The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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Ml Wimnlj Wclioiiii'.' Itrpiilillniu I.t-:i;up
ll'ni In!'., imI in ot Miiiic) 1'idtid
ltr.'t linen. Ki-IIkIi ii ami 1'nlltlrn Trie I
ti'clliin Hint C'iiiiIIiIi in r. I
Canton, O , Aug .".I. - Of the live del
egAtious M'heduied to visit Mr. MeKiu
V ley to-day Ilia fust arrived :it 7. IS
m o'c'osk. It whs tlm t-ointncreial Mun'a
"McKinley eluli No. or Chicago, ;iu(.
Mrung. Their e:. is wore f'uily deco
rated. When Mr McK'tiley stopped upon
the chair to respond he wits cheered
for several minutes When he could
bu heatii Ins sunt: "Mr. Corev, (leu
tlcmen of the Commercial 'J'nivelers'
Association anil My Fellow titions:
1 bid von welcome, sinceie welcome,
to my home. Thrice welcome are yon
here. 1 urn honored very gtcu'tly,
honored by the call of tiiis ii.sscm
binge of eoiiinieiclal men icprcscnliiig
H great eotninorcial Interests and coming
from every section of onr eommon
country. Although yon are iiceus
tomcil to culling on people- for tnat,
1 believe I- chiclly jour business -lot
me assure you -ou never made a
call anywhere mori! agreeable to your
lioit than this call is to me It would
le pleasant to me personally to meet
you on any occasion, but it is peculiar
ly gratifying to meet you now, coining
hs u body to testify your united and
confident devotion to the Itcpiibllcan
principles enunciated by the national
lEcpiiblicau convention of I8'ii5.
"1 recognize your Inlluence as one
of the most potent factors in political
contests ami 1 am glad to know that
this year in a greater degree than ever
before, thu commercial men of the
country are united in the cause of the
Ilepublican party. You have not al
ways been In such close agreement
witli each other politically as now,
but then you have had experience and
. for four years or nearly so, you have
been attending tho school in'w hieh all
the rest of us have been pupils. It
has been u free sclu-ol. Tlie tuition
lias been free, but the ultimate cost
has been very great. No body of
American cili.uns of equal number
. could properly have a deeper interest
in the success wf Republican princi
ples than you; and none I am sure can
iloso much to secure llieir certain tri
umph as you.
"Vou are not only carriers of com
merce, but creators of contidence; not
only advocate; of process, but pruiuot
er.s of prosperity. I'verywhero you
inspire either conliileuce or distrust,
for you tell the truth about tlie condi
tion of the country. Vou not only
sell goods or used" to but you dis
seminate information aiming your cus
tomers. There is no more certain
barometer 'if My business of the
I'lt'tcd States lliau the sentiment o(
the men of w hicli this I oily usm mhlcd
hero tiiis morning is repri'seiitative.
You encourage tlie despondent and
quicken the lagging Into fresh activ
ity. ' You give new hope and stimu
late new effort in that great body of
business men upon whom so largely
depends the revival of business in all
parts of our country.
"What wo want tibovc all else, my
fellow'eitli'ns. is conlidence. And we
cannot get conliileuce by thre-itculng
to revolutionize, all values and repu
diate obligations, both public and
private. You know the facts of bus
i no v and can cliipcll tlie theories of
the dreamer and tlie misstatements of
the demngue, and one thing I like
about the commercial traveler is that
4. very one of them is for tlie tinted
States of America. (Oreat applause
and cries of 'And for McKinley, too.')
And always stand up for America."
Yesterday afternoon a delegation of
leaders of tlie National League of He
publican clubs vls'ted Mr. McKinley.
lie spoke to them at length, llrst
thanking them for their visit and com
plimenting tlie league and then say
ing: "We cannot overestimate the valuo
of the young incii in politics, and I
would not have believed it if Mr.
(foodnou had not told inn that they
were not practical politicians. My
experience with them has been
that they havo been poll
Wiait.s of the most practical sort known
in American politics. Oentlemcn,
you never had a worthier cause
ntrive for than you havo this year.
