The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 11, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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I ll
Muke Itrlcf pcpe-lip Ilrnro e,'hrcri for
Mi Klnlrj .!ilii IIimiiiiiiiiim the mir-
hist Charge 'I he Temple .nked tiiMud
the Imiics mill iti for 'llirlr lii'r(l.
CiiKAnn, Sept. 1. Mr. Ilryau h-!Ut
1 l" o'clock this morning tor Mllvvuu
hoc, where ho was to tiialto two
speeches to-day. With liitn wero V..
C. Wall, I'. W. Von Cothuusen, .'uluis
ricbuendcl nnd 1'. .1. Somcrs.
At Kenosha u thousand people were
vvnltln?. To tlient Mr. Itryun spoko
as follow: "Ladies mid gentlemen:
It Ih natural In n country llltu t li Is.
where till the power eiiiunati' from
I ho people and where utllcer tiro
chosen by the people, they hhoulil feel
an Interest In public tiliair.s and cam
palgns through which they pass.
When the time comes when the great
question foioes itself to tho front tho
Intel est is deepened, and we have,
reached Mich a time. Often it is a mat
tor of comparatively little import
unco whether an issue before the poo
tilo is settled this year or next, or a
few years in tho future: but theie are
times when great results depend on a
campaign, and wo have reached such
b time. The money question has been
forced upon tho attention of tho peo
plo by those who nro not Htitis
Hied with I ho gradual appre
ciation of the dollar, but have sought
to hasten its rise. It certainly has
been too rapid for tho vvolfaro of
tho people, but who were tho
bciielle.iarIc.sof tho appreciation of the
dollar were not satisfied and attempt
ed to hasten its rise by action mill
inoic hostile to tho white metal. They
have not been content to let the peo
filo have nu Increased value of money,
tut have secured the repeal of the
Sherman law and put nothing in its
placo and then begun to issue bonds
because hard times had made It 'm
possible to invest money in enter
prises. Property has fallen and when
property Is falling poople do not want
to Invest In property. They want to
invest In money and then when money
was Idle and they could not find profit
able investments in enter) rises some
wanted to draw a food interest on
such investments. In my judgment
thoso who want a snfu investment
and wanted government bonds Issued
were to a largo extent responsible! for
the result. In our platform we have
declared against tho issue of bonds in
times of pence. When you come to
consider these questions, the Interests
of the people who must pay taxes
which pay the. bonds should be con
sidered rather than the people who
desire to profit by taxation wrung
from n people, already overburdened.
vVe know when wo put the clausi in
our platform against tho issuo of
bonds wo would lose the bondholders,
but we want the people who pay the
run an mm mist t tiAitnr.
A conservative estimate of the
erowd at Itacltic to meet Mr. ltryau
would bo 1,800 people and it seemed
if each one was trying to outdo all
others In cheering. Captain W. II,
Vance of llueinc introduced Mr.
Ilryan, who said: Ladles mid G'cntlc
men: When I seo u large number of
peonlc like this who seem to bo Inter
ested in the success of the campaign
upon which wo have started, I some
times wondor whether it Is possible
that you people arc deservlag of the
names that aro applied to you. If uin
an Anarchist, then all who want mc
elected must bo Anarchists also. Whon
I look into your fnecs I wonder
whether you nro all euemles of the
government or enemies of thoio who
want to uso the government as n pri
vate snap. There is a great difference
between being against the trovcrn
tnent and ngainst those who misuse
the goTerninant Andrew Jackson said
there were no necessary evils lu gov
ernment; that Its evils grew out of
Its abuse. Some peoplo do not
draw any lines between government
Slid the abuse of government, and
whenever people speak out against
an abuse of government those who
arc making money out of the nbuse
generally find fault with the people
who complain and try to put them in
the attltudo of oppououts of govern
ment. 1 want to assure you the most
loyal supporters of government are
not found in great trusts which think
they are grcntcr than tho government
nnd control It, Tiny aro found among
tho masses who want to secure lovo
for the government by every citizen
by making It so good it will deserve
their love. Kemsrabcr you cannot
reform evil by talking, you hav got
to reform It by voting, l'eople may
complain as much as they like
about a bad law, but the way
to get rid of it Is to repeal it and tho
way torspoal It Is to vota for those
who believe In repealing the laws that
are bad and not those who want to
make more bad laws and keep all the
bad laws already in existence. If tho
people of this country would all rec
ognize the power of the ballot and
use that power as they abonld, there
would be less complaint against injus
tice. If our laws are bad, remember
the people who permit the laws to re
main bad are to blame. If our laws
are to be good, those who want them
good have got to make them good. I
Thank you."
