The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 02, 1896, Page 5, Image 6

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H fi .. ..
ii-ijbi mm ujjWUU uitiiiJli, K'UIDAV, OCT. 2, 1896.
It B
m and its cuius
To the Editor : 1 have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. By its timely usa
thousands of hopeless cases have been already
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I
of its power that I consider it my duty to
snid tiro botttts frit to those of your readers
who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me their
express and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCOM, M. C, I S3 Pearl St., Hew York.
f Tli e KditorUt and limine. Munawnrnl of
tbli l'fxr Uuutntc. Ihl. f entrou. rrvpoiUlou.
H & M. "R.Y
Mil) CI. Of IK SI: Ml.
ST. ,I()H
ST. l.ol'IS una
all point nut uml
S.t. FA'.t.VCISCtf
uml nil jmiutt
No. BO. Krrlelit, dull) i-nrpt feumliiy
for W) more uml nil ioltiifiii H'Wn m.
No, IB. IMiiiviiKer, dully for st .Inc.
KutiMit I'llr. Ati'liluin. St
t.ouls ntiil all pultitH fiiht uml
omii . .. n o: (i in.
No. 143. Accoiiiiiioilnlliiti, i1h1I i-xcopl
Mmiliix. Ilio-tliivx. Clrnint I
IiiikI. Illiirk ltlls uml nil
txiititH In the northU"l I '.."iiiii,
No. HI. AiTniimioilHtloii iliillj t-xi'vpt
Slliiilny, lllirrlln, Kntiin. nml
liitcrinciliHtu Stallone. ln He
No. G4. I'rclKlil. 'lull', Vmorc uml
M. Jou nml ItitvnniMlliitP
lillicllnn tHiliitH l:'JU.ui
Nn. 63. I'rotKlil. (lolly for ItcimtillcHii
UrUnui.Uxforil nml nil olnl
wot II ISn in.
No. 1U. I'nMii'nKcr. ilnll. Hi-nuT. nil
imlnlM In Colorado, I'tnli uml
fiillfornlu . () p.iii.
lceiliiK dliiliiK. nml ri'flliilni: rluilr cnr'
(h'.In ttvc) on HiioiikIi irnlnc Tlckt viM nml
Iihkkhku rlicckcil to uti ioliit In the I nlti-l
I'ur Inforinntloii time ililo. tiiiip" or llrtctn
cnll on or nililrt'"" A t oihiht. kimiI. Ui-il
("limit, Nehr. or J. I'ratirU, Hi'iiernl l'iiM:m!ur
AKt'lit, Oiiiulin, NvlirnikH.
5c MEAL:
fcTKAK, VAUi, $
iiki:ai, in,:
iii:, :orrr.v. J
Violin, 'rnet and Cliirliu;!,
lleil Cloml, Melt.
Will KiiainntiM' :iMIiip' Ion to siliolu's who
Ipslro In Iiu n iii ot II l"'e li "triinu'iits.
will kIu lliu-e l-sini', (i-uliti-si)oniieliiiiirl
l i riatiiix tni'iil pntperlj l.oac won)
.1 tills OIlllT. HI Jllll- III", Kl'lUTill lll'llL'l
nml (wlUe ill.
(ieo. Van Woert of (initio Unci; was
here Thursday.
Mr. and Mis. (i. W. Knight roturiud
Weilneiiiay ovening from their trip to
Hi Paul and other places of intetesl in
that vicinity
Lost:- A meat coupon hook. Finder
will please leave with Uco .Liudxey.
A. (i Willis
Wu wiili to t haul; Min. K B Knight
for the sijveial inteipsting letters wiit
(pit dining her si. 13 in Minnesota.
.M'viib in fwiot., Ilupliin's Sti'iimtil
lloiuiny (Hulled Corn). Klegnnt. lunch
in milk. (Jiiaiiciu 10 cents.
Hon W, S Sutnmeis will talk on
n'ptililic.'inism at the opera liou-e here
jicm Ft idu , Oi'tolici 'Jth, at 8 p in
lleav duel, lilankct lined coats at than $1 01), also the greatest
vaiiety of belief gtades from 41.00 ami
upwards at Wiener's Clothing Store.
