The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 21, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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i.i i
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4 l
J n Llfflncott Co,1
Shi looKi'd up In MirprlHfiit tin1 r,n
k'lll initlitllM. "I tlillll tlint'H ii little
titil.liifl," hIii Mild. iiiii'tl,v; "hut If, win
will IiihImI upon throwing down tin1
cliiillctic," "In1 pmiM'il mill tt'iiiiini'il oil'
the lnit riMiiniiilii,' pctnls of tin- roc,
"I don't lii'fjin lo iiiiilt'iNliiiitl Ikim nii.v
trui' oniiui t-oiihl rr.spi'i'l n niiin ulm
Jmi't 1inif; I'm mirt it wouldn't lit-pon-Mblt
for me, If for nnutlirr ifiisnn tjiitn
tluit I tun in.v f t IitrH t til iifrli li. Tlit-ii-linn
nt'W'r lifcii a cow ii i-i I imioiitf the
LntiincrH since tin tiny wlicn tlicood
old lilnlinp went totlicHtuKc."
lie lind know n well ciinnli what she
would Miy, hut the wrlml ciiiitii-iiiiitloii
of Ids fon li-tioii clinic to hltn llle the
ficntenre death ton criminal who Ims
with IlrHter. "I Hiippoieyou'd hcipiitc
willing to hue inc Uwn 'The l.tiurcN'
into ii woi-ltsliop: mid I nlnnf-l Kh I
could tiilif ,vou lit .Miurwoid, m'WhIi us
it would lie. It would M'ini'rl, he pu
hllilc. Iliulli,'li; I shouldn't Jnm how to
work if I were out tf rench of the print
it's ho,."
Tlit'V hud left the miiiii roud in the
Millc.V, lind Weie deseciidilill steep hill
to n foul in the ricr. Thcdrh iiif: wns
tlllllt'tilt, mid the colonel pi e his cut ire
nttciitiou to the horses us thc.v slid
down the incky tli'cllv il , liilUilfr to
them ns if they understood his explicit
direct ions. "So-n, now, theic, 'I'olllxer
-there's u riht suiiirt cliunli o' ro'ck
just iihciid of you- step iitoiind it, my
loy. You. .In in ! ucer you iiiiuil ulioiit
'i'ollicr; just pick up your own feet u
little higher. Sternly, now."
"You h:ie pretty roiih loiiilmiiound
licte," ln'jriiii ItiliL'liluiid, lirneilie; lilni
hdf into hissciit. "I slioiild think "
The intcri iiptimi wui an unmmus
Sllllp. Ilinl the lenses stopped. "'I'll, it
sounded nilfjlit,. Ill.c Mum iliinj.' hitiki'."
raid the f'iltnti-1, liml lhe, 1 1 1 i ; 1 1 1 - 1 and
looked thei an iapoercaicfiilly. "Yes.
licie it Is. for sine," he continued;
''tongue's luoke oil' right hcic."
Tli-, cMiiuincd the fractine, and
Kiiiliiiiud siiKi'Nti'tl w nipping it in
splints w it hoin oft lie halter-straps.
"I icckon it wouldn't hold," said the
colonel, "hut wo can try it."
They spent some time Ir.viiijr to put
tin siifjestion into practice, nuccccd-
liif,' liually in making u clumsy splice,
which the first pull of Hie ho'iscs dis
jointed hopelessly. "It's no use. Mr.
KIiikIh'iiiiiI," said the colonel: "we're In
for it; I here's nothing like a hlnck
smith shop tliissldeo'TrcK'urthen."
Itiiif-liiiind looked at his watch and
biiw that it wii8 hair-past ten. "Jlow
far me we from the tillnpf. colonulV"
he asked.
"About elpht inllfti, I reckon."
That, kclllcd the question of depart
ure for that day, and Kinphriiutl was
nnijoyeil lo limi himself feelinjr rather
jnl)iliiut than disappointed mcrtlie an
avoidable delay, lie helped the colonel
unhitch, mid lifter an hour's hard work
" I'm proud of you. Mr. HtngbmtHl," tir ualrt.
