The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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c i i .. i
is the
very best
ir HI ir
Blackwell's Genuine
You will tlml one coupon Inside each 2 ounce M and two coupons Inside each 4 ounce bag.
lluy a bair, mid the coupon and see bow to Ret your share- of I1W.00U In present.
M. E. Notos.
Three, Hnl Clouil people ittlciulctl
llioc nmp int'L'tliiB sit l)e vivvm: lust week
Those who utteiuletl say the iic:teli
I rig wn.s of n high older.
Mr. l'Hlkinliiii'R foriuerlj of our city
ktpt the dining hull in Rood shape.
Hov. J. S. Randall unit family tented
In n lovely place near tho river bank.
The. school of methods was very In
fllnii'livu him I maiht nioiti elVicioul
worken mil of the Hpwortlilans.
KtlRar, l-'airliclil, ami Clay Center
were well raprrieiilctl on the camp
Kev. (S V. llnmnicl stalled on the
27th, to Hot Spring, South Dakota, to
visit a hiothcrand family audio ex
ploie "the cave of the winds."
Iicv. Muck tell attended the fuueial
on Thursday of .Mr. Wilson at New
ltuv. Metcalf leturns to Ills home in
Cowles thin neeK after uthiee week.s
Mojuiirn in the eastern parr of the slate.
Kev. C.C. MeCahel). 1). 1.. 1,. I),
will call the Nebraska annual confer
once to older al Hastings SHptember
lUtb, which fact miikci us happy to
The Kekley joting people charmed
lh people with a few soul stirring se
lections Sublmth morning.
Kev. II. Curtis of Harvard conducted
bible leading at 9 o'clock and helped to
n better undtt'HlnndinK of tho work of
Kev. W. li. Alexander 1'. E of Has
tings district stood in tho front of the
battle with great courage.
Rev. A. M. Perry of Nelson was sus
tained in bis work on tho camp ground
by h goodly number of his own people.
The number in attendance nu Sab
bath wni the lamest ever known in the
history of the l)cwee.e camp meeting
The writer of these notes has heard
with great pleasure of the great woik
of giace now in progress nt the Fisher
school house conducted hyRcx. Nor
ton of this city.
Now if each member of the church
will make a coutiibution towaid the
benevolent of their chinch
they will honor themselves and help on
the kingdom of Cod.
One of the best feat lit ps of the camp.
meeting win the sinking which was
very inspiring.
Nebiaska, has arrived and will tench
the Heaver Center school.
A. Parker and wife and Will and
Kflie I.som went to Mankato, Kansas, to
get a load of peaches.
Dame Kumor says Will Ogilvie and
Kiln Iliittoti were married oa Wednes
day evening. Sept., a, 1800.
A. II. Sprucher and family me at
tending .state fair.
Kniily Ogilvie, Sunie Spracher and
Mabel Wells will attend school in Red
Cloud Ibis year.
Pood tho NorvoB.
Upon pme, tich blood and you need
not fear nervous prosttation. Nerves
are weak when they are impiopeily
and iiuitlllcicntly nourished. Pure
blood is their proper food and pure
blood comes ly taking Hood's Sarsa
parllla, which is the gieatct and best
nerve tonic. It also builds up the
whole system.
Your llnlr 4'an lie fcnvtxl
from falling out or tuiniuK gray. This
it a voailivo (net, in d wu i tin rati tee
lit UK' Hair llem-wer loilo it. It cli'iill-tea
the Honlp, IfuViiiK th hnir -"lousy urn)
luxuriant. Sold by (J. I. Cottiu.
Politico are ripe and corn is i;-tt inir
Dae 1'ishcl and wife weie at Red
Cloud on S itmday last.
A liishft merlin-.; was held in .Ml
Darning'. -jntTe nti .Sunday
lluliic .Moiii r will attend school at
(tllido lloel; and live with hcrgiandma
Mrs Sehiimau.
Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. Christy of Shu
belt, Nebraska, who have been visit
ing their children started home Tues
day overland.
(minima ilrnueit, .All . Oiilvie'.s
mother, htm Iumi r. ry ill but is better
Hook's Pii.i.s are the favorite fami
ly cathartic, easy to take, easy to
Con Wll.Mtu is working for Mr.
