The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    T r- M.
ti Mlchty Current i:u ,.tjr Ills
rurm mill 1lirni 'IIiimii l,p I, Sand
lliir Contliit'il 1 lutit ut St. .liMDiih,
H13 Missouri rlvrr
hns been on Its
accustomed annual
rampage, and, as
tlti' receding wntoiv
run out the damage
done by tin rise Is
sm ?j
Tti tvir( V '',tf becoming a
?fV i.:r.- Mo.. speoln
:-lal of re-
- - rii' .--
, n-. : . ...
);t I'CHl nine. .Along
mo snores mo scen
ery lms changed. Farms have loosened
anil dropped Into tho remorseless
1 strewn bore and there; other farms
have cropped up under the guise of
giant sand bars, altering the swift eur
, rent, itself always an unaccountable
"The river Is rising very rapidly," la
a simple statement one frequently
found In the coll innn of the daily pa
tiers, always nt this tseaso.i, under pro
saic headlines, perhaps, and tuched
away In some remote corner of the
page. Hut for '.lie old residents along
this great atu-,m it has a never falling
charm. In C:i mighty river that glides
swiftly i-y the city's gate, washing.
1, grinding, eating away the earth
walled foundation, there Is something
moro majestic than the tranquil sea,
there Is a distant power of movement
that -viu'ka with It a hint of uncon
querable force, it river unfettered and
'j undnmmed, and beyond weak mortars
The plain announcement that the
river Is rising causes a feell'ig of awe
to creep over the povcrty-sti ichen boat
dweller as he gathers IiIh family about
him and stands on the shore, gazing
askance at tho swirling, mudd cur
rent. It creeps ster.dlly, stealthily, r"
sistksly up, inch by inch, foot by
foot, until the bottom of the leaky bo it
is submerged. Its encroachments are
like the ways of the dreaded p:uulinr.
When the river Is rising rapldlj t'ic
cotter along tho shore takes a new reef
In the hawsers that hold his small home
to the bank beneath the willows, and
tho gleam of the midnight lantern I3
seen over tho gloomy waste of waterr.
for It Is unsafe to bleep nt such a tlni"
when the river In rising rapidly.
Along the shore on either side of the
majestic stream tho comfortable farmer
puts down tho bars and permits his
stock to roam Into the uplands that
range away from tho towering bluffs,
standing like grim, wakeful sentinels
above the river's crest when the river
is rising rapidly.
Then ho r.iandj sadly by the bank
In tho green and fertile meadow and
watches the rich black soil. In musalve
sods and patches, crumble and roll Into
tho rapacious jaws of the merciless oc
topuswhen tho river Is rising rapidly.
Standing on tho shore at tho foot of
Felix street, for tho watcher gazing
westward there is a peculiar and Inspir
ing charm In tho scene when tho river
Is rising rapidly. Tons upon tons of
loam from tho farm lands have discol
ored tho water until Its depths aro as
impenetrable to tho sight as solid Iron
or granite. The rivulets from the crys
tal springs that leap down the foothllb
of the far-awny mountains, dashing
through gulch and vale with merry
laughter, are changed to black and in
digo, but the shifting sands of tho Mis
souri and the soil of the farm land
simply discolor, not destroy. A moro
healthful draught than tho cup taken
from thu rushing current of tho stream
was never brewed nor mixed by art.
When the river Is rising rapidly It
boars on Its current many strange
V things. Now a boat, half broken, half
sunk, goes swiftly by, bobbing up and
down In tho sunlight. Again the bodv
of a drowned bullock or n floating cabin.
Then a trco an evergreen, a pine or
a cedar borno on tho face of an ava
lanche, perhaps, from Its perch upon
somn bald mountain side and caught
in the sliding snow drifts. Hlrds hover
in Its swerving branches and Hit and
fly ns it tosses and rolls In tho angry
stream. Into the high bank tho current
rolls, and tho swirling eddies growl anil
roar as tho whirlpool settles down at
tho base of the willows, rip-rapped Into
the bnnk. And so It goes rushing,
gurgling, roaring, novcr smiling, never
safe, a thing of awo, of grandeur, of
wonder and mysterious charm, but al
ways to be avoided when the river Is
ilslng rapidly.
Into the western side of this city the
river sweeps straight from the wrst.
