THE ItED CLODD CHIEF, FRIDAY, OCT. J6 1896. 0 r t FOR A STONK MAN. MUSEUM PROPRIETORS FOUGHT ACROSS A CHASM. SprcolMnra Aro Vlrtnrltiin nt Law Ilia yK linn Npvrr (ialnail I'lMnrmlon of ll Itndj Htory nt llm 11 lie Hr. FIEItCE Imttlofor n potrilli'il patent took place In north ern North Dakota, near the Manitoba lino, Hometlmo ago between a young man, who claimed to be a Hon of thu Individual who had turned Into stone, and IiIh friends, on one rdcli, Mid several museum specu lators who wre trying to got away with tbn adamantine liiiman on thu other, wiyn the New York World. The tlKht hnppened on the Orlnotok plateau on the edge of n cliff. The petrified man had been concealed nt tho bane of tin- can on. While the specu la torn were nt work laboriously haul ing the remarkable eiirloHlty to the lop, the son and bit. mipportci'H wciu M-on across the ruvlue galloping fill loudly toward them. When tho son euughl Right of the ipeculntorH he opened lire. The dls Ihiicp wim too great, however, for the shot to dike effect. Tho speculators re doubled their effort, while thn party on Uie other Hide of the canyon kept up a steady fire. The petrllled man was hauled to ih lop beforn any one huh shot, ami then, lying behind the mass of stone, 'hoy leturned the tire with repeating lilies. The chaum was too gieat to be Jumped on Ikiipph and Ik about r,even miles long Flmillv the kou and IiIh friends went away, pvlilently Intend ing to come around on the other Hide. llefore they had time to do thin, how ever, tho petrllled man hail been suMy carried away Into Manitoba, and soon after It wiix placed on exhibition in large cities ami Iowuh In the north west. 1'rnm attempting to recover his pet rllled parent bv foice of arms the sen hail now tinned to legal pioreedlngs. In almost every city he has attached the stone man. ami as a result the cu riosity has been kept most of the time In Jails awaiting the decisions of the com Is. In every Instance the ipceu lutoi'K have won. There Is no piece dent In Inw to determine whit evi dent p it Is necessary for n son to pro duce in order to prove that a petrified man is simply ills parent turned to stone, and so the western Judges have dismissed the suits, Tho petrllled man was found on 'he farm of George McPherrun, in Mar shall county, Minnesota, by a farm hmiil. It represents perfectly a man about six fet high. A few Inches be low the heart Is a hole which Is sup posed to bo the mark of a bullet. His tlmlis were perfectly straight, with the exception of the left arm. and his eyes were closed. His mouth wns pait way open. Tho teeth are still in gooil con dition and shine like ivory. Thu lips aie shriveled so that the teeth are dls plu.ved more vividly. Theie weie a few hairs on his eyebrows and on the front part of his skull. One of the toes on the left foot was broken off. A resident of Minnesota, after seeing .in account of the petrlllcatlon, said bo thought ho knew thp history of the man. lleforo he saw the stone he aid "If It is the man that I think It Is 'here will ho a bullet-hole In the center of his breast." After visiting the petrl lled man ho said that he was satisfied thnt it was the body of l.c Count, a. Frenchman, and that a son of tho de ceased was living at Louisville, Minn. l.e Count was a Canadian voyagur and guide. He married a half-breed and, together with her and his two boys, set out from the city of St. Paul to guide a party of three Englishmen to Fort Pembina and return. When ihpy rej.ched a point on their eturn Journey which was on the pralrlo along the i'emblna trail, in what Is now Mar shall roiinty, Mlnnesoja, they made camp for the night. One of the Englishmen had uctnl very queerly for some days and sud denly became Insane that very night. Early in the morning, hefoie the rest of the party arosp, l.e Count went rut aide of the tent, where he was met by tho Insane Englishman, who, wlthvit the least warning, picked up a rifle i d shot I-4 Count In the breast. Thn family of the dead man dug a riiilo grave In a lonely spot and con tinued their jotirnej to St Paul. He fore reaching St. Paul the Englishman went away and left the family to go the path alone. This stor.v. It is said, tan be proven by the elder sou of Lo Count, who lives ut Medicine Lake. The petilned man was shipped to Kargo, N. D., and placed on exhibition. The elder son of l.e Count, the guide, hearing of the