The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 18, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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mM AND ITB " cunn
To the Editor : 1 have an absolute
remedy for Consumption. Uy its timely use
inousanas oi nopeiess cases nave wen already t. ,. ..... ,,. . , , .
permanently cured. So proof-positive am I I ," ' UHI "f Superior wu doing bu
of Its power that I consider It my duty to i'1" " '"'ic tint week.
una nco coitus jrtt to tnose ot your readers
who have Consumption.Throat, Uronchial or
Lung Trouble, if they will write me tlwlr
impress and postoffice address. Sincerely,
T. A. SLOCTOC M. C, It) Pearl St., Hew York.
W Th RdltorUl ml ltuln.. Mnniigment of
UUl I'fttwr UiiuuIh ttiii geueroui rruporttliin.
VmliucatryliiK pHH'ii!iirii rrlp urn! leave Hcd
Cloud r followv
ItAbllNUs AVt)'.
n'o. 141, it) ntcni;(.'r urriTi'H from ltiullMK,
t UK fi.iu. mul lu'riK fur Oherllu nt i ifi tn.
S'p. 14.' dny fftiRetiRvr arrlv. from Oberllii nt
WOf,ti.m tuitl lciV!'iforllnMitiK ntl.Ufi p.m.
N'o. lfi i'VciiIiik pHi'fiijtcr trlvi-. from ttio
ctt ntH :Jt'.in aiiillcuL'iif irtlievtettnli! 40p.m.
No. tC, day iniM-L'iicer nrr tec f rum Did vtnn nt
in:iiR.m. mul Ichvor for tliomUnt tO'OTra.m.
I . 1 SF I 1... .....
4 MI. ill, n.u, 4.
uitiun, ltUTTi:iC,
iii:, orri:i:. t
Violin, Cornet iintl 4'liirliiet.
Hcil Cloud, Nell.
Will utmnuitee fatlsfucllon to M'liolius who
ili'tlreto Until mi) oMIic Htmve Ii stnnni-nts.
Will kIvo three lemis (i'ui Ii h -urn one limir)
furfl.OL1. riiiliot timed pinpnr. I .cue word
a.t this olllci'. iii Eultlifis me, delivery
rttUlI Hll'C'lll.
Campaign buttons at Hros
Kd l'ulsipher came down from HnM
ins this u'uuk.
Onciir Yiirnaf of Oilcans cimio Iotb
ii No. Hi WuiSiiusidiiy.
I). M.WyitHt of Kivcrton was hot 0
with u noml display of stock at tin;
Illicit Miner .Jr., has purchased the
Kd. lirown propi'tty on ycvi'iith
C. K. IIiit('hiiiM)ii of Iiullaiit', Kaias,
! hum and has a line display of lioi- at
Ihu fair
AIwiib in bfHPun, llopkiu'rt Steami'd
Hominy (IIullnl Cum). Klotjnnt lunch
in milk. IJiiurt fan Hi ffiits
Mr-. Marv I'ftiif of Shi linn thi-
Uitr arrived Wi'diif-dii mi a visit
with Win Oulhwaitf and faiuil.
WIN Connor and Air- Caniclliit'hf
of Heave 1 Uitj, hiother and .si-tor if
Air-. L. II. Hu-t aro here on a visit.
Cha. liarhiM' of Almena, Kan-a, is
lieif this week with In- patents and
oilier friends and to lake in the fair
Purify join lilood uiih llood'.s Sar-a-p.uilla
wliieh will K'lHjyouan appetito,
tmiu your stmnach and strengthen
your nerve-.
Heavy duck blanket lined coats at
i.Ks than $1 00, aL-o tho neatest
arietj of liultur paden frmii $1.00 and
upward- ai W.enei's Clothing Store.
The wholu system is draiuud and mi
stermined h indolent ulcer- and open
sun-.. DeWitt'- Witch Hazel Salve
.speedily heals tlieni. It is the ln'.st pile
otiri! known, t'. I. Coning.
Mijs Stella Duiker left Saturday
night for Alitiden wliere she Inn been
chosen for a second year lo teach in
the. public scIiooIh there. Tho ability
of our teachers seems to he appreciat
ed greatly by other cities.
