m THE RW CLOUD (JU1EE, JflllUAX, SErT.il, 189(5. 'At' i - i ! i k PAliMKRAXnmVKXKK PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEES ON INDIANAPOLIS TICKET. Palmer 1'iircul li Accept l)i'Mllc HI lri-lnl-1liii I'lniriirm lr litres fur III" Onlil Sliuiilitnl mid .giilnl free Mlwr Tlte Chicago Contention lli-noiliitcd, Inihas'APoI is. lnil., Sept. 3 United States Senator John M. I'aliiicr of Il linois wus nominated for the presi dency hy the national orgold standard Democratic convention on tlic first ballot tills afternoon, despite Ids o- EKNATOH PALMKIt, ILLINOIS, pen ted and positive refusal to ullow his nnnio to bo presented. The vote atood: l'almur, ".vr; Bragg, 124'f. For vlco president, (iencrul llucluicr was nominated by acclamation. Tho convention closed its work nniid tho wildcat enthusiasm. THE PLATFORM. Declare fur the Uold M-snihint ami ArhIusI Tree Colnago of Silver. Indiana roi.iB, lnd. Sept. :i. Tho platform agreed upon by the resolu tions committee after an all night session of tho subcommittee and an 11 morning debate by tliu full com mittee la an follows: "Tbl covoiition bas na-emtlrd In uphold the ftrlnelplea upon which dcp"tid tln honor mul welfare of tlio Atn-r.rrm people in ordci that Democrats throughout tlm union may iniltn tbtlr patriotic nfTnrU to nvert ilisaatcr tram their country nnd ruin from their put) I "The Dcruocrntia iwity is pledged tn equal ad exact Jmtico to all mr-ii ot uvcrj creed mul condition: to tr,o lurco t froedom of th hull vldnal conslitt-nt with good enrninm nt to the preiervatlon of the federal Koieritmnut In Itacenatltull'innl v.-or nml 1 1 tlm aiiirt of theetntaa in all tholr Just rights, to economy a the pnbllo oxpcii Mures, to Ihomninleuaiico of the public faith nml sound money , mi I it is oppose I to pnteninliHii mil nllcliiti leulalri llon. rnirAoo roNviXTiov. "The declaration of the I Id him convent ion attack intlif lilual freedom tlio iIkM of iv,iti. cootrnct, tlio In Ir-pnitdenen of tlm julli-l'ity. and Ilia authority of the I'r'-ldcnt to eofou-p I Mitral lawi. They ml? o-nlo .1 H-cUe.v ntlompl t Increase t'ir. prlcoof silver by legislation o thad.busement of our inouetai) slnndnid nod tbranlen uullmito 1 lsuoi of pnper money by the government Ibry nliindon fur Ifepnh'ic an alliiu the Pcmocrntlc eauo of lurid irform l court tlio fnvnr of piotn tioiMi to iM &Ms& C TV 'a J sXfrHrJ'JZ sJM&k r- iuiii" ji . limine Mwxmmm aisys hm&jmw? vZs0l' OOI.U AND Mt.VI.lt. "The p-xperloneenf minMnd Ins s'inwn tha, liy rjrison of their ii.iliifil fpinlltlei, ko il Is tlio iise.',-irr mn-isy of tin hitaii nffaiisot euinmeici a -d liiialttpsi. uh In dmr lann irtilcnllv ailnplpd to minor trnnvtntlon, mid tho moil Innnllol d 110 of bolh loirettirr can bo liiiirpi( mil by tlm mlofitlon of tlm fottmr ni n s'nnilanl of inmirtaiy ni'iiiiiroi nml tho insinlonaiicniif ilicr at n pnitr with uolil lif ll limited coltmuii under atich aifmsmr Is of Ihvt 'llins Is tlm Urct polbln rii'iiyirieiit of IkiIIi met lis if ilrioil willi tlm villus tuilvcr r.ulr nrrcptiid lliioiulmut tlio world, whirli coiHtltiitp Ilia only pr.i-tlc I cuircnjy ni urlritf thj mixt itabln Ktundird mul oip" clnlly tlm lx't nml n.i'rst monnr for nil U'liocnrn n liri'llhood by Inbor or tho pmliico of ImOifimlry 'I hoy eumot suirnr w.ii-n pill in tin brat monnr known to insn but n Hi tin) tiecullfir and most dfuuapsi victim of n t j lis.nil and llnctiintiiw ciirronrv, wlilrli offnra coulinimd prolltt Inthn inonay clmneor nt their co.t, Itnliilnir then Iriilln, lintnomtrnlpd by lotiKimblh incnnviMiln'n snd loi, tlm Demo cratic irty In tlio ititormti ot tho mnss'S nnd of pqiini jii.tli'i to nil, p-ncti."idly onlnblished by tlio Icrfhlntioti of Kit mil is :l tlm K'dd itslidarlot moietir iiinnsiirrni"nl nmllikn. ! pntlrcW dlforced tlm (joTcnimoiit from bunUiiK nnd runn icy iu-s To lliis lunit tnblltliud Demo'rntis policy vtn ndhsro .mil in lUI upon tlm rniliilotinurn of (lis inl I rtnnd mil nml of th 1 vniili thomwitli of otnry dollnr lisnotl tiy tho itoiormmvit, nml ii urn llriuly optoiil to tlm ftm nml iinllmitnl lolnnnoof Mlirr nnd to tlio compulio y inticli'iS) ot alitor bullion. fTiuir.M-v nnroiiM. "Hut we ilptintiiirn 11N0 tlm further innlnlcn n net of tho prewnt co.llv imtcliwork of nu tionnl I'. 