Ihey got the liiiy to the top of the hill,
where they left it at thesidcorthe mad
and walked back to the nearest farm
house, lending the hoi sec
Since tiie rolotit I km w nearly eer
one in the valley, it. followed that tliiw
had only to incntion their need mh
lain the hospitality and ii'Mstan. e of
ttii) fanner, who lent ilnm mi ;,ni,
piatcil carriaije and refusi u u, ,. 1 he..,
ilcpart until after dlnnei. V-I.imgi.lic-1I1 tn the timcconMliiii d in lli'
(ill driving i.ccesar.v to the pn t
lion of the I'ariuerV vehicle la . -.i.hi of
inlirciv. it w.ih nun' lln-luniilli nf ii
tiMi rncHin when (hey got luu-l, tn'iu
Ciirtln'ii. and then fol. i.atinur .e-.ii il
upon taking liis 1 ompaulnn nj. 1.1 .ln
iiioiinjatn lor the h mainikr ot ilieeav
I.'inghrand olVcrcd evi r.v reasi.ualilc ..ii
Jii tl"ll he couM think of. knowing i, .1
unotlicr visit 10 Hester Mould
liiubly Increase the pain of leaving her;
but In the end discretion was awejit
away by an overwhelming dcsiit to see
mid talk with her once more, and he
lolded. 'I hey dune past the l.udlows'.
and he ran In to icll bis hostess that he
would not be home for ten. She navy
the change in him, ami detained him to
nsk If his tumble had disappeared.
"No," he replied, and she saw the look
of despondency ,.0lm, jnto i,js ,,VIS
.gain; ami tnat isn't the worst of it; ,
I'm going to do.souiethlug that will
i. .. ........
miiao it innniteiy iiartlur."
"Am yon going to see Hester?"
"Ves." I
"How enn that make It harder?" '
"I enn't explain without, telling you
nil nhoittit.mid 1 haven't the courage to
LTmf.:xi iww ro virr-
It doein't matter much whether tick
headache, IjllioiHiiMS luili'ilnm and
looiiitiputiuntitc caused by neglect oi
I by ini!i (tillable e!ieiiinance, De
Witl'i Mttle Karly kmis win i"
etui' litem nil. O.J,. Oolnn.
Curd of Thanks.
Mr inn! Mri. I'lum- iletli'i- to etund
their hearlfelt tliaiik." for the iniMsitiei-
ami syinpathy r luii'tl during the
lllnesiaml death of their infant daiiK'li
lur. Kill lllllllllxlll lll'lll Hi '
"MYSTIO CUIII"' for Hlibumiitirtiii
iind Nciindiii rnilicully otircH In 1 to .1
.liiya. Its notion upon thu ayitein ii re
mnrk blc unit inyxUTloii'i. It reinoyof
at once tlio can't' nml tlio dlHcivti liiuiiuu
iatilj illKiipticiir-. Tin, lltRt di)n Krimtlj
hciiillls. irt cunts, hold by II, II. Orici
driiKKiHt, Ked Cloud.
Tlie whole -3 sti'tn ii drained and tin
dcriulned 1 indolent tilccis and open
Mires. DcWiM's Witch lliizul Halve
spcidily heals them. It ii the best pile
cure known. 0. I,. Cutting.
Cardof Thtinltb
We dciie to take this method of
Ihatikliif,' the many nciulibors tind
Irieiuls, who, iliiritiK the last siekue-"
ami death of our beloved hii-h'iml and
father, nMnl in many ways toalli.wi
ate hi" MilleritiKs, uml so kindly ad
ininislered lo u. III our ureal bereave
ment. We aKo wili lo epres our
thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Fort and to the
friends who contributed the. beautiful
Howeis. 'I'liey shall never be forgot
ten. Mils. Kmki.ini: Cnwivcu
and Family.
Inlliiiiimulory KlieiiiiiullsiiiCiiri;
rl In :t liiy.
