The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 09, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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-- UJ ,
p. i mummmmmmmmmmm mueammm mmm mmi i wwi wwwr-"
.l lilt Kill I Ut'lllltlKt'll tlllll'lllllll t'llllll III
l Id until', .itliill h.l tin- Silllllll lit II Cull
il.e.tiui I'utltj TiutiinN I hi .Vrine'il uu
I pulh,:ui Mill C iiitlinie.
I.'isno.N, Oft. "i. The 1'ress uswcla
'in announce-, tlutl It lias learned
f'din ttnvnniinfiit oiiolct thai there N
no irutli in tlio report In n dipaieh
Iroin Vienna tn the Daily M.til that
In' pnwri'i had agreed upon u spcciUc.
n'l' Ifinciit nf tlu1 Eastern question,
lionoruMu to all panics, ami amply
fuaratiteoiiik' the security of tun Ar
menians. There was a dlruet lulitna
t mi that this TiiiuMi dillleiilty va
Mi-tutilly settled, lint It upponc;" Mich
i not tin1 msp.
Till! CoiliUlltlmiplu L'OITl"pillllll'tlt
' tin Timet saw 'Kfei-y iuilti'iitloii
, ".uts to a renunciation by the Tin-It-.
KuVfi'iiiui'iit n u eor.o'iliatori pu.
ii inwiii-iti tin Ai'tiii'iiiniiv i;.imi.
''ii aim n tin- lower in-ilei- con
i.iitlt ill' Imllli on ii ri'iliiri'il tenlc,
till I ill c .'.S t'Ml'lul iimv lo haul. ITS
nut ftlicr wu.iltin cltiwi So much
t r tl,i- a.-it'ition in Knlai'il '
A Hon in illMuteli to t'H' siiimlaitl
ih' "Tin Kulhiohe eittiiio; as-
'i t that tin.' (ireelit proti'isi to tip
I"mI to the I'lirLst uns of Kurnpc ami
A.i.cllra to subset-Mm 10 inlllioll
iK.iiinls (.() milium dollars in order to
!" out all the Mohammedan land
miits in the island oft rote."
i iir
I inili-r shut Duiil lo
II I llltl'll si,t,..
Ai iit'iji Kitcjt c. N. M., ct i. The
east-bound No v passenger tiaiu. due
here at s.i.'i from the west, wits held
up at Km 1'uerco bruluc, about twenty
in l.-s from this city
As soon as Hie train pulled out ot
'. in- station it was halted by several
masked men and the e press messen
ger commanded to open the doors of
his car. A general fusiladc of shots
kept the ptissenjrers I.atu
mints, ulthouph tnearo, say tlial
tin' messenger is still looked in, but a
number .if shots have been tired Into
t lie car.
At 10 10 o'clock u inessiiifi' was re
i cit cd from IJto I'neico stating that
lie of the i-obtcrs, Cole Yottnir. I-
hen the robbers jumped on the en
gine ami compelled Kugiiifcr Uo.ssaud
I s tlremuu to uncouple the cuirmc
.ial express car from the train, Dep
ute I ii'tcd States .Marshal l.uomis,
who was rcturuiiig from the West,
in tin; situation and tired at the
! I'sl
man, Killing louns; 1 lie roti- i
then commenced shunting, unit I
it lantern Inmi the Hand oi a i
brnkciiKiu. Kuinors heie aro th'i i
sexeral others are shot, hut Un.-i is not
jet coutlrmed.
I'ltu hold up was a failure litiaueial
ly the robbers securing no money.
I.". mi. si thinks the hold-ups are the
fame gang that rohbo.l the Separ post
otllco n few weeks ago uud have been
terrorizing southern New Mexico,
ami that Young was tho leader.
I li'trii Alltiiiniitiir Miilce the Itiiiiiul
I rip
Hot wren 1'iirli unit ,M.irollle.
I'aiiih, Oct. 5. Of thirty-eight auto
motors, thirty-si petiole urn machines
nint two driven by steam, which
started in a race on September -I
from tills city to Marseilles and Icicle,
a total distancn of l.iiT.' kilometers,
mily eleven completed the iiiiind trip,
reaching here this afternoon. All the
machines llnishing were petrolcui
dm on Micholln's motorcycle At rest
completed lite trip in seventy-two
hours, actual running fine. Tho
journey wns divided into ten stages,
at which the nrrlval and departure of
each contestant was timed. There
uas no running at night. The ma
chine."! which tlnislied reached I'liri'-.
at a spanking .ice and till were in
good order.
An Arl.iiinrtt Farm tliiml anil a Keen-ant
Wife Wuntcil fur Tout Crimi'-
l.iiTt.Jc Hon;. Ark., Oct. Hud
hiilliu and his wifo und fle children
lived on White river bete. ecu Dos Arc
ml Dctuli'b Hliifr. .lohn King, n
hired man, is said to have alienated
Mrs. Chafllu's nlTections. None of tho
haftlns have been een Bluet! Septem
ber SI, when King drovo uway in a
wnirnn with Mrs. Clittflin.
