The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 11, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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I what Biles JlooirnHartmpnrlllft ltd grcnt
popularity, Hb eonstnntly IncrcnsIuB
fftlcf, nnd onablcB It to accomplish Its
wonderful and unequalled curat. The
combination, proportion nnd proccHg
used In preparing Hood's Harriaparllla
aro unknown to other medicines, and
mako Hood's Harsaparllla
Peculiar to Itself
It curea nwldo range o( dlacaflea becauso
of ltdowcraB blood purifier. It acta
directly and positively upon the blood,
and the blood rcachea every nook and
corncrof tho human ayatcni. Thus all
the nerves, muscles, bonen and tissue
come under tho benoflcont Influence of
Tlio One True Mood Purifier. l per liottle.
. . rim cure Liver Ilia onsy to
nOOU S HillS lAko,casytooperto.2So.
Piibltilied Weekly.
fcrtbicrlplloM, Per Annum
Invariably ! A4ue
Kulered at tl e Post Offle In !Uw1 Cloud, Nnh.
umall matternf theimuid clan
A. 0. Hodman, Editor.
I.ahotTait. Ami local Kdltor.
Ropublican Convontion.
A republican convention for WebMcr county
In liereliy culled In meet at Hie court house In
lied t'loiid, Netiraaka, on Saturday, September
liitli. IMK), atll o'clock n.ui. for tliu iiurinn of
uoinliialltiKiiraudldato fur tliu alate leitlcliilure,
h randldato for county attorney, and for tlio
rliolroof OelrcatcM to tlio reputdlrati enmen
llotifnrtlieSiitli aetiatorlal dlnrlrt iiud to tlio
republlrnti rmivmillon fur tlio Mill IvKlalatltu
illKtrlct. ft In recommended that tlio dclcKatra
lo thin convention from tlio lt, :id,Mli, and Tlh
nupervlKor illxtrlitK uoinliinlo fiiuillilule for
Mipenlvir In tlielr ri'Kpecthe dlMrlc I. It Im ree
oniinrudrd that no prozlcN bo allowed.
An Invitation t I'xleliiieu to an itieiu vniern
wbodilretoiilllllatti with the republlrait parly
lo attend and imrilcli
I parilrliinto in mo ciuiciiu'k nun
lirlmarK'H in be brld under Hie all
Tlio atloulowiihhlpHanil wards are entitled
to rcprrrentatloii iih follow. tiiicl on tlioiolu
rait for lion. W. 1C. Andrew In t"l. allowliiK
omideleKnteforeneli ten olui and major mr
lieu thereof mi rani and one at larnu lor each
towiixlilpaiid ward,
tlultlu llurlt ir lied Cloud H
Heaver Creek 7 Matin j
Stillwater fi (llenwond H
OakCreok I Walnut Creek . I
(larllcld tl Inavalc .. .
I'.eaoaut I Mil H Catberlon r.
Klin Creek . . . Harmon)
I'miilnm Ited Clnnd Ift ward 111
l.lno .. C lied Cloud 2l ward 13
It ANIIOI I'll .Ml'NlTT,
T. c
llAI liKII,
A Lottor From St Pnul
Sr. I'AUl,, Minn, Sept., 7lh, MM! -To
Tin: Kiutoii On mr usiyto .St. I'uiil
wo nnivt'tl ut Omaha in tin morninu
Some of Mir purly went Mil to tin1
state (iilr hut wo look mi electric car
mill wont oul two mill" to visit Willis
Kulton. Wo foiiuil Hint lui wiis nt his
place of huslncn. We visited with
iMrs. Fulton it few hours thi'ii she ac
companied ns to Urn wholesale hard
warn Moid where Willis holds fotth.
