n af" lT 1 I . f ii 1 1 1 mm i mowMi i . mm ,m m ii r -v. r " " i - n k w i i r i i ii i.ii uu1 U'i- I I t A V l vii 1 CJ W Ltr L .fa.,. vvas- 7 v" H - fc - a 4 -- L -.-- H , a.. H a bjbjk aBBBJ X BBBBBBBBh. I H arV -a t. lW-ri aM-' r--.-' r m .B BH . BBs m. M BW1 .Hi W m w issfitsa n E-r- "f--rB -i- r -- ii Till dr --iBi '. im-cm ,i?v iv --s ----- 1-' " - - rM?-;--Fi- 'sHAIam IWu vA. Y7w-wmb 111 lrlJr I I wBi p .&. VOLUME XXIV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OCT. 2, 18SJ0. NUMBER 39 loo!');; ooso c,'v.'-oj?''ii4 f.-.'-i- ) .- 1 In smmwi-m XKwy I I WtCr - p tr r I j- Ci- j BRIGHT'S DISEASE f t n t ZLIVfcEi AH Has proven, in thousands to be the Peerless Remedy lor this For sale everywhere. Price. Si THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MCDICIN ?030ECfc0:1 Is the most dangerous of all . 1MULK.JT LIOUI1II.O1 X CW1U 111 Ulb Back, Irregularities in the Urine, 1 1 Swelling: of the Limbs or Ab- i )d . Dr. J. H Bffft donicn are the first symptoms .s r- m, nno ! :ars, .BBVBEgBL XBBBEBBBBEJ9iBf BVkLW. BPKLilBB&BBBBBi HBBBmhCb'' iBfe jlT , ifflpP Kfc , W P By- jKi, k ,JP8g5B8rMHlMlll f" BtnJJiWr''-' ' . 7K f? rfclsEAa. -1 ' uii. i I- ' '!BBBBBtfli9BvM'. v i&fekv aS. T- -ui A, fflBBBBPBRgS tlk-. v xSflD-wnPni'' HUH 'I t 'SflBBBMiHW.fe A."!iBks JWi -"sicWJESl ? I fcfc VBlBVflVaBVflVflVflWB'flVflVflWflVflVBE A "BETTER THAN EVER." FOUR ELEGANT MODELS. 85.00 AND S100.00. Art Catalogue Free. CENTRAL CYCLE MFG. CO., So. 72 Garden street. Indianapolis, Ind. .,r' ,- .."-: ,ja " - , ac9 ti -'i Vi ii k ; '. hT " .L I'Wi ' ,. I.J M v. . l ' T . rti'wrff rw&'tSJS fi-iiiii.;."'; Esxissa BEST with n hie II. iiit-i nt-un iirnuine nun Ijiirliuni k in ii ('In i 'if "" VIU tltul one khiiiiiii ii 'in mi ''i '"iinc luvi anil two cou KII18 ItlnlUt. Clllll kill OIllH f Blackwell's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco lliivnliiiL-of tliih PLlolirntoiUolmpconndrnniltlio coupon wiiltliBlvuftji.tofiilimbiOiwoutuiJauonjoBciiiiero. AAjjt &JicLkfetSk8itklffiiiiaibfiurd Mt. P'.Ji WASHINGTON NOTliS I' 'litu I.hin cniiviili i tm itiimiiincc inunt tliuttliiMppublicnns tinil tlio golil iliMiKKTatt :it to woik togi'tlier in "CMTul of tlio soiitliciii -tatus an iin i(ii taut one, altlionili fi'W nf them ; mi ful ms tn ln'lirvc thai it will iCMilt In Hiving tlio I'ltTtoi.i, otc of anj statu to the mlil ilt'inni'ia's. Imt it nuiy )iol tin U'liiililicans. It w claiincil lit A i 1(11111' of thiiMi who lino lii't'ii insii ii- m I nii'iital iii iiiratii'ini' this fusion, that X i tin' ni ili'iiini'iats of Alabama am 7 .IliilHr i li . i il f rt i In r.t.tii flin vlnlii if f l- '""J " ' i . ihi1, i-.iii 'el tin' L'titiiw-i ('publican oti- ami if tin', can eL tint otcs coiiuti'il, 'ami if tin ihi'i' ili'iuocuits ami popu- I lists fail o fusil. It will be uotcil Ihal thi'ic :uu several inipoitant "ifV in that elabu, not to mention thai it is liilieiileil by thu.silvei deinoerats who say that the number of gohl demoeiats in that ami m all the other souibetn states, has been nieatly exiif'i'eiateil. A gentleman with spoitln blood eanio very near to sizing up the general opinion of the actual .situation when he, said: "I should look upon it an so much money found to find anybody who would bet that Palmer and Buck uer would get a .single