i F-17 2Si.5ywWBl ' "'" ,vW. l 'JJV rfr't .- ; "?, Al 'ftwf. Will ffwWBJjJmJ'I'i'lH'Mw ijrii'i'inii . USf t j SMi - i I SSWIMMMIMMMMIMWWWK"111111"1 ' 9' 1 APPEAL TO ST0.MACII. A OUEF.H TOOD EXPERIMENT THAT IS BE TRIED. I'rolilfin of Itifnrinlnir it (rliiiliml It MiiiIppM .Niiinlier .Mimy llrnliiv .Mrn. Whn Wilt U.itli tin- SiliLinn ultli Intirmt. LL civilized na tions hold out some Inducement to tin criminal In confine ment to sooner so euro his release front t(Mnl re titr.tlnt, s.i.vs the New York Time.'. lAJKpy A eertnlii nnioiint the M-ntciico for good behavior, but n new ami Interest lit; experiment is soon to he mail" nt the New York state rt fonnatory nt Mi ni Ira In the way of refoi minion 'of crim inals. Students in the problem t re lorntln,'j the criminal chws ami till persona Intemucd In the pi ncral wel fare of the community will wait h the exiieriment at Klinlia with mme than "imiiuij interest, tor It is to lie iitl ap peal to the criminal on nti cntli.ly new jilatt. Ho has been appealed to by lathor. mother, brother, sister, and by others who had bin Interests nt heart. Ills manhood, hln future, and even the promlmi of quick leleaxo from confine ment, Ills nmhltion, all have been up .titled to, and in many cn-.es In vain. Now it Is to the man's stonmch that the appeal la to ho made. "Toll tno what the man cam and I will tell you tho man," Ik a saying that has found countless hellevett. anil thetc am those unkind enough to say that every man can be Inllueiieed by his stomach. After a good dinner Is gen erally considered the best time to seek the person from whom a favor Is de sired. If thoro Is n epark of generosity In the victim's soul It will probably come out after an enjoyable ntcai, when, If a Rood digestion permit, the owner of the stomach Is at peace with both his Maker and the whole wot Id. So it Is that the brainy men who study out how best to check the Increase lii crlmo and reform thou1 already in i rime have hit on the plan of entering to the p.-lf.onor's stomach. Once proved a success, It Is believed by its advocates that it will be Intro duced in every prison and reformatory in the country. To try this food exper iment quite an elaborate new plant Is required. It will cost $10,000 and con sist of a now cook mom and mess room. Thla fireproof building will, when erected, be large enough for the present and prospective population of the re formatory 1,200 to 1,.'00 prisoners. Superintendent '.. R. Hroekway of tho reformatory said a day or two ago in answer to a query about the new experiment: "I regret that I am not ablo to write out at pie&ont the full de tails of the scheme that Is Incubating in our minds and gradually approach ing materialization In the planning and construction of a kitchen and series of dining rooms to afford facilities that shall cnablo us to utilize with better results than hitherto the chemical com binations and quantitative distribution of foods among the more defectlvo of tho Inmates of the reformatory. The proposed experiment contemplates a somewhat enlnrged scale of dietary privilege, enlarging from grndo to grade, from lowest to highest, so that within duo and proper limits of indul gence of tho appetites by prisoners in a prison reformatory for crime they can out of their own accumulations have tho privilege to select meal by meal, ns they may please to do, provided nl unya that they keep their expenditures within their means, and also within the HmitB of indulgence allowed by tho government of tho reformatory. "Tho prisoners under tho wage-earning system of the reformatory as It Is nt present must earn their living and keep a credit balance to their account, respectively, in order to progress to ward their release by parole. Their account is now debited v'th a charge for board by the day ,n week, and thcro is already established some dif ferences of diet and of board rate, as between the three grades, hut tho dif ference is iiiBiilllcleitt; it Istoo indednlt ns to each inmate and Is not flexible enough. "Thcro Is need of more opportunity for their self-indulgence as to diet, In dulgence to bo based on the amount or earnings and credit tho