Hi) showed us through thu building. 1
was surprised to linil .so ninny empty
.shelves. Ho says the cause of it is tlio
political nitualiou. Many of ilnir em
ployees have been discharged and they
nro only waiting for assured election of
MeKinley to fill up their stoie and give
work to many it poor man who needs
When wo .-tutted fiom Oiniiha nt II
o'clock Moniliiy night we fouuil the
cars very crowded, among tlnm,
besides, our lif.iiltiinrtt!i 's ear, was the
headquarter' ear of I'oloruili and
Wyoming. On the way of emit i the
"straw vote1' was taken. Col. Ludd
was very much troiililed with fear that
llryiiu would liavu Iheinajoiity under
Hid circumstances as they took tho vote
of the Colorado and Wyoming women,
and not of tho other .slates, and there
were nearly two ear loads of people
from those states, but I lie result was
:i5 majority for MeKiulej. On all
the other trains that we have heard of
tlio vote has been about "lit to 1" m
favor of MeKinley.
Tlio eity of St. Paul is verj brant i
f'llly ileeorated with Hags, bunting ami
electric lights, The soldiers and theit
wives have been aeeotileil :i very cor
iliul welcome anil haVo much enjoyed
thoir visit here. The parade wa.s some
thing worth seeing Illinois took the
lead ami Miune.sotii brought up in the
rear. 1'uuiisylvuniu was led by the
Eeunoiny Intid with .lolin liuss, mi old
resident of Webster eotinty, at the
Imad Xeliraskn's ilulegation was not
vn larue lntltiie inadf up that ile-
lleloin'N in eillllllMtisl:). Thric W n Ui'l I
it llryun man iituoiif;sl thein. J'hoyj
were icadt to help the t-preta n in
chueii foi McKlukw uiul tlio.i ucre
plenty iU ulong tho line.
Of cuurjiif you lir.vo licatt! befor. tins
'tmr that Xcluas-kiv carrioil oil tlm
honors. Ciarkntn of Oinutia wa9clret
I'll couinintiih'Pii. -thief of tlio ti A 11.
Mrs. IiUiliI aiei my.-ielf fittumleo the cou(uition pmt ( t1u liine.
Tlio piF.slilontV aildn-, i,n vciy good
Jiiul pniclleal inn! thci- was the til
iiosv htiriiiouy. Mi.-. l. gan ami her
tlxiigliti'i enme in ami belli madr
Imrt speeehes
spi'whi's They ur uvi im -
firm eiuhusiti'tn I'm l iiii'lii.
elided hei tpeerli Willi llu
"1 lltink 1 luie had u iluiililr Im'i m m
being Hie daughter of .luhn A '.,.,
umi Mui) Lugiin " Uitpi. Jack (Uuw
ford wiu with tho couiratlus liimriiij
gi ruling from tho U.. U.iiiiilnt the
oloso of Ills tiilk liu I'CL'lleil ono of III
llaieet pm ins which was very appro
mlate. 'lhe national piesiilunl was
elected while we were then. She is
Mrs Agnes Hill, of Indiana. I want
ed to go on the excursion given to tho
delegates and their wives Iheiefoto we
u'fl before tlm other ollleurs wero elect
eil. Of lhe excursion and other mat
ters I will tell 3 mi in my next letter.
Ina I fount letter to luaiiufautiiiers
Mr W. F. Ik'iijamin, editor of tho
Spectator, Utiuhford, N. Y., says. "It
may bo a pleasure to you to know tho
high esteem in which Chamberlain's
meiliuiuu.s aro hold by tho people of
your own state, whore thoy must be
best An aunt of mine, who
resides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to
visit mi) u few ye.ii a since, nnd before
leaving home wrote me, asking if they
were sold here, stating if they were
not she would bring u quantity with
her, as she did not like lo bo without
them " Tho medicines refetted to aie
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous
for its cures of cold nnd croup; Cham
berlain's Fain Halm for rheumatism,
Intno back, pains in the side and chest,
and Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd
Diairhtea Uetneily for bowel com
plaints. These medicines have been
in constant use in Iowa for almost n
ipmrtor of n century. Tho people have
learned that they are articles of great
worth and merit, nnd tinequaledby any
other. They are for sale here by Deyo
& (irice.
Mils. K. H. Kniiiiit.
"(iood Citizenship" will bo tho sub
ject treated next Sabbath morning.
The subject for evening will be "The
coming conference year and our duty
as christians to Clnisl's kingdom."
Kvery voter not attending divlno
services elsewhere cordially invited.