Wind. Datl and I.tfhUlor Abeat Parr-.
Periiy, Okla., Sept ?. A severe
wind and hall storm visited the north
ern part of the county yesterday. A
number of farm houses were blown
down, and it is reported that one
home at McKlnney was demolished
and several persons hurt. Lightning
truck Joseph Klbbo's house, but the
family were in a storm cave and es
caped injury.
Uortcage Psjrmrati lo Oolrt Wanted.
Wichita, Kan., Sept. 7. The first
mortgage foreclosure suit died In
Kansas in which the mortgager aski
that the judgment dccrcce shall spe
cifically state that payment bo made
la gold was filed In the United State:
court here to-day, The suit it made
by Anna M. Hlgclow against II, S.
Landi for C,QU0 lonucd on Harbor
county lund.
Armour unit I'ullmun Co In
CiUCAfio, Sept. 7. Tho management
of the New York IHscult Company
wan rooiganbcd .yesterday. George
I, Pullman und l'hll Armour wero
elected directors.
fc ft I'll ' .
"..t'n'mrn-mlt -W I - ..u,-. JB ""
n It In Helpenllun
of I'eiitMil !
:itiln X Mlnrn.
Can rov. Ohio, Sept 7 Twenty-five
hundred pcopiu fr in Heaver county,
l'enns. 1 van i.i, iimfiil here this after
noon on special trains to visit Mnor
McKiuley. When Major McKiuley
appeared upon the porch to greet hih
Visitors cheers arose thnt could be
heard for many blocks, and there wan
s great waving of huts, handkerchiefs
umbrellas and banners.
Mujor McKiuley spoke ns follows:
"My 1 ellow ('itlrciis; It gives inn
very great pleasure to reecho this call
from the working men and eltiens of
Heaver county, of the Mate of I'ctin
Rylvauia. I greet you at inv home, us
friends and us allies in tho great
entire in which the honor of the coun
try and prosperity of the people aro
involved. Wu are our nearest neigh
bins on the east and mo closely con
nected socially ti ml in business tela
tlous with tiie eastern part of the old
congressional district which for so
many years 1 had the honor to rep
resent. "The peop'o of this country never
wero so eager to vote as now. The
last four years have been long years
the longest four years since our great
civil war. I.vorv thing lias suffered
but the nepublieati party. livery
thing has been blighted but llcpubif
an principles. And thuv aro dearer,
more cherished and more glorious
than they have ever been before. Thy
people of the country are only wait
ing for nu opportunity to embody
those great principles in public law
uud public administration.
"J have great affection for your old
county and your great common
wealth. Huth have stood for t lie na
tion nnd its honor in every crisis of
our history. No State in thu union
has been more clossly wedded to lie
publican doctrines nnd Kepublicsu
policies than tho State of Pennsylva
nia. No .State has achieved higher
rank in manufacturing and mining
tlinu yours nnd no statu hn.s
been more devoted to the great
doclriiio of n protective tariff
than the slate from whence you
come. And, my fellow cltiens,
no state exemplified the splendid ad
vantages of thnt great system more
than yours. 1 do not imagine thnt
you arc ready to give It up, but that
you will cling to it as tho liroat Amer
ican patriotic poliry, tho beyst for your
advancement and prosperity. I do
not tecall a timo in tho history of tho
country when the question of pioteu
tion was at issue that your stnto did
not declnro by emphatic majorities in
its favor. Two years ago you gave
to your distinguished governor, lien
ernl Hastings, the largest majority
ever given by your state und piobu
biy t lie largest popular majority ever
given to any candidate in any state in
tlio union.
"My follow eitiens. I do not forget
that this delegation comes from tho
home of that distinguished leader .mil
unrivaled ISupublicau organior,
whose unfaltering devotion to Repub
licanism i'.iis never waveicd nnd whoso
splendid services to the, cause havo
inoio than ouce, assisted to achieve
the most signal triumphs in both your
state and the nation 1 icmoiiiber
well that when the Wilson tariff law
went fiom the House lo the Senate,
and was under discussion, Sanutor
Quay stood resolutely for ovi'ty in
tcront in his state and pievenieil the
destruction of great industries by
his famous speech, which was the
longest ever doliveied upon tho
tariff question in the history of the
lopublic, nnd which has not yet boon
concluded. lien he was fighting for
the industries of your state on the
lloor of the Senate, if he could not
save them In any other way. ho re
sumed his speech, which went ou day
after day, without apparent diminu
tion of his manuscript, which lay be
foro him. I wish he might havo been
u part of the delegation to-dny, but
his absence is fully compensated by
the fact that ou unother part of this
Held of contest he Is serving the samo
cause in which you me engaged and
for the success of which so many peo
ple nro striving.