prisoner main tains for himself. Tho prisoner, to mnlntnin n credit balance under the conditions here, must needs restrain, regulate and exert himself In a man ner which accomplishes and shows h!n Improvement. "While tho Inducement of approach ing early releaso from Imprisonment ns a roward for earning Is sutllclent for tho better class of the Inmates, thero aro othorB who require more opportun ity to expend for their persoivnl gratifi cation in order to supply them a sulll clent Inducement to earn. Then, again, tho expcndlturo of their earnings wlsoly and well, as tho expenditure must bo made when under proper regu lations and supervision, is as valuable a training for them and as sure a test of their fitness for freo llfo as Is their disposition nml ability to earn; this because tho rate of expenditure deter mines tho amount of savings. To save when thcro Is opportunity to spend re- fllllrca SClf-dOnllll! llir. Invnlnntnri- wv WSmc v i rv " ," :. : '.;' .....' rarcfiuinu " present possible inuuig onfc for a remoter benefit, which is an nkcnf-1 of correct living. Tho prls- ouri whoeo earnings are logltlmato and sufficient, whore expenditures aro wise sufficient, whore expendltu; fVi prudent, who denies I- for other days or for ot tly to llvo within the r rt law and to bo a good himself to- athorH Is most requirements lrnnil MMvnn ' t will be seen that in effect the X V TZTT. fiilt v-;a prisoner, if he wihw to tickle his pal ate with mince pie, a Juicy roast or cake- like his mother need to make, tun- iic(N teform in earnest. These coeteil prizes, n imnu ehmen wisely, of couive. by tho management, will lie hid to ehoo'e front for breakfast, din ner and supper If he will get up and hustle and be a man. The reformatory at Kliulrn is de signed for the loformator.v treatment of males hetwien the ages of ltl and 'M years who have been committed to It under an Indeterminate sentence of fel ony. Efforts are made to educate the men In the ttades and Intellectually and physically. The average period of de tention Is about twenty month-", and the ninnagntnent claims that a reform atory graduate who has mustered the whole course of the school of letters of the Institution may safely be presumed to know the principles and lending fuels and requisite processes of about ten great blanches of learning that have a direct and Important bearing on human thought ami intercut. The Inmates are soldiers, workmen, rontn l.eepers. trade loaimrs and scholars. The name persona arc, at different tliiHM. cadets. inechanUs and "ludetus, and all are always Inmates. To make itlincH mill ctni lilii!' miiim tin. 1i.Mi.1i' ,ii: ,,n.i .,h n." r,i ,ni ..'... t -.',.' and gaideii. mill; llie tw'nt enw. and j !'.' ,U,t' "'"'T "", lms ""l"'1 " ,,pr feed the J0O swine haul the cr,,i ;,. 1 "rl " whi'ii the acqaalntance has the fhes. sweep and mop the corridors. ! shave the beards and cut the hair nfl 1 .-00 men. keep the leeords, illttiiibute the library, edit the novwpnp'T, teach fort.v classes, ate a few of the litinrs the lumaies are kept luuy tlolng. X-Hin nml l.iiclitt; Queen Ainetln of Poitugal, who. as every one knows, Is a qualified doctor, has perceived that X-rays might be utilized to demonstrate the evils of tight lacing. She has taken photo graphs of some of the ladles of her court, and has been holding forth en ergetically concerning the contrast be tween the feminine form divine and the form as it appears when "Improved" by the modern corset. One is sorry to hear that her majesty's well meant ef forts have not met with much encoiir ngetnent fiom her eiilournge. Some of the fair rebels hnve even gone so far as to flatly refuse to be photographed. If the queen peiveveres, however, she will doubtless be able to legulato the size of waists, Just ns the Princes', or Wales has killed many an Injudicious mode by tefuslng to adopt it. To make a thing "bad form" Is far more efTec lu.il than to seek to crush It by de ctees or discredit by argument.!. In I'ngland the custom of "squeezing" re ceived Its death blow when the Duchess of York was married, and the curious world was Infoinied that the waist of her wedding gown measured