Thu (itiaucial honor of the country
and the prosperity of all its people
are enough to Inspire every American
heart to the best possible effort, I
have seen romewliero an Inquiry,
'Cannot tho United Stntes establish
a financial system of its own;
Is It too weal; ami impendent to
do thatV 1 answer: Tho United
Slates now has a llnaneial policy
which, in tho main, it has been pur
Milng since tlie beginning of the gov
ernment, nnd which it does not mean
.'to change until It enn find a better
ne Those who make the Inquiry are
usually against the American policy of
finance and they are insisting that wo
sh.ill adopt the lluauclul policy of
China and Mexico. I hopu it will not
bo thought an evidence or laelc or na
tional spirit or national Indepondonco
that we decline to adopt their propo
sitions "
A delegation of .'i00 people, from tho
I'ist Ohio United ltrethreu conference
followed closely upon th'e league com
mittee, llishop .1. S. Mills made tins
presentation of tho party and Mr. Mc
Kinley replied brielly.
r Jim tin Orcllnrn , Mninliinllnn
Tori'i'A, Kan., Aug. .11 A delega
tion of I'opulisls and Democrats called
upon ex-Senator .loliu Marlin(iiud re
quested that he allow the use of his
name as a candidate rot-district judge.
Hp it a tor Martin told the delegation
that he would not consent, because lie
wanted to be free to work in tho cam
paign throughout thu btute. t-'orittt l'lrr 111 Oregon.
I'onri.A.Mi, Ore., Aug. .11.- Korost
fc fires am raging between Oak Point
and Magic Cliff on tho Washington
shore of the Columbia river An atea
three miles square has already been
burned over and many cuttle have
perished, while millions of feul of
lumber have been destroyed,
Villi Ins I p fur lliu Moore
Clin ami, Aug. Jl.-Tlie members of
tho pool behind the Moore. s in Ilia
Diamond Match speculation are will
lug to contribute S'JOO 0 Ml to a relief
fund for brokers who executed .ordcis
for the Monies just prior to the clou
Y lug of the local exchange.
Ll HUNC s welcomed.
t'rrdilrnt I'li'trlnnil litiilw. t!n ('lilnrnv
Nnv YntiK, Aug 31. --Hardly had
Id Hung (hang beeomo settled in his
rooms at tlie Waldorf hotel vestculay
afttiuooii eie an attache of the Itus
sian legation called to arrange a con
ference between the viceroy and the minister, lie was successful
and i.i the evening a private confer,
ence was held Owing in events in
the I'ast tho promptness of the Hits
sinns caused much speculation about
the hotel, but it was staled that the
lliissiau minister would be imupcllcd
to leave the city soon tt nil for that
icason held an cany inteiview. I'.x
.Secretary John W Poster and Colonel
Kied (ir.inl, a party of ( hlnese mer
chants and l' .-Wnlnr (lemgii !. ral
iniinds, who was once a iniiilslet to
l lima, also called during the after
noon and I'Vl'llillL'. I.I llllllir l Ii:iii
diued on food prepared by bis own
cook and letireit ut bis usual early
hour, Kio o'clock.
Tiiis morning the .statesman aiosn
at ii o'clock His (list caller was ex
Secretary John W. Poster, between
whom and the Chinese ambassador n
strong friendship has evsted, espe
cially since Mr. roster's mission to the
Kast during I he .liipau-l hiua war.
Another caller wasYanl'hou,
who was sent here by the Chinese
government us a student In 1X7 t. lie
presented an invitation fiom tho gov
ernor of Tennessee to visit Nashville
Large crowds gathered in Fifth ave
nue early to see the parade to the res
idence of ex-Secretary W. C, Whitney,
where the President was to receive
tlie umbassador at noon. A lurge
force ot police was nccessaiy to pre
serve order. Around Mr. Whitney's
house a dear place was reserved.
I.i Hung Chang and Secretary Oluey
exchanged visits in the hotel, after
winch they proceeded together to the
Whitney residence, cv-urlcd by u
troip of the Sixth cavalry.
Tlie reception by the president was
qu to simple in character and lusted
only twenty-live minutes, Among
those present were Secretary of State
Oluey. Seci clary of the Trelusury Car
lisle, Secretary of Wur l.uiuou'l and
Assistant Secictitry of State Kuclc hill.
After the iceepliou I'arl hi returned
to the Waldorf.
Alter the formal greeting. I.i Hung
fliang addressed the president as fol
lows: "Your excellency, it allords
me great pleasure to have the honor
to be presented to your excellency.
The tcputatliiii of your highly es
teemed virtues is widely Known
throughout tlie world and in vou tlie
cili.ens of the United States of Amer
ica have, invariably placed their conli
dence, consequently, both the interior
aduilui--lrutinu and thu exterior icla-
m-ii in mil ;ii:;iv ii:iiiimiu ,iiu in
Onto nf i,i-.,tiw.illi- It iv ill il it'ti tu I...
.i t ,i.:. f.. ..