Miss Able will teach the Otto term of
school this year.
Win. Andtewi of Otto was in this
locality the latter part of lust week
visiting Rev. Roan.
Miss Lizzie and Tisbie Marker were
visiting friends at (iibbon, this state,
last week.
Mrs. Lnnick and daughter Abbie
were visiting in Red Cloud Wednesday
the guests of Mrs. Crablll.
Rev. Horton closed bis protracted
meeting nt district 14 Sunday night.
About forty conversions are reported.
Marie Jensen from near Kearney
was in this vicinity visiting among
friends lirst of this week.
Prof. R. II. Payne started for Lincoln
Monday whore he will attend .school at
the state university.
Andy Means' sale was largely attend
ed and cattle .seemed to be the main
object of the enthusiastic crowd.
On Wednesday of last week Mr.
Robert Robinson passed from this life
tolhe one beyond. Katly last spring
he was u.llielcd witli a pat aly tic stroke
from which be never rallied. He bad
no relative!, here only Mrs. A. N. Wil
son. Mr. Robinson was u linn believer
in tho Christian faith. He was about
81 years old. Funeral services were
held at the lesidenco of A. N Wilson
on Thursday at .J o'clock conducted by
Rev. Hlackwell anil the lemaius weie
laid to res I in the Cathcitou cemetery.
delighted, and would, of course, go,
and she could haidly wall to carry the
news to her particular girl fileml, who
It happened had heietofoie occupied
the fiout cat on that same tandem.
Then the pint was laid. "How nice,"
said her chum. "Have you a bicycle
suit! No? Why not mine?
Don't you think this will look lovely?"
New. the garment exhibited happen
ed to be n bathing suit of pronounced
colors and unique design but as the
Hist young lady had never been in
sight of salt water, ami being of a
guileless nature, the bunko game
worked to peifection. Tho joiing
man's breath suddenly left him that
Sunday morning when his companion
came out ready to mount, but that
was nothing compared to the panic
they created along the route l'i .us
matrons mi their way to church thicw
up both hands and piayed fer
vently, anil the male population on the
streets stopped spellbound and watch
ed tlicin out of sight. The, young man
bad little to say, but It Is claimed be
broke Zimmerman's record getting to
the iinfroqurntcd streets. Veiily,
"Revnnge is sweet." Cincinnati Kn-
Thrre is more catarrh iu this section
of the country than all other dieaes
put together, and until the last few
years was supposed to bo incurable.
For a great many years doctors pin
tioiiucrd it a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treat
ment, pronounced it incurable. Science
has proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease, and therefore leqtiircs
constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca
lm rh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cine on the market.
It is taken internally iu doses fiom 10
drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di
rectly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. They oiler one
bundled dollars for any caie it fails to
cm e. Send for circulars and testimon
ials. r. .!. CHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold l3 all diugglstsT.V.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A (icorgia candidate made a bad
"break" iu chinch the other day. The
preacher asked some one to start a
hymn, ami the candidate hurst forth
witli "From Greenland's Icy Moun
tains." Hut he caused a slight .sensa
tion among the bretheru when he ren
dered one of tho concluding stanzas as
follows: "
"Waft, waft, ye wlndi, the story
And yon, ye waters, toll I
Till like a ea of glory
They vote from pole to polel"
There is no telling where ho would
have brought up if the good brethren
had not called him down. Stolen.
Sciatic BkeiiMatUaa Cared.
L. Wagner, Wholesale Drnggiat, Rich
mond, Va nays: "I had a fearful attack
of Seiatio Rheumatism, was laid np al
most two months, waa fortunate enough
TISM. This oared me after doctor's pre
scriptions had failed to have any effect.
Sold by H. E. Urloe drntrgist, Red Cloud.
The name of the lady whose profile
adorns the silver dollar is Anna W.
Williams a school teacher of Philadel
phia. It was reproduced from a photo
of her, when eighteen years of age, and
was considered the most perfect
features of any woman living. At lirst
she protested against allowing tier
features used for such a, but
friends finally induced her to consent.
