? I i E1 t 4 THE UK!) CLOUD CHIEF, FRIDAY, SEPT. 4, 189(3. i mr iwirjwiJiii mw Pure Ulood mcniiH sound hcnlth. With pure, rich, healthy blood, tho stonmch nuil di gestive organs will be vigorous, nml thcro bo no dyspepsia. Rheumatism nnd Neuralgia will no unknown, ncruiuin mm bait lthcum will dlaappcar. With pure Blood Your nerves will b atronjr, and your eleep aound, aweet and refreshing. Ilood'a Saraaparllla make pure blood. That la why It curea ao many disci oca. That la why ao many thousands take It to cure dlaeaae, retain good health, tire Tent aickneaa and Buffering. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One Trim Ulood Purifier. II per bottle. " , ., nlaa cure Liver Ills ; easy to iiOOdS PillS take, easy to operate. i5c. THE CHIEF PnlilUhctl Weekly. fUbicrlptloN f I lr AimiU" Invariably lav 4ii Hn!red at the I'oal time In lied 'loud, NM. as nihil mallerof thearcoiid laii I.ahot Tait. Asst Ixx-al Kdltor. IW01K C1R3ULAT10H 1,300. Mmm'""""""""""' REPUMjICAN ticket. For President, WILLIAM McKlNLEY. For Vien-Pie.sldont, GARRET A. IIOHAKT. STATE. For (iovenior, JOHN H. MacCOLL. For Lieutenant (lovonioi-, UHLAN 1)0 TE1T, For Secretary of Suite, JUKI A. IMl'KK. For Com. Public Lands and Hulldings, 11. C. RUSSELL. For Auditor Public Accounts, PETER O. IIEDLUN"). For Treasurer, 0. E CASEY. For Attorney (joiieutl, A.S.CIIiJRUlllLL. For Superintendent ol Instruction, henry r. coriiett. For Regent of University, W. (i. WUITMORE. For Judges Siipiuiin Com I, ROBERT RYAN M. 15. KINKAII). For Presidential Electors, FRANK .1. SADILDK. J. K. HOUTZ. A. J. UURNHAM, A. 15. FOSTER. SOLOMON DRAPER, (. A DERIIY, J. L. McPHEELY, M. L. FRIESK. Congronslonal. For Congress Fifth Dlstiiet, W.E.ANDREWS. Republican Convontion A rciiil)llcn ciiiiTfiilliiii f.ir V'el)iereouni) l hereby called id tin ft at itie rouil lane In Uoil I'lond, Ntlnul.ii un uiilHy. iiiii'iiiliir IJlii. s'M. at II oVIuck a in fur III- pnriiiikp nf uuuillMiliU u I'liivll'lnte for tin' stiitr If cl-Luiir,', i I'Hinltiliiic fui I'liimly nllii '!(. kinl fur Hi ulcrnr UHiv..ei to thn ri'i.iuiilmu conven Uuil fr Hid Will K'liHlorl il iliMMet nml In tint rep I Hum ioiit iiiiuii fur tnu ! I l'jll.ili ill- lli'l II In ret Uiuili'llilcd I'lKl llir ilelFKiiti I to tiilKeoiivaHtloil trointlie l.t, :M, Aid. niii .lli Niii'orrlMir illntricl- iioiiiinnlc t'liinllOatt fur mi.'rli-or In their ienvrtlveiliilrlct. It I rep ommunilcil Hint no rnxlin liv idlniied. .mi inviniiiou m cxittmru ui an idchi viierr vhoIcMrclii amlliite with I lie reiinllcnu irt to intend tint iiiirili'linue In tlio VHticimei nuil iirlmurlcK to no hem under tue call. riiu varluni lowiifliluK mil ttiirda ore entitled to reiircMMitntlnn hn fiilluw. Imeil an III. vole (Ml for Hon. W. K. Andrew- In 1S'.M, allowing niiHileli'imle forviicli leu vole and insjar par tlmi tliereuf mi ent nml nun at lurn fort'iich iumiIiIi nml nurd, Hiihlti Knelt ir Iteil t'loml x llenver CncV . 7 llallu .. :i MlUnaler - (i tllunuoiid s iHki'reelc , 4 Walnut Crick 4 (. irlU'M il liuiriilu n I'eiKant Mill S Cittliertini ' I On Creek il lliirimiiiy K 1' MmIhiii Heil t'loml Ut wnnl til I.Uio il IteiK'loui) Jd wuiil i:i Totnl CM ItAMI.II I'll Ml'NlTT, T ('. Ilil'Khll. errL'tiiry. Clmlriunii Inavai.k, Neb., Auk , 27lli, lbt'll. To Tin: Kniniu l'opuliil urKiiint'iit, if tmti'il I'ltreftilly, will, in tho cml, con tniiliot itM'lf ittul in:ikc loic for tho otlior side, Mr. Carpontor may he nidi) to look out for that in his own stH'cilieurniiinunt Imt hit lints of uiku iitetit and that of others cannot fail to do so. Mr. Cu punlt'i tolls us that Mixer v.n from three to six per cent higher in foieign t'outitrics in 1S7I1 than in our iiwn eouutry. I could