The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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( I
1 lit' I'm' totMncc I'tuMlnii Atone 111"
iiimiI -ottr sli'l to Mint llii'Oma
tlim fur T'iiiii-i !in llefore 1 ii'liic I In Ir
ait c "ll:! ii' 1 III in mil.
lvAscn ''irs, Mo., Sep, l Will
liim ii. Ilryau vvu pi on an enthusi
astic rieeption in Katuns ( ity thi
imirnitip iiml after si -my of thioe
hour, he left fur a iii,i li;'iit trip
norov. Mi"iiuiti At ? lie puke b1 ieliy
to tio thoiiMiml uurliin-'meii m the
West bottoms Tii ii lnnirs lator.uftor
breakfast unit an uifdiiiiil leceptimi
tit thcluats, he uiiiile a snonil tnil
longer speeeh in tlic open nir lit
Klcveuth titi'i tiratnl incline befuio u
ci mul u in least in imu pt ople.
lie siid in ii.ii t tit the bottom'.;
"home of our opponent- tell
the tiling to do b to open the nulls
in-ti'Ud of the Mini ts. l'lial leiniiids
iile of the in in u homiid that his hor-o
Mould tro nil npht .f he n utd ju-t trot I di'lares tlnit the bands which mur
ine w.iimii siurtet. It is piiltiiitf the I ''',"l.v attacked the Anueniiin- ,itul
cart before lie I. ore Lit iim- is I1"111"!''1 ,,,,J'r bouses Mere not aeci-
there for n.ill- t.nle - the eoplc can
buy w!i it tliu i ii..- piodiic . and how
call you start them as loin; as tlnno
who pioduce the Me.i'.tl. of this omni
tiy, particularly the fin iner, me not
nbie to iret enonh out of whatthev
laiso to pay tiu-ir taes mid inteie-t'.'
'1 here I- no nmre etlective utiv of tie
htroiliir the iiiuikots for what the
mills pioduce than to lower tin price
upon the products the fanner" has
laiscd, so thai thev Mill brine; him
not enough to pay him for i.ii-iti,'
them "
It was v- . o'clock when he boirap.
peaknig up town. '1 he jam around" '
I.e. speaUing 'itatid was ho demo that I
t was iiiipossllle for the Hrvati paitv
it Mas tiniiossit le for the llrvati I
to i;et to it so be Mood up in the
tally-lii) on winch he rode fiom the,
o.ites house, ami spuke us follows in
"Our opponent- tell us that we pro-po-e
to change thr operation ol nut
nial law. 1 assert that the adioeates
of free cotnap' me the only people in
this catnpuipi win lia-c 'their argu
ments ru the fuiidmnetital principles
of ualuial lai. That law is" the law
of supply utid demand; It Is the peat
law of trade. Now wepiopo-e to ap
ply that law ol miii1 and demand to
the money ijue-tion, and Me -av that
when you inoteiiho the demand for
pold In- niakinjr it the sole htandanl of
value-, jou rinse its pi ice juntas you
rai-e the prlie ot uiilhiun; else by In
crcasliii.' the ilemand for it, and 'that
ii hen jou lai-e the price of pilil in u
poll! standard eouutiy you lower Hie
price of all products wnieh me meas
ured bv money. A gold standard
then mean falliug prices, and falling
puces means iiaul tunes to everybody
except the man who owns money or
ti noes In money.
"Now, if the money owner has a '
right to use the ballot to ralsu tliu .
value of the money iihich he oivn-.
n iv have not all the te-t of the neo-
ple'the riv'ht to use the ballot to keep
him from ile-t roving the value ot tliu
ptoperij' which they own'.'
".Now another proposition. ve be
Hove not only that the free coinage of
bilver will itiiho tlic value of iller
bullion as meuhitred bi' gold, but we
believe that the demand cie.ited bj
the United Mates will be Milllcicnt to
take all our hin plus silver and there
being no hilvei on tho market which
cannot be converted into money at
our mint- mid u-ed in the develop
ment of our industries. Thoro will
be no silver in the world that can be
purehii-ed for kss than 31 -".' per
ounce. Hut our opponents bay: 'Sup
pose we have mote inonpy, liow are
you going to get anj'of itV That, to
them, is an argument which nn&nors
everything me suggest an argil
went, or ruthei a cptestlon, which j'ou
can ask- them: 'Mipposo yon have
Mimetlnng to sell, how can you get
anything for it until you ilnd home
body Mho ha- money to buy it?
Money is the creatine of law. Thero
can be no inotiej' until the govern
ment provides foi that money. Ifj'ou
want more of nnv of the products of
labor jou can go out and bring them
into existence; but if jou want more
money von cannot go out and create
inore'inotiey, because the law imposes
a pet.alij' "piiiiislinient in the peniten
tiary for any man m ho tries to create
money. Therefore, my friends, tho
onlj iv aj' to bring more money Into
existence is to taue charge of the gov
ernment, which is the only instru
mentality, und by law open the mints
nnil peuuit the coinage of enough
money for the people to do business
with '
"Now I mil not peimltted to talk to
you but a short lime nor have I
htiength enough to go through the
campaign if I should do otherwise. 1
want you to take this money question
nti'litudyit for yourselves no class
of p ople lias the right to decide for
you you have got to do it yourselves,
iny friend-. Ueuieiuber that your
talents were'n you for the protec
tion of your t ights, nnd there is no
body to 'whom you can safely cntiust
your interests but yourself.