clreumstances, started to claim the stone man as the body of his parent. The speculators wore told of his Intent and the) scuriied nway to ihe north, near the Manitoba lino, ami hid their curiosity at the place whore thn tight took place, Thero has recently been a story to the effect that the molds from which tho petrllled man was cast had boon ftyind In nnother state. This Is gen erally regarded as an attempt to de stroy public Interest, as a careful ox amlnatlon of the putrlllcatlon revolt! much ovldenco to prove that tho Imago foultl not havo been manufactured Tho proprietors of tho stone man huvo already mnilo n good fortune. They huvo crossed the Hue of North Dakota and nro now exhibiting their wonderful find through Canada. A tock company has beeu organised, One of the proprietors, a man who him a mill a( Mln to, thin slate, Haiti reennt ly Unit lin would ratlior havo tho Htono man than five mills. MUNKACSY TO GOTO HUNGARY ANrr a l.ons unit HiiMeMfnl Carnrr In Vnrf. The London Tim's' special corres pondent at Hiidapest writes: "M. Munkacsy, the great Hungarian paint er, Is to return to Hungary and tako up Ms peimanent lesldence In this country. An olllclal position has been conrened upon him with adequate emoluments. M. Munkacsy has never given up his Hungarian citizenship and has, Indeed, lemalned a thorough Magyar In character, habits and even In his way of thinking a circum stance that has Increased his popular ity with his fellow-countrymen. The exact position and title which M. Mun kaesy will hold In Hungary, as also the time of his arrival, tire, lott to hl own dlHciotlon. He has two suilios In Paris, together with his residence, whloh Is really n museum of art Tho removal of such Kirtlons of hit col lection as ho may decide to bring in Hungary anil the disposal of th re mainder will take a considerable time. He has lived In Franco slnte the early 70s, and he has painted theie all his most celebrated pictures. While the French have treated him with coiiHlnnt favor, ho has never (tainted a French subject. He considers himself to be under a debt of gratitude to the French, which he wishes to icpay be fore leaving Frame. Ho Is, therefore, looking out for a subject which he wishes to paint as a faieweli gift, and Hesitates between a scene from the life of Napoleon and one fiom that or Joan of Aic M. Munkacsy will take up his residence In Budapest, and this may bo cousldeied im 11 splendid millen nial presentation made by the Hungar ian government to the people. It will be an encouragement to the onager geneialion of artists, who will thus have the benellt of M. Munlcuesy's ad vice ami criticism " IT WAS SYMPATHY. Ami It Cuinc ul llin Itlulil .Mutuant itml Stiijctl Mm rollrniinii' Anfnr. From the New Vork Mall and Impress- He was onl an Italian fruit wilder. There was nothing about him likely to Insplie the beholder with feel ing, one way or another. He was not lagged enough to call for especial sym pathy, nor unkempt enough to pro voke disgust. Yet to the policeman on his beat lie was undoubtedly tbe ob ject of considerable animadversion. 'I his was evidenced by the iiniPlentlng vigor with which he was pursued from corner to corner by the over-zealous guardian of the law. The other day, in a too hurried re sponse to the everlasting outer to "move on." the fruit peddler's curt was upset and his peaches and pears were scattered over the gioiind and across the street car track. The enraged po liceman could hardly icstraln the Im pulse to ute bis club. "The dlit.v loafer!" exclaimed be. "He did It 011 purpose Just trying to excite sympathy." "H has succeeded, then." said 0 soft voice at the olllcer's elbow, ami a neat Hide woman stopped and began tr gather up the scattered fiult. The otllcer's face leddened. lie hesi tated n moment, and then he. too. Joined In the work of restoration To-day the Italian was seen peace fully il) lug his trade on his accus tomed beat, unmolested li hi old enemy, the policeman. 