IUIItrny Train Attacked, Ppiinl.h Soldier?
Killed Mint A nut Captured.
Tvi.y Wkst, ria., Sept. 7. Lat
Tuesday the Spanish authorities seul
out a military train over the United
railway. The train carried a great
quantity of ammunition, several
thousand rifles, (our field pieces, med
ical supplies, clothing and money for
the troops operating at Santa Clara
province. Three hundred soldiers
acted as escort, and two armored can
were attached, Into which they might
retreut in cascof attack by insurgents.
Tho Insurgonts learned that the train
had bsen sent out nnd they attacked
It soon aftur It left the village of Es
peraur.n. The locomotive wos de
stroyed by a dynamite bomb and thu
engineer and frrinau killed. The
Spanish troops tried to disperse, the
Insurgents, but were met with such u
hot fire tbat they retreated to the
armored cars. The troops wero called
on to surrender, but refused, and the
insurgents hurled dynamite boiubi
against the armored 'cars, wrecking
them and killing and wounding many
of the soldiers. It is said forty-two
Spaniards were killed outright uud
about eighty wounded, many of them
mortally. The insurgents then looted
the train of arms, ammunition am
Krupp'a Ship llulldiiic Venturis
llitnt.tN, Sept 7. Ilerr Krupp tho
It on ulug of F.ssen, has pui chased the
Onrmanla ship building works Thu
entire plant will be transferred to
llcrr Krupp October I and the capacity
for building ships will bu increased
"Itloomer" Itentanranlear for linfcrmir.
Whrki.ino, W Va., Sopt. 7. Nut W.
Fit7gerald of Terra Alta has been
nomlnnted by the PopuUsts for gov
ernnr. f.nst year he. opeued n restau
rant on Nassau street In New York
city with nineteen waitresses, whom
he ordered lo wear bloomeis. I'.igh
teiin struck, and the nineteenth at
traded so much attention that Fit
geruld was arrested.
Vsnderlilll' I'nntrlliuUnn,
Wasiiikotox, Sept 7. It is stated
here upon good authority that Cor
nidlus Vsiruleruilt has given 3.00.0QJ
to the Kepsblicau cumDilu fuud-
" -. - '-
g"" """TT" " T"JZA7""'"'f'
lip ddiii
,,r nrirnl 0i,p r.trillnn of Peri
lull r
rl In Itio lli'il,
TVvsitiNnTnv, Sept 7 The result
of the recent election in the Choctaw
nation in tho Indian Territory un
questionably means more to the peo
ple of Kansas, Missouri and thu other
stntcs surrounding that section than
almost any happening in recent year".
The election was held primarily to
decide who should lu principal chief
of the nation, but the point of great
est Interest to the Ameilcaii people is
that ll. u man who has been elected by
a plui.illty of mil is openly commit
toil to the policy of nllotmetil. to
which tho Dawes Indian commission
has for several years been trying lo
nring the Indian tribes to consent.
Nor is that nil. Two years ago th
now successful candidate, (1 recti Mc
curtain, who is everywhere lcgartled
ns tile gieat leader among his eople,
stood virtually alone, in nil the Choc
tuw nation, fiif allotment. His best
friends turned ;if4 u iti I him. his ene
mies reviled tind slandered nnd set ou
foot plots to kill him und the common
people declared that he was betraying
them into the hands v. I the ulitto
'I lie adoption of the p iliey of allot
ment hv the Chortaws means a com
plete change in the present conditions
ot the great Indian Territory and is a
vastly important step toward the tinal
solution of thu Indian question, lor
now that the Clioctnws have (lectured
for allotment, there is no reason to
doubt that their neighbors nnd allies,
tin Chickasaw., ns well us the Creeks
nnd Semlnoles, will follow, leaving
only the Cherokee nation to hold out
for ii greater or lesser period of lime.
It may bo said here Hint among the
live civilied tribes the Clioctnws,
Ctierokees, Seminole, Creeks and
Chickasaws, tliero is great and bitter
rivalry among tho two first tribes ns
to which shall uss'imr the leadership
lu thought und nr 'ion.
In his home in tho Sun Hols moun
tains, even now Chief MeCurtain is
guarded by faithful friends against
ussasslnntlou. Ho has traveled ex
tensively In this country nnd Kuropo,
and is n keen observer of men anil
affairs Ho is reputed to be the
wealthiest man in tho Choctaw na
tion, being worth over 8;'M),000, most
of which he has made in the cattle
business. He appreciates the value of
education, though ho had no oppor
tunities in that lino when he was a
boy, and his sons and daughters huve
biieu finely educated.