' i ..-...,,. - ,....,
tliedesiie of my august muster, Hid
emperor of China, to maintain the
most cordial relations with America,
whose friendly assistance rendered to
thu government of China after tho
Chiuu-Japaticsu war nnd whose pro
tection for the safely of the Chinese
emigrants in America aru always to
be highly appieeiated.
"1 am now specially appointed by
'"""-' "y
U1"' VJV' T"
my august music
China, to present to your excellency
the assurances oi his most friendly
feelings toward the Fulled Slates of
America in the hope that your excel
lency will reciprocate his sentiments
and co-operate with hiiii to promote
tlie friendly intercourse between onr
two countries for the cause of human
Kind. I trust that your excellency'
government will continue, to ull'ord
protection and kind treatment to the
Chinese immigrants in America and
to render friendly assistance to the
Chinee government when required
May the people of our two nations
enjoy the benefits of perpetual peace."
Mr. Cleveland renticd: "Your F.x
cclleney: It gives mo great pleasure
to receive from your hand the per
sonal letter from your august sover
eign and to greet vou as his personal
representative. Since our two coun
tries became better ncnuuintcd many
incidents hav-c occurred calculated to
Incrcaso our friendly relations uud
not tho least gratifying ot these aro
the friendly expressions contained in
tho letter "of your emperor and tho
visit to our country of his most distin
guished subject, who has been so hon
orably nnd prominently connected
with public affairs In his own country
with all that has been attempted In
thu direction of its advancement nnd
improvement. Your visit to us at tills
time is made more impressive by tho
thought that it serves to Join in one
suggestion the most ancient civilisa
tion of the F.ast and the best typo of
a newer civilization in tho Western
world. Not withstanding the widely
different characteristics of Ike two
countries, tlie welcome which is ten
dered to you by tho government uud
citixons of the Pulled States illus
trates in the strongest possible man'
per the kinship of nations. Wo fell
that in the arrangement of your tour
you havo not allotted to your sojourn
'among us sufficient lime to gain an
adequate observation of all we havo
accomplished as a nntlon. It will not,
however, escape your notice that a
rich nnd fertile domain has hero been
quickly created by those, who wore
assured that inoy
toy would reap whero
n. that a strong and
rnment has becu hero
they had sow
beiielleent L'ove
c&iuDiishcu uy mine, who lovoircL-dom
and that wo havo, a generous and
patriotic peoplo who lovo their gov
ernment because it Is theirs con
structed by them, administered for
them and protected and saved from
harm by them. We heartily wish
that your stay with us may be most
pleasant and that at its close you may
enjoy a safe uud agreeable return to
your home uud your Hold of duty and
Tim I'reihleiit on IIU Way.
HuZAmi's Hay. Mass., Aug. -.'9.
President Cleveland, accompaulcd by
Privates Secretary Tliurber and Attor
ney General Harmon, loft hero for
New York at Vi-AU o'clock this alter
neon to attend tho reception to Li
Hung Chang,
Thruim 1'roiu IIkkrt and Killed
Maysvii.i.k, Mo, Aug. al. While
Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Mitchell wero re
turning from tills elty to their liotuu
In Amity, five miles west of hero,
thoir buggy was capsized by the de
sects of it culvert and Mrs. Mitchell
thrown out nnd instantly killed, while
ibo doctor ruffers" great injuries.
(lot I ('oiiilug to Ainirlrt
Hie V,i
1410,11110,11110 ou
New Yoiik. Aug Si. 11
II. Dun Si.
Co 's Weekly l'eview of Trails says:
Clearing house certificates have not
been Issued, but Instead gold Is com
ing hither largely on the swiftest
steamers, about $'0,0111, mil) being al
ready on the w.w. Higher lending
rates bring it. notwithstanding for
eign events which disntrb London
markets mid govern conlidence In the
monetary future of the country.
Liabilities hi failures for three.
weeks ending AulmisI '.'d were ?-.
'S.VJ-i'i, against S'l.oUi.S'Ml lust year
and SS,31l,'o in I.V.H: manufacturing
wercS'l.l.'.C.N, against Si. ;,!7,'l7" last
vear and S'.. si 3, 3.1 S in IslMj trndlng
was $1,1-01, 3I!.-, against S.W'.'.tis'.t last
year and s:i,ssi,l,t In Isiil, while
brokers and other coinmercial con
cerns added SI. S-,0-."i, against SUV
000 last year nnd Sl.s' 1.7 is In t!'l
'I he ntoppage of Hilton. Hughes . Co,
this week is, of course, not Included
in these figures.