After the speech the tally-ho, with
n tumbling mob following It. was
driven to the depot, where Mr. Itrvun
and party boarded a train for the trip
across Missouri. The candidate spoko
at a number of points along tho
route to ht I.onls, when) ho ivns
scheduled for three formal speeches.
Von Hit Abt Ill Hot Muter,
St. Loits, Mo . Sept. H When
Chi is Von Per Alio, piehtdent of the
ht. Louis 1'rowiib and Sportsman's
purl: und owner of the night raco
track, the chutes and various other
amusements, returns hero with his
bride he Mill be solved with papers in
a breuch of promise and a damage
cult, brought by Miss Annie KaUer,
formerly his housekeeper
A llle MtTiuntllo AllluniT.
Cnif.voo, Sept. H -Two hundrod
Chicago inanufactiireis and jobbers
nnd over Kti.OOJ retail merchants out
hide of Chicago have just completed
t lie greatest meieantile alliance that
the history of the country has ever
known. 1'rollt to the retail merchants
who buy goods hero is one of the
nrini obje.'ts The Intel ests of the
p.i'.e.'i ;' si I'Miiiin. too are Included,
ii nti a i r?r.i)i7utlon which
will tie, as a unit in t..o pursuance of
any object of mutual benetit to tho
manufacturers, retailers and jobbers,
und all depetulcnt on tho result Ic Intended,
1'cmoM llli noting Die DriKnllliiu cif (tic or TiirUe.
CoNir.MiMii,i.i Sept. 1 1 There
Is no doubt that u crisis of eUeitie
gravity has been reaehed in this na
tion iiml there is ieaon to bulleie
that the power- are (lUetiMltij; the de
position of the -tiltan, thutbo'titf, up
paieutli, the only means of tcstoiim,'
quiet anil eonlldenee
A ItritMt Hoot of about fifteen warship-
is oil" the l-latid of Thii-o- with
in eiy striking tllstanee. titul it i- be
lieved that ( Itritaiu Mill not lies
Itute to net ulotie lit the matter ol
puttili;; ail end to the present state ol
iillalrs, if the other powois delay too
'I lie etraordinary tribunal which
has been trvinj tliu man aeeused of
uiussnereitii; At iiieniaus in the street
of this eity and Its suburbs, h.i
turned out to be nothing mote limn a
MliltoMtishln'j com t
The full tet of the note which the
representatives of the powers -cut to
the sultan Aitptsl .11 only just
ueen eoluiiiuuicateil to tlic prjss. It
dental triitlieriugs of fn mil lea I ii'onle.
but that there is every Indieition of
their special organization anil that it
was known to, if not dnected by, the
authorities 'I he note, ituiiei' fcev en
(.penile clauses, give-evidence in sup
port mul c'ineluiles with a demand
that the instigators and principals bn
punished with the utmost rigor.
'1 he '1 in ltisli government answered,
the iiotenf the powers in u long com
iiiuiiicatliiii in which the ministry
tiractlcalli donleil the testiniouv o'f
i the rcpic'.ctitutncs of the powers ami
I this is now, with L'ood reason te-
f-'i'i'dod um tantamount to a ilellance of
''U' one.
.. As. "V1"1' l,, Vtu '" "''.vlng upon
LIIU Jl-.lll'llsil'S, I'MSIlIIJT iiinoug iiie Sl
j). uvcrs, mil as Abdul Humid ha-so
frequently escaped punishment, he
has irioiitidH for believing that even
now Ihiropo will not intervene.
Attempt tu Amumalintte Hip l'i-MIiiitirl
Matt' I'ri-lilent of (lie A. I. A.
K in-as I'm, Mo , spt. 1 1 An un
known man made an attempt last
night to ussassinate the ltd, .lolin A.
Heat horn, t--pies. dent of the Ameri
can Protective asssociation for Mis
bourl. The assault took place at the
center of mi alley on the west side of
Michigan n ven lie, between Ninth mul
Tei'th stieets l)r llearnorn was
satbbed tliree times and struck over
the r.ght eve with a heavv blunt in
Hiruuieiit III- injuries are terlous,
but it is not likely thai he will die.
Dr. Mearborn is u minister of the
( chinch, but for a number of
yoni s tins been more prominent as a
supporter of A. I'. A. iloetiiues, of
which orgaulatioii he was state
pieslilenl unlit about three mouths
ago Ills attacks on the Catholic
chinch have been liulieal anil bitter,
anil lie aroused tierce lesenlinent
from member- of that church during
his Iodines th.-oiighriit the country.