Hero It turns directly south for a mile,
then turns westward again. Away over
yonder, where tho ends of tho curvos
aro closest, only 11 mile strip of loamy
Kansas soli standn between a meeting
of tho waters. And this is dally becom
ing narrower. Tho river Is eating into
it every hour, until It now bears re
semblance to n vast peninsula.
A milo out from St. Joseph the strip
of land between tho rlvor'o curves la
fully five miles wide. It Is predicted
toy those who hnvo watched tho erratic
Missouri's course and changes for a
quarter of n century that it Is only a
question of a short tlmo until that nar
row neck of land In Kansas Is eaten
away and tho Missouri's chnnnel la un
dor tho eastern slopo of tho big, round
bluffs that range along tho western
horizon. When that happons, St. Jo
ficph, with Its magnldcent sowcrngo
system, will bo an inlnnd town, high
and dry, and Its great stosl railroad
hrldgo will bo spanning tho nucleus
" of a fertllo farm, or, nt best, a fihallow
lagoon, Efforts to prevent such cata
strophe by rlp-rapp'ng aro con3tnntly
In progress.
Tho sack or box coat will bo much
In evidence this fall,
tlU frt Appi'iiruiH'n Atlrnrtnd Vfrj'
I.ltlln Attention.
A rotlco In tho Public Advertiser In
forms us that "At the (ireat Ranelngh
Spilna vai (Kn. near St. James' nark
Tuesday, June .i. 1701, will bo per- j
formed a grand concert of vocal and
Instrumental music for the benefit of
Miss .Aart of 11 and Master Mozart
of 7 yea! j of age, prodigies of nature."
This venture was attended with sue
cess and In the same month Wolfgang
played pieces of his own composition
for the benefit of a "public useful char
ity" at a concert given at Ranclugh.
says thu Gentleman's Magazine. The
times, however, were not propitious for
artistic rnterprlpes. In Jnnuary of tin
new year the king was seized with an
alarming Illness, which lasted to the
beginning of April, In addition to
which tho Spltatk-lds weavers were dis
contented, with tho result that for throe
days during May London wns In the
hands of a 1 lotous mob. Owing to these
unproplllous elicumstances a concert
given by the Mozarts at Hlckford's
(Trent Room In H rower street met with
little encouragement. From this tlmo
the father Invited tho public tc test the
onthtful piodlgles in private every day
from 1 to II o'clock at his lodgings In
Thrift (that Is tho present Frith) stroat,
Soho. The it-suit of this appeal, how
ever, not being satisfactory, thoy
itri"d to the clt and tiled tin- Swan
and Mocp tin urn in Cornhill, the price
of admlsrlon being reduced to half a
1 row 11 for each person.
Hefore leaving the capital the Mo
zarts visited tho llrltlsh museum, to
which Wolfgang presented his six ptib
IIe hod sonatas and a manuscript madri
gal entitled "God Is Our Refuge." For
these six loan as. written for the luirpil
eord. with accompaniments for the vio
lin or Gorman flute, and dedicated to
Qucon Chin lotte, the young composer
had received the sum of 50 gulne-is. In
July, 17fi.", the family left London en
route for The Hague, their visit having
produced little effect save that of In
teresting musical aninteuis such as
Haines Harrington. Tho young Wolf
gang had been a nine days' wonder
anil many ears were to lapse before
his music appeared almost as a reveh
Hon to musicians in this country.
Tli Tin, n'. Crmikpil Dividing l.,r.
"There Is a reason for most every
thing," said a Cumborhnd man, whnri
ho was asked how in the world they
came to hae such a crooked line be
tween two towns In his county.
"There's a reason for this crooked line.
You fee, some of our towns established
in pioneer times, when land was abund
ant and people were few, had a big ter
ritory, which was afterward sliced off
to make new towns. It was so In th'
enco ou mention and when the cut
oil was made- people along tho lino of
division wc-ro of different minds aa to
which town they wanted to be in. So
tho legislatuie drew a straight line be
tween the two parts and then provided
thnt persons dwelling on lands adjoin
ing cither side of this lino might bo
In ono town or the other as they should
decide within ninety days nfter pass
ing tho net. Some went one way and
some the other and the line wns all
skewed up to accommodate them."
Lowlston (Me.) Journal
lln Know llor.
