A.AA.AU AX All A J JAJSKJJLS VXAJLXUX! , Ai XIJULSO. X , KJKjA. it Pure Blood montii Bound health. With pure, rich, healthy blood, tho utotnneh and di gestive orRRHH will ho vigorous mid Micro will ho no dvnoiln. lUicniniitlmii mid Ni'iirnlKln will ho unknown. Hcrofulnnnd It Khi'titn will dlimpptnr. Willi pure Blood Your nerves will ho utronfj, nml your hup mm ml, (tweet und refreshing. Hood' Hftrmipiullln nrnke pure hlood. Tlmt I why It cures ho ninny iII'iiim. That l whv ko ninny thouwindx take It to euro dlnen"o, retnln good licnlth, pre Tent nlcknvM) nml Buffering. HeineinbiT Hoods Sarsaparilla In thoOno Truo Itlood I'lirlllcr. l per bottle. j it f'ii c"ro 'Uor 1IK P!,,y '" IIOOU S PlIlS Uko, e.ny to operate. -Jfic. THE CHIEF lulillliut Weekly. Sdbicrlplloa, ler Annul luvurlablr In Advnnt rMrU Ml I'otl time In U t'lund, Niti r mkll mMtirnf thru-fond pIm A.O. lloM an. Editor. l.AiorTAiT. Ami foal Kdltor. 3W0BK CIB3ULATI0K 1,300. KKI'UIILICAN TICK15T. For President, WILLIAM McKINLKY. For Vieu-l'rcHident, UAHKKT A. IIOHAHT. STATE. For Governor, .JOHN II. MacCOLL. For Lieutenant Governor, ORLANDO TF.FT, For Sect utnry of Si ate, .IOKL A. lMIMilt. For Coin. Public Lands ami lluildings, II. C KUSSHLL. Fm Auditor Pnl.'.ic Accounts, PKTF.U O. IIKDI.UN'). Fur Treasurer, C. K CASF.Y. For Attorney General, A.S Olim.ClllLL. For Superintendent ol Instruction, IIF.NIlV U. rOHHF.TT. F'it Kegetil of I'nhcisiiy, W. (i WIIITMOKF.. For ludgcs Supioiuo ('"ml, UOIM'.HTI.YAN. M. H. KINKAII). For Presidential F.lcctor.s, FRANK .1. SADILDK. .1. B. IIOUT. A. .). MJRNllA.M, A. C. FOSTF.R SOLOMON DRAPF.U, (. A. DKKHY, J. L. Mel'llF.F.LY, M. L. FKIKSK. Ik tlio .stamp of tho government fixes tho value of coin, why was not tho trade dollar of 1871, which boro all tins inscriptions of tho ordinary dollar iii-il in vultii' asjfttcd hy tho market willi I lie American dollai? Some dotnocrat please answer. There is no inoro capable business man in this county than Irving W. Crarv who is tho icpiibllean camliiluto for tho legislature fiom this county. Mr Clary i.s as capable publicly ns ho has lii'oii piivatcly, and hi.s election will bo a credit to Ills party ami to tho county as a whole. Fnit instance, McNitt tried ouo slilo of most eaes of the Inst term of tho district eoui t and Inst but ouo case. A. I) Haiiuey had no businessin Ihccotirt except tofoicclopcn mortgage or two. Which can best cate for tho legal in tcnuts of tho county dining tho next two j ears Answer in Novetubei. I'm. republican purtv Htic.cessfiilly owrcuinc the nil at iin of ISilO, and now we are eonf routed wit li the same iuciiti()us in a mote virulent form. There is going to lie a filit , hut Micro is no more reason why we .should not win than hetctoforc, and wo have McKlnloy ami protection for a watchword. Notioo. To all whom it may concern: My nwful f.itn you all know. I must leave some dvbU which I cannot pay Now f i loads you need not think you will not got your pay. If I live to re gain my liberty, winch I hope I