His family nut! friends did not hesi
tate in saying to day ihat the attempt
upon his life last night was made by
the enemies of himself ami the orde'r
mIiicIi he tepreseiits. 'I wo former
attempts have been made on the life
of I)r Deurborn as he wus on his way
home from A. I'. A. meetings.
No IliMsou to SIiiiit Iiileri'tt III
Kit tier
Allitrlt nil ('iinilltliitt'
I.oMiov, Jppt. II. The St. .lames'
tluettc, commenting on the rise in
the bank rate mid causes of the out
flow of gonl, sajs: "At iinj' rale, ll is
the American vv ho dominates the tiniin
Dial situation, and he is liUely to
continue to do so until the election
in November uiui ulterw arils As
regatds the prospects of the election,
most KuL'li'liineii assume eontldently
ihat MeKlnlej' will be elected und he
probably will be, although il .seems to
us undesirable to speculate too fieely
or. tho elections in a country where
public opinion is so easily Irritated by
in j thing lu the natuie of Kuglish
patronage or criticism. Englishmen
have no particular reason to
reirard with all'eetion u parly
leader whose platform Includes a
virulent denouncement of England
ind the open threat that Kuglish
debts will be paid in depteeiated cur
reiicj'. On the other hand, there is no
occasion why they should enthuse
over a statesmen whose chief politi
cal achievement has been to raise
Chinese wall industries around Amer
ican industries in order to malm
and peiiallo the llritisli exporter.
Besides It would do no good in the
long inn If Mcliltiley is supposed
to huvo won with the help of Ihig
glish gold mid intlucncci, tho leuctlou
will be all the more intense wheu
llryan comes in, as ib not impiobabie,
ln'lUOO, even Ihouirh beaten lu No
vember. Tho object of ull llngllsh
men Is to bo good friends ultli the
people of the United .states, if the
pestilential activity of the politicians
who misrepicseiit that noople will
only allow it, und this end Is not like
ly to be facilitated by too violent par
tisanship." ht- JiMinli Kttiitm Mini (or llli; lc
Si. .lo.iiii'ii, Mo., Sept. Ii. Yester
day Judge Henry Laarus of New
Orleans, I. a, .sued In the 1'nlted States
court the estate and heirs of the lata
Dudley M. Steele and the o-tute and
halts of J. W, Wullter, who committed
tulcide at the Midland hotel in Kun
us City a year ago, for SI 1,.10'J alleged
to be duo for professional services
rendered in tliu sottlement of litiga
tion Incident to tho Steele t Walker
rinru llurton Itetumt In A in erics
Niav YoitK, Sept. 14. Among the
passengers arriving this morning on
the steamer IJmbria from Liverpool
was Miss Clara Hurton, the rrniesent
alive of the Ked Cross soeloty, who
litis returned from tho scenes of the
Armenian troubles.
A llliperniiry Invi-ttlsiitluti WHntril
Coi.umiiia, S. C, Sept. 11. Thestuto
nemocnitic committee late last night
adopted a lesolutlon reijuesting the
state board of control, which has
churgo of tho dispensary, to publicly
invcstlguto tho charges ugalnsi olllcei s
connected with that institution.
rjpwcvr jw,raa''-T
1 lit Admit the I. nut brim lAlile A
I llllc lilrfu IlltHirj-.
When women get togelher tit n fMft
(here in npt to bo a goodly fund of
nuoiiluto developed, sals an ocJianrJ
Mr. Winner In hi "IU lt-lOg Sitiitlnn,"
di'iuecatiii fetoi.v -tolling lis death to
loan is'itlun. What is ttue, however,
of tlio diontttv, letleitlvo mood thnt
bilotigh to r.iidiions mid lender, i-riuk-ling
hlil.ntv and dnnclng blue and gold
In, is mil ipnlo ii iipp'ili.ililo to
tlie liimlieoii tu dinner Imaiil. Cor
iultilv the eoiivei -1111011 uiound the ma
hogany, i. In io v.oimn uio .is-oinuloii,
:.m .ot succumb to ulmo-. any pros-
.tno of aiioi'doto Un luiichPon hint
i ok. for iMiiiiplo. while a Kcant do.
o of pretty bonnets and their fair
Morncin iT.treil the imaMon. fi'.nrlca
lb v.. an.) in did talk, liofoio iiml alter,
in tweei: and nroiind tin in. One of tin
Mm lot. wlih h lu tollir oiihod for an
iil'sollltel.v nev.. wan of .1 little girl
whiuo mul lu v dm hi aid her iNpoiuul
Ing tin origlii of her m to her family
ol dolls. "You sie," su said. "Adam
v. as a man ail alotio and he iviih very
'(IK hoiiio, and Hud put hlni to s-loop,
and tin n ho took hit brains out and a alio lady for him." "And this
l'ttlo gill." linlihoil the lolator, "vva
not a Huston but a Oilmen Infant."