Mrs. McHanger My husband did not
like thnt tea you sent us last. Grocer
(politely) Did you like It, marm? Mrs.
Mclianger Yes, I liked it. Grocer (to
clerk) James, send Mrs. McHanger
another pound of the same tea she
had last. Anything else, marni?
Chlp.i. I'lii-iip.
Hlllcott Squeei I notice that the
now restaurant managers aie going to
put In Hostoii girls as "lady wallers."
Kllmure Yes; they believe It will aavc
them the cent of Ice and cleetrlc-fav
A coroner's Jury In Maine reported
that "Deceased came to his death bj
excessive drinking, producing apo
plexy In the minds of the jury." Buf
falo News.
Coal Is dearer In South Africa than
In any other part of tho world. It U
cheapest In China.
About COO.OOO trees aro annually
planted by Swedish school children,
under the guidance of their teachers.
In tho public schools of Germany the
blight pupils are separated from the
stupid ones. Medical men do the sort
ing. An umbrella covered with a trans
parent material has been Invented In
England, ennbllng the holder to see
whore ho Is going when ho holds It
before his face.
In tho manufacture of knives the
dMsIon ot labor litis been carrion to
such an extent thnt one knlfo la han
dled by seventy dlfforent artisans from
the moment the blade Is forged until thu
Instrument la finished and ready for tho
In about twenty-two seconds a drop
of blood goes the round of tho body.
In about every two minutes the entire
blood in tho body makes tho round
through tho right side of tho heart,
tho lungs, to tho loft side of the heart,
through tho arteries, the veins again
to tho heart.
Mother-of-pearl Is tho hard, silvery,
brilliant substance which forms the
Internal layers of soveral kinds of
sholls. Tho Interior of our common oys
ter sholla is of this nature; the mother-of-pearl
used in the arts Is much moro
variegated, with a play of colors. The
largo shells of thu Indian soqb alono
have this pearly substance of sufficient
thickness to bo of ubu.
f.ttnrt Mmln to Cure V.rjr Cn HrtiiiRlit
I lii'fn II ! Tlii-rrfnro I'mnliii'lnl
II WIiIpI.t lllnVrcnt I'Uii (ram Otltnr
(Oshkosh Letter.)
1 HAT Is known ns
I'lscoiiBln sys-
of caring for
the Insane Is at
tracting the atten
tion of physicians,
philanthropists and
people engaged In
the care of depen
dent clasBOB
throng h out tho
country. The ordi
nary method of caring for tho Insane
consists In building large establish
ments which contain from 500 to 2,500
Inmates. It Is very common In 111 any
states to have asylums that hold 1,'JOO
and 1,500 patients. In these great asy
lums the acute and chronic are mingled
to n greater or vi extent. It often
happens thnt there aro patients In these
asylums who have been Inmates for
twenty years. It was formerly sup
posed that the mingling of tho arjtte
ind chronic Insane was beneficial from
a psychological point of view. It is
-.,,. ri.1 m
-: nuTWtho w
..Ti M ton.
1 iw"ii 1 a.U Uj'JMMwwap!'jjiriWJfcBiwfl3ttivrnii m 'W
S.:.;.i.frrrlij'-vl- "'''.ff''! 1 'OHjftii'ivrMii'iHLiiiii. viiftj.'ii M.',iitii.':J
now not generally believed that the
mingling of the acute and chronic In
sano benefits either clnss. It Is not
generally believed that locking up a
man who has been Insane for a short
tlmo only with ono who has been In
snne a long tlmo has any remedial In
fluence upon cither one. The Wiscon
sin Idea is to abandon these mammoth
Institutions and to keep the chronic
insane, tho mnjority ot whom aro In
curable, away from the more recent
There are In Wisconsin twenty-two
county nsylums for tho chronic Insane,
which aro scattered throughout the
state, and two state Institutions for the
treatment of the recent cases of In
sanity. One of these Institutions, the
Northern Hospital for the Insane, Is
located near this city. At this Institu
tion a number of modifications ot for
mer methods of treatment have recent
ly been introduced, and a vigorous ef
fort Is being made to make this institu
tion a genuine hospital, leaving out ull
asylum features, a true hospital being
a curative Institution nnd an asylum
merely a house of refuge.