Morton I. Hill, of Lebanon, lad., suys;
"My wife hud Itillniuuiutory Itliciiinutiiiin
In 1'tcrj uitiKi'ln and joint, her htuferliiK
wt.M li 1 rililc and her lmil iitel fit weie
KMIlllcll ItllllUSt IlI'VOIIll I'TOLMIIH'lli; liiul
tn'Cii In tied for six vmtIih iuiJ had inrlil
Jtl)Hil'IHIIs nut ri''cf(l tin In Ik tlr IIUMI
si.e uid. tiiH my.siic cum: run
IMIKUMA'I ISM. It k'iivh iiniiiidinif r
I iff and ehe whs able to walk ulioiit. in
three Uiiys. I sin sure It rnrcil her life"
hold b) II. i:. CiMi'i- ilriui;il, Itcil f'loild
le ial lui'etnis ui'p ltinir held in
tlicFislin distiict cotidiieted by liev.
I loi toil and much interest is manifest
.Sfiaiif ICIieiiiuulliviii Cured.
I,. Wanner, Wholeriido DrngK'st, ltioli
inoucl, Vn niyi: "t had n fearful nttauk
of Sciatic. ItheatniitiHiu, was laid up nl
moMt two ninnili-, was fortunate tMinnuh
TIHM. This cured mi- after doctor's pre
script ions had failed to liavo any cfTt'Ct
Sold by II. !:. Orioe (IriiKiRt, Hed Clond.
'IVxs is too near Mexico lo be en.
uiiioifd with free silver coinage. .Sin
has keen the beauty ol it. Cli'icagn
Intel -Ocean.
liliii'rliL'it ami Dyni'iitury
are datieroup, and yon xhoald not bo
without a bottle of HeKt"' liarrhun
HhIshiii lu the house at this enou of
the year, as it relleyeii at once. No bud
results follow. Sold by O. L. Cotting.
Mr. and Mis. Win. Richardson have
sold 11101 11 territory for llieir celebra
ted hog ami chicken cholera remedy to
the amount of lifted) hundred dollars
to A. S. Campbell. He will soon start
to his ten itory for busbies.
Tin-hii'i elo is reported to have cut
olT liHlf the demand for cigars ami
greatly reduced the number of
schoonei.s of beer. The bicycle is . sel
dom tied up in front of u. saloon. Chi
cago Iiitnt' Ocean.
Itt'KH' Tropli'itl Oil
Thu only liuimeut on the market to
day that lias a positive Knnrnntii to do
all the label calls for. its ureal strength
and wonderful curative powers are parti
cularly noticeable iu deep srnted dis
eases, such an KlieurnHtisu), Neuralgia,
ic. :'. L. Cutting keeprt it.
Callod Homo.
On Sabbath Aug, lilth, Marion
Amelia, diiiightci of Mr. and Mrs. A. U.
Pierce, aged ir mouths ami Hi days,
was called hi me.
Another little lamb has been carried
by tlie Oooil Shepherd into the Heaven
ly fold, (lone on before, (iod avis
thu dulling treasure and now he hath
taken her away "lllusseil bo the name
of Hie hold." Dear parents, mourn
not as those who have 110 hope. When
iJcmis comes again, ' F.ven so them also
iv hull sift p in .lesiM will (iod bring
with M K II
lleftilaclic, foul brunt Ii, sour stomncn, henrt
burn, pain laclicst, ilypep.ia, cuiitlpatlon.
Poor BiestaoM
Dlvtresunltcretitlnir, iMlnuml Wonting In tho
Itomach, nIiim t him of timith. iialn in tliu heart.
... -
, , ,. . IIllt
Aeplendlil fceiimr to-duy am) u iloiires.e(l ono
to-morrow, luirlmii- m.nii n tnt ,-rui i.i
Jecplctw uml all iiiiKtruiiKi wi'ukiii'M, tlcliinty,
Swnmii-ltooi luiiliUui qulcltlyu rundown
constitution ami rnakca the weak strong.
AtDriiggUtH SO renin mid $1.00 nIjcc,
larmUd UuWu to I!4lUi" rns-Outuutttlon fro.
Da, Kiijiku 3i Coa IlmouAMToa, N. X.
IlLLIUrilC should vbo
exerts a wonderful influence in
strengthening her system by
driving through the proper chan
nel all impurities. Health atlfJ
strength are Guaranteed to result
from its use.