Ihe Irish Polltlint Primmer n Totxl
WriMk lUentMllr.
Nr:w YoitK. Sept. 7. Dr. Thomas'
lallngher, who wns liberated last
week after serving thirteen years
penal servitude In Chatham and Port
land prisons, arrived hero yesterday
iftornonn on hoard thu American
liner M. Paul. He wns mot at qiinr
inline by a deltgation of representa
tives of tin liish societies in this
country Allium.' thoso who went
about d the t. l'uiil to greet him wus
luuies liuUughcr, who Is n brother In
the released man. Dr. (Itillagher too
ognicd his brother at once, but he
was in a vvvy e.eltable mood and
acted very hliungcly.
lit: looked to bo fully twetity-fivo
years older than when ho left Amer
ica, a little over thirteen years ago.
When the members, of the delegation
ot lilshmen wero presented to him,
tho doctor was unable to reeogiiiu
any of tlinui, und almost immediately
r.iu away thiough the corridors,
shouting loudly and Incoherently.
lie was followed by two of the bed
room stewards, but before they
grasped his arms ho threw a handful
jf pennies through ouo of the port
hole windows mid shouted: "I have
got my faro over tho ferry at any
As soon as tho attendants got him
under .control the doctor turned to
tlictii nppcnlingly and said; "My (Soil,
is this the way un American
must liii treated'.1''
Ho broke uwtiy from tho attendants
igatn, out lliey tlitalty iockcu lit tit up
in a room,
Hot. Thomas Cooper of .St. Joseph Ilia
Cnirod - 1 he Mcllonulil Slllrliln
Han.niuat., Mo , Sept. 7. Tho com
mittee appointed by liishop Ualloway
to tty the case ugainst Uev. Thomas
Cooper, deposed pastor of St, Joseph,
to-day found him guilty of gross im
morality, slander uud profanity nnd
recommended that he be expelled
from the church. The conference
adopted the teport ul once and Cooper
was expelled,
The suicide of Dr. McDonald this
week is said to have been duo lo
threats of prosecution made by Cooper,
McDonald having charged him with
intimacy with u young woman of tho
DnrU I iilmrrra of r.tnty Nation II
lru"ol'l for Unllad At linn.
I.hMuis, Sept. T. It is reported
among tho delegates bound for the
trade onion congress at IMmbiirg
that the plans for n striho of the
ilnclc laborers of the world havo
been almost perfected nnd .the strlleo
may be commenced this autumn All
classes of laborers employed in or
about the doclcs, ships, wharfs and
wuruhoiises in the Culled Kingdom,
ihn t'nited Stales, Canada, Hrrmsny.
France. Holland, Itrlgium and Aus
ralin. ns well us other countries, will
m couioriied The slril;i is to bo
ritieipully ugaln.t the piece worl
Antl-Tuiliifl for l.nrUJttT.
Nkw Yoiik, Sept. T.Kmet Neld
feker, who wus brought to tho Ford
ham hospltul Thursday morning stif
ferlng from lockjaw, is recovering
Ho Is the first patient to bo treated
with antl-toxtne for lockjaw In an
public institution In this country. The
serum Injected into his cltciilatiou is
tho first nntl-tcixlne for tetanus ever
cultivated In tho United States. Dr.
Kellly, the house surgeon at .'onlh.iui,
thinks there is u chance of saving the
boy's life, nlthoiigh treatment wsm nr J
begun until the disease hud progrensd)
rerv far.
'.?. - -
jJTj- ' &SS a
Tho following proposed tiiiiriidtiicntd
to the Constitution of the Slate of No
brnuku, ns hereinafter set fcith In full,
nro mtlinilttcd to the electors of the
Stnto of Nebraska, to bu voted upon
nt the grnrnil election to be held Tues
day, isoM'inbrr tf, A. 1) , ISlhl:
A Joint n solution proposing to
amend HertUuis two (2, four (-1), nnd
llvovTOof nrtlr-lc ylx (Oof the Consti
tution of the Statu of Nebraska, relat
ing to number of Judgei of tho supreme
court nnd tliflr tcim of oilier.