As long as the silver dollar was all that
it professed to be the lady has remain
ed single, but since the free silver
craze has come up she pi opuses to
change her uamu and will soon be
mariicd. Shi, is evidently iu favor of
a double standard. Stolen.
A man may dicss as well as bis own
good judgment and the assistance of
an artistic tailor may elect. He may
take bis "lubs" but if Ids digestive
oigaiisaie oft of order, he will liuto
an unwholesome appearance. His
complexion and tho white of Ills (-jes
will have a yellowish cast. His tongue
will be coated, appetite poor, bis ttcth
rusty, his breath abominable. He is
one big, unmistakable sign of constipa
tion. The quickest, suiest, easiest way
to cure this tumble is to tnUc Dr
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, They uie
made of tellned, concentrated eget.i
bio cMincts, Nothing in tin least
harmful enters into their composition.
They hunt down all Impurities, and
"make them move on." They are tho
prodeel of many years' study and prac
tice. Dr Pierce cannot allotd to put
foith a worthless article Addiess
with li 1 cents in one-ecu', stumps, to
cover cost of mailing only, Woiht's
Dispensary Medical Association, Buf
falo, N. Y., and get a free copy ot die
"Medical Adviser."
A Nobraaka Idyl.
"Jake Mulleron a summer day, rak
ed the meadow of alfalfa hay. The
iiiulo with which lie raked the liny was
a inuekle dun witli spots of gray.
Jake's shin was hickory, Ills pants
were brown, with a patch on the spot
where be sat down. Juke cussed In a
way that was sad to see and hisu ule
went 'haw' when he said 'gee.' A
bumble bee's home iu tho stubble lay,
where Jake and the mule raked alfalfa
hay. A tooth run through the bumble's
home, ami the bees came out and be
gan to roam iu search of the man on a
summer's day, who raked tho meadow
of alfalfa hay. They swarmed inside
Jake's hickory shirt, and quickly that
mule took a mighty spurt. It was
tough on the mule, it was worse on
Jake, and somewhat seveiu ou the
sulky rake, for the mule turned loose
Inn promiscuous way, and scitieied
the take o'er the altalfa bay Ami
Jake as he ambled quickly away, swoie
that be headed the race as champion
jay." Stolen.
li i iTTi i.i i i,ni
. , .
,i in n 1 1 1 1 1
AVcgclablc Prcparalionfbr As
similating tlicFoodntidRcgula
Ihig I lie S lonuuhs nnilDowcls of
Promotes Digcslion.Ctecrful
ncssniidncsl.Contnlns neither
Opniin.Morphinc nor Mineral.
Not NAitc otic
Kcapt afoidnrSXMvnjmma
ffMiarj'nM' tlintl
Apcrfccincmcdy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsfons.Fevcrish
oess and Loss of Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of
(ihi iiiuiitlMii iu(l In a Diij .
' "VtYSnC (.TtUl." lor l(liMiiiiHtiiii
land N"iir,..Mi iml i'h!, curti n 1 l.i .1
iltjt'H. IN i"' mil ti'Hiii ill- r-j!'iii is rt
, uirtrk lle Mini in t tr It u ll reunite'
i hi oaee tin' entis.. Uie ft Is ! I", tiled
Intel) llleHpH'.H. 'I'llK ltt iliife git-iitly
lifiielitH. o i lr. Snlil l) II. i:. (Irlot
i druggist, liid Cloud.
Its ValuoRocognlzod byPhyuicians
Asa rule I am opposed to proprie
tary medicines. Still I value a good
one, especially when such u the source
of relief from pain. As u topical (ex
ternal) application I have found Cham
berlain's Pain JJalm the best remedy I
have ever uaed for neuralgia of uj
kind. I have conscientiously recom
mended it to many persons. William
Home, M. 1)., Janesville, Wis. Sold
by Deyo & (Jrice.
OtitorU li pnt op In ont-ili boUUi only. It
li not cold In bnllc. Don't allow anyone to tall
yon anything elit on tho plee or promlio that it
li "jnit i good" ana "will tniwir erery pir-
poio." 4TBee tntt yon gut u-A-u-A-u-n-i-,
Til Us-
ilmlli y"zr sTf7 .st. Ins
i&teL,jJ77&2sJ&At -
tt . ,, - . tmppir.
