TiiJii KtoJ- VUJVl) OUUBiF, if HID AY. OCT. 10, 1896 5 h $5& miid -fji POWDER Absolutely Pure. i M Mm Ol l.llllir i .Ihltik I..-H R. li u i ..r n in k'MM'iiliii; MlrciiKlli iM'tn' li,trtta tioit mint ni tomt Htpcir' Km ai. Hhi.imi l'(iiiKit o, New Vnrk John S Murh iiihI wif (if (illlde Knek were hero Thuisduy Miss Jessie C'utlii'i' ictutiied Thurs day inorninp; from si visit to Denver. AI. Stot'ti of C'liiciigo w:i heiu this week looking after prope-i Ijr interests A laif,'o delegation f Inn vale folks were heiu Thursday to hear Major Warner. Mrs. Antlimvs left the first of thu week for her old homo in Winchester, Virginia. A. C. llosmor was in Lincoln this week attending. H mcrting of the (J rand Lodgo Knights of Pythias. 1). V, McFurlund, formerly road inas'er here, now located at Holyoke, Colorado, was heir this week. Always in Benson, Iiopkin's Steamed Hominy (Hulled Corn). Klegnnt lunch in milk. Quart can 10 cents. Fred Gund and J, W. Sampson drove down from Blue. Hill Wednesday night returning home again on Thursday morning. Henry Clark and Hen McCune went to Lincoln this week as delegates to a meeting of the Society of Christian Kndeavor. Sheriff Ituuchoy, accompanied by Frank Snielscr, on last Tuesday morn ing took (icorge Drake to thu peniten tiary at Lincoln. 1). M. Able left Friday morning on a visit to Cedar ltapids and I'ostville, Iowa. He will vNit the home of his p-uents tinting his dip. ltalph Foe met with a had accident while playing erack-t he-whip, at -ehoul on Thur-ilay morning lie had his tight arm broken at the wri-t. Smith Caldwell ot Nuckolls county, candidate for state senator of this dis trict wiii heie today. He is a pleasant gentleman and will be a winner in No vember A hacking cough is not only annoying to otlici -, but is dangeiuus to tint per mpii who ha? it. One MinuteCotighCiire will (piickly put an end to it. C. L. i'ottiug. DuWittS Witch Hazel Salve is an antiseptic, soothing and healing ap plication for burns, scalds, cuts, bruises, etc , and cures piles like magic. It instantly stops pain. C. L. Cutting. C. H. Crone, J. A. Tulleys ami A. (J. Willis were down to Superior last Sat urday as delegates to the senatorial convention. Smith Caldwell of Nuck olls county was named as candid ate for state senator. Tetter, ccema and all similar skin troubles are cured by the use of De Witt's Witch Hael Salve. It soothes at once, and restores the tissues to their natural condition, and never fails to euro piles. C. L. Cutting. A. S. Churchill spoke at the comt house on Tuesday night last to a well filled house. His remarks were to the point and he brought out many strotij' I'caious to show thai the leptiblicau sound money policy was all right. CIiioiiic constipation is a painful, lixii;ic able and life shortening ililli- nltj It derail es the nxsteni, causes ii k liead-w-hc, bad breath, anil poison-, th- blond It ctn be readily overcome by PeWitt'H Little F.arly Hirers. These little pills are great icgulators C. L Coiling. Fanner Dave Kaley was in town the other day and remarked that this is the time of year when old fashioned people carefully saved tho seeds of good melons, dry them on a window sill, and then vj-ap them up in paper und Imv them awu.y on lop of the ' o d ' .ii t a . A .v- ' (I Highest Itoiiurs Worid'&fV". kVu -. X VA vn " ... CMJZM'i MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 Ycju the SUofcri, (kiH6 TUT JV akTOiiv WW BtWl 03 &'M. ,7H kMmjaIi vmmm V W. Cowdeti was In Hastings Tues day to take in HutTalo Hill's wild west show. .Miss Sarah J. Ferry letuined this week fiom an cxIhikIimI trip in the fa' (Jet xour picture taken at the .Moon block gallei, cabinets only 11.00 pir iloeii. Well this Is cheap enough is what they all say when they come to Wieners. Alls. Lewis Kendal, who has been isiting Jacob Nustein, has returned to St .Joseph. Wiener is selling undershirts