The stoppage of works also con
tinues, including among other Iron
concerns the llliuos tcal plant at
Hammond, hid., mid the Lakeside
nail works there. Disruption of tlie
Tin l'late association results from in
ability of the uiauufaetiiring concern
j to go ou paying tlie wages ileum piled,
I and will presumably be followed by
tho stoppage of so-n'e other iron works
j that are getting very light new leisl
I ness, many contract's having been de
ferred "until after the election," and
there is so little doing that quota
l tions are almost nominal, (inn forge
I has sold for S'.l .'." at Pittsburg, but it
' is said that speculative purchases
auioitutlug to 10, Dull tons of pig have
relieved the Chicago market.
I Corn declined on Thursday to '.'i! i'
j cents here and aO." at Chicago, which
is close to the lowest ever known.
Crop advices- continue most favorable,
but Western receipts indicitu less dis
position to sell at current tlgures.
t otton has reacted sharply from its
advance to S 0'.', and 8 is now quoted,
witli little demand.
Failures for the week have been i'Ss
In tue United States, against ISO last
venr, and tliirty-t liree in Canada,
against forty-two'last vear.
limit Dclmtc in ArkiiK.ii I'.iiiU In
it Hint.
Font Smith, Ark., Aug 31. Con
gressman Hugh A. Diusmoru of
the Fifth Arkansas district, and ex
United States Minister to Corea, was
mobbed at a political meeting at Kng
lautlue, Van Huron county, Wednes
day, and sustained injuries which will
I confine him to his bed for some lime
' to come The Congressman was
I roughly handled, and but for the
interference of friends he would
, ... i , 1,1..
have suffered much worsu
injuries, Diiismore was recently re-
' nominated lor a lluril term 111 t on
i gross, and has been stumping his (lis
itrict. He spoke nt I'uglanilne ou
1 Wednesday utid divided timu with
' Jerry Scaulan, a local Populist candl
'date. Van Huron is a rural mountain
town, and the audience was in sym-
patliy witli Scanlau. During a heiited
discussion thu speakers became in-
I volved In a personal altercation, and
i the crowd mobbed the Congressman.
Mr. Diusmoru nail finished Ills
speech and taken his seat, and Scau
lan, a Populist, was addressing the
crowd, in the course of his speech
Scaulan called Dlusmore u liar, where
upon tho congressman struck Scaulau
in tho face. Immediately four of
Scaulan's fricuds attacked' Dlnsmoro
and knocked him to tho ground.
While sumo of them beat him in tho
face with their fists, others kicked
him In tho ribs and lumped upon him
with their heavy boots. Mr. Dins
moro was powerless against tho as
sault, and before his friends could get
to him ho was almost iusuuslblu. A
physician dressed Mr. Dinmoro's
wounds and lie was taken to Clinton,
where ho will be confined to his room
for several weeks.
(tumors of ItoMnratlun of th Monarchy
anil nn American I'rolectoratn.
Sam KnANCisco, Aug. 31. According
fo steamship advices from Honolulu,
li C. Macl'arlane, a leading roynlist,
left for San Francisco, August 20,
and it was rumored ho was on his way
to Kngland to confer with Princess
ICalulani, who wns heir to tho Ha
waiian throne. Tho rumor was con
tradicted by the royalist paper, which
claimed that his errand was personal
and had no political significance. In
tho sainn issue, however, tho editor
buid: '-Tho natural outcome of thu
present situation is that President
llole will gracefully retire anil that
Princess Kaiulani will bo asked to
head u new regime of which Dole's
pit-sent cabinet ollicer.s will be the
The royalists claimed that they had
received information that K'aiulaui
would be restored, while supporters
of the republic were under tlie iiupies
blon that President f.leve and had em
powered United States .Minister Willis
to negotiate for an annevation tioatv,
or fading in that, to nfler the present
government the protection of the
I ""'" maics. r.iiher annexation or
! ;-protectorate would ho acceptable to
I ' vl,llu P-Plo'' Huwaii, and, judg-
nig iriim uniicarancus, any aiteiupt in
lestore tho monarchy would be met
with resistance.
Sterling ll.irthvare .11 ou AMlgn.
Htkhi.ino, Kan,, Aug '11. Porter
brothers, hardware and implement
dealers, have assigned with liabilities
of Sli'l.a.s-t. ralluru to reulle nn out.
standing paper was the cause. The
assets uro said to be ample.
A llruil Sprei li Stiller Klllinl.
Wll'IIITA, Aug. .11 - li W. Will, of
I'.ilirton, who was soiling liryau'ri
speech of acceptance in naijiphlel
form, fell between the cars of a train
today and was killed. The lollowlng
identification paper was found in a
coat pocket. "My name is II. W, Witt.
