f V ff tk 1 1 i M f 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'ri'uiii nf tiifiif l til uu n'-lcr IK -I pi nl i i In icnvi'iil'ic ii'iiit li n' i" f .n mum nl himtl llrt',rl Km m. IIiihini) hra inn ( ii., viw Yo'k. Dilliiiil Hcdford was ill Omaha thi WCcl,. Iji'W OlniMcad was down from line Mill' Ttiedny. T. L Hacker was si visitor to Lin- llllll tills WPl'U. W..J. Miller of Omaha was looking after tilings hero Monday. It is said thiit 11. it. Simon has Hopped, hut wo don't believe it. K. Bodlo of York, member of ihe Arion quartet, was hero t li i week. if M. S. Marsh don't steal away with u lot of populist money wo nii.ss our guess. A largo shipment of hUcrs arrived hero this week to bo fed on Webster futility's corn. Always in Beanon, llopkin's Steamed Hominy (Hulled Corn). Elegant lunch Jn milk. Quart can 10 cents. Catarrh is a constitutional disease and requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, which purl' ties the blood. W don't sec why Richmond jumps .10 hard upon the- A. P. A. organization when ho is one of their number. It is just like jumping on one's self in his 'ise. A hacking cough is notonly annoying to others, but is dangerous to tint per son who lias it. One Minute Cough Cure will quickly put an end to it. C. I.. Cotting. Wo call tin attention of the readers of tho (treat Family Weekly to the page advaitNcment of C. Wiener, the vlotliier. Mr Wiener is making some prices Unit are interesting DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is an antiseptic, soothing and healing ap plication for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, etc., and cures piles like magic. It instantly stops pain. C. Ii. Cotting. Tetter, eczema and all similar skin troubles are cured by the use of Do- Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve. It soothes at once, and restores the tissues to their natural condition, and never fails to cure piles C. L. Cotting. Services at this Methodist Episcopal shureli next Sunday, conducted by Kev. .lames M. Daiby, as folUw.s: Preaching tit 10:30 a. in., followed by Sunday school. Junior League at 3 p. m. Senior League at 0:30 p. m. Preaehingat7.H0. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. All invited. Chronic constipation is a painful, disagreeable and life shortening diffi culty. It deranges the system, causes fcick headache, bad breath, and poisons tho blood. It can be readily overcome by DoWitt's Little Early Risers. These little pills are great regulators. C. L. Cotting. List of letters remainingiincalled for Attku postollice at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for the week ending October iiilrd, 181)0. Anderson, (5. V. Corintion, Din Hancock, Elijah Haucoor, Maud Ocobaok, A. Oustol, Grace- King, II. Wilson, It. Those letters will bo sent to tho (loud letter olllce, Nov.,Cth, if notcalled for beforo. FitANK W. Cowdkn, P. M. A pesky wolf has been prowling around John Crans' chicken house and 4io John set u trap for his wolfship. On Mouday night wolf howls from that direction caused John to investi gate but upon arriving on the ground it was found that tho wolf had broken tho chain and carried the trap off with hi in. It was discovered later that tho wolf was a big dg und thr.t the trap Jnwl hinU i. In.- ii c A fvnrded Highest Honors-Workl'a Fair. ," 'i '-", "S .-.'.- . t: f irv.r-vj.-. I n.'-O . 1 .