Yesterday tlio neighbors began an
investigation. Hlood wus found spat
tered nil over tlio floor, but no bodies
wero found. Thn theory of the of
Beers Is ihat the bodies were thrown
into tho river. Every ofl'ort Is being
uiude to looite Kinf and Mr, Chutlln.
Hotter KiiliuiK lu Au.wrr Wiition
WAbiii.soro.s, Oct. 'o. -Senator Hut
er declines to m.ilto any comments
upon Mr. Watson's editorial concern
ing fusion between the Populists uud
Democrats, or to jflve. out the protest
Mr. Watson sent ugalnht tlio fusion '
policy, saying that Mr. Wa'.son was
the proper person to give it If It wan
to be given to the world.
Klllrit by IIU llrotlicr ,
Ut'TtttilK, Olclit. , OeU , Last even
ing, near Hush, Ok hi., .lohntitij Clark, I
agcu ill, eliotaiiu union aaiuuei wiarif,
ngod lo. The boys wero playing with
gnus, nml Johnulu p-jinted his gnu ut
the older bt other, not knowing that
ii was loaded. Tim cuu wus tired,
II ing tho heart of the bov with shot.
Cot-man Will TittU for llrjrjn.
l', Oct., fi. It wis an
nounced by Chalrmuu Harry Welles
K .si; of tlio Democratic city executive
ouuiinlttco that Senator Arthur P.
cmruinn would take ttio stump und
wake a thorough canvuss of tho stat
fin the. llryan ticket
nopuniiriiin Imtorn u l)eniuert.
New Yoiti;, Oct. I. Colonel Traiilc-
n Hart lull has been Intlnrsed by the
I ublican cong-i'sslonal convention
tho Seventh district. Hu had pro-
ply been nominated by tliu gold
Ada ril Democrats,
fact I i u m tli' .iiniiiil llrnitt uf t ti v
( inniiilliiin r Hi tmiiiih iiiIhIImii.
iiiM. ins. Oft. .. i ')it.mislitier
l.auuii'eiiiix of llu general land nlllco,
in his annual report to the Secretary
of the Intern' for the fiscal vein-,
static that the total land M-Iectlom
during' t:ie year were t.i.-.'ol'.i-un acres
of which I. :w !l."i were homestead
entries and t',iMi,.'iUI luliiuad M'lec
tioits. Tin' increase in selections
over the previous year was 4,jjU:',
uM neres. 'I'he e.isli reee pts were
S'.', I or., .in I, an increase of ST'.'.'."!; Tho
lal'di p.iteined to railroads In Mitlv
faction of (.'runts iik predated lft,M7.
hl acic, an Incrcasco of ",,'D;i,iiut
acres over last year, ivud the agricul
tural paten's fi.'iTn.iiOtl, an inereuso of
S.',ri.i, ISO acres. The total number of
acres patented was i.'t'.MiMiy.i. 'lh
total vacant public laud In the I'tilted
States Is 0110,11 10 &rl acres, of which
i' are Mirveyod and ve.aS,.
Mliunsurveyed. 'lhn amount of land
fiirveycd during the year was S.l'OV
kos lli'lis,
Coiuui'ssioiier I.nmoreaux rocntn
mends that appropriations for surveys
and reurevsnf public land- be mucin
continuous ami that laws lie passed
crc.itinir the olllce of surveyor general
of Alaska, estab ishlui;a national irri
(jal ion conimiss mi, lor the compulsory
attendance of witnesses at licarnir-i
of contests before the district laud
ofl cers, forth..' prutcetlon ..' timber i
on ,,,,1,1,.. f,..t ,,..,.. ,tin to reirii. I
on puniie tou'si iiMi'i v.uions. to icirii-
late t'nil'-r on public lands not cm-
hi need within the forest resignations,
nut for 'he protection of timber ami
other gt-nt'i on the public domain
from des'.ruotio'i bv lire.
Tim report contains a review of tho
entile work of the general laud olllce
togo'her with tlie ell'ect of passed
legislation nml decisions of tlie su
prenie court on laud cases.
I'lilrej liri-i' Million of Nort lirro I'uib
lie sriMirlltei vu1.l for Tru Mlllliiln
Mit.w ti'i.i:r. Wis, Oct. .'.. .ludre
Jenkins in the I'nlted Slates court di
rected the receivers of the Northern
Pacific Hallway company yesterday to
m-U stocks and bonds pledged as col-
1 luteril with the funnels' Loan uud
j Trust company, amounting to S3.J, 107,-
r00, to the Northern I'aetiic railroad,
the new corporation, for 8l(),S7.'i,0'jO.
Tlie securities were deposited us col-
I lateral for tho collateral trust indeu-
I turcs notes in May, li-'Jit, and ut that
I time were looked upon as the cream
of tlie pap'-r held by tlie Northern Pa-
! eille Kailioad company.