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Uichardsou have
sold more territory for their celebra
ted hog and chicken cholera remedy to
the amount of fifteen hundred dollars
to A. S. Campbell. He will soon start
to his territory for bus-luess.
Diarrhea and Djreentory
are dongeroun, and yon ihonld not bo
Without a bottle of Beggs' Dinrrhen
Balsam in the house at this sen'ou of
the year, as it relieves at onoe. No bad
results follow. Sold by C. L. Cotting.
The llrynn club held a meeting at
the court hou-c lat Monday night ami
listened to speeches from several local
speakers. The attendance was fairly
good, but could not be consideied mi
fiotn a Hi van standpoint. The ladies
llrynn quartet furnished some very ex
cellent music, which, by the way, was
the best part of the program and was
loudly applauded by both llryan am'
McKinley men. Short speeches were
made by Geo. O. Yciscr, Olias. Gilliam,
Spatiogle who read a of couple columns
from a popocratic paper, aud J. S. Gil-
hum who made one of his typical funuv
SllIHUFF'S .S.I.-'. "
Notice l lierel show il-ni uinli-r unil liy vlr
Uie ol mi onlttr tit i-itlo I-.-111 -I frnin Hi- olllct' (if
.hunt's llurili'ii I'lurk nf the District ( tmrl nt the
Tenth .lii'llcUl Dli.trl'1 vLliln iiml fur Wcl
Mereniilit) Nehru-tlkM. tiixiii inlet reeliiniiiictlnii
iit-itilliiL- tlifti.'ln. when In I.'iiiiiih .1 Dticker Is
I'liillitirr iiml nKiiltii-t l-'-'-l lull Vdhititeer I- Ire
mciih .lll'lllllull. tlcleiiiliitit I sluill utter for
Mile nt piih le Tender, Iu the liiiihext liMdrr for
cue 1 1 In hum! Hi the chM tlonr of the rotirt
linu-e, nt lied Clou . Neliriinkn, (tlml heltiRthe
hnllilltic it herein the nn term of (.ulil court
wur holdcii) on the 15tli day of Npt. A. I.
ls-jil. nl Id o'elucL n.m. of Mild dar the f ol
Itiwhi-' property, totvlt;
The wet forty two feel off the went end of
each of lull- mtmhered nine U,i ten (10.) eleven
(11.) and twclv (-J.i In hloek numhered four
teen (14.) In Ited Cloud, Weh'ter county, N'cn
Olren under my hind thin lltli diy of Attguil
A. D. 1896.
(to himself) speeches, part of which cam a Mi-Nitt. PUInt!R' Attumeyi
was received with enthusiasm by the J77imi7i-7g . . i..
,, ,, ... . ,, , . . ciiibHirt f tA,ii,
oijwuiieB. iviici ino n-,j-uituin uau sa-
V nil en fa hnmiit cKaii I hnl iimlnr aurl dv wtMitt
the good(y) cause of Uryan the of an order of Rule intm-d from the office of .
mirucu. uivrKjui lue uiamci i.uuri ui iue tenia
Judicial Dltttrlct, within and for Webiter county.
Nehraikn. tiponatltcree In an action pending
Ihatelu, wherein William It Male, Henlamln
(rahain. William llallx Juulor. Ilarrla II. liar
den are i-Ulutlffi. and Haltul William J. Terry,
paper was circulated but few, ami
a very few new names were added to
the list.
Begat' Olarrlicu Balaam
positively has no equal In diarrhea, dys
entery and inflnmation of the bowels. It
relieves qaiokly, and being purely vege
table, no bad results follow. Voo cannot
afford to be withont it at this season of
tho year. Sold by C. L. CottlnD.
