! lj 8 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, EllLDAY, OCT. 2, 1890. u I ft; ' 1? b'i W I fcf I 1 If, 6' KEEPS IT ON HAND rvxcisz' ih 'jwrsaw 6tH.D.$ iH.D.OoRbfcS Krcdmiln. N. V., tht able nrul iiocomilMied Mllltnry Commander ifutlicr-lii-liiw of Urn Into Commander Win. II. Cu-dilntf, V. S. N., who gained world-Hide renown for Ids crowning font of blowing tip tho linn rind Alheintirl In 1M3) writes Dr. IVnticr: "For many years I have kept on hand your Mood and I.iver Remedy and Nerve Tonic for Immediate use when ever I have A bilious attack or nervous prostra tion or feel run down. It always jjives tpeedy relief so much so that I have come to rely on it with the same certain ty that I do on the law of gravitation." DOINQ THINQS QUIETLY. Ktm Whan the Old Mnn Wit Killing ltr He Didn't Wniit Any NoIik. From tho San Francisco Call: "Bear" nald Mr. OttliiRcr. "Hoar? why, I helped kill a 1,140-pound Kflttly ust a week ago at Wawuona. Old Jim Duncan, tho Hlayor of ninety-four bears, and I, went out on horsoliack about ton miles from town after grouse. Wo Walked flvo or alx tnllai In tho hottest weathor, nnd nfter gettlnjc six ktouro and a hundred mosquitoes wo thought of turning back. Hut I was no thirsty that I said: 'Walt here, in tho clearing, Jim, till I go down tho canon to got a drink. I wont down about 200 foot and had to lay sprawling over noino rocks to got a drink. I only took ono swallow when two gunshots rang out Startled at the Bound I roso up and rnn as well as my weight would let mo, back to tho clearing. Pulling and blowing I leaned up against it tree and witnessed tho strangs-bt night I ever saw. A big pllo of fur lay In a heap on the ground, And the old hunter was Just about to atoop over It to Jab his Ilowlo-knlfo Into It when tho bundlo ro3o up like a flash and let out a blow that nont Jlm'a auskot spinning .fifty foot In tho air. With that there was the most exciting Hint I ever saw. "The bear reared up again and Dun can barely dodged Its claws. But Drutn caught his clothes at the neck and ripped them down to his boots. I still leaned against the tree, to' weary from my run and too surprised to go up and boot the bear. I could see Duncan slip around and his feet got tangled In his torn clothrn. He fell lighting with tho tear atop; but tho bear's throat was cut from ear to ear. The old nisn extri cated hlinsolt and sliding on the carcass called to mo through his nose: 'Wall, my time hasn't como yet. Young man, I glvo you credit for a great deal of coolness for a greenhorn. I'm glad you didn't open jour mouth In this fracas, so many of thr.so fellows think they have to talk when I'm killing a b'ar.' " VittiLititn llmiltm irkvri In Olit llnnki. It Is told of Xavler Marmier that ho one day discovered a niio-thousand franc note between tho leaves of n book which he had picked up for a few sous at a street stall. A slmil.ir, but much more marvelous, adventure has happened to a young doctor In Turin. While turning over the loaves of a book which had beon bequeathed along with others to tho medical faculty of Turin by a certain Dr. Glordanl ho was aston ished to And between the pages no less than forty bank notes, amounting to the handsome sum of 40,000 lire. This Incident will no doubt give rise to a most Interesting enso In tho Turin eourts. Although Dr. Olord.int un doubtedly bequeathed his books to tho library of tho fuculty, his other heirs will hardly bo dlsposod to admit that he Intended to lsavo It his monetary savings as well. PosBlbly, however, the library trustees are quite prepared to prove that tho deceased doctor was In the habit of utilizing his thousand Uro bank notos as bookmarkers. Shoot the Best GET theTgAME ! Alu.o mj . 