may, I will pay every cent I owe Honesty has been my motto and I will die the same, it matters not how much I am wronged. For (toil sake do not worij my poor wife and disttess mychildien in their lonely life as they await my long iclurii to a once hippy homo now filled with bleeding hcnil, diMtess and iiiln. Cod have mercy on us and protect my wife ami children I stayed until the last trying to Hare them Yours Ti uly, C W. Dkakt we Offer You a kUHEDV Which IN5UKK5 Safety ol Life to Moth er end Child. EXPECTANT MOTHERS. (iiin-riirnn mu i nend FRIEND" Robs Confinement of lis Pain, Horror and (list. Mrwlfn urcil MlirllKICV KIllf.MI" lio- I fore Mrtli of Iht !lrt child Mm did nut i suffer frnin I'lllM'Sorl'lMS nnsoulckly I icllexcu at tint critical Hour Humrnik mu little -she Iniil tin i:iltiM nflerwnrd ntul her ' revoicry was raiuu. I, I. .lUIIN'lTON, i;maui.i, via Sent by Mull or I'.xprrnH, on receipt of rlrp. Sl.eo nor ikiiiip. hook "'To aiuii trs" initllctt Fr e. Tub state legislature of 18fl5 was as cITcotivo in ovory way for tho protec tion of the state's interests as any leg islature the state has had. Not tho least cflcctivo member of that body wasHiiiulolph MoNltt. Tho people of tills county appreciate him as a legis lator and will show tliuir appreciation of him as it lawyer hy electing him to be county attorney. Jack McColl seems to grow In faror as tho campaign gets older. (!ov. Holuomh may bo honest in his political themes, wo have no doubt ho i.s, but as Mr. Hryati once said of a distin guished citi7.cn: "It is not enough that he lie honest, so wero the mothers who with mistaken zeal threw their children into the (iauges, ho must ho riijil." Ilolcotnb Is wrong and will be beaten for Mint reason. Iiilliiuimiitory ItliuuiiiallNiiiCtiro Cl III it lH)N. Morton I.. Hill, of I.chimou, lnil,, najv: "My wifn had liilliiiiiiimiory Hhdtiiimttom III uvery iiiuhcIm nml joint, ln-r hiifTtuin w.n lir'rllile nml her lnul) and taut who Kvvolli'ii nliiK'rtt 1'i'j (Hid r-cotiiitotr, hml In en in t'i'tl tor -ox wcckrl mill hlld eiht phjficiiiiiH Out ri-ci lynl no tieiielit mil it Hhe tried tin- MYSIH.' CUItK 1'OU UHKUMA'l lM. U Kitvu iiiumiliittv re lief mid xhe vnn i.lilo to udk nbotit in lliree (Imjh. I inn Hunt It uuvml her llfu." Hold h II. IC. Crlee drnuuMt, HW Cloud. CongrosBioual. For Congress Fifth DNliict, W.K. ANDUFAVS. County For Uepiesrntaliso Uth district, 1KVINC W CUAKY. Kot Heprpsentutive i6th disir'u-t, SCOTT I'lliLKO Foi County Attorney, RANDOLPH MoNITT WKuuderstaud that McNilt has do nated his hat full of uaiN ami hatchet to A. I). Hannci for the rest of the campaign. Uepuulican Meetings llepublieau meetings will be held on tho evenings of the following dates' October 17, K. T l'ottcr at the Wag oner .school house. October 17, McNitt at Ninth Star. October 17, Chancy ami (Surlier at (iuidc Kock. Octohei x'O, McNitt and Chancy at Hail is' seliool liouse. October 'JO, Challin ami l'otl er at ('owlcs. October 21, ChatUu ami l'ottcr at luavale. October '-''-', McNitt at Liim school hoiiso. October '!!