Tho writer recently visited this Insti
tution and was shown over tho estab
lishment by Dr. W. A. Gordon, the new
superintendent. Among many other
improvements made during the last
year haB been tho Introduction of a
congregato dining-room, where patients
take their meals in ono large room,
Instead of in tho wards, as in former
days. Two Turkish bathrooms, one for
the men, and one for tho women, have
also been put into the institution, Pa
tients aro no longer washed In tho old
fashioned tub baths, but aro given
scrub and shower baths and arc ren
dered fresh and cleanly by being placed
upon a tablo and scrubbed nfter tho
manner adopted by all Turkish baths.
Tho diet ot the patients has been
materially changed from former times.
Strong tea and coffeo are no longer
given, but In their placo largo quanti
ties ot milk are used. Patients are ac-
corded a greater variety of vegotnblo
diet and not so much meat as formerly.
Every week thero Is a picnic, whero
good music Is furnished, and dancing Is
indulged in. Refreshments aro served
after. Tho popular magazines of tho
day are much more liberally supplied
than heretofore. Hus rldos are used to
a large extent, and aro supposed to
have a helpful influence Thu disposal
ot the sowagc has been materially al
tered. Considerable attention has be-on
given to promoting tho comfort ot the
employes. A Fcparato dining-room has
been fitted for them, also a recoptlon
room for their especial benefit. Inunc
tions of oil nnd massago treatment
have been Introduced r.nd form a prom
inent fcaturo In tho treatment ot tho
insane. A very humano feature Is tho
leaving of the doors of the patients un
locked P-t night, and tho night force has
been Increased, so thnt tho ancient
&M& It'.
method of locking a patlanl In hl room
for the night no longer ru'nliis. In tho
old days the attendants sh'ived tho pa
tients In the wards. A bailer shop has
been opened up In tho basement, where
skillful tonsorlal artists attend to the
wants of the household.
A most recent departure hi the Intro
duction of a hospital school, when
arithmetic, geography, writing, spelling
and I'nlted Slates history are taught.
Think of Insane patients going to
school, and apparently not only ac
quiring benefit from the commingling
nnd the nrouslng of thought, but ac
tually enjoying It. A professional
teacher Is employed, a regular program
gone thiough with, nnd the results thus
far obtained give n,urnnro that this
may form the basis of a revolution In
Insane hospital iniinageiuent. Uach
dny, too. In the main dining-room,
which also constitutes the auditorium
of the Institution, literary and musical
exercises are had, being participated In
generally, or at least listened to by tho
pntlents. Dr. Gordon, who for yeara
has made mental phenomena a study,
believes that If he can divert tho minds
of his patients from the morbid, vision
ary and unreal Images and subjects
that now fill them the battle Is won.
Therefoio, his whole struggle Is along
that line It Is only fair to him to my
that he him accomplished wonders In
his short Incumbency. In all his ef
forts he Is ably seconded by b wife,
an estimable and handsome womnn,
whose natural kindliness prompts her
to many noblo and alleviating acta
among the fortunate unfortunates that
the Wisconsin Northern Hospital sheb
The Stun' Hint (Inml .lien Arn Maid to
lln MHiln Of.
Lobly had a troubled look when ho
called on the minister that day and
asked for a few minutes' conversation,
says the Detroit Free Piess.
"What can I do for you. Brother
Lobly?" asked the parson. In sympa
thetic tone.
"If! about that boy Robbie of mlno.
I'm afraid lie's Incorrigible, though
he's kind-hearted nnd seems over
whelmed with remorse when ho has
done anything wrong."
"There Is always hope for a boy ol
that disposition, llrother Lobly."
"I hope so, but I'm pretty well dis
couraged. Last week I went up to the
h-lnnd with Mrs. Lobly and loft him at
homo with his little brother. They
put In part of tho tlmo playing blind
man's buff ami Willie ran Into a stnnd,
hurting ono of his teeth. Robbie at
onco made an examination ami told
Willie that If tho tooth was not pulled
lockjaw would set In. Robblo got an
old pair of pinchers nnd nfter a greal
Btrugglo extracted the tooth, a fine
front one. His only cxoubo was thai
ho proposes to bo a dentist somo dny?"
"Did you punish him, Mr. Lobly?"
"Severely. Ono evening ho camt
home from school nnd had his report.