'ir ikI A i cii ml i'. MrmiK itiul ( lenn flt-liil'oiwil llinlht(llullt))l liiiuliit "I'll Xlng'i Shi 1 Irltir .lll'llllllll IT 11 111 I, nillllHI'll'H. (iiiiiriiiiti-i'd tocliti HIGHEST VELOCITY, LOW PRESSURE. BEAUTIFUL PATTERN. CLEAN, SMOKELESS, PETERS METALLIC CARTRIDGES AliMillltrlv I'ii'-iiuuIimI. Tui Hot Mun-iiNll 1 lit-in. Ui'Munn to mi 'Iriut nr Cuiiil-iiiiiilun THE PETERS CARTRID6E CO,, CINCINNATI,!), " THipflciiHfl"" For Thin People Are You Thin? I'li'.h made with Thlnncura TntiletH hy n hcIi-h llllc proce The) cri'iito perfect ai.iillHtl..ii of every form of food. hiciciIiik ilu uluuP.i part and ulM'nrdliiK tlio worthlec. The iimVo thin fm c. plump ami round out the tlKuie They iiru tin STANDAitn m:n:i)Y for U'litiiu'i-. I'oiilultntin no iirtonlc. and nbo Intel) )inriiilp I'flre, prepaid. ?1 iit h i; for f.'i I'amidilcl, "IKiW TO UKT KAT " free. 'liivrrtiiNAi'iii.vLU.tHunro iiitdwu', New Vork OUIDEKOCK. Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Crury and (Jlureneu returned from Connecticut Tliiiiwluy evening. They hud n riplotidid visit mid wen; grentljr pleaied with their trip. They left Karl in M'liooltluMc, tilMiTTidli.ilMIud with his sin TouiiillngH Tim nelitiol, by the way, I tlie Niitiiii tlmt Mr. Urary attuiuletl nime than twoiitylive year ago Kinest iIoiium expects to iturt next wt'i'k for Lincoln trlieru he will enter the state university for a cHir.su of In Mi uetlon. This lias been liu amliition for sonic tunc and ho will doubtless niukctlio must nf iliiMippm i inity Mr. Win. HaMn has ictiirneil from his trip to California II" says them is no place on earth like Nflii-uoku. (Stiiilu Rock Signal. IS IT A TRIFLE!5 That Common Trouble. AcidUya pcpsla or Sour Scom jh, Now Recognized as a Cause of Serious Dibcasc. Acid dyspepsia, coninwiii'y called heailhiirn or sour stomach, fs it form of indigestion resulting from fermenta tion of thu food, Tlie .stomach being too weak to promptly digest it, the food remains until fermentation begins, lilling tho stomach with gas, and u hitter, sour, burning taste in thu mouth is often present. This condi tion soon becomes chronic tin tl hying an uvery ilnj occurrence is given but little attention. Hecatiso dyspepsia is not immediately fatal, many people do nothing for the trouble. Within a reeunt period n remedy has been discovered prepared solely to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. It is known as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets ami is now becoming- rapidly used and prescribed as ti radical cum for every form of dyspepsia. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been placed before the public and are sold by druggists everywhere at 50 cents per package. It is prepared by the Stuart Chemical Co , Marshall, Mieh,. nud while it promptly mid clTetttmlly restores a vigorous, digestion, at the same time is peifeetly liarinlchs and will not injure Hid most dclieatu stomach, but on the contrary by giving perfect digestion strengthens thu stomach, improves the appetite and makes life worth living. Send for free book on Stomach Dis eases. Croup Quiokly Cured. Mountain Oi.kn, Ark. Our child ren were suffering with croup whon we received n bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Keineily. It affords almost in stant relief. F. A. Tiioiinton. This celebrated remedy for sale by 11. K. (Ji ice, druggist. Notico to Toachora. Notice is hereby given that I wi'.l ex amine all persons who may desire to oiler themselves 11.1 candidates for teachers of the public schools of this county, at lied Cloud on tun third Sat urday of each mouth. Special examinations will bo held on Hie lriday preceediiig the Sid Saturday of each month. The standing desired for ,'d and Sid giade ecrtilicatcis the same no grade below 70 pur cent., acr:igc SO per cent; for Hint grade certilicate no grade he- low SO per cent., average DO per cent in all branches rcipiircd by law. I). M. Huntkii, County Supt. Suro to Win. Tho peoplu recognize and appreciate real merit. That is why Hood's Salsa parilla has the largest sales in thu world. Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hoed's Sarsaparilla cures absolutely, permanently cures. It is the One Ti tie lllood Put iiier. Its supeiior merit is an established fact, mid merit wins. Hook's Pii.lh aro easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, head ache. Moro Sour Grapes. The State Journal broke the record last week ami actually had a dispatch from Itcd Cloud. Argus. Roast the State .Journal mid Its cor respondent. Don't give the eorrespon- jdcut miy credit for mi item lie did not send in regaul to certain dealings of the Argus editor which would not look I nice in pi int. He siipresscd the item, llo.isi him for it. 1 lXurrlii'u mul Dynviitury jure daueroua, and jou nhould not bo iiiiiuii a nottle of Hkkh' Ularrlica llulintn iu the limine at thin aensou of tho year, as it relieve at once. No bHd rihidtn follnw. Sold by O. L. Cottlng. Tetter, Snlt-Ithetuu and Eczema. Tho Intense Itching and Btnartlnir inci dent to theno dUeiiBes is IiiHtantly allayed hv iintilying Chainherlalii'a Eyo nnd Hldn Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cured bv it. Jt is equnllv efficient for itching plica nnd it fuvorito remedy for oro nipples; (hupped hnmls, chilblains, frobt bites and chronic soro eyes. 23 eta. per box. Dr. Cnily'H Coudillon Tou tiers, nro just what a horso needs when in bnd condition. Tonic, blood jmrlfler and n rmifuge. Thoy aro not food but Heine nnd the best in uso to pnt n 1' '".ko in primo condition. Piieo 21 rt.j p.if pacltago Or. Price's Cream liaising I'owtier V I'utc tlratfc Cream of Tartar Powder. A GREAT REMEDY For Sufferers From Piles. Dr. Redmond, n specialist in the study and tieatmeut of Piles and rec tal diseases, recently stated that the Pyramid Pile Cure, the new dNcovory for the cure of pile, was tho most ie markable icmeily hu had met' seen or tried in ono respect; and that wa, the instant relief experienced in nil cases, no matter how severe, Irom the moment thu remedy wns applied; tills was the more surpriking to him, be eiuise hw had carefully analyzed the piuparaiion ;uut no trace of opium, cocaine or similar poison could be de tected. Physicians look with great favor upon the Pyramid Pile. Cine, because it is rapidly taking the place of surgical operations mid because it is so simple, so easily applied mul contains no mineral oi other poisons so commonly used in pile cures Dr. Kstci brook report" that the Pyramid Pile Cure not only cures the various forms of piles, but never fails to give immuiutc lelief on the lirst ap plication, no matter how severe the pain or discomfort may bo. People who have suffered from piles for years are often astonished at the instant relief experienced from the lirst application. Another important advantage is the fact, that nnyone can use tho remedy without detention from business or interference withdailv oc cupation. Sold by druggists at 50 cents per package. Send for free book on cause and cure of piles. . The crime of 1804, the Wilson-Gor-man, many times exceeds in its ruinous effects upon the farmer the .so-called crime of 18!k Owen County (Ind.) .Journal. IKIifiiiiinlloin Cured In it Day. "MYSTIC CUHir1 for Rlieiiiuiitt-m mid Neuralgia radically ourea in 1 to .1 days. Its action upon the pystt-iu ix re mark, bio and