(, McNitt at Anihoy. October 21, McNitt at lluiumel'.s School llousn. October 19. McKeeb and l'olter at Hliie Hill. Ocioliei 21, It. K. Soiinil Monc. Club. October 28, McNilt at llludeii. October III), McNitt at Kosemoiil October III, McNitt and l'ottcr at (iuidc Uock. October III, Chancy ami McKecby at luavale DoafnusN Cannot bo Curod Hy local aiplieatious, as they can not loach the diseased portion ol th car. 'I here N oniv one way to ciit deafness, ami that is by cinstitulional lemcdie.s. Deafness is caused byaiiiu 11. lined condition of the mucous lining of Mm F.iistachiau Tube. When this lube gets inllamcd you have ariimbliug sound or imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed deafness is tho to suit, and unless the Inllammatiou can lie taken out and this tube rcstoied to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out often are caused bycitarih, which is noth ing but inllamcd condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give Ouo Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Scud for circulars, free. F. J. CHKNKY .V CO., Toledo, O. "Nw, look hort"Baid the professor to the infuriated hull, "you arc my superior in strength; I am your superior in mind. Let us arbitrate this matter, and see which .should hy right liavn tho better of Jour controversy." "O, no,"' replied the bull; "let's toss up for it." Tho professor lost. NONE NEED FEAK IT. The Pyramid Pile Cure Cures the Most Aggravated Cases ot Piles With Absolute Safety Pyramid Pile Cuio will cure tho most aggravated case of hemorihoids in an astonishingly short time. It ic hcvus the congested pints, reduces the tumors instantly no matter how huge, iillays tlio inllammatiou and .stops the aching and itchiui; at once. Thoiisatid.s who had resoi ted to ex pensive surgical treatment have been cm ed hy the Pyramid Pile One in a number of instances poi-on-. who had spent months in a hopilnl under a pile specialist It is a remedy that none need fear to apply even m the most aggravated, swollen and iiillamed hemorrhoidal tumors If you aio alllicted with this btub born disrate you can inn.sier it and master it quickly. Tliis temedy is im longer an experi ment, but a medical certainty. It is manufactured by the Pyramid Drug Co , of Albion, Mich. Druggists sell it at 50 cents per box. It is becoming tho most popular pile cure this country has ever known ami druggists everywhere are ordering it for their customers. . IlltUiniat) HMillUTOIl CO., AtUntn, l. SOLD n? ALT. PRUOOI8T8, SHERWOOD & ALBRIGHT. Staple and Faney Groceries. Iliiioldl, Minnesota and Amboy Flour AOIflNTrf von Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. FKKSII VK(KTAlH,r.S AND FJUJITS OF ALL KINDS IN SF.ASON Crup Quickly Cured. Moun'iain (ii.r.N, Ark. -Our chl'd- ten were Millcring with croup when we received a bottle of Chanibcilain's Cough Remedy. It affords almost in stant relief. F. A. TiioitN'ni.N. This celebrated remedy for salo by 11 K, (Jtlce, druggist. 