dispute this .stutciuaiit safely imt I am not going to for I want to admit that point ami say this: Kvuryoiui knows, now that wo have tliiKstatistius heforo lis, that their w as only about $,000,000 silur dollais ooiiied prior to 187:1. Whj Heenion .silver being higher in l.nudon was all stoit over tliiue. Now if sllverall wont to Ktirope wlien it was liigh there would it not i (Hum to tlii eouutry in groat (jutinlUins if wo raisi'il tint priee nf it liuiuover tliat of London or else where? I think it would in spite of Mi. Cs. statement to tin-emit imij. Si-omul I H'ld on eamiuiiig Mr. Carpenter's article further that he i.s .striotly n iiiiddlo-oMlie-ioad populiM and is right in ttiu linu with the old grernl'iuki r and mmIiiii1 tssi lis lb il iiutii m i d Mil kiii i iuti itiidc v dm mil dial anything with tliegoeiiiineiil -iaiiii on is "good moiicj " I eaie no' t euli'i' into aigiiimuii of gteenbaek ism with anybody as that 'a a dead isiie. (lone lo thi'so maay years. I will ad mit, though, that the populist Idea of ft en silver is that it is one .step ucaiei to their eherlshed hope. I will quote, Mr. Holit. IiigciHoll on this question as he spoke in old fieonbauk days: "Yon cannot mako inonay hy resolv nig, hihI you cannot make niotiay hy law, any morii than you can nuka oats anil corn by li'solutloii in a political meeting. Lord, Lord, I wish you Ciitld. I winli thin government could make money. What a rich nation wo would he. If the government eau make money why does iteollrct taxes? Why should the still borrow a uaiidle? Why Is a poor man working upon his farm a whole jear through rain and .shine and storm, day and night, and at tin; end of the, year people come to him ami want SIM taxes? If tho gotem incut can make a thousand dollar hill In a second, why should it follow up that poor man? I wish this govern ment could make money, ami that 1 could gut my sliaro of it. I i egi et that tho Aladdin place matU by the green back party uunslsttd only of glorillrtl mist. I am sorry that its dome was only a rainbow of hepa, I wish il had been a reality. I wish the- government could make money out of paper, so that the luxuries of the world would he at America's feet. I wisli we could make money no that we could put uvory poor man in a palace. I wish wo could make money so that our life would bo a continual and perpetaal feast. Hut the trouble is, we cannot. That is the trouble." Mr. Carpenter nsks mo to cite liim to soino Instances where poor money have made hard limes. 1 might go on and call his attention to a number of them both in our own country and in other countries bull will only recall one at present ami then if lie wants mote 1 will .send him a list of them. Something over four hundred years ago in England the king waslmrrassed by debts ami in older to make it easy for him to )iay them the ratio of coin age was changed fiom 11 to 5 to one, that Is ."0 cent dollars or half pound pounds. Here is wlialn great Kngliili historian .says in relation to this mutter. Vol. 5, p. Uil, ehap. 'J.I, Ftotide's History of (lieat llritaiii: "Meantime the money theoiists, tlileo centuries befoio their lime, distracted him (the Pioteetor, Edward VI.) with their tempting speculation. Why should money cause the deaith?" men H'lid. "Why should not it be taken as il is proclaim ed!1" "What if it weroeoppoi? What If It well! lead? What II It Weio leather?" "Is it not all ene, seeing it is for none oilier than exchange? "If money was plenty all things would be plenty;" the greater the abundance of money thegreatei abundance of every thing. Three pails of the icnlni out of four were belter for the multiplica tion." And in chap. L'7, page 207, Wil liam