-.V. l.x .. - A pmoCnpc Crnim nfT.iH.ir 1'owiUt. IV fioin Ammonia, Alum or sn other ailtilltfani 40 Yean tiie Standard, w CREAM THE P. K. Poe came in from Lincoln Moil day. Oscar Putter lias gono to Harvanl this state. liuhc Hellciier of Kansas City s licic this week. A. J. Evans of Clay CcHter, this state was hero Thursday Henry Ludlow of Campbell was here Moiidit and Ttie.Mlny. W. 11. Roby inattu a visit to Haidy Hid Lliiciilu this week. 11. L McCaity of Kansas City, Mis souri was hero this week. J. W. Samp-mi and Nels Andrews of HIno Hill were heie today. Fine cabinet size photos $1 (10 per dozen at the.Mouii block gallery. Geo. Hollister returned Thursday morning from a trip to Lincoln. ('.II. Kiinmel of Lincoln tallied in town a fw houison Wednesday. J F. Hamilton and Harry L. Uulli of Council Mull's, Iowa, wmo hero this week. Get your picture taken at the Mown block gullet y, cabinets only $1.00 per dozen. F. J. Lionbergcr of Huinbolt was here tho first of the week looking after business interests. A. R. Edniiston of Lincoln represent ing the Union Central Life Insurance Co., was hero this week. Tho Australian ballot for the elec tion in this county will he the longest over printed about 40 inches. C.A. Atkinson of Lincoln will speak on republicans issues lit Guide Rock Tuesday (ironing, October SOlli. Wo understand that Richmond lnu been lired out of tho A. P. A. order. Hence his article this week against that orilcr. 1. C. Cooper of liloomlngton came in Weducsday to transact business in the Gate City of tho Republican valley. C. L. Cotting, sole agent, will refund your money if not satKlied after using one bottle of Dr. Fenuer's famous medicine. Tho now baud organized by the populists played for the Wilson-Spun-ogle meeting here last Highland tak ing everything into consideration did very well. Speed and safety are the watchwords of the age. One Minute Cough Cure acts speedily, safely and never fails. A.-tliniit, hrouchiti, coughs and colds arc cured by it. C. L Cotting. M.S. Marsh is hcrefiom Reuwlck, Iowa. Marsh is on to liisjob and will carry some good hols nit of town with him when he leaves. It wont bo all re publican money either. Many lives of usefulness have been cut short by neglect to break up an ordinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis, and oven consumption can ho averted by the prompt uso of One Minute Cough Cure. C. L. Cotting. They are so little you hardly know you are taking them. They cause no griping, yet they act quickly and most thoroughly. Such are the famous little pills known as DoWitt's Little Early Risers. Small in sizo groat in results. C. L. Cotting. A pain in the chest is nature's warn ing that pneumonia is threatened. Dampen a piece of flanuol with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bind over the scat of pain, and another on the back botweou the shoulders, and prompt relief will follow. Sold by II. E. Gricc, druggist. At a town caucus of electors of all political faiths at Blue Hill, Albert Kort the presout supervisor from that district was unanimously nominated for tho same position again. Mr Kort is a "ood man for tho place and has u ade many friends while serving the county in tho position of siiperviser. Those who hulievo chronic diurrhma to be incuiablo should read what Mr P. K. Grisham, of Guars Mill, La , lias to say on lliu subject, viz: "I have been a snlTerer from chronic diarrhiea over since , lie war and have tried all kinds of medlciiius for it. At last I found a remedy that effected a euro ami that was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy." This medicine