clcctoial vote In the south or anywheiu elbo." In polities cvurj thing depends upon which .side does a thing. When Mr ISryau came to Washington to make i s eh, the lepiiblieans made fun of him, saying that it was a waste of time for him to pealc in the DiMtict ot their iesieeii. i at iliit.iu ", I'lit if tins have no liillu t -it iitl tt i n Im the eluliiH they maUethau the letteis fiom indlvldualH in the hcvetal states which they makfl publie, ii is little bettrr than a iiiestiou of faith and hope on both sides. It is eoinp.uatively eai to take a statement that eithei eaudidate has made a ceilim peiceulige of gain tliimigliout I in' -tate to show on pa pi i -that ih" l'ilt will gie eeilidn maj'Uit, but those with leti-nttM-immoiii's kinm that sueh tiguiiugis seliliun, If ei i, aiilieie in the neigh hot hood of wlr.it I lie actual otcofthat state tin us out to be It is altogether in nimble that both sides hae undo polls of evoij doubtful state, and hae found so iimiij voteis situ iiiieuiumit led that they do not date to make pub lic the le.sull of those polls. It is known that iheieiue a huge number of voters hceininly gi owing Uigur at each election-wlio do not conm.et themselves with any patty and who do not tell anybody how they inn going to vote. This is the elfinent which bus brought about the political surprise! and landslides of iho pi evidential ami congiessiniiul elections of the lai twelve i'lii i. They can't be lueali d in ndvaiiL" tyiM politicians $100 Howard $100 TIil i cadets of this paper will bo pleased to learn that theie is at least one ill ended disease that science has been able to cult! in all its stages iiml Hall's Catarih Cm ei 1KICE SEKVICK The All Important Factors. WH IIWK IHJUCIIASIJI) OUR STOCK of FALL GOODS it It this in iew, to give joii goods with gieatest anioiini of i'iiee for least possibh ulce to j mi Have we succeeded v Come ami sic fur yourself OUK ASSOItl'MKNI' OK ouoor snoi: ! Ciiiii"! be licit fni price in we.u. It urn llnj-. Seamless Neei lip Shoes Ladies' Kino Shoes, New Shapes .Men's Shot s it M 00, Congicss oi l.ieo. Cincinnati Cash Shoe Store, wist sidk ok stiiect. r, , ,. ,, . ,, . i nni s i. -ii, i rii nan s uai in in. in ois Columbia wheietheie was no otiiig. ' , , , v ... ,i. . ... iho onU p i-mvi euionowknown tothe Now thi'so hiu iu 1 until) beans -not i . ' '. ., , ,, , .. ... ' . iihmIh.i ii iteini'y. Catati h being a paling to do the very same thing, and I .. . n i i.i,t.. . i ..i ..i.i i .i i coiisiitiiiioiial ili't'iisi', Koii les a eon are shaking hands with each ot bet mid . . . .,.., ,, . . . . .. . ... istinitH.ii.il tic'i'meiit II. ills Caiiiii h jubil.iting genet ally be("iue Speakir' it i . i i ... .. . Keed and Kepieentatie Cowen nil M.iOlanil, iceeivi r of the It Art) i.nl io.ul, hae promised to ad Miss a big lepiiblicau meeting to beheld in Wash ington eaih net mouth. Is it any wonder that tin ft w men who have no political ptejudici! your cones pomleiit claims to lie one of them manage to extract lots of fun out of a piesideiitial campaign? For s.ime time complaints have been pouring into tlio Bryan lieadqiitiiters in Washington, concerning the in- i iuilil.it Ion of emploics by raihouds and other huge emplojeis of men, and now the other .side conies up with an I