In case of accident telegraph my
father, W W. Witt. ut. Ilxeler, Mo ,
and Alliu Wilt, my wife, al liurrlou,
l.lln Scott-llt r for I ill curt,
San I'iiam isi-o, Aug. II - Cji-I Ih-ek;
fr and .lames l.'regan, ll:e Nevada
liauk forgers,, havo been sentenced tc
life iiuprisonmeut by .hulgu Wullace,
Thu following proposed lunendnients
to the C'oiintlltitlon of the state of No
bniakn, na hereinafter sol forth In full
nro submitted to the electora of the
State of Nebraska, to ho voted upon
at Hip general election to bo held Tues
day, ovemlier 3, A. IX, ISM:
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend sections two (2), four (I), and
live (5.) of article hIx (ti)of the Consti
tution ot the State of Nohrnskn, relat
ing to mitiiiier of Judges of the auptvine
court and their term of ofllro.
Hn It rrsiilved nnd en icted 'by tho Lor
Ulature of fie l'late of Nelunskii:
Section t That loctliin two (2) of ar
ticle sis M ,.t the C.itiHtlttitlon of the
Htnle of NMiti-ika be amended so as to
rend us follows.
Hrcllrm l Tin. supirnie court sbnll until
other" le prox Ided by law, consist of the
() Judgi 1. u majority of whom shall be
iicet'i'iu". to fm in n quorum or to pro
nounce a lecNiiil. It xh'ltl
Jurisdiction in eiiso'i ril.illnr: to ret one,
civil casi h In whU'li the st'iti shall ho a
party, ina.nIamUM. ipio warranto, babcA-
corpus, and such appellate Jurisdiction, iim
mn V be proMiliMl h law.
.Section 2. That neotlon four (1) of nrtlclo
six ('.) of the ('oliKlliilloii of the State
of NebriiMUii, be nuieiidid so ns to lead us
Hectlon i. The Judnos of the supremo
court shall be elect--5 by the election of
the state at lurcc. nnd thrlr term of oflli e,
f.seept hi In ti'lmifii r provided, xhall In
for a period of not Icsh than live (5) yeiii.s
us the li'Kls'ntiii-i' m ly pieseillie.
Section 3 That section lle (,M of nrtlclo
six (fi) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, be ntni-uded to mail an folloWH-
Section f. At the llrst nnieral election to
ho hold hi the vi ar IV"'. there shall lie elect
ed two (2) JudKen of the supreme court on-
of whom nh.;ll be ficitiii roi a li rm nt
two (I) yuiii", one for the teim of four (I)
years, un-l nt e.i.-h cleitlon thcie
ufter, tin to shall be elected one Judi-o nf
the HUpiiinc court for Hie term of the
(5) years, indo'i otlntulMO provided by
law; ProvMnl, That tin' Judges of the su
premo court whose P--' i have tint ex pi nil
at the thou of IiuMiiik the Kencral elec
tion of l'.n. shall continue to hold their
olllce for tho lcmiilndcr of the term for
which tin y wvro leipcctlvely commit
stunrd. Aprovi1 March 29. A. 1). 1SD...
A Joint resolution proposing nn
nniondmnnt to portion thirteen (13) of
nrtlclo six of the Coiiiitlliitlon of the
State of NehriiHka, relating to com
pensation of Biiprpine nnd district court
Ho It resolved by the heclslituro of tho
Pluto of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section thirteen I'n of
nrtlole six (f) of the Constitution of the
Stnto of Nebraska ho umulided o us to
rend ns f-dlows:
See. 13 The Judges of tho supremo and
district courts shall receive for tnelr ser
vices such fiiiniK-ni'ntioii iim mav ho pro
vided by lnv, pnablo uunrteriy.
The IckI I.i I urn shall ut Its llrst sonsinn
after the inloptlou ot this iniouduionl,
threc-llfths of the nieraliem elecled to
ouch hoiisp roTiPiirrhn;, "statdlsh t lit lr
oompons.itlon. The cninpeii'iillon so r--titbllshid
fhnll nut bo .ehinced oflencr
thin once In four years, and In no event
unless two-thirds of the tui'inbern eloeled
to rnoh house of the le-'lnlature concur
tbemln. '
Approml March .lO, A. I). W3.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-four (il) of nr
tlclo five (5) of thr Constitution of tho
State of Nchraskn, relating to com
pensation of tho oIllcerH of tho execu
tive department.
He It resolved and onartod by tho Log.
