The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 02, 1896, Page 7, Image 8

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IjH lUlllll
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' ffi
m jtm ' II
X t
I ii f.-itil Mm vmi inn i.riirur I nil
'ilium- Niiiiiliiiilril fur l.iiitriitir lijr tho
Mlilte M. .lull, I, l)lii;:itr Klll.vl In
I nlnif In l...,i. Oil- ll:ill.
Kesiov. .Mass.. Sept. '.M f(er Mr.
Ib'v.iii hud eotieiuded bis .speeeh In
' rtittal .Music ball lust ni(,'bt, (ieorjre
I'fe.l Williams advised the sliver Hum
ooiats jnoseiit to remain -ill niiit,
bo'.ilirig possfssin fi r the statu con
vention to-day. 'l'bls was nro-d to
scores of men 'I'hen the inaiiat'er
of the building reipiested the sliver
men to disperse, and when they re
liisrd. polk'emeu vere .station."! r.t
thi' doors un.ler orders to allow any
ntie iho wishe.i to ,'o out, bin not to
permit any to "eturn ( aterers bear
nit; .1 iiltn Ii ordured bv the silver eo-
iioits wee rr
f II ,i'd ItllllliiMUII, tillll
tin u the tired ;un
hungry politicians
I e;an to (M-tcise tlelr ni:i'iitiit v In
in euV.-l to tuile lefreshuiuuts
!:'(' Hie t'liildin
.'nines Unfiles, a delegate from Soni
eiviiie, went to a llru o.oapo in tho
ii'ai and was tiri'p'iriiitf tojump to the
(Tioitml lifleeu feet below, when his
fool sIJppcil nllll. Ill t r.t ill)? to MIVU
hiiiisclf, e .sei.ed a wire daii)?liii)?
near The wire was e.iurtfed witu
eleitr.oity and be fell on thu
'he ec.ipe uml then tumbled to lliu
ci' mid. where bu died before any unu
o .ild reach him
Minrtiy atter ; o'clock Secriiary
.Nathan C liobiiisnn of the stale cuii
tinttre u j?o'.d in. in apprarid at tun
l-iiil un.l iislted .Mnnatrer .Minlj?ett if
he would be ready in deliver ihe bail,
..eateit of the silver ineii, to the com
m'Ueeat l! o'clock, the hour at which
the convention was scheduled toopeti.
Mud)?elt tcplied that there were, over
'.ou men in the hull who had credrii
t ia. to the convention as delegates
und tiu did not see how he couul le
?ally reinovc theiii Secretary llobin
son llien retired to the (ju.ncy house,
whrre the distribution of tickets of
admission to the conveutloti hall to
delegates holiliii)? eredeiiliuls was be
tfiiti. 'I'hc door.s of the hall were to have
been opened at 10 o'clock for the ad
mission of delegates to the enliven-
1I..11 !.. t.l ii. i". .. I .1...
tutu, iib ... .f.i' .it. mi' 1:11 ti .1 ijli.".
wereclos-d, those insiilu beliiL' still I
:ocked in ami all outsidu refused ad- '
tiiission. T. . I oukley addressed tliu
roud in the street from a window in
the hall and announced that Mr. Will
iams was at the Aiueileau h..-jsu ar
rntij;in).' for a plan of caiuiai).Mi.
-1 In-delegates in tliu .street outsidu
of Music ball organized a nieelirt and
br (rau listenlnH" to speeche-. which
M-re loudly cheeicd A sipiad of II fly
'id iii'onal policemen then appeared.
.' II. Mellon ot Worcester 'wus
ell- :ted temporary chairuiju by the
M ibic bull delegates an I a comiultleu
wus ajipmiitcd to look for another
nir: iockiih in jiLvniiiMMK.
A few moments before noon word
raiuo from thu inside of the hall that
tho delegates there, bad or)?.uii.cil a
convention. Williams then addressed
the crowd, v.iyinf?: "Thu Htatc coin
ttill'ce refuses to open thesu door.s.
We have a regular convention organ
ized and in operation on the inside of
this hall, Wo am about to i?et au
jthsr hall where the other deluj?nte.s t?utlier and will have a full report
jf the convention on the instdu. The
second convention will indorse thu
'let ion of that now in hesiou within.
We feel eon lident that we have live
iistlis of thu doli')?utes from the state
.hi our side. Stand rijrht where you
rc until you hear from me "
bhortly" nfterwards a messenger
from the cold standard l)inocruU an
nounced from a carriage that the State
.-oiiveiitioii was about to assemble in
Pancuil hall. A few hundred left the
vicinity of Music halt and followed
the mc'stunirur to Kauuiiil hall,
wui.mis iiiu sw.'.i.n MiuiNKii
The reappearance of Williams elic
ited some applause, which heiieknowl-
rilled In a brief .speech proiiiislii); to
ncccpt the nomination for governor
by tho convention .sillin)? in Music
h'al I.