It doesn't matter much whether sick
headache, biliousness, indigestion and
constipation me caused by neglect 01
by uuavoliiablo circumstance-, De-Witt'-
Little Karly 15i-m will .speedily
!urethem all. (.' L. Colling.
The 1 (-publican 1 lub of (Jai lield town
ship will meet at the Wigoinr si hool
house on Satin day, .Septemher llltli, at
sS o'eloek p in. The lied Cloud (lice
Club and prominent speakers will be
theie. Coiuo one ami all and have u
good time. J. H. Stansku, Chairman.
Several years ngo I was taken with
a severo nttack of llux. I was sick in
lied about ten days and could get noth
ing to relieve tue until 1 used Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhma
Jtemedy, wliieh cu.ed me 11" 1 I 1- been
a household remedy vl' . or since.
J. C. Mallow, I)c '., Mo. lor
vile by DeyotS-fob
A" -.:C1
lighest Hon Vcr!d' Faj
A pine Crape Crci M ' ' uJ-r. Ftt
Vmh Ammonia, Aiu- r : iJi.llRraol
0 YGARS Tlit. lA.NDAfd.
iii v M -I 1 1
I I Vt I 1 I I C
r i ! imii
.1 I) Hllllllilkl I '
ii- ' Km! i)
K W. Mel " m in-11 f if Supt'iior whs
lni c tin- w in k
l'ostniastei Tied Rogers of Wyiuoie
was here this week.
ClilT Pope and ifo have returned
home fiom Miune-ota.
Will l'ulleys is doing the ru-h older
at Win. Ilen-e's this week.
Louie Schuman of Blue Hill-m'tit a
few hours in the city Satuiday.
Will Duekcr left Thuisday for Lin
coln to attend the -title unlvirity.
Miss .Mary Detour of Hastings was
here this week visiting old fi lends.
Fied Mi-Cot illicit of Hertrand was
lieie Sunday the guest of Frank
Prof Wilson has mud into I lie
residence property oppo-iti the Hap-ti-t
Jos. Warner anil wife anil -on
Chaucey arrixed home fiom Gillette,
Coloindo, Sunday morning,
We are indebtml to Dr. F. K. Ale-
1 Keeb for some very c holcii peaches
giown in their home oichard.
When you want a nice smooth shave
or hair cut, give (Jeo. Fentress a e.tll.
One door south of the Hon Bakery.
.1110s Cowden caine down fiom
Alliance the last of the week to visit
with his parents and other friends.
Make your leet glad, Sel. shoes at
Wieueis. They will also gladden your
pocket books as the prices are low.
Mr. David Kcsler icturncd Saturday
night fiom a visit with her daughter
Airs, dohu Wilheliusoii at Nevada, Mis
souri. It is very well to tell the people to
"boil all the thinking water," but coal
is getting too high priced for ordinal y
people to do it.
L. 11. Utist -ays that if you want
stiawberries next year now is the time
to buy plants. Plants 00 cent- per bun
ilietljfiOOitt W.10.
Poi-on ivy, insect bites, bruises,
scalds, burns, are quickly fined by
DeWitl's Witch Hael Salve, the gieat
pile chic. C. L.Cottin.
Our townsman IM. Hrown will -non
leave for Macomb, Illinois, whcie he
will eiiuai-'c in the di uir bu-iness. Kd
tinl hi-wife will he gi cully mused by
their many fiiend-
"lloyswill be boys," but you ean'l
alloiil to lino any of them. He leady
for the green apple season by having
DeWitt's Colic it Cholera Cure in the
house. C. L. Cutting.
Daniel Garber returned Tuesday
from .1 several months visit in Califor
nia. From his appearance he looks as
if he had braved the warm weather to
see what there was to bo seen.
Tho Diinkards will hold their love
feast at Hev. N. M. Wagoner's on tho
20th anil '27th, of September. Services
will commence at 10 o'clock a.m. the
SOth. Everybody Is cordially invited.
By far tho greatest variety of gloves
and mittens ever shown at Wieners.