can always he depended upon for colic, cholera morbus, dysontary and diarrha'.i. It is pleasant to take and never fails to efT. ( .iciro S.r mil Ml cent sizes foi sale by II. !! (nice, druggist. Seems us If all llicthi. ..; i. '.' i- agrcH with tit, t.inl nil u 'i wo don't like, ugiec wi.h itn i)j -pi p Ma lurks in most of ilu- tnl lira's wo cat, and iiidige.uhm imiiiu- me gratification of uppeiiii . Oi . iiu.mJi isn't untitles fault. Naurc -, the best she can, uiid if u man i!! i.i help her a little hit at the ilglu iiu.i-, he can cat what he likci and in much as ho likes. Dr. Piici: Phaaut Pel-! lets are for people uho are tiouoleil with indigestion. Particularly lor those in whom it manifest) ilielf in 1 1 form of constipation. The "P.ln'ts' are quick and cu-.v in timir union. ' 'Ibey an- l-i r . i 'i n ,. .j ... ., , n-illire I'll ( U ' i I' I lllatli tit in o Villi neeil take 1 1 m M-gilrlv iillln wtiut . Aflel'llial ne them ( r, in., mii) when Joll .ie, ,; Um'iii-- ui.i'i, .mi li re : ill it :lli)ih... .liul (li-.Ui uitiiMiii. Tli.-y immj m lui.fii jt.-! a lively tin you would t:l..' M.it.foi.t oilier uot'c-alty (if lifo. Oneu tuuil tlioy ato always in favor. KED CLOUD CHIEF, JflllPAY. OCT. Hood's Cure nil liMT UN, liUlmii- ..g a Hess, lii'.wl, ii'lii tour stum, m all arh, IiiiIIi'imIIiiii. cniistlia- l 111 54 Hon. riii-jr ncl niilly, ultli. ' nut ilii nr ktIih". SoM In nil ilrusctiilii. ; ciMitn. Thu null; lllli to tuki- lth IIikmI', Sir.i.tlll.i. Al Galushu was in Liuenlii this ueek. X W. Green of Lincoln was here Satuiday Lou Fuller of Lawrence was here over Sunday. Edgar Cotting is reported as quite hick this week. J. X. lb-own of Xelson, Xllckolls county, wu- here Saturday. (nito a number of new cuinciibs aie being Iniill around town. Cabinet photos at ilin Moon block gallcrr for one dollai a doeu C. F. Eraiis wishes to i ii lot ill the pulilic that he is ready to move houses, Mi-s Jessie McKeighuu returned Tuesday evening from a visit at Fair- Held. Five cents woi th ef gum at Cuttings gives 3011 a chance to get that beauti ful brass ouy top stand. Knee pants of every description al Wiener's. The fiO cent pants wo are otTeriug heat anything for quality ever shown. McKiulcy and llohart pictures adorn a large number of the business linuscs and quite a number of residences around town. Will Rrower who now holds a posi tion witli tho It. & M. at McCook was hare Sunday 011 a visit to his parents Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Brewer. Charley Gust returned Wednesday night from Alabama thoroughly dis gusted with that state and very glad to again bo in a good state like Nebraska. Lost: On October ICth, somewhere between Mr. John Kellagg's residence and town a pocket book containing money. Will tho tinder please return to this office. All members of tho Ladies McKtnloy Club are requested to meet at Mrs. Mo Bride's store on Friday evening at 7:110 sharp and attend tho speech in a body. By Order of the President. We forgot ta mention that Jos. W. Warren .vas nominated for assessor by tho republicans at their caucus last week. Joe has given good satisfaction in that position in the past and of cour.