If the hrctheru were as falthltil to
attend chinch as the sisters all tho
hours of worship would he thronged.
ItltuiimiitlMii :urcl In n uy.
"MYSTIC CUHK" for Ilhemnntiam
nnd Neuralgia radically ourea in 1 to .1
days. It notion upon tlm system is ro
nnrki bio nud inynterloiiH. It rotnoyea
nt once tliu cutiau nnd tho dlseii'i) immed
iately illKnpjienra. Tlm flrat doK greatly
buuitUri. L' cunta. Hold by II, K. Urioe
druggist, lied Cloud.
Flout ConvonUon.
The topublicau float representative
convontion of the -10th district com
posed of Adams and Webster counties
will meet at lllue Hill on Saturday,
Sept., Ulith, 1-SiHJ, at 11 a in., for tho
purpose of nominating a candidate for
float lepiosentntivc from such district
and the transaction of mu-Ii other busi
ness as may come before it. Adams
county will be entitled to 17 delegates
and Webstei county 11 delegates in
such convention.
II. M. llAti., .I.S. Winn:.
Secretary. Chaitinau.
Iiilliimmiilory It luminal lainCiiro
cil In :i DnyN.
Morton U. Kill, of I.obuuon, Intl., suvh:
"Mj urifii had Ititlaiuiuatory Itliuumatium
In ever) inimele and joint, her HnfTerliijf
wi.h turrilile uiul her body it ml lltoi wuio
awnlli-n itliuortt bijoiid rerogultlon; had
been in bid fur in weihs nuil hud eight
plnsieiuus bill rrcrlved no bhliellt. until
she tried tlm MYSTIC CUttK FOR
UIIi:UMATlS)1. It ar iinmediate ro
lief and ahu was able to walk about in
three ilnyn. I am stirr U saved her life."
Hold by II. i:. Orion drtniirHt, lied (Jloud.
statp: crkek
Mr. Win Haskiiis ami Ms Molllo
Stevens were rrceuily inairied.
On last Wedne-dii. at the residence
of the br'n'.e'o fat uer, (ien. . Mount ford,
Mr linn H. (Jiewell and Miss Mary
Motintford were inairinl bj Uev.
lilackwellof Urd Cnniil
Mt, Hope school will commence next
Monday for a seven mouths term to be
taught by (Sen. Kmuis of Oayloul
Bottled Up!
Whether iu the form of pill powder
or liquid, the doctor's! prescription for
blood diseases is always the .snine
mercury or potash. These drugs bottle
up and poison nnd dry it up m tin
system, but they also dry up the mnt.ow
iu the bones nt the same time.
The suppleness and elasticity of the
joints give way ton stiffness, the rack
ing pains of rheumatism. The form
graiiuaiiy Delias, me Doucs nchc, while
decrepitude nud helplessness prema
turely take possession of the body, and
it is but a abort step to a pair of
crutches. Then comes falling of
the hair ami decay of the bones, a con
dition truly horrible.
Contain'otis Mood
Poison the curse
of mankinil U the
ttlfiol 1t-ft1a. Maf nil '
diseases, uud basal
1WJV UUiltUli; Jl Ult
wayo baffled the
doctors. Their pot
as It aud mercury
bottlenpthe poison,
hnl it always breakH
forth again attack
ilig tome delicate
organ, frequently
the mouth and
throat, filling them
witn eating ore-.
S.S.S., is the only
known cure for Uih
disease. It is guar
aulecil purely vey,e
I table, and on thouhanil dollars rewarti
i offered for t.rwf t tlie
neur tails t. euri i. .nil leious iiinou
l'oison, Scrolo' ICi .iiii Uheum.itiMU,
Cancer, or .'i "t' liitase of the
Muoil. If ou hii i blood disease,
take n ronudy v.lm '; . ill not injure you.
llewnic of im-rcuvy: don't do violence
, to our sjHtciu. Don t get bottled up 1
books scut uec to any nuuresb.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Gj,
KaaEaak.iaaD' aaUH !H
C'lris. Ai buckles has just finished up
the In si stout wall cave on the en ek
with arch over head.
Mt Hope ilistt let has lecenlly n
paiieduml painted the school house to
the amount of seveial dollars.