N.-xt cumo tbo iinnounceiueiil from
the interior of the ball thut Mr. Will
iams bad liueu iiomiuated as the can
didate for Governor. With cheers and
long continued shouts, tho meetiu)? in
the street rittilled the nomination and
it notice was then yiven out that tlel
elates woulJ assemble in Horticultur
al ball ut 'i::iO o'clock, when Mr. Will
a ins would accept the noimnntiou.
At 1 o'clock thu committee and
bout liUO delegates, preceded by u
band, nicrched up Washington htreet,
lliron:?h School streut, by the city
hall, whoru Mayor Qulnoy reviewed
tbein, thvn to Trciuout street, past
the entrance to Music hall, und from
that point to l'nucnil hall. There
were no demonstrations nlonf? the
route ovcept at Muslo lull, whore tlio
Williams tontiuguut roundly hissed
tho procession.
Vhllu t he silver Democrats wera
holdlii)? their meetings in Hamilton
place and Music hall, tho statu com
mittee was in continuous session in a
room In tho (juincy house and bulle
tins on the proceedings at Music hall
and Hamilton place were received,
About 11 o'clock two of the delegates
were sent to music hall to confer
with the Williams men and (.ce If u
compromise could not bo effected.
At nuon the truce committee, reported
that no one would bo admitted to
Music hull, whereupon the statu com
mittee decided to call the convention
in Fatieuil balL
ikiiiiiiiiiouui: wire
Ava, Mo., Sept. 28. Without one
moment's warning, Mrs. Al (llbson,
one of Die lulles of country society in
this viciuty, was shot dead by her
husband, wuo then tried to kill him-
Wlf. For a long time there has been
great deal of 'nlousy existing In the
Anbsou family, Unci yesterday morn
uiir Gibson, who is said to have been
nnder the lulluence of liquor, dcciiltd
.to put an cud to ull His troubles, lit
lid not kin uiiiisuii, uecause irienus
ok the revolver away from liliu. His
Ifc Is dead There Is talk of lynch-
1L, uut it win noi ciiuiiuiiuu in uny
ifl act
.Vl.ijor Mi'lilnlrr iiil. hiuit l.ilior and
JMjil ill mil ( 1 1 I'rejtitlli .
I'lMnN, lllliti s,.. '.s -j,,.,. In
I train bear ng -i'vimmI IhiiuImmI tout
I nii' tv.ivo.iMM from lVnrui, 111.
1 iiiin mo inly icjolicd hero ii t u n clock
tills niiig, The men were ntn-
formed in light culmed ' i :i en iliisti'rs
unci lilai'1 sliu lints :uul cacti c.u ned a
largo tin ii eli of ri'il, white ami hlito
plumes. They went direct to tin Me
Ivinley ii'sldi'iirc where) 1 1 10 v Nero
liroM'iitcil bv J. V liraH', Ciingi'i'sMiinu
of tin1 I'titii tcenUi Illinois iliti lot.
M.ijur MoKiulev ii'p,)tnlcil In part
u- fu.iows ' Moio than 1 .'( years
llllVl IKlvril sllll'l' tin1 gllVCI IIUU'lll
wus founded atnl tn every trial of our
history i' have dfUioiisirult'd our en
pin' ty tur se'f government and shown
to ull mankind tin; use nml advanta
ges of tlii great republic Now uml
llii'ii in our popular elections wi'iiuy
liavi; Iiri'ii swayed In pussum, or
moved by ilic demagogue from our
moorings", but tin? American people
lire not fooled hut once oil u subject,
for once deceived thov never follow
tlic deceiver tin1 second time.
"I have known ami ho have you
times in our history when the unjor
tty of tbo people woro nude to believe,
lluit oi'i'taiii po'icios would fuM vi their
best interests iimi when it transpired
tliut they di'l not, ihey tinned upon
I ho p.irtv w nlt'ti iioi'oivod them unit
tiirin'il it out of power. Ami lliry
Will (In It again. 'I In; jtiilgnieilt lif
tbc people is svvlfi ami terrible
against fiosi w!io 1 1 1 i s it : u I uml ib'HiiUi
tlii'iii 'lliu people mo never leil
astro v by deceit or misrepresentation
wlii'ii they investigate for them
selves. 'I bis 1 1 1 . v are doing
Ibis year in a marked degree.
