongly claimed by the McKinloy people, bo Mauds no moro show of carrying ono of thrse states than ho does of carrying Ver mont, or than McKinley does of carry ing South Carolina. The ullcired basis for this new outbreak of tho rainbow chasers is a newly discovered under current in favor of silver among the working mm. Its real piirpo.su is piolmbly to flighted the McKinloy managers into withdrawing some of tliuir forces from the middle west whuro tho presidency will it-ally be won or lost. Secretary Morion did more to help Hryan than any member of the admin istration has yet been ablo to do towards injuring him when ho c.ivn out that interview charging thu ex- confederate generals with trying to ac complish through freo silver what they failed to do by force of arms. It Is doubtful If there is a man in Washing ton, excepting the secretary himsell, who does not today condemn both thu spirit anil thu language of that inter viuw. Secretary Morton meant to in juro Hryan and freo silver, but he has Hindu it certain that thousands of votes in the south will go to Hryan that ho would not otherwise havo irotten. and lio has not alienated any Hryan support in any other section. This is not thu lirst by a number of times that Secre tary Morton's touguo has gouu off half cocked, so to speak. Whilu most peo ple havo their own opinion as to which policy will bo best for thu country, iiiero aro very fuw who go so far as to charge their opponents with a desire to destroy thu government. In a heated political argument, a man may say many foolish things, but down deep in his heart ho knows, whether be bo a gold man or a silver man, Hint his op- ponont is actuated by precisely tho same sentiniunt ns himself a desire to do whut will add to the prosperity and future greatness of the country; and that tho enly difference between them is one of opinion as to what will ac complish that purpose. According to Mr. Reese II. Voorhccs, son of Senator Voorhees, who has just returned from Indiana, that statu is trembling in thu balance and will ge to Hryan or McKinloy just as thti labor voto desire it to go. Ho says that both the republicans and democrats confess privately that they aru at sea in recard to the bulk of tho labor vote, which uoin aro still making extraordiuurv efforts to capture. The political mana gers at Washington beliovothat there are other statos in which tho balance of power is held by tho labor voto, and in which they havu been uiublu to get any reliable knowledge of how thu bulk of that vote will be cast, but they aro not talking about tlioni; at least not for publication. Whilu thu positive anuoiincciiiont, which has been inadu in soinu nuwspa pers, that an agreement has been reached hutweuu thu U. S. and Great Hritain on the Venezuelan boiindry question was a littlo premature, thero is little doubt that the negotiations now under way will seon prebably before thu Venezuelan boundary com mission reports in favor of the conten tions of Venezuelan as there is every reason te believe it will report result in a satisfactory understanding which can bu honorably accepted by Venezue la and the long disputed question of boundary bu submitted to arbitration which will settle it once for all. Once more the miner is current in Washington that President Cleveland has become tired of tho continued failuro of Spain to put down the Cuban rebellion and that he lias caused n hint to bo conveyed to the Snanish irovoi-n- ment of his intention to recognize tho inileeniteuce of Cuba, if the present status on thu Island is maintained for DR. KILMER'S TKIDNEUIVERsBBJi Pain in Ihc Rack Joints or hliw. Kptlimmif inniMniii.ni..i.i. . frequent culls or retention, rheumatism. KlfUiey Coilliilaiint. Diabetes, dropsy, scanty or high colored urine. urinary Trouble Btintrinff (nfjit Ion hfn .ni, lino. ,iia, ure in tho pan, urethral Irritation, stricture. Disordered Liver Dloat or Unrk circles under tho eyes, tongue ' Roo'f t.uaivu,iuii3iijiuiu a, yuiiuwuu eycuuis. At DrucgUtk, SO cuiitii nud $1,00 eta. "InTim- Ouid tu inullh-' (ree-Conu)tAUao fre D Kiuim & Oi., UtKoiuMTow, N. Y. three months longer. President Cleve land was very near to taking that stop last spring, ami it is bolievcd would havo done so but for political consider ations. Such action on his part this winter would bo