twenty-six inches. Her figure Is beautifully pro portioned, a fact which no one can look at her and deny --New York Uccordct. Ill-it Wiiy Out or II. An old lady who was seriously 111, found herself to be In a trying position, which she defined to a friend in these words: "You see, my daughter Har riet la married to one o' those homey path doctors, and my daughter Kate to an allypath. If I call in the homey path, my allypath tion-ln-law and his wife git mad. an' If I call in my ally path son-in-law my honieypath son-in-law and his wife git mad, in' If I go ahead an' git well without either o' 'cm, then they'll both bo mad, so I don't fee but I'd better die outright." I'rrtljr i.oiiil. He Miss Uptodate's bicycle rigging Is pretty loud, Isn't It? Her Rival Loud! I flhoulil sny it was. Kvery time she passes a vacant barn by the roadside her bloomers create an echo. (.'n't Iluy Our. Saya a fertilizer concern In Nash ville, Tenn.: "We buy your bones and pay you the highest market price." WORTH KNOWING. It Is lawful In Chlnn to kill a grave robber tho Instant ho Is caught In his underhanded work. Tho only quicksilver mines of 1m portanco in this country aro located In southern California. The old house In West Urownsville. Pa.. In which James O. Dlalne spent his boyhood has been torn down. Over li,700 children are cared for by twenty-eight orphnnngen and Instltu tlonH for children In Philadelphia. In most of the London ehiirchen on a recent Sunday night special thanksgiv ings were offered up for the rain that had fallen. Hlcyclcs have reached tho Arizona Indians, and tho peoplo of Phoenix re cently noted a Pima riding his wheel along the Tempo road. Silk worms in the west have taken an extra turn this year, and a colony of 80,000 at Cnqulllo, Ore., is reported as having spun the cocoons quicker and better than over before. Whllo tho militia were in camp at i.auo tacuiihtocook, In Maine, it Is said that tho perch stopped biting, espe cially on days when there was much firing. At Hood Itlvor, Ore., strawberries yielded ono grower this past season a profit of 1208,709 on a patch of ninety six squaro rods, or at tho rato of nearly 100 an acre. Tho latest order for women Is the Itoyal Victorian Order, which has only this year been Inaugurated by her ma jesty, and to which no lady has yet been gazetted. An editor, who Is also paymaster at Great Ucnd, Mo,, offers a year's sub scription to his paper at 1, agreeing that tho paper shall bo sent freo if Bryan is beaten, qsWforS,jE srw-r V iHiMffciMW' 'CfW";'" THE RED CLOUD QUI SEASIDE SOCIAL. CUSTOMS. Tito fmlc la Nut Vii tm-k n In limn l.lfr. I, nt It tin. t.ltitUiitlnna. It requites aliuoM as much diplomacy nuil mental work to steer a woman through the social Inlilcaeles of a sum mer at a result as to carry her tinMy through an official Washington w Infer. The appearance l Informality delude1) newcomeis Into hoping for pleasant te latloitjs, and then they make what Is Known In the vernacular as a "break." At the end of the season they go away declaring that "Se.i Hock" or "Whlt Wave" Is a horrid, stlfT place," peo pled mainly by snobs, and vow never to letuin. The tules which govern nc-qiliilnt.tnce-mul.lng at summer resorts are a trllle more ln than those which regulate town acqualntanctMhlp. Peo pic who meet In hotel dining-rooms or on piazza cement every day noon grow to know one another sullleieutly well to permit ih'eiii to do what the lrNh niun calls "pasting the time of day." They may exchange magazines and cui- j broidery silks, to s.iy nofhlng of lews on the Hceneiy and th eontptny. lint this degree of Intimacy. san a wilier In the New Yoik Journal, docu not war rant eal!.. No newcomer nt a hotel ItlllMI 11V III1 'til ill tltt illil.ill .if.l 1..ti i . ! ln"1 - t-all on an older icsldoiii tut lBre -o.i so far that o-.e Invite the ",,I,.T ,() (" P!iicln,; or salllng I tmrtiiM Kiinnlil tlilu fill.. In .. I i. ..sr . ...v in iiwiiu 'i' calls be Infringed. The summer board er's room is her ctwile end any amount of outdoor Intlni.ic.v does not warrant Intrusion into it until after a definite advance towaid friendship has been made. Cottagers, an a usual