It is of no uv.ill Unit parly load
er uppral to pussiou when thu
tieople are ulivo to their own uml thu
publie interests It will not do to say
to lliu in. mi who are poor in this
win id's goods: 'Vou must cut off uy
, ourselves, foi m a elass of ,our own,
your Interests are nppo.scd to tlioso
who employ vou ' That is not enough
this year. 'I'liu worhingmuu asks:
'What good will ilo me, how will
that belter my rendition, how wlK
that bring bread to uiv faiuilv and
cheer to my children'.1 How will I be
benellted by despoiling tuv employer'.'
Will it give, me more employmeut'und
better iujm to strike those, down
whose money is Invented in produc
tive entei prises, who give me work
and wages'.1'
lour years airo it was said Unit
. - - " - ..... .... ..
manufacturers were nmlcliif? too much
money, 'mi remember It. Hut it
can not be .said now. And that the
'robber I unit' which was enriching
him must be t rn up, root and braueh.
to the end that he should be deprived
of what . some people were pleased to
call 'ill-gotten prollts.' The country
seemed to share In the bugeestiou and
tho trial was entered upon with wbat
result ovury inuuuf.ioturor, com
mercial man, traveling man or worl,
Ingmaii best knows It has b?en ills
covered to our hurl and soirowthat
you cannot injure thu manufacturer
without injuring the laborer.
"It has been found, too, that you
cannot injure tho manufacturer with
out liiju-ing the w hole business of thu
country. Vou may close the shops by
adverse tnr.lTs because yon iuiugiuu
the manufacturer is uiak'iiig too lunch,
but with thut done you oloie the door
of employment in'tlie face of the
laborer whoso only capital is his labor.
Vou cannot punish the one without
punishing the other, und our policy
would not liilllet the slightest injury
upon either. In such a case, 'getting
off together,' does not do cither uuy
"Arraying labor against capital is
a public calamity and an irrrpuruhlo
injur; to both. Clasi appeals are dlk
honest and dishonorable. They cal
culate to separate both when they
should bo united. Our economic' in
terests are ommon and indivisible.
"(ieiitlcmuu, and I sprak to my
countrymen uvur; whore. If you huvo
not yoursulves been among the most
fortunate, I pray you think of your
boys and girls and place no obstacles
in 'their pathway to the reall.atiou of
eveiy lofty and honorable ambition
which they may have. I pray Clod
that the burdens of classes may never
he imposed upon Ameriean manhood
and American womanhood"
Uutil Hit ml it -t llntw Kevolti-rt unci Itoh
it ( lurucn loiiiiilry
Clin no, Sept. 'J8 Two men, care
fully disguised, committed a daring
robbery at the I'nlnii ronndry com
pany's olllce in Drighton Parle yester
day afternoon, and robbed tho com
pany of SLOW) Tlioy thon escaped
by means of a buggy, but not before
they hud shot one man and tired sev
eral shots Into u crowd of people who
were chasing theiii.
In the otllcu when the robbers en
tered were D. I'. O'Neill, president of
the company: M. A. O'ltourWc, treas
urer; C'. U." llopke, general superin
tendent; Charles O'liorman, clerk, and
John O'Neill, clerk. Mr. O'Kourke
was engaged in tilling the envelopes
of the men preparatory to paying off.
and the top of bis doslr was covered
with money. Tho robbers drew re
volvers und compelled the treasurer
to disgorge.
A. I Iliihlmril shot At.
Toit.ka. ICas., Sept. 38 A. I). Hub
bard, state president of the A I'. A.,
und publisher of an A. I A. papsr in
tills city, reported yesterday that an
uttHtnpt was made last Wednesday
uvening to assassinate him. The ball
passed through thu tall of his coat
and just his body. He has no
idea who thu would-be assassin Is, but
churges that it was an cmployo of an
organization opposed to the principles
of the order of which he is president.
Twentr-Mau Ktmiunn
Ban Fjiamisco, Sept. 28. Captnrfu
Scott of the little schooner Herman,
which has just arrived from Kodiak,
reported that tho schooner Kdward Ii
Webster with twenty-nine men en
countered a snow squall just outsidu
of Kodiak harbor on tho mornlug of
April .', and had not been seen or
beard from since, and it is almost
certain that shu went to the bottom,
Wife .Murder unit fulclilo.
UtrrAlo, N V, Sept, 2d Peter
Kauim killed Ills wife yesterday with
u blow with a hatchet. Then Kuuitu
cut his owu throat uml died at tho
feet of thu slalp woman,
ii lint the lleiiuii r ille Nimiliuitlon fm
lint rrniir of Nett iitl.