'Ill Sill luii' llraionl. Very few people aie awaie that the actual sultan of Turkey is descended from a French lady. His great-grandmother, Nachasadll Sultana, consort of Abdul Hamid 1, was born In the West Indian Island of Martinique in the lat ter (inarter of the elghte-Mith century. I lor maiden name was Aiuiec im bue de Hlvery She was cousin and companion In childhoo.l of another lady, Josephine de la Pa gerle. who escaped from the guillotine on which her Hist husband was be headed, to become Empress of the French. Mile, de Ulver.v.on the com pletion of her education at a convent in Nantes, embarked at Marseilles for the West Indies. She was shlpwiecked and rescued by u vessel on Its way to Algiers, This vessel was captured by Algerian pirates, and the lady wus tak en prisoner, and sold as a slave to the Iley, who In his turn made her a pies ent to Abdul llamld I. Hy him she be came the mother of Mabomoud II, the Heformer, and grandfather of the pies cut sultan. In 1SG0 the Sultan Abdul Aziz gave the details of the story to Empress Eugenie, then in Constanti nople on her way to Cairo, and very gratefully claimed her as a cousin. I'arinnal Appnaranra of Colrrlilgr. In tils "Llfo of Sterling," Carl.vle gives us a description of tho appearance of the poet Coleridge; "Tho deep eyen of a light ha7Pl were as full of sorrow as of Inspiration, confused pain looked mildly fromatliem, as In a kind of mild astonishment." Another says: "His forehead was prodigious- a great piece of placid marble; and his flue eyes, lu which all the activity of his mind seemed to concentrate, moved under It with a sprightly ease, as If It were a pastime to them to can) all that thought." Yet anothci friend of his writes: "Tho up. per part of Coleridge's face was ex cessively lino. Hit eyes were large, light gray, and prominent, of liquid billllancy, which some ees of tine character may be observed to possess, as though thu orb Itself ret tented to the Innermost recessed of the bruin," THOUGHT HURTS TEETH. Itraln Wnrknr lin Morn Trnulil llh IIM Molar Than thr l.atiorar. A prominent New York dentlBt made the Htntcmcnt the other day, which he said was bucked by the highest scien tific authority, that Intellectual pur suits pluy havoc with the teeth and that the more a man toils with his brain the more likely ure his teeth to disappear or to become diseased boforo he reaches middle life, says the New York Journal. The reason why people In this coun try have poorer teeth than those of any other country In the world is because they live at tho highest possible pitch of nervous piPSHiire. Savage races gen eially have teeth superior to those of civilized ruces. There are many manual occupations, too, that have a bad effert on the teeth. Quicksilver miners, bleachem who use chloride of lime, people employed lu soda factories ure uumo of those who suffer. But the most harmful trade of all, not only In Its effect upon the gen eral health, hut also upon tho teeth, Ih that of making matches. The phos phorus URed In their manufacture af fects lu some way the health of the teeth of those who handle It. Artificial teeth arc made of alt soiti of strange substances nowadays, but probably the most curious of all ma terials used for this purpose Is coin piessed paper. A dentist In Germany has been making them In thlH way for many years past. False teeth were never so cheap as they arc to-day, and at the samp time never so dear. They can be purchased as low as $:i per set or they may cost as high as 1.."00. There aie expensive dentists, ns well as expensive doctors and It Is not an uncommon thing for $."(() to be paid for a new outfit of molars. When It comes to expensive teeth, or, rather, an expensive tooth, probably the costlllest and most highly prized in the world Is that of a sacied monkey. It Is In one of the temples of Slam, pieserved In a golden box. The value the natives put upon It may be Judged by the fact that they paid $n.7.')0,0()0 to Portugal for its tansom when the fortunes of war placed It In the possession of that nation. The Cingalese also venerate as sacred a monkey's molar, while the people ot Malabar worship one of an elephant's giluders. lu the Tonga islands a tooth f 1 mil a shark's Jaw is regarded with leveieuce, and in India the faith ful adore a tooth that is said to have hi en once In active service lu the mouth of Hitddha himself. The first dentist. In fact, must hav lived long before Buddha. At any 1 ate, theie weie dentists lu plenty Ic Egypt and (iieeee ."00 yearn B. C, whe used gold for tilling teeth and golden wire for llxlng aillllclul ones. Oold has even been dlscoveied lu the teetl' of mummies known to be many thou rands of years old. GERMAN MEDIAEVAL SCHOOLS. 