My wlfo wns ticilrlildcn forrlratccn montlii,
after mine UKADKir.Mt'S FIIMALI! 1UX1U
LATOK fur two liiontlm. Ii rettltit; well
J M JOHNSON, Malverii, Ark.
uiMiinrT.ii iti:(iri,noit to., ati.aym. a.
Goli by ill Druceiitt at $1.00 cer bottle.
Ill I'eMls llli'i'ld dcllioeliils. popu
lists and repu'ilicaiis are fusinj,
Initio about tin defeat of 111 3 :i n cb c
tors in that slate. What will the New
York Situ label the combination.
Slui'O lt?b there have been nine
epidemics of dyscntnry in dillcrent
parts of the country iu which Chain
bcrlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrbica
Ueiucdy was used witli perfect suc
cess. Dysenlci, when epidemic, is
almost as everc and dangerous us
Asiatic cholera. Iletetofote thu lu-sl
elVoltsnf the most skilled physicians
have failed to check its ravages, this
leinctly, howevei, has cured the most
iiiallguant cases, both of children and
adults, and under ll'i' most trying con
ditions, which proves it to lie the bcsl
incdiciuc in the world for bowel com
plaints. Koi' nle by Dejn V Orice.
From Oklahoma.
ili:sM:si:v.,Ok , Aug , II, 'HO.
Turin: Ilnirmi: If V"H fan spate
fnoiii I thought a few items taken
while 011 our journey south through
Kuisas and into Oklal a might he nf
inteti st to si iiue of the leaders of join
v iluable paper. Our conveyance is n
veij light spring wagon conlniiiing a
vci, limited rumpus oiittlt. hating
ili-peiisetl with everything not abso
lutely necessary, in order to make as
iiuick time as possible. We left home,
Jtidson, Kanvis, July auili, ami our
lirst day out proved to be tlie most
eventful one. In the fori on vvu had
a light shower sullieicnt to lay the dust
and cool the air, and we camped for
tliuner al tlicold dates faun i. miles
.south ot Kcd Cloud. Soon after noon
we hail another shower making the
roads iiiitc heavy. A third .shower
caught us about nine mile from Iturr
Oak, Kansas, uml as it was raining in
thu wagon I moved liwk '"to the licit
ding. I hud hardly got seated tvliun
lightning struck this wagon. It struck
on the left front burning a iioluthrough
oil cloth ami muslin running up and
tearing Ihe. wagon sheet at thu top and
splitting tlie bow nt the tol, running
down and litleriy shredding the sheet
at the corner, burning the rope, in two
and .scattering tlie lint like cliatV for a
distance of several feet, and knocking
one of the, horses down. When I took
in tlie. situation tlie wagon sheet was
looe ami Happing, one horse lay
lloumlering 011 the ground, the other
frightened and Licking. It seems al
most miraculous that we were un
injured and the. only other damage was
a broken singlc-ttee anil a strap. We
went half a mile to a fanners ami suc
ceeded in gitting repairs sulllcient lo
unable us to continue our journey lo
HurrOak where we at rived about six
o'clock ami none too soon for it began
pouring rain and two inches of water
fell. The next day we continued our
juurney south by way of Mankato,
Jewell City nml lleloit. At Mankato
we passed thu Jewell county fair
grounds and were .surprised to lind the
buildings so much inferior to those of
Webster county. From Mankato to
lleloit we lind n good .section of coun
try ami we pass many beautiful farms
with commodious dwellings and lino
orchaids. Crops are good nil the way
uml we feel that truly coii.v is kino.
IJt'loit in Mitchell county is a nice city
with Hue business buildings comfort
able homos and well kept lawns. Thu
celebrated "Randall lock" is much
Used here. The old-laihinetl English
ivy is found hero glowing iu great pro
fusion, reaching to the lops of the
houses and iu some instance it is seen
clinging to tlio shingles.