1 11"' ciuniiiy iiacoiMtiitit aourco of in Jury nml peril Wo mvitt tho nn-csnt of .nrli InlelllKi'tit currency nifneni. in "III ronllun tba r itninmiMit to itn Incltlmstn functions com liloti.lv M'pnrn'i'il fiom tlm Imiilnrf tuisirio'S nod nlTonl to nil fra'lliiii' of our country 11 tiul fotm nfit nml elnhtlo b.iuk curroiicy iiudor Kovcriiioeiit riipnrtiiion. iiimsiiii'iI in luliimu by tlm nocd.iit bnalii'-st. I'llt'.SlDK.Nf CI.KVi:i AMI. "'Hip pMrint am, tldellly nnd conriKt Tilth which Premlent CIptuI.iiiI bib fullllled lilt stent public trust, tho IiIkIi riimvctcr of lilt ndinlnllttalon. iti wimlom nnd omrjy In tlio initlnteiiniico of clril or lor anil tlicenftirro tnont of I tin lr, Its eiiil ro.-jnl for tha nshts of eryclss nnd nory eoction, ii firm nud illmilflxd coiidiict of foriiRD nfl.iirs nn 1 Its tiinty perais oncH lu upholdlim the credit nnd honor of thn nation uto ftihy lecoirnltpd by llin Democrntln party nml will aeciint him a placo In htatoty boaiilo tho father of tho to publla "Wo !' cominend th ndiniulit-.stlon for tlm Kient proiiien tiiniln in the r'forin of tlm public aeiTicn and wn Indoran iti offortt to nx tnuil thn merit "tatem tlll further Wn de. tnuiid th.st 110 bn'kwittd stop ha tnksu but thut tha telorm iio auppurtod ami ndr.tucod until tm uuilsmocrittlc piilt )tcm ot oi tHilntmunt ilisll lis nr ulicate.l. "Wniliimind strict economy in tha appropri Htiniis Mod lu tho ailinluiitiuttMn of thu cot crument. Wn favor nrbitratiou for the iittlcmant of iiilernatlouiil dliu-i. "Wo f.or 11 llbcritl policy of pnuaitiia to do aetvinir toUllt-ts and taltora of tho Uuitud btuti- inr. 5i'riirMi: ruttiir. ' tha Suprt'iiip court of tho Uuiteit Ststea V.11. wixdv I'.lnlillslieil tir the fr.sinpr of our roastiltiliou Ha 01m of tha three, co otiliiinlit limnetic of ihnKove'iiiuetit. It imtepemteiicn nml nutliorit) to inloiprnt the l.iw of tin Innd Itliimt bur or fnor mu.t be in.siiit.ilimd. Weeomlemn nil olfotta In ihtfnmo tlm trlbiin.il or Impair th' confidence .111 1 reaped which it hiiMle-ertciill) IihiI. 'the Dmnoviiilic pirty ovsr bin mitliitnim-d nml over will mnintain thn aupromicv of l.iw, tlm liidopen. deuce of Ita imliciul iidmlsitmlioii. tha iiivlulnbillty of contni't nud thn obliK.v tlnns of nil kooiI citimtin to rihiit every llloc.-i. trust. 1 oiiiblnsllou nnd ntlpiiit nnlinl tlm ut ritflili of properlj nut tli.1 Rood onler ot lo.'lelr. lu uhuti nrobotinit up U111 p.'.ico nud h.ipplu si of our :opii, 'lldintinu theM pruiciplet (oho cMMitinl to Urn ui'll hi'lncof tin lopublic, woaiibmit thciii to 1 lie coniilirlioii of tlm Ainerlciii p'oplo." 'I'lie platform was adopted without dissent amid prolonged cheers. SECOND DAY. -Shut Of I 01 IMANA, fl.lt-CUAIUMA.N. OH !l If 1VT VII I Vv it i 10 m (ENATOlt OAKrltK XANKNT tlielr fjacnl heresy. In view of. tlicae nnd oilier urnvo ilrparturra fitiin Democrnlio principle, wj cinnut mpimrt tlm r.m dlditn of that convention nor bo boiiiid br lUactn Tlio Democinlio pnvty lias survived many defeats, butcoul I noi urvivc n viclor.i won in tehalf of tho tloctriue mid rolic pio clalmed In Ita natno nt t hicngo 'I'be condi llont huwKvor. wldib msku pottlbls audi lit- irrancci for a natioiisl contention mo tho ctlrrrt raiult of claai Iciii'lnlloii liy the Itppub tlonn pnrty, ltitlll proclaim ns It has for )aar tho owr and duty of KOiernment to lalae and mntntalQ price, br Inw, and it pro. poarauo romedy for ciiatlnn ovil m'npt op iireailvo nud unjutt loiation, 'I ha National )etnoraor here convvn'd thorcfot tonewa ita declat.itloo of a filth in Democratic priuci. plot, capiclally ai applicable to lliv riuiditloiia af llio timos T1I1TI0K inn TsRivr. Taxation, LirifT, oirUo or direct, la rlslit folly I npoied only for public pnrpntea nud not forprlvati ijaln Ita amount is luitly mens. urJ by publioexpniidltuies, which aliould bn tlmlterl by acrupuloil-economy. 'I lie autn da rived by th treasury from tin UT and eiciro levies It affecled b tha itnle of trade en I of toniumptlim Thv amnnnt required by the Ireaaaryla datermiu-d by thn appropriatinnv roa-la by Conr.re The demand of the RepuU (taan party for an Inrreaae In the tnrltttax bat lUpnitexIn tha deftrlonry ot revenue which baa ttacauae In the stagnation of trade nud lednred eomnmptlon. due einlr.lr to tin loia pfeonfldanc that bnt fulloned the Topoliat threat of free coinage and depreciation of onr mossy and Ibe Republican poetic of eitrnva ffantapproprlalio'jf beyond thence la ot cood government. "Wa arralin and eoudemn the ropnliatic rentontluntof Chimin and 8L IajuIi for their lo-opepition with tlia Hepubllran party, In- araulnc theie coiidltioni, whUU nro pieaueii In juillflcatlon of a heavy increna 10 the bur. deni of the people nnd a further rei.irt to pro taotlou. We, therefore