'Ill tlilui'HtlniiHl MiiTcmrnt Vfaa .Slot In Klwlillli UhpU. In German), which today we regari as the home of the university par ex cellence, the educational movement sli.iugel) enough, was slow toestabllst list If. lavs the Quartcrl) Itevi'sv. Thr low state of civilization, the lack ol political centralization, the dlalutcgra thin of civic life, together with the fad that the bulk of the German student! touched b) the Intellectual revival was dia'Mi off to P.uisor Bologna, told reveiely against the pioductlou of great national studio. Hence, with tho ex ception of Prague (1 eally Bohemian) and possibly Vienna, the tea! Impor tance of such German universities n Hcldelheig, I.eipslc and Eifurt dates fiom the leforin.itlon. which, as Mr liiislidall antly lemluds us. was "born in a university" and only made possl hie through the iinlveisltles. Prague, like Naples, was the result of n dellnlte foundation, owing Its cxlstcuco to a papal bull In 1IM7, followed by a char ter of Charles IV., of "Golden Bull" fame, In litis. Founded as a deliberate stroke of policy. It was copied In 13B5 b) the ilvul Hupshutg cieatlon at Vienna, ami In both these acta the In lluence of Frederick's notable charter of PJ'-M Is distinctly traceable. Striking mi Is Its mixed constitution, tho chief Inteipst In Prague will always center in (ayu France to America, "and the Eng Its tragic history. nsh bigger wheel that won't go round, The tinlvcislty arono in the ualc)on age of Bohemia and awoke lo And Itself what do jou Bay to a great, lofty famous. As the most solid expression i,uiaing that spins slowly like a mu of tbe passionate Bohemian national- PBtc top? You sit In a splendid hall, ism, the theater of the bloody struggle between Teuton and Czech, which only dosed In tho expulsion of the Germans; ns the arena of a tierce philosophical collision between Teutonic and ortho- do nominalism against Czech nnd heretical" realism; as tho mouthpiece of the religious icvival of Mlllez, Mat' thl.iH, Janow; dually, as the ulnu mator of Hush, schoolman, leformer, and martyr, the blnuiul Pnlver.jity of Pi ague foieshadowed In nilniaurP the era of Sturm and Drang, which sapped tbe fabilc of meillaevalisni nnd iihIumcI in the reformation. Arllllilal Silk. Tho process for tho manufacture of artificial silk Is based upon that em ployed by nature. The first thing used Ib wood for mulberry leaves are In reality tho equivalent of a mulberry wood. The wood is worked Into u paste, after being dipped In nitric and sulphuric adds, is dried and placed In a bath of ether and alcohol. A trans formation takoB place and a k,lud of glue or collodion Is tho result. l)unirmifrjr Alarm. She- "Miss Homely makes herself ridiculous by being to frightened every time thero Is a thunder storm." He "Why so?" I She "Decaiine there bus to be some , attraction even for lightning." $(&kfkfk9kyk9k Wk9k9k!)k$k)k5klk1k GIGANTIC REVOLVING TOWER, PARIS, f Franco built the Eiffel tower and .timed tip her nose nt the world. England's retort was to lay the foundation of tho Wembley Park tower, Htolld, stupid retort, for, even If the aew tower Is a few feet higher, It will be n mere Imitation of the French orig inal. America's reply to the Eiffel tower rvtw the Ferris wheel. "Anybody," raid America, "can pile uteel beams one up mi another. It Is only a shade more intelligent undertaking than heaping itone upon stone; but we have put up 1 structure us big as your tower, and It goes round, Instead of standing still." France stopped to think. Englund bull-headed enough built 1 wheel of steel bigger than ours, and mrther differentiated by the fact that t sometimes sticks Instead of going ound, nnd leaves peripheral parties of nerry-mukers to spend a night In the ilr. All of this Is an old story. But now. wo discovered what Franco na been thinking about, nnd that la litlte a now story. jij. ' "Your big wheel that goes round," ,rp onjv m 0 nimige country cousins. mder noble arches, surrounded by jtntely palms and festoons of flowered NiIU!Hi ant while you eat your dinner ail,i (jrnk your coffee and talk to your uestglii nnd hear the band piny, you i0olv out of the big windows nt n city whlch seems to move beneath your i?aze like the cloth of a gigantic pano rama." Tho Inventor Ib M. Devlc, nnd he falls his big tower the "Palace of Prog css." This extraordinary sort of a struc ture Ib shown In tho architect's per spective drawing. Tho outer room of tho building will move at tho rate of 1.U7C meters, or about three