From one of our fashionable miIiiii ')
conies a talc of leveugc that would
uiuku u Siotiv liidlau I urn green with
envy A ouug limn jti.-a iiome from
an eahtorn college invited a young lady
At present wti tug iof the village to a Sunday morning
Silas Jennie JI'i is of Shuburt, ritlo t-uhls taudeiu bicycle. She was
Is the most dangerous of oil
Kidney Diseases. Pains in the
0-f. T f ui lt.-Tf-l
I Swelling ol the Limbs or Ab-
domen are the first symptoms
Dr. J. H. McLEAN'S
Has proven, in thousands cf cases and for many years
to he the Peerless Remedy for this dreaded disease
For aate everywhere. Price, Si.oo per bottu.
liilliuiiiiuilory ItlivuinalUiiKy'iire
ed in 'I Dayx.
Morton I.. Hill, of Lebanon, Intl., rays:
"M) wife liiul lnllioilliiiittirj IlheiiiMilli-lll
iu hvrry intiitele anil Joint, her Htitferin
V).m tt-rrili'e iviitl her lioilj ami I hop were
hwnlifil iiliiu-nt In yimil 1 t (jiiitii-ti; Iiml
tueli In lid) l,r,i sv --k - it.. il liiitl t.ilil
JitlMlel ttlh tlllt ITI 1l ll I lillll A' till i
ulil' trie.: I'm- MVhlll' C'UItU TOH
KIIKUMA I liM. It (-iiv iuiiik ilmtc n
llil ulid r-lio win utile tt walk iit-oiit in
three dajo. I mhi khic it n-d l-r life."
Sold by 11. i:. (irice itrimHt, lied Cloud.
A wotutiii nu-ir llet.ver City wiij very
pick, and she took doctor's medieiue
for awhile, and grew wo the; then .she
told her husband that she had prom
isod God that .she would take uo more
medieiue, and she asked him to .send to
Denver forn ChritUiau Science healer.
He did ko and the healer came; and
the woman died while the Denver man
was trying to heal her. An animate
diauUHsion is going ou. The Christian
Scientists are defending their faitU
with groat euthusiaNiu, aud quoting
the Hcripturoi to ahow that they aro
richt and everybody elsu wrong; aud
every man who breaks Into the argu
ment, whatever may ho IiIh creed or
denomination, quotes the scriptures
freely to show that lie is right, and
everybody else wrong. It all shows
the futility of n discussion of that kind;
it can go on from everlasting to ever
lasting, and nobody wilt bo abit the
ulncr, or swerved from his niiginal
convictions. A man can originate any
ftort of a creed and find texts, which by
tidistottlou of the moaning, will seem
to establish lib position beyond
Notice to Toachors.
Notice is hereby given that I will ex',
amine all persons who may desire to
offer themselves as candidates for
teachers of the public .schools of this
county, at Ked Cloud on the lliitd Sai
nt day of each month.
Special examinations will be held on
the Friday proceeding the !UI Saturday
of each mouth.
The standing desired for 'd ami 3d
grade certiticateis the same no grade
below 70 per eent., average 80 per cent;
for grade certilieate no grade be
low at) per cent., average HO per cent in
all branches required by law.
I). M., County Supt.
It does not look well for Teller to bo
posing a- a p.itiiot. He is one of the
senators who held up the luiilYhill in
the sei.nii and would no' 11 it pus
without a lice mIvit It
dulii'i ni-iiti-r to It i hi it liii iieilid
Keep a million men out oluolL lie
:i. wni King then, a- he is today, in
tin- uiteicM ol tin- millionaire mine
owueis The laboring mail cuts no
llgiuo with him. McCook Republican.
Lumbago, pain In Joints or back, brick dust la
rino, frequent colls. Irritation, Intlamrantloo,
(ravel, ulceration or catarrh of tho WaUder.
DlsoiHlcrcd Iiivcr
nillousnoM, licudaclie. Indication or bouC
WAIll,HOOT InvlRonitfJ, cures kltlnoy
difllcultles, Urlitlit'1 .lau. urinary trouble.