A hacking cough is nut only annoying
to other.s, hut is dangerous to 'ho per
Htm who has It. One Minute Cough Cure
will ttiick)y put an end to it. C. I..
I. K. Sanborn vho owns property
bete anil wax formerly a resident of
this city was hero Wednesday. Ho
contemplates going into business at
Woodruff, this state.
DuWitt's Witch Salvn is an
.tuliicptic, Miothiug anil healing ap
plication for burns, scalds, cuts,
bruises, etc , and cuies piles like magic
It instantly stops pain. C. L. Cutting.
I)r (i. K. Mi-Keehy and Uobt.T. Pot
lei entertained the citieiis of Bladen
and vlfinlt on Wednesday night.
They just put in four hour.-, anil twn
minutc.s between them the meeting
not breaking up until aftei I'.1 o'clock
A republican meutiug under the
auspices of the Line township McKiu
ley nml Hobart Club will be held in
Kuohu school houee on the evening of
Fiiday, October 10th Hon. Randolph
McNittand (i. U. Chnncy will bit the
ripvuker.s prttsttut
Highest Honor-Wrfd' Ml
-1 . ,
Kil'.T MAUt3.
A puic Grape Cream cf Tartar Powder. Fm
6cm Ammonia, Alum or ary other rduilca5.
. ,,.? w-
?" w tv&wr"
,fj 55 T
' K
K. O I'.iikiTnf (tunic KmK wi hi-ii
Miss .lull,! Muiphj lift I ui'iilaj fm
Him i Ion
bet" mil' ii.ino iinil nrgim utli'i in
iiiintlii't- column.
It. S I'lmnlili of (iuitlf Uoi-k wax
huii' Sal hi da y.
.laniic Maliflil irtuiiiril tlu lat nf
tin1 work from Miiiiiounlis
Ihinaltl Mot'iillum nf (Juhle Hock
spout N(vcial days hoiu this week.
tl. W. HnuUhaw, ittiii:tstri" nf Su
perior was horotho luxt of the wi-ok
I. V C'raiy, camliilatf fur ieuoou
tativc, came up from (initio Uock on
,1. WatTuii Kolfiir, ill , of llostwiok,
wax hole tills wtok lookiiit? tiftor pull
t i-iil mutters.
.) F. Watt of (iiiiilt' Hook lining on
the jury has oampi'il in Km1 I'loml for
tlio past two weeks.
C V. Kuley wasih hiueolii this week
in iitteuilanee at a mooting ot the state
hoard of univer.sity regents
When you want a nice smooth shave
or huh' flit , give (Sen. Fentress :e,ill.
()n door south of the Bon Bakery.
Make your feet glad, Sel. shoes at
Wieners. They will also gladden yonr
pocket hooks as the prices are low.
Kllcry Davis and Miss KUa M.CIlue,
lioth of Jewoll county, Kansas, were
married by Judge Dufly on Thursday.
Will S. Millard lepiescnting the
Chamheilain Medicine Co., of l)e
Moines, Iowa, was here the last of the
Ke.v. Maxliold and family have gone
to lluinholt, wIhi re that gentleman
goes to take ohnrgo of his new pas
torate. C. U. Cutting, sole agent, will icftind
your money if notsatistictl afier using
one bottle of Dr. Fennel's famous
John Clans Is nuking preparations
to start a short 01 tier house and lunch
loom in the building formerly occupied
by A. II. Kaley.
Senator l'ell'cr of Kansas spoke at
tilt) opera house on Thursday. Thosu
who heard him say that he made a f ait
talk from his .standpoint.
Major Win. Warner of MUsoiui will
speak in this city for .sound money and
protection on Thursday afternoon,
October lilli, at 'J o'clock p in.
W. A Williams, fonncily in the
hatdwaie busiiu, in thi-, city was bet u
this week looking after In-, interests in
a lawsuit in district court.
The hadic.x Clio Club will meet with
Mix. C. I. Pope, Saturday, October
U11I, nt'-J.iiO o'clock p m. All ladips in-
teicsteil in hleiary woik aic cotdially
invited to lie present.
Speed and safety are the watchwords
of the age. Outs Minute Cough Cure
acts Hpeediiy, safely anil never fails.
Asthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds
are cured by it. C. L. Cutting.
By far the greatest variety of glows
ami mittens ever shown at Wieners.