Islaturc of the Statu of Nebriska:
Section 1. That s-eetlon twi-nty-fntir f!0
of article five (.1) of the Constitution of the
Rluto ot Nebraska be amended to rend as
Section SI. Tho officers of the executive
flrpiittmont nf the state Kovornment shall
reet-lio for their services u compeii-atlon
to bo established by law, which shnll bo
.lolthor Increased nor diminished durliiK
the term for which they shall have been
commissioned and they shall not receive
to their own use any fees, costs, Interests',
upon public moneys In their hands or un
der their control, peniulsltes of ofllco or
other rumpcnsatlnn nnd all fees (hut may
horonflcr ho payable by law for services
perfumed by un olllcer ptovldi"' 'or In
this urtlcle shall bo p-ild In advance Into
tho slain tronsury, 'I ho legislature sliall
at Its first scsilun after the .-nloptlou of
this amendment, threo-iifths of the uiem
bers elected to each house of tho loj-ls-laturo
coneurrlnir, estiibllsh tho H.ilurios
of tho ulllrers nimioil In this nrtlne. Tne
cnnipciisutlon so eslnhlbtheil shall not be
chniiKcd oftonor tbiin once In lour yean
nnd In no event utiles two-third of tho
members elected to each house of thu leg
islature concur thcicln.
Approved MutIi to, A. D. ISM.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend Hcetlon one (l) of aitlrlo six (fl)
of tho Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, relating to judicial power.
Ho It resolved nnd enacted by thn t's
l.ilature of the State of Nebrai-Uat
Miction I. Tn. it section one (1) of nrtlclo
six () of thn ('o-'xtliuilun of tho Stile of
Nebraska bn atiifinhtl to lead us follows:
Sictlon 1. The Jinllc al power of th'o titnto
slmll be vcxtcd In a sitpicnio court, dis
trict courts, county coin in Justices of the
peace, police uuii-bitratcK, and In surh
other courts Inferior to tho supremo eouit
us msy bo on all d by law In which two
thirds of the members elecled to each
house concur.
Approved Maich 19, A. I) ISO..
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section eleven (11) of article elx
(6) of tho Constitution of the State of, relating to Incrcaso in num
ber of supreme and dlstrht court
he It resolved and enacted by the I.e-;-bdaturo
of thn Hato of Nebraska:
Section t. That section eleven (II) of nr
tlclo six n'l of thn Constitution of the fitaio
of Nebrnskn be amended to read. as fol
lows: Bectlon 11. Tho legislature, whonovortwo
thirds of the miimbers cleeiid to each
lioimo sIimII concur therein, may, In or
ftor the year ono thousand elf-lit ruiii
dreU and ninety-seven ami not oflcnei
tunn oiice In every four years, Increase
ths numbor of JiuIkcs of suprmin and dis
trict com ts and tho Judicial districts of
the slnte. Such districts shall bo formed
of compact tenltory. mid bounded by
county lints, und such Increase, or nny
chnnee In tne boiindnilru of n district,
thnll nut va-'.itn the olllce of any JuiIkc,
Approved Match 30, A. 1). h'jj.
A Joint icsolutlon proposing U
amend scct.o'i six (C) of nrtlclo ono (1)
of the Constitution of Hip State of .'n
biaaka, relating to trial by jury.
He It resolved and rnact'-d by tho Leg
Mature ot thn riluti) of Nubrasha;
Section 1. Ttlut Hectlon six (1), nrtlclo
on (1) of rh CoatUilutlon ut the 8tat of
Nobr.iKhii tr smoiiilrd to rend ns follows;
Seel Inn 6. The iIrIU nf trial by Jury shall
remain luvlulnte, but the li-Klslature mav
provide thai In eh II netloii'i llve-ilths of
the Jnr may render a verdict, and the
legislature may also authorize Mini by u
liny of a loss number limit twelve iii-m,
in courts Inferior to I ho dlxtrlet court.
Approu'd Match t'.', A. l, 1K0.