mjHterioiiN, it remove at ouuo the eausi. nud the disca-t immed iately dlpuppt'iir. Thw llr-t di'se greatlj liunellN. l" cento. Sold by H, R. Urici druggist, Red Cloud. Now Don Carlos in Spain threatens to take the throne and sail in ami lick the United States, lly this time next year Major Melviiiley and the standing army may have their hands full Wichita Knglc. Uckkn' Gtirmiin Salve. The Perfeot Ointment. Cores where all otherB fall. Its extraordinary cura tive power has been proved in the thous ands of eases of piles, for which wo hold testimonials, Yonr puputar druggist C. L.Cotting sells It. Republican Senatorial Convention. The republican senatorial conven tion of tiio '..'tith senatorial district, composed of the counties of Franklin, Webster and Nuckolls, is hereby called to meet at Superior, on Saturday, October 10th, 189(5, at one o'clock p.m , for the purpose of nominating a candi date for senator from said district, and the transaction of such other business as may come before it. Franklin county will ho entitled to il delegates, Webster county l'J delegates and Nuckolls county HI delegate-, in said convention. J. Waiiiimn Km i in Jit , (Sko. J. Waukisn, Chairman Secretary. The Little Cilnuts Are Here and come to stay. C. L. Cottiug, your popular druggist, has jnst rma-ivud a now supply. Thoy are the only guaranteed ptll on the market. I3t sure you gut Ui-ggs little Utants, Ai-k for sample. The New York World's arithmetic man has reckoned it up, and finds that, allowing half a minute as the time con sumed in writing "Dear Sir" and "Yours truly" inside and "Mr." or "Ksq." outside all letters that are written in this country in a year, no less than 8,333 years of time is wasted every year in flummery. All the same there is n popular impression that it pays to bo civil nnd polite, even tit the expense of a little valuable timo llohton Herald. Kchillt! lllieiiuuillNin Cured. 1. WiiKuer, Wholestde Drpgist, Rich, mo ml, Vn i"Uh: "I hnd n fenrfnl attack of Scintiu Itheiiuiatinni, wna Inid up id nuiHt two nioniln, wrin forttnmto uiiouh to u-et MVS'I IC UUHK FOH RTIUU.M.V 'I ISM. This onrnd me nfter dootor's pre- HuriptimiH hnd railed to have any effect. Sold by 11. i:. Uricb drtiKKiit, Red Clond. Comfort to California. Every Tiiur.itlay morning, a tourist sleeping ear for Salt Lake City, San Francisco ami Los Angoles leaves Omaha and Lincoln via the llurliugton Route. Ills carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and backs and is provided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. An experienced ex cursion conductor and uniformed Pull man portor accompany it through to tho pacific coast. While neither as ex pensively tlnished nor as flue to look at as a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickets are honored and the price of a hurth, wido enough and big enough for two, is only 15. For it folder giving full particu lars, call at the nearest 11. & M.H. 11, ticket office. Or, write to J Francis, (jcucrul l'nsM'iijji'r Agent, llttriiimton Koiitf, Oiiiiihn, Neb Or. Price's Crenm Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Award. TALK THE "JARGON.' BIIipiI Tnngnp that !ermitnnaf do-To IUIi IminlurniiU Hptalc. "He talks the jargon" is n remark often made by a despairing interpreter when he attempts to translate the lan guage of nn cast side witness, says tho Philadelphia Press. "The jargon" Is u recognized term for a dialect so com mon that it is distinguished by the definite article from nil tho other numerous jargons known In tho city. It Is poken by Hebrews from Poland anil Russia. It consists malnlv of an imperfect derma ti. with occasional Hebrew or Polish words. Thou who . have studied its