Wool mittens from ten cents up.
Special gootl quality in our U'5 cent
line of leather-faced mittens and lined
and tiiiliuetl gloves.
An unfounded repot t lias been start
ed that ). II. Wcgmaun the Moon
block photographer is going to leave
the city. Mr, Wegnutuu wishes us to
state that it is a mistake and that he
never thought of such a thing.
Many lives of usefulness have been
cut short by neglect to break up an
ordinary cold. Pneumonia, bronchitis,
ami even consumption can bo averted
by the prompt use of One Minute
Cough Cure. C. h. Cutting.
Samuel Temple, Ben Ludlow and Alf
McCall of this city, U. S. Proutilit of
(initio Uock mid Dr Bradthaw of Su
perior went west on U' Wednesday
night on their way to Omaha to attend
a democratic gold bug eoiietuion.
The are so little you h.tidly know
you are taking them They cause no
griping, yet they act quickly and most
thoroughly. Such aie the famous little
pilN known as DuWitt's Little Karly
Hiser. Small hi .sie great in results.
C. L. (Jotting.
A small sou of ,111111! Bent was riding
:i horse one ilay tlio Ilrst of the week
and the animal jumped in the air ami
fell down anil rolled over with him
In caking his arm between the elbow
uml shoulder. Dr. F K. McKeeby re
duccil the frautuie.
If you need underwear buy it at
Winners'. Gootl scrvicablo garments
at 25 anil 35 cents. Natural wool and
lleeecd lined exceptional good quality
at 50 cents, and the best garment at 75
cents ever sold in heavy wool ribbed.
This is worth 81.00 in every otherstoi".
Those who bslleve chronic iliarrlm:
to Uo Incurable should read what Mi1
P, F. (irisliam, of tinars Mill, La , 1 is
to say on tho subject, viz; "I luno
been a .sufferer from chronic diarrho a
over since the war and have tried all
kinds of mcdicinifs for it. At ' 1 t I
found a remedy that elTeclod a "e
anil that was Chamberlain's C ic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Heinedy." 'I is
medicine can alwajs he depended ii,"n
for iiilie, I'bolcra moihiis, dy 1
ami ill. in Inc. 1, It id iilc.t ant t 1
.4111I no 1.1 tails lo eft eel at lire.
j 'r
.lOicuthlzos for ealo by II. U, t.i.yc,
s,..- : vyjWiffry - w:i -frv -- r - - 71
llt't to t.ike after ilitnii r m
prcM'iit ilKtrf'i, alii lljtiH Bm I I
tlmi. cure roiisiipatioii 1 1 I W
Purely NiyH.iWo, iln tint Ktli B
or i.iiki' imIii. Solil li nil ilniK'Kl'lK 2S ri'iit.
l'ri'i'aroil mily tiy f. I. llmnl A lo LoHtll, Mass.
Amos Dillon of (iuide Hock was here
this week
Hobeit MeBride is clerking in the
Chicago store.
Attorney W. S Morlan of McCook
was here this week.
"When you see liiui just ask him
what Uosie had done."
W. A. Fitgeiald and wife of St.
iloseph, Missouri, weie in the city
Mrs Ben Ludlow ri turned Wednes
day morning from a visit with friends
at Oilcans.
Miss Matlie Wolf leturned Monday
from a seven weeks visit with friends
in the eastern pari of thw Mate.
Handolph McN'itl ami Supt. Hunter
will peak at North Star school houso
on Saturday evening, October 17th.
Mark C. Campbell of Deepwatcr,
Missouri, was here this week looking
after the interests of W. A. Williams'
law suit.
Samuel Downs, formeilyof this city
hut lately living in Oregon is hero
again visiting with his daughter Mrs.
.Jos. Fogel.
The (iarlicld McKinley and Hobart
Club will meet at the Wagoner school
house on Monday, October Tith, at7:!IO
p.m. All tire invited.
.1.0. Brown anil C. S. Palmer who
for scvcial mouths past have been
winking ut their trade, carpentering,
in Colorado have leturned home.
Dr. (i. K. McKepby ami Uobt.T. Pot-
ter will speak on republican issues at
Pleasant Dale school bouse in district
No. ai on Saturday ovening, October
The case of Geo. Blair against W. A.