feet eight i..i,u .in,- unenmi which is ns nearly ,s possible to two and one-half miles an hour. A complete revolution will t.itrtimii IllUlon of I.lor. In the manufacture of knives the di vision of labor has been carried to such an extent that 0110 knlfo Is handled by "0 different nrtlsans from tho moment tho blade Is forgpd until tho Instru ment Is finished and ready for market. Aniwurail. "And why," tho teacher continued, should we hold tho agPil In respect?" " 'Cause It Is mostly tho old men that m nit thn monov." Tommy answered, I and tho teacher wasn't nblo to offer ' any better reason. tWhwwiiwIJSh mWB '1 fill Wm wr.llPw' nff,Eiag WriKn. i- LT11 HrTNlVE Vhvp-ysp ,-.- MM fflmlvw t v-. v 1 r; n i 1 1 n ih 1 Ml R - SpJbiSJ! 1 1 11 19 HL-.FWSfcv W" ifcS&fer vwsmasp. acz-ty szm mrcWlLfJn tm ""TTitilir thus occupy about two minutes, and tho views of Paris and of the hills and plains of the Seine and Mame coun try will change an rapidly as the ocen cry changes when one Is strolling alow ly along a road. The rotary building will bo only half tho height of the Eiffel tower, but, as it Is to be erected nar tho summit of Montmartre, the highest point within the fortifications, It will command a broad view, cut only by the tower of the new church on the apex. The bearings aie said by the median leal engineers who have prepared the specifications to be so designed as to absolutely ussute the absence of all senso of motion. When you are not looking out at the view you will be as tranquil as in any other building, but when you swing your chair so that you face the window you enjoy a serene motion and contemplate a. constantly changing spectacle. The motive power which will supply the force necessary to turn the struc ture will be hydraulic, and Its cost has been calculate,! to be only 37 12 francs sE-r ir ,jaflE2. I - -T'nT -'- tJrrl ' x. 3 .; s s: per hour, although each time that the movement is cheeked the hydraulic pressure needed to give It 11 now Im pulse will represent an expenditure of '.ML'.SO francs. Uozler, the taterer and refreshment tontrnctor, who has made a fortune out of buffet concessions at all tho race courses lu tho neighborhood of Paris, Is the largest shareholder in the en terprise, and Mnrchand, manager of the EnlllPH Beigeies, and of two or three oier less Important variety hulls, has underwritten a large block of stock and will control the music and the vaude ville attractions, which are relied upon to assist lu drawing pleasure-loving ParlB to this vortex of delights. The upper pint of the building will be oc cupied by a public ball-room to bo open from 11 o'clock In the evening until '1 In tho morning, and the Bpace Imme diately below this for an artificial Ico skating rink, so that tho allurements of tho Palais de Glace on the Polo Nord will bo added to those of the Moulin Hougo and the Casino de Paris. In Ave run "Oh, yes," explained Pluto, affably, "ladles are usually made rather timid by tho lire nt first. For n week or two they don't do much of anything but throw chlnuwaro out of the win dows and carry feather beds down stairs In their arms. Yes." Whoreby It was made to appear be yond cavil thnt tho owig welbllcho was essentially spiritual nnd not, ns has been strenuously maintained In certain ounrters. u distinctly material and thoreforo a I Tribune. mortal entity. ueirou AN IRON CONSTITUTION. llarn 1 m Man Tliut Morn lliati Kill Hip lllll. A genius lu Tonnwanda. N. Y has constructed an electrical man. It id made of steel, and furnished with a storage battery capable of holding elec tilclty enough to run It twenty-four hours at a time. Of course, It Isn't alive, and et for nil ordinary purpose It can till the olllce of a man In some respects It will be an Improvement on the oidliiaty man. It won't swear, steal, nor talk llnancc at the store while otie'B wife does washing and klllB po tato bugs at home, lu fact, It doesn't talk at ull. This quality would have made It an excellent ptealdeutlal possi bility In the caller purt of the season. The Inventor of this modest and unas suming creature Is a man of wealth, and will Immediately engage In the munufactiire of electrical men on i lurge scale. We cunuot have too many of them. In case of military conscrip tion u better substitute can hurdly 1p conceived. Should we become em broiled In a war with any European monurchlal effeteness. it would only bo necessary