' Tlie bonds unit stocks ordered sold
, inelndi) consolidated bonds ot the
Northern l'uelfli! company to tho
amount of S'J.S.IO.OUO; Chicago A
Northern Pacillc Hist mortgage bonds,
a'.'.O.'i.'.uoo: Chicago X- titluitiet Ter
iiilual railway tlrst tuortgagii bonds,
Si.'JOO.ojO; St." I'.utl and Northrrn I'a
citlc. capital stock, SM.SlO.iM'Ji North
ern l'ac tie ICvpress company's slock,
S'jr-'.'iUi), unit thlcairo' Nortlu'in l'n
eille bcnellcial Htock ccrtllicatcs
auiouuting to &l.i,0U',iKM.
HIiKiithiiiniiti lriilllni; n I'liiiil .Neir St
.loreph, .llo.
Sr. .Ios-i.pii, Oct. 1. Near Arkle,
Mo., five miles north of here, yester
day afternoon borne unknown man,
presumably u tramp, entered the
house of John llJiuley while lie
uway anil murilercu his wife, who
was alone tit homo. After u hard
light, und the breaking of consider
able furniture, the ttriti finally over
powered Mrs. llouilcy, who" was it
powerful woman, und beat her brains
out. All the rooms In which the light
took place are covered with blood.
No cause can bo assigned for the ter
rible crime other than tho trump
found Mrs. Homley alone uud at
tempted to assault her. Posses aro
scouring No.laway county, und if tho
man is caught iiu will bo lynched.
Itloodhoiimls have been ordered from
Clinton county, Missouri, uud the po
lice ot thU city arc wateliing closely
for the murderer.
A ttnekn Wilier' Trorh.i
( Sliooli
I ICkv i:st, Pin., Oct. 4. Advices re-
1 ceived from Havana stato that An-
' toulo Muceo, In a recent attack on the
trochu, inflicted turriblo losses on tlio
Spaniards, more than l.u3!) being
killed and wounded, Tho attack was
made at night uud was carefully
planned. The Spaniards wero taken
completely by surprise. They wcro
aroused from" sleep to llnd u In II of
insurgent ballots falling upon them.
(icnural Arelas uud his stair, half
' elad, rushed from thoir lieudquurturs
and tried to rally tliu Spanish troops,
i who worn panic-stricken by tho at-
, tack. It was half an hour before, even
a sc m bianco of order could bu re-
, stored to the Spanish column, and
during that time tho troops remained
huddled together, an easy mark for
thn Cubans' bullets. It was during
this period of the panic that so many
, of tho Spanish troops were killed.
X) unit ml i uf reiipln In Three Coiintli'f
1 Miule Hfntltut" by the lliirrlrmir.
.UrKHosjyti.i.K, tin, Oct. o Lato
reports from the region laid wusto aro
thut the peoples of the western part of
Alachua and Levy and tho eastern part
of Lafayette counties, left hoinelcis
with no food, with tho cotton crop
destroyed and no resources at hand,
arc threatened with starvation and
the people who huvo visited them aro
earnestly advocating a special soislou
of the IcgU'aturc to make some pro-
vision for lliein
WUromln Tr.ilu WrocUor, fiillril
Haiiai:oo, Wis , Oct. 5 Last nigh'
four bandits wero seen obstructing
tlie tracl; near Devil's lake. Tom
Patterson, who saw them, shot one of
them. They returned (ire and Patter
son was shot through the leg and hat.
Tho wreckers escaped. A sheriff and
poiso arc ir. pursuit.
llllnnli .Muthinlllti Avnbiil Women
riti.l.roi.r, 111.. Oct. .'. Tho Hock
Hiver conferencn to-day voted against
nilmllt n g w niton to tho general con
ference, aiso against iiicieaslug the
laymen delejatcs.
In No Itnillit uf lll I tli tlutl lo I III' I'res-till-in
j lie Issues a siiili-mi lit
Cts txsvii. uliio. Oct. .' William
.lo ininjjs llryan five's out the follow
iiiu' statement concerii tig the uomlfiif
"I have no doubt of my election I
base fiy contiilence upon the fact that
the fri-o coin igo sentiment is i;riivliii:
every d.iy. Tno people arc studying
the nionev tiuestion ami the stcdy of
it is convincing the people generally
that there can bo no pcrininent puis
perlty so lotijj as tlio ,' i-l slandard la
tnaiulaitii' I.
"The (fold standard makes a dearer
dollar. A dearer dollar incuts failing
prices and fiilliti prices uieau hard
times. The people who piolit by hard
tiuifsare relatively so lew in tiumuer
that they would amount to notlilni
at all but for the fact that they aro
aided by a considerable number of
people who, not having tuilicd tin)
nionev oucstlon thenisi-lves, have re-
cetved itisirncllons from a few lliiun
'I In uiim'ior of Kepublieans who
hne deeiari'd for free stiver outnum
bers the Democrats who liavcdcsertcd
tlie ticket and while the number of
silver liiiiiibliettis Is lnei-eiisitiL- all
siier l.i piiiiiii.ins is imiuiMtii, mi,
the time, the number uf bintiii),' Dciu-.
ocrats is all the t iinn decreasinjf.