Williams was before a jury on Tuesday.
The jury was out all night ami was a
hung jury .standing It to 1 in favor of
John V. Farwell of Chicago will
speak on the republican doctrine at
(iuide Uock. Thursday, October 8th,
at 8 p.m., ami at Hcd Cloud, Friday,
Ot'torber'Jib, at a o'clock p.m.
Married by Uev A. (i. Blackwdl at
his u'sideiice in Bed Cloud on Monday
afternoon, Sept., '-.'Sill, lb'.ili, Mr. Chas.
V.. Hickcy to Miss Lillie K Hastings,
both of Walnut creek township, Web
ster county.
lleggd' Illond I'uiiIUt and Blood Maker
curt all blood dicordbrs. All eruptions
of tho fkin ouu bn removed by the use of
this wonderful medicine. It ban 110
equal, and Is purely vegetable. U. L.
(Jotting keeps it, ns well as all other first
class good4,
Hverett Dyer returned home Tues
day from Sheridan where, bo has been
in the employ of the B. A: M. on a run
between that place and Billings. Mon
tana. He is not at all enthusiasticover
that part of the country and is glad to
get back to Nebraska.
Many political speakers, clergymen,
singers and others who use tho voice
excessively, rely upon One Minute
Cough ('nre to prevent huskiness ami
laryngitis. Its value as a preventive is
only equalled by its power to afford in
stantaneous relief. C. L. Cutting.
Tlte annual ineiiting of the Webster
county A. (). U. W. lodge was held in
this city yesterday and the weather
maker smiled brightly upon it as a bet
ter day for the event could not have
been wished for. 'Wieie was a big
crowd as the announcement, of tin
fact that J. (i Tale will speak always
brings That gentleman delivered one
of liis best talks in regard to the work
ings, aims and hopes of t'lcoriler. The
male quartet was present and reiulei
ell some guild music
One-third of all the children
die before they are five years
old. Most of them die of some
wasting; disease. They grow
very slowly; keep thin in flesh;
are fretful; food does not do
them much good. You can't
say they have any disease, yet
they never prosper. A slight
cold, or some stomach and
bowel trouble takes them away
Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos
phites is Just the remedy for
growing children. It makes
hard flesh; sound flesh; not
soft, flabby fat It makes
strong bones, healthy nerves.
It changes poor children to
children rich in prosperity.
Bool: about it fr for the asking, R
I : No sufci'ltu's for Scott's Iimul- I'
don vul d-o U r 1..: rhiurcn what wc
1 not- v.i .
tlis r,rr" ...,
Fi r .d s't
.'..& will do. Get
.ul'lsal 50c. and
H'dJT It BliWM., Nca York
1 Wffl$t
New nmx ,it Cuttings
S )' sp iMsiield i liouie after a visit
at Ih hi Ki)
Pine 1,11 mid linger cols for husken
at Cuttings
Louie Hi nailstone of Supeilor was
here today.
Mrs V.. P (juhov of Oniahii wtH hi
tlte eitv Monday.
D W. (i. Black of Clinton, Illinois, was
ltete cdiiesday
Mix. Divigbt Jones of (iuide Uock
was heie .Monday
J F Kendall of Superior was in I lie
city on business Thursday.
Jacob Kindscher of (iuide Uock ckiiio
up to attend the.PelTer meeting.
C. II. Potter mid wife left Tuesday
for .1 si. ort lsl: and business trip to
(ieo Morhait has gone to Belt, Mon
tana, wbeie he lias taken a position to
sell hardware.
Thus lluulon, father of District
Court Clerk Burden was here from
Bladen this week
Five cents worth f gum at Cuttings
givesyou a chance to get that beauti
ful brass ony top .stand.
J. L. (iiiindstallof Bladen candidate
for repiesentative on the icpublicati
ticket was liereTliuisday.
A license to wed was issued by Judge
Dully to Wan en L Dcnney ami Miss
LulitC Albin, on Septeuibei"J7th.
Mrs. J. W Bryai'l who has been heie
for a week or so past returned to her
home at llumbolt Tupsday morning
Al (ialuslia leturned fiom the east
or n patt of the state accompanied by
his wife and children Tuesday evening.