and drawers, mens sizes, at lft cents or two gattuent.s fur 55 cents. (ten A picker f Juliet, Illinois, who litis been here the past week le turned home Friday. A huge delegation fiom this place took in the barbacttc and icpuhlicau rallj at Orleans today. When you want a nice smooth shave or hair cut, give Geo. Fenticss a call. Otift door south of the Hon Hakeiy. John V. l'irwell of Chicago gaea good business talk to an audlcnco al the opera house on Friday attmnuoti last. The costumes of th members of the Ladies MeKinley Quartet black, with a collar aud cutis of yellow is wry pretty. C. L. Cutting, sole agent, will lefuiid your money if not satisfied after using one bottle of Dr. Fennel's famous medicine. Why look all over town for a pair of gloves when you can find anything in the glove Hue at Wieners aud at such low prices. John Kunchey received a new Wa vorly bicycle as a present from tho manufacturers for tho arreit and con viction of thu fellow who stolo the bicycle several weeks ago. Speed and safety aie tho watchwords of the agH. One .Minute Cough Cine acts speedily, safely and never fails. Asthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds uro cured by it. C. L. Colling. .Many lives of usefulness have been cut short by neglect to break up :m ordinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis, and even consumption can be uvcitcd by the pinmpt Use of One Minute Cough Cine. C. L. Cutting. Hun. W. S. Sutnmeis spMke tit the opei a Iiiiu-c mi i epublicau topics lasl Friday light. A heavy nun which commenced eaily in the evening pre willed a large attendance, bill thorc who weie there were well paid for coining out They are so little you hardly know you arc taking them. They cause no giipiug, yet they act quickly ami most ihoi oughly. Such are the famous little pills known as DeWitl's Little Early Riser., Small in si.e great in results. C. L. Cutting. A. S. Churchill, repubficau candi date for attorney-general, gave a re markably good talk at the court house on Tuesday night. He punctured some remarks made by Gov. Holcomb, who is trying to pose us the one who is sav ing money for tho state at the capital. A pain in the chest is nature's warn ing that pneumonia is threatened. Dampen a picco of tlaunel with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on the back between the .shoulders, and prompt relief will follow. Sold by 11. P.. Grice, druggist. There will be services in the M. K, church next Sunday as follsws: Preach ing at 10. HO a. in.; Sunday School at li:i() a m. conducted by J. A. Hauni, superintendent Junior League at '.) p. 111. Senioi I "ague at M.ttOp.iu.. preach ing by the pastorin theeveiiing at 7 .10. Seats fi'e and strangers made we coiim . -Jaw.s M. Jjahih, Paotoi. Tl.e little-ies nf tho nature of Jack Wa'div.as H iv, n wliei, he took down the ll'ig which as hung n ' -s the street in front f tin Ilrj .11 l. adipur tors on Thursday while Mai i Waim r was heie. The old army vuterans will remember this slight to n brother com rade. As .lack's head swells with im portance his good qualities if he ever had any shilnk. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postolllcu at lied ( ,., Neb raska, for the An ,n! ,. 'tloliM ltfth, lb'.iU. An hti'ii, A'oliic f'otci I il G S 1 t'll'lllglln SIlOW 1.. j i-. 1 lua n. Mat Al e..t, li.e Sin. ..1, J ,N 1. iiiliall, Win .Me..t,IUe A C-ukel, A.O. Si.....), J ,n W. igiii, .j. w Thee lettrc Mb t.-ii ... Ho-ucd letter olllce. Oct...I0tli. il 1.01 . ' . t ...r before- FltANi; V. l.'owiii',:., p. M Those who believe chronic ds..ith.." to be incuiahlu should read wii.aMr i1 1.. lll'ltil.ll.l. Itt ( i.l.Ll .S .1 111. 1.1 ll,ll ..I any on 11. i Mi.ijic.,, vi. 1 nuu! 'nt'ii 11 MifTeri i-fiiiiu cliioiin .!...nl.