Everything was good but his deport
ment, and I asked him what was the
matter with that? Ho replied that he
had a habit of putting his foot on the
railing when In class and thnt the
teacher always gave him a mnrk for
that. I saw her and found It was truo,
but tho young rascal had told her that
It was hereditary and that It was the
waj his father always stood in fronl
of a bar. Think of thnt nnd I neve
go near a saloon. Again "
"No use of further details, Urothci
Lobly. I know your son bettor alroady
than you do. I was Just such a boy.
You must get his energies turned In
the right direction and then bring him
up for tho ministry. Ho will mako a
mighty worker in tho vineyard."
"Well, parson, If that Is tho kind ol
material thoy mako preachers or It's a
puzzle to mo why thoro aro not more
men In the pulpit than In tho body 0
the church."
FIMi Kiting III Mnflntr nrn.
A rancher, whoso plncc Is on tho bot
tom along tho Willamette slough, be
low Holbrook btntlon, was In tho city
yesterday to find out whether ho h.ul
any recourse against tho United Stntea
fish commission for Introducing carp
Into tho rivers in this section. Ho says
these fish nro destroying his mendows
by eating his grnss nnd grubbing up
tho roots. As tho wntor overflows his
meadow tho carp follow it up In thou
sands, tho small ones, weighing nbout
threo pounds, pushing their wny up
where tho water Is only three Inches or
so In depth and clearing oft nil vege
tation, so that when tho water recedes
ho will have mud flnts In tho placo of
mendows. He says that while looking
at tho fish eating his grnss on Sunday
he got so mad that ho took off his shoes
and stockings and went out into tho
shalllow wntcr and attneked them with
a hoe. Ho slashed a lot of them In
two, but when tho drovo beenmo
alarmed and mado for deep water they
bumped against his shins nnd cams
near knocking him off his feet, and
his ankles nro all black and bhio from
tho thumping ho got. As for driving
tho carp nwny, ho says ho might ns
well have tried to swoop back tho rlso
or tho Columbia with a broom. Morn
hit Orcgonlnu,
.MiMt I'liinitt Arp Dollj; tnl -Collins
I nil to Mny li, tlin llim-io nt MchU
It l.miifrr N"i f mnry In tint ,111a-
imrl Tiktii.
. s - UK curfew, an It Is
- -isf ""! f"" now n In thlscoiin-
'jSM I o'clock at night us
sJ J warning t o
and stuy thcre.says
tho Kansas City
Star. About n i x
weeks ago Colonel
Alexander II oug-
land, Hie "news
boys' friend," c.inie to Kansas City,
and It wns duo to his efforts thnt the
city council of Kansas City, Kan., en
ncted an ordinance establishing a cur
few, which, from March 1 to Oct. 1, Is
sounded ut !) o'clock at night and dur
ing the winter months at S o'clock.
Thcie Is no bell loud enough to carry
Its warning to all parts of tho town, so
the siren whistle ut Arnufiir's packing
house was pressed Into service, and
at ! o'clock each night It blown Us
winning to vagrant childhood. The
mature age of 15 years, however. Is
pi oof against the terrors of the curfew
The curfew law across the state line
Is very much respected by the llttlo
people, to whom It Is, and very proper
ly, too, it serious matter. Parents In
Kansas City, Knn., are delighted with
It, for they are sure to have their chil
dren home hotline.!. The children know
the value of their short lease of liberty
In the evening and play from supper
time until 9 o'clock with a vigor that
is delightful. At half-past S the play
grows faster. At a quarter to 8 It
rushes. At five minutes to ft it Is u
fi veilsh scramble. Then, when 9 o'clock
conies and the curfew roars out from
Armour's big whistle, thero Is a scat
tering. A boy shouts, "There she goes,"
nnd hnlf a minute afterward there Is
not a child In sight. The earth seems
to have lltcr.illy swallowed them.
Tho small boy of uncertain ago has a
way of dodging the Issue that Is In
genious. Theio aro boys who look HI
years old and are 17. There are other
biys who are i:t and look 17. It Is a
toss-up as to which is the luckier of
the two. The Unit Is a puzzle to tho
policeman ami the other can prove
hiu ago by tho family bible If neces
sary. The other evening a crowd of small
boys were engaged In the delectable
pastime of "cutting a watermelon," the
Joint property of them ull, In fronl of
u MliiniMotii aveiiuo grocery store.