Wo cross the Solomon rner at lleloit
and the absence of windmills is soon
mticable. ('pott inquiry we lind that
water is scarce, ami that what well
ibui! is are very shallow uml known
tisMirfiici' 01 wet weather water. We
lind much of it to be quite salty. As
we travel on we lind the country nioie
thinly settled ami much of tlie land I.
very rocky. Hock is tisoil for every
thing, fences, fiiiice posts, house uml
iu one place we saw a water trough
made of lock. The couutiy in south
Mitchell ami north Lincoln counties is
very rough. When we camped at.
nigh, we inquired of ,1 girl about six
teen year.s obi, if anyone lived in that
country. "Oh! yes." "Hui they
mostly all live iu the hollers," was the
reply. An old lady who was there
from Oklahoma visiting her daughter
said that they (her daughter) were
luing well there tnt they raised so much
Kalllrcoiu and .stock, Upon inquir
ing liovv much stock they had wo re
ceived the reply "four cowa and two
calves." Wo inquired of n land agent
what land was worth and were to'd
thai It was worth from three dollars to
nothing per acre. At Lincoln Centre
we cross tho Saline river, and now we
feel that we have again leaelied a land
of "corn and wine," or lather "wheat
and winiV'iH thateeieal is the main
aiticle of production hole. HtimliciK
or one might say thousands of acres of
wheal meet our gi,lf., MV mstiy i
shock. As we pa.H on into Kll.sworth
county we liml a strip of country badly
damaged with hail ami we ui-ietohl
that il was accompanied with the hat d
cst rain over known since the county
was settled. So fur all the way from
home we hare had muddy mails, but
now weeome to a eattleeotintiy. Wo
go through .section after .sct'timi of
fenced pastuics and vvu see ui.uiy line
cattle. We are told there that tlie hind
is owned by the"inoilgage companies"
ami is leased lotlfo cattlemen.
In some instances where tlie s.lrfiU.(.
soil is oir to a depth ot two or three
inches, vve Havel over sold rock us
smooth as tables anil resembling the
paved streets of our ,.j,,, .jjj, .p1(,
little li..ard known as the "swift"
I abound here, and it seemed to me they
were nearly as thick us grasshoppers.
' We liml our lirt dusty mads s,,uiii ot
Little river in ltice county, and In. 111
1 tlieie 011 we have il dry. We arrive at
, Hutchinson, in Keno county, on Satur
day evening where we have friends,
ami stop to spend the Sabbath. Hutch
inson is a beautiful eity with its vvitle
clean streets and shady avenues. It,
population is ten thousand. It has
fourteen salt plants, ami :it , worth
forty cents a barrel theie. Tlie vein
from which the sill is taken U three
liiiuurcd feel thick ami four hundred
feet below the sui'fiK.(.. There are two
ice factories there which tiiin out
twenty-live tons of ice daily mid .ells
j for thirty-live euits per hundred. In
. the center of the city theie is a htunti
jful fountain eout'iiuing a statue of a
huge ear of cmn from tin; top ,,f vv hieb
I emanates a constant stream nf water
I ineaiil to represent the proiluetivi'
jof tlie Arkansas river valley, outs ami
j si,r. The statue beaisthe itisfi jptiou,
"Ladies Columbian Club IS'.r.l " Tim
valley of the Arkansas river is imlecil
another com belt, ami the land near
Hutchinson is valued at thirty dollars
per act e. All along the valley we liml
the line. I trees vvu have ever .seen that
was planted by the haml of man. I for
got to say that Hutchinson contained
ten .school houses all of them larger
than the high school building at Kcd
Cloud One of the state reform schools
is located therealso. We had the pleas
ure of visiting the buildings anil found
them to be massive stone structures
witli oy cry window barred and with
line drives ami well laid out ground..
From Hutchinson south vve faced lint
winds all of the way. About eighteen
miles fmm tH. north line of the terri
tory known us Hie ".strip" vve crossed
the salt fork- of the Arkansas river.