(ca, . wr nluto tuo waiin.d liux in 'I 11 I ' kinds ot inedieiiiwc for it. At last 1 found n reiueily tiu.t eirected .1 urn I till ttlil t 11 iu niliilllmii1 !... I . Ciioleiu and DiairlKi.a Ueme.u. ' IVi! medicine can always hedepeidcd up m for colic, choleiu morbus, dysentiry Mid (Uari'lhi'i, It j,s pieanaiil to Ui.e and novrr fnlls to i-fTeet ucnic v.',.riil I fiO cent hIzch lor ale by II. K. linen, druggUt. I Hood's Cure .sick licutadio, l.ul p t.MU In tliu nioiitli, coated 3 ll a tongni-. kis In Hie 'toni.icli, III S ilhttiM iuiJ ImllKt'Ktloti. Ho 0 luil P4kn, tint Imp tonic elTecl I renin rii nulj fills to luko wltli IIikhIi Siri.iiarllU. Fied Plumb ot Hivertou spent Sun da in the city. Dr. F. H McKeeby was ill Oiiuiliti the lit st of the week. Cabinet photos at the .Moon block gallery for one dollar a doen. Airs. Jiie)ii and Airs. Janiicson of Orleans were heiu .Monday. Airs. Lulu Pease of Hastings is hero visiting with her parents. Airs. F.d Hrown left Saturday for her future home at .Macomb, Illinois. Fliui cabinet sie photos $1 00 per du.cii al the Alooti block gallciy. Mrs. V. Al. Pel kins of Deitwr is hie the guest f C. W. Kaley and wife lliis Delia Alecks of Alaukuto, Kan sas, arrived in the city Satin day night Win. Wolfe after a short isitathis old home in Lincoln returned hut Saturday evening. Harry Gohle ( Hastings camo down from that place to visit with tho folks Monday morning. Five cents woi (h f gum at Cuttings gives you a chance to get that beauti ful hrasn onyx top stand. Mrs. James AlcNeuy aud daughter Lenoru ralurucd Saturday night from an extended visit in thu east. C. F. Kvaiis wishes to infoitu the public that he is ready to move housis, safs, pianos, etc., al any time. Mrs. J. M. Sellars and Mrs. 1). Myers returned Alonday from a visit with Mrs. Oscar Yarger at Orleans. We publish iu another column a sor rowful message from Geo. Drake who was this week taken to thu penitentiary. August Latiterbach, accompanied by his wife, of Colby, Kansas, is here looking after property interests. Airs. Frank Parker of San Francisco, California, arrived hero Sunday on a visit to her patents Air. and Airs. T. C. Hacker. Thu impurities in tho blood which eau so scrofulous eruptions aic thoroughly eradicated Iry llood'sSaisa parilla. The ladies of the Al. P.. church of Cowles will give a dime social at Mrs. Good's on Tuesday owning Oct., JOth. The public is invited. Chanccy Winner left Tuesday for Westlield, New Jeisoy, where he has taken a position iu the Khcostat niatiu fautory of electric supplies. Airs. Chas. Howe of Laramie, Wyom ing, arrived in the city, thu last of the week to spend the winter with her daughter Mrs. S. F. Spokcslicld. Heggs' blood I'uritlorand HI00U Maker cures all blood dUorilern, All eruptions of the skin can be removed by thu use of this wonderful medicine. It bus uo equal, und is purely vegetable. C. L. Cottlng keeps it, as well as all other tlrst clues goodH. A good republican meeting was held in the Hyker school house north of Guide Hock on Alonday with G. It. Chancy as speakur. Thu meeting was enthusiastic and shows that things are coming our way. A double quartet of ladles furnished the music Many political speakers, clergymen, singers aud others who use the voice excessively, rely upon One Minute Cough Cure to prevent huskincss and laryngitis. Its value as a preventive is only equalled by its power to alTord in stantaneous rein f . C. L Colling. Win. Hensc leceivod a large order this week to supply In cad and buns for the leptiblicau tally and bin becuo which takes place today at Orleans. The order was fni live bundled loaves ot lui ad and tbice thousand hunt, and tin -liipnicnt made two dray loads Only One Standard You and vv c may differ as to j tot-ufc standards ana out 01 j, i,i ir very differences good may k 1 1 . Ktt we won't differ p. I i- l' z men is, of one standard 3 I ! -.,.. -.....- i j ci-.