"How do you llko the curfew ordi
nance, boys?" asked a man who was
watching the performance.
"Huh! It don't bother me none," said
a small-bodied boy with an old face.
"I'm Hi, ain't I. fellers?"
"Naw, yer ain't." s'lld ono. "Yer ou'y
13, yah."
"Well, yer bet yer sweet life I'm 15
when the whistle blows, anyhow."
And thnt Is the wny a great ninny of
the boyB will reckon their nges for sov
eral yearn to como If tho curfew ordl
nanco remains In force.
Tho little girls respect tho curfow
mightily, nnd when It blowB they scur
ry away homo bb fast as their llttlo
legs will carry them, even if thoy nro
only two doors away from homo and
not a policeman within a mile. Thoy
hnvo a greater fear of tho law than tho
boys, and their fear of a policeman and
tho processes of tho law Is awful.
Tho policemen like tho curfow. For
hnlf an hour after It blows they nro
mado a tilflu more actlvo in getting
over their bents and driving chlldron
home, which, however, Is not a dlfllcult
task, for tho children fleo at tho sight
of a policeman. One night a policeman
met a Btnall boy going along at about
half after 9 o'clock and said to him:
"Heto, do you know tho curfew has
blew?" This Is exactly what the po
liccmnn said.
"Yes," answered tho boy. "Hut mo
fnthcr sent mo after a box of blackin'
like this," nnd tho youngster pulled an
empty tin box from his pocket.
"Well, como along homo with me,"
said tho policeman, "an we'll sec how
about this."
So together they wont to tho boy's
home, tho boy not at all eager. Tho
boy's father looked at the boy and
then at tho policeman and said:
"That's only ono of his tricks. He's
worked that blackin' box on tho po
licomen for a month." So the blacking
box was taken nwny, out It Is likely
that tho boy found something elso bo
fore tho next curfow "blow,"
Tlio I'olnt of Vlrw.
A certain eminent physician went to
a concert at his wife's earnest inquest,
though ho hns no knowledge of or in
terest in music. Ho was rather listless
until ono of tho singers, a lady, roso
nil began to sing for tho first time.
Then ho brightened up.
"Who Is that alto?" ho asked.
"Alto!" exclnlmcd his wlfo. "That
Isn't an alto, Shu's a high soprano
and her name Is Jones."
"Hum!" said the doctor.
"Why? Do you llko her voice. ?"
"Cun't say much for her voice, but
she has ono of tho finest bronchltlscs
that I over encountered." Youth's
I'orfflctly IVIIII117.
"Do you think your mother would
lot you havo another piece of cako,
Willie?' "Oh, yea, mn'um. Sho told
mo to bo sure nnd get filled up whllo 1
hud the chance." Detroit Free Press.
I'farllro Yitili-li In t'li-Aiiirrlcun ann,
llll Iljtl ltCU,
The Harbors' Union ot
America linn taken on the Hue Amwl
can spirit, which Is the spirit of per
sonal fieodom anil dignity -tho spirit
of working for wsges Instead ot fawn
ing for favors.snys Gunton'n Magazine.
The barbers of Now York city appear
to be opposed to Mr. Vnn Fleet. Ther
evidently think that, being an addition
to their wuges, these tips are so much
net gnln to them, nnd hence to refuuo
tips would be permanently to lesson
their income. This, of course, Is the
view enlertnlned by all wiio consent to
work under the tipping practice. Hut
It Is a mistaken notion. Thoro is no
class whoso general Income is Incronsod
by tips. The income Is mado precari
ous and fluctuating, depending upon
the whims of customers nml degree ot
servility of the iaboror. Hut Its perma
nent effect Is not to enlarge tho Income,
but nither to lessen the innn. Tipping,
as a practice, Is offensively un-American
and positively uneconomic. It In
iin-Ainerlcnn not merely because It did
not nrlso In Amerlcn, but because It la
contrary to the whole spirit nnd genius
of American llfo nnd Institutions. It
Is a system of paying for services partly
In charity, which Is always Injurious,
both to thosn who give and to thoso
who receive; It Injures thono who glvo
In tending to create tho nustoro senti
ment thnt thoy aro giving something
for nothing, for which the recipient In
under personnl obligations; it Is de
grading to the recipient because It la
a voluntary gift for which lie can put
In no economic clujm, nnd consequently
must pay for In personal gratitude or
obligation, which nlwaya means thu
sun cutler of personality; It is especially.