Iiiiniire Blood
profulft. -inlnilii, renernl win'mwordebfllty.
a Biwitniii-lluot build un nuiukly a mn down
qtiotion. The only thing (lint n church i constitution '" noJ"k"V0JiS,-l--.
or ibeologlcal quarrel ever did or ever "Dl;H,li0 TtlkL?
can do is to air up a lot of bile and "JJr
bittcrncs.-lJoatricoKxprcM. I U-iHc'1o1A,B-1-
AN OUDIN'ANCK to amend Section 18. ofortll
Miineo Number 43, of tlie C'it of Hcil Cloud,
lie it unlercil by tliu iimjor hiiiI council or tho
City of Ked L'luiitl. NebrnnkH, Unit M-ollon IS.
of Ordinance 4 1, of tliu City of Kid Cloud, Neb.
rnxkn, beiimcndeil to ntnl n follow h, to wit:
liankn. Inclndliik' onuvrimli tmvln. nor hii
num.. f H IX)
llnkcrleh. eacli oxen 1 j uu
llnrlier Miiih, one ebulr I ot)
llnrtii-r hlioM eiu-li tidillllonul elmlr . i un
IliUli litiuoe. iiulille. ier tub i (HI
Until roniii, prlxiiti- i-r tiiti Sin
llliieksiultli .-Imp one tin- n mi
II1iu-.miiIIIi slioe, em li tire H (l)
llutelier lii .. I'm
llilliiinl Milnuu, tint) tutile .. II uO
llllliiiril miIiioii wlieio billiard tables are
iU'etl.tlrluklin; soloous, nidi addition
al table a (HI
liar and drIuMiiK wilomi ir U)
l)uellluK bouses, occupied by onu fam
ily . ti )
Knell additional tauill) in-ciii)lii ntnie
tlwellltiK .' (HI
Djl- Iioiik'S and rcnoiilluK establish
ments. . ... id eu
KntliiK Milotint HI U)
KllliiiK prlMilu elsterns Itiriii-lihiK water
only . tin li time -Jim
llotc.o ami boardlut; Iihiim's not exeietl
Ink' ti-n rooint ' ui
Hotels nnd Ixutrdliik' liouses, eaeb nibll
llunul rt.oii) un to I till t ft ti . ... on
Katb additiiiiiul rooiuoxer thirteen I no
Laundries 15 "i
tilbii-. tii-l It-i-plni' rimiiis 'i on
I- lull k o-lii . - m. nr It s llimtls l.ilo
I't it :iu ulth-- i at ll iidiili'-mal IiiiimI I
1 I lili-4l.l ll Kltlll il" . I - -
-j i 1. 1 iu in 1 1 nu r i I -in ol wpli liii-i-,
1 II l'i IIU .i.llll-KMl It'IlOIII!. HlllJ MIU
,,iUi Iwt nt) the feil or less .. Jif
S( iink'n K -llti'l Willi Wiikhu, till b tLiiiu
ptr.liiy t o
II ink bii.derv ' i-o
( nun) iiianiiinetorle. r on
cixar Miniuliii toilc. live bandit or le-s r, ui
( Maiiuliu lodes, uich nililltloiiiil
hand '.' M
MabtiH, iuelutliuK liH-ry. tlra.v team,
street car, and all l ubllc barns nnd
washing cars. carrlKe.s, drR). liariM.-ss,
etc.. IkIuiikIuk to name, up to twenty
htiiilii. la-riiunimi er stall 100
Kaib addlt'oiial stall oxer tweni U)
Stable prfwnc, IniludliiK wnshlhg car-
llimn .. - - - sm
Mcaiu uiiglue cr luirie powcr.eneh horse
power sr Kimum. ....... ......... 2 00
Htim- and I ubllc hnlta 8 00 to 1 5 00
bteam txillert for house warmlan, eto.,
from I uo to...... ...... 1 00
IloteU, hallaand publlebulldliiK" per an
nual, f. UU to - - 10 oo
Kaeh aquar foot of surface heausl .......... 08
Hchoolf, public and private, iprclal prices
Tobacco manuUciorleB, tlva kinds or
l.-si. B CO
Tobacco manufactories, each additional
hand ... ... 1 60
Urinal with conttant flow.. 0 to
Urinal, private- ..... S W
W nter rlosrls, per bowl ... . 'J 00
Water rloietn In pthatc house, per bowl. 1 0U
Work ahopa ten iH"niiM or under. .. ti 00
Work slioj), each additional person. m
Workshop forbnlltlliiK nurioses ...