-'-ion of cod liver cil. 3 I j LZ'J'i x"5 EMULT'ON lias JJ iV.w' ftnd !i"li i(s v?y for Ife 1 ! : ':'' i5 yt 'n lfir w 'd (if medicine until to-day it is al most .is n " h the standard ia . all cues of lunp trouble, and '-,'w-7 cor.c'i' n of ,w?.ntlnf j .!vilicr in cliild or adult as 1 aulnitie is in m.ihrml fevers. 1 Differ on the money qucs- tion if you will, but vhen ft . 5 cor'- lo A question of health, j perhaps of life and death, get tlic standard. Your drukl ulU Scott's CinuUoiu Two siwjt 50 ct. and $1.00 SCOTT A eOWNn, New Vwk. Tho Sons of Veterans band tooiiis to play better than ever idnco tho discon tented ones have gone out on a strikoi Drummers ate taking ordeis from country mei chants with instructions not to ship until MeKinlej is elected Itichinond of the Nation seems to he posted in legaid to .Mark llanna's ban el. He evidently hasn't got ae quitintrd with Mark or hr wouldn't need to wear llcrnaid AlcNcny's coat state occasions, D. J. Myers uiote to a farmer up near titration asking what a certain piece of land in that vicinity was worth and received the reply that with the election of Ali Kinley the land would he worth $1,000 or l,fiOO, but with llijaii iu the White House it wouldn't be worth a d -n. This iu the teeniid reply ln has iceeived from up wet' iu legaid to inqiiiiics as to pin e of laud aud each lettei impattcd about the same iufnrmxtinii. This shows that the fanners up there haw been think lug and aie in line for MeKinley iu November. Al. Stern of Cliicgno, who was here this week, has decided, in ease a tenant can be found, to put up a brick stoio building on his lot south of Henry Cook's drug store. The proposed building will be seventy or eighty feet long and one story high, and so con structed that iu case it iv desired to run it up one story more it can be done. This is a good corner and would make a tlrst class location for uiesl any busi ness, and especially a good place for a dry geods store, owing to the fact that display windows could be placed Iu both thu front and side of thu building. Is it uusinkss do you think for strangers to eomo to a town for one season aud sell you goods cheaper than the merchant who is established there? Stop and think the matter over and you will come to the conclusion that it is like tho fellows who sell gold bricks at half price. Don't you think it is better for you to patroniu the fellow who builds up your town? All things' being equal, why rush to the new coiner brfoie you have convinced yourself that you can do as well, and in nine eases out of ti'.n you will Mud your staying fellow will give you the best bargains Stop and think if this ain't plausible According to celebrated anatomist there aie upnaids of 0,000, 000 little glauus in the human stomach Tho-c glands pom out the digestive juices which dissolve or digest the food. In digestion is want of juice, weakness of glands, nued of help to restoie the health of these organs. The best and mutt nnlurnl help is that given by Shaker Digestive Cordial Natural, because it supplies tho matciials need ed by the glands to prepaid thu diges tive juices, liccniiso it strengthens aud invigorates the glands and the stomach, until they are able to do their work alone. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures indigestion certainly and per manently. It docs so by natutal moans, and therein lies the secret of its wonderful and unvaried success. At druggists, price 10 cents to $1,00 per bottle. Hy far the best political demonstra tion was the republican meeting with Major Wm. Warner of Kansas City as speaker. As Major Warner is an old veteran and ex-cominander-in-chief of tho G. A It. the comrades here turned out to pay their respects to the distin guished brother veteran. A request had been made in the morning that the merchants decorate their places of business aud those of all political faith complied ai! the old veleiaus aie much pleased over this lenogniiion. After dinner tho Ladies' MeKinley