Lane .said to LonlOeil eoueeiu ing new coin to be issued: "Ami the like of the mischief happened herein England in the mouths of .lime, July and AugitM last, in the which three months men e, in led i ut. of Englum! not so little as l' 100,0(10 of guM (and yet sdver del come into England as fast, and all f"i' the piiv.ite gtiu in coining the silver) tue that the pound of gold is lichee than the pound of white mouej, thai slion.y we. shall lie quit of all our rich money for a base coin ami llieu shall follow a lm eater fall of the exchange, which is the father of till dearth of almost all things that man occupied). If we in England shall coin six yeais to come so much white metal as we have done in six yeais past of the value that now goeth the pleutiftiluess of the money and the baseness thuieof together .shall bring our commonwealth to that pass that if you should giwt a poor man tluee shillings for his day's labor, yei joti should scarce pay him such a hue as ho might live thereof which Cod defend shall come to pass." I do not know what Mr. Carpenter means oy sajing inai i nave never seen any poor money or no .Victim dol lar. I have seen il not longer ago than last week. I was ollered two Mexican dollars forfl 10. I have -etui our own money, Made dollars, pass tor 10 cents many and many a time 1 have m'oii (although I was too iungi(, leim mher milch iiboul it) I' S giceu backs pass for loss than ."0 cents on the dollar and thai was under tice coimigt loo, hctoie IS?!!. Hut I fail to lei-a.l the iii-stance he speaks of whore guen backs uise to a premium ovei gold 1 must have authotity for that and I niii-i know the reason why it was such, it n ever was. I'uithei I have only this to snj I) Mexico is so prosperous with a ciuii luting medium of only 1 .85 why dotln pops and Hi an demoeiat.s jll so loudly foi nil iiicieasn In out p, i capita cireuhiiiiiir In conclusion I will sold this .stiiKiuiMit which K cer tainly tellable, limn the Ulllllnlci of Mexico to this country, Mr. .Jon (J. Liniauloiir, as iutcrvievvtd bj the New York Suns ".Mexico,' said Mi Liliianiour. " HI1 tO 1 I bC'Ultl II V M ill I'll (I is 1)11111 till If. bill, ' f l nlllM i is ten i j a single silVei slimlulil. Il Is t.ot " si ble in li'iV'' a dun in' stand. ltd limit i In o coinage. Anv gold we hae is im I'leill.itel exported, and 1 have invei seen any gold in eh dilution in Mixieo, (lold is :tt a piemliim of neaiiy V!00 We pioduce but little gold. Last year the output was a.OOO.OOO ounces, while we produced about tho same amount of silver as the United Slates, r.5,000,000 or 00,000,000 ounces." "How has trade been affected by the fall In the price of silver?" "The price of imported goods has been doubled. Tho ncreasi! in price of domestic products which are consumed at home has been small. The price of tropical products, which are raised principally for ex port, has virtually inct eased, because they ato paid for in gold, the interna tional medium of exchange, ami the premium on gold in Mexico has in creased with the fall of silver. On this account the producers ot codec and other tropical products have profited greatly, ami have grown very wealthy." "Is Mexico prosperous on the silver standard?" "Our piospeilty is increasing rapidly, hut It is due to a number of causes and not especially to the silver Htaudaid." "What is tho effect upon wages of the depreciating silTcrstandaid?" "They have not in creased perceptibly. Tho same Is true of Japan, where wages are very low. Fortliis reason Japan and Mexico will In a few yeais bo able to compete suc cessfully with England and the United States because of the silvet standard ami low wages." "What "is the ruliiit; rate of wages for agricultural label ors in Mexico?" TwcMty-live cents atlay." If this doesn't etlccliially answer all the letters from private citi.ens then there is no use of going ftiithor. Respectfully, U. (L Kniuiit. 