Aaotlier i-tm.v told was of the i lovrr
ni i - of a woman, a frit ml of the speak
ir. in a traiiKaelloti with an Inniiraiirii
nilJU'Utr. The pallor ctirtulns took tiro
.lid liofoio the lilao W.IH OMlllgUllllOil
thoenpet vias badl.v iioiihod. After
looking over the ilamaee tlr ropre
Mutative of the company mi'il that hIio
.o entitled io the value of a now
iaipit $100. "We will allow ou that
Mini," iiiiitliturd tho man, "and wo will
u.ko jour old taipet." "Why, wliaf
can jou do with it''" tho lady nuked.
"Oh, wi'U sell It M'.ond-haiid and K"t
Inn k ?I0 or $Vi at least," was his laro
es reply. Intoiiilod to make tho eoin-
paiiy'n atlitiide ob ginerotb- tin pot.Bllilc.
In that prntnptly put In tho ear
pot's owner "i-ell It to me; I'll give you
M'J for It." The inlju-tor could only
lomply. wlih tho KMilt that ilih ipilck
wittoil ehatol.iiiio gut a now p.u lor car
pel ami a hnmh-omo Moqui Me tloor cov
ering as well for an upper loom tliu
muled It foi 51-'.
I'oilhl Not Itnnrii Illm.
Tito tinln wan mat lug Hetiolt when
nt it way station a young man, dictated
in the height of fa-hlon and eairjlng
a summer stepped on boaid
and went thiotigh the cars as If look
ing for some iiiio. lie stopped once or
twice at a seat occupied by a faimer
looklng man who attraited his atten
tion. Klunl'y lu asked polltelj :
"U this Mr. Sam (larland of I loan
villo, Ohio?"
"Ves, ViiiiS'O jou rrnd my iiamo on
my, hoy?"
"No, undo; I'm your nephew, Hal
Giirland of Dotiolt."
"I riiosu not. I reckon I ain't lived
fifty-fivo j (sir? not to hov my ojo
teoili cwt. An' I ain't got a novy that
looks soch a (luilo us j on air, not by u
long shot."
The young man colored, but laughed
I (lod-n.ituieilly.
"I can llnil soiro one on tho train
who knows me," ho said. And going
Into another oar, Mion lotitrncd with a
jiiitth who wan of his own ago mid
"This Is my friend, Mr, Sampson,
uncle. I'eihaps jou lemomljor hie
father, who ennio from Hoanvllle?"
"Howdy, Mr. Confederate! 1 ro
iiKinboi Jim Sampson fust rate, but he
w. n n't no relation of joins. I'm right
porry, bujs, hut I (.in't cash that check
of joins. I loehon the goods will have
to stay in the Height house. You boo
ji.ur old uncle has traveled afore."
Tho two jnting men wont ofl laugh
ing and tho nephew who had been
taken so peislHteiitly for a confldonct
loan had the satisfaction of seeing his
illicit) take the vvioug ear, and of eny-
lug to a filend:
"The next time mother tends me
to meet some of her rotintry telatlves
I'll take her along. I know the old
u an will biing up at tho police Bt.v
laittiiK Sbmly.
The opinion that huiry in eating Is
A proline cause of dyspepsia is founded
on common ob.seivntlon. The III re
sults of bolting food have been attrib
uted to tho lack of thorough mastica
tion and to the incomplete action oi
tho saliva upon the food. Two-thirds
of tho food whli h wo eat Ib starch, and
starch cannot bo iitlllod In tho system
as food until It has Ik en converted Into
sugar, mid this diango Is principally
ofiected by the icillvn. Hut thoro Is a
thiid icason why lapidity of citing In
torfeios with digestion. Tho presence
of tho salivary Focrotion In tho stom
ach acts ns a stimulus to the secretion
of tho gnatrie Juice. Irrespei tlvo of tho
mechanical function of the teeth, food
which goes Into the stomadi Incom
pletely mingled with saliva passes
slowly and linpeifectly through tho
ptocess of stomach digestion. There
foio, im a sanitary maxim of no menu
value, teach tho children to oat slowly,
and in giving thin Instruction by ex
ample the teacher, as will as thp pupil,
may loceivo bencllt, Tioy Times.
lie Took the Hint.
He Let'ti kiss and muko up.
She--Arc you snro that you mean
Ho Never In such deadly earnest
In my life confound It, here's jour
Slu Hut you know mother's awful
ly shortsighted Detroit Tree I'icwu.
Homembor that ItIbIi pntntoes grated
and applied as a poultice le a quick and
sure relief for scalds and burns.
Why Ih the vowel o the only one
founded? llccauso ull tho others are
In audible,
-v-nnr , CTPm. Sfess,
The fellow lug proposed auieiuliiietitfl
to the I'miiitltiitliiii of tho State of No
brnuka, an heteiiiafter M't forth in full
nro Btibtnlttod to the lectori of the
State of Nebraska, to bo voted upon
at tho general election to be hold Tito-
,.,,,. ... i, ,m.