deaounca prutectbin ani ItJially, freacolnnBOof silver, at arberoev for tas pnoual profit of a few at tho eipruto of tha many, andoppatn the twi pirtlc which atnnd for thenoaeliomoa athoitilo lolhe people lif tba republic, whose food nnd tlnltor, com fort and property aro atUckrd by higher tinea and dapreclateil money. In fine, wo reaffirm tha historic Democratic doctrine ot tarltf for ravenusonly AMKHICAX SlUri'lNO. "We demand that henceforth modem and llbual poll ilea toward American (hipping take tho pl.ico ot our iniltmien or inn I, nil reatrirtaitatatutos or t 10 el.'htnruth oenturr, I.Im I. ... Illi.Hlll.H.il I. A It .... I.I .n w.iti.. nrt . u,Fnitui,t7. .ui i.iiiiiitnm . power but the Unite 1 Mites, and which, to tho ' cation's liumlliittlon, hao driven Amencaii capital t thn i;m of a ioi Hags and alien I jv received crews, 11.1TO inane mo nmrs nnu oiripvs an "linn licoriTn alm(Mir llnklirmn Ainlt'em In fnrnlyn rnnntrfn. . .. .' .. . " Cud lino ulmuit rxtlnEuJshd tho rncu of, Ainericnri aoauion Wo oppoto tin protensn thiit iliirrluiliiating dutloi will promotoMil ping nnd tlmt achoiiui is nn invitation to com morciil wiitfarj upjn tlm t'nlted H'.ntct vp American In tho light of our urn it rornmnniUl treatici, ofterin t noijaln wlutaver to Amcrlcur snipping, wbile cnatly lunonlnr. uca. frelghti onoar agricultural and uianufjctcttd tirodocta. llrei kluiiil:e Mlia tlm Cniivcntion (lut of tlio Itliiss Mrrlln;. Imiiasaimii.is, lnd, Sept. 5. A thunder storm with heavy rain passed uver tli-. oily this morninp;, but did not dampen the ardor of the dele gates. Tho topic uppermost In tho minds of visitors and delegates was tho nominee. It was conceded that Illicit ner's nomination for Vice Presi dent was a certainty nnd the .specula lion concerned tlio selection of the candidate of those who did not belle vo tlrneral I tragi; was the strongest man who could he named. Thu iiuwh of I'tesidenl Cleveland s telegram to tho idiaitmatt of the New York delegation declining to permit tho tiso of his mime was accepted by the convention us Una), Tho fact that Senator Pal mer had declined for personal reasons to allow his name to be used was not generally Known when ho appeared on the Ntage anil was eiiceren. l'enuanent Chairman CafTrey ap peared on the stage at exactly ll 11'clocU, the hour to which tho con vention udjouriipd. When licnerat ltiicldier of KcntuuWy entered, the delegates arose and gau him three I'livuri. Itv this time every seat In tho hall wits occupied and the galleries were crowded, fully 4,000 people being present. There was iiiurit pent-up entlniMasm, which found its escape valve in noisy demonstration at every opportunity presented. At tl-"S permanent Chairman Caff ery called the convention to order and there being no prayer, Informed the convention that tho coinmtlttce on tesolutlons was not rvady to roport nnd begged its patient indulgence for a few moments. Then eatno the Ureculnriilgeilenjon- titration, which ended In a speech bv htm in which he denounced lite Chica go platform and scored Mr. llryan, Mr. (irlfliin, chairman of tha New YorU delegation, attempted to read a resolution on tho coinage question, but it was referred to tha committee under tho rules without debate. Mr. OchsofTcnnencothen mounted a elialr and offered a resolution ex pressing the deep loss tho national Democracy felt at tho death of Massa chusetts' brilliant ex-governor, Will iam KttMrll. In closing ho referred to the spirit of i.ectionalism which had brooded over the Chicago conven tion, which had no place in a national Democratic convention. 1 he resolu tion was adopted by a rising rote, and Dr. Kvcretl of Massachusetts at the request of the Hay stato delega tion, took tho stage and responded feelingly in behalf of Massachusetts, to this tribute to her distinguished son. Mr. Savage of Kentucky rear! tho following telegram, which was warm- lohn Dcwltt Warner of Nenv York, a former member of Congress and a leader in tha liounil Money league, declared thai, although New Yoric Democrul.s wnro htrong partisans they did not bellnvti that party loyalty ic rpiitcd a man to bo 11 weather-cock to llnil out whern lie, was going; that although some New York Democrats believed It to be their duty to vote for MttKinley they wens not in tlm de'i.' gallon to this convention, nor in the masses which the delegation repre sented. Now York Democrats weio equally opposed to thn legitimate ro pu lillcanlsif found in thn Republican camp and I o bastard republicanism drawn