-e will bo elected to succeed him self John Potter, brother of Mrs. L. Ful ler, spent Sunday in Lawrence. He resides lu Red Cloud and occasionally addresses Bryan clubs and silver meet ings throughout the county, his ability being highly spoken of considering his youth. Lawrence Locomotive. Beggs' Hlood Purifier nnd Blood Maker cores nil blood disorders. All eruptions of tho skin onn be removed by the use of this wonderful medioine. It has no equal, and is purely vegetable. C. L. Cotting keeps it, ns well as nil other first elnss goodu. Many political speakers, clergymen, singers and others who use tho voice excessively, rely upon One Minute Cough Cure to prevent huskiuess and laryngitis. Its valuo as a preventive is only equalled by its power to afford in stantaneous relief. C. L. Cotting. Richmond of tho Nation actod ns chairman of tho Wilson-SpaaoglemeetJ ing on Thursday night and arising to his feet said, that if same of tho repub licans iti tho hack end of tho room would keep quiet they would have some music by tho ladies' quartet. Tho chairman was mistaken, it was net tho republicans, but some of the high school scholars who were tilled with enthusiasm for some of the eloquence of Prof. Wilson which hail not leaked out 3ot. These are tho same lads whom Richmond iaduccd to make a disturbance at a republican meeting at tho court house somu weeks since c" The Gun Goes Off Instantly when you pull the trlf, ..ti". So sickness may cotnc on suddenly. But it takes time to load the gun, and it takes time to nt ready for these ex ploMonscalleddiseases. Coughs, colds, any "attack," whatever t the subject be, often means pre- ccntnjyweaKncssand poor blood. Are you getting thin? Is your appetite poor? Are you iosinc that snap, enerirv and vigor that make "clear-headed- nc"? ' Do cne thing t build up your whole system with iiui i o uaviuivOiuiN or p Cod-liver OH. It is thecsscr.ee j? of iv ulu..ent. It decanoti' P-"TT'c nuirtTT PTMIT r tiausat, d-ies not trouble the i StOTI . . that ck;'M" A ' ' ir rp '. . 1.1 1 lt( SCU 1 r C LOVNIi, Ktw '.'crk. riSfftttw-MMaraisssMs i j 1 . ,i "TO Church Notch t 1: MOWS The general Interest ef the chun li is on the incifMM1 The ladies aid society recently at their tueetin; elected new officers. The Sunday school Is in a good health) condition Large and attentive congregations listened to the Word at the morning and evening set rices Siiuda) . It is desiicil that the joting people more largely attend the Epworlh League ut II lit) Sunday ewining. The pastor Insists upeii :iu up to date religion, epeiienee and life, and pi caches u loving nineteenth eenturj ChriM Hard worked clerks and business until are invited to the services Strangers are peifeetlv welcome. "As if a brick wete Injing in iii stomach," is the ilcM'iiptlmi hy a dts peplic of his stomach after eating. I'hU is one of Hi eominotlct iyilip toms of indigestion. If .ion have il take Shaker Digestive (,'oulial Not only this symptom, hut all the symptoms of indigestion uieeuicd by Shaker Digestive Cordial. So many medicines to cine this one disorder. )nl one Unit can be called successful, because only 01m that acts in irtiinple, nutiiiu! and ct efficient way. Shaker Digest ire Coidial. Purely vegetable und containing no dangerous ingredients, Slinkor Digest ive Cordial tones up, strengthens and restores to health all the digestive organs. Sold by druggists. Price 10 cents to $1 per bottle. UATIN. Corn husking is in full blast. A sister of Mrs. Ell Sorgenson from Superior is here on a visit. Emory Bean and family dined ut Rev. Beans Sunday last. Rev. Bluekwoll preached at Pleasant Pralrio several times this week. Morris and Christian Jespeisen from Thomas county, Kansas, was in this locality the lirst of the week. A. N. Wilson is having a large bnrn and corn crib built. Otto