to send an army of electrical men against it. Such troojw would need no overcoats; neither would they be Btisceptlble to sunstroke. No mat ter what confronted them, they would trudge right ahead. The Six Hundred that undertook to drive Ilusslu out of the Crimea, and whose foolhnrdlness gave Tennyson such a nightmare of meter and rhyme, wouldn't stand a ghost of a show In u race for fame along with a regimen of freshly charged. Hteel-ilbbed electrical men. Here Is your Ideal soldier. The electrl tal man can be put to many practical uses, such as plowing for the farmer and doing odd choies around the house. Several of the eastern titles have a surplus of women. They will be tin able to tlud husbands without going west. Of course, no one will claim that as a husband an electrical man would be preferred to a nun of flesh and to bacco. But when a woman finds her self slowly slipping down the decline of splusterhood, she's not apt to be squeamish about her partner having inch superficial accomplishments as a talent for music, a llowing penmanship, or tho ability to use cuss words Every family will undoubtedly soon 1 have an electrical man to take caie of ' the bees, arrange the Hue fence with the adjoining neighbor, and to be In terviewed by book agent.s. Dress one in petticoats and a more desirable chap eron could hardly be Imagined. Let us all extend the hand of fellowship tu our Iron brother. Life. WOMEN WHO MADDEN MEN. Do It Innocently, llrvua Thay llo Not Know How to lr Wltei. Women may be charming, wholly de voted to their homes and their hus bands, and yet be so tactless, thought less and aggravating us to drive hus bands to the extreme of misery. "Any observant bachelor, could recall the number of Instances of women who, from mere want of tact nnd intelli gence are almost driving their hus bands mad by getting on the!. nerves. They forget that busy men require ab solute bruin rest, change of scene, change of subject. They forget that however worrying the Ilttlo affairs of a household may be, the anxieties of a gieut business upon which the whole family's present and future depends are far gi cater. A friend of mine, who i.s now nearly a millionaire, told me In confidence that while he was sitting one night over his smoking-room lire wondering whether he could next day survive a tenlble crisis which was hanging over his head and might lead to a disastrous bankruptcy, with debts to the extent of l!00,000 or bo, his wife came whining into the room to sa that the butcher must be paid the next day and the amount of the butcher' bill was under -0! "It Is on such occasions that u man wants a helpful wife- one who will tell him about or read aloud the last good novel, who will say, 'Come, let us go to the theater to-night: you need chnng of scene,' and above all, one who knows Just when her husband require! noth ing more than to be left alone. It Is women who get on their husband': I'orves, that drive them to take bach elor holidays when they ought to be getting more enjoyment from the wifo's companionship. Of course there ure men who are alwayB out of sorts, spoilt dyspeptic bears with sore heads, who require strong minds to manage them but there are very many others who only want Judicious, sympathetic treat ment to be the best husbands in tire world. Avoid being silly, avoid snylng silly things or trying to make conver sation, or commenting on some re mark your husband has made. Head and think In order to cultivate Intolll gence and resourcefulness, with the ob. Ject In view of being his counselor and his friend, and above nil, his 'chum' that word means much." I.omlor Woman. Thn Coat or a llruustil. The effects of tho drought undei which New South Wales languished It 18115 aro now registered in dry atutls tics, nnd the record Is startling. Tin drought, as measured by tho oillciu tables, mny be ?uld to havo cost tin colony i!,000,000 bushels of wheat, 18, 000 horses, nearly 400,000 cattle of va rlous kinds, more than 10,000,000 a and 5,000,000 lambs! If to these ftgurei be mlded the natural increase, whlcl under ordinary conditions, tho flocki nnd herds and wheat lands of the col ony would have known, the mischief, of tho drought take still more truglcu dimensions, Wnnt h rrni'.' Thero aro still millions ot acres a good land subject to homestead outr.'l lu Minnesota and Missouri, lu the foiJ uier state maluly timbered, n V JLI I VIA