iniiiulilatii.n story. Complaints have j been made to McKinloy headquaiteis that i (-publican speakers aio being mis. tic.tt d and otheiwiso intimidated in .ailotis putions of Viiginia, and tlio postmaster at Joiiesville, in that stale, is charged with having suppiessed ie publican campaign liteiatuie mailed fiom Washington, ami with haiiigas ".iimco mo iii.iu wno ioumi u out and (unlimited him with the accusation. Chaiges liae been filed with (Impost master guuei al ngalnst this iiostmaster, andtheieik much iuteiest iu (ho dis position of (hose chaigcsby the post. oIVkc depaitmeut. If tiicio was any doubt tliat Mi Itiyaii was peisonallj bossing l,j, (.aui. paign the withdiawal of Senator Hill's candidate for the governoiship of Now York ought to leinovo it. As soon as Mi. Thaehei'ri letter lepudiating Iho Chicago latfoim was matin public, Mi. IJryau positively stated that ho should come oh" the ileinoeratid tickut. Thosowho believed that Senator Hill was all powei ful with tlio democratic machine iu Now York said that Mr. Hiyan had made a bieak; that Thacher was Hill's man and that Hill would not adow him to bo taken oil dm ticket. Mi Hi 3 an went to Now Yoik, and Thacliei has taken himself oh" the ticket Some people think that Hill will i esent this inteifeiunco by coming out for rainier and Huckner., Thn lit an people iu Washington say it doesu'i matter what Hill does: thnt tlm ic-uli ill Now Yoik is already piae 1 In iily .oitli'd and that Hill has lost w.i.iWui inlluciicfi he ma have had .i ! 'f that stale. I lit 1 j ft' ' ' M Mi v m-ii'igiiis continue to do s.m.r. st.ll laliuli z -"i " "-'''i '' ""K'' me is t'i' en .i.ieinallv, acting diiect ly on tin li'ood and mucous siiifnicsnf tin- -i hi. tlieieby dcsttoving tin ii-iu.il iin ii if the disease, :ml giving the p.ttii ut sticugth liy building up tin constitution ami assisting uatuic in doing its woik. The piopiietoi's hnvi so much faitli in its cmative poiiis thai the oiler One Hiiudieil Oollais f ir an case it fails to cine Send loi list of testimoiiials. Addtess, K. .1. CHKNKY tV CO., Toledo, O. C3rSold by (iuiggists, .Tie. Hall's Kamlly Kills aio (he best. ECKLEY Mr. (iai (titer and Mis. Woiths of Hastings were visiting at Mr. Thos. rinnevs last Fiiday and Satin tiny. Quite a number of tlio Kckleyites went to Hlue Hill Satin day night to at tend tlio i ally. Kev, Chadwick, the new minister, picaclicd to a large eiovvd Sunday morning ami evening. Mis. I) II. Robinson ami daughter wutc in Red Cloud WedncMbiv. Alex Molua ami Kloi.i Miller at tended meeting at Mt. Hope Sunday afternoon. Listen for the wedding bells. A pail was given at Mr. Howard's on Moudiy evening in hnnoi of Miss lliitlle Ileiideison who leaves for her home iu Missouii this week. All le poit a good. (iiaiit .Villtr lias the Miksoiu! fever ami expects to stall for that place soon. He sit)s that Kckley has no charms for him since A few weeks ago tlio editor was taken with a very sevete cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad ease of lagrippo and recognizing it as dangerous he took immediate steps to biing about a speedy cute. I'jom tlio adveitisemoiit of Chambeilaiiis Cough Reined and the many good icconi meiidatious included then in, wo con cluded to make a til st ti ial of the medi cine. To say