Atuvsv. N V . S.-pt '." This ni
.'he ilti v set fur the visit to John I'uvd
Thaoher. who was Humiliated for gov
ernor by the lli'tiiiier.its lat week, bv
th" committee of live appointed at the
meeting of the slate lieinoerutle com
mittee Tucsdii; to oulchilly notify him
of bis nomination, but in advance of
the'r coining he gave out a letter no
iiouneiiig his deel nation
In this statement Mr Timelier said:
"While 1 bad not Miiuht the nomina
tion or reipiested n s'tigle delegate t'l
give me his suppott, I was willing and
eager to contend against that system
of bosslsm' which is today in control
of the public iiffuiiM of the state of
New York. I was prepared to organ
ize the Demoerutlo party from one
cud of the state to thu other on a line
of battle iiguiust that system, und to
wage an unremitting and vigorous
"it iitts developed ill the considera
tion of the tesolutlon by which thu
statu committee appointed your com
mittee, as well us in tho public press
anil other public and private coiuiuiiu
ioalions, tlial tin tv is a er. decided
desire on tlio part of the liemocraliu
pit ly to contest the election on thu
lib-tract ij'tcstioti of the unlimited
coinage of silver at the unalterable
ratio of ID to 1 as compared with gold,
mid tn iguoic or subordinate every
oilier state issue.
"It is apparently the purpose of the
party at l hi time to make the accept
ance of an c.tivmo political sentiment
the sole test of a candidate of the
Democracy. It does not sunn to bo
eiiouch that men aie willing to sup
port the regular candidate on thu reg
ular Democratic ticket, but thev are
ieitiirod to subsoi ibe to every letter
unci phtuseof that platform.
"It is impossible for me, with the
views I hold, to make a contest on the
coinage Issue. I believe in the good
old Democratic doctrine of the joint
free and cipial use of L'old ami sliver.
This doctrine is us fur removed from
the single use of gold, which eniiblen
speculators to juggle with its value, as
It is frum that other principle which
seeks to establish an impossible ratio
for its sister metal. I feel that as an
houotubk- man I should make way for
some one who can carrv the banner
with that device."
The probable outcome of Mr.
Thacher's declination will bo the In
dorsement by a branch of Ihe regular
Democracy of Daniel (J. (Jritlln, the
national Democratic nominee, on the
state issues, and tlio indorsement of
a Populist candidate by thu radical
silver men. It is believed that this is
sutislnctory to Mr E t ill.
Tuinmnn.v hall, however, mav in
sist upon its own candidate, und at
the state couiini'lee meeting on
Monday night they may light for tho
promotion of .liulge I'orter to first
place and KHiot Dauforlh to second,
it is absolutely denied that Mr.
lSrvnn wrote any lutter to Mr.
Timelier asking his withdrawal, noi
did he intimate) to anyone such a de
sire. Thu story wan made out of
whole story.
of l.riultllle
Tu si' the I'liiei'
I.i mivii.i.i:, Col.. Sept '.'. The first
delegation of seventy-llvu miners from
Missouri arrived over tho Denver and
ltlo (irandeut 4:'.'0 p.m. yesterday. The
train was a special and vva mot at
Malta, three miles out, by two com
panies of militia.
They escorted the train to the city,
where It wus met by .".00 men with
two gat ling guns.
The seventy-live miners were sur
rouir.led by soldiers ami taken to the
Khimolt mine. As they proceeded
alonVtbe slieet friends of the. strikers
crowded closely upon thu troops, and
showered iibus'ive epithets alike upon
miners and militia.
One ollleer finally drew his sword,
striking one ot his tormentors across
thu face with the llal side of the
sword. The order wus given to charge
tin- crowd with gun butts and push
them back to give room for the march
ing column. Thu march wus then ru
Mimed without further Incident.
As tlio result of thu hearing beforo
District .luilgu Owens ull of the men
under arrest were released on bail of
S'UO ca uh.
Not Tied Down In Any Wnjr In tlm I'ruieut
hcnutnrlnl Ciintett.
Ill AWA'iiiA, Kan., Sept. 'Jh. Kx-Sen-ntor
IngalU, who was hero yesterday,
"1 iiave balanced my politienl books.
1 have no accounts. 1 owu no one and
none owe me. If 1 am returned to
thu Senate for one term or two or
three" terms I shall be free to serve my
prople without Interference. Said u
priest to u ilyinir soldier: 'Forgive
your uiiemles.' !' have no enemies,'
tlie soldier replied. 'I shot them all
yesterday.' I have outgrown the pass
ions of youth. I have no Senatorial
hotbox. The hoydey period of my
life is no more."
When asked about the coming' of ox
generals and great Kopubllcan orators
to tho West in a Pullman cur Mr. In
galls aald ho thoivht they had better
come in an ovcart If thuy came
at alL
Nnw Orlan Dunk M'recUer Arrmtod.