"W'liil.. I l.iv.. mi .liuiiii ii.t i.iinvi
ocrats is all the t iinn decrcastiijf.
"While I have no doubt as to mv i
election I lielievu Hint the advocates
l'lJllOMl ' "' lu V u";1 llK. ,...,
,,( f,.,. eomaue mIioiiiiI work from now i
to election dnv to make the majority
in tliu electoral mllege so largo that
no parly w ill heieafler daro to propose,
submission to ii foreign
"Wit I IUI .llNMSIIS lltlVAN."
lliu li- I'ri'ililrnl I'ri'.lilis Out tliu
lli'iiinrmtlc mill slUer IiitIiiv
nr. l.ot is, ,uo., vici. it. scores oi I
banners mid hundreds of decorated
buildings giected the Dctuociatlc ami
Silver club delegates and vlsitor-i
to-day when they p. iriuled the streets
on their way lo the Auditorium for
the national convention of Dcuioi.'ratie
clubs. Only about Inn delegates were
present when l'lcsidcut Uiauneoy 1''.
Itlack cal ed the meeting to order.
Most of the delegatesand visitors wcro
from Illinois and Missouri.
After u pruyer tliu JelVcrson (lleo
club of a.M) voices sang "America," tho
audience joiuiuir in. I'licn Mr. Itlaclc
delivered his quadrennial address. In
tills he declared that tlie cause which
the Democracy was supporting was
that of no clasH, no section, but tlio
people us a whole. It was the cause
of all clashes from all p-irts of tlio
country. lie then entered into a dis
cussion of tlie money question and
concluded by denouncing Mark Datum
and the money power. lie was fru
fluently interrupted by applause.
Vice I'lesident Steeiisou was then
iiiiiiiiiiii,-i.-ii u nus uiii; uiiii.'1-r mm in-!
llvered a long addri'ss. In opening ho i
said Hint the Republican party, which
had so long a tenure of power during
.mil .iiii-i ,uu .till, mil iLniilJiniuiu 111.
was re
the lt-,'3 demonetization act ami tlia
Incalculable evils that he declined to
have resulted. Hu said that tho
other Ills under which tue people wero
groaning hint followed from "protec
tionism gono mad," a ltepublicau prin
ciple which the present ltepublicau
presidential nominee represented lu
its perfection, llu asked that the
votes of his hearers be cast uiainst
the party which was responsible for
the two greatest detriments American
prosperity had sustained nml against
tho man who, more than any other,
was rc&punslblc for one of them.
After criticising in detail tlio acts of
tlie last Kepublican ailmiii.striitiou,
Mr. Stevenson lauded tho unconsti
tutional income lax mid deplored its
fate, and passed to the financial issue.
lie maintained that gold and silver
found equal recognition in the const!
union, and declared that lio thanked '
(iod that he could maintain bis party
allegiance without sacrillelng his pa
triotism or political principles. Hu
liiot'.'d .lelVersou, Hamilton ami Web
ster us favoring the use of both
motals. He said also that Mr. Cleve
land had been elected the llrst time
on a bimetallic platform. Hu cited
four platforms besides the last one to
, .einplify Democratic consistency on
the issiio of tlio hour.
On the other hit ml, according to
Mr. Stevenson, the 1H Kepublican
platform was not only divergent from
but diametrically opposed to that of
ls'.i.' and the utterances of Mr. Illaiue.
Juiiiet K. Cntupbell fur
Wahiiinciion, Oct. .1. Kx-Uovernor
James 12. Cntupbell of Ohio, who was.
formerly tho gold standard lender of
that stnte, says thut hu will nbidu by
tho Chicago convention and votu for
llryan. Ho added that hit would
make it few speeches in Ohio in sup.
port of tliu Chicago nominees ami
might also spcuk in iiidiuna and West
The A iiioi I'.lovi'ii nf (own Heat .11 If
unrl 1'J to O.
CoMJtiitA, Oct. 6. MIisourl'MTigorfl,
for tliu flrst time since tliu orgumza.
lion of the Stato university team, met
with a decisive defeat on tho home
grounds, being bentun by tho eleven
from tliu Iowit State Collego of Agri
cultural and Mechanical Arts of
i Ames, Iowa, by it score of 12 to 0, tho
Hawkeycs making two touclidowriT
and scoring two u'oiK
A l.uthornu'n (lift to thn I'lipii.
Homi:, Oct, 6, Tho pope received la
audlenco yesterduy .John A. lints:, Mr..
tho millionaire Philadelphia brewer.
vvio presented a largo bum of money,
I j,ir, utZ s u hutheiaa und a very
i liberal man, He has been tr..vjllui
lu Kuropu for several moiiihi.
Operator In Iteplueii Striken.
Pitovinr.M'K, It. I , Oct c Travel
ing Agent MolCenna of tliu Canadian
Pacillu rallroul was in
this city yes-1
ators to take
terday looking for opera
tho places of thn operators of tlio
road who aro on stilko. Iieo trans-1
portatlon, good food und big salaries'
wero the inducements olicred, but Mr. I
MeK'cnna got no recruits, llu luf t for !
urcestur at noon.