1LArU.HI1.r?ffiVtt8,S mmn.mfmwf INSUUI'S Safety MIIIUL.UV of Life to Muth- III II I IllallUI cr andCliiid. iiaanTiirnoi mu I ntnd FRIEND" floti Confinement of Hi Piln, Horror and Rltk. Mvwlfn uned "HOTIIKRR' FHIKNI)" be- Iforn birth of her II rut child. Rho did not i aufter from CRAMPS or FAINS wasnulckly , I relieved m tno critical nour aunerinR out i little gho bad no pntns afterward and her ' recovery w as rapid. E. E. Johnston. Eufaula, Ala. I Sent by Mall or Exprcas, on receipt of nre. ei.ou etr Dome, uook "io moid- ' era" mailed Free. , BBiDimD BEOUMTOB CO., Attala, Oa. BOLD BT ALL DXUOOMTS. SHERWOOD & ALBRIG-HT. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Humboldt, Minnesota and Amboy Flour AGENTS FOR Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. FKKSH VEGETABLES AND FIUJITS OF ALL KINDS IN SEASON. In a recent letter to manufacturers Mr. W. F. lieiijaiiiiu, editor of the Spectator, Iluchfoiil, N. Y., says. "It may be a pletistite to you to know the high esteem in which Chamberlain's medicines are held by the people of your own state, where they must be best kuo.vu. An aunt of mine, who resides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit me a few years since, and befoio leaving home wrote me, askiiigif they weio sold here, stating if they were not shn would bring a quantity witli her, as she did not like to be without them " The medicines ref cited to aio Chamberlain's Cough Heinedy, famous for its cures of cold and croup; Chain berlain's I'aiu Halm for iheiiiiialisiu, lame hack, pains in the side ami chest, ami Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrluea Hemedy for bowel com plaints. These medicines have been in constant use in Iowa for almost a quarter of a century. Tho people havo learned that they are articles of great win tb and merit, and unequalcd by any other. They tiro for sale here by Doyo & (it ice. Tho SilTor Situation in Moxtoo. Fads aie better than theories. The two lettets given below explain them selves Tim fust one was written by (oy Kellogg of the linn of (iuy Kel logg & Co , of Vinton, Iowa, to his uncle, who has lived in Mexico some years. The wage earner may judge for niinself. Vinton, Iowa, July lllh, !)). My Dear Uncle About tluee weeks ago the republican p.titymeiat Si. Louis and nominated Win. Mclviuley for president and adopted a platform de claring for a gold standard as ihe basis of our money; just last week tho democrats in convention assembled, nominating Win J. Hryau of Nebraska on a free sliver platform, declaring that the free and unlimited coinage of silver ai a ratio of 10 to 1. Knowing that Mexico linaa flee silver coinage and that with you silver was the basis of your circulation I thought it would tlo no harm to ask a few questions for my own information. Triming that it will not be too much trouble to answer I venture the following questions: 1st. If you were a citizen of the United States and all your business interests were in this country, would you he in favor of free coinage of sil ver? '.'ml. What dors the day laborer re ceive for aday'rt labor in your country? 3rd. Have you gold in yotircountry; I mean gold coin. 4th. What is the market price of wheat in Mexico? 5th. What is thu price of cattle and horses on the market? 