Ho It resohul stid oil ii'trd 'l.y the l.e--Isliiture
of llm Hiiiti of N'chr.uku :
Section J Pilot ruction two ('.') of ar
ticle fl in .'t the iVniiitillliiii of tho
Htnte of NihM-k.i In (illicit ted o .ih to
lend ns follow
Hectlon 2. Th" oiiptenie court uliall until
othcrwlxn proiMul lis law, iim-lit of live
(f.) JtldtH", ii imiinilty of whom shall he
iiHceisnry to fm m a quorum or to pio
luiimro u (li t-i ! It -lull orhilnal
jurisdiction III .uses reliitlUK to ri'MMllli",
civil cases In wliKli tin ft (to shall ho a
party, in. i idniiim. rit null. into, huhcuti
i-orpui". iiiid s ii h iippi'llatt Juilsdlctlmi, iiv
uiiiy lo in o I'd l i. I iu-
Section L. Tlint n- lion four (4) of article
d (i) of Un iVuit 'Mutton of tin rilute
of Nehinska, I niui mini to as to und an
Hcctlon !. 'flu tuilur of the supreme
court tdiiill te lrit 5 liv tin olcctoiM of
the tit n t tit i.'irK'- unit tin Ir term of oftlcc,
"xeepi u lii'ii'ln.ifii r provided, "hull ho
for n period of tint less than live (i) jciuh
un the Iccisliitiiie in iv pii'-crlhe
Hrotlon 3. That fiction live C.) of nrtlele
nix (li) of the Constitution of the Stnto of
Nebraska, hi miii'iidrd to tPtid ns folloxiH;
Hcctlon r. At the lift Kdii nil election to
tie held In the Mnr IV', thi'ie xhnll ho diet
il two W JuiIkom of tin Miprenie court one
of whom nhnll l elected for u term of
two (!) yenri, one for Hie term of four (I)
yeHrs, Hint ul each election then
after, there s-liall be eleotid one Jinlip of
the supreme comt for the let in of live
(.'.) years, unless ntliirwlxi proldcd liv
law; riovldnl, Thnt tin JiiiIkcs of tho mi
promo court whusp teiniH hno not cxpliid
at the lima of holdlliK the KelK'ial elei
linn of 1(91, hull continue to hold their
otllce for tho lrimiliidir of the let in for
which tney were repirtlely cuiuinU
tuned. Approved March E. A. IX IfJr.
A Joint resolution proposing an
amendmrnt to taction thirteen (13) of
article six of the Constitution of tho
State of NehrnbUn, t elating to com
pensation of supreme and ulstiict court
ne It resohfd by the I.pkM iture of the
Ptato of Krbinskn:
Hcctlon 1. Thnt oetlun thlitopn of
urllolo six (fi of tho Constitution of tin
Htato of Nebraska bu niiunded so as lo
rend nn fnlloivf'
Sec. 13 The Jiiilg(i of the siipreinn nnd
district com ik shall retflvu for tnelr hit
Ipps such ioiiiieiisatloii ns may bu pro
vided by law. payable quartet ly.
The iPHNliiUini flinll lit Its llrst spsslon
after Ihi mlnptlim of this amendment,
thrpp-flflhs of the number elected to
each liuiiso coJicurilm;. establish their
comppiisntlo'i. Tin (imippiisatlon su i-s-tubllhlipd
shall not be chnnnpd oftpiicr
thin once In tour .eiir", and In no event
tulle two-lhlnls of the member elected
to each huu)u of thu le;l.slatuto Lonciu
Appro et March .'ft, A. D. IS?;.
A Joint rr-solnMon proposing to
nmend section twenty-four (-1) of ar
ticle five (5) of the Constitution of thn
Stnto nf Nobrnskn, relittlttg to com
penBntlon of the ofuwo of the executive-
Oft It resolved und enacted by the I.en
Ulaturc of the, State of Nnbriska:
Bectlon 1. That "eptlon iwciity-foiir (!l)
of article five (.") of the CoiiMtltilthm of tho
BIhIp ot Nebraska be iini'iiili'd to lead uh
Section 24, The offlrpr of Hip executive
deportniPlit of the stntp Riivcinmeut shall
rppflvn for their son Ices a ompens.itlou
to be eslihllshed by law, which nhnll bo
.lplthrr liHicas'd nor diminished duilm;
Hip trrm fur which Hip.v shall havo been
rnminlsMoned mid they hIiiiII not tecelvo
to thrlr nivu use utiy fi e, cut, lull rests,
upon public money In their hands or un
der their control, peiqiiste of ofllcn or
other compensation und all. fe that may
hereafter ho pnynbln by law for hpivIcch
perfurnud by an ollleer prolde 'or In
thin urtleh xlinll be paid In iiilvunco Into
tho state treasury 'lln lcKl!ulurc shall
at Its flrit cession after the adoption of
this uincndniPiit, thici -fifths of the ini'in
hers ulected to rich lnniM of tho IpkIh
laturo enueuirlliK. establish Iho il,inr
of the olllcers tiniiied In this arlhle. Too
compcnyiitlon so estuhllslud Hhall not bo
chniiKcd oftener than unco In lour yent
and lu no oven! utih s two-third- of tho
member. elpctcd to inch home of the leg
Islatilio concur tliiieiu
Approved Mmili t'.t, A. D ISM
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend rcctlon one (1) nf artlrlo six (fi)
of tho Constitution of the Stnto ot Ne
braska, rclntlng to Judicial power.