Wool mittens from ten cents up
Special good quality in our 25 cent
line of leather-faced mittens and lined
and iiiiliiicd gloves.
Married at tho residence of Win. F.
L. Daggett in lied Cloud on Monday
afternoon, Sept., 14th, 1890, Ilov. A. !.
Rlaekwell olliciating, Win. .James
Keagle to Miss Kmmn Hradbeer Leigh,
both of Web-ter county.
Don't ti ille away time when you have
cholera moi bus or diarilueu. Fight
them in the beginning with DeWitl's
Colic it Cholera Cure You don't have
to wait for re-nits, they are in-iau-taneoii-.
and it leave- the bowel- ill
healthy condition. C. L. Cutting
If you need underwear buy it at
Wieners'. Good servieablo garments
at 25 and ;I3 cents. Natural wool and
lleeced lined exceptional good quality
at 50 cents, and the best garment at 75
cents ever sold in heavy wool ribbed.
This is worth $1.00 in every other store.
Uev K. O Tieknor will deliver a
mi binary addles- 111 the Congrega
tional Chin eb next Sunday evening.
Mi Tieknor has been engaged in tho
home lield in western Nebraska and
will make this addict interesting as
well as instructive Como and hear
Kccle-iastics the fifth chapter and
tenth vers is a good text for all free
-liver brethren to meditate over. It is
not quantitj we want but tiuaht
Afleryou Iiato given the tenth ve
proper lelleetion, then please read ti
eleventh vei su and keep it in mi'
when you go lo vote next Novcinhot
As per call announced 111 the city
peis a Ladic- AIcKmlry Club was if
ganied at the court hon-e on last
iirdav evening The following olllc
weie named' Tilla McClelland, pit
dent. Mi-. G K .Mi'Keeby, vice-pp
ibmi. Mi-. K. H Smith, second
I" "siilei't; Helen Moby seerelai.
(, 'Imv, tu'tt-uiei The I.
dine club fuinisliiiil the siugiug
lt.11nl.1lph McNitt made u -hurt talK
st timhii tl i' 1 1 o hi it'll
mine tin' Hit ouii' lulititH
llt'SS. Ill'.lll.ll'lll', lll.MlM'IV
our l "ill it'll, inlKtilntloli
rlr Prim IS rriiH lii, lij: .ill ilriitfkht
Hie kiiIji PIIU to t.iko Willi lliMilt Mtf iiltlllit.
K. ilackson of Concordia, Kansas,
was heie this week.
A C. Ilosiner letiu ned from his Hip
ea-t Saturday night.
The best line of .school supplies in
tlie city at Cuttings.
A Al. Walters of Mine Hill was here
the last of the week.
J. W. Sampson of Blue Hill was heie
the last of the week
W Heiuhaiil of Franklin was among
our visitors thU week.
Father Harrington of Oilcan- was
bote the lirst of the week.
. A Seeley of Guide Kock was a
visitor to the city Saturday.
Geo A. Stewaul of Hasting- was
doing business here this week.
Uobeit McUride of Wv inning was
heie this week visiting relatives
Nettie and Nellie Hummel leftThurs
day for Lincoln to attend school
Huntington the race hoise man came
in fiom the west Thuisdsy morning.
Henry Warner, of Uiveiton was do
ing business and had a display at the
Doc lloynton who has been here for
the past week has 1 etui neil to his home
in Illinois.
Win. Liudsey came down from Hast
ings this week to attend the fair and
visit with old friends.
Dwight Jones of Guide Uock was
heie Satuiday attending the republi
can county convention.
Geoigie Winton who has been visit
ing with Grandpa Winton north of
town returned to his home in Kansas
Lo-r A breeching and back band
between Jackson's grove ami the old
Patinor place. Finder can lind ownei
by applying at tliisoflico.
From all accounts Chamberlain's
Cough Ueincdy is a Godsend to the
atllicted. There is 110 advertisement
about this; we feel just like saying it.
The Democrat, Cairollton, Ky. For
-ale b Deyo it Griee.