IliKtn'i I lothniK Million Ktrlkn.
Jlusio.v Oct fi Over II, 000 men and
women employed In tliu manufacture '
of clothintr nro on strike lu an en. i
deuvur to butter tliulr condition. I
Tho follow itiR proposed atnondincntu
to the Cotiutinttlim of the Ktato of No
hrasln, as ltcrclnufter not forth In full,
nro aiilmilUcil to tlio clectora of the
State of Nebraska, to bo voted upon
at tho r.eneral election to be held Tiicu
day, .loveniber It, A. I)., ISM:
A Joint resolution proponing to
amend ucctlons two (2, four (1), nml
flvo(D,)of nrtlcle nix (fi)of tho CotiHtl
ttttlon of the Stato of Nebraska, relat
ing to numner of JihIros of the stipri'tue
court ami their term of ofllee.
lto It resulvnj ntid pnueteil 'by the
isliUtne of tlii Sl.itn of Ni'bm-cUii:
Hi'ctlon I sect Ion two ('.') of nr-
tlClO t-X ( .'t till' (ltMtltlltll)ll uf tlio
Hlnte of N'-I't il, a tin mm-ii'li'il no an to
rend us folleu -
fipctloa 2. Tlir Hupiriue cntirt (ihnll until
ollierul-,, pioNl 1. .1 i law. consist of n
t5) i,ll,K,w' " -lollty of wliuin slmll I
L.t.r,y (l, rmm a nimrum or l.i pn
tnnmce a d in. It sliall orlKln
Jiirl-iillctloti In isi's rM.ttltiK t" riMiiti
civil cases In uliti-li the st'ilo i.hnll lie or in ii
i: mm
Jarl-nllctloii In n'm rd.ttltiK to riMiiui',
civil cones in uniiii the stito mihii in- a
l"lrl. tn.u dnt-ius, im mirruntn, hatmn
corpil-, mid mull tippet ate Jill 1st litllill. as
,,j. , pioMiini lo inw
Hoctlon 2. That sn'tleii four (I) of nrtlclo
six (l) uf tlie Conl. Iliillon uf the Sliile
cf N'rhraxka, hu iiiuciidril u iih lu tend as
Kccthin i. Tho Judges of tlo suprfini
court shall I c etn't1"! bv tlu eleetorM uf
thn state nt lini;''. nii't their term uf of lire,
oxecpt as In r liiafu r ptmltlnl, slmll lm
for n, period ot not Ichh than live (5) ycatii
us the Iculsliitiiie may piesctll'i'.
Kictlon n. That siettun IHe CO uf nrtlcle
six (C) of the Ciitixtltllllou of the Hlntn uf
Ni'brasliu, be uue mleil to leail ns follows :
Portion fi. At tlie tlrst rencinl rlei'tlon to
tie held In the a lvW, there shall ho elect
ed two (") Jit'lui s uf the supieine euurt one
of whom shall lie electeit fur a teiin of
two (!) years, mm for the term of four (I)
years, mid ut rei election there
nfter, thcro shall be rite ted cue Jinl;e of
the stlpteine euurt fur the let m or lUe
d") yours, unless otherwise ptovlded by
law: Provided, That the JiiiIuih of thn su
pH'iuo court whose terms hao not e.siilrul
at tho lima of Imlillm: the elei
tlun of U'JI, shall cutitlnue to huld tlnMr
ottlcfl for tliu reiunhider of tlio term for
which tney uro leipcellvcly "uminli
aloiM'd, Approvl March 19, A. n. 135.".
A Joint resolution propnqlni; tin
Amendment to taction thirteen (111) ot
nrtlclo six of tho Conntltiilion ot tlio
State of Nehtnakii, relating to eotn
pcnHatlon of aitpreino and Ulattlct court
Ho It resolved by tho I.i'KlsbitUre of the
Ptnto of Kchrail.a:
Hectlou 1. That section thirteen "U of
r(lcle six (f) or the Oinitlttitl.m of the
titatn of Nflirika bo ittncndcil no as to
read as follows:
Hoc. 13 The .Iii'Ikos of the supieino and
district courts liall reietve rur ineir Her-
vices such c uir tisatluii ns may lm pro-
vl, lid by law, payahlc nuartetly.
The lenlslatme shall ut in tlrst -ossion
fj.fJJ'ihfVl.'S XAm
f.npli ItiilmA
e coii'-iiiiliu:. i staiiitsii imir
compensation. The compensation so es
tuhllslicd fluid not be cluiiiReil uftenor
III in unce In four yours, ami In no event
ttnlfi? two-thlnls of the iii"niborn fleeted
to each hoi, so of tliu Icgtalatuto loncur
Approveil March If, A, D. IS!'3.