thlm;. should take the initiative In calling up on any hoarders at hotels or boarding houses whom they wish to know. In many places the cottage eloinetit and the hotel (dement form two distinct and somewhat hostile cliques. The ad vance toward acquaintance should bo made by the established residents, and not by the transient ones. And yet tne utmost outdoor civility may exist among beach or rock ucqunlntnnern at a small resort without any house In titnacj. Of course these rules apply to women, tho real dictators of social customs. As for the acquaintance be tween .voting women and men, It is gov erned bj the ordinary conventionali ties. Young women do not become ac quainted with young men except when thej are formally Introduced by sonio common friend. St. Louis Post-Dls. patch. WON A NOTAULE PRIZE. l.ntiitii'i Itujiit IIiiimIiii; Sdrllty Mrilitl ln.' tn ii Ctrl of 111. The award of tho bronze medal o! the lloynl Drawing Society of London this year Is a matter of enthusiastic inlet est to young art students all over tile world, lnaouiiicli as It was won by a young woman only 10 years of age, MI.m Nellie Knelt. Since the earliest inauguration of of ferlng prizes for tho host work among any given artistic line artists or un doubted genius from Canova and Tlitir wahlKcn have entered Into eager com pel It Ion for the advantages which such badges of distinction cairy In their train; for where they do not ineludo years of tttitdy under most favoring conditions, as they so often do, they bring to an artist Instant and wide spread recognition; nnd It ought to serve as a stimulus to the youngest art student In Philadelphia, Iloston, New York or Denver that youth l no bar sinister to such honors. Tho drawing which obtained for Miss Kuck so dis tinguished a success Is entitled "Tho Young St. Cecilia," a charmingly com posed decorative panel, chiefly Inter esting by reason of iu original and novel manner of treatment. Perhaps It was her own sweet youth In tho blood that led her imagination away from tho traditionally mature Cecilia ami mtuie It dwell rather upon tho heavenly mnld when Inspiration first dawned upon her youthful conscious ness, with a few clever, effective ntiokes sho has achieved tho sweetly tuirloiiB face and pose of tho young saint, the well-grouped, raptly listen ing angels above, topped by tho con ventionalized figures or music and poe try. The whole gives evidence of fine poetic fancy, excellent art, and is par ticularly strong In the decorative har mony of Its linos. Two years ago .Miss Kuck was awarded Lord IjIghton's prize for her drawing "Tho Mermaid," and ho then always ho ready to en courage youthful talent- recommended her to adopt the artist's profession. In fact "The Young St. Cecilia" repre sents her thlid success, as last year sho obtained tho Oeurgo KckwichH prlzo lor an Illustration of "Undine." A Hlcyel HUr.ni-, Motheis whose daughters do a greai deal or cycling should know about a new cycling disease. People have been declaring that they have been sud denly seized with a wild Impulse to Jump from their machines an unenn liollablo Impulso, which apparently seizes them nt the most awkward times, such as midway down u hill. It Is no now thing, after all; at least) no newer than tho cultivation of over strung ncrven among us. Peoplo nf llleted with this mysterious maladv havo been overdoing their riding, and the only causo tor wonder Is thnttliolr 111 treated nervous systems havo not taken Its rovenge In an oven more un pleasant manner. I'tlllltcil. I "A great, big. overgrown fellow llko you ought to bo at work Instead of begging," said tho cciiBorlouo cltlzon. "I'm will'ii' to work," replied DUmal DawEon, "but I'm too blumed ilumsy. I've tried tho ehells and Pvo trll three-card nionto, but tho Hubts got onto me the very first tltuo." I JU ", JrWi. M KMDAY. OCT. il 1J)6. LIIWIN WASIIIXH'IUV A mCCENlDANT OF l.OHD UAI.ri MOIIt NOW LIVINU TIK-.WL" .M'lintnr t'.inll,iinr Km lln.lr.t Mum nl lli CkiiI'.hI tin. t oiiilii'.. Miurliisi' nt MIm IIiijiIIi. I'milkiirr llrniTll Oliialp. Washluglon Letter. vj " een or tuoe who have passnl I their lives within! the gates of the capital know that there is now Ihliiir here a gentleman who nu right fullv claim that he is Ir.' ' lineal ii iMiilnnt I of the last l.nrd I ti.rn llaltlmoie and thu rightful heir to the title. This penile niiiii In tiuitge IC. Calveil. who la In the Conn of Claims, but his liotue Is over on tin- mils or Vltglnla, a lie.tn tiful idle from whli h one can see the winding Potomac, the long, Ion:; line J f u, v'.