history say that those who spi-iik It irc descended frn He brews who formerly lived In (icrmnny, and spoke the (Senium tongue. . When they migrated to Polan 1 they . preserved among themselves, as far in ' possible, the (iermaii language. It be- i eamc somewhat eon iijiteil. but in tho main was tin- language spoken by those who originally left (Scummy, j Tho language of (Scrmany itself be- i came changed in time, ami now there j Is considerable dllferenee between the words sunken bv the Polish ilesceml- ' nuts of the CSeriiian Hebrew and those I spoken by educated (SermaiH. I Tho dltTerence is said to be slight when it few corruptions of thu original tongue, uro known. Rdticated (St"--innns, however, cannot understand ut first the peculiar Polish-Hebrew style. It Is now very common In ninny parts of the great east side, and shopkeep ers theru have to learn, not only tier man, but also "thu jargon" of the Im migrants from Poland and Russia, FIRST OF HOOFED ANIMALS. Hiipimipd Id Have I.IypcI on Western I'rul rim AOO.OOD Yrurs Ago. In the rooms of Prof. K. 1). Cope, at Philadelphia, the person fortunate enough to gain admission, says the St. I.ouls Republic, may see the creature which all naturalists are unanimous in pronouncing the first representative of the hoofed-animal species. Thu an imal is not alive, neither Is It entire so far as ilcsh and blood are concerned, but to the paleontologist, who cares only for the fosslled bones, the speci men Is perfect. It Is not larger than a yearling calf, nnd not nearly so tall, and was found in the ind river coun try in Wyoming. Prof. Cope mimed It Thciiaeodiis priinawus when it was first discovered, giving it us his opin ion that it was akin to a specimen which was found several years ago in France (the pnlcothcrlum), and which guve Cuvicr and the other naturalists so much trouble to clusslfy. At thu time of the discovery of the French specimen thesavantsof Europe decided that it was tho ancestor of "hoofed critters," but tho Wind river fossil, which Is easily distinguished as being a type of the same, is believed to be much more ancient. Cope's curiosity was found in rocks belonging to the eocene period and tho timo when it grazed on tho western prairies has been placed as far back as live hundred thousand ycurs. Every bone is perfect and in place, and the specimen could not be purchased for ten thousand dol lars. Ileuu' Diarrlieti IIiiIniiim positively has no fqiinl in dlnrrhn. dys entery and ititlamation of the howulrt. It relieres quickly, and heinut imrely veye table, no had ronUs follow. You einuot afford to tip withont it lit tliii km it-on of the ynr. .Sold by C I. Cottin. Itt yus' TropUul Oil 'I ho only liniment on thu market to day that hitH n positive mmnind'o to do all tho label calls for. Its reat Hireliytli and wondtirful cutiitivf powers urt piitti etilarly noticcnble in dtep seftttd dis cin'ii, sticli ii. Kht-iiiimtiHii, Ncurrtlt,'ln, etc. :'. L. C'ottiiii; kifuiw It. Tom called Sewall a wart, hut Sewall, who is u very witty cuss, jjot.s even hy speakine; of his twin as Mr. Wartson. Minneapolis Journal. InfltuiimiitoryKliviiinullNiiiCure cil In :i Utt). Morton L. Hill, of Lobnuon, Ind,, Rays: "My wife had Inflammatory Rheumatism iu every tnnscle and joint, her Buffering wr.i terrible nnd her body and face wero Hwollcn nlmoHt beyond recognition; had been in bed for six weeks and had eight pbygloiimg but received no benetit nutil Bhe tried the MYSTIC CURE FOR I.I1EUMATI8M. It gave imroedintn re. lief nud Bhe was able to walk about in three diiye. I hid Rare it Bnved her life." Sold by H. E. Grice drnggist, Red Cloud. It is fortunate that thu end of thu campaign is but a few weeks off, other