A Joint rriiolutlon propositi!? to
nmend rcctlon twenty-four (!!!) of nr
tlclo five (Ii) of tho CotiHlIttttlon of tho
Stato of Nebraska, relating to coni
pctiRntlon of tho ofllcfr3 of the execu
tive department.
lie It resolved und enacted by the IK
Islnturn of tho Htate uf Nebriska:
Section 1. That section twenty-four (?0
of urtlcln live (.".) of the Constitution of thn
Hi. ilo ot Nebraska he utii(.'uileil to lead as
Section 24. The officers of the executive
drpnrtincnt of tlio state kovoi anient shall
receive for their servhes a .uinptiisntloii
to be established by law, whloli shall bo
.leltlter luii'-asoil nor dlmlnMn'il diirlm;
the terni fur whlrh they shall havn been
cjnimlsslono'l nnd they sh.ill nut reeelvo
to their own uso nny fees, ensta, liiterest",
upon public moneys In their hands nr un
der their control, perquisites of olllcn or
other compensation and all fees that may
heifiiftir no payable by law for services
perfurnud bv an oil' or provide1' 'or In
this nrtlrle shall be paid In ndvuneu Into
the statu treasury. 'J ho loithdature shall
ut Its first session after the adoption of
this amendment, thicclirtlH of the mem
bers elected to ech house of thn louts
latum cnni-urrlnK, estuhllsh the salaries
of tin) ullloors named In this article. Tno
eompenutlun so established shall not bu
changed oftener than unco lu tour years
ami in no event unless two-thirds of tho
mcrnliers elected to ench hotlsu of the lee u ro concur Unrein.
Approied Mirch ?'.', A. D. 1S33.
A Joint resolution propos'.np; to
nnicnd section one (1) of nrtlclo pIx (G)
of tho Constitution of tho State of Ne
braska, rrlatitiR to Judicial power.
He It resolved and cnueteil bv thn Let:
JMnturo of tho State uf N obra nV. at
Section I. Tnat section one (I) of nrtlrle
sjx a ot the Constitution of thn Ht'ito of
Nelnnshs lie nuiendid to read as folloivs:
Btctloti 1. The Judlc'nl power nf tli'H stato
ehull be M'kted In a supremo court, dis
trict courts, county comts Justices of tho
pence, polloe nuiKlstriiics, und lu such
ether courts Infcrlur to the suiireine couit
us neiy be crenlcd by lav In which tun
thirds of thn members ibctod to f.ach
ho uso coiaiir.
Approved March W, A. D JK5.
A Joint resolution proposlnR to
ntncntl motion cloven (11) of nrtlclo kIx
(6) of tliu ConBtitittlon or tho Stain of
Nebraska, relating to litctcaso In num
ber of supreme und district court
Ito It resolved snd enncfed by tho
Mature of th Htato of Nebraska:
Bectlnn I That nvctlnn eleven (II) of ar
tlcln six id of the Comitltutlun of the Htato
of NebiuiKa be Mtuunded to read us fol
lows: Hectlon II. The legislature, whencvertwo.
thirds of ijin members elected to each
hoiiho slisll cuncur therein, may, In or
after the your ono thouiiuid elitht hun
dred and ninety. seven and not oftonir
tnan once In overy four years, Inereuso
tli number of JiiUrcs nf suprenin und ills,
trlct cnur's. ami the JiullelHl rilstrlcts of
the ntnte. Much districts shall bo formed
of coiiipa, t territory, und bounded by
county lines: and surh Increase, or nny
chni'iin in the bomiiinrlrs of a dlstrlvl.
hnll nut vni-ate tho ottl, o of anv Judse,
Approved ilarch SO, A. I), li'-J.
A Joint resolution propoalnr; to
ancitd pection alx (G) of nrtlclo one (1)
of the Constitution of the Stato of No
binskn. rclatlnr. ' trial by Jury.
It It rmoivrd stin enneted by tho Leg
islature of th1 Ktutn of Nt'brnnkui
Poctlim 1. That section six (1), article
on (l) uf 'hi CoiiiUt'Jtlou uf the Stuta of
Netirnihi ts unienrted ,o read ns rollnws:
Hocthm 6. The rlnht of trinl bv Jury shsll
re mi' In lutliilnte, but the legislature may
pinlde that In elMI sctluiis ltvo-illlH of
the Jury miiy render u verdict, und the
IccMiituro may nlo nnthorize t.uil by n
J..i cf n less niiuibir tnnti twelM nun,
i'l ennrt'i Inferior to the illsitlet euurt.
Approved Marih t'.i, A. I) IK'.i
A Joint tiiiltilloti proposing to
nntenil section oim (I) of nrtlclo 11 vo (.)
of tl.o Conot lint Ion of Nchranka, rclnt
Itig to olllcei'H of tho t'Xi'ctttho depatt
titetit. lie It resolved und cnncte.1 bv the Lee
Islatme ut the State of Nebrnstoi:
r.tlkii 1. That so. Ilmi ube il) uf in
Hi In live (:,) of the I'unsllliitliui uf the
Htate nf Nelirasli.1 be uiuniidcd lo lead as
tul lows.