He It resolved and enacted bv tho Leg
islature of the Plate of Nehiankic
Kectloil I. Tout seeltou one (I) of article
six (0) of thu Constitution of tho Htnte of
Neihrssks be umendMl to read as follow'
fieotlon 1, Tim Judicial powi r of this state
sliull bo vented n u suptfiuo com I, dis
trict courts, county couits Justices of the
pmcei, police miiKlHirate-s, anil in siien
otlier courts Inferior to the supreme court
us m'y bo created by law tn which two
thirds of the members ihs'tcd to en. h
house concur,
Approved March W, A. I IM'A
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section eleven (11) of article kIx
(G) of tho Constitution of the Htato of
Nebraska, relating to Increase In num
ber of supreme mid district rourt
Up It resolved and enacted by Hip Leg
Ulatui of the Htato of Nebraska:
fieotlon 1, Thai section elien HI) of ar
ticle) six (6) or the Constitution or Hie Htato
of Nebrmku be amended to read as fol
lows: Bectlon 11. The legislature, whenevertwo
thirds of the iii'-iubcis ilected to cath
house, shrill concur therein, mny, In or
after the ypur unci thousand idtjht hun
dred and ninety-seven and not oftener
tnan once In every four years, Increase
th? number of JikIkps of suprems and ill
trlct courts, and the judicial districts of
the stnte. Such districts shall be f mined
of compact terrltor), uud bounded by
county llnus und such Inerpiise, or uny
rhanicii in the bnimilnrles nf .i dUtrtfC
shsll nut vnciite the ofllce of unj JudK
Appr0t-d laich SO, A U. Irtt)
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section blx (C) of article one (1)
of tho Constitution of the Stato of Np
braakn, relating to trial by Jury.
lis It reiolvcd und en'icted by the Leg
islature of the Stata of Nebraska:
Soptlun I. Thut section fix (Q, article
on (V o' 'ha CoaalUutlun uf the Stuta of
-awSWWTatsr" . . '"TJa;..'aaaMVi-JilftL),v,. --,'ijr)Ng:"
Nehriskn t)P nniPtiilPd to rrnd Si follows
HcHon 6. The right of liv Jury shall
tiin.iln liiihlnte, tuit the li iMnluto mm
provide that lu i lilt sctlnlis (Ho sixths of
lln Jurv liln lender n vrtdlel, nnd the
Irrlslatiiro 'liny alo nuthoilro trial by ii
lurv of n h" nii'ulief than tweho mull,
lu courts liifi-llur to the dlHtllel I'olirt
Aipioii ::. a. t). li.o.
A Joint resolution propositi;: to
Atiti'iiil Hcctlon otic (I) of nrtlclc live (.")
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to olllccrs of tho I'xcctitho depatt
ltiettt. lie It rpol ed mill Pinti'ted by the Leg
llutiire of tho Slnlc of Nehrnskii
Seeltotl t Thnt koi Hon ouo (I) of nr
tl.lo llo (M of tho Coiidtllutlon of Hid
Slate of Nelifimkii he amended to tend an
Reel loll ..The osroutlip depni tmeiit r.linll
consist of k i;oeiuor, lieuleiiiiiit-giiv
I'liior, MM-tctai) of oliile. ninlltor of puh
lli nccniiuls, tieasiirer, tnipetltiteiiileut of
puhllc liiHtnii'tliiu, nttorney-ueneral, com
mlisioner of imlillc liirnlx and hiii-lliu;,
and th ten rniltoad coinmlsshinerv, cuch
of whom, except tin snld nillimiii com
lulssionetM, shall hold his iilllrr for n term
of two jciir-), from tin- nrst Thursday nf
ter tho flisi 'luesda. lu Juutini.i, lifter
his election, mid until hl'i mieeesior Is
ilected and iiiiilnlei Haeh r.illioad com
missioner li. ill hold his otllco fur u term
of three 5 eats, In .Innlm; on tho llrst
Tmifsilay nfl(r the Hint 1'iipM.i.v In Jniiii
iiry after his election, and until hH sue
epssor Is rleeted unit iplillllled . 1'rovlded,
howoier. Thnt at the III t ucral elec
tion held after tin adoption of this amend
tllellt llieti Hhall he eh Clod llliee r.'llll o.ul
commlssioiH m, inn. for the period of ouo
(ir, one for Hip peilod of two ciiim, nnd
one for tin peilod of thno jenrn. Tin i;o
ernor, seciPtaiy of stutc. auditor of puh
Ih in count!, und tieiiHiiter shall rcslilo at
the capital diulni their term of ofllce,
they uliall ke(ii I ho public Kcord, hooks
uud impels Hun iin.l sliull perform such
illlth'H lis lllliy hi leipilied by tnw,
AiloV(il .Match 3u, A. I. 1SW.