A Joint rcHdliitlou prnpuslug to
niuenil section ono (I) nf article five (f)
ot the Constitution of Nebraska, rclnt
Ing to olllcora of tho uxi-cullw ilepart
ineiit, Ite It resolvrd ninl enneled by 1ho
I la Hi re of the State of Nelnaska:
Heel Inn I. That section ope (I) uf nr
tlclo live (. of the Constitution or the
Stale of Nebraska bo aliieilded to read a
Section l.The errcutlve department shall
consist of a covet nor, lleuteliant-'-ov-erinir,
seei nf slate, auditor nf pub
He accounts, tieasurer, stipcilntciidcnt of
publle Instruction, ntturnoy-aeuoral, com
mlKsioner of iml.lle lunds and buMJIns'H,
and three comtnlsloiior ., each
of whom, except the said railroad com
missioner!, shall hold his olllce for a t rm
of two years, fiom the nrst Thursday af
ter the llrsi 'tupsil.iy In .lanunry, nfler
Ills eleetlon, uud until Ills sllt'iessor Is
elected uud iiiatllled tlnch railroad emu
uHsloncr shall hn'.d his otllcu ror a term
of time years, beiJimlm: on the llrst
Tnursilay after the llrst Tited.iy In Janu
ary nrter his rlectloti, and until tils sue
fi'ssor H elected and ipmlltlcd; Provided,
however, That at the Hist Kciietal eh o
thin held after the adoption of thli amend
ment there shall be "leeled three rnllroid
eomiulMKliiiiei-H, one lor the pel hid of one
year, one fr the peilod of two yeats, nnd
olio ror the peilod of Ihtce years. Tlie gov-i-riior,
seiretary of slate, nudllor of pub
lle accounts, uud tic.ismer shall reside nt
the cupltnt ilutllu; their teim nf ufllco,
they sliall keep the public feeerdH, books
and papers there and shall perform vuuh
duties as mav be teipillcd by law.
Appluvnl Muich :t, A. 1). 1S'.m.
A Joint re.solutlon proposing to
ntnend seel Inn twenty-six (-U) of nr
tlclo fivo (fi) of tho Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, limiting tlie num
ber of ipciitlvo Rluto officers.
Ho It resolved ninl enneled bv tho he:
Islature of the Hint" of Nebrnskn:
Section 1. That eectlon eweiil-slx (2(1) nf
nitlcln live (,'i) of the 1'oiistliiitlou of (ho
Slato of Nebtaska bo ntllcudcil to lead as
Section 1(1. Nn other executive state nfll
ccrs except those mimed 111 section one (I)
of this nrtlclo shall bo ctiated, ex
cept hy in act of thn leKlsl.ituto
which Is rnucurroil In by not less than
lluee-fourths of the inembvis elected to
each house Hum cut;
I'rovldul, Tint any olllce created by an
net tr the Ict-lslaturc may be abolished by
the IcnlHl.iUlle, two-thlldii ot thn mem
1m I'M elected to each IiuIImi Iheleuf con-
Ai'iu oved Match Si A. T. lS'ij.
A Joint resolution proposing to
niiit'iid section nlno (11) of article eight
(8) of the Constitution of tho Slato of
Nebraska, providing for tho Investment
ot the pennaneiit educational fundi of
tho ntnte.
lie It resolved mid ennclid by the I.or
Inlatiiro of the Slate of Nchi.i.tKn:
Section 1. That section nluo l!0 of article
oli-ht ( of thn Constittillon of the Slate
nf Xi-brus1;.i be amended lo mid as fol
lows: Section 9. All funds belonging In the stafn
for educational purposes, thn Interest and
Income win leof only ale to be ued, shall
be deemed Irutl Hindu hell by the state,
and the st ite shall supply all losses there
of that may In nay maimer a. rue, so that
the sumo shall remain fomier Inviolate
and imdhrdtilrdicd, urn! xhall not bo lu
vesttd or loaned except on I'nlted Slates
or state securities, or lenlsleriil county
bonds or ri'KlstuHd school illiltlet bonds
of this ttnle, slid such funds, with the
Interest and Income thereof are hemby
solemnly plrdRt-d for the purposes for
which they nro i-raulcd and set apirt,
and shall not bo transferred to any other
tllliil for other uses;
1'iovlilid, Tho board erciitcl by .icetlon
I of this atll'-le Is einpowercd to sell fiom
lime to lime any nf the .teciiiilhs hcloni;
liit,' to the pcruiituent school fund and In
vest thu prticeeds ailslnit therefroin In nny
of thn serurltles euunierated In this sec
tion lieai Iiik ii hlnher rate of Inteiest,
whenoicr an opportunity fur better In
vestment Is pi i. Milled:
And provided furiher, That when any
warrant upon thn slnto tieasiuer rei:
ularly Issued In pursuance of an appropri
ation hy tho legislature nnd secured by tho
levy of a lax for Its payment, shall
bo preseiitttl lo tho stain treasurer for
payment, and there shall not ho any
money In thn pioper fund to pay such
kMirtanl, tho board created by section 1
of this article may direct the slato treas
urer to pay tho amount due ou such war
rant from moneys In his hands belonKlug
to thn perurineui school fund of thu slate,
and ho shall hold said warrant as an In
vestment of said perniaiu-nt school fund.
Approved March , A. 1). l'W.