Sunday school every Sunday at Mt
Hope nt 10 a.m., held by Supt. Daniel
(iiewull. l'reaehiiig every two weeks
by the regular uastor Nov. Welt., at
early lamp lighting,
Miss Kmma and U..iu Harretl of
Ited Cloud attended the (Jrowull
Motintfoid wedding last Wednesday.
Mrs. Jessa Snpp of near Cora was
visiting with relatives on the creek
last week.
Uev. Stonos of Lebanon, and for
merly of parts, is iu poor health
nt present.
Mrs. Clark Stevens' sister of Indiana
will be out here on n visit soon.
ItcKKi' Tr7Uul Oil
The only liniment ou tho mnrket to
day that tins n positivo gunrnutcu to do
nil tho Inbol calls for. Its great strength
nnd wonderful curntivo powera nru purti
cuJnrly iiotloeablo in deep seated dla
ensea, nnoh nB llheumatlam, Neuralgia,
eto. .'), L. Cottlng kvopa It.
Miss Dora Ward is attending busi
ness college at Hastings.
Whon wear begins to exceed repnir
in your body you are going to fall sick.
Tho signs of it are; loss of llesh, pnlc
ness, weakness, nervousness, etc. Tho
repair needed is food. You think you
ent enough, nud yet you feel that you
wear out mom tissue, energy, nerve
force, than your food makes for you.
The dilliculty is that you do not digest
enough. And this is so serious it is
worth sitting down seiiously to think
about. If you can't digest what, you
eat, lake a few doses of Shnker Diges
tive Cordial. Tho effect of It will bo
to increase your tlesh and make you
feel stronger. You won't fall sick,
l'roof that it is in control of your re
pair upimrattis. It's eay enough to
test this for yotii self. Tako a few bot
tles of Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Sold by druggists at 10 cents tw "M 00
per bottle.
'Feller down our way," said tho far
mer man, "is so dead sure that Hryan
is going to get thei o that he took a hun
dred silver dollars he had htiiied in an
old can an' melted 'em into a lump o'
"What did ho do that forV" asked
the city merchant.
"What did he do that for'" W'y.
so's he could make 917 coinin' 'cm
ovci again." lndinapolis.Iournal.
Heygh' acriimn Sulvc.
Tho Perfect Ointment. Cures whoto
all others fall. Its extraordinary cura
tive power has beon proved in tho thoiia
imds of cases of piles, for which wo hold
testimonials, Your putmlnr druggist C.
Ij. Cutting sella it.
Miss Clara Kellogg has gono to Hast
ings where she will attend business
Tliu Mlllc UIhiiIn Arc Here
and enme to slay. C. L. Cutting, your
popular drugging has just received n new
supply. Thoy are the ouly guaranteed
pill on the market. He euro you get
Heggs' Little Uiuntw. Ask for snmplu.
Heib Ludlow of Chicago is in the
From all accounts Chamberlain's
Cough Kemedy is u CotUonil lo the
nlllieteil. There is no ailvettiseinent
about this; we feel just like saying it.
fill . mm
i ne Democrat, uarroiiioii, Ky. nr
sale by Deyo tX: (Srice.
Haudolph McNitt spoke iu Guide
lloek on TIiiiimIiij evening.
Sciiltlu IKIiviitiiiillsm I'urud.
li. Wagner, Wholesale Druggist, Hioh
mond, Vn., says: "I Imd a fearful nttael;
m Sciatic Hheumatliain, wna bud up nl
most tuo nidiiiliH, was forluuntu enough
to ot MYSI1C UUH1-: I'OK HlllHIMA
'I ISM. 'I his iiv.rod iijh nfir iIdc'ii-'j pre-i-criptioiH
had fatltd rn have nn tifToct.
.Sold l II, K. (Irioo ilruggis , 1, d Cloud
We an- indebted to .Julian Supp for
"nine hue peaehe-.
Dliirrlieu ami Pjaunlury
at diiunroua, and jou ahonld not bo
without a bottle of Hea' Diarrhea
lliilrfiun iu the linusu at thin Benson of
the year, iu it relievo at once. No bad
reaulta follow. Sold by O. L. Cottlng.