0th. What tin you tliiuk would be the effect of a change ot our coinage system? Anything else you deem of interest along this line will be thankfully re ceived Very Truly, (JUYKKLLOOU. Monclova Coa, Mexico, July 18, "JO. Dear Nephew Your letttr of lllh, is before me. In reply to your questions say to your tirst, 2oj to you second 33 to 37 cents. In answer to your tliiid question gold does not circulate hero at all; to your fourth, wheat, IIS cents to $1; cow are worth $15; hoijes $7 to $25, and to your last, ruin. We pay for exchange when we need it 31.35 for $1 ami often fci for U. I sold an American $'20 gold piece for for $10 in Mexican silver. Common calico is woith 18c; good calico !)3c; bleached domestic, n5 to 35c; and everything else in proportion. 1 have three men working on my farm at $10 per month and they boaid thcms.dvc of course You people have a gooil thing anil you will lose il if you change. A II. KELLOUU Bcege' TroU'Ml Oil Tho only liniment on Ihe nmrket to dny that baa a positive guaumtee to do alt thu label call for. Its great strength nod wonderful curative powers are parti cularly notloeablt) in deep seated dis eases, anoh us Rlieiimntista, Neuralgia, etc. 0. L. Cotting keeps it. ssLaH UMsVSKro LaaaH bh "nswn -- bh Threatening -TO- Have That Picture Enlarged Won't got it done. The Easiest aud best way to get it tlone, and to bo sure of its being done right is to stop in at Wegmann's Gallery, Water Color, Seape and Pastel Portraits. Fine 10x20 Crayon Portrnits fr 11.48. Water Colois for $1 80. l'latino, the iipw carbon enlargement for 11.50. ALBUMENS, HKOM1DES and PASTEL, from 50c up. "We are SELLING CLOCKS. YOU NEED ONE. Good Clocks and Low Prices. . Newhouse Bros., Jewders and Opticians. HEAlXiUAHTEHS FOH WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS I.N MJMI Hun ,1)1 c. 1 M.r iai. CAL Ivrc. Rheumatism Is a blood diseasennd only a blood reme dy can euro it. So many people make the mistake of taking remedies which nt best arc only tonics and cannot possi bly reach their trouble. Mr. Asa Smith, Grcencastle, Indiana, says: "Por years I have suffered with Sciatic Rheuma tism, which the best physicians were un able to relieve. I took many patent medicines but they did not seem to reach my trouble. I gradually grew worse until I was un able to take my food or handle myself in any way; I was abso lutely helpless. Three bottles of S.S.S. re lieved me so that I was soon able to move Tito pole-raising last Friday night was witnessed by about 1,500 people aud when the Hag was run tip loud cheers split the atmospheie for Mc Kill ley and Old Gloiy. The Hag was given to the tepiiblicau clubby Wm. Duet who with the assistance of "Grandpa" I l,u I we I run il u;. Judge GVs.sna and Randolph McNitt made short speeches for the occasion. The coloied glee club rendered a couple of campaign songs and the Hastings Military band gave a very pleasant concert. Has tings Tribune. Ui'KK' Cavrniitii Sal vi. 'Ihe Pirfeiit Ointment. Cores where all others full. Its txtraordluary cura tive power has l.een proved in thu thoun Mitt- of ousts of piles, for which wo hold 't'BtiinnnliiK Your piipn'iir drncgist U I,. Cotting iiells it. RlD LLOUD, NhlJKASKA. P.......1............MM.1..1111..11MM...1..............M.W.1 Harness 1 Harness ! Harness ! J O BUTLER, The SqiKire Dealing, Low Priced, Best Grade HAltNESS MAN, In Red Cloud. Prices right for cash The Hon. I). A Scovill will address the people of Inavnle at the school house at that place on Friday Sept., 11, at b o'clock. This gentleman istt good speaker and will ably entertain a crowd. The lnavalo republican club is fortunate in having secured him. Hon. Randolph McNitt will also ad dress tho people at tho same time and place. i5l V-0! . efcSKi MS&r when I ins always had free, coinage. '1 he t alio i Paul Story of Cowles was hete Sat in day. Miss (liace Foil is home from Orleans. Wallace Wright