traui thu Democracy. I'. W. Lehman, a portly, smooth faced Missourian, told the convention that Missouri stood or equal oppor tunities for ull and Hpcuhil privilege! to none fudge Moran of Illinois then movwl that tho convention Invito w. I), llyuiim of Indiana to address tho convention as hu had done more than tiny other to niiiliu it 11 success '1 he motion was adopted with n. whirl and Mr. Ilynum's appearand! on thn plat foi m was luccived will: prolonf-iF applause. MR- SEWALL GENEROUS. Tho Vice rrralileotUl Xonitiice.'s Letter to .Sir. llryan Matin I'tiblle. CtiiL'Atio, Sept, 3. Chairman Jones of the Democratic national committee has mado public a letter to William J. llryan from Arthur Suwall, appar ently dated July 2r, at which time the Populist convention was In ses sion. Tho letter, which is exciting a great deal of comment, reads us fol lows: "Hath, Mo., July-'.', lfiOtl. My dear Mr. llryan: lu view ot tho action of thu St, Louis convention to-day, I cannot refrain from giving you my thoughts on the situation. "My advices are that you have been nominated as a candidate for Presi dent und Mr. Watson for Vico Presi dent. I also learn through tho press dispatches that yon are somewhat un decided whether you ought to accept or decline. Now, I desire to say to you, with the utmost frankness ami good feeling that you must not allow any personal consideration for me to influence you in your action. "1 desire you will do just what you believe best for the success of the head of our ticket. The principles wo are fighting for aic so paramount to any personal considerations that the latter should not liavu any weight or inlluuncu whatever with your action. "I cannot for a moment allow my self to be a factor lu any action ou your part that would in tho slightckt degtcu ha.uid tin electoral vote for you With kind regards to Mrs. llryan, believe tue, y our sincere friend, "AKintit Skwai.I." The Democratic managers at head quarters insist tiial tin; letter had no I further higmlicancc than that Mr. It 1 y ti 11 would consent to receive a foiiual iiolilicaliou from the Populist party In the near future, and tlio pub lication was to foiest.tll falso rumors as to the altitude. of Mr. Sewall toward such a ceremony, .iccoiupanylng tho letter Is the fol lowing oflicial statement: "Several days ago Chairman Jones wrote a letter to Mr. .So wall stating to him that. many Democrats throughout the country, and especially ' throughout tlio West, were objecting to fusion with tlio Populists on electoral tickets, for the it-asnn that thev did not wish to be 1 disloyal to Mr. hewall. In reply to Chairman Joucs.Mr. Sewall forwarded the foregoing copy of a letter written to Mr. llryan." Upon being qiirstlone.il as to tho tiiuo when .Scwall'.s resignation would go Into etToct. Chairman Jones said: "Tho talk about the retirement of our candidate for Vice President is too ebsurd to be seriously dis cussed, Mr. Scwoll's loiter, written diiecllv after Mr. I ( cyan's nomination by tho St. Louis convention, is a splendid illustration of his loy alty to his associate 011 tlio Demo cratic national ticket. He sees no em barrassment whatever in Mr. Ilryau'.s nomination for president by auothcr party and upon another ticket, but be lieves it 10 bo an important step to ward certain victory foi silver'a cause. It. is :t complete answer to efforts of the gold Democrats tool eato tho impression that Mr Sicwull will retite oiiilci any circumstances, to say that tin: Democratic party and its na tional organization ate just as loyal to Mr. Sewall as lie himself is to Mr. llryan aud tho great cause of tlw common neople. CLAKKKOX SELECTED.! NO irish harmony. T.'io tint MADE GRAND ARMY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. All the (Hlur (niulld.ttfs Withdrew tie fore n llnllnl ttiis Taken li-m-r.il Mul len or .sllniii'-totii Kli-ited Senior Mie I'niiiiitiinilrr-Jn-t'li o Nebraska, fusion KITrrletl Omaha, Neb,. Sept. :i. After nearly an all night session tho state eoutrul committees of the Democratic aud Populist parties, without apparent friction, practically agreed upon tho details of a plan for f uslou on electoral iiud state tickets. This includes tho iudorsotuout by the Democrats of tho state tlckot, nominated by tho Popu lists at Hastings August S, and accept auco by the Populists of a Domocrntlo candldato for attorney general to till tho vacancy left on tho .Hastings ticket, aud the selection of four Pop ulist electors, who will be nominated by the Democrats. Irish