7 tl ' 5 " V " s i ': "a.p 0tmmmmmmmmmmmmuiam' U'JUw. 'tn W i"M j v l" ' - . H""Jf"i . . I l-l 11. I-C H.I I I 'I I II I I I I '1-1 I H'H' V-t I I 1 IX V (WIT U lU(Wi .-. Vt... .!,....,- w -gy?3fr2irfT-' N. 'jgt K ') 1 , fW!-- Iteipt Jt: X'T-;ri VOLUME XXIV. GOa OOtfrO 0i.JeOi?":.l0 ) pN Kidney Diseases. Pains in the f J '". Rarlr. Trei'cyf ilarSt rc; n rnr T TVinrv a M " ' 1 domen i mnws I W u f Dr. J. H. SScLEAN'S ! liver ms kidney alm ! Has proven, in thousands of to be the reerless Xcmedy ior For sale everywhere. ! THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., ST. LOU ? 32 OC fv I 5Wkw iE Ml lYVirpHliiitii 1 1 if- '"-J-j Tk "BETTER THAN EVER." FOUR ELEGANT MODELS. S85.00 AND S100.00. Art Catalogue FnEt CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., No. li tardea street. Indianapolis, Ind. m J O If h 'n r ' A - IV f-EHT with n Me it. lliid blMirlmiii Ih iiiiicliirt n 0111111111 .1 k (In (ill I w )(llie lllnlllc Clllll fultr (Hi III ; i u( Blackwell's Genulti Durham Smoking Tobacco IliiynliiiKorthUptlelirntciUobnoconndrPQdtlioroiipon which eivuaiutoruluitbluireintitiinauomol't) ilium. Effl wzm V 4flWBiWiWWwflBiWW!P4-''wv mm ht.V.Jjf, toKv rteZMWtitiif&Z&&.k&2 BRIGHT'S DISEASE Te fJsr rwnct finnrramnc r( oil & " -' I I Swelling: of the Limbs or Ab- are the first symptoms cases and for many ny years, J 1 UIS, Mo. A this dreaded disease Price, $1.00 per bottle - CZV 3 3 -- JJM , - M c m f-v r 1 'uiI'h Ooimlne Hull Mif im llt tluil one ikiIIIC Luir. anil two COU' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCT. 2, 18i)0. WASHINGTON NOTES P'liiui.tii- coiisiiKi tin1 iinnoiiiu'i1 inuiit tluil the rrpiiblicims :inil tlic golil ttf'iiicii'i'tits inn t work togi'ilicr in ('M'tal of tlui SDiitlii'in status 1111 i 111 1(H hint one, !illliniii;i few (if tliolll n si fin :is to Ijciipvc that it will u'Mill in Hiving tin- I'lui'totM'. vote of iiiij' .slntu to tlu noli I (leiiioeur-, Imt il may hnli tin- u-iiililto:iiis. It is oliiiini'il by "iiiiii1 of tlm-ii who liavu liciMi iiisliu- I iiii-iit:il in atuuiKiiitf tliis fn-iiiu, tlmt j tlic ;oi tli'ini.i'iiUs of Al:tl):im:i :n ptionj; iinuili to cm ty the xlatc, if I 1 In j I'Hit ct tin entity ii'piililii'iui Mite ami if they can fct tlui votos i'iiiihiimI, ami if tlic ller ik'iiioeiuls anil npn I lists f.ul fust'. It will lie niitcil that llii'io uti) M'vcnil iinioitant "ifs" in that I'laim, not to mention that it is riiliunli'il by tliu silvur dciiiocrals who say that the number of ohl di'inoeiats 1 11 tlmt mill in all the othar souiheiu states, lias been iioatly uxiigKcrnleil. A gentleman with spot ting blood eamo very near to sizing up the general opinion of the actual situation when hu said: "I should look upon it us mo much money found to find anybody who would bet that Palmer and Iluek tier would get a single electoral vote In the south or anywheiu else." Iu polities evei'3 thing depends upon which side does a thing. When Mr Hryun came to Washington to make u spci'cli, the i ('publicans made fun of him, saying that it was a waste of tiiuc for him to speak iu the DiMiici ot Columbia wheiethi'ie was no voting, Now thee .same lepublieaus aie pic pating to do the very same thing, mid are shaking hands with each oilu-i and jubilating geneially because hpeal.i r lteed and Itcpicsi'ntathi' Cowen nl Marvlanil, leceivi r of the 15 vV () i.ul load, have pinmised to ail "n s a big lepiiblii-an meeting lo beheld iu Wash ington esirlv next inoiith. Is it any wonder that the few men who have no political piejuilii'c your cones poudciil claims to be one of them manage to extract lots of fun out of a presidential campaign? For sonic time complaints have been pouring into the Hryan lieadquaiters in Washington, concerning the in timidation of employ s by railroads and other large employers of men, and ! now the other side comes up with an I uiiimiilatcn story. Complaints have I bi'iMi iiiadu to MeKinley headquaiterrt that ic publican speakers are being mis jtie.it. d and otherwise intimidated iu vaiioiia poitious of Virginia, and the j )nistniaster at Jonesville, in that state, I is charged with having suppiesscd re I publican campaign liteiatuie mailed ' h-om Washington, and with Inning as- -.in licit me man wuo iiiunii it out and euiiiiimted him with l lie accusation. Charges liau been Hied with the post master genet al against this postmaster, and there is much iuteiest iu the dis position of those charges by the post elm e ilcpaitmcut. If theie was any doubt that Mr Hiyau was pet sunnily bosing Ids cam paign the withdtawal of benator Hill's candidate for the govcrnotship of New ior). ought to leinovo it. As soon as Mi. Thacher's letter lepuiliating tho Chicago )latfoim wus made public, Mi. Hryan positively stated that ho should come oil the democratic; ticket. Thuiuwiio believed that Senator Hill was all powei ful with tho deiuoeratlc machine in New York said that Mr. Hryan had made a bieak; that Timelier was Hill's man and that Hill would not rulow him to be taken oft the ticket. Mi Hi j an went to New York, and Timelier has taken himself olt the ticket Some people think that Hill will ii'sent this iuteifereiico by coming out for Palmer and Huckner., The Hrjau people in Washington say it doesn't mutter what Hill ilnr- ilmt dm iieuit iii New York is already prae 'tic uly -eliled ami that Hill has lost wii.itcMi inlhifiien he may have had ji .'side 'f that slate. The 1' jan 1 1 M'Kb'-y manogeis continue to do s.m.e si. II liiiiuing or their iesii'iii 1 ai diit.iK ", mil it tlu have 110 In id 1 toiiintatii'ii i the elaliiH they make than the letteis fiom luilividuals in the cvcral states which they inakA public, it is little better than a iiiestion of faith and lioic on both sides. It is ciiiupaiativfly easy to take a statement thai either candidate has made a ceit-tm peieeutige of gain thioiighout tuc state to show on pa pi 1 -that ih" t'tle will give ccitiiiu majority, but tlmsc with ictcntivc memories kimw that such liguiiiigis soldi mi, if ei 1 , any ulieie in the neigh boihoiid of wh il the actual lolcof that state turns out to be It is altogether inobable that both sides liave made polls of eieiy doubtful slate, and half found so many votcis still iiucuimuit ted that they do not dale to make pub lic the lesult of those polls. It is known that theieaie a huge number of voters seemingly gi owing larger at each election who do not eonnt.ct themselves with any patty and who do not tell anybody how they ant going to vote. This is the element which has hi ought about the political surprise! and landslides of the presidential and congiessiiiiial elections of the last tu elm yetu 4. They can't lie located iu ndvain. Cy'ho politicians $100 Howard $100 The readeis of this paper will be pleased to learn that theie is at leu-i one di ended disease that .science has I been able 10 cine ill all its stages and j that isC-iiaiih Hall's Catari h Cm c is the only p'-itivi cue now known to the 'iiicilual fi iteini'y. Cataiih being a coiistitniiiiiial ilNcase, lupiiiesa con stiiuiciial tic'i'iueut. Hall's Cataiih ('111.. I. In! .ii ...I..I unlit .n.lili.r illlr.t.t ' ly 011 tin ii'nod and mucous sui faces of III. - -l Ml, llll-ll-llj 1U-IIVJH ll'i in mi. '! .in 11 i.f the disease, end ginngi the p. itii ut stieiiglh by building up tin constitution and assisting ualiiic in I ll... . . .., II... ....... .1...!.... I .. 1 doing its woik. The piopiietors ban so much faith in its ciuatiic poweis that they oiler Due Huddled bollais fir any case it fails to cine. .Send tin list of testimonials. Addiess, K. .1. CIIKNKY iV CO, Toledo, (). E3?Sold by diuggists, r,v. Hall's Family Pills aie the best. ECKLEY Mr. (iiudner and Mis. Woiths of Hastings weie visiting at Mr. Thus. Finney s last Friday and Satuiday. Quite a number of thu Kckleyites wont to Hluc Hill Satuiday night to at tend the lally, Kev. Chadwiek, tho new minister, pi cached to a largo eiowd Sunday 11101 ning and evening. Mis. I) H. Uobiusuu and daughter wuie iu lied Cloud Wednesday. Alex Moina and Floia Miller at teiided meeting at Mt. llopu Sunday afternoon. Listen for thu wedding belN. A paiiy was given at Mr. Howard's on Monday evening in I101101 of Miss llattic llendeisou who leaves for her home iu Missouii this week. All te poit a good. Grant Miller has tho Minsoiui fever and expeets to stall forthatplaee