As vve crossed we dipped up some of
tlie water and had our taste of
natural salt water We traveled for
forty miles in tlie ".strip" without see
ing a piece of briisb or timber six
inches long. Many of the claims seem
ml to be abandoned ami vve were made
to realize what a "settlets slianty'
meant when vve saw .some of the
"makeshifts" that were made to ans
wer for houses Wo arrived at our
destination August ad, and weie in
formed that hot winds hail been blow
ing for twelve days. If this escapes
tlio waste basket I may write again,
giving my impression of tilings gen
erally in this much talked of country of
Very Kespectfully Yours,
Mns, F. L, Smith
AN OltlllNANCK tOHtutint Section IS. of ordl
Niiiici) Number 44, of tliul.'ltj of Itcil rloml,
lie II ordered by tfie minor unci count II of the
City of Iteil lHuiiil, NelirittLu, Unit s,.cit,, 1H
of Orttliuiiicu 1:1. of the i"lt of Ilitl cloud, Neti
rankii, be Hmeudud lo rend nn follow, lo-wll 1
Hunks. iiiuludliiKoiiuwHhli I ai-lii, ..r hii
iiiiiii .... T H IX)
llakerlt'N, eiti'li ovx'ii u m
Umber shops, one chair 1 o.)
lliirber Hliops, chi'Ii hiIiIIiIoiihI clinlr 01
0:1111 iioiim.', . iniie. per tun
Until room, private r tub ......
lllucUinllli shop, tint' tire .
lllarkMiillh .hop, each additional lite...
Iliili'her shop .. . ..
lltllliild palooii. one table
llUllaul Million whulu billiard labli-n ant
lived, it rl 11 k I iik colooiis, eai'li addition
al tabic ,
liar and ilthiUm; saloon . .
llvu'llliiK liutm'n, occupied by one (mu
ll) KhuIi additional iuinll) oci'iip) Iiik .nine
l))o homes and reaovatlUK cmmMWu
rjiitliiK Miiiumi
Fllllnt; private ilUcrns liuiiMilii;; v,hn-i
out), eai'li lime
llult'ls and binirdlui: huiiM' lift euccij
II1U It'll loutilh
tlolelh and ImaiilhiK Imu.i'K cut h uddl
lioiial ruein up in ihliiicn
Kuril itdiiliiuiitil r.'um over llilrlfi'ti.
tillliT. anil Mil pliiit toman
I'rliittiiK nOU'l'". nix or Ir.s handh
I'riiillns iiillci . with additional haml
l'llotO.'ra.i Kiiiltilfk
spiliikllin: li unnr ot urecl vvlih heme,
liu'liidliii; vvahhlni;iiiirelitiiitsiiiiij s !! .
witltii, ivvciil) live lift or los .. .. ..
.sprinkling Miet-i wlilt vviikiui, cuMi lenia
Hook illuderv
i'iviiiij luiiiiiiiiii'loui-k .. ..- - -
t'lifur Miiiiiiliiilnrtes. live hands or It .
I'luar .Mniuifnclo'les. eucli tiildlllotiiil
liiiial . .- . . -..-
siahli'.. Includliij lively, dra) I cum,
hlieel car. uml all 1 uhlii' b.irn-i uinl
vvnuliliiKciirN. i'itrrliiKi". dra) li'inien,
elf., behmi-'ltis' I" nimc up lo twenty
statls. ptraiiiituii per stall
Kncli itildlllniial tall tuvr tvwiit)
Malitu, .rhuli'. linliidliiK vtm-hliif; ear
rlniic ... .....
Steam eindne per Iihiko power, cm Ii hur.e
novver in'raiiiniiii - -
-l HO
.'. mi
a ii
ii ij
:' im
l.'i tm
r iki
l IM
; im
I ml
l.'i Ik)
.i IM
l.'i III
1 Ml
l!i 00
.1 Ui
1 IK)
5 HI
1.1 ftl
!. (II
'J Ml
: i
Stores nml I'libllc hall. . M III lo Jfi III
sieitin boilers for houn- uuiinlu, ult
fiom t l"l to - . 5 (HI
llolelh, hallmuiil public liiillillin; pi r an
num. Mm In 10 00
Kuril siinrn toot of Mirfiii'u healed , ut
Scliooli.. public and prlintt, .t'elal pflct
'I'obat'i'o imtiiiifttctorleH, II m- IiiiiiiIh or
Ichh 8 Hi
Tobacco maiuifaulorleh, eauli Addllluiml
hand .- - - 1 AU
I'rlnaW with coiiMinnt Mow Il) W
!,""" i Ilk
live SlomtiLlvs niwlDowcls of
ticss .'Hid Hcsl.Conlnins neither
OpituiT.Mnrpliinc nor Mineral.
Not NAitcoTic.