Klinei Parsons and Miss Sallie Shin
naultof the north part of the county
worn married by Judge Dully on the
Mrs. A. H. Brown and the children
left Saturday night for Ogden, Utah,
where they will make their future
Scott Pliilersof Ayr, Adams county
was nominated by the republicans for
tloat representative on last Saturday
at Blue Hill.
Mrs. Drumhiller mid daughter of
Logan, Kansas, and Mis. Hay ami
daughter of St. Joe, are visiting with
C C. Cowtlen and family.
Hon A. S. Churchill, candidate for
attorney geneial, will speak here in
tlie intcicxts of the republican cause on
Tuesday, October Blth, at H o'clock
p 111.
Tetter, ecenia and all similar skin
troubles are cured by the use of Do-
Wilt's Witch Ila.el Salve. Itsoothesat
once, and restores the tissues to their
natural condition, and never fails to
cure piles. C. L. Cutting.
(ieo. W. Barker, formerly of this
city, now of Krie, Pennsylvania, is
here. He says the political outlook in
thneastis very bright for McKinley and
that Pennsylvania's vote will be larger
than ever for the republican nominees.
Chronic constipation is a painful,
disagreeable and lire shortening dllli
culty. It deranges the system, causes
Rick headache, bad breath, and poisons
the blood. It can be readily overcome
by DeWitt's Little Karly Uisers. These
little pills are great regulators. C. L.
Thu jury in the (ieo Drake trial
which was on last week brought in a
verdict of guilty after being out for a
short time. The judge gave him a
sentence of four years at hard labor.
When asked if ho bad anything to say
lie remarked that he was innocent and
that the ease had been brought for
spite work
lor a long tunc past we havn heard
many kicks registered in ipgard to the
pom service thai is given in icganl to
the lighting up of the platform at the
B V M. depot heie. A headlight is
furnished by the company and is duly
lighted each night by the employes
heie, so tlutt theicis no complaint to
lind against them, but the headlight is
in such poor shape that it gives little
mure light iliau a lantern. It does
seem that Hie compiiny would look
after the interests of its patrons here
enough to supply a good rellcctorof
some kind ami place it in such a posi
tion that it will light tlte space at least
around the passenger cars so that peo
pie may recogriio friends getting oil
incoming trains It will cost no more
to keep a good light than it now does
to maintain what they havn.
When your stomach begins to trouble
you, It needs hclr. Tho help it needs,
is to digest your food, mid, until it gets
It, you won't havo any peace. Stomach
trouble is very distressing, very obsti
nate, very dangerous. Many of thu
most dangerous diseases begin with
simple indigestion. Tho reason is that
indigestion (wif-digcstion, nof-nnurlsh-muni)
weakens tbe system uml allows
disease germs to attack it. The anti
dote is Shaker Digestive Cordial,
strengthening, nourishing, curative.
It cures indigestion mid icnews
strength and health. It does this by
stiengtbening tho stomach, by helping
it to digest your food. It uoiiri.-lic sou
M iker Digistho Coiilbll is undo nf
1 !n 1 1 , p. nils and wine, L pel fi ct
v I .it mli ss mill will certainly cure till
geiuiii.o stomach trouble. Sold by
diuggists, prico 10 iiunt.s to $1,00 pur
ato-,um gggaggfMW,a'in fim-MitmtiiLvv '"nthi-,,
of Fall goods sho 1IJI be ood news for every man fn
this commtnity. Wc have the handsomest stock of
Fall clothing c.i tumisVngs wc ever had, all the
latest things, all the ber.t llvngs, and our prices, we are
happy to say, arc more attractive than ever. If you
have your own interest at heart and care for the well
being of your pockctbook, come in and see the new
H. S. & M. guaranteed clothing.
We would like to
Attention to
20 Styles of
Our coats arc all
Heavy Blanket Lined,
several new things in
Reversible and Rubber Lined Goats.
All our coats are well made,
charm to them is their
We have
Part of Oof Fall Stock
And can give you some
Very Ghoiee
Will be on hand the first week of
Clothing, Oats anil Caps, Boots anil Shoes Qoeoiisware
Gall and See Us.
call your
e also
durable, warm, and what adds
The Clothier.
Stock of
1 j
rtj (
ftiiautfWi'-' AiVimw-W
Mfcai. 4ufctc-Wttri jiki