A Joint tcsoliitloti proposing to
nnii'tiil section twciity-lx (26) of nr
tlclc live (o) of the Constitution of tho
Stnto of Nebraska, limiting the num
ber of executive Mtitu ofllccta.
lln It resolved and enacted bv the Leg
islature of tho Stato of Nebl.isku:
Heetton I. That section ewenty-slr (2ii) of
nitlclo Iho CI) of tlio Conxtltutloii of tho
State of Nebraska bo amended to rend uh
Sictlou Ifi, No other executive stntp offi
cers except those tunned lu section olio (1)
of this nrtlclc shall In cieuted. ex
cept by in act of t lie legislature
which I roiicuried In by not less than
thiec-rourths or Iho uiembLi elected to
each hoiii! thereof,
rrovlded, Thnt uny oltlre created by un
net of the IcKtstuttim may bo ubollHhed by
tho IcKlxtaturc, iivo-tliitdH of Hip mem
bers elected to ouch hou(i thiieof con
ourrliiiT. Approicd Match 3a, A. P. VC
A Joint resolution proposing to
nmend section nine (0) of nrtlclc eight
(8) of tho Constitution of tho Stnto of
Nebraska, providing for the Investment
of thu permanent rdticntlonal funds of
the slate.
Ito It resolved mid emieteil by the Leg
islature or tho Stnto or Nohin.sku:
Section I. Thut section nine (lo of nrtlclc
eight () of tho ('institution or Hip Htnte
or Nebraska be turn. nihil to read us fol
low' Section P. All funds belonging tn Hip stntp
for P'luputmiml purposes, the Inteict uud
liii'Ome win n or only me tn lie used, li ill
be deemed 11111 Tiuuls hell by the stnte,
nnd tin l it" sliull s'lppl. alt lnes then
of that m.i lu mil maiim I in me. u that
the s.i'ne sh.ill 'eiimln fonicr luvlolati
and i.iuliii I'lHIu 0, uud "hill not bo In
vested or loiined eXiept oil t'llltul Sl.Tli
or hIii li- r-e-cui It !'. or iei;lleiei enuni.i
bond or leglstiriil s hool illflili-t boiuls
of till Hlnle, und such funds, with the
Interest und Income then of lire liPteby
fnli'iuuly pledgi d for the purposes for
which they nro grim I'd and set iipirl.
mid sh.lll lint bo ttnusfeired to uny other
timd for other ues,
I'loiidid, The boatd created by .section
I of this uittrle Is einpoivcrod to sell from
time to lime uny of the -.icurltles belong
Ili'T to tin ppiinalieiit school fund and In
vest the proci eds ui'Mnu theicfiom III nny
or tho securities eiimncliateil In llil.-e sec
tion healing u higher rate or Interest,
whenever mi npiiuitimlty fui lietter In
vestment Is presided.
And iioliled further. That whem any
warrant upon the state treasurer leg
uliirly Issued lii iiurMiaiicp of mi hpitojii i
iitlnn by Hie: leglsliiliiic nnd secured by Hie
levy or u tax ror its payment, sliull
lie pieseutid tn tho utiito tiea.siitrr ror
pu incut, and there shall nut bo uny
money In tho piopir fund to pay such
tvaiiiilil, tho boiird created by section t
ot this article may dliect the ft lie Ileus,
urer to pay the amount dun nu such war
rant Horn moneys lu IiIh hand belonging
to 111" perm iliiiil school fund of the Mule,
uud ho shall huh! .ild w.iriaiit us un in
vestiui lit or suld peiui.inent .school fund,
Apptoved Mutch ;i', A. V 1:C
A Joint icfolutlon proposliig nn
amendment to the Constitution of the
Stnto of Nebraska by milling u new'
section to article twelve (ll1) of snld
constitution to lie numbered section
two (!.') relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the tiietto
pnlltnn rd.iHM nnd the government of
tho counties whetcln Hitch cities nre
Ito It n solved and enacted by tlio Leg
islature ot thn Stnto of .Wbinsku.