offonsle In this country becnuso lti
rests on no recognized principle of
equity or payment of equivalents. Tips,
urn uneconomic becauso they mako tho
laborers' Income precarious and nccl
dontul without making It lnrgor or
bringing nny other corresponding ben
efits. The truth Is, and It In gradually
coming to bo recognized, that tho labor
ers gain absolutely nothing by tips;
what they gain In tips they loso In
wages. All tho nicnlallam exorcised to
obtain tips and tho Inconvonlcnco rc
Eiiltlng from tho uncertainty and iin
ovonness of tho nuiount of Income In
so much illsndvnntngo due to tho tip
ping system for which the Inborcrs rc
celvo no equivalent.
i:nclnii(l' ".liiiiUltUn lii.tlnrl" nml
.li-Hlnn lrlp Kurly KOilliltml.
It has always been a common notion
thnt for tho first half of tho sixteenth
century the French, Kpnnlhh and Portu
guese had the Newfoundland fisheries
thempolvcs, nays Macinlllnn's Magazine.
Judge Prowso disposes Bitnimarlly ot
this Idea and brings forward ntnplo
proof not only that tho English llBhlng
licet wns there in great strength, but.
that for the wholo century nnd most
certainly ft 0111 the ncccsslon of Ellzn
beth, It ruled this heterogeneous
lloatlng colony In most masterful
fashion. Spain wns computed to havo
G.000 sailors on tho banks at this
period; Portugal was not very far be
hind her, while France was probably
moro strongly represented than cither.
Though no question was mndo of tho
right of all theso nntlons to an equal
bhnro In tho trado, tho suprcmncy of
tho Hrltlsh seamen, chiefly from D
voiibhlro, hnlf fisherman hnlf plratos,
seems novcr to havo been disputed, or
nover.ntany rate, successfully disputed.
Tho soil of Newfoundland, or Terra
Nuovn, it Is true, wns then of no mo
ment. Its vnluo wns merely that of a
refugo In stress of weather and n place
upon which to dry and pack tho
spoils of tho deep. Dut upon this
seemingly barren foot-hold tho Eng
lish adventurers, with thnt acqulBltlvo
Instinct which foreign nations and our
solves nro Just now calling by such
different names, kept from tho first n
firm and Jealous grip, whllo in the
floating nud, upon tho wholo, peaceful
republic, which spent hajf of every
year between tho desert shores of Lab
rador and the grim headland ot Capo
Ray, our countrymen seem to havo' se
cured for themselves undisputed sway.
Tho next national Christian Endcnv
or convention wiU bo hold at Nashvlllo
An immense nudlcnco gathered to
hear Uishop Fowler's farewell sermou
at Hennepin Avcnuo M. E. Church
Minneapolis, recently.
Tho Archbishop of London cstlmntca
tho contributions of churchmen to re
llglous objects during tho Inst twenty
flvo years as $100,000,000.
Tho Eplscopnl dloccso of Mlchlga:
has voted that women shall voto In
parish affairs. Tho clergy In tho con
vention stood 28 to 29 and tho laity a
to 15.
Tho Fifth naptlst church, Washing
ton, D. C which recontly eolebrated Its
fortieth nnnlversnry, has never had
but ono pastor, Rev. Dr. C. C. Meador,
nnd ho bus never hnd nny other church.
Ono of tho notablo fenturcs of tho
convention of tho n. Y. P. U held nt,
Mllwaukeo, mis tho roJow of (ho Dap-'
(1st missions or tho world, with n brief
nddrcss outlining tho work dono nml
tho progress mado.
Dr. Arthur T. Plcrson Is no longer a
Presbyterian. Tho Presbytery of Phila
delphia heard him, at Its last meeting,
In his defense. Ho was recently Im
mersed by n Haptlst minister, und has
repudiated the scriptural doctrlno ot
infant baptism. His posltluu ns to bap
tism led tho Presbytery to craso his
name from the roll, although a paper
waa adopted expressing confidence In
his Christian character nnd his gonerui
doctrinal soundness except as to bap
tism. , , 1 '
ismmmmmtf mmnfmmmm
npii him