List of letters remaining iinciille(l for
at tho pot ollice at Heil Cloud, Neb
raska, for tlio wool; ending September
lOih, 181115.
Kroner, Minn Diekerson, Mrs, P. A.
Kuekner, A. K. Smith, Cora McCollon
'I'hcso letters will he sent to tho ilcad
letter odlce, Supt. '.Mth, if noteallod tor
before 1'iiank V. Cowdi.'n-, V. U.
Ocgg' Dliirrtiou nnUaHt
positively nan bo equal in diarrhea, dys
eulery aud iDllaaiatioa of the bowelt. It
relleTe qaiokly, and belii pnrely Teflo
table, no bad rtttulta foUow. Yon cannot
afford to be without It at thla Mason of
the year. Sold by C. U. CottinH.
Den I5et of Otfoid waa hero tiiis
Tho Bicyolo Cotitust
Tlu.uill be the last of the pa
per in which tin' hli'vrli- voting con-
is t f,!l ,'iipon wi 1 appeal and
It 'i lnii il:i e innn S"pitiuli'
uiul mi ue.t
i i:ili, ut
oj-ti i Upi'l gli'll li tin' Ited
( liunl lui- D.-p'ii inifiii in t'ii north
ll Hill III I III' .M"Hll IllHl'k till- A,ll(l will
lr .lutitdi d tn tin ladj . 1 1 1 iing tho
lii't itt" up lo tin' tiuii' nt cln-iing.
Votes will hit rueoivuii at thi- ollico up
lot! o'clock p.m., of that day. After
:TlioiS(i(is of Womeni
surrr.K untold ahsuriks.
B; Arousing to Health Action all her Organt.5
It causes health to bloom, nnd)
joy to reign throughout the frame.
:.,. It Never Fails to Retaliate ...
"Mr wife has been umlor treatment or leatl-i
Ins iiiiymcmiis turee jronrn, wuiiuiitu
Afloriinlnu thron linttlcn (if 1IHADKI
'KKMA1.K ItKllUIiATMl nil can do ber on n:
' couklng, mllkliiK nmi whsiuii."
' n.n. mil An.iienavraQn, aim.
nUADHEM) IlKdl'MTOH CO., Atlanta, (Ja.
Bell by drutgliU at fl.OOp.rbottla.
that hour the record hook and bicycle
will be turned over to the Fire Depart
ment and thoy will continue tho sale of
votes at their supper heforo mentioned.
Th program iu regard to the exact
time of closing has been changed and
this will be entirely in the hands of the
Fire Department who will give duo
notice of the hour before the liunl
wiuiltip. Tho free veto coupon should
bo sent to this oflieo or presented to
tho ones having tho contest incliaige
on the last evening. Tho male qunrtet
will bo in attendance at the supper
and entertain those present with some
good singing. Remember that half of
the proceeds of this contest will be do
nated to tlm lire boys for tho purchase
of needed fire apparatus and that you
get a subscription to tho paper for tha
amount of money that you expend in
buying votos
The vote up to dale is as follows:
Kmma I'olnlcky, lied rlouil . 181
Oraco Tort, lied Cloud 276
.Mrs. T. (.'. Hacker i
IvaSkcllon, tlluc Hill Lit
ited f limit 20
Irene Miner Ileal cton.l . . . . i.1)
Mm. Nellie Kineli. Itut cloud -Jo
Mjrlle JuiteN liulde Hock 15
Tllla .McClelland lied Cloud 13
.MatiloTlioruc, lllmleii 10
ltella Able, lied Cloud iu
.Maud KnlKlit, Itumtlu 10
.leaiiette 1)1 1 ley, Ited Cloud 10
Total - Kill
llrliiKorscud tlili Coupon aeenmpniileil
liy fl.imtn llilt ollnu nuil you will reielve f
uie iiiier mr uue lear nun ne eiiiiucii in
etist ao ,itet In the l(m Mejele voIIiiri'oii
lest for the ino-t uulur lady In WcliMcr
roiiiil. I tiuUM oles for
Jtkn voti: (oii'on.
t llrlni: or eud till Coupon iireoniauleil
li) fi ) (fills lo llil-ollm- iuhI you vs 111 rcieiie
the iiier forslx MdiiIIih nuil lie eiilltted to
cuit III Mild Iu the f oo lilcvclo Millni; con-
tet for the mot iopiilur Imly Iu Wehkler
county, j cni hi Mites for
In the bicycle contest I
Ic.rstONE VOTE for
Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Without l'lates.