Art oroninrS.iunrjTuwi
PuinpAm Snil"
Jprinnint .
Jli (lutona&fula
Ctirnfittf Stigttr .
llaraJyii Haw.
Apctfccl nomedy forConstip.v
lion. Sour Sloniach.Dinrrhoca,
Worms .Convttlsions.Kovcrisli
ticss and Loss OF SLEEr.
facsimile Signature of
PaK.TMTB 1 C i m
1 ' fl
UKAI.K ;- in
LUMBER a .iklL
Building M i . lviv
Harness 1 Harness ! Harness !
1 he Square Dealing, Low Priced. Best Grade
In Red Cloud. Prires right for cash
Staple and Faney Groceries.
agents ron
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees.
t'rlniil-. irlviite n
Wtiiurclon'tH, rliowl '' )
WtiU'rclD-i'tclii iirlVHtv lionet'. cr bol ton
Work hhiis leu ieroiiH or ninler .1 i
Work Kliop, nirli hiIiIUIuiihI iicrcon . '
Work hIioik for ImiIIiIIiik imri'O-e) work for em-li one TIioiihiuI 'i
Koruiifli in'ifli of fttmc- .. i'
r-nr iilutttTltiu Nh) j j.r-lH or It-cM . '-' l
l-nr iilHi-tcrlim oitr ) jtiriln. wr tnoli
iiililltluiuil 100 )iiM- ... , , rf
MatcrliiK ilowii iii'iii'Ihih, two fuel wlilo
nml ono foot tlcoji per llnctil foot U
.Melt rntnl motor nilt'i noM't'llon 111
TrfitiliiHiuafi.'vtMliluor moielliHii two
fti't. for I'vi-ry foot In ik'iitli. I it lineal
foot .. . 1
Tri'lir-lire lour feet Mo or more limn
llircc fifl, for otT) foot In tleptli, jcr
llniul tout . . IU
Wlilei Itt'iit Ucf nt iiroporllon tonUm- rutei..
Tim mill n'nilniiW an orlKlimlly exIxtliiK tic
nml Hip iipii-h lit'ri'ly reifalvil.
Th'- onl ii.i.. ii hlt.ill In In forrc nml tnko
I'tU'i'l imii nml iiftrr lti iinigo unit iniLllrtitlou
iirt'oiilliu; lo law.
Attkt I), J. Minn. .MHjur.n
l II. Tait, Cll rlork.
SJIHJHFF'S s.ii.i:.
.Vol 1-0 N lil'Tf'V lillt'll. 1 1 t 'lllilfl iml I v
Hi" nf mi nPlvr ol hMlt) ln-iiml frim Hi i ii'iri I
Ihiiii'- lint. I.-i. t It'rU til I Im Ilirlru I ' tain o tin
Ti 1 id .Imlli hi' limtrli I. wllltlf i .! to' W"' vit
t mint). ' i"n ft. ui'iiii ail' I'nc it m turn
l.i'lhlli : ilu i in win rtli Bum i .1 1" l i
i'liUiitlrTitiii MKulm-t Iti'il flii:i i'ui 'ft r l-in
iiirnti iM-iifiiti mi. Isft'ii l.mi I ' I 'tf lor
v.lli'til j.iili it Wii'liii.l'i tin' lnu'.rnl In I ' for
i'hkIi In I. iiiul at ilif ! i"Ki ' ' 'I' fmirt
Itoii-f. nl In' I I lmi' l irnt-ka. iihnt Ih I. p tilt
Ijit i lilinn v. In tin. llir 1h( li-rin nl -tun oint
tvitk liuiilfii in tint l'tli ilt-v "T 't, ii
tsii. nl lii n nlfi k hiii. of mlil tli tlif .''
IvjiIiis I ri t'ttv lowll
'I'tif wti fenv two rrrl (1' tttp nil t Ml of
t nfli of I'll- niinibiTHtl tilnt) t'l.i ton il'i ' i .t'M'ti
ll.i unit ivrlv lia.i In Miml utiiiil" T.l lour
tri'nillliti lifil t'lgiiil. IiIiT i'i.iiii'). Ni-ii
(,lct ntnlt't ui liatnl tbis lilt, iluy of A IkiinI
A. 1 1. l.'il.
.; v. iiM'iii.Mii'tnr.