' ""'""'r '. A. I). 1.s
A Joint icKoluthui iitonoyitu; to
ntticnd HiTtloiis two (2), four (t), and
111 0(5,1 of article td (ti)of the I'otmtl
tiitloii of the State of Nebraska, relat
ing to iiiimtier of Judges of the supiotne
ronrt and their term of olllce.
lie It tionlv.'il ntlil Hi ii ted bv the l.oK
lil.iluii of tin Stiile of Nflir.i'l.u'
Keitli i I I hut nii tlnli two (Jl of lir
tlulO ll O) it till' Coll tltlltlllll of tlm
Htnte of Ni In i -dm he ainiuliil en as to
I I. Ill IIS I illl
Keetlo'i 'I'd.. Hiipn me ronrt fitinlt until
ntlieiwi"! l ol lili il li I ill, t iili-lst of live
(51 Jinh'-t a inn Imlt j of iilmtn -ball be
iii'ioyihiv in ftu in a quorum of t. io
luiliiiie i tu HI m It -lull li.ixe in I. Iiml
JlirNilli Kiwi III iters rititllilt to ren nut',
ill II Ui'ii III whli Ii the "t lie -hull he u
party, tn.i . lamus, que naihi'itu, liuheu
rerim-, mul tuh nppell.ile Jiuliilletliili, iih
nun In piuvlilnl In l iw
Strtlnii i That nietlnii four (I) of nrtlcle
l (ti .f tile r.uiMlilttnil ol tile Slate
tr NihiiisKa, lie uiirihIi il so n h to nail an
H The Jmlrfs of the supreme
court Mi ill I e i Wet' ! in the elielois of
the I'late nt luiui , ami tin it 0 im of of lit t ,
eipl us lii It Itlllflt r plollillil, fllutl be
for u pi i linl of not Ii ps than Hie (5) luitri
us tin Ii yl nt in III IV pi ! I Ihe
Miction .1 'Hint tuition 111 r (") of nrttcte
l (l.) 'f tie I'otislllutloti of the State of
NobliiMiu he utili liileil to 1 1 ml as folloWH
Sri Mm n ' At the llrst in nil i li i ttnll to
be lit lil In tin it ur isi". tin le -hull he t hcl
fil two Ul Jii'liti H of the siiUi nif euiiit one
of whom mi. ill he eleilid for n leim of
two (. it it, one fur the tiim of four (II
i urn, tin I hi e.i. h item i Ii i thin tin le
ntil r, time hhall be i lei tnl one JiiiIri' of
the mi n mo court fol the t I til of llle
(5) i ais, mill is nthtiulite plullilnl by
law, I'rovlclnl, That the JiiiIki s of the u
pri me oiirt whose teium hale not esplml
at the tiimi or holiliiu: the feudal eh -thin
of lin, xball ciiiitlmie In hold their
olllce for the lemnliultr of the tcim fni
whlih tut ivtiu it'iietlvily lonimis
Blum d
Aiipiovnl Mnrch r, A I). ISM
A Joint resolution proposing an
amendment to u'ctlon thirteen (HI) of
article six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, i elating to com
pensation of supremo nnd dlstilet totitt
lie It n solved by the I.rulel iture of the
Plate of NohtasKu.
Hicllon 1 I' rortlun thirteen C'v of
itrtlelfl six f) of tlm ('onsilliithm of the
Ktate of N'eihrnsKu be umilided so us to
read ns f illows
Hrc. 13 The Judges of the impreine nnd
dl-tret lonrls thill roiolvo fur tin ir sii
vlcts suih compensation ns may bo pro
vldi d bv law, pa.iiiblo qimrlelly.
Tin liKl-laluie shall at It Ili-t resslon
cifn r tin adoption of this iiineudmi nt,
tin r fifths of the ineinbin fluted to
each huii-o conetitilug, establish tin Ir
cntnpeiisatlon. The eiimpenatlon n f
(Hbllhlied phull not be t liniined oftnii r
tli in iiiuc In four yeats, and In no emit
tltllf-SS tlio-tllllds of the members I lii lul
to rnrh Imiisu of the legislature luucar
Approifl Marth 50, A. 1). 1SP3.
A Joint lesolutlon proposinR to
amend section twenty-four (21) of ar
ticle five (C) of tho Constitution of the
Stato of Ncbraka, relating to com
pensation of the officers of tho execu
tive department.
lie It rpiolved and enacted bv the
hdalurn of tho State of Nobrnlur
Btctlon 1. That sietlon twenty-four (Jl)
of article (He (.".) of the Constitution of the
Btiito ot Nebraska be niiiendid to read as
Peetlon 21 The officers of the executive
diporlincnt of the slate KoieiutiK nt shall
re telle for tin Ir n'Uhis a ompensatlnu
to he tnt lhllshod bv law. which "hall be
lflther Imrta-id nor dluilnlsliid dnilim
the teitn for width they shall have In en
t oinmlsiloiud and tiny shall not reci Ivii
to tliflrown u-e nii fits, tosts, luteri sis,
upon public moneis In their hands or un
der thrlr control, pertpilclten of olllce or
ntlur compeiiintlon and all fets tint may
lierrnfter no pajuhle by law for sinlcea
pi rforint d bv no nlllter proildea fni In
this Hrtlde shall be pild In iidi.inco Into
the slate treasury 'Ihe b'KlHlntiiro shall
at Its first sos-lon litter the adoption or
this amendment, thiee-tirths or the num
bers eleclftl to hoilHo or tho ligls
Iritiiro lonciiriliur, ft,ilillsi tin siil.nirs
of tho olllcers uniiieil In this nithie. Tne
coniiunsutloii o estalillhlied shall not he
chniiKfd of lener than oiim In tour enrs
hiuI In no event unit h two-thirds of the
inrintieis elected to enih housu of the hit
Irlaturo coniur theiein
Approicd Mirth t'.', A. D. ItM.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section one (1) of artlcl'j six (0)
of tho Constitution of tho State of Ne
braska, relating to Judicial vpow or.