.Many a day's work is lost by sick
hcadai he, caused by indigestion ami
stomach Vioiibles. DeWitt's Little
Karlj Ui-ers are the mo-t ellectual pill
for ovei coming .such dillicultie. C. L.
K-Governor Crouiise spoke to a
huge crowd at the fair grounds on
Thursday afternoon and again at the
court house in tne evening. His re
marks were gooil ami his facts and
ligures had good effect 011 the assembled
Ilegg' Wood Purifier and Wood Maker
cures all blood disorder. All eruptions
of the skin enn ho removed by the use of
this wonderful medioine. It hue no
equal, and is purely vegetable. C. L.
Cottltig keeps it, as well ns nil other first
clnsB guodd.
Frank Hlaukenhaker mid Aliss Etta
Fulton were married on Thursday at
tlie resilience of Mr. Frank Hendricks
in this city, Uev. (Jeo. O. Yeisei' olli
ciating. Tho young couple are resi
dents of Walnut creek township and
the bride is tho daughter of Alac Ful
ton. This paper extends congratula
tions to tlie happy young couple.
lied Cloud Lodge No. GO A. (). U. W.
will hold a pieuio in Garner's grove
Oct., 1st. Supreme Master Workman
J. (!. Tate will speak al 2 p.m., al the
giove, weather permitting. Should
weather be unfavorable meeting will
be indoors. Everyone come ami bring
well filled dinner baskets. Picnic din
ner at noon -i OitOKit or CoiiMir
Are You
Look about you! See for
yourselfj Who suffer most
from sleeplessness, nervousness,
nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia,
despondency, general weak
ness? Who are on the edge
of nervous prostration all the
time? Those who are thin,
Opium, chloral, bromides,
headache powders, only make
matters worse. Iron and bit
ters are only stimulants. To
be cured, and cured for good,
you need a fat-making food.
You want new blood, rich
blood; and a strong nerve
Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos
phites is all this. It feeds the
tissues, makes rich blood, and
strengthens the nerves.
Book about it free for the asking.
For sale by all drocnists at 50c. and
i York M !
O C lv . ;nuti ..f ll.ii. 11,11 was hue I
M mil iv '
I V (in il.iinl of llelilnli w is bile
ill Gicculie of lllue Hill was heie
this week
U 1. Homier of Smith Center was
here tin- week.
A Muchel of Hebron was heir the
first of the week
Laudlonl Johnson of lllitc Hill was
here the lirst of the week.
Airs. Etl. Hrown is home after a visit
with Air- P. W. Shea at Orleans.
Wallet Witii en came up from Su
pel lor this week to visil with tlie old
Ualph Ferguson of Hastings was hero
and plajed with Iho Sons of Veteians
hand during the fair.
Alaiion Osborne of Hastings was
down visiting with his sister Alls,
Anion Conover this week.
Alabel Hobbius and Lottie Aladisou
ofSupeiior weie here this week the
guests of Kinellue Witri en.
Aliss lllanche Shercrcanie home from
a visit with her sister Alls. Wagoner at
llcbiou Wednesday evening.
Alt I". W. Hay and Miss Olive Hay
of St Joseph, Alissouii, me here the
guests of C C Cowden and family.
A. G. Stonehrcakor and wife of Shell
Hock, Iowa, is visiting in the city the
guest of C. L. Cutting ami family.
Ah Grace Foil wishes to thank the
many who aided bet in the. splendid
vote she icccived in the bicycle eon
test. F. X. Sebooinnakei of Chicago will
speak here in favor of sound money,
prospciitv. and piotcetion 011 Ft Ida
afternoon, Septcmbei 25th, at 2 o'clock
p. m
Thcntics of cine maj be discussed al
length by physicians, but the stiflcrct.s
want quick lelief; and One .Minute
Cough Cure will give it to them. C L.
Theie will be preaching inoi ningand
evening Sunday at the Baptist chinch
by the pastor Hev. C It Welden. Sub
ject ot evening sermon, "Clnistian
Citizenship." All coidially welcomed
lo the services of tho church.
Hon F. X. Sehooninaker of Chicago
will speak in the inteiestsof republi
canism here on ! 1 iduy, September '.'Alb.