I'jliii.l; MfSiTT. I'laint.H'k Mlolllt'".
Siiitu Fan Oiimlin, Nulii-ikii. Ann i
J7, '.ti '')t , 5, 'Oil I-'tr (il)OM' t'lfkits
will lie M'ltl An ,07. tii Si-pl., Ti, iiifln
ivt', liiniifil In I'd urn Srpt . 7, .it i.ttf
nf diii' fm ii pill". .10 fi'iiis f"i' t'lf mi
tilp. A pft'i:i! iui will !if in nil' f"i
Sept., l,iinl L1, niily nf M.r.O ulni'i in
cluilfs out' tulniiMiii to tin' f'ur Piii'-f
lii'ki'ts lliniii'it t'Mt'fi nt" S- in .' A.
ClINOM'.lt, An'
&&&& l
Castorl.1 la tint en In one-iizii hottlni nnlv. It
!s Let eoM In balk. Don't allow anjeno to sell
yoa anything olio on the plea or promiie that It
la "Jnat aa eooJ" antl "will nnawcr every pnr
poic." Bio that yoa get 0-A-8-T-0-B-1-A.
ef ' " "' wrijp ir.
till E II I Ft" S NAI.K.
Notice In lieruliy Riven thill untler ami Iit vir
tneof an onleruf HaletkMietl from tliitofllcpof
.liunm lliinleii Clerk of ihe DlfHrltt Court of llio
lutli Judicial Dlnlrlct, within nml for WcliKln
founty, Nebraska, upon an union iienilliii:
llirelii, wherein William II. Malet. Ileiijuinlii
llraham. William Halls .Junior. Iturrlii II. IIhv
ilcn are pIuIiiIKTh. ami HHlnht Willlum .1. rcrry.
Cliarlcit I'crry, Wllllaio I'erry ami W. .1. Itowileii.
tleft'iitlaiitt.liiliallotrer foriileiitiiilillt'.Ttiiiliie
to Hie hlKlieht lilililcr f or cui-h In haml. at the earn
tlooroftlie court houne. at Iteil clnuil. In mlil
Jt;l,Her eoiiniy. NebraMka, (that helnK tint
tiiillilliiK wlitrt'ln the lat.t term of mlil court
Hut holden) ontlioirithilay of Seit.. A. I) fWl
at 10 o'clock a. in. or alil ,lMy, lnt. followlntf
ilitctlht'il irtiicrtr, towlt:
Lots innnliereil three J3.J four 14,1 live 5.1 Mx
e,)cvi'ii 7. antl elKhtM.) In block iiiinihereil
twenty out) .'!.) of Nntllli ami Muure'iaiMltlou
to the town of Iteil Cloutt, Webhlertoiitily Neb
raska, '
. '!lu'".'Jn'lor '" ,",n'1 ",l" 'I"1 '1' of AiiKiist.
A. I). IM),
,,. , ;''. HNoiir,hlierltr
Ai. , ..ii-,itt t'liiiiiiin n Aiiorneju.
IrmiiKUIt, and u rotnl lor totting wit when l fj?.
iv.."... V. ''"''' . halt
"'.": r . " Bf ". Ono
ti-iV. '. " "J"?!" . ?".'.
HIRin(-nif!ntjMu J. " T'
The Chicago Chronicle
It in Not Republican.
It Is Not Mugwump.
It in Not Ponulitt
liiiiMlntiitriHtlie'iitniKtriifyof j ,-. , , V
I'ojilt'-frif Atltirew, A,"",:'' S""M'I
TUP nunniii,
"' ":" 'hCn9tUn Ul,u,w,lh,
104 i'i. ii i,r ri.,T. ," .7, -. - ;i
JVA"iiiiHr iiali,.iXi; ",!' ".' rA
ml jihjM . -. I ' '. I II II I ttvUt tlirlJillln.T. J. i
siik,r,ss.:,,r.?." - ..7-i-v
T Mall. t,,O0 . 5S.J" '"'.. K rrturu
, E3ru m"i
4iu 1 mil now."
lt41 V.