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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1896)
( 'mMMnn n i i v'mmmmmJk YffAHrscWAffttsRSKvi I iw fc,. .. ,. . lVli "- r7, '-k ' " f? v 15 J?KrtS2li2S5? '- t t. m, --- r-jy-if-giijim jjajaura r . puini.,ir,i;i iii; i- . ' ..,.... ii .- . 7 c .Hlk' a3'gsiagg.ayrri.-g!g-;jfc 'H -i.V.-' M k -- .. H :SiBlHBr ilK.r'.n JAa"' .'"- . --rt.-.. - k H B H. HB .V xH a- h J i 1 i.miII . " L"K k. I II 'llll'l. . i : r, T1. i" i ' ii aKrfii Mwfflpi" ;-a.i: JSrll'iNlikl K L. "" temmm&jmmwMJimft lasers mmmemmmtm?m Hiia. -. . . i- . m-m v b .m.M- mu j B.mjat- ' 'ir. - j 4 am m 1 w - 1 a 1 1 r . fc -. a. a .r v . ir.a - J bihb & -d. - valab-bbwibsb.iij' bbbbiblbi 1 .bw aim .01 ..r. 11 k. inri tv : -' "i ir --5 L-v.-:,r!f-Kikiwrfcv -. ci-jr-i r;- n ASk .a..r.SHiK2w-i6pKKTnPKitJisr&&& " ,. .... 'li !'' "t-raSfcl K 'li Ui - - pi JS.: ''!,;"- jeiu fiir? 1. ' - 'iiias",! t jfA- ;xc. , w,t-i si-tei .- VOLUME XXIV. RED CLOUD, .NEBRASKA. OCT. 23. 180(. NUMHEU42 m: 5.f'',' 5535 :a ?". IT WM BE 16 TO 1 YOUR FAVOR ! 1! you mill see w stoGk before buying. itiV. to?!: Ml; ? 5rt3: Over three-auarters of our $20,000 stock has been bought This Season and on a Cash Basis. Our fegj t Clothing: is made for Fall and WinterjWear. Our better grades carry a warrantee with them, and & are better made and better lined than any clothing offered by others. Our prices ABE LOWER. k& 1 MIENER, THG CLOTHI6R. n a 1w WHERE IS THE WOMAN who doesn't like to have her husband, her sweetheart, her father or her brother well dressed? She may not say much, but she "takes a heap of notice' and nothing would please her more than to see you in one of our H. S. & M. suits, the kind that is guaranteed. CLOTHES BEARING THIS LABEL" ARE WARRANTED. !3E2ffi ,J W H ri MEN'SSUITS, . Warranted li. S. & fl. " llllake of Fine Suits. II Our $12.00 suit equal to any $15.00 suit. Our $10.00 suit equal to any $12.00 suit. Our $8.00 suit equal to any $10.00 suit. Our $7.00 suit equal to any $y.oo suit. Our $5.00 Suit equal to any $7.00 suit. Our $4.50 suit equal to any $6.00 suit. We have a few suits carried over from hist sc.i'on which we offer at almost half former prices. jL Boys' and Children's SUITS. We are offering the Best - Values and Defy all Competition. MEWS SHIRTS I We have them at i6cts, 25cts, 35cts, 4octs, 5octs, up to $1.25. Our Bull Dog brand at 48cts takes the cake. You will find a large line of Heavy Wool Shirts, Night Shirts, White Shirts, Fancy Shirts. Hats cixxcl Caps ! Hats for Men from 35cts up. Belter hats at the prices we are offering them at, can not be duplicated. In caps we have them from 20cts up. 20 Styles of Dock Coats 1 Blanket Lined from gocts up to $2.0. We have them also Rubber lined. Afso reversible, two coats in one, consisting of Duck and Jeans, and Jeans and Rubber. We carry a large line of Trunks and Valises ! Our prices will please you. Overcoats a"d Ulsters! Our prices on these goods for men and boys were never as low as at present. preize Ulsters From $6.50 to $12.00 worth nearly double the money. Our line of Dress Overcoats in Kersey and Beaver from $8.00 to $15.00. The garment for $10 equal to any $15 coat. We HRUB THE CHBRPBR CRRDBS 5W1-SO. I' 1 We have the best make of SHOES in America. V- make special Low Prices on them. UNDERWEAR! Men's Undershirts and Drawers at 1 sets, 35cts, 50cts, 7Scts, up to $1.50 a garment, are better values than you will find if 1 Webster county. Gloves and Mittens. We have them in Wool, Kid, Goat, Buck, Reindeer, Mocha, Hog Skin, Horse Hide, Dog Skin, Sheep and other leathers put into gloves Lined and un lined. You will buy if you see our prices. Ml mi ?, s. T .Jv if il ' rj t 1 r lV s r V .S V 1 ii - . r M Z U . !.Uv II II 1 x - -- .. ...... . uJSa"r""- .rs- .. w jTswaa" ..: . iaie