merely anticipating thu act of his success, as it is pretty well understood that whether McKin ley or Hryan be president, thu recogni tion of Cuban Independence would not bulong delayed after inauguration. Secretary Carlisle Is being criliei.ed oven by some who think as hu does, for taking advantage of a call made upon him at his olllce by a Haltimore delega tion who wished him to speak In that city, to make an autisilver partisan in Hie trcasuiy building. It is spueeli regarded as a bad piecedent. A WORN-OUT FAD, "Spring Medicines," "Dlood Purifiers" and "Tonics" an Old-Fash ioned Idea. Pure blood, strong nerves and mils cles, liie healthy llesh can only come from wholesome food well iliicslaf. "Hlood pnrillers" and "nerve tonics" do not reach tho cause of tho miscliiuf. The stomach is the point to be looked after. Tho safest and surest way to cure any form of indigestion Is to take after each meal foiiih harmless prepa ration which will t itself digest food. There is an excellent preparation of tills kind composed of vegetable es sence, puro zpupsiu, golden seal and fruit saltc, sold by druggists under tho name of Stuart's Dyspepsia tablets, and these tablets taken after meals assist digestion wonderfully, because they will digest the food promptly before it lias time, to ferment and sour and tho weak stomach relieved and assisted in this way soon becomes strong and vig orous again. Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are super ior to any secret patent medicines, bo cause you know what yon are taking into your stomach. They aro sold by druggists every wnerc at 50u per pack age. Writo Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich., for book on stomach diseases. He Likes It. Fredonla, N. T., The Veteran Editor of tho Fredonla Censor, writes Dr. Fennert "I have been using your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic, and desire to say that I like it. I find it an admirable remedy for the biliousness, languor and nervous depres sion incident to the changing seasons, sufficiently physicing and yet not debili tating but strengthening instead." CASK & McNITT, ATTORNEYS aod COUNSELORS AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and Probate Litigation. MOON BLOCK, HKD CLOUD, NKBRiSKA. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS, UOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. UUAI.KIt IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. m ir ALWAYS ON TAP RS. .1. H. SHIRK Y. i Tt-ar!i-r nl ",4loiniiry prices. Daily half hour 1;h ii'ib to uevv beginner at renaomibln ntm. XtwfriiiTfU BROS QU1NCY XOTIOK TO NUX.iKSlDJiXTS. W'llllnm I.. DiitIh, ik-fenilHiit. "Ill UVc notice tti.it on tliu Mil iIat ot Oi'luber, ISM), HIhxIh H.ivIk plnlntltr titrrlu. filed liar ctltlou In tlie illktrli-l court of Wolittvr county. .'et,ruW, Ninituit on lliPot-JrclHiut irn)i-rof which nre in prei-nrn a ilivorce from win. ami hIk the i iinUmI.y of Knrl Davis our child. You ar i uulreil to answer mild pptltlou on or before the rM ility of November, IKW, Jmteil, November 3, lWHi. . . . lliiotu uatii, Plaintiff. Uj J. U. Ciurria, Attorney. jprrnni v "Mwniin.mm'Mm'HH'iiTtminii'MWMitinii 'MHHItlrMiwrtimTr J ,1 , mniVTiT'f, . r. . . ... . . C ASTORIA Readable Prcnarationfor As UU. 1 ' I I , similating IhcFoodflndllcguia UnrJ llic Stomachs nndJJowcls of Promotes Dtgcslion.ClKcrful ncssnrulncsl.Conlains neither OpiuirT.Morpltinc nor Mineral. Not N Ait c otic. lltttpe afOldHr&WVELHKWUl mpln Sad' AtxJatna Jnin Stfd. Jlmmuat , hjmSitd -ftanudSUaar hWnyrvoi fJTtn Apcrfccl Remedy forConstiDa- tion. Sour Stoniach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Fevcn sh ores and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature ot NEW YORK. CXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. I y t fir Harness I QaviKs ! Stanwss ! J O BJUTLER, ' The Square Dealing, Lr IVc.ci. : :' C.:;t'ic UAUNESS MAN, In Red Cloud. Prices riirlu f-r Ci-.li KNOX'S For Hogs and Poultry. This in one of the finest htg nml noul try eholnru remotliee over liiHcnvnred, nml wo eheorfnlly KiiiiruntCB u curn if used nccordinc tu direetioiiH. Itoil nmiil, Neb.. April .!. lHtm Tu Wlintn i Miivi otiri-rn. Mvclilrl-ns ueie .IjIiiit ilall. until I H'liiilnlsti-rcil .1 v Kii-xNClMil.Tiii.viii t-ily, hI lire ulitrli I Inn- t luivt- lout i-nni- Al ll. Ct.lM!. Ileil Clmiil, Ni-I) April H. .