wise all the voters lu the country would vi-it Canton anil tender Major McKlnley their support. Pittsburg TiiiH'i. DR. KILMER'S KIDNEIt LIVERS egl Rlicuiiiatism LumluiKO, pnln in Joints or Iwck, brick dust In urine, frcnuent culls, Irritation, inllutnmiitlon, ravel, ulccrution or citarrli of the bladder. Disordered Liver nillnusiictt, licndiiclic, IndiKCStloii or Kout. SWA.ill'-HOOT InvlKiirntw, cures kidney diulculties, IlilKht' disciue, urinary troubles. Impure ISlood Pcrnftilii. .fliiliirla.fenenil wcnUness or debility. I htvuiitp'K""! biilldmip ipiloUly n run down coust it ut Urn mid miiUcs t ho w ctik fit rmiif. At I)rut:ll. jO coiiih aitU $1,00 Size. 'iDMilldj1 UuJJu to lUnllU" trx- Cvncultatloa ttvc lilU UlUir.ll ii CO.. 111NUUU.MTON.N. V QyvAivip ' ' 'HI ill VmT ' ' ' -!' CAST0RIA AN'cRcloWcPrcpnrntionrorAs slmilatiiiglhcTouddtKlKciilii ling Hie Stomachs mulDowels of PromolcsDicslion.Cliccrful ncss mul Rcsl.Conlains neither OpiutrT.Morphinc nor Mineral. Not NAuc otic. Kayx oroiiinrS.MVELrmwa Janptiin Stt& Mx.Smmi HAlUSltt j4niltSud Jimrmint H QutwikSoiai ftirm Jet J ' (7W7W Sugar . Hhtoyrmt tJonr. A pafccl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Slomach.Diorrhoca, Worms .Convulsions , Fcverish ucss and Loss of Sleep. TflcStmilo Signature of NEW YORK. RiQnmlSiinHfl HL EXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. SIllHUFF'S sm.i:. NolK c is lien uj KiM'H Hint nnikr mul I.) r tiie of nn (inln ut "ulu i mumI from I In i-IIu'i of .Initio lliit.lm I Url of Die DIMilt 1 1 onri of tin Tenth .Imllcliil District, ullliln unit for WuI.Mit count!.. Nehrnskii iimiii n ilcrri'f In nn ut'tioti )ii'iiillimllicii'lii.liori'lti rtuiciilx Mutant Life In MHrtnci' i oiiiiniiiy. n iiirnoraiinii iiiiuiitiu mihi r.lljnh K Miillu'ii IViitII Itoi-i-r.Mrs ivti-rll Itoocr. Iilh lfo. Ilrnt iniiuu nnkiioun, William It llniiilltou mnl .lolin lino. leal tiiitin.' unknown, (lofunilnuth. I hltiill nllVr for mile nl inilillcu'n due to the lilKliet lilihlcrfor ciisli In IihiuI, at thei'Hol door of the rourt Iioiim) In Iteil t'lnml, Ni'hrahkii, (Unit hvlliK the IiiiIIiIIiik wliorcln thu luM term of khIiI court whs holitpn) an tlie '.'1st ihiy of Septi'inher A. 1). iHWl. lit 'J o'clock I'. M. of mid ihty the following decrlhed property, to wit: North half of thu Kiiuthcntt iitmrtcr of section thirty-one (31.) lowntdilp three ('!) north. rniiKu twelve (li.) Hi'M of the lith P.M. In WcbMcr county. Netirnfka. (liven under my hand this iilstduy of August, A. 11. ISViO. .1. W. Iti'NciiicT, sheriff. Tiiihkti Ilnoi, Moner t- Vkiiiiih, rialutlli'H AltorneyH. SIlHUFF'S SALE. Notice lit hereby kIvcii, that under and by vlr tue of nn order of Mile lioui-d from thu olllcc of InniPH lliirden Clerk of the district court of the lUtli .liiilU-liil dlMilct. within mul for Wi-liMcr county, Nehnit-ka, upon n decree In an aclh u peudlim therein, uhorelu Carletou K. .Mann In plalutilt'nud lualnst llpnry ( . cutter, i ora Mh Cutter liln wife. The McKlnley l.iinului! I.onu .V Tnifl Co. C Koehler. trin-teeaiul .lohn Doe, real inline unknown to pliitiillll', defeiidaut. I chnll etier for vile at puMIc eiiduc. to tho hluhes-l didder tor i-uh 111 IihiuI at the ent door of the coutl liuuse. ill lied Cloud In nald WeliMur i-ouuly. Nelirnkit (that helm; the IiuIMIiil wherein thu liu-t term ofnli court mi- holdeiii on lhi'!ist day of septi'inhcr. A II. lv,.l. at two ii clock p in ot -aid di' the following di't'rlhcd priiin-rl. In wli "I'lie norihwi-l iii,irtcr ot mm-iIhii i'IkIO (s luwti'lilp four (I.) nut Hi. raiiKC nine (") ui'Mof the lllh 1' M. In Welcter county Nebraska. (Im'ii under my hand this ','IM iluj of Aukic-i. A. I). s'.,. I. W. Ill miii.v. sjieilir