SMelver is doing the carpenter work. Johnson Wisecarvcr has built a house on Ids farm mid his In other Harp will occupy it. Randolph MeXitt spoke to a large crowd at Xeith Star Sutuulav night. The republican qiiui telle furnished ex cellent music Stdnnmi. IS IT CURABLE. A Question Often Asked by Those Af flicted With Piles. Is it .strained joint curable? Is local inflammation curable? Of course, if properly treated. So is piles. People often become allllctcd witli piles and ask some old "chronic" who has always persisted in the wrong treatment and naturally ho discourages them by telling them that their case is hopeless. They in tura discourage others, and thus a disease that can in every case be cured by careful and skillful hand lingjs allowed to sap the energy of thousands who might free themselves of the trouble in a few days. Pyramid Pile Cure will euro the most aggravated cases of hemorrhides in an uHtonishingly short time. It re lieves the congested parts, reduces tho tumors instantly no matter how large, allays the iiiilammntien and stops tho acheing and itching at once. Thousands who have resorted to ex pensive surgical treatment have been cured by the Pyramid Pile Cure in a nunibor of instances persons who had spent months in a hospital under a pile specialist. It is a remedy that none need fear to apply even to the most aggravated, swollen ami inflamed heinorrhidal tu mors If you are alllie.led with this stub born disease you can muster il and master it quickly. 1 iiih loiiiedj 1 mi niiiKcr mi 'XM!ii - mum, but 11 mciliciil certainty. It Ih iiiitiiiifauturcil by the Pyramid Drug Co., of Albion, Michigan.' DruggiHtH soil it iitr0 ucntH pur box. It i.s becoming the most popular pilo euro this country has ever known and ill tiggistK everywhere uie ordering il for 1 heir ciiRlonici-H. . .. ,. BLADEN. ,.... 8..nw -limit .suTeral days at bartliiH w-.l; I), llvrnc wi- 1 '.tiie II IM v N lor Sun. s, , H.da aficri Frank llnnni i- doing rnad work on iiimiii Ntrcet I hN week C.K. IliekH and S J. Wheeler took a dilwt to Blue Hill Sunday. Scott I'lilllm of Ayr was in thin vicinity looking after vwtes. Quite 1. iiiiinbcr ittleuded the Suiherlaiiil rall at Hlue Hill Tuesday. I). Aplcy drove to Thayer county Ibis week and will visit fiicudi ut Ilrutiing and vici ill jr. I). II SpaiM'Kic of Heil Cloud enter ,i,M 'i........! i.w,,.!!,-. mr w A bH Sanndaj evening, !! v S. in il-'raml family left Thurn allied a e.iinf populUls at tlir (1. iii iii nt; for I in' iViisI whle he im-i i . ;i : il in il. il i' dug lJ U J Idling I V. ( i n I'Mi'ildo lloi'v and I'e iilu lean eiiehuile ii' li'pH ellllltill mis lu this vicinity making friends and vole.'., 23, 1890. ;to.oaeaa)noaaeaaaini $250,00 i 1 ll-ft-"'mJaW hi Hi, U 1 11 ii . ' '' il.lVTXVTP'VllUiU 8 '"lUn. Tho Bost Smoking Tobacco Miuio uoQocuGcwoQooacaatvi (tfMsocooooonoooocooooaooooooaoo 7VUNER SPECIAL COALMJflNOKS Jlonday, October 26th, And cout intuis till wnok up t.o and including Slutti i"rt CIST, October 551. This will he the bust opportunity you have yet had to get your Winter Wraps. During this sale you can Standard Calico At Um! same time wo will give tt CLEARING SALE ON IT JS TIME FOU Blankets and Comforts Our .stock is complete Prices the lowest. We wish to again call for attention to our line of Boys heather Stockings. 19 11) Granulated Sugar $1.00 6 Star Coffee, - $1.00 5 ll Lion or Arab Coffee $1.00 Ouf Stoek .is fn A Mr. I'lnrco uiiil fnniilr liviiiL' timtli f town left tlio llrsi of ilni wcuk fur flnt. tie Crei'k, Midi , wIiiiir they rill nciko tluiir future Immc. (jniti! 