He It resolnd and t united bv tho Lou
.ilature of the State of Nebraska!
Section 1, Taut i. thin one (1) of article
Jx W or the CoiiHdtutlon of the HUtc of
Nebraska he nilietiilid to read as follow
fifctlon 1. The Judlc al powt r of th'.H statf
fhnll bo vesttd lu a -upitino court, dis
trict courts, county (out is Justlcis of the
ptnee, police' ., and lu sudi
other courts Infeiloi io the snpn me eouit
us tniy bo creatid by law In wlileh two
thlnls of tlut uumlnrs th-cli.d to ia. h
hoiiftj lomiir
Approved Mnnh 2D, A. UM.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section eleven (11) of article fix
(0) of the Constitution of the Stato of
Nebiaska, relating to Increase in num
ber of supreme and dlstiit court
Ho It resolved nnd rniu'tcl bv the Lir
Mature of tho Htatn of Nebraska:
Section 1 That section elivcn (II) of nr
tlcle six 16) of Dip Constitution of the Stato
of Nebrmka bn amended to ria'l us follows-
Rfrtlon 11. The leRlslature.whenevirlwo
thirds of tlm members i It end to fiuli
housn shall concur thtr'ln, may, tn or
ufler the year one thousand iliihl hun
dred and nlnity-ieviti and not ofteru r
man onto In evi ry four ar, hurt mm
the numlar of Judges of suiirdne und dis
trict eoiirtu and the Judicial (lIMrlits of
the stnte. Kuril districts shall bo fonned
of loiupact it rrltory, und bounded by
county llncH, und such Innrnse, or any
ohaniin III the bniu.dnilrs of a dlstrlyl,
hull nut incato the ollke of uny Juile:
Approvid iUith 30, A V, U"S
A Joint resolution proposing to
nmend section six (C) of nrtlcle one (lj
of the Constitution of the State of Ne
brr.skn, relating to trial by Jury.
Ht It resolved urul fnaUcd by the I.f-K-lnlHture
ot the Statu of Ntbrasku:
Poctlun 1 Thnt sfctlon lx (Cj, article
ont (U oi 'ht CooUtuiluu of the Qtutc of
JsVI'MiUh tt Rtnriib.1 to rr.ul n Minus
Hirllon fi The rh'ht of trial bv jury nhnll
remulri liivlutiite. but the k'nlnl,ilurc tin
rrcilde that III Is 11 Billons llle llxlhs of
the jure innv tetiihr n venllrt, Mild the
h Kliliiture imy ln nuthorlie Mini In u
turv rf a l-s niiiuhi r liniii livilie mull,
In courts Infi rlor to the dlstilrt court
A. pli 1 1 I h .!'. A I. I''5
A Joint roKilutlon jiroposliiR to
amend mi Hon out (1) of aitlcle live ()
of the Cotistltutlon of Nibianka, lolat
Ini; to ollltus of tho oMcutlvo dop.irl
liunt. lie II ri roll oil H'nl emitted bv the I.rR
llatute of the Statt of Vtlunsl.ii.
Se Hun 1 Tint M'tiloii inn il) of nr
llile Ibe (Tl of the I'uilf tltlllloil of the
State of .' I'll, vnit lie (i m nil it to I tinl an
Fictleii l.The evfoutlie itipinlinrnt idiiill
Cltllllil Ot I fMili lllor. lit lllelllllll-KIll'-
nii. r. H'irii.i'1 if ittiiti, initliior of jiub
lie ni outits. tKiisiiitt, imp! iltiletnli in of
puhlli' limti i Hon ntte'tii i -i.' iieial. fiiin
mlvlonit if i''ll I tints an I Itiif JIiium,
mul thrie i,i . i'ltlllil-sb'Ui'1 , t m Ii
of "hem, ( i 1 1 1 fie '.ill i.iilio.iil iimi
tnl tloni rs, jthall liohl his ollhe for i tt rm
of two t .if, trom tin urn I Tliursilav af
Ul the tlls 'tiii-il.ll In .lamiiiii, ufler
his tit i lion. Mini until bis en. 1 1 ssor Is
lie. Inl mul ipiabtleit Knelt com-litl-tlont
l ni.. ill hr'il his ulllie fur n it I lit
or thrie jtats, l.'Klimlim on the llrst
'I niiril,iy nllt r tin lint I'ticilii In .limn
nil nftt r his t toil inn, and mini his mie-
t s ir H t In it d mul ipiulltli l I'lovlihd,
lioiiiur. 'I i at nt the III St i:i m tal i lee
t Ion In hi lift- r tin uiliuitluli ol this iitneiiil-
mi III tlule shall be eh tint tlltee lillllold
cntiiinlt'liiiu Is, one lot the pi I lod of one
iar, oi i f r tin pc neil of two leuis, nml
inn tor the 1 1 i led nt tlm e learn Tin C.oi
i I noi si 'Ii'iim of Htiitt , uiiilllor of pub
II.' io lints, a'ld tu .ihiiii I slliill n -hie at
the tlipltnl lliilltut thill' It till of,
tin v th.ill hi i p II. e public ici'iint, hooKs
mul I'.iptis tin re mul -hall peironn null
tlutlix iih mni I e iniilitil by law.