Timii.T-lliti). Muiii.v a rruiiiH. I'lilllilllll. Aluilliejo Sll MUFF'S SAl.F. Notice l iiereli pleii that under and by vlr tue of mi order of mle Usiteil from theotlueof James lliirden Clerk of die UlMrlct Court of the Hull .IihIIcIiiI District, within unit for Wchxtcr county Vclra.kti. upon an action pcudliu; theielu whi'ielM.loM'ph T Murtah N phiiuilil. nnd ukhIiim iMllon (liiKliuii. (iaKlioii. IiU wife, ilri-t name unknown, Hunk of Campbell, McKlnley l.auidiiK I.onu A Tnn-t t'o.,.lohu Doe. real name uiikiiowii, defcmlanti.. I hliall oiler for Mile at piihlle endiio to the hlKheKlhlddcr fnmn'li 1" lifiil ill the pt.1 door of the court Ii. .il-e Hi lied I loud, ill "aid Wfliidcr county. Nebrmhi 'thu' l'pni;thn htilhllui; wherein the hut it rui ol said coil I wax holdeii)oii the'.'lkt day of ?eituiiiU.r, ,. 1). lsW, at 3 u'clock p in. of aid day llm followliiK decrlhcd property to. wit; The Miuthtti'M quarter. w ) of H-ctlon (wciity-i.ceii C.'T.) lonihlii (-1) north, ritnite lwele(l'.' wen of the Dili P.M In Webster coum;'. el tnlta. lilvi" under my lint d this Slt day of i. A K ".J l. W. IIi'miim hcrlir Iii-n T- Ilintx Mnni.v I'niiu. I'l.iiiuliri. Atlnr.iey- RESPONSIBLE PARTIES CAN PURCHASE THE RENOWNED TEMPLE BICYCLES on Mommy PAYMENTS WE WILL SELL YOU fEW MACHINES LISTED AT $60, $75, $85, $100 ON TERMS to SUIT a9t VOU A LAMP, INIUKI VOUN whccl AQUINST THCPT, HUP THE MACHINI IN HCMin WITHOUT CHARSC Send lor Catalogue. Correspondence Invited RalphTempleCycleCo. 204 35th ST., CHICAGO, ILL. OASTOXIIA. limit li ca ilpitui if&&&K .$ u 1 SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OB1 GASTORIA Castorla li pnt op la ono-s! tottles only. It Is sot Bold la balk. Don't allow anyon to ult yen anything clso on the pita or promlio that It la "just as good" and "will answer every par- 4-Bco that yoa get O-A-S-T.O.R.I.A. ?&&&M ". Jf! PETERS CARTRIDGES Phetographtd actutl ilrc, tUt.tor PETERS .93 thoit R. F. Smokeltn Cutildgti, flrtd rapidly by E. M. Gordon, Eiq., Brooklyn, N. Y. poso." Thj ,! ,1, - &MCjiaXJyJ - - Excol In If StronRth l and U Cleanllnosa. f. li SURE FIRE M AND ACCURATE. W Patera Q Cartridges, ;'y Loaded 1-. 8halla and v Prlmara ' ODiBiKTXVB) fd URKXCKLLIB. M tK YOUR DIALIH FOR THKM. THE PETERS CARTRID6E CO., ClBClMltl.il v PAHKER'8 OINCERTOMIO latitt Iaos Troublu, ptbUlty. dlKmitnc itomtcH and frmaltlllt, and la nolra lor mulc( rare whn illoUur trrunwnt till, xnrr nxiiher tnd Innlid ihoakl htri It. fARktft'A HAIR BALSAM ICIpvut tnd tmaUAM th htb irromotM ft Imnrttnl crawlh. iMorer rail to BMtora Orayj wuru icttip diMMi bair il - : - -- r ,. . aT.mayi.uuai urum HINDERCORNS ThtonlrtunCnnror Curas. tjwin HI pilo. Make walki K ciij, lie It Uruaul. niun.l I .run i, K'r.,atMlL rD8S M Orlclic.lahil Onlj (iihiilt v, . nun kIwnv r 1-iMe Lt-,ta -li AV one t ' rf r I S ;,.. J ri... t(( I "id nil .. j il'i vWr Air n in w"i 1 1 . Tnto v n-inllur- t ' n ttttu v llrlilll.-.l llli.l llnlj Oo.litt r. In k'itn M urticuitri t a. tiUli tii "liiUT Tor i.iti.ii. tw.ttr in rilurn MuU 1 0.fiiM r ti mount Sumt faper If II ! llltlll'l I 1 IL. Muiltnii MflilHI .. U If til Locl Uru.-sUi. . r lillntlu.. ft- R'I'P-A-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. OASTOniA. Tie fi5 T'C&y&Zl tlcll) en ilgiiiurj Ttrr !. I Pfeti U - m O jmt, ABfUKlAKrmotnrnn ir ipxayCLID fKBotiarnlsnl'OWKK WVajpJjllll lhv forRiiod anil ft power- .jtt,, ,, lilTi B ,m a tulgooiltlilDg. Hy (1J1-I1 wv" -las t afripff B f S ?a Q Is Ss ?." S"' K-ljM&ii li 1 3 flOPttIS!!lr3 B-S-n'3B j5jiieBIip-S ePon"2g.s2,'5."B IsiillPcislilHll 'FRLVC?0'.!!.:aSE-..,, ml ti'lllBk. 3 v n-st Q-4 -i a .ru i I y I i; "J C- 'IsBMtrxWX aii-a caf . MKiMwaiBaciawaaiMrecwpaMiw WMittAJ,.: . tlfcfv VttX-VXl