-Thls Is to err tlfy thai I li.vve innl nm ,.(.,, iiccl tloKnox Clioletit lii-ineilv, nml It itne-i nil Unit Wi-lalnn-i) 'or it. It.T. 1'avnk. (llhiTH who have UL-il this remcily, with mio ceH. Hre: It. M. Ijiru'i-nt, J. ricklos, 0 H. lVtor-mn, C. I'uriu-j-, K. K. I'.niie. IM111 lloitl.i. 1.25 Small noillc&0 AMilrcHior p.ill on J. A. Itlf:lIAKUiO, ol l'roprlwnr. I!i( Clou-1. NMirrtuNe. TIME TABLE. B. & M. R.Y 11 ED (Jl.OUD, NElllt. US VOLS UA1A11A VIIU1AU0 .st. ,wt: h'ASHJS CITY T 1.0 1 US and i,. t.Kjttdi east ami outh. DESVEll llELESA 1UJTTE SALT LAKE C'Y POltTLASD SA. FHAXG1SC0 and nil jiointx west. Ikllhi LKATK AH rOLI.UWr: '.'ij. pi-,. Freluht. Jiilly I'irepi tuiniUj for Wynioru mnl nil point van 0:00 a.m. No. 10. IMiioiiKcr. ilitlly for St. .Ine. Khiimi City. Atrhlcuu, St. Li.iiIh hiiiI nil polntH t'tihtntiil noulli lOiOCiam, Nn, H.'. AiiomiiiuilHtloii, tlully except Suii'tn). llaKtlmih. (iriiinl In Itiml. Illiiolc J III (k mul nil ixiliKH In the tiorthwi'sl li'jftp.iu, o, HI. ArtiiinnioilHtliiii. ilnlly except Siiinliiy, oPsrlln, lUiibai'. mid InliTiiieilUte ttatluim, vlii He iiiibllcmi ll!:i'ip.iii. No. C, 1'relKhl, ilnlly, Wymore mt St. .loo nml Intermediate Junction polntH ;W) p.m. No, (VI. FretKht. ilnlly for ItvpubllcHii orli-mir, ox fonl ami nil point went .... Uil.'ia.M, No. 10. l'lineiiKt-r. ilnlly, Denrer, nil palnlHln t'olorml, Utuh nml Cnllfurnln 8:40p.m. SliepltiK. 1II11I111;. nml recllnlm; chair rnrt' 1 ai-iitx free) on llironuli Irnlim. TIctttK t-olil mid iinKvuue cliickeil in any point la (lie I'nlleJ tiiieor Oitiniln Tor liiforinntlon, tltnn lnbn, inaps fr tlckrt. nil an er aiilni A. conovcr, A-em, Ileil 'loud, Ni-tir. or J. I-Vmit-U, (lent-rnl I'di-eiiKcr Aceat, Oiimln, Nckrahia. J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. CroQ Q Bridge Work or Teeth Without Tlafes f'OKUKliAIK 1NI.AV, Ami all the Inteal ImproTenieiitla eatal uaeii Celebrated CHOLERA REMEDY ajiliDi, SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE op srf.ssezZ? IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTiLE OF CASTORIA Oaitorla li put tip In one-i!je bottles oalr. It is not sold in balk. Don't allow anyona to sail 1 yn anything cits on tho plea or promlio tht it is Jntt as good" and "will answer every pur- poso.- - ueo mat yon get O-A-B-T-O-B-I-A. " - uvo uutii jua got u-aD--u-aJ 1 lit' f Tin! ilnUs 1 liSttU0( OS Tirr wupptr. PARKER'S CINCER TON 10 ftmtltliu, and la notedfor miiln nina whra allotlur tTMtmtnt fkll. grtry molhtr and Inralid thaald hitelt. frAiWiiVA HAIR BAL8AM CbaniM aod beaotiflw tht htl rromom a laiuiUnl irowlh. Herer Falls to Battor OnrI vwn nip oiwwi m nmir nu trr t v--rr"tTr-YT..r OctndSlJMH nnigtjw RCORN8 ThionlTira Omror Wopt all pala. Uakca valki hij, lie. atOna'1 m t!i.iuinj ttrnnf. rEHHYftC'YAL PILLS F jH5TW "rlClnl 111.1 cr.I Cirnitlia. A- 'i iwjp rrtiM Iff. LADIkft ! Iirurulu for Cht'Stittrt h.fu in kv In ftinvt fur nrilcular. tiitnoLiAl al ttutiiaiut initaUin tthrti.- m . . "irllcr rui I irintfttrt It rt'turn Mlllt. I Ir.fimi TRlllflAliikia. V.,ma n...-m ... . r - .. ..v-r. i.iiiwi wv ! ruuilrk Id L til Locu Ur utgiu.. I'Ullu.lil.. 1'iv f,lllnl.AIMa't.a-.l..lln Tf ...II u ' THlflflGUfl FOR THI27 TEOPLF. Are Ycu Thin? Kli-fh 11 1. i !lh "'lilt "urn Tilili-fi I v n i!i- title J .... 1 1.1 , 11 ,1, ; .... . , 11 -!.,! 11 llf t'M 1 ! 'II llf loocl, n-rrpMlirf I 111) Tllllml pHrth 1 .. 1 i'r.Hvl!ii v 1 :' '.-i 'l,h', nm," hill I "' til.u.i,. .11... u-u K . 11: (lit; .iil They .. i th .STANJJAUI) UUMIiY for li nine -. ron'.itlii'i.s t-n r-i-tif, nt.il A't . Illtoly i '-I a. Prlr- prrpKlil. f I p.-r Imx. 1! for W. PitlMih it. "IIOU T.ii.l.. rAT'-frn. TIIElill.l'Ii.CI).,M.H Uuiv.Nc S'ow Tor . R-I-P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. rt' J u u u Taa Shoot the Best AND GET the GAME ! Al vii) a hiiri-FIrn nml At curate, htruuir uml CK-an llelnrurretl ( Itlplimt (jiiallty) 1 Inndeil with Klng-t fcw VlrUi-(Mi-illiiin ptknll, j Nntukelraa. (luurantei-il toclvo HIGHEST VELOCITY, LOW PRESSURE. BEAUTIFUL PATTERN. CLEAN. SMOKELESS. PETERS METALLIC CARTRIDGES . Abaolutrly I'nenualrd. THE PETERS CARTRIDGE CO,, CINCINNATI,!). Wanted-fln Idpa Whn cam thlntv of tome hupl vuujt(ujnienir BKal W SS ViJ r a aua C 3 ' 1U J ,- r isr , -w ,v iiiwvv ; J wi J-,