Delegates Wlilo Apart. Dtmi.i.v, Sept. 3. It cannot bo said that the Irish national ronvention up to tho present time has been a success. The end which it was hoped to ob tain was the uniting1 ot all tho war ring factions in the Irish parliamen tary party and out of it, but when the delegates assembled this morning they were as far from decldlug upon any plan for Attaining unity us they were when the calling of the conven tion was first decided upon. Vravlcs, Chairman Kentucky Delegation' (livo us an un equivocal Democratic platform and an old llmu Democratic ticket and all will bo well. William Llndsey." Savage said that there was nn moro chunco of llryan carrying Kentucky than of tho Lord Indorsing the anarch istic teachings of the Chicago convention. Topullat Nominee Indorsed Hoi.ton, Kan., Sept. 4 Tho Demo crats of tho First Congressional dis trict met horo yesterday for tho pur pose ot nominating candidates for congressman aud district judge. Uov. II. R llallou of Seneca, was nomi nated for Congrats, and Judge L. A. Myors for district judge, lloth tlieso men wore tho regular nominees ot tho Populist party for the oaino olllce. St. Pai'i, Minn., Sept. 5. When nominations were declared in order lit tho Grand Army encampment this morning, D. It. llallou of Providence, II, I., Major Thnddeiis S. Clarkson of Omaha, I!. II. Ilobson of Kentucky, John C. Linchan of New Hampshire and Iteur Admiral Mcadc were named Seconds for tho nomination of Clarkson came quickly from all over thu hall, but 0110 of the lirst men up was Admiral Meado who withdrew his own name. It at once became rvidenl Unit Major Clarkson would win and all thu other names weru withdrawn aud he wus chosen by acclamation, lio was called to tho alr.gc and acliuotvledgcil thu honor conferred ou him. (icheral ,1 II. Mullen of Minnesota was elected scuior vice commander-in-chief, having been designated for that honor by the department of Minnesota, the custom being to give that position to thu state holding thu eiicnmpitiuut. Major Cliitkson was born at (lettys burg, Pa., In IS 10 and was cdttcatud three miles from the batllelleld of An tlctam. Ho enlisted April 10, iStil within two hours after the uppuar anco of President Lincoln' call for Ift.OOO men for three months In Com pany A, First Illinois artillery. Ho went to Cairo and served under Gen eral liuint there; rc-eulistcd July 10, 18KI; was promoted December 1, 1801, to be adjutant of thoThirtecnth Illin ois cavalry and ser'cd witli that regi ment nnd on the stuff of General John W. Davidson, participating in tho battles with that command on tho march to Helena and Little Hock. Ha wan assiguud to command it during the Arkansas campaign. In August, 1803, hu assisted in raising tlio Third Arkansas cavalry of Union white men, was promoted to inalor, and com manded tho regiment until nearly tho closo of the war, participating' in nearly all of tho battles In Arkansas under General Steele. In November, lil'i, he was married to Mary llcocher Matterson, and to-dav has live children. In March, lri'JG, ho went to Nebraska, settling in Omaha, with his brother, the Isito ltishop ClarKson. and has lived in tho statu for thirty years, lio wns postmaster of Omaha tinder President Harrison's last administration, lie was on tlio executive committee ot tho National Council of Administration, G. A. P.., for three consecutive; years, was elected department commander of Nebraska by acclamation at the encampment In February, lol0. Ho has also been commander ot tho Loyal Legion of Nebraska. For junior vlco commander-ln-chiuf, M10 names of Albert K. Sholes of Georgia and Charles W. Buckley of Alabama were presented and the bal lot resulted: lluckley, .llti; Sholes, 3D. Illinois had u candidate for chap-lalu-ln-chlef in tlie Uev C. F. lliinner of Chicago, but the Uev. Mark I). Tay lor of Massachusetts received moro votes and wan declared elected. The council of administration as nominated by the v.irious states and approved by tho encampment Is ns follows: Alabama, M. D. Wlckcrsham ot Mobile; Arizona, J. W. Harrington of Yuma; Arkansas, J. II. Hutchinson of Dewilt; California and Arizona, T. K. Statelcr of San Francisco; Colorado and Wyoming, 11. L. Carr of Long mount; Connecticut, J. M. Wilsey of Hartford; Delaware, J. W. Worrall of Pleasant Hill; Florida. T. S. Wllmarth of Jacksonville; Georgia, Ira M. Mallory of Fitzgerald; Idaho, W. II. Iiarton of Moscow; Illinois Thomas W. Bcott of Fairfield; Indiati Territory, William II. Armstrong of