club and old veterans headed by Hie Sous of Veterans baud, matched to the hotel, ami after seveial good selections by the b mil escorted Mr Wai tier to the opei a Iioum' wliete he abh entertained 11 largi and atteuine atiilieuee fm sev eial Ik. ins One of the pleasant feat tires of the afternoon was the tinging furnished by uqttartctlofold coiuiadcs composed of II. K Pond, Samuel West, O. C Hell and II. A. Howard. When any part of the body isn't doing the work that nature intended it to do, It puts the whole system out of Mine-out of harmony. Sickness in one put of the body is likely to run Into all pans 1 1. 11 tt mil lie 1 1. 'i i I. 'he ' 'lug one l.i h !. hupl'i lis til III, I lit full In perform ' Constipation in 1 in- liiie--p..is . I. When ehild- e 1. 'lit on end, .lie. 1 li .1 ii b, Up 1 1 . . is exactly wl ' 11 v. lien the Ii.ik 1 toper ftinelioi. - 'rouble all alone ver nut of older, I- bad for Hie kliluey- bad for tin Htnumch It holds iu thu body poKim ous matter, and liHcatise it cannot pi 1 any placii ebe, it jeU into the blood The blood cm iich it all over the Ky.teiu, That tnaki-8 luKinlinrii, laHsitude, bad bieiitb and foul taste iu the mouth, tiUxtlic Htomaeh with rhh, and catnei wind belching, stopn digestion lu tin- .hloiuacli, catiseH Hour Htotnaeh, heart- burn and lieailaeho. You can KTold nil Mich trouble, for Dr. Piuicu'n I'luwmnt IVIIela t'UUK coiiilipation und iti at tendant, evil. 1 Send 51 ceutN iu one-cent itampi to ' Dr. H V. Pit-ice, l .fTHlo, N. Y., for his j "Medical Adviser." It ia a baok ol lOOt) psgei, profusely Illustrate. The Money Question won't bother you much if you do yctr Fail buying here. It's a very simple matter. Wc give you the best qualities of Qothing and Furnishing Goods made in this country. You give us a little less than you'd have to pay any body else and there you are. Our H. S. & M. tailor-made clothing is fully guaranteed. CLOTHES BEARING THIS LABEL ARE WARRANTED. HAVli YOU SKEN THOSE All Wool $15 Overcoats That we sell at $10.00. OR THOSE $12 OVERCOKTS XV CLl'O THEY ARE BEAUTIES. We hae cheaper unities which we uro other hoiiso iu the valley Wo have tho kids t'omoiiiid look ut our storj prevent you lookiui;ut ouin C.WIENER, Js;tf.l"li!sriocl 1S5 roor ntid i xi 5rjLJVY13I. IBinef Bros. CIiOHKS Friday, October 16th, ( Saturday, October 17th. S- - Monday, October 19th. -J Tuesday, October 20th. Our Line of Cloaks is now complete. During this sale you will find the best bargains in cloaks ever offered in the city. A special sale. 20 per cent Discount 011 Our Eiilire Line of Cloaks ! E cry-thing marked in plain Flutes. LI. riuslin ,C per yd, A iiuil lt! nrlii il M 11 -I in at .'ic pi 1 3 aid Cotton Halts at .(c. (iood values in ISatts at 8c, 10c, 151c and iru. io yards Calico for 35c. A. C. A. Ticking 12c . Cotltii (.V- :nc r-r Hus-ls- inj: nittj. 1 jsc. o Iii -.ell you 10 o- Special Discount nf l.'i percent on our entire linn block for this m1o. Tim .( jjouiIh inns' le- dd iS lbs. Suiir for ?i.oo, 5 lbs. Lion or Arbuckles Coffee, $1.00. 5 Cans Sardines, 25c. 1 pound Siar Coffee, jSc, 7 bars of Kaundry Soap, 25c. Choice Tea Siftings at 9c. Hie pay 15e for Eggs. FINK SSOlllllfcS ot HS. also oll'eriiiK ut lyss prices thuu anj some fur your bitf boys und also foi Hectors Don't lid tiny Cock und llul befoie you buy. The Clothier, Uuncliuinu'b Shirting inc. Special-, iu Shirt Ine; at "-Ic, ii -,8c iml lOc S)cciul.s in Ucd Plannels i.jc. Har.'iius at 50c, 5ou and :0d. One pattern only to Rncli Lady. Cottonndcs at f' ?! ' , Itoys' Leather Sro-kiii;;?, You ciiiii-u uuifoh tiiuiii. Ol'l H.ld -.--I U. Mi'iiV Working t! nv. V.J- Moii'm Miii-. ;' Men 1 Overalls, 45. i-lwn'fl lneke.ln, iTo, !i'ys' OveiMl!, 80o. - We uiantyoarprockiee. .! ll' J If i u r h . 1 ,' t3 7f '1 f Baw( nl. jaX.'mgr)&t? rj-ngyi-: rgr jpNWwy iwyjg-iyM- " jsr Jar"$ v JTJSSiafc " mtmauMiilUtSi WniiwrajBr ,