Ilr.rk wortt for each one '1 housnnd...-. SB
Kor ech perch of stonn- U
Kor jilasU-rlnK .V0 jurtls nr Icrs. .... 8 U0
For nlisuriiiK oer W0 Turds, rer -acn .
additional 100 yards- :... 60
WaleritiK down tietirlics, two foul rlde
and one foot tlrcpi-cr lineal foot y
Meier and motor ratea see Set tlon IU
Tn uchea two feet wit'e or more than two
feet, for every fool In depth, tr Hnoal
foot - 1
Trenchis four feet wide or more than
three feet, for eery foot la depth, per
Uncut foot 1M
Wider ireniilies In t roportlou to aboo rates.
Tho fcald section IS us orlclimlly exlstluijbe
and the sin Is hereby rem iiltd.
'I his ortllunncn shall t In fnrco anil take
cITect from und after Its prntsnyo and publication
ncconliui' to law.
Attmt , D, J. Mtkim, Mayor.
L. M. Trr. City Clark.
Charles l'errv. Wtlllani Perry and W..1. Howdeii.
tlefeuilsnts. 1 shall offer for sale at public vendue
to the hlKhest bidder ft-r cash In hand, at the east
door of the court house, at lied Cloud, in said
We-ner county, Nebraska, (that being the
hulldliiK wherein the last term of said court
wat holneii) on thelSthdar of bept.A.D lstt.
ut in o'clock a. in of said day, the followlnc
described A
Lots numbered three a. four 1.1 live (:.
0.sceu IT.Iaud i-IkIiI (s.J In block numbered
tireuti-oue 1.1 ofhmlih and Jtoote's addition
tn tho town of lied Cloud, Webster (outity. Neb
(Ihcn under my hand this lltli day of August,
A. 1). lstn,.
.1 W. lICMitr.T hherlir
Cask A McNitt. l'lalullir's Atlnrneys.
attain Ium TroublM. DrbUltr. dlstnttlnc tomaclt M
Itmat UU, and ta noted for nirt when all oCur
tirlmnl (kill. m?rr mmhtr and Innhd ihould htre It.
ClMswt jd beaottflM thi hate.
Promoua . lavurUnt erowth.
KsTsr Falla to Baatora Orj
Curw acalp dlMUM aTfatir ItJilij.
tivMawitin m aiiifjn
tart Car ft
tninuntl Ilrani.
w ii
-i7v. (trlglmil nmMtiily ftnulnf. A
m jm TY - iiiw. aBwa m if
Ml VNM. l'llll It C..Air '( Mi .V'h
pStf9KVmi tit lira t n It, tl u t 1 .- tii.'.ll AW
.V.JIioxm .i:ci nii 1.1 ,. fin.,,, Tnke t
t 8 iV.Jitiiutlirr. .'.i. 1(1114.-1.. Ntiiifh v
Jf to ll mi (ir nr.k.l,t l t iiioiui .
EV "llrlli-r fur I mtli-'dif.l ti rtllin
? MnII. I ii.IKMI r "! nr I
l'lil..!it l. .1 ki .tl I H..M..II...I.I.......
SiUWi lUt.wn nl I' 1.
Caveats, and Trade-Mark, obtained and all Pat
ent busmen conducted fur Modekatc Fits.
oun orricc is Opposite U, s. Patent orrict '
ana we ransreura iiaitni 10 ici tune man mose
remote from Washington. ,
, Scad model, drawing or photo., Kith descrip
tion. Wo advise, if patentable or not, (res o(
ciurjre. Our fee not due till patent iiaecured. ,
m m.u...- lli.u. tn nl.titfi It.t.nt. tl h.1,1,
cut ct Miae in tho U. ti. and foreign couctiieij
tent iree. vourcu, i
wrr miini wrriwti WMniRUlun il bi
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common evury-day
ills of humanity.
Who con think
Wanted-Hn Idea 5
soinu atmria
lilti to pat i Mr
.. ,i,!Jl-. . .".
rfflenswii-v.. .- ,-ii - . . .-
" ' 'I1 I Hi "TflFW