that it was satisfactory in its icsults, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magiu and the icsult was n speedy and permanent cuto We have no hesitancy in i ('com mending this excellent Cough Itemed lo 1111 one jMil'UiI with a cough oi cold iu an Im in ?'' Itduiur oj l.ibtrly. Libel ( (own, Maryland. The ii-.. I A I... t t 1. II I It M .iU T1 IM U J S jl- 1 it itt Harness 1 Harness ! Harness ! JO BUTLER, The Square Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade HARNESS MAN, In Red Cloud. Prices right for cash pi I : ' 1 H .'fiii m Threatening i o- Have That Picture EdM u Won't get it done. Tlio Kasiest and best way lo gel it done, and to be suit) of its being done light is to stop iu at Weffmaiin's Gallery. Water Color, Soape and Pastel Portraits. Fine lllv'JO Crayon I'm (i aits for $1 19. Waler Colors foi l 8K Klalino, tlio now carbon eulaigeiueiit foi l.fiO. ALHUMK.NS, HROMIDKS ami KASTLL, fiom r,0o up. Nervous Prostration Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Prolonged doranRoment of tho ncrvou system not only atTeutH the bralti and mon tal powers, but develops dlHuabe In some of tho vital organs. Tliu most dnngcrous of tlieso Indirect results Is when tlio heart la atTcctcd. This was the ciiho of tlio Itov. N. V. Hurfaco, I'uwu Hlver, Mich., who writes under date of I'oU. U, tfi'i: "Fourteen years ngo I had asllghtstrokoof paralysis Overwork brought ou nervous prostration. I w.ih exceedingly nervous and tho exertion of public gpeuklng cuusud heart palpitation that threatened my life. I used two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure for my heart trouble, and two of Dr. Mlloa' Itcetoratlvu Nurvlno for my ncrvou-. noss mid fool better than I ever expected lo fool ugaln, I can speak for hours without tiring or having my heart II utter as tt for morly did, and I have you to thank that I am ullvu today," On salo by all drugglsto. Dr. Miles' Hook on Heart and Nervous Disorders KKKR by mull. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Klkhart, Ind. Dr. Slilcs' Remedies Restore Ilealtli. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, I'KOI'lUKTOlt. DEAI.KIt IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. DICK BR0SQU1NCV BffiK M WYS ON TAI' CASK & McNITI', ATTOHNKYS acrt C0U.VSEI.0HS AT LAW, Special addition to Coininercial and 1'robati Litigation MOON III.OCK, RKll ( I Ol'l). NKHRASKA VVVfc.- MRS. J. It. SIlIltKY, Tonrlier of I.VHTItll.lIII.NTAI, iTUJllC. Cuatoimiry priceH DkIIj half h air Ir ")i; m to no.v bi(,li.i.its iii ici'iJ i ni.t rntuE, IHB.HHH H K Hfl 1 1 f111111111 H M M Hi flllllllllll 1 1 1 fllf r111. f1! llll flllllllll "r1111. M m I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and att Pat-J ent iiusinesaconuucieuior Moocratc Fees, Our orricr ia Opfositi; U, G. PATCNTOrr iccj anu wecantciure paicucia ic.i lime una iuo remote Irom WashlnKton. ScnJ mojtl. ilraninif or nlinto.. with decrlt tlnn. Wo advise, if patentable or not. (rea of charge. Our fee not due till uitrnt l secure J, muiiiirr " I It r t J Obtain Patents." with rot ot same in the U. b. and turcica cuuntnet went tree, vtiarttt, C.A.SNOW&CO. r I or p. patent orricr, Washington, d. C. bAW I !! mi ltlLWlllMlWv,ifcJli. WMiuim'iiimowiiim. smmm imi)iNfc E3SSSCS ' "won AtwtfUy .rr')r j