'Two grave complaints ate made against thn popocratlc candidates," ie marked tho Snake editor to the 1 lor so editor. "What are they?" "ScwkII won't put up and Itryun won't shut up." Pittsburg Chroiiicio Telegraph. Your Ilnlr fun lie Suvuil from falling ont or turning grny Thie i n tiniitlTe fnot. nt d we gnnrntiteH UfKK"' a'r Ronewer to do it, It cleanses the notilp, leaving the huir kIobj nd Inxuriaul. SoU by 0. L. Cottlng. Cambridge, tho model town of Furnns county, has passed h curfew ordinaiico,and hcreafterchildren under sixteen years of ago must not bu on the streets after 8 o'clock at night. Book Agonta Attontion. Are you selling MctcaH's life of Hryati & Sewall or llnlstead's life of Me Kinley iVt Holmrl? We give tho very nirgest conimissions.. Wo give you $20 in cash besides if you sell 100 books. We pay freight to you. We give credit. We ship goods promptly. Kvery Hals tcadoi Mctcalf book sold In the coun try conies from our place. We are bead(iiarlcr.s. Deal direct from the manufacturers. Hooks .sold at 31..V). Outfits free. Send six cents for pos tage and nave eptessngt L. F. Mo Ci'KAt. V Hito., l'liiladelpbi, l'a. The value of the silver in a United Stales silver dollar is today ju-t ."0 cents. At tlie hrgiuning of llrjtin's campaign it was fill cents. Hlii iiiiiiillsiu I'nrcil In lny. "MYSTIC CUHi:" for Kht-tiiimtiHin mid Niiiriiluiii riidiuidly unres In 1 to .1 iIiijh. Its notion upon the xyHtem i" re murk, hie nml injurious. It remove nt once the uiiiidu and tlie dlneiinu iiiitneil lately disappeiirs, TIik tlrst. dose greutly henetlts. i5 cents. Hold by II, E. Clrice druggist, Ked Cloud. Li Iluug Chang is at borne again, and stuffing Mrs. Chang with storiea about having been in bed by 8 o'clock overy night during his journey. Cin cinnati Press. Now is Your Chance. My rjjsiitil iroll Remnant Sale of 7VYALL PHPER WILL UKCilM Saturday J October mm miJm! 10th. Some llargains in all Rrades, ospoclally In Fitio Oilts. Cotting's Drug Store. gS& M m.f. Pii'i'.lt is a uicmlici ot liie lioard of puichase.s and Mipplies at the capital mil is entitled to a good h'iieofthe . icdil for the ecououiicil conduct ot ib Mate gnvi-r'uiiont duiiug the last l'l l'!ll s Ol couise Ili'Vin and his pupuh-t loiulis don't want to talk tarilT. It was settled in IS!H that free trade eliould not ircvail and the dcciee is going to be rcgisteiod for good on the third of next month. Scroiia A Pennsylvania girl has been (lis eoercd whose vocabulary is eoulined to the single word "Nit." This will be rccognicil ii.sthu won! Mr .lolin Hoyd Tliaclier didn't lind in lime. New York Kvening Mail (Uem A PECULIAR REMEDY. Somothing About tho Now Dis covery for Curing Dyspepsia. The Her F I. Moll, a highly es. teciucil minister icsidiug in Weed sport, Cayuga, Co , N. V.. in aiccont letter wiiies as follow "TluTi ha never hern nujilnng that 1 have tal.cn that bus i i'l K' fil the dsit'psia liom j which 1 have sufl'eied fm u n years ex Is a deep-seatudl-hiod di .case which , t,. ew icniedy