Section I. The executive department shall
consist of it novel nor, lleutnnatit-Kov-orimr,
secretary of state, auditor of pub
lic neonimts, Measurer, superliitendent of
public Itistriietlnn, nitiirncy-iii'iierat, com-mlsstoiu'i-
of public hinds nml huM-JImts,
and three ru'lroad coiiimlssluuerv. ench
nf whom, eeept the said railroad com
missioners, shall hold his olllcn for u term
of two year-1, from the nrst Thursday af
ter the tlrs Tuesday lu J.ttmnty, after
Ills eloctlun, nllil until tils Sllceessor Is
elected and qttallllcl. i:ueh com.
utlDslotier shall ho'il his ultlco fur a term
nf thioe years, brclnnlni: un the llrst
Tntirsilay after the lit Mt I'ltesdav lu .Tumi
ury after his election, and until Ids sue
cusor Is elected nml iiiallileil, Provided,
however, That ut the tlrst roiii tul elec
tion held after the iiilnptiim uf tills .imeilil
lilent tie re shall be eleiteil three lillllo.ld
rntmulssloiicrs, one (nr the period of one
jear, oil" for the period of two yoais, and
ono for the period uf Mine e.irs. Tim piv
ortmr, soitetaty of state, auditor of pub
lic iici'ount i, and tie.iHiuer shall teslile at
the ea til la I iliirluit their tiTin of ofllee:
they shall keep the puhlle tecords, buiiUs
and i:ipets tin re aiul shall per rutin uuch
duties as mav be ieiiilred by law,
AppioM'tl Mai ch 3'i, A. t). IS-.'O.
A Joint reaoltttlim proposing to
nniend BPctlon Iwenly-Hlx (lifi) ot nr
Ulu flvo (.r) of tho Conatltittlon of the
8t.i of Nohraska. lltnltlng tho iititn
bcr of nxccutlvo ftttitu ofllrors.
ltn It resolved und enneted bv tho I.e;.
Islnturn of the Htate of Nelirnsl.a:
Section I. That seel Inn ewenly-slx (Ml of
nrtlclo live f.'i) of Die Cunstllulloii of the
Htate of Nebiuska be amended lo lend us
Hietlon t'i. No other executive stnte of ft.
ens except those named lu soctlou one (I)
of this nrtlcle shall be clouted, ex
cept by 'in net of the loKlslntuio
which Is rimciii leil lu by nut less tluiti
thiee-fniirth'i of the mciuhci" eleclcil to
eaeh Iioiisii thereof;
I'roxldotl, Thai any olllre created by mi
net of tlie li'i'.l.ilntuie may tie nhntlMluid by
the lei;lsl.itme, two-thllils of the mem
bers elected to cieli hoino Ihcleot coll
ciirrltu;. Appi oved Marih IM, A. D. IS'O
A Joint resolution proposing to
nniend section nine (9) of article eight
(8) of the Constitution of the Stnto of
Ncbraiiku, providing for the Inventincnl
nt the peiiiianent filitcatlontil funds uf
the iitate.
He It resolved und enacted bv the Leg.
Mature of thn Slate or Nchinsl.u:
Scelbm 1. That Hivtion nlno Co uf article
elidit () uf thn I'oiislltutlou of the Stnte
of Nt brasht, be uineliileit to tend us fol
lows: Section ?. All funds lielniiplim' to the state
fur educational pin puses, the Intotest uud
Income wluieuf only are to lie ued, shall
be doomed Mint funds hold by the, state,
and tho stnte shall supply nil lo.otci there
of Unit may In nny mnmior ueerue, so that
tin same shall mm, In fuiever Inviolate
uud undiminished, und sh ill not be In
vested nr hinted except on I'nlted Klntt'M
or state securlllfs. or rcKlMeroil enmity
bonds or ii'Klatciiil si hoot dlstilot IioikN
or this plate, slid such fundi, with the
Inteicst and Itienino thereof lire hereby
solemnly plodKed ror the purposes for
which ihey me granted and sol apart,
mil shall not be transferred to nny other
I und for other uses;
Provided, The buard creutfd by aectlon
I of this uitlcle Is fiipowerid to sell from
limn to time any of the sccmltbM belom;
ln to the pcriiiiiiiciil school fuuil and In
test tho proceeils in Mm, thi'telrom lu nny
Of till) SCI lllltll'M i uumeratoil lu this HOC
lion bcarlm; u hleher rate of Interest,
whenever an oppoilimlty fur liotter In
vestment W pHsiited.
And piovlded fiirlher, Thut when any
warrant p:oii the state treasurer ri'K
ul. uly Isstioil In piirsuiitice of tin appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by the
levy of a tux for lis payment, nhiill
bo prcsontrtl to tlio statu ircauin er for
p:i yiiH'ti t. nnd thde shall not bo any
money In tlm proper fund to pay such
(uriant, the board ercated by Hectlou 1
of this ,11 tlcln m,,y direct the st ite trias.
urer to pay the amount due nu such war
rant from moneys In his hands belnnKlng
lo thn perm-iiit nt school fund of the state,
and hu shall hob s ild win runt us nu In
vestment of mid iormatii-nt school fund.