Ami all tho latcn Improvement la dental roccli
A Pliyalclan Prescribes Dr. Allies'
Restorative Nervine.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Iiul.i
MydauclitcrM.itllii, twed II, was afllleted
last sprlii!; ulili Pi. Vitus ilmuio and nur-vimsuc--;.
her entlio rUlit slilo ias numb
uiul nearly paralyred. Wo ronsuHuil a phy-
... WiJi.TgyfM 77:. j-V .c
'- - .vVi
slclau aud ho priMviibed Dr. Miles' Restoro
tWoNonrlno. Bhu tuoV thrisiliottle.s before
wo war any certalu Btsw of IrtiproToment,
but after that tttiu U'Koa to lmproyu veiy
fust and I iioit thluk slio Is outlrelycurxxl.
Sho has taken nlno tmttlm of tho Nervine,
but no other ruedlvloo ot any kind.
Knox, Intl., Jau. fs ':. II. W HosTKrreri.
Physicians pru.wroo lit Miles' ItemcdU's
becnuso they tiro Uiu.wn to bo tho rosultof
tlm Idiik practlen nnd ovarii nco of one of
IIIU I'llKllll-Ml, IJll'IUIHIITI 111 IllVil llllllicmiliu,
mm 'ire careiully couiiniunuoii ny p.Nperi
cnoi ili'lunul.t i in , x n t jii-i'ordiini'o with Or
Mllo' jiri..-rliitiiiii . .u- ii mhUpr.urtli'o.
On wile in nil imu-vhu. Write fur Ir.
Mlliti' Hiwl: on thi lli-nrt and Nervi. Dr.
Miles Mi (Ileal Ui., l.ll.lart, fud.
l)r. Miles' Ueiaedics Ucstoro ileaiiii.
aVaaaaaaaaaaaaawWaA tfH
mmmWW.MVmmm ,if.
"We have
Part of Oar Fall Stoek
And can give you some
Very Gboiee
Our Stock of
Will be on hand
Hats and Caps, Boots ami Shoes Queensware
Call and See Us.
Staple and Faney Gfoeeries.
Humboldt, Mtunesota and Amboy Flour
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees.
These People
Finest Stock
Hi'sidi's a loiupli'tt' stock of
"Call and See Us
". r.
Special - Fair - Week - Prices. $
Ou otu lino of Clocks. We will inakft those nrices &5
lvom Sept. Itlx to lTtli. P
One duy. fiolid Oak oi Walnut Case?, Horn- Strike, special uric. &
.IW regular price, 53.00. V ' M
OiicD.iy,-fii)Ild Oak or Walnut ni'inn If.! jn.
..,.w.,.. ,-.., w. . ,, . .uiui i, iv.i.7, vi.vir,
Eithl Day. Solid Oak or Walnut Cases, Strike Hour and Halves,
special price, VI.'.i.'j i cgulur 1'rico, MM.
Eight Day. Solid O.ik or Walnut Cus, Striko Hour nnd Half
1 Iftlir n tif) A luf-in . tnniiifil iit-ti..i ,ltii iminl.n in.:..A k in
.' ,in cluraliU.', wi
viuiKn. v m iniiiiuiii.ii .mil llUllll. I. lUMJ) HI
rcniihu' prirc-'s, lnu cM'cptional valtii's nt our
cut rail's.
lleadiiuarlers foi Kino lloputi
- r. ;
the first week of
of XVall Paper
nt gieatly red need prices
When You Come to the Fair.
Ca?cs, Hour Strike and Alarm.
rnnl.K. t.lni, e.i nil ' TJV.
- 11 linislu'd, tinir-kcmiinir 'r
Jewelers and Opticians,
injf and hpeetaclog
j&if i"T"