Section 1. That article tweh (t: nf the
Constitution of thu Hllito or Nebraska be
amended by adding tn Kitd article u nc'
section to be iiiimbe r d sit lion two C)
to lead ns follows.
Section 2. Tho govcrntnint of any city of
thn metropolitan class and the gov
ernment of tho count v In which
It Is loeutid may be inrtged wholly
nr lu part wlici. a proposition ho to do has
bee'ii submitted by uulliorlt) of law to thu
voters or such city nnd county and re
celled the assent of n majurity or tun
voles cast In such itty and alo i miilorlty
or tho votes cast In the county cxclti'lvc
or those cast In silih nu trojiolltati city
at such election.
Approved Mulch '., A. ! Ml.
A Joint resolution proposing nn
amendment to section Mx (C) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution ot the
Stato of Nebraska, prescribing the
nuinn-r In which votes shall be enst.
Ho It resolved und enacted bv thu Le-E
Isluture or the Stnto nf Nebraska:
Section I. That seetliin six (J) eif urttile
seveui I") of the Coiistltmluii or the Htato
or Nebiuska bo amended to rend us fol
lows. Seetlnn fi. All votes shall be by bnllot. or
such oilier method ns may be prtmrlbed
bv law. provided the secieey of voting bu
Apptoved March .?, A. D if!'!.
A Joint resolution proposing to
nmend section two (-) of nitlclo four
teen (14) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebrnskn, relative to dona
tions to works of Internal Improve
ment nnd manufactories.
Iio It resolved and ennrted by the TK
Islatliro of thei Ktutei of NeVaskn:
Section I That section two C of urtlcle
fourteen (H) of tlio C'ousllt.iHon of thn
Btnte of Ntbrufkn, be amended to read at
Bee. I. No city, .county, tov n, precincT,
munlclpullty, or cTUier tuWlvinifn at Uie
stntp, shall ever tn.nkp donattotia t ray
wick of lutet-i.nt ImpruvetiiPiit, or
ina-iiifiiuory, miles n iroiniru o to
do niiall lime been llrnt sillimlttPil to the
ilinllllid elector and ralllled by w tu
thlid vote st un election y nilthorltr of
In. I'lolldeil. Thai sueli il.-in.l'loni of i
lonnly ullh Hip diiunlloiis of suell uubdl
visions In the iiKKri'K'itc bull not exeepif
ten per colli of tin inn si. . I valuation ef
sneli iiiuiilj. t'rovidid fiirlher. I'hat uny
city or county mnj, l. n ilirec-fmllhn
olc, Itii'iiiise slab liiileliKdnois flvs ter
cent, In addition to sin It ten tier cent nnd
no bond or eildences of livlehlidne-'is f.j
IsiimI llllll be llllld Utiles the sumo slisll
havo elidoised tin reoti u ei rllllcate nnnt
by tho si'i'ietiiry und t ir of stnte,
showing that tho .s.itun Is Issued
to law.
Appruvrd March Z, A. I). lr?5.
I, J. A. Piper, r.eerotnry of state of
tho state of Nebrnskn, do hetehy oertlf."
that the foreglng. proponed ntnundrnenta
to the CotiHtltntlon of tho State of Ne
bruslm nre true nnd oorreot coplca ot
the original cut tilled and engrossed
bills, nu passed by tho Twenty-fourth
session of tho legislature, of tho KLitei
of Nebraska, ns npponrs from snltl
oilgltial blll3 on lllo lu this olllce-, antt
thnt nil and eneh of nuld proposed
aniendtticntH tiro siibtnltted tn the
(nullified voteru ot tho ntuto of Nt
britflka for their adoption or rejection
nt tho general election to bo hold on
Tuesday the 3d day of November, A.
1), 1811(5.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set tuy hand nnd nfllxcu the rea
seal of the state of Nebraska.
Done nt Lincoln thin 17th day a!
duly In the year of our Lord, One Thou
sand Hlght Hundred and Nlncty-SIx,
of thu Independence of tho Unlbrtl
States tho One Hundred and Twouty
I'Trsl, mid of this stnto the Thirtieth. ,
(Seal.) J. A. 1MP12R.
Secretary of Stata.
'.' L il.
Can reach Some of the aJJ
.. tho time; You
(leach All thn 1'co'ilo So mo of ikt
. . Titno lntt you can't
All the Timo
Ro fapcr Liie Your Home Pajcr.
esfc.laAi ,
o a
n y
i-1 II
ilj-Tj '
!2 -:
m . j B-l-
fifct" i HhrtTM rwfnn, n. y