Muskogee; Iowa, Leoman L Newell of Decorah; Kansas, W. II. Smith of Maryville; Kentucky. C. W. Krdman of Louis ville; Louisiana and Mississippi, A. C. Antolne of Now Orleans; Maine, II. It. Sargent of Portland: Maryland, M. A. lirian ot Baltimore; Massachusetts, William S. Loomlsof llolyoke; Michi gan, It. D. Dix of Harriett Springs; Miunesota. Albert Sterrltt of St. Louis; Montana, Charles Spraguo of llotnan: Nebraska, A. Tralnor of Omaha; New Hampshire, 1). W. Proc tor ot Wilton; Now Jersey, J. J. Kent of Trenton; New Mexico, II. Cramp ton of Santa Fo; Now York, Charles A. Shaw of Brooklyn; North Dakota, a 0. Mnglll of Fargo; Ohio, Ji R. Monfort of Cincinnati; Oklahoma, W. U. Baker of Goss: Oregon, H. H. Allen of Portland; tho rotomac, William II. Chambers of Washington; Rhoda Island, Nelson Vlall of Howards', South Dakota, Wil liam II. Orayof Deadwood; Tennessee, George W. Patten of Chattanooga; Texas, J. W. Ayers of Dall-ie; Utah, F3. W. Tatalock of Salt Lake; Ver mont, E. W. Molutyro of Danbury; Virginia and North Carolina, A. .let ters ot Norfolk, Va. : Washington and Alaska, Thomas M Young of Seattle; West Virginia, . K. Mallory of Park raburg; Wiscousin, O. W. Carlson of Milwaukee. Too Daughters of Veterans hold business sessions and elected officers as follows: President, Miss Alice In Dram nf Clilcacn: senior vice presi dent, Miss Julia Coft of Cleveland; Junior vico president, Miss Anna timlth ot St. Louis; chaplain, Miss Stephens of Allegheny. Pa.; treasurer. Mls Ida J. Allen of Worcester, Mnss.; inspector, Miss Cora Pike of Massa chusetts; installing officer, Miss Klla Adair of Oak Park. III.; trustees. Mrs. Bllen M. Walkor, Miss Gladys Foster of Hiawatha. Kau.; Miss I.II0 Kim ball of Massachusetts, Mrs. It. L. Monroo of Massachusetts and Mrs. May F.dgerton of Chicago. lcner.it 'invention Closcil, llr.-Iy us Hitter in i:r. Drni.itf, Sept. .1. In tho Irish con vention yesterday afternoon a home rule resolution was passed and nn other resolution declaring tho neces sity of maintaining the Irish parlia mentary party absolutely Independent of Lugllsh political parties was then tiunulmottsly adopted. Michael Duvitt moved a resolution in favor of granting amnesty to nil political prisoners, and strongly de nounced the system of semi-starvation meted out to them. The resolution was passed. Mr. Dillon stated, in regard to tho Paris fund, that tho total paid over wasl'JlS, 171 lis lid, of which sum i'l I. I 000 was deposited in hank in order to I meet prior claims still unadjusted. 1 Out of tho balance, i'SJ.OSl 7s -Id wua ! distributed to tenants unit A,"'!"! wero j devoted to olllce expenses. Tho bal ance wns in bank, and not a farthing had been paid to any Irish member of Parliament or devoted to any political purpose-. Timothy Hcitly. in nn interview re garding tho Irish convention, said: "1 .1111 most surprised at the way In which the D'llonitcs have ignored Thomas Sexton. I would havo thought that tue convention would at least have tried to induce Mr. Sexton to tcturii to the party. As to the breach of the majority rule, it is per fectly absurd for the convention to try to fasten it upon inc. Tlio only persons who ever broke tho rule of thu majority nro John Dillon nnd Thomas Sexton. I challenge the DU tonitcs to prove, a single instance, against mvsclf or my friends." Mr. Mealy explained ut length that the party rledge which ho tlrow in lsS5 fully covered nil cases ot breach of discipline. Ilo wns quite ready, ho said, to obey the ruling of tlio whole party, but ho never pledged himself to submit his judgment to John Dil lon, Michael Davitt, William O'Brien or even all three. "But," ho contin ues, "If the party exceeds its province by touchidg matters outside tho par liamentary sphere, I will disregard it if 1 think lit. I confess thut I never dreamt that a person of Dillon's cali ber, jealousy and spleen would havo the interpretation of the pledge. Hut I will let him do his utmost. That is my answer to l.r.n aud his convention." AFRAID OF THE JAPS. Sandwich Island People rinse New Caaie to beak Annexntlou. Sratti.i:, Wash.. Sept. S. II. G. Whitney, ex-postmaster general of the Hawaiian JAlands, who has just arrived from Honolulu, reports a strong revival of the annexation feel ing 011 the Islands and says that it is greatly inteindlled through the belief that should Hawaii bo tiunexcd to thn United States the threatened Japanese trouble would bo entirely wiped out by the abrogation of all existing treaties. By what is known us the Gibson treaty, entered into with Japan about thirteen years ago, tho Japanese may pour lulo tho islands in unlimited n'umbcis. They now number 25,000 and are cominr- at tho alarming rate of 3,000 a year. He thinks it is ouly a question of a few years when the Japanese will out number tho natives and naturalised population, and in that case would cause serious trouble. 