-iplicjl and new lil.rnrv while I . ot tonitmir ami the ulitti" lni iln-nru the tall, whin- shaft f n,,, Washington monument rises like a d..r,,;i r piercing the uky. The first Lord Italtlnioio wan Kir (iconic C.ilviH, who was aiuont; the Knglldi geiitl. r. u who obtained Irnui the Crown die charter for the Virginia Company In ltion, when the enlonlsl were rapidly settling on mnv lauds In America. While holding the position of Sicrelary of State ho lie camo a Itiiiuaii Catholic, and as the prevailing religion wan Protestant ho UANCHOFT OFF- FOR The United States cruiser Ilaurrofl, which has palled for CoiiHtantlnople, is a trim little boat, but Is by no means a terror. It is not the Intention of the government to terrorize the sultan by tending a warship into his harbor, but merely to signify by Its presence theio that 1'iicle Sam Is not neglecting his Interests In that country. The moral effect, so called, Is all that Is de.slted. Minister Terrell believes ho can per htiado tho Turk to allow the boat to enter the harbor, although there Is doubt as to bis ability In that direc tion. Tho Ilancroft silled under scaled orders. She was laid down In 1891 at Elizabeth, N. J., by the Moote resigned his high office, im be did not think It right to serve nn administra tion with whoso sentiments he could not agree. Much pleased by tho lion- orubl course tho King mado Calvert ! Lord Haltlmoro, his estates lying lu a town of that name In Ireland. Ileforo tho papcrB by which Mary land was conveyed to Calvert were made out, thatgentlemnn died, and It was to his son, C'cclllus, that the char ter was granted In Juno, Hill!!, by which tho new provlnco was named In honor of tho Queen, Henrietta Maria, Mary land. The Lords llaltlmoie remained In England always, being literally the ruling Governor of the colony, but '.ho eldest sou of tho lord watt sent to net as tho representative or the nobleman. Thus there were a great many finvcr nors ot Maryland tn this country bear ing tho name Culvert, whllo the lord was still In England. At last the live GEOHOE E. CALVKHT. of (,C8c0nt ,n ''"Bland died out; there wcro no heirs at all In tho Old World who could Inherit tho title, for though tho rovolutlon mado Maryland an In dependent Stato that did not afreet tho rlghta or the Lords Haltlmoro, who pcdsosscd tho titles nnd estates In Eng land, and had one ot tho American helra returned to tho ancestral home they would have taken tho title. Tho present Mr. Calvert Is in a direct lino from tho oldest son of tho last of the English Lords of tho Haltlmoro house. As bo has always lived hero In BSyWt ;'. -I qy 'i3.' -' i ir i j y ltj : -JJii i- :? - rt . ? -' rtv '" ;-- . i g t-s: - -.r-' JJ7 Mm M lerica and the estatiit could not he iit'iitned to the family at this dat", It Is se.ircelv possible that, even If be wished, he could icciire from the Crown anv of the old property of the family left In Kugland. Yet such Is far from IiIk Intention A quiet, courteous gen tleman with uumt modest and uaim K'linlng milliners, he Is u thorough American, and cares nothing for his titled ancestry, nor wishes to Inherit their lands or eslates. Illo daughter, were he to claim hlrt Ihigll.ih title, would bo l.ndv Helen, and tho child, who Is about S, Is a sweet-faced blonde with the retiring milliners of her fath er. Mis. Calveil was n Miss Swan, a daughter of one of the most distin guished fatuillen of Virginia and a i;ul whose atlstocratle dciicent shows in her patrician bearing. The most prominent man In (own at present is Senator Faulkner, who to iibnirbed In his campaign work. Should the silver men win It would eerlalnly cent that bin services ought to be sub f.latitially r cognized by a Cabinet po hIHoii, one for which lie Is enilneiiMy titled. Senator