calh.l Stiiarfi ilit lilC UUUWUII lIUJLIUir III MIL' 1MIUI IIckk"' Trnplvul OH 1 he only liniment on the market to liny ilmt lia-a positive guarantee to do nil th Inbel enlls for. Its grent Htreugth and wonderful curative powers Hre parti cularly noticeable in deop sented ills iisrK, meh us Kliunittii-rn, Nenrnlgiit, tc. ", L. Cutting kup it. D- I I cantintiuie. SSS (uatanlmt fun'ly Vtcetilli ) is a u'jl blood rcincdv for blood diseases and h.ih no cipial. ling and again -i ft r Mtn. Y. T. lluck.of Dchiuey, Aik., had , . w'l'.i.i,. Ilev I bcionu.i lor twcuiy-iivc years and most of the tunc wus under the care of the doctors who could not relieve her. A i'pri Tabh ts. Sine,. '-lUing them i "l1""11" i.ivc had on distn ss a' nil after eat- i ' ' ' Tite little boy who took hold of tho live wire for a joke is not unlike tho Hoy Orator, who litis picked up the hot end of so many nominations. Phihulei; phia Press M'liitii C.lit'itiiiiiMsiii 'Ti'imI. I.. Warner, Wholessle Dm 'i , Rlh. uiiniii, Va., Ml) i: "I loxl a teartnl ittiitek "f Senitie ltb ' 'i itlhin, wiih oi d u tll inosl two ni1 . lis, was fnrtiiiisiM i tionuli toei .'.iVrtllC CUHU i'"0U IMirU.'. A l'ISl. 1 1ns c.r,j i i,. ift,r ipiutor'- pre- llltll f lilt. I IO IlllVC illl v i 'V ft Hr dm (IrtiijvlKt, il"i! I'lmid WTg Are Cancliclotesj For your custoiii. Our platform Right Prices, Good Goods, Courteous Treatment, Fair Dealing. WK SOLICIT YOUR WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIRING. When you need anything in our lino conic and set. u. If wo haven't got it we will get it for you. A written guarantee with all w.itcli work Satisfaction guaranteed or money h-u'k Xewhouse JL5iojs., Jewelers and Opticians. 1 ".'' ' ! .!''.: '.'.. ) DON'T BUY A Wagon, Power, Corn Sheller, Harness, Buggy, Shoveling Board, Bicycle, or any kind ot Farm Im plements, until you have obtained prices from the ItESTER HWPIiElWEflT CO., Amboy, leb., Who have a complete lino of tir.st-uliiss goods at remarkably low prices. We have now on hand a fine line of Scliwab Bros. 'Celebrated JMCen9ss Iixxe - Slioes, In Razor, Square and new Round Toes. Abo just received a full line of IwVXXTE XIaVE 8HOES In all the latest shapes from 11 th K. i You will do well to examine ourgoods.we save you money, and jive you the largest stock to select from. CINCINNATI - CASH - SHOE - STORE. FINE CUSTOTW WORK KND REPRIRINC, SctUT I'liii.i.io is iio4iering as 'a .H.illil .1' ' h'-l 1'itine di spite !.. Rio- i: ' ( , f m .. ' - .1 , ,'.. ,.i re i ( - ' , . ilo'cgillon iii ' It ii I'tui'iiH what 'i -v ..Hhti, maW" I'Vciy i t i it" of the ntwto If- s.i ill l.iHO III' 1IMitM' li pll, ti'.it l (MIC lll-s'lllc f, io nt hut h. Vote fur OmT issue .i. . fJoi'tn I V. I S tn t I ( Wlil i ,n ; tin- specialist said he could cure her, but he filled her with nrscnic and potash which almost ruined her constitution. She then took nearly everv so-called blood - i ' ,, .in- and droelf ' IhltilL. tholiolc.T,il , y Hill , iiii uoi ic.ii . tut tlOUOIC. &UIIU- r ' ,1111 