HRu ; fcHgaHMHMHHHaHMtMssnaaasaaMiM am,,. 1 - MU9P9PMMp a? " 0&F B?Wsr J Nfr IT fc MMHL fc HJ fc'H-... ' f-l-sT J- P frMT OMMMM-? - pMfcafy"Prli. l& CL-l-lm.'VM' j"7 f! dJ&BT rt VOLUME XXIV. FR0JI JHAIHE TO TEXAS. The Tide of Public Opinion Is fill Favorable to Paine's Celery Gorapoond. B" Aiit.iuJz&yt4$&Mi '"' J'r!:frt&,-''; .?rl.v -5-r iWfmmw- iyr. ' . ' n$0s$$&'y.. sAifVrrtWMfcAizvzZJ&sr i jjttvmiom rz?r-?:i.r u:47rr ' mmmm;;,,:- mm '.ivmiirt'xrimw. imxiU, -...,-..-.-.-:.:.:- ;-- mmmmmm ?m jRmwgm. im&z&jiffli WBmmBk smms l, Congressman Bell of Colorado One of Those Recently Restored to Health by Paine's Celery Compound. s There is iust uow no lack of nuui from the western states. Public opiuion in Colorado and Iow.i is as promptly and accurately heard of hs fioui any New England state. From all over tho west come rupoi ts that Paine's celery compound oc cupies practically a cl ar Held in the cure of diseases arising from a tired or otherwiso impaired nervous system, No other remedy was ever used by so many men of sound nmi rolinblo judg ment. No remedy but Paine's colerj compound has ever been recommended by m conspi-iously fair minded n body of men mid women. The half-heated experimental effort i of scores and RCOl'e of V I'Ml'l'I'l-', ,OIi -I' -I -. called iieiuiu'N wiili which tuu ket is coiMiuttly lecruited, io in staitling cniitrist with tho coulident because thoroughly scientific way In which Paiuu's celery compound sets about restoring health and vigor to the worn out body. Why will people be silly enough to juopardi.H their lives and lessen their chances of getting well by taking any thing else? There is no help so sure and so im mediate as ono gets from the Use of , Paino'o celery compound Detailed in formation of innumeiahle cases of ihcumatism, neuralgia, and dyspepsia complelnly cured, has established this gretii iiivigiiiiiioi as inn most vaiuiimr "icmeily those run down in health can Liakc uso of. iWonioti whoso sloi k of nervous 'gy was well nigh (xhausted haio rcstoi't I ! i ,i'i .ii 'ii (it . g"y i ! m tSrrrzr3L"rr?f.--Lx- .aiHHHHHH - . : xii fe 7 i , !.. ' m i statu of body and in i tut by this same great nerve and biniu lesturntive. Paine's celery compound is thegrcm. est achievement in modern medicine. Itbanishes woakness and pam as sure ly as its famous coiitompoiury, the electric light, disprls darkness, Paines celery compound fn e.s the body of vicious humors that cause kidney and liver complaints. Only a great remedy based on a deop know ledge of these diseases could do tho work that Paine's celery compound is now doing. Better nutrition foe the nerves, tin awakened iiteiit. , pm tiled blood and coiuplcleassiinilalion lltese follow the conscientious use of Paine's pe'i'i y fomnnunil t uro'v . i'-ivfol IlllVh night. If jti aiu alarmed li a thiobhi g of tho hcurt, an irritable stomach, or gen eral debility, be fair with yourself, use the best means there is, examine what Paine's celery compound is doing. It has cured an astonishing number of men and women of Blight's disease, rheumatism, neuralgia, heait and liver trouble. No sufferer can pa-s lightly over the romarknblo record ihat Paine's celery compound has to show to every sick and ailing pernio, Among the thousands of tcMlmouials received tliis year is one recently sent by Congressman John 0 Bell of Colo ratio, who says he has ustd ihiee bot tles of this best of all lemeilies fm dys ' popsm ami theuntiitisni, wniiihe most hiti'faetoi icult.. A'i. . u teti- mnin-ii' i. e- lied ,1 y Micro hue l,t . . n i !. , tain con- ". 'ii i. 'lliii it sun-s Ml.. . AMAtAliliiMttiAllMiHiMl V mmmmmmmmmmmmMtimmmlmMMMMMMMMMl RED CLOUD, :XE1)RASKA. OCT. 10, 18i)U. WASHINGTON NOTES l''i"ii It'ii' l'iih'cl lia- 'mil tiiut piopnciy would )iccnl Ins "iiiii'Iiiik actively" in tlio i-ninitiiin, hut -iiici' lii-i ii'liiin to V:iliiiiloM it has lie coini' iippiiit'iit that ho iiiti'inN to pull ill t'n' wlri-t in hi' ifiu'h ti)liii;nl)oiit l!i) all's defeat, ami nmst ilcinnci als winilil pn fcr that In- houll nil ml arthvlj," uhich MTii In hi' hisilclim linn nf taking part in pulilic u.i'i-tiiij'i, iiitrail of wnfkiiiK piivati'ly in his I'M'i'iitivc (illii't! aninsi Itiyuii; ami tlii-y have had Mime hud tliinn. to say about Ids wiiiinu letter eoiililli'iidiiif,' Hid Kohl tiiitvt'int'iit, to ha lead at a fjoltl liict'tinn addressed liy a ineinher (f liis eahinet, whilu hy his oidot', other inuinher.s of his I'ahinent were dismissing,' ollieials for hein oaudi dates for otlieoon the silver ticket, and in souit) instatiecs for working for the .silver tleket. A eonsiiluiable stun ot money at ono place $12,000 is posted in Wash ington to hut on MeKlulej'.s election. Tlio othU now being oilorrd aro S to 1, but there is less betting than was ever known nt this period of a presidential campaign. Chairman Butler, of the populist na tional committee, figures out 2.12 elec toral rotes 8 more than enough to elect, for Brjnn, without including the states of Illinois, Delaware, Michi gan, Iowa mid Ohio, in nil of which he cliin9 that Bryan has an even chance to win. But in Senator Butler's "sine thing" list tiro a number of states which are also in all the republican ".sure thing" lists. 