Mai lou lluller and fninllj are alio In the city, and It would ''ni'lhat the silver forcea are gather- . . lug strongly v. ith great nuiiibera at the capital. The wedding of Miss P.aydlo Faulk ner, which will be celebrated sunn -it .M.irtlusbiirg, W. Va.. Is expected to Is a i.wcll lUielely evelil, us the parties are both or such prominence. The wedding of his seimid daughter will leave but one Miss Faulkner to return to the capital, ami as the homo of tho Senator has ever been among the most popular In the ell), the deprivation or CONSTANTINOPLE. lint hers. She Is coinmauded by ten officers and carries a crew of ll'O men. She has been In the seas Just three years and cost the government the nioderato sum of $250,000. Her lenglh la 1ST feel (! inches, with a beam or !!2 feet. She draws 11 feet 0 Inchea or water, has a displacement of 839 tons, a horse power of 1,'JL! and a speed of 1 1.::7 knots. Her armament consists or four four-Inch rapld-flrlng rifles, two torpedo tubes and a few small weapons of no great power. Tho ilan croft will bo re'illy a representative of the nation's dignity at Constantinople rather than a menace to thu sultan's capital. one or tlio young ladles will bo felt by their wide circle of friends. Washington has been visited rcrent- ly by a rising young Southern woman, Mc. 3gj'V5 ys V f trrm MISS IIOYDIK FAULKNKIt. who is making an enviable reputation for herself In Iloston. This Is Mrs. Caroline Green Noble, whose famo as a writer or nciro dialect stories, of which she Is the Interpreter, has made I her well known In Iloston. On the slto on which now stands tho magnificent new Congressional Library, rose many years ago the old mansion owned by General Duff Green, Hero It was that Mrs. Noble was bom. Tho death of her father left the mother a widow with several young children, so tho family emigrated to California. Mrs. Green wiih of tho distinguished family of Pickens, being a grandfather of tho famous General Pickens, of revolution ary fame. Determining to attain her success lu the center of Northern cul ture, a shoit while ago Mrs. Noble, who had displayed great talent iib n writer ..r Ont.lt. .M... llfr. ..... ... I.-..1 I I in .juiiiii'-i ii iiiu, nnii UJ IIOHltlll, ami though sho know no one, In a llttlo, wiiiii' nun i:muuiiihiicii it reputation, ami ' her readlngrt were glvon nt most of tho ' swell literary clubs In tho Hub. Her success has been phenomenal, and It Is probable that she may tour tho coun try with her readings, unless sho ac cepts a position on nomo magazine. Miss Florida Green, a younger lister ' of Mrs. Noble, has taken up camora work and mado such a success of her flno artistic photography that tho magazines of Now York pay her the hlgherit prices given for pictures. A.tyu -ZZZSr- vt-JX-AirS- ?ir-; $ Milk ti u.'.v- J una-:miHifi.'..'.'miir .ttfVsr wm'u i it w .Wn34v, -UilUlbUMUnilW'. "- 3 PERSIAN SOCIALISTS. I itiir Ivnit iiiiMil, torture nml tlnitli n- Ho Net .iiill IIik Itiihl. As to the leal tenets or the bandit opinions differ, says the Fortnightly Hcvlew. They are socialists and un doubtedly adopt the system of enuiryii nlly or propei ty, while the orthodoi Persians persistently assert that the piacllce polvaiiilry. and the strange ccr enionlis of the Chcragh Km mush' ob served among the Yezcedls, or devil worshipers of Karrlnd, a dlntr';t ii'ir Kerinanshah; be this as It may, ,lt t. quite certain that each llaadl lonluj upon hlmrclf as an Incarnation of CoJ and reverences the haul), I. e San Mahouinied All, ns the prophet or Hod and the veritable Incarnation of ih Deity Himself. Pnfortiinaloly for thr secretaries of the baab, there Is n verj simple means of recognizing litem. A man being suspected of baablsm is re quested to curse the baab; ir he be a bnnbl he Invariably reMscs to do thU. though he knows full well that the re rural will assuredly rort him his lift Imprisonment, toiiiire, death itself fa'! Id thake the steadfast believers in the mission of Hie baab. 