tlOUIMC. CUIII-- f'f ''',ff' otic ndvUcil her to try " ""'' is.S.Js. and she vcrv V y.r - . '"Kg ctlM CAS I Hell. Wecd.s- pori, N V , formerly Idalia, Colo " Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets is a re markable remedy, not only bceaii.se it is a certain euro for all forms of indi gestion, bill liecHiise it seems to act as thoroughly in old chtonic rases of dys pepsia as well as in mild attacks of in digestion or biliousness. A peiuou has ilyspcpHa siinpl hecai i It will lake just tin ce weeks to ivi veil Mr William J. Itryau iito an oMiiict volcano- a volcano, in fact, of the e.xtinctr.st kind. St Louis (Jlohe-Democrat. -1 ft, "r" d" t . 'i. ' .i ... a real oio.vl " -! .: "After tak- ,.v , 'of S.S.S. I .en . ' i " i" 'iy pi: In is clear I and healthy and l' would not be in Ul I'TIIII I I'll. III. II l(" ll llllJ(lf.l'"i work'i'tl, all it wa . lie iciucdy io if give It till' I.. . is tho NCCIel uliar icuiiily. Itltlll'l I'll.t S ll r,(. i i Wiikn hub' s ,' " ,' oui "hi ih ""t , l r ' '"" ' ! ,.'' -.', " "I,1Joi-n . i io ig i given not only to the stoni'icli !V "L ;,.. v,..uV,.i re, - m;;;: .KlLKdl ;'," rr?, aTrl ," ' . .;; t tl.li .' ' fi ml" - '"' t.h Hi. t" , -nl I was jicriiisi- '""'' Atrial of thw pi r(ttl il mcil' , ... in-t- M'm v ..! if .. .it,,.., . ! fcntlviiilof It." ! cine will convince the iiumt xkotilicnl a'wax, vi ic tniii;. xiu ..ic ti. blight, cuuipolunt cl'ii!i., mid the nml of it Ik ihey nn b not to Im . 1 cted. v the stomach ! im' , In- till xt ii tW. 'I. , . f S (ll ( llll'l llOW .... 1...U. I. .t.. . .1 .. . I ... .1 ii hut iiiiun oiru ui'iiil nil' lll , iimh , r,1 'i",".,,,, "'- DyspepMa ,,'k,iiii nfil i .iiiii-i m irm iiiilii mt iwi unciucr aic KtoinurA work or not. Now life and I i You (Jan Ui: Wi:i.i. when your blood is rich, puro and nourishing. Hood's Saisaparilla makes' the blond lieu xml pure and "iires all !' .storing health tin'1 .lil'J, ri vVumert. h -' Cm ni. Apply" 1) .1 S.S.3. never fnils to cure Scrofula. ncctun, ltlicuuiAtiMii Contagious DUmxI ' KvKU) limn on tlio npuii'ii-'i'i 'egis iniivii tlc'avt mi old li. i m '.. vi mil. Ail nilV i lint no (lie I' i- i I cues ot iionucr mo huh nmr '-.,f ,,.! . i . - nj' 1 I ' (Oiccet-fiful in everyway, (mod ne o cation. Swift niako good campftlgns Mtal wo iuhh SikcmI.- Co., to bco every ouo i,lcotcd. J Al',!,f ' 1'oh.ou. or any disorder of tlie bl Do noli dy ni " mini" tonic to a (iccp-MMtcu nicioii ii '.we, iiuilai.c rr.il blood unicl). Our Hooka To the Editor : I have an absolute , i Mncimll Miil, inn i. iw.i.ni,.,. i.nu rrrneoy ior cnsuiupuun. uy n uiiiviy u:u ood. i Mai.-hfUi. Mini , but mi popnlut has tlK)U$ndsof ,10peless n5(S Lavebecnnlualy cuie thoieiucdy becomo thai Sinatra Dy.s- MrirunenUy cured. So proof-iwaillva am r pepsi.i I ablets can now ho obtained at of Us power tliat I consider it my duty to A T?ill T-?'nrw4 "PomOixr "M dypenia and uli Motiiucli troubles id bv tho Stuart Chemical Co., of so Comfort to Calif'orriu Kvery Tliur.silay morning, a tourist .sleeping ear for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Omaha and Lincoln via tho lSurliugtou Unuto. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan, loi" 'pi ing suat.s and hacks and U i... ilti! vviili eoi'iiis boddivg, t..w , .!,', ' ii . Ai. vi ' 'I i-V Oil . - ' I , .1 I .! I. .' I. I (I, i. 'i l- i , ulll'i , '3 " II H' 'I' to i'ii, ji.it itic 1 1 uni I Whih' i i '. .'i u i x poiiaivi ... liliislU'd nor :i iltn' I look M HMt pit ItCOrlll pir.UlR jill Us jjtmil to ,iiiin ui. i fond vIiimi i en is ii'f , . , , , I liiiiinl.il and ' . ii ..f bci'ili, widi k sloie i ni. i.-. , ... . . l , I I cnoiign iiuo "'J '-ii""" tor in, moiuj , ijO. For a I'ii di i giving nut piiiin.li i lai.s, call nt thi" ueaiiflt II. Sf, M. H. 1, "--. ... , n,., , .,.i... ,,..i i, i IIIIMII'III'1 v", . w v- U '".', (' .ir.l I'i.-- M- r Ap-nt, liiirliiuton !t'Mte, Opiihn, Nob. take, oiny i.. lie ul iiia-onr ok tiik ionimtion or tii PEOPLES BANK of RED CLOUD 'iiAim:uNo,3it!, at lied C'luml, la the .sum of Nelirimkii, at tht clone of lilirlnri.1. !siUmticr mull, 18S0. IIKMIVIlehH. I.OIIIH nml Dltcoiiiils Jii.B.vi M 'wriiriifi". hcpiirt'd uiul minrciircil. I 0' i') urn. i w irinntn HnnkliiK lii,m ftu iiiiin v mnl llxiurc IO' Til ft,' IIMlf .. i l.lkl-q i, .. ., iu-1'l.s mill '.hut ni lins i(t Ir'iia ullior liiitloi.ui, Miti mnl ir,vute LuiiL ami I tnSii.r is trt!) m ."h bT 6vN n't CH 'III 1,( isy u II . v 'i' In .h Myci.. sss any iltug more ft l oOceut per package Scud for Iiook on ntomach dispases fne. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder Pw Onkf Cma Tartw r4m. ttnd two bottln fm to those of your rruUrs ! d::- who have Consumptkm.Throat, firoivclibl or m i Lunj Trouble, if they will write me tlKlr i :il ' ixprejj na posxoTnce snares?, smcereiy, T. A. IIOCUN. M. C., I8J Ftnrl St., Itw York. ff Tk BJltorUl mi UulntM Wtjiiin)rul al J I :n KINS, TKACIIHlil' Vlutlu, 'Mine: it'iil ciaiinul. Iti'.l Clulid, i-li t' II (U'iriiili ' itufh. tloi. i '. In u u Im f,'i'lo .cu'ii ii' '!! ! I triii mis Will ilvo llircc i'f)"M (noli snii i)ii(. nr) i vi.oc. riitmis iiiiii'u ii jnri. u'i.mi wiiru iliu oiuc. i.r aulll" t:ic, (;iinrai O'-uwiy t J wi cu. Dr. Price's Crtani DuUin Powdcir WorVl' Fair ttithcst Awartl. mill nf ihiit i mi-. , ir-li i 1 1; ci'i.i-, .... hnii Ii . . . I.Vi.l Ullilil Hull ... I ., I.oll ull I. ..11.1... .'1.1.4 VI I 0 '.11 U) I CH .f, :m oo (x) ..-. so, t(4t I iw,hai tr 1.0JU Oil -. 7,osi : Total Lur.ij.inif Cnpltal tnck paid 'a .. . . I Iiitlvtilt'il I'luilln .. llill!ll)lKl(ti.. Il- H.ljl'Ct in rlicck . V(,H7 W iHinntiil mitilcntet ofdu. I"1!! 3,6( SJ 'J lim.' ct ItltlcJlti ot ilt'l'OoIl iwo uu aa.mj i Tt,u' rHr SrtTk or Nkkiiabka, i , I'uimi) l)f WfbuliT. (" ,ino ii.iMic.1 lisnk. rt -..IPiniilV Vtt" ,lr .Kit ?, HZ" M.X U ,r"U U' t" "" ut "Vknow" tAT7iy.,M,NK,l..lrn;,o,r.S,,MlWOO"-C C. II Minkii, )iiiLiur. JJ ..,",.' rur" l" "oro nic tldsl unyut Oclobu. im, v,u,u UJB """TtU Ux comnUilou njiirlc, ill, 6, llSJ?. c- 1 Nftfl Hi X A --MMWWMKWlfc J ViMl