A Joint irHoliitlon proposing nn
amendnii'iit to tho Conatlttitlon of tho
State of Nebraska by adding n now
section to nrtlclo twelve (12) of said
constitution to lw numbered section
two 02) relatlvo tn the merging of thu
government of cltlo3 of tho metro
politan ol:iH3 nnd tho government of
the counties wherein .such cities arc
lie It resolved and onncl"i1 by the' Leg
islature of the Statu ot Nelnaska:
Section I. That article twelve d'.') of I ho
Pon-itltuilnn nf the Jllatn of Nebraska bo
auieuded by adtlliiK lo said article a new
portion to bo numbered s'ct'ou two (2)
to n ml as follows:
fleet Ion 2. Tho Koverninont of any city of
tho metropolitan clnss and tho Kov
ornment nf tho county In which
It Is loenttd may bo mciKcd wholly
or In pirt v. hoi. a proposition ho to do hat
been submitted by authority of luw to tho
voters of such city und county und ro
fihtd I'm assent of a majority of the.
votes cast In such ilty and ulso i majority
or tho votes cast 111 the county exclusive
of those cast In such metropolitan city
at such elurllnll.
Apprised Muich fl, A. 1). 1S5S.
A Joint resolution proposing an
amondment to section r.ix (0) of nrtlclo
neven (7) 'of tho Constitution of the
Stnto of Nohrnskn, prescribing the
manner In vhk-h voton shall bo cast.
Ho It resolved and enacted by tho Log
hlatilro of thn .State of Nebraska:
Sicllnn 1. That section nix (1) of article
seven (7) of tho Constitution of the Statu
of NCbrmka bo amended to read as fol
lows: Soriton fi. All votes shnll be by ballot. -or
such uther method us may b prescribed
by law, prolded tin? secrecy of vutiiig bn
Approval March , 'A. D. 1S.'3.
A Joint resolution proposing to
nmoml Boctlon hvo (-) of article four
teen (H) . -of the Constitution of the
State of 'Nebraska, tolatlvo to dona
tions to works of internal improve
ment and manufactories.
lie It resolved and enacted by the Isc-1-diiluro
of the Statu of Nebraska:
Hectlon I. That sictlon two (J) of urttclo
fourteen (H) of tho Constitution of thu
,Stnt of Nebraska, be amended to rend a
Sec. 2. No city, county, town, precinct,
municipality, or other subdivision oX thu
st'ito, rhull ever mnko (liti.ttion to nr
vorlis of Internal Improvement, or
mtinnfituory, unions a piopolllnu n to
do snail have brill llrst subrnltltd to lh
illl.llllhd clectnts iiimI rattlled bj a two
lldids vole ijl nn eltcllnti hy authority of
law; I'tnvldeil, That such dnn.-itlnn-i of it
county "I 111 the tlunntlons uf nuch i-u'kII-visions
In the iiggregnte shall not euceod
ten per rent of the as"S-ted vjlii.illnn o
such county: I'rocldid furilu-r, That any
city ur coimiy may. bv a thr.e-fniirtln
vole, Increase sit'lt inili hti-dnoM rlvo p
cent, In addition to sit. h ten per cent anil
no bonds or nvtdences of ImlebtidntHs iu
li-sueil snail be valid unless the same shall
have endorsed thereon a eerllllcato slxneil
by tho seeteliiiy and nudllor of stnto,
Hliouliur that the same Is Issued pursuant
to law.
Approved March 0, A. D. 1KC.
I, J. A. Piper, secretary of state of
tho statu of Nebraska, do hereby certlf
that tho foroglng proposed nmcuilmcuta
lo tho Constitution of thu Stnto of No
hrnskn are true nnd correct coplra of
tho orlglnnl enrolled and ongroaecA
bills, as passed by tho Twenty-fourth
session of tho legislature of thu Statfl
nf Nebraska, ns appear.- from said
oilglnal bills on flic In this olllce, and
that nil and each of Raid proposed
amendments nro submitted to tho
tiualllled votei a of tho state of Ne
braska for their adoption or icjoetlon
ut tho general election to be held on
Tuesday the 3d day of November, A.
I)., 189(5.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hnnd nnd nlllxrd the grcas
seal of the slato of Nobraslm.
Dono nt Lincoln tht3 17th day oJ
.Inly In thn year of our Lord, Ono Thou
sand ICIght Hundred nnd Ninety-Six,
of tho lndepcnilouco of tho United
Stales tlie One Hundred and Twenty
First, nnd of this stnto tho Thirtieth.
(Seal.) J. A. l'IPRIl,
Serretary of Slnto.
:! J
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