'I he writer saw a baabl led to prlnor, In ISS0; tlio man was a priest (mollahl uho had been denounced by his wife. lie was an old man and, though he w.u Imprisoned nnd severely luiHllnadocd and offered llfo If he would curse thr baab, .vet he refused. When led to ex ecution and entreated to curse tho baab he teplleil: "Curses on you, your prince (tho zll-ivi-siiltan, then governor of Ispahan!, your king and all opptessors. I wel come death ami long for it. tor 1 shall Instantly reappear on this earth anI enjoy the delights of paradise." When he ceased tipeaklng tho execuc tloner advanced and slew him. A PRETTY STORY. '.V Imt I.lttln lilrl MiU'ut l.imciii tv.tk llif (jiiri-ii. An amusing story of Ingenious chili hood Is told by a former mald-or-honor In tho service or Queen Victoria, .d little niece or hers visited her otto day at court. The queen caught sight of th child, and, pleased with her Innocent prattle, asked the lady-ln-waltlng to have the little visitor como to luncheon Homo day at. the palace. The child was taken on tin appointed day to tho rojal table. While quite unconscious of the. honor conferred upon her, she wa. quiet ami well-behaved, and not In clined to talk u n necessarily. During the luncheon chicken was served. Th child ate her portion with keen relish, and was careful In the use or kniro and rork. Suddenly she stared at the queen with eyes like loiind tower?. Then pointing her email finger In tit direction or her majesty, she exclaimed with a tone of leprnnf: "0, plggle! plggle!" The queen had taken one ot the chicken honea quite delicately ia her lingers, hut ho carefully trainoi child, who had been warned in the ntusory that thla was n breach of pro prlely In young people, could not re frain from repeating an expression that she had often heard her governess use Kvery one at tho table was startled, but the queen at once led In tho laugh ter, enjoying quito keenly tho Joke i her own expense. Youth's C'ompiinloa. A Vory Chlu Woman. A very chic woman looks her bcwi lu n white foulard silk covered wltk queer little black scrolls. In this caw tho vest is composed of black mountml Ino de solo over white satin. On lh mousHcllne tiro nppllqued luce roses. The sleeves have a very small puff an are niched. This gown Is so Hkllfullr nrranged that It enn also bo worn with a fichu of black mousBellno do Hole, round which Is seen a knlfo pleating ol moussellne, which, in turn, Is edged with a llttlo Valenciennes iaco. Fou lards are exceedingly fashionable, ana one having a white ground with a blue pattern upon It ha lately been com pleted by a good woman. The bodice I seamed in tho conter of tho back, and drawn In narrow folds to tho front, where It Is fastened with rosettes orna mented with diamond buttons. A loose rever falls on either sldo of tho bust to reveal a fichu and collar mado of esprit net, outlined with grans lawr embroidery frilled with iaco. Kx Itlrrilra Tuka Ilia I'lnra of Hog. Eastern dealerB In dogs say that thr demand for their Btock ban increiuieii rapidly. They declaro that tho woman who formerly fondled poodloa and ter riers for amusement now dovotes her self to her hlcyclo o enthusiastically that sho has no Ielsuro for dogs. Thu (lnl",llf,) Ka dogH has almost lu.im;ii, uuiauiHc mo men vvno usou to tako them on their walloi now rJdo a wheel and don't want to bo bothered with dogs. SeverJl men who ride tcr ulnrly on the boulevard are followed by dogs, but this hasn't become n fad. A man who owns a kenuol offered to make mc a present of a St. Uornard pup tho other day. This fact of Itself bears out tho plaint of the dog dealers, for tho breed ho asked mo to choosn from used to bu quoted high here wn' elsewhere. A Skillful riliiihr. A tourist In Switzerland who wa About to make the ascent of a moun- tain thought best to ask nomo qurs- mum nti m iiiu iumuiimi-B ill ttis guiue. "Ib ho a thoroughly skillful climber?" no asked of the hotelkoeper. "I should say so!" exclaimed tho Innkeeper. "Hi has lost two parties of tourlstH down tho mountain sldo and escnped wlthonl a scratch both times." London Punch. Ilia I'linny I.lltlo Wy. Clara Ho baa such a funny llttl tvay of kissing mo on tho back ot my neck. MaudeWell, you know, he can't turn your face tnm there, -...--. -'7lStaMC-Mi!,rJ "s.'K.&nfi' tomvSt &4AiiW'"r gjXa u ,t i. r.: 'M i i y: o u fz