Approved Mui-f.h W, A. ). ItW,
A Joint reroliitlon propotltiR nn
nmendinent to tho Conailttitlou of tho
Stato of Nebraska by nddlng a new
section to article twelve (II!) of Raid
constitution to bo numbered aectlon
two (1!) relntivo to tho merging of the
government of cities of tho metro
politan Hass nml the government of
the counties wherein such cities ore
lie It resolved und enacted by tho Leg
islature fif thn Statu of Nf-hrasku:
Section 1. That article twelve (It') nf the
Constitution of tho Htato of Nebraska bo
umciiileil by addliiK to said mlkle a new
Eoetlon to be numbered section two (2)
lo read u.s fellows;
flection ''. The itovvrumcnt of any city of
tho metropolitan eliim and tho kov
eminent of tho county In which
It Is located may bo mefip-il wholly
or In part wliei. it proposition so to do has
boon submitted by auihmlty of lav to tho
voters of uuch city uud county und ro-t.-i'lvnl
tho assent nt a innjorlty of too
votes cast lu such city and nlao s majority
of the voles cast In tho county exclmlvo
of ihuso cust In such metropolitan city
ut uch election.
Approved Mulch 9, A. I). 1M5.
A Joint resolution proposlnR an
amendment to section r.lx (0) of nrtlclo
soven (7) of the Constitution of thu
Stnto of Nebraska, prescribing tho
manner In which votes shnll bo cast.
lie It resolved and ennrted by tho Leg
islature or tho .Statu of Nebraska:
Section I. That flection six (J) of urtleln
seven (7) of tho Conititutlnii of tho Htato
of Nnhrasliu bo amended to read 114 fol
lows: Section 1. All votes shall be by ballot, or
suuh other method as may be prescribed
by law, provided tho secrecy of vutlui; be
Approved Murch :"., A. D. IK'3.
A Joint resolution proposes to
nnicnd r.ectlon two d) of nrtlclo four
teen (M) of the Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska, jolatlvo to dona
tions to works of internal Improve
ment nnd manufactories.
Ho It resalveil slid enneted by the Lee
ishiluro of tho fltato of Nebraska:
Heetlon 1. That section two (!) of urtlclo
fourteen (II) of the Constitution nf the
Btnlo of Nebraska, be amended to read ai
Hoc, 2. No city, rounty, town, precinct,
munlclrullty, or other subdivision of the
stste, hittl eTet matte ilonnUons to unr
wot les of Internal Improvement, of
mittiiif.ii.inr unliiii a prnposlilon c to
do hiiiiII liiite bei n Unit submitted to th
itilalllli'd ntcctots und ratlfli'il by h two.
thltiN vote st mi elect Inn y Authority or
law, Plodded, 1 hut such doliatlotn of u
futility wllli Mie iloii.iltnnn ot such subdl
Msioim In Mm ni'Kick'ut" sln..l not except
ten per ef'lit Of the iisipsioiI vuluntloii fjf
such enmity; I'rovldid further, Thai any
city or i entity ma, bv a throe. fourths
Mile, liieieiiii siieh unit btcdiiess flva pr
cent, lu addition to su, ' t'"i ier cent and
no bunds or evblonces or lixli'litMlnuss s
Issued snail ho valid tml,'- He' .itue shkll
have endorsed therein' a -. ripi .ito sl-ntd
by the secrelaiy and ini'lit, r nf statci
show lilt; that the same Is lsiiotl pursuant
to law.
Approved March , A. !'. 15.
I, .T. A. Piper, Fccri'lnry of slate tA
tho Htnto of Nrlirnokn, do hereby certify
that tho fori'Rlnit propottcd ntncndineuti
to the Constitution ot tho Stntn of Ne
braska nro true ntul oornvst coplea ot
tho original enrolled nnd cnsroMeA
hlllfl, ns passed by tho Twenty-fourth
mission of the legislature of tho Stat
of NehritBkit, ui npprars from Mid
original bills on Ilia In this olllce, and
that nil nnd ench ot nald proposed
nniiMidiuontn nro Htilunltted to tht
fltinlllled vntcra of the ntuto of N
lirask.i for their adoption or rrjcctlo
nt tho general election to bo hold on
Tuesday the 3d day of November, A.
I)., lROiJ.
In leHtltuoiiy whet oof, I hnvo here
unto ct my hand nnd nfllxcd the txtt
seal of the nlato of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th tiny al
.Inly in the year of our Lord, Ono Thou
mud Hlglit Hundred and NIncty-SIx,
of the Independent nt tho Untbitl
Stales the One Hundred and Twonty
rirst, nml of this stato the Thirtieth.
(Seal.) J. A. IMPISH.
Secretary of Stnts.
o a .
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1" ' m
m m 'u kl m
ml2 a- WFm
Can reach Some of the Pcoplo all
.. tho time; You
each All tho Pcoplo Somo W tht
. . Time but you can't
All tho Time
Ho Fapor Like Your Heac Pap,
- uV.(i'
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