was among the pil grims to Omaha this week. .I.S. Largent of Guide Rock was in the city this week on business Jamie Mixliohl left Monday on 'a isittoSt Paul ami Minneapolis, W. N Richardson and Nunc Shop heidson are in Omaha this week. John Polnicky was looking after business matters in Omaha this week. l't'iinl; anielsor ami win vveie in my right arm; before' Omaha this week enjoying the state long I could walk! fait. A J. ('lute of McCook was iu the eitj Monday renewing old ucqiialn tames The III lie sou of Will Clllipbnll sll tained a fiacl'irc of an arm on last Filthy evening. Mrs Rollisnii, who Ins been visiting with tins Giui's aixl family has re tui mil to bit home at Mexico, Mo. The whole stein is drained and tin del mined by indolent ulcers and open s s DeWilt's Witch Ilnzel Halve spculil. heals them II I.s the lies! pile cure known. ( L. Cotting. Epilepsy 20 Years. Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. A fuw years nRo, Mr. L. V. Oallnlier. vvns an extensive, auecessful expert manu facturer of lumber products. Attacked with epilepsy, bo was obliged to lo up Ids busi ness. Tho attackHcauio upon him most hi oiijHirtuncly. Ono tlmo f.illlns from a carrl ne. ut another down stairs, and often In tho strett. Onco ho fell down a shaft In tho mill, his Injuries nearly proving fatal. Mr. Gallahcr writes from Milwaukee Fob. It), '05 across the room, nnd had finished one doen bottles was cured completely and am as well as ever. I now weigh 170 " A Real Blood Remedy S.S S. cutes Sciofula, Cancer, Kccm.i, and any form of blood troubles. If you have n blood disease, takt 1 blood medi cine S.S.S. (.(, mi 1 a nh id p 11 1 civ vixeld' tabic) is exclusively for the blood and is recommended for nothing else. It forces out the poison mattei permanent ly. We will send to anyone our valunble books. Addtess Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. WrmM rS ' I rVr'1' XT S SOOTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. DEAI.KIl IN Wines, Liquors, California Brandies. w nn no DIGK BROS QUINVlf i ALWAYS ON TAP. sss Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure (lraoo Cream l Tartar Powder. "Tlioro nro 110110 inuro mlscr'tblo than epi leptics. Tor 'JO years I -uiriired with upllup tie lltb, bavins a lilsh as livo in one nUht. I tried any uuinlicr of pliyi-.el.ius, piylint to ono alone, a fee of WXi(0 and have done llttlo for years but beai'h fur bometldm; to help me, and havo t ivn oil tho leadliiK remedies, but rcctnv eil uuoum lit Vyuaraito my sou, Chits. 6. lialliititr, ilrii-iit .it 191 Heed fc?t., Mllwatikei', khvd mo Dr. Miles' Uestniiitlve Nervine, and I tried It with pratlfylnK results. Havo had Inn two fits since I began takliu; It. I am hotter now In every way than I li.ivt lxxin la 20 years." Dr. Mllus' Iteniiidleiiiruiuiid by druggists on a posltlvo guarantoo that tho llrstdiuttlo will bouiilltor price refunded. Hook oa tho Heart ami Nurvus, free. Address, Dr. Mlloa Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Remedies Restoro Health. J. S. EMIGH, DKNT1ST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK VOl' WANT IT Crown I Bridge Work or Teeth Without Hates. l'f)llfi:t,AIN INI.AY, 111l nil the Istot Improvement iu dentnl mecli lllllMll PETERS CARTRIDGES Excol In Strength and Clonnllnesg. 09 auric Finn AND ACCURATE. 09 Fotcri CartrlclfToo, Loacloci Shells nnd Primers (1UAI1ANTKKD ll.lKXCIXl.tD. r-hotogripheil actual ii imty-four PEIERi jj hgit H F Smok.Uit CitildBi, fu.d taDiilly by C. M UoiJun, Eig,, Biocklyn, U Y ASK VOUH PCALER TOR THIM. IHE PETERS CARTRIDGE CO., Cincinnati, 0, I 7J WM.-ITHI ..i,iiiim.wiiii mi. 1 i,( . . 1 iii, .I.... Irf'Wyii' laxwWBiw jyjffic,. jjayjjj .i