1 hey are already demanding tho right of fran chise, which, by treaty. Is conferred upon them as soon us they cat) road and writo the English language A MISSOURI LYNCHING. INTO RECEIVERS' HANDS- ,1. It. Wiitl.lns Innd mi.) Mortgage ojti. puny Involved. Toim.ka, Kan., Sept. Vrnitod Slavs District Judge ('. G. Foster this fore noon, upon tho upiv'cution of tho Girard Life Insurance- Annuity nnd Trust company of Philadelphia placed tho J. II. Watklns Land and Mortgago company of Lawrence- in the hands of M. Stimmerlloltl and J. II. Walkins of Lawrence and John F. Switzcr of To peka as receivers. Tlio liabilities are SI.AOO.OuO, consisting chiefly of de benture mortgages on Kansas, Ne braska, Iowa aud Texas farms Thu particular claim upon which suit was Instituted was for SH.uni) debenture bonds, upon which the in terest has been dufattltcd since HO-. Sam Bishop of Lawrence, attorney for the company, "-ays the assets will very nearly cover thu liabilities. This company has- been strttggl.ng for Its existence for eight or ten years. Iti 1 bS It was put into n re ceivership, bnt live years later il was turned over to its owners again, with Mr. Watklns as president. But finan cial conditions were not favorable, and now It will probably bo wound up. Its debentures are mostly held in thu Last and lu Lurupc. OKLAHOMA DIVORCE LAW .Siiprnne t'oiirt P.ivi-s the Wuy for Whole hiiIi- Aiitiiillineiit, GfTintii:, Okla., Sept ". Tlio terri torial supreme oourtyestorday handed down II fly decisions, among them be ing ono In tlio famous Beach dlvorco case. Charles F. Beach, a wealthy text-book writer of New York city, a year ago obtained an Oklahoma di vorce from his wife. Annie Bench, alleging cruelty. He has sinco mar ried and is traveling in Kuropo with his bride. The divorced wife, who wus from Philadelphia and very high ly connected, carried tlio divorce case to the supremo court. That body re versed thu lower court, annulled the divorce and dismissed the case, leav ing Mr. Beach lauded high and dry as n bigamist. The ground for reversal on error was that Beaclt was uever a rcsldcn' in good faith of the territory or of tlio county in which tho tlivorce was granted, having lived nt Perry three months simply ns a transient guest, and going to Norman, where tho dl vorco was granted, but tho day before the implication was granted. The bame holding by the court will annul three-fourths of the divorces ever grauted in the territory. Tho court also decided that the herds of cattlo in the Indian reserva tion could not be IunciI, except for general, territorial, and court ex penses. This is a -cat victory for tho owners of the great cattle herds, who thus save many thousands of dollars. As- Tramp Strung- Va at Ittilnelnml for uniting a Utile, llrb Knixr.i.AND, Mo., Sept. G. Last night nt 10 o'clock nn angry mob of masked men assembled in front of tho Uhlnelnnd hotel, prepared to lynch Thomas Larkin, tramp giving his residence, as Now York, who brutnlly assaulted little Alia Gammon '. 1 years of ngc. Ailmittnuco was refused by the guards The mob broke down tho door and brought out Larkin. He begged and prayed for them to spare him, but this only made them more enraged, and they took him to a treo near town and swung him up, where thuy left hlin for the coroner to hold un inquest KEROSENE IN THEIR BEDS. KATE FIELDS WILL, Thn Dociinii nt In u I'uiket In TV a lbs liigton Her I.ual Wishes. Wasiiinoiov, Sept. J. The will of Miss Kate Field was found yesterday in a packet which she left with Mr. Dcvine, proprietor of tho Shoreham hotel, just before she left for Hono lulu, where she died, Tho packet was opened in the presence of Judge Mc Gill, the recorder of wills. Miss Field named II If. Kohlsaat ol Chicago and J. San ford Beatty of Washington as executors of her e tate. She made Mr. lleatty the princi pal bonegciary. She specified that in caso she should diu uway from tho United Slates her body 'should be brought to this country and cremated. Tho document will bo immediately placed on record in Washington. After Miss Field fi death her papers wero token possession of by the United States consul general nt