Apinnul Mattli .f, A. I). I-.'.)
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend lection twrnty-sl ("(!) of nr
'Ide live iM of the Constitution of the
Sta'f of Nebraska, limiting tho num
ber of i'eintho state olllccrs.
He It rest ll id a'ld ennt led bv the I.rg
1'lnlMlf of thi Stale td NiIiIIimUii
Si ct on I. M h 'I i i tloli i lit ntj -six C.'i.) of
nitlili lili i or tin 'nnsttl lit Inn or the
State if Nil inflii! be nun inli d to mid iih
follow i
Sic'h'ti IT N'o otlur i i entile state oftl
rt in t t 1 1 I tin si nun td In si 1 1 loll one (I)
oT th- lift i .1 -hull he en all d, ex
it It IV il lul id the h'Kixlatliro
w lib Ii Is roll, lit ltd In l'l not less than
llin i -ft iiri'i- of the im nihil 4 ilictul to
t a. Ii ho i" Hit ri ut,
I'roili'iil, That nnv ollhe crtntnl by all
m t i r tin It itislaiure may he ulnillNlud by
the Ii i i Intuit, tuu-llilnln of tie tin iii-
hll I '.I till tO l .I'll II lll-O lliiitof LUll-
Alploltd 3'. A. D. If".
A joint ritnliitlon proposing to
amend sictlrn : in (U) of article eight
(S) of the Constitution of tho State of
Nditaska, providing for the Invosinunt
of the pennai.etit idiicatlotial fiituhi of
he state.
lie It rcrlvfd utid t rafted bv the I.eR-l-latnrt'
ot tin Slate of N hiakii
Sec linn 1 Thnt mtlon nlm CU of article
eU'hl S of the I'oli-llltltlou of llle Hi He
ot N't hra'kit li aim luhd to rind iih fol
io" s
Stf Hon P All funds bf lotiKlne to the state
fort I If iit'.oniil put fi-is, Ihe llileiest and
Imitiii win ni foi I' mi to be ut il, shall
In iliiimd I i -t tu Cy In hi II tin state.
uiui tin iti -' ii h itipli all lo s tMi ii'
ol that m. iv '.ni mitnm i u 1 1 in . -n that
tin -ame -I 11 ti main fun it r lailolati
mul un ilm!iit-)ioU, mul sh ill not be In-
i sttd or lo.niid i . i pi on t idled Stalin
si st..n m'CiiiIIKh. or leitlsieritl county
houils or ri f-luti nil n huul dlslilet bonds
of tills stall, slid "in li fuiuN, with the
Illicit nt and Income tlidiof are ben by
olcmnli' pit dt mI for the purpt)-es for
whli. i thiv are (.niiilid and sit npirt,
mul tlmll not be tratisftrud to uny otlur
tiimi tor r lli i ant -
I'loildiil, The board rrrntol by .fectlon
I ol this nrtlelt Ih t 'npriivi r d to sell fiom
tltne to tlllie otiv or the iciirltles helotiK
liu; to tin pt nn.ini nt school fund mid In
vest tin pro teds iirlslim Iheiefrotn In any
or the mi until s tmimiratitl lu this sec
tion b'nitliK ii lilf.li1 r rule of luttre-t,
wluneitr i.n t'piifirlnnlt for hettir in-ie-tuiint
Is pit sun 'I
And pioililul fni i her. That whin any
wairatit . ;nili ll'i -tale trtasurer itK
ulailv is-iud In I'liisu.inee ot an a(iiroirl
nt Ion by the h Kish.turo anil m ciiii d by the
levy of a tax for Its paiuicnt, shall
he irf-f'ilttl lo tin mute treiiiiii ror
liainunl. ami Unit shall not bo any
ilium y ill tie . (per fund to piy sin h
iMiirnnt, the hiurd inntid by Hictlmi 1
of til- .i rt I' U may din ct the vt ite ti as
lire i to pay thf auioiint due on m.'h war
rant from inoiuvi tn his linuds helrtmlns
to tin u rm im lit t-hool fund of Hit state,
und he Hhall hold :ild warrant iih an In
Vfttmetit of aid p i mam nt k-IiooI fund
Approiiil Man !i Jl, A li. UIO.