1'he populist campniii book will be issued tills week. Tlio other campaign hooks luiTf heon out some time. The delay in issuing the populist boot; wm caused by deliberation as to whether one should be issued at all. It differs somewhat radically from either the democratic or icptiblican campaign hook, in that it emphasizes its dis cussion of the transportation question in connection with tlia money ques tion. Tho book asserts thut "those who piolit by our pernicious monetary laws and discriminating system of taxation together with tiiose who con trol our transportation facilities, have creatid odious trusts and monopolies. All of these arc taking an active part in polities and are placing their entire power behind and in support of tho gold standard." In iewot tho claims made by both parties as to Kentucky, the opinion of Mr. M. J. Richmond, whoso former prominence in Kentucky politics enables him to speak with authority, enhanced by his now being practically out of politics, is interesting. Mr. Kichmond, who has just come to Wash ington from Kentucky said: "It is ex tremely difllcult to say how tho elec toral voto of Kentucky will go. The betting is even, neither side bring willing to give odds. My opinion is that whole qui tj. ill hinges on the populist mie I'n it w is yij.onu in the last elee- lion, and supposing it goes solidly for Bryan, tho question is whether it will exceed the loss of sound money demo crats who will vote either forMcKinloy or Palmer. I think a majority of the sound money democrats are going to voto the republican ticket. In Coving ton and Newport, there is a large Ger man Catholic element, which is strongly for Bryan, and I believe most of the working men are on Ills side. Ono of the odd features of the cam paign Is the attitude of 'Pole' Carlisle, a brother of the sr cretiiry, who is post master of Covington, lie is an out an out Bryan man, and when Bryan came to our town to speak was ono of tho first to rush to the stand and grasp him by the hand. But this only shows how the democrats are divided on the issue and what a queer mix-up It is. Our people have dropped work and buii iicss entii el, ami tall, i;o!d and silver day unil night." i Both sides ai o interesting themselves , in the i hi w ii 1. 1 is In Washington rfi gfflatiaitetlj." but has a i in si. me of the -'ai , i spu'iall.V if lit- lutein- niiine of the close or douiuiiil states, ol which thcie seem to he a gieat many this yeur Hoth the dcuiocialic and icpubli- oan congressional coinmittcrss have arranged with the railroads for reduced ! transput tntinti tor oteis, ami uliile. in ither is in tl.itig t a rule to furnish ' fn e tickets, tliete will he little trouble ' foi impecunious volets in ccttaiu state' I to gel them done either At the he ginning f the i ampaigu it was thought I thai few of the rank ami file of goieru i meat eniiloe would Lo to the e peiiie of going to their homes to vote, ' owing to then belief that the chil sell vice law would keep ihem in olllce ' whether they did or not. But theie has been a gieat change, and it is now prohab'e that tin unusually large per centage of them will go home to vote; also that most of them will vote for McKinley, not so much because of any decided prefcieiice for him ip because they believe their bread and butler de pends upon his election. This change has been brought about by the con tinued aertions, which have not been denied, that if Bryan is elected there will be an till around shako up in the civil sci vice In all its branches. 100 Howard $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to team that there is nt least one dreadi d disease that science has, been able to t tire in all its stages and that is Calari It Hall's Catanh Cine is j the onlj po'iiiiecuronowknown to tlio' Maternity. Catarrh being a! coiiblilutiotial disease, requires- n con-1 ; st it in it.nal treatment. Hall's Catarrh One is taken internally, acting direct ly on the ii.ooii and mucous surfaces of , the jstiii', thereby destroying the1 foundation nf the disease, and giving' the patient strength by building up the J constitution ami assisting nature in doing its woik. The proprietors haie1 so much faith in its cutatiie poucts! that they oiler One Hundred hollars for any case it fails to cure. .Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. .1. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Earmold by druggists, 7fie. Hnll's Family Pills aro the best. WILLOW OBBEK. Gaylord Wilder is home oa a visit. Nellie Bon and Kthel Brubaker were at home on Sunday. Mrs. T. (i. Wilder has returned home. A. C. Bon is hauling lions to Guide Hock. Manitoba. A few weeks ngo the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to bo in n most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a had case of lagrippe and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From tho advertisement of Chatnheilaiiis Cough Itemed and the many good recom mendations included then in, wo con cluded to make a first trial of the modi j cine. To say that it was satisfiieior.i in its i faults, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent euro. We have no hesitancy in recom mending tins excellent Cough ltemcdy to anyono afllictcd with u cough or cold in any form. The Jlunuer of iiiucTiy, liiouriyiown, Maryland, Tim 25 and fiO cent sizes for sale by 11. K. Grice, druggist. Hard Times in Doddvillo. "Last Monday," writes the editor of the Dcddvillo Recorder, "we wont out to collect tlGO, due us en subscription from ICO delinquent subscribers. We put in the whole day at it. How much does tho reader think we collected? Not a darned cent, reader; not a darn ed cent. We have been running a paper in this towa seven years, and wo never saw times half us hard as they are now except, the year wo had triplets tit "in liuii.e" Chicago Tri bune Dr. Price's Cream Br.UInj; Powder IVortd' Pair llle!it A!Jsl an 1 DIpIohu Yp - u4siA.aj Ruui The People's Friend. Cures Cough, Cold, Croup, Whooping-cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Asthma and Lung Affections. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP is sold everywhere for only 25 cents. Refuse cheap substitutes. Chow LANCE'S PLUGS, Tho Groat tobacco Antldoto.lOc. Doalort or mill.A.C.Moicr & Co., thlto.,MA Ilsiruess 1 Harness ! Harness ! J O BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade HARNESS MAN, In Red Cloud. Prices right for dish I I . Threatening: fmEffiMfim ALBUMENS, Nervous Prostration Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Prolonged dcranRomont of tho norvoua system not only afTocts tbo brain and men tal powers, but devolope disease In some of tbo vital organs. The moat dnngorous of thoso Indirect rcaulto Is when tbo heart Is affected. This was tho case of the Her. N. F. Surface, Fawn Hirer, Mich., who wrlUe nder date of Feb. 14. 1896: 'vm "Fourteen years ago 1 bud a slight stroke of paralysln. Overwork brought on uurvoua prostration. I was exceedingly nervous and the exertion of public epuaklog cansod beart pulpltutlon thut threatened my life. I used two bottles of Dr. Miles New Heart Ouro for my heart trouble, and two of Dr. Miles' Ilostoratlvo Ncrvlno for my ncrvoui auftsand feel better thau I ever expected to font ugulu. I can speak for hours without tlrlnxor having my heart flutter as It for merly did, and I have you to thank that I am alive today." On sale by all drugglsta. Dr. Miles' Itook cm llourt and Nervous Disorders FKKB by mall. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. r. Miles' Rene-dies Restore IlealUt SWWeWp JmuHmnz v MltS. J. It. SHIItKY, Tearhcr or i.wncu.Ti IINTAI, JUIMC. Customary prices. Daily halt hour Iob on to nt'.i Lit'Klnnura nt rouponubln lit in'. - NUMBER 41 lftCUH Oyrup In use for fifty vears. . - -TO Have That Picture Enlarged Won't get it done. The Easiest and host way to get it done, and to bo sure of its being done right is to stop in at Wegmann's Gallery. Water Color, Seape and Pastel Portraits. Kino ltlx'JO .Crayon Portraits for $1 -18. Watot Colors for $1.8(1. Platino, the new carbon enlargement for 91.50. BROMIDES and PASTEL, fiom r,0o up. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PItOPltlETOlt. DEALKK IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. HiwioiNcpffl ( - ALWAYS ON TAP. a OAfaE it AloMTT, ATTORNEYS and COUNSELORS AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and Probatr Litigation. MOON 1U.OCK, III UCI.OUl), NEBRASKA J H .II HI IbH bv HI HTefcJ ii VI 1 H H il m amHal l V A av aav H aw aV aaVaV il 4 M H H H mm MM BW I HW HI Hi HH ami HI HHVi HTMllBUvim fPHHHK3.aB.aK-aael ( CartaU. and Trde-Mrki obtained and all Pat. entbntlncu conducted for Mooiratc Fcta. OunOrriccieOproaiTi;U, B. PATCNTOrricci and wocaniccure patent m Jcaa time Uuui loot e J remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo,, with descrip tion. We advise, il patentable or not. free ol charge. Our tee not duo till patent Is secured. , at PiuiuirT "How to Obtain Patents." with cost ol kJinc in the If, S, and foreign counttiei . i... uj.... r 2Clifc (ISC. JIUUIE, VaMialYV XJu Off, patent Orrict, WAHINQTON, o. C. .Wl I 7 '! i .I TWr-'isfc- N 1 K ill 'V.r..iau- ..iumfMliMeijut, f.,- &$: f-?i KMSftni4HaatWtijMrj t9jrr? " ii !ST3SSS..' .. iTfor , yejp. .r'SMKTsrV .. jaswwa.' M.jmuMemup"!i' y$i fewt