This gentleman is sent oul by the ic
publican national committee ami is
said to be a gieat campaigner
One man from thacoRUtiy was loped
in by the line hugeietl "gunit." at the
fair and eucheicil oul of one buudiwil
dollar-, Four cappers went too much
for the fellow from the country. This
is one way to run a fair and there are
If you have ever seen a little child in
the agony of summer complaint, you
can realio the danger of the trouble
and appreciate the value of Instan
taneous relief always aflorded by Do
Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure. For
dyseutary ami diarrlnea it is a reliable
remedy. Wc could not ufford to
recommend this as a cure unless it
were a cure. C. L. Cotting.
Win. VatiDyke received a letter from
his brother nt Forrest Home, Missouri,
in which ho ftulcd that things wore
badly depressed in that place, and that
if Bryan win elected they would he
more so, and said that he hoped that
William had not gone on with the
silver craze. We can tell him that
Uncle Billy has no intention of voting
anything but the lepiiblicau ticket.
John Craus received from tlie home
of his father-in-law in Kansas City
u pair of young carrier pigeons
which he had 011 exhibition at the fair
on Wednesday On Thursday morning
at half past seven lie leleased them for
their trip homewaid. After eliding
loiiuil for some time tliev goi their
bearings ami disappeared. The hud
were young and had made only one
Hying before, making a distant r of
foi ty miles in forty-live minutes.
The bicycle contest came off at the
lire man's -uppi r on Thursday night.
Everything passed oil quietly with the
following result
Kmina Poliilck, lleil (.'loml IStt'i
(Iran- Kort, lleil Cloud IG03
Mm. T. C llitcker -''
Ivn Skelton, lllue lllll 3)
lied Cloud ao
Irene Miner, Kid Cloud i
Mm. Nellie Kincli. lied Cloud i
Myrtle .limes, (iuldt! Hock
Till McClelluud. Ited Cloud .
MHlileTlioriie, IIIhiIcii . .
Hctta AMh. IM Cloud .
Mitud Knight, Inarale
.Tt'iuctltt 1)11167, IC-cl cloud
. . ...... in
Toud .. .wr
A meeting of tho MuKinltty and
Hohailelub was held on liutt Friday
night at the coin t house and a large
eiowd of both gentlemen ami ladies
were pi cm: nt In the absence of
Judge Swcezy, ,J. M. Chafliu spoke to
the iusemhlctl audience uud also A. G
Willis and Joi Gurber. The ladies'
and gentleman's quartette furnished
splendid music for the occasion and
were icpeatedly culled bauk. Consider
able disturbance was niudo by mem
bers of both political parties out in the
entry way din iug the speaking This
was not right and should have been
Hqiii'Iclied The man who distill hs a
UP tiling of anj kind should be thtown
not iiihIiI and we hope that each side
m I In 11. ifttr secure a bouncer and
ei hut tin-Is doiio 110 matter who Is
lu.ikiug the disUibaucc.
Round Cornered Sack Suits in all the popi
ular cloths, Cheviots, Cassimcrcs, Serges, Tweeds
trimmed and tailored in the highest style of the art
sewed throughout with pure silk thread cut to fit
the figure and made to wear as only perfect goods
can wear.
This Label on a Garmont in
sures Perfect Fit
nd Satisfaction
It stands for tho best that
Monoy Oan Buy or Skill
ttle Offer the Best Underwear
Ever Sold at the following
PHIGES. .--.
It - Will - Pay - You - to -
We have received
Part of Oaf Fall Stock
And can give you some
Very Ghoiee
Will be on hand
ir. urn 11111 mis.
h) ,,uu' '" vurj
1 V 'Si w ",,.
Call and See Us.
s'. "
k Xf.JS
llouvy and Servicahlc shirts and Drawers
at 25 cents.
Natural Wool or Fluuctj Lined at 50 cents.
lleavy Wool Ribbed at 75 cents.
See - this - Before - Buying.
The Clothier.
Stock of
the first week of
01m urn Mini's uiimiixw;,
w W W-- ...-- .V .. V WW . .. V w.. . . -
" '-.