11 iiuiuIht nf fii(iil"il'"'l,,l in (in Me mil Mi--. Stlmiilto 'IVi-mImy 'ovctiinpn.l ruvo tlium i surprise bo j for tlu.Ir ilopartim. for their future j home. lUv. Hummel gave u very interest ing lecture- Tuui'inlay uruniiig on the lllauk Hills country. i'lio Signal Iuh not hail much to say iso far in regard to Mr. t.'rary us can- .11.1..... I.... .1.... !'!... a I.I. iiiiiiiiu mi iiiji uai'iii.iin ti, 1 uu 1 ' wuuii: is Mr. Crary is onn of these niun about ',,, ,t , L llBl.eMlir, l0 S!iy v-ry inn -h. Ki Iii lin connection m ., , 1 iiusiiies uer hivimi Known iiiroiigu. I.,,,. .. 1 ,, ....1 ,...,. ..1 ..!.. .i, "iv .-" " 1 ii'iii utin j """j rv mis kiioMH him kimws he is all right, with out waiting o nu told i'. Wit hear much talk mm days about corruption in politicK, but here ia a man up for an Inportnut (illicit wii'ho integrity n uu. impeached, how would It bo to give him a rnii-iuu' voln just to show that when we al o talking so loudly about, the iieeeHv for n iiiirillenttnii nf pnliiici, and for putting only lltst.class ' men in olllee. we menu wliat wn sav. ' (iuiile Unci; Signal. ICnniJM tism n .O'oi: wliich"L'ivcH no (.iirti'r U tufuii'ii:-. it-, ictiiiis day and niiilit. 11-eni's S usipaiilla put ilins the blmid and cures thu aches and pains of i hciiinaiNui IIO'lp'S l'n.l.S aie 'ie lllll'.'lil' ft tt I IVf ..I" I'd, ililc, ut'i'. f imil.) en- '. f.i'llllc, Ur. Price's Cream Unking Powder ( Win ld' Pair lllltfit A'.ciUlooJ Llipluma. nzim. ii in To Be Given Away this year in valuable articles to stuokcts of Blackwell's Conuino Durham Tobacco You will find otic coupon in side each 'j-ouuee bog, and two coupons inside each .(-ounce bag litis a bag, rcadthccoiitioii and sec how to get your share. BROS., CLOAK SALE got lO AToi'cIjs for 35c. Only one pattern to each Lady. Boys can't wear them out. 8 Hars Laundry Soap 25c Prices Baking Powder 35c Barrel Salt, - $1.35 of Bargains. call will convince yon. Epilepsy 20 Years. Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. A few years ago,! Mr. h. W. Oatlnhcr, was an uxtnnslvo, Kucccsful export inunu facturcrof I jinlMTjioiliicts. Atlacliod with ciillcpsy, In) tva.i ,)l)llK(jti toi;lvii up lilnbusl niiis. 'I'liu .'Utui'l.si.iuno ujjou him imistln oiK)riuiiLly. Onn tlmu tailing from acurrl ap!, at iinotlmr (town stalls, und often In tho Btrctt. On co lio foil down a shaft In tho mill, lilaliiJurlt'H nearly proving fatal. Mr. Qallahor writes from Milwaukee, Fob. 18, 'M. . ,9t & m- ' . f: "Thero arc norm moro mlaortitdo 'lmn cpl- leptlCB. ForlOyeurs I Hiitlurcd with opJlop- tlofith, huvliii;uhl;liaiiltuiiioiiuul:ht. I trk'il any numiic of, i .lau, ii.jii Ui 1 ono alone, a fro of f.'X' CO lunl have domi I little fur yuam hut c.i if ' fur wnc.ntnit to help inn, ami li'iio t.iuon all tlio loadlni: remedies, hut rei'cl. i' iiioul. e'at. Aynar.itfn ray non, Clns. f. ( i Ilijeil'St , A"l-'. u ltustornilvn f.'.vt'ti' Ifratlfyi'it: r-jsttl- I sin it I ' ' i evciy i j i , i i ), ii OH n p. ,l.. I r t i.i r, lK Ut, 1U1 . ...- .'. ii.: j 1 I m 1 t with In. I tint tro 1"; I uu li .". r. t n . . ji'ii.i. , ' t Wl.i U'.l, '.'.oj' in Heart ami Norvt, '.,-o. Addre ' Dr. MIIC3 U Ulcal Cc, i.l wi.irt, Ind. Dr. Miles' RcincdiC3 Ucstoro Health. SHOES siffia; . ' H,Bs&m. J i'. ! 9 - i: . r ir tfc.-- r t r awl IK ... . -..s. ;?jy-uVlJltt At r x "" fr-w---, --!---fya.s'--- -yr- ?S -1? W" ngyay. , -?'. mJOUJs m- 't Mamtmmkm y