A joint rtfolu'.ion jirnposing nn
ninendmu't to the Constitution of the
State of Nt braska by adding a now
section to artido twelve (12) of said
eoiiFtlttition to Im numbered section
two (1!) relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan dais and the government of
the counties wheroln such cities are
Hi It remind and enacted by the Lrn-1-lati
n of thi of Nibraskn.
billion I That ortlch twilvo (U) of Die
Constitution of Die State of Nebraska he
nun i did by lidding lo s.ild article a new
sect "ii to !( numlwid tcctloti two (J)
to nail as f How
Set tic n J. The rovtrntiient of nnv city of
tin mi io oilt.iii and the kov
e i nine it if Die (oiintv In which
It Is Icrntid may be mfiicid wholly
or In patt win i. a propo-rion so to ilo has
bun siiluiltttd bv auihoiity of liw to the
von rs ot such dty nnd county and re
ii'.i'id tin ns-t nt ff u majority of tne
vott s east In u h i Ity and ulso i majority
of tho votes tast In Die t'ouiit t xclnlvo
of thou cast in such mitrupclitun city
at -m li i li i il'ii
Alprovid Manh .'0, A. Ii. M
A Joint rcolution prnpaslng nn
nrr.cndn out to jtctlon six (C) of article
seven (7i of the Constitution of the
Stato of Ndirasku, pi (scribing tho
rnannr in whldi votes Ehull be cast.
ne it roolvid und enacted by tho Leg
Ivlaturi ol thi Stan of .' bracku
Si'ilon J That otitlon tlx (J) of artble
sevili ('( of the ConxtllUtloil of thi Statu
of Nt braska li umemlid to nad us fol
low -
Sf i lien C All votes shall be bv ballot, or
sm li other mi thrill as muy be prist nhed
b) law, ptoiiddl the bi crecj Of lotlliK he
pn n rvt d
Apiirovid Mnnh 1?, A. D ltl'5
A joint resolution to
amend rcctlon two -) of article iotir
teen (11) of tin ConMlttitlon of tho
State of Nebraska, rdatlve to dona
tlona to works of Internal improve
ment nnd manufactories.
Ho II r' solved nd enacted by the lw
Islature of thi State of Nibrnskut
Section 1 Tlut section two (!) of Hrtlcle
fourtfin (Hi of the Constitution of the
Htntf of Nebraska, be umendid to read at
Sec 2. No city, county, town, precinct,
municipality, or other subdivision ot tho
tiite, rhiill eier tnnlie donations to mnr
works f Iti'Tial Improvemeiit, or
in mrv, utili s n proposition (to to
ilu tmill hale btni Hint nilhinlltcd tu tho
iimitlllnl elutois mid rntllled by two
1'illils vole it mi i In Hull authority of
I iw I'loiitlnt, That siieli ilnnntlotit of a
loiiiilj "Kb the donations of such uliill-il-lotis
in the iiMltrtK'ile b)i ill not excrfd
Im pit nut of the asti sse I luliintlun of
surh tiiimi i I'mi'idid further, Tlut miy
till ot iiiiuitj mi), by n Ihrte-f'iurtht
loli, biina-i sin h Itnlehl' dness tlvn per
e ul, in to mil li ten per Hint nnrl
no bonds ni t vldi nets of Indehtf dluss j
lisiinl imill he iall'1 iinh'itx the miuie shall
hall ilnlolxid tin rum il nitlheate itlttnrd
liv the -iiieluij un. I un. Illur of slntr-,
show hit; that the 'it'ie Is l-flltd pursiliitit
to law.
Approved Mart h ?''. A 1) ISM.
I, .1. A. riper, lecretary of state of
tho slate of Nebraska, do hereby certlf
that tho foreglng proposed ninendmonU
to the Constlttitlou of tho State of No-
liinska tiro true and correct copies of
tho original enrolled and engrossd.
bills, as passed by tho Twenty-fourth
soiBlon of tho legislature of tho
of Nebraska, in appears from E.ild
oilfilnal bills on lllo In thlfl olllce, amf
that all and each ot ruld proposed
amondtneutH aro submitted to the
fpialllled voters of the stato of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at tho general diction to ho held on
Tuesday tho 3d day of November, A
1), 1M.H'.
In testimony wheieof, I havo here
unto set my hand and utllxed the grca
seal of the stato of Nohiaska.
lliiuo at Lincoln this 17th day of
July In the joar of our Lord, Ono Thou
rand night lliiudied and NIncty-SIx,
of the Independence of tho IJnItod
States Hie One Hundred and Twenty
Plist, ami of this stato tho Thirtieth.
(Seal.) J. A. I'H'KR,
Secretary of State,
2. 3
n a
o "
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3- p
(i O
"0 o
-1 ."I
Can reach Some of the People all
.. the time; You
Reach All tlio Tcoplo Some of tha
. . Time but you can't
All the Time
.-- AND
Ho Paper Like Your Heme Pajer.
" "?
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;p -
i,h Cti1