Hono lulu nnd that oflicial was recently au thorized by tlio state department tc make a search of the papers for the will, aud, if it was found, to provide the administrator of the estate with a copy. Tho finding of the will in Washington will make this search tin necessary. BRYAN Tha I'litiillilnte IN CHICAGO. Ueaperato Attempt to Annihilate Ne braska l'amlly The Children Ilcail. CiiAimo.v, Neb., Sept 5. Some un known person yesterday morning filled a sprinkling can with kerosene and saturated tho bedroom floor and beds upon which wero sleeping As sistant Postmaster W. A. Danley, wlfo and two children, nnd then set llro to the room. The dense smoko smothorcd tho tiro shortly after it started, but when tho firemen suc ceeded in removing tho occupants both i-hlldroi. wero dead aud the parents unconscious. No motive fortho crimt can bo ssigncd. BRYAN IN INDIANA. Sliorva ire.it Vltnllty .Sleets Chairman .lours. CmrAOo, Sept. a. Mr. Bryan took a train at South Bend, lnd., for this city at f:4t this morning, tlioroby proving ugnin his great vitality, he having received callers until after 1-' o'clock last night. On board tho train wero ox-Congressman Shlvely, the Democratic nominee for governor of Indiana, and Senator Blackburn of Kentucky. Thcro were no demon strations whatever along the lino and only a few hundred people gathered nt the depot at Chicago to meet Mr. nud Mrs. Bryan. Mrs. Bryan will leavo Chicago to night for Lincoln in order to attend to tho starting of her children to school. Mr. Bryan did not know thin morn ing what the program of tho day was. but said he would confer with Chair man Jones nnd others of the national committee. Allison's Iowa, Opening Dks Moines, Iowa, Sepi 3. The Re publican State campaign was opened hero this afternoon with a speech by Senator Allison, thn audience lilting u larce lent erected for the niirnosn ot holdiuc betweeu &,000 und tl.tou peo- live years from September l PleV - ' Thill's New r reatilcnt, Valparaiso, Sept ft. After an ex cited session tho Chilian Congress, by a vote of CJ to tiO, decided yesterday that tho relatives of Frederlco F'rra urU had a right to vote, The Ueylsts protested against tills action, as it allowed Krra:uriz'.s relatives tho right to voto in their own cause, but tu splto of this Hrrazurlz wus proclaimed president ot tho republic of Chili by tho same vote U'J to 110. Thero is great oxcitomcut in Val-p-aralso aud Santiago, but so far order has been preserved. Tho term for which i;rra.ttrl. wns eiecieu is tor Adilrraara Xff.OOO People at South llenil II 1 1 Crowds at Other I'laees. Sotmt IIf.nd, lnd., Sept. ft. In a solid mass on nn open squaro, the "government lot," 2.1,000 peoplo con gregated last night to hear William J, Bryan speak on tho money ques tion. Mr. Bryan reached South Bend last eveuing and was received by a tremendous gathering at the railway station. Mr. llryan spoko to S,0o0 peoplo ut Klkhart, nnd to largo crowds ut Sturgis aud Adrian, Mich., and other points en route from To ledo. Francis Will Support It Washington, D. C, Sept. ft. Twc members of President Cleveland's cab inet, Secretary Carlisle and Secretary Francis, last night expressed them selves in strong complimentary terms on the nominations of Messrs. Palmer nnd Bucktier by the Indianapolis con vention, und n third member of tho cabinet, Secretary Lamont, while de clining to bo Interviewed, incidentally remarked as to the personality of tho nominees that they nre good Demo crats. These tire the only members of the cabinet In Washington at present SEWALL WILL STICK. Tha Democratic Vice I'resldenllat No mi nes Declares Himself Positively. New Yoiik, Sept 6. Tho Commer cial Advertiser this evening prints the following dispatch: "Bath, Me., Sept .Editor Cons merclal Advertiser: Any statement! or inferences tlsat I propose -to with draw from the Dcmoerallc national ticket are without foumUtlod. I never had tho remotott intention oj doing so. AtiTUun Sk.vtall. narilsley'a Tardon Recommended. lUuntsnunn, Pa., Kopt. 6. The board of pardons to-day formally recommended to Governor Hastings that a pardon be granted to ex-City Treasurer John JIardnley, who was sontenccd in 1891 for a term of fifteen years in prisou for embezzling publio funds of Philadelphia. Civil llarrlaga Hill I'aaaeil. Liua, Peru, Sept. ft, The Senato has passed tho mnrrlago bilf, which legalizes civil wcddlngi. when tho contracting parties have not. iiitnerio ticen married under the Cath olic rollglous ritual. . . r. SV ,i I 1 J Vsi. Xri