soon. He says that Kckley has no charms for him since A few weeks ago tho editor wan taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be iu u most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of lagiippo and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to biitig about a speedy cine From tho adveitisfinent of Cliambeilaius Cough Hemeily and the many good leeom inundations included tlienln, wc con eluded to make a Hist tiial of the medi cine. To say that it was satisfactory in its icsiills, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the lesult was a speedy and permanent cine. Wo have no hesitancy iu recom mending 1 liis excellent Cough Hnineily to anyone ulllictul with a cough 01 cold 111 any form. VVe Itnnmr j l.iUrly, l.lbeity town, Maryland. The 5 a 'I r.Occiii sVsfj . ,;.. by 11 r (iilee, druggi'i, The WH HWK PUKCHASKI) STOCK of FALL GOODS With this in view, to gne ymi goods with gieatest amount of eile for least possible pi lee to ion Have we succeeded? Come and sec for yourself OUK ASSOUI'MKNI' OK soiiootv C iiniot be licit fm pi ice 01 wear. T11 0111 Hoy-' Seamless Neiei lip Shoes Ladies' 1'ino Shoes, New Shapes Men's Mum it tl (10, Coiigiess 01 laee. Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store, west sidk w stiimt. Harness I Harness ! Harness ! J O BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade HARNESS MAN, In Red Cloud. Prices right for cash o Threatening Have ALHUMHNS, Nervous Prostration Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. ProlonRod dornnRomcnt ot tho norrouft system nut only alTecls thu brain and mon tul powers, but devt'ldusillsuahe In somoof tlio vital nreans. Tim must dangerous of these Indirect results Is when tho heart Is alTcctcd. This was tho caso of tho ltuv. N. V. Surface. Fawn Itlvnr, Mich., who writes under dato of t'eb. 14, IBM: "Fourteen years ago I hail a Blight stroke of parulyMs Ovurwork brought 011 nervous prostratluii. I was uireeilliiuly nervous and tho exertion of public speaking caused heart palpitation that threatened my life. I used two bottles of Dr. Miles' Now Kuan. Curo for my heart trouble, and two of Dr. M lies' Kcstorullvo Nervino for my ncruius nessmicl feol better than I evor expected to fool uriiIii. I can speak far hours without UrluRor having my heart flutter as It for merly did, and I have you to thuuk that I am allvo today." On salo by all drugidsta. Dr. Miles' Hook 011 Heart and Nervous Disorders FItEE by mall. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Iml. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restore llcallli. MHS. J. 11. SnillKY, Tonrlier or l.sTIUJ.lIi:.NTAI. iTlUMV, CuBtoiiuiry prlceH I )nily linlf U mr U 30I1M to ntltN Illl'.l.ilS lit ICl'IK I 11 . 1 ratuE. II 'in m NUMBER 39 All Imporiant Factors. OUR siroi ! X J o That Picture linlaiwd u Won't get it done. The Busiest and best way lo get it done, ami to be siiio of its being done tight is to stop iu at Water Color, Soape and Pastel Portraits. Fine ItiviiO Ciuyon I'm trails ror $1 18. Water Colors foi $1.80 Platino, tho new carbon enlargeinenl foi sjliO. HKOMIDKS and PASTLL, fiom r,0o up. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PHOPH1KTOH. DEAI.EU IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. DICK BROS QUINCIf BKBR I.WYS ON TAP CASK & McNlTT, ATrOBNEYS and C0UXSFI.OHS AT LAW, Special attention to Commercial and Probali Litigation MOON III.OCK, Hi:i ( LOl'l), NKHHASKA lliBBVaHiVlBVH CavtnU, nnd Trade-Markt obtained and all 1'at-' cnieuuncssconuucicuiar modcratc Fee. uunurill.111 urrv.l I w. w. rmiiii wimwi and weraniccure tutcutm leu lime ttua lliutcS remote from Wathrnetan. bead model, ilramnj; or photo,, with deicrln-f lion. We advlte. if Mlcnublo or not. Irco o(i inc clargc. Our fee not dua till patent It iccured. 5 A pamphlet, " UJ'W . 1 ULUIiratentB," wn cm ot tamo 111 the U. b. and turcica cuunttiei went tree, .Aiiiirm, ft ARWOWAftrt opp. Patent OrricE, Washington, d. C. nMrvvmwvvwnm i' . i i (i An r !i'V- .-( I 2 jiJljii;jS-12-,l't'U",;a''y"" 8 IWWJZK. 7K'SiRSS"tiW3.'.'2Sl'a'' -j:r.s " - TV r,-7i: HTv- i .fflPWI'lull.iMI,.,,... m -M5 - yf"BWpfci(rH(ll M.J1Mt l ttUfTKUUfc, 4.'virSHM- 1