Nkw OKI.KAN8, I.a., Sept. 28. Wil
liam P. Nicholls, president, and John
Deblanc, cashier, of the looted bank of
Commerce, vveru arrested yesterday
charged with violating a state law by
receiving deposits after they knew the
bunk wus insolvent.
four Men HroUe tlio Kcroril.
CnicAOO, Sept. "H. The American
record was broken by four men in the
twenty-four hour bicycle race which
clobed at the Coliseum last nlirht Tho
scores at thu finish were: (limm, -ISO
miles, 1,115 yards; Waller, -ISJ miles,
Ufls" yards', Schlnner, 102 miles, ff7
yards; Miller, io'j tulles, 2!l3 yards;
Myers, li' miles, 887 yards,
I'rlio l'luht at Vtlr City.
WmitCirY, Ivan., Sept. 2 8 James
I'erns of Scammon and I-M Doylu of
llutlcr county fought thirteen rounds
hero last n'ght at tho opera houso.
Doylu guve up the light.
Tho following prupo'i'tl aineiidttirntJ
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, us hereinafter et forth in full,
nro Btibnilttod to the electors nf the
State ot Nehrank;t, to be voted upon
nt tlio HPnoral election to be held Tiles
day, iNovemher 3, A. 1) , ISM:
A Joint i ('solution proposing to
amend flections two (2), four (D, and
llvo(B,)of nttlcle six (6) of the CotiHtl
ttttlon of the Statu of Nebraska, relat
ing to number of Judges of the supreme
rourt nnd tltolr term of otllre,
Itn It rosoltivl and rtrirted li- the Leg
islature nf tlm Mtute of .Wbr.nK r
Kectlon 1 That sertliiti two i;') of ar
ticle Kit i' i.t the I'.n. tltiitlnn of the
State of N'LnuKu be uiii"ii'led so .is to
lend us fuili.ut.
Hrctloti " Tln pnprrtnc court sleill until
other'e pr..l.ti(l ly l.iu, consist (if Utn
(5) Judri'", i majiirliv or wlimu shall be
nocoKMi') !! foi m n ipioriuu or t.i pro
iiiiutico u ili 'Iiii. It shall bate otlKlnal
Jurliidlctlou in rnses rl'itlei: to ri'M-mie,
civil eases In which the utile shall be u
party, ma ulituus, iput ttiiriantii, habeas
corpus, and hiicIi iitpill.ite Jurisdiction, as
may be pi n i Inl ht I u
Section 2 That noi lion four (I) of nrtlele
s (() of t'i" I'uiiuiiiiili.ii of the Stute
of N'rhrituU.i, Isi aim mini ho as to toad an
Hrrtlon TIip JiuIkps of the rupromn
eouit iihall I e elect-', by the ih-ctoix of
tho Htnte (it larKo, nnd their term of ofllre,
"seept lis In n uiafler ro !-!. nliull be
for u period of nut less than live (j)
us tno ii'kh anno nny pre-viiiie
Kfctlon " 'Unit Heetlou IInc Oi of nitlele
nix (6) of th.' I'.iiistltutlon of tho Stale of
Nebraska, he uineinled to lead us followx:
Scrtlou P At the first Keililiil election to
ho held In the year ts'.n?. theie shall bo elcci
rd two ('-) Jmliie.s of the siipteiiii) eouit one
of whom Hll'lll bo elei ted fur a telin of
two (!) yrnr-, one fur the term of four (I)
years, und at each m'tleral elerllon theie
ufter, there shall be elected olio JiulKe of
thu Mllpri'lllO eoiirt for the let in of live
.") years, unless olherwlse prut Med by
law! l'rovMeil, That the Judges of the su
premo court whose terms huvo not esplied
at tho tlinii of holdliUT the kciioimI elec
tion of 1V3I. shall continue to hold their
olllce for tbo iciualiider of the term for
which tney woie icipvettvuly coiumli
sloncd. Aprov,1 March n, A. IX 1S3.'..
A Joint resolution proposing, an
anicndnient to section thliteon (13) of
nrtlclo six of tho CotiHtlltitlon ot the
Stato of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supremo and dliitrict court
lte It rrqohM by the I-prIhI tturo of the
Ftuto nf Nebraska:
Kectlon 1. That section thirteen f of
ortli'lu six C of tlm I'oiMtltutloii of the
Htnto of Ni-'ir.isk.i be amended no us to
road ni f illmv.
See, 13 The Judj-es of the supreme and
district enuiis shall receive for tnelr sct
vlcrs such renipi usallon ui may be pro
vided by law, payable rpinitoily.
The leKlslniiiie shall nt 111 llrst session
nfter the adoption of this imendmeiit,
tliiei-flfths of tbo lili'tuhi rt elei led to
tarn house conourrlm:. e.tahllsh their
comprrnatlop. The comrensnllon so e
tslillshed slifiir not he ch-nuird ofleiier
thin oner In four years, and In no event
utileis two-tldiils of the member eleeled
to each liousu of tho leclslattue concur
Apiuotr.1 March ."0, A. 1) 1S?j.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend portion twenty-four (21) of nr
tlrlo five (C) of tlio Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of tlio offlcera of the execu
tive department.
He It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of tho State of Nchrixka:
Section 1. That eotloii twenty-four (JO
of article five (.) of the ('onstlttitloii of the
State ot Nebraska be amended to read as
Heetlon 21. The officers of the executive
department of the state government shall
reeelvo for their t-ervlces a i-oiupensatlou
to bo established by law. which shall bo
.lelther tin roused nor diminished iIiiiIiik
tho term for whleh they shall have In en
commissioned and they shall not receive
to their owu use. any fees, coats, Interests',
upon publie moneys In their hands nr un
der their control, perquisites of ollleo or
other compensation and ull fees that mny
hereafter tm payable by law for services
performed by an ollleer ptovldea 'or In
this Hrtlcle shall bo paid In advance Into
the slate tieanury. 'Ihe legl datum shall
at Its llrit session after the adoption of
this amendment, tbiee-llflln of tho mem
bers elected to nod house of tho IckIs
latum coneiinltiK, establish tbo salaries
of tho cdllcers named In this article. Too
compensation so established shall not be
chnnKcd oftener than unco in lour years
and In no event unless two-thlrd-i of the
members elected to each houso of the leg
islature concur theteln.
Amoved Much :?, A. D ISM
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section one (1) of nitlrlo six (C)
of tho Constitution of tho State of Ne
braska, relating to Judicial power.
He It resolved end enacted bv tho I,ex
Jslalmo of the State of Nehraskai
Section 1 Taut srollon one (I) of article
ijx (C) of tho Constitution of tho Htste of
Nebraska be amended to read as follows.
Section 1. The Judicial power of this atute
nlinlt bo vtuled lu u supremo conn, ills
trlct courts, county couits Justices of the
peace, police maxIstrateH, and in sued
other courts Inferior lo the supreme court
us nuy bo created by law In which two
thirds of tho members ehvU-d to each
bouse concur.
Approved March 23, A. I). ISM.
A Joint resolution proposing to
Amend section eloven (11) of article Fix
(G) of the Constitution of the Stato of
Ncbrackn, relating to Increaso in num
ber of supreme and district court
Ilo It resolved unit enacted by tho Leg
islature of the Htatu nf Nebraska:
Hictlon 1. That uectlon cloven (11) of ar
Hole six ) or the Constitution of the State
ot NcbmsKa bo unloaded to read us fol
lows. Section II. The legislature, whencvertwo
thirds of the members elected to each
houso sIihII concur therein, may, In or
after the year una thuuiatid ch;ht hun
dred nnd ninety-seven and not oftener
tnan onto la every four yers, Increaso
Ihs number of Judges of supreme und dis
trict court, and the Judicial districts of
the fctate. Puch districts Bhall be formed
of compnet territory, und bounded by
county lines; und such Increase, or nny
ehantiit In the boundaries of a district,
ihlt nut vacate the office nf Hny judge.
Approved March SO, A, L). liUS.
A Joint resolution proposing to
anend section six (0) of article one (1)
at the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, relating to trial by Jury.
He It resolved und euneted by tho Leg.
Islature ot the Stute of Nebraska:
flection 1. Thut suction ;x (''), article
on (I) ot rh CoaUUttou ut tho Stat of
N,i!irftsVn b nntnti1 to re id ss faVe-rr
Herllon it. The tlht of trial by Jury shnll
retliiiln Iftluhile, but the h'KhdUtiM t'liv
pioMdi' t In eltll . tl'itH lhe-1ltlU of
the Jure inn) teti'le!' ii eldhl, nil I lllrt
li'ittsliituro iii.iv also n ilhirlzu t.ntl bv a
ut.. Of n less niiiol.i i twelve inwn,
In ooiirts liifetlor to ih ilHMIct coir'.
Appiuved Msiih .'), A D l.ij
A Joint lcxultitlou piiipoltig to
amend stectlon one (I) of atticlo II vo (fl)
of the ('oiiHtltiitlon of N'ebiuska. relat
ing to oltU'ei'tf of the eeeutlvo depart
inetit. He II reolveil mid ciiiotM tiv the
Idutiire of the Stale of Nehriskii'
Heetlmi l That sei tion one (I) of sr
tide live CO or the I'onstllutlou of tho
i" Ue of Nclil.udi.t ho , to tend ,li
Kectlon l.Tlie executive department slmtt
coiHltt of a itoteinoi', lieutetiaut-itov
enii.r, seel etat y of slate, auditor of puli
lie iKcoilliH, tteusurer. supoilntetidoiit of
public liistiu, 'tion, atiirne)-eneral, com
tulsHioner of publli' binds and bul'JItiK",
it till three t.tllio.1 1 I'liminlnliiller.. eiieb
of whom, event the said luilroiid ruin-tnls-lotler'i.
shall hold bis olllce for u term
of two jinn, from the nrst Thursday af
ter the llrsi 'tueiday In, after
his election, nil. I until his silo o-"ior Is
rlortcd and ti null 11 o i K.u'li tallioad com
mlsslouer shull lioM his ollleo for a term
of three yeat.s, ber.biulim' on the llrsi
Tout day after the Mist l'uesd iv In Janu
ary after his elect ion, and until bis sue
eetsor Is elected nlid ipiiilllb'd 1'rnvlde.l,
however. Thut nt the til nt c.ener il elec
tion helil irter th.' adoption of this .itueiul
mint tlnie shill I ' etei ted three t.illioid
i omilllHsloni'iN, o'le for the petlod of one, one for the puled of two )eitl, nnd
one for the pel led of thtee e.irs. Toe (joy.
erniir. Neetetaiy of state, iciilllor of jtuli
lie iiccounlM, an I liccsiirer shall losldo at
the capital diulmt their teliu of olllce,
they uhull keep the uihllc tccord, books
ami papeis tin re and shall perform such
diitlts us may be n quired by law.
A Pilot id Match y, A, l. IS.'i
A Joint tenlutluit proposing to
ntnettd Koctlun twonty-Hlx (UtJ) of nr
Xlcle five (5) of the (.'onstlttitloii of the
St.i' of Nebraska, limiting thu num
ber of exeriitlye slate oflloors.
He It rcnlved iind enaete.l bv thi l.ej;
Isluliire of iln Slati- of Nehr isl.n
Sect on I. That sectlutt eweutj-sl (Ml of
aillcto live CI nf tin- Constitution of the
Slate of Nehl.iska be auu'iutcd to us
Siellon Cii. No other executive slate offi
cers t copt those liumisl In section one tl)
of this in Hole shall be createil, e
icpt by su act of the le;l.i.iture
will. Il Is couclllied III by not less than
thiee.fourllis of ihe member clouled to
each house tin-rent.
Provided, That any olllce created by un
in t of the li'Klsliitlllo may be abolished by
the IckIkI ItUle, two-thllds of till) inelll
bers elti led to em b hutisu theieor con
uiinlug. Aliploveil M.ucli 3', A. V. ISO.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section nine ('.0 of article eight
(S) of the Constitution ot tho State of
Nebraska, providing for the Investment
of the permai.ent educational funds ot
'.he Etnte.
He It leiolv d 'fid e'l.i.'to.l bv tie' I .eg.
Islatnre of th" Hi He of Ntlira.Uif
Heoile.11 I Thai e-tloii nine i'i uf article
elBlil (M of Ihe I 'ons llullon of th- Stale
of Nibr.isk.t hu ami tided to nml us fol
io" s
Section 0. All flll'ds betn'iKll'g to tbo l tie
for educational pen poses, ihe Ititt-ri -t and
Income wheleof only are to lie ue., shill
be tl'i-metl trust lunds held by th" state,
und the M ilo shall Mllpil all losses there
of that itia.v In any maimer act rue. so
the situio shall nin.'iln foiever Inviolate
and liinllmliilshed, and siull not bo In
vested or loalinl ecept on t'nlti'd Stales
Mr state secuiltles, or icKlstered county
bonds or leclslei'td M-hool dlstilet bonds
of this state, and such funds, with tho
Interest and Income theieof are hereby
loleinnly pledni'd lor the purposes for
whlih they nro nr.inleil und set up'irt,
mid shall not be transferred to utiy other
Mind for other use-),
Provided, Tho board cre.-ite.l by .section
I of this uilKle Is empowered to sell from
lime lo tlm" any of the securities belong
lui; to the pciin.iiit'iit soli. ml fund and In
vest the piorc'sN ii'IsIiik therefrom In any
nf tho Heciiiltles enumerated In this sec
tion be a 1 1 nc, u IiIkIh r rate of Intel est,
whenever an oppm lu.iliy fur better In
vestment U in 1 silted.
And provided further. That when any
warrant opon the slate treasurer ick
ularly Issued lu pursu nice of on appropri
ation by the IcKlxhituic nnd secured by tlm
levy of a tat for lis payment, ahull
lio pionentod to the Htnto Ue.iaurer for
payment, und them shall not bo any
money lu tho proper fund to pay mieh
ivairant, the bo.ud ereati'd by Hectlou 1
i)t this article may direct tho at itn treas
urer to pay th" amount duo on such war
rant from moneys In Ids hands belonulm;
to the periu'iueut school fund of tbo state,
uud ho shall hold said warrant as an In
vestment of sad) peiniaueiit school tutid.
Approved March , A.. I). I'M.
A Joint reEoIutlon proposing an
nmendment to the Constitution ot tho
State nf Nebraska by milling n new
section to nrtlclo twelvo (12) of said
constitution to bo numbered section
two ('J) relntlvo to the merging of tho
government of cltlP3 of the metro
politan rlas3 nnd the government of
the counties wherein such cities are
lie it resolved und enncled bv the Leg
islature of tho Htuto nf Nebraska:
Section I. That article) twtlve (II) of tho
Constitution of tlm Htnto of Nebraska bo
amended by addltiR to said article a no'
section to be numbered section two (2)
to read as follows:
Section 2. Tho government of any city of
tho metropolitan class and the itov
eminent of tho county In which
It Is located may be merged wholly
or lu p.til vvhei. a proposition so to do bai
been submitted by authority of law to tho
voters of such city and county unci re
ceived tbo assent of a majority of ton
votes cast lu such illy and ulso s majority
of tlm votes east In tho county oxcluslvo
of tlioso oust In such metropolitan city
ut such election.
Approved Match , A. I). IS55.
A Joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section six (fi) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution of tho
Stato of Nebraska, prescribing tho
mnnnor In which votes shall bo cast.
Ilo It resolved and enacted by tho Leu
Islutum of tlm Htatn of Nebrasku:
Section 1 That flection six (J) of urtlelo
seven (7) of tho Constitution of tho Stato
of Nvbruilia bo umended to read as fol
lows: Section 0, All votes shall be by ballot, or
such other method as may bo prescribed
by law, provided tho secrecy of voIIiik bu
Approved March 19, A, D. 18M.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section two U) of nrtlclo four
teen (14) of tho Constitution of tho
State of Nebraska, relatlvo to dona
tions to works of Internal Improve
ment nnd manufactories.
Ilo It resolved und unnoted by the Jc
Isluturo of tho Stato of Nebraska:
Section I Thai section two (I) of urtlclQ
fourteen (II) uf tlu (.'011111111100 of the
Stat of Nebrueka, be amended to read as
Sec. 2. No city, eounty, town, precinct,
municipality, or other subdivision ot tbo
stsfe, uilt eer tnnk" lonntlon to iinr
wotks tif in'ernitl Improvement, or
munufuuiirv unless a proposition c tu
I 1 snail e been Hist submitted to th'
qu.tllil" I nlisiois und latllled by 11 two
thlid vote .it an election 'ty authority ot
liw I'rothted, That such donation of a
n'.ti t with the donations ot such ubdl
vIsIoim Ii ;iie nmui'iMte sbs.l not xceJ
ten per cent of the n."i'i valuation of
such . I'rot' further, Tht nny
elty or uniiity may. bv a thn'o-fourlh
vote, ln tease such liidelili'ilnest flv pr
eelil. 111 addltloii to su h ten pel taut ftml
no bonds or evidences of t eb'htedneHS i
M-tlied uatl be valid mile's Hi" same slnill
have endorsed thereon a '.11111 ale HlKnd
by the secretin y and u.i.iit.r of statu,
showhiir thut the ..imo Is issued purutul
to law.
Approved March J9, A. 1. 1jj
I. J. A. Piper, Kccrotary of state otf
the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify
that tho foroglng proposed amendmentt
to the CoiiHtltittlou of tho State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies ot
the original enrolled nnd engroiweil
bllU, as passed by the Twenty-fourth
session of tho legislature ot tho Stat
of Nebraska, as appears from ubl
original bills on flic In this olllce, anf
that all and each of nald propoied
amendments are submitted to th
iliinlluod voters of the stato of IsV
braska for their adoption or rejcctlo
nt thi' general election to bo held on
Tuesday the 3d day of Novembar, A.
Ii, ISO"!.
In testimony whereof, I lutvo her
tmto sot my hand and nlllxed the great
seal of the statu of Nebraska.
Dune at Lincoln this 17th day
July In the year of our Lord, One. Thou
sand Klglit Hundred and Ninety-Six,
of the Independence, of tho United
States the Ono